Our Sad Gross Thoughts (with Jennifer Sullivan)
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Kulap is back and SuChin is back shopping, but that’s not all! Beauty expert and ‘Fat Mascara’ host Jennifer Sullivan takes us through a sensory cart –– ways to make your vision pop, your scent more authentic, and your sweaters feel soft as ever. Plus, each time she tries to remove anything from her cart, Ku and Su find a way to just add something else. The universe is back in equilibrium, baby.
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.
- Jenn’s winter closet got an upgrade with the Popchose Fabric Shaver
- If you are new to tubing mascara, start with Kevin Aucoin Mascara
- If you want more volume, go with Thrive Causemetics Liquid Lash Extensions Mascara
- Even perfume deniers will love DSH Special Formula X P
- H&M has a home section! Here are some napkin examples: H&M Napkins
- Jenn’s preferred blush is DIBS Duo Beauty
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Jennifer Sullivan, Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack 00:10
Hello and welcome to another episode of ADD TO CART. A show about the things we buy and buy into and what it says about who we are. Y’all. I’m back. I’m Kulap Vilaysack.
SuChin Pak
And I’m SuChin Pak. Man, Ku. So happy to have you back. You know, I thought I’ve been doing this. I can do this. It’s not that hard. I mean, what do we really do that that’s difficult. I have to tell you and the thing is guys, in our staff meetings, I’m the one that saying and remember, feel free for both of us to take breaks the other person will you know, we’ll do an episode solo it’s fine. Like we can do this easy breezy. I’m not taking that back. But wow, was that a? What does that lesson when you bite off more than you can chew? And I didn’t know that was going to be a big bite. You know, I thought it was gonna be delightful little nibbles and it was very different without you.
Kulap Vilaysack
I appreciate that and I feel valued but I listened to both episodes. I thought you did a fantastic job. Also, this was a time when you were not shopping and so I think that was a dark undercurrent.
SuChin Pak
I do feel as if, and Ku, tell me did this no shopping January thing was it for not?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, throughout the whole month Su, you did say that you felt more mindful that you did walks, remember that part?
SuChin Pak
I did start walking, still walking. And by the way, what would I have done without your […]. Because I was walking in my Converse and getting old lady sciatica problems and I said no. I went to REI to get some, my goodness what a fun little store little. so I’m in REI and I was looking for orthopedic insoles because I’m a walker now if you haven’t heard, and I was getting shooting pain in my back and in my legs. And so my healer, my energy healer says you should get insoles.
Kulap Vilaysack 02:48
Well, that’s who we are. I can speak for myself and say that I am a geriatric millennial. My hair is gray, you know, and I just wanna throw into your conversation we’re getting get to the place where you’re going to go to a podiatrist and you’re going to get, you are. It’s coming for you. You’re cheap ass route, where, you know, some sort of child in Asia puts together your cheap, cheap, cheap insoles. And then you’re going to go they don’t work and then we’ll get to where you should have started, which is at a doctor’s office, measuring it for your shrimpy little feet.
SuChin Pak
They are not only shrimpy but they’re bony. We’re talking no flesh on these feet. There as you know, they do a lot of things, they test drafts, they measure humidity, so my feet work a lot but they haven’t been walked on very much to be honest. Put me in a barn, put a saddle on me. Take me out to pasture. Force me to graze on hay before I go to a podiatrist and pay someone to handle my feet so that I can get a disgusting shoe that will prevent me from having back pain, won’t do it.
SuChin Pak
What are you? No, Su, he makes an insole and you put them in all of your shoes.
SuChin Pak 04:24
What? You don’t purchase a shoe at the podiatrist?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, you’re getting custom insoles and then you put those insoles in your various shoes.
SuChin Pak
Is that a scam?
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh lord. Okay, we have an amazing guest. Let’s put a pin on this and get to our guests. We have an amazing guest today. Her writing has appeared in Elle, Allure, Esquire and inked she’s also worked for seven years of Marie Claire most recently as a beauty director and Features Editor. Jen is the co-founder and co-hosts of Fat Mascara and award-winning beauty podcast that has more than 8 million downloads. Excuse me. Please welcome to ADD TO CART. Jennifer Sullivan.
Jennifer Sullivan
Thank you. I really needed that. Yeah. Hi guys.
Kulap Vilaysack
Welcome welcome.
SuChin Pak
I mean, just hearing your voice it’s so lovely.
Jennifer Sullivan
I love hanging out with podcasters
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, we’re the best. We’re all the best.
SuChin Pak
Just chit chatting
Jennifer Sullivan
Tiny rooms, headphones, by ourselves.
Kulap Vilaysack
There isn’t more to life right? No, guys, we’re okay we’re all okay. I want you to know we’re thriving. You guys barely I said we’re thriving and Su said nothing, Jennifer came in really?
SuChin Pak 06:05
Well I didn’t want to bring the room down You seem so excited.
Jennifer Sullivan
Surviving is what I like to go with these days not thriving.
Kulap Vilaysack
Jennifer, could you please we love to start and ask our guests what type of shopper are you? How do you consume?
Jennifer Sullivan
Reluctant. I do not like an in-person shopping moment. I blame my mother as we do for all things. Because like we spent my childhood in the mall she loves shopping Maxxinista to the max like dragging me in and out of stores. I’m sure at the time I liked it. But now I just I want the perfect thing. I don’t want to have to go on the hunt. I don’t like the hunt.
SuChin Pak
So you’ve always been this way it hasn’t, it is just because we’re all cooped up in our homes in the past few years?
Jennifer Sullivan
No, I have friends yeah, that are like oh, let’s go shopping. My nightmare is let’s go shopping with friends. I try to actively take myself out of any of those situations. If I’m ever on like a group trip and everybody’s like let’s do the boutiques I run and hide. I don’t want to help people with their decisions. I feel like I’m forcing them to buy things and then I kind of don’t want their opinion, just like walking in and out of stores with other people that are my friends it sounds horrible to me.
SuChin Pak
Now but going shopping by yourself that’s how you prefer it or your that even that process is not something you enjoy?
Jennifer Sullivan
I preferred and online I damn right enjoy it. But I just like the in person in store situation even before all of this, gestures wildly all of this. I was more of like I like research. I do research. I want to be by myself. I approach it analytically. It’s not a joy.
Kulap Vilaysack
You’re a sniper.
Jennifer Sullivan
Oh, yeah, sure. Okay. Yes, I zero in on my target. I quietly check my sights in the wind. And then I hit Add to Cart and I’m ready to go.
Kulap Vilaysack 08:09
Okay, let’s talk about the things that you’ve added to cart and I’m going to come you know I’m just, I’m pulling things and I’m seeing your list and let’s start from the top. The POPCHOSE fabric shaver.
Jennifer Sullivan
This thing has changed my life. I feel like I don’t understand how people just look nice in their winter clothes. I think they have maids and they have like dry cleaners on call. This thing has made over my wardrobe. My sweaters, my pillows, on the throw pillows. They look so much fancier nicer. I bought this it was 20 something dollars.
SuChin Pak
It’s $25.99 and you get a you get $5 off I’ve already added to cart guys go on. Tell everybody what it is.
Jennifer Sullivan
The handle, the ergonomic handle turns around nice and it literally, a little sound effect for you. It’s an it’s a fabric shaver. I mean it’s not even that revelatory or ingenious but it’s revelatory to me that I was like why haven’t I bought one of these sooner in my life and the minute I did my life was better. Don’t you love that kind of thing?
Kulap Vilaysack
You know just to give everyone you know where we are in the timeline, SuChin is frothing at the mouth. Because Jennifer I don’t know if you knew this but she took the month off of January. It was a no buy January for her which is massive. So the second she opened your link. It’s just a shot of adrenaline. I saw her eyes dilate.
Jennifer Sullivan
But Su, it’s sustainable. I know you love sustainable. This will like revamp the wardrobe you already have.
SuChin Pak
I mean this checks off every single box I am frothing at the mouth because adding to cart has been such a supreme pleasure in February. But I have truly been looking for one of these. And I’ve tried electric ones. I’ve tried the manual ones, have you seen those? It looks almost like a paint roller, so I’ve tried every variation and I’ve never really been that happy and I dry clean all my sweaters even if they’re not that dirty because of the lead situation.
Jennifer Sullivan 10:23
One time, I saw my dry cleaner literally picking the pilled balls and I was like is don’t they have a machine for that I figured it was like some fancy machine we didn’t know about. This poor person was just sitting there picking the balls off and I was like I sent this all the way here wasn’t even that dirty just to have somebody else pick the balls off so get yourself a POPCHOSE.
SuChin Pak
Immediately adding to cart.
Kulap Vilaysack
Now this is an item I believe that has come up before with another guest I think Alison Rosen brought up the Thrive Cosmetics liquid lash extensions mascara. You bringing it up now means that I actually have to add to cart.
SuChin Pak
Yes, this is professional. Everybody listen up adding to bag. Okay, what is this? And why is it so amazing?
Jennifer Sullivan
I thought I had to bring this because, you know, my podcast is Fat Mascara. I’m a beauty journalist. How could I not bring a mascara. So my whole life I’ve been a tubing girl, you guys know what a tubing mascara is it wraps the lashes and polymer. When it’s time to rinse it off. You don’t need a lot of eye makeup remover, they just sort of like slide off of your lash and a little, it almost looks like your lashes are falling out or like spider legs in the sink. But that’s just the little polymer wrap. And so I used to do the Kevin Kwan the volume. The name is a total misnomer. It has no volume. It’s just like it’s kind of like the Glossier, it’s just like your lashes, but better. But the thrive is the first tubing style mascara that actually gives the drummer, like dark, black, a little bit thicker, longer. And I think they have trouble doing that with tubing from the experts I’ve talked to because, you know, it’s like a little rubbery polymer thing. It’s not like all the waxes and stuff we’re used to. But this one does it so you get the best of like a dramatic mascara with the ease of a tubing and also tubing for me does not smudge, they just stay there and they’re little tubes.
SuChin Pak 12:21
And mascaras in general are very intimidating for me because I’ve got Omega three fat oily lids.
Kulap Vilaysack
No doctor said that, Jennifer, this is something she says.
SuChin Pak
Okay, I’ve got heavy flaxseed oil, salmon skin like folds on the top of my lids, and so I have to be so careful about what I pick and choose to put around my eyes. Because it’s got to be the bare minimum and everyone’s got to be pulling weight. Because if there’s one, one guy in the back, smoking a cigarette, not really participating..
Kulap Vilaysack
Any weakest links. Okay, no weak links.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I’ll have raccoon eyes. I’ll have the little tire marks on the top of my lids. Oh, yeah. So I’m really curious to see not only that it gives you volume because I’ve got tiny little wisps of eyelashes.
Kulap Vilaysack
As do I, I just basically have sort of Chinese. I don’t know diving boards, short ones very short, short board.
SuChin Pak
I have four of them. How many do you have, Kulap?
Kulap Vilaysack
Maybe altogether?
Jennifer Sullivan
This is not like; this isn’t baby step. Like if you’re going to baby step into the tubing, try the Kevin Kwan the volume first.
Kulap Vilaysack
This is a deep dive. She say.
SuChin Pak
Is it a difficult application? Or do you have to do something different?
Jennifer Sullivan
Lashes that tend to point downward a little bit. The other one has a skinnier brush, which I think is a lot easier on like a finer lash. And so just some advice that’d be like your first trial and then…
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, I like to handle large.
Jennifer Sullivan 14:07
Okay, just go right for the big guns. I like it.
SuChin Pak
She does like to get her hands around a large thing. So here’s my question. Ku and I have been talking about on this show the last few weeks. I have been having this urge to put on makeup. Yes. And I haven’t had this urge. Definitely not since the pandemic but even really before and suddenly I don’t know the last few weeks. I felt like I needed to do something to make me feel alive and that little thing sitting down for 15 minutes and carefully painting my face. Something about it, it’s a caffeine jolt for me. You know what I mean? We’re up. We’re gonna do stuff today.
Jennifer Sullivan
I had a philosopher on our podcast once and she was talking about you know feminism and beauty and like is it feminist to wear makeup? And for a lot of people that wear makeup it’s about connecting with their self, when else do you sit there in front of a mirror and like hey body, hey face how you doing checking in touching it looking you know, we’re just so busy and going all the time. It’s like a nice little practice to reconnect with yourself, especially like you’re looking at all these screens all day long and like you just don’t feel human. And so for me that practice is a little bit of that connection. So I get it. I’m feeling like discombobulated like yeah, let’s do a little makeup.
Kulap Vilaysack
Were you aware and was it in your mind that you would be bringing us a very sensory items because first we started with the POPCHOSE, which is you know, that’s a sense of touch. Then we went into you know, mascara which is your sense of sight. Now we’re moving into DSH Special Formula X perfume, talk about the scent.
Jennifer Sullivan 16:06
I was not aware of the theme that I’d brought. Thank you for connecting that all together. You should have worked in magazines, that was great. Three makes a trend. DSH, so Dawn Spencer Hurwitz is the name of the perfumer, this stuff is so cool, I have a little vial, I’m running out, so basically she makes regular perfumes but she also makes custom perfumes and I interviewed her once and she has this trick when she’s designing a perfume for someone, she puts this oil on their skin and then lets it like adjust and sink in and sees how it smells on them and it helps her get a sense of what their PH is like and what their chemistry is like so that if she put a floral scent on them, oh this person pulls really green or this person has a musky skin thing. So this was like her tester perfume if you will. And so many people that she was making perfumes for said yeah, it’s all great. Thanks for the custom perfume, what was the tester thing? So she decided to put this out as its own product. It’s called Formula X, because it’s like, it kind of just works with your chemistry if you will. All the pheromone works with your chemistry perfume. It’s all bullshit, she knows that really. But she said the Musk’s and this is like skin masks, which are these synthetic molecules that just smell to me like, like laundry and creamy salty skin and like on me it just smells like you know, sheets Sunday morning. A little bit like wood.
Kulap Vilaysack
I like this imagery, I like this, it’s very okay.
Jennifer Sullivan
But I think most people and it’s a little bit more floral and you get like white floral notes a little powdery to it. So I don’t know if there’s personality in there. But I like to think there is that like mine when all like dark and musky and other people’s is like fresh and bright. But I like encourage everybody who doesn’t think they like perfume. Try this because it’s kind of you intensified with a little vibe. So it’s different on everyone.
Kulap Vilaysack
I think this is such a great gift.
Jennifer Sullivan 18:01
Yeah. Oh yeah. I don’t think that anybody would be like, I don’t like this and even people that are like I don’t like perfume. You know, everybody likes this. It’s so good.
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m into this. Let’s get into what you are removing from cart. I also find this equally illuminating. And the first thing that you’ve brought to us is paper napkins.
Jennifer Sullivan
It was a little bit nostalgic that this started because my grandfather used to be everybody got paper napkins, except my grandfather, he would have an iron cloth napkin. So like grandpa Melvin was special. And so I got a set for guests. And then I started looking, and everybody else’s house I go to they use paper towels for their napkins because like nobody wants to buy separate paper napkins. But we’re kind of a no paper towel household which is like a whole other story we try to be, so I got cloth napkins. And it is awesome. Like, they’re so lovely to have dinner with I throw them in the washer, like you know, maybe a dozen.
SuChin Pak
So, wait, do you have a favorite brand of cloth napkins? Or do you sort of just kind of anytime you see something or a pattern that you like, you pick it up?
Jennifer Sullivan
The latter because I think my last ones were from H&M home, which who knew H&M had a whole home department which has lovely stuff? So I got napkins from there and then you know, they look like you know even every bistro restaurant you’ve been to and it looks like a French flower sack almost that kind of napkin they always have it the fancy restaurants like the fancy but like LA kind of fancy that I have to use to that I really like but I don’t remember like. This whole thing, we just we took the flower sacks and put them on your table. No big deal.
Kulap Vilaysack
Now, Su, you’ve been to my house the We’ve brought up that steak dinner. I brought out those cloth napkins for you. I don’t know if you recall that?
SuChin Pak 20:03
Now that you mentioned it, there’s a little you know, check that goes off in my brain whenever I have a cloth napkin at a friend’s house I’m like, oh my goodness, you are so put together. I’ve never been to a friend’s house with a cloth napkin where I’ve been surprised that that person uses cloth napkins, you know any mean like a person who busts out French floral cloth napkin for a little, little tea is, it’s a lifestyle. You know, you see it around, there’s thoughtfulness. There’s sensuality. I am one of those people who I mean, if you wanted to use toilet paper to wipe something off of a kitchen counter, be my guess, it’s all paper. But I should do this. It’s again a little intimidating. I do have to say the thought of am I this person?
Jennifer Sullivan
You reuse your reusable plastic bags. So I think that you can be this person.
Kulap Vilaysack
Jennifer Sniper.
SuChin Pak
No, no, no. True things. All true things.
Jennifer Sullivan
Yeah. So I think you can be this person.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. Yeah. Because you don’t have to be so precious about like a plastic bag all balled up in the bottom of my graham cracker dusted tote bag that’s on brand. But like, I feel like I could elevate to this and how nice to have my children who refuse to use silverware and eat with their hands like Muppets. How nice to say, hey, would you mind just using one of those cloth napkins? Let’s try to be civilized today. You know, I think there’s something about it that signals everyone like, hey, this is nice. We’re all sitting down. Or there’s a meal or you’re by yourself. There’s something about the ritual of sitting down and making the thing you’re eating nice.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. Yes.
SuChin Pak
All right. I’m inspired. I’m inspired. Gotta to add to cart because I’m adding everything to cart this month.
Jennifer Sullivan 22:05
You like how I took my removed from cart and spun it into an add to cart for you because it was removed the paper but now it’s add the cloth.
SuChin Pak
Best kind of removed. That’s the best kind.
Kulap Vilaysack
You are our kind of person. That’s the truth. Jennifer, I am very interested in this honesty right here is that you’re removing from cart, journaling.
Jennifer Sullivan
Yeah, this is very revealing. Like I’m a writer, it’s you think that I would enjoy the writing process to process my thoughts. And it only came to me last year, I was going through some shit and someone’s like, oh, you should journal. Hell, no, it process nothing. I sat here in my sad and gross thoughts and stared at a piece of paper and processed nothing. It was not enjoyable. And I realized, and this is very new to me actually, like realize this as I was typing it out to you guys. And I was like, oh, this is good. I don’t process when I’m journaling. I need to be moving. I need to be walking. The thing that gets me through stuff. And that helps me figure out what I want to say even what’s not bad stuff. Even good stuff. Like I’m working on a project and I need ideas. I want to be walking around and moving my legs and sitting and looking at paper doesn’t help me do that. I know it works for a lot of people but it does not work for me.
Kulap Vilaysack
Is what we do as podcasters, is this not verbal journaling?
SuChin Pak
I love how you’ve just spun that around so that this time doesn’t feel frivolous.
Jennifer Sullivan
Okay, so that’s also why I love listening to podcasts. Because it’s that passive listening, I can be walking while I’m listening this person, it’s not a YouTube video that I have to sit down and sit and stare at like to be moving my body when my brain is working. I don’t know if it’s like the blood flow, what it is, but that’s how I feel, is a very human thing. Like I always like to go back to like biological evolution, you know, like, we’re meant to be moving and on the move.
SuChin Pak 24:07
It’s also to I think, the it’s the zoning out aspect of walking, it’s different than when you’re sitting and not moving. I feel like then the thoughts attack. That’s how I feel, you know, when I’m like, you know, there’s just too many thoughts, but when you’re moving, there’s something about that slight distraction that lets the thoughts come and go and then the ones that sort of make you pause I think are the processing stuff for you know, the thing that feels, you know, like you’re sifting for the good stuff. Again, not knowing what you were bringing to heart. I just bought this journal, Jan 30th at the art store.
Kulap Vilaysack
That is not, you weren’t supposed to do this.
SuChin Pak
I bought that and I was like, I’m gonna journal right? And you’re right. Not only I’m having mixed feelings. And I wrote about why I was sitting down and not feeling like I wanted to do this. I mean, what is the point of that? But the other aspect of it was the pressure. Like, I was like, wait a minute, why do I feel this kind of pressure to like, well, now, you know, I journaled, yesterday, I got a journal every day, like, I got to commit to this at least for 21 days for it to be a habit. And then the pressure of like, this journaling should be doing something, I’m not feeling any more settled, I’m not feeling less anxious. And so I had all this kind of strange, like anxiety that was a bit frothy that I wasn’t churning up before. The sitting down and committing to this.
Jennifer Sullivan
Literally doing the opposite of what it’s meant to be doing for you is what it sounds like.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean, I think that when I’m writing, when I need to write something, yeah, I have to get through that gunky froth to get you know, underneath. But I have so many journals I have, while you were talking, I have gifts from my friends, like, on my desk, just beautiful journals that and I end in my desk, I have beautiful journals, maybe I’ve gotten to one is half filled out. And maybe there it’s a to do list. At some point, I gotta say, this isn’t for me. And it works for other people. And maybe those people don’t also write for a living and maybe they also don’t podcast weekly, and have a place to sort of kind of process things. Or regardless of what anybody else is doing. It can simply just not be for me.
Jennifer Sullivan 26:42
I love how all three of us were like, but it’s supposed to be for like, we’re like the type of I can’t fail at this. I must be good at journaling, like, but I don’t know, it’s a sign of maturity. I feel like when you realize you know what, not for me, it’s okay to say no to this one, you know?
Kulap Vilaysack
The last thing that you’re removing from cart is what this is, you know, I mean, you’re the expert, you’re the co-host of that mascara, you’re coming in hot, you’re saying no more powder blush.
Jennifer Sullivan
I felt like I had to do a beauty thing here. So I don’t know. It just always sits on top. I think once your skin gets a little texture to it, whatever that type of texture might be from acne, from age, whatever. Then it’s just like this little like, little volcano of powder of color that like I swear I can see where it’s sitting. It doesn’t sink in and look natural like a flush. It looks like makeup not like flush, you know? Yeah, I like a cream blush like a cream blush.
SuChin Pak
And do you have a go to cream blush? There’s so many.
Jennifer Sullivan
Lately I’ve been using this. It’s called DIBS. It’s Desert Island Beauty Supply I think is what dibs stands for. And it’s a cream bronzer on one end and a cream blush. Remember the NARS multiple very hot for a long time. This is a less expensive and creamier dewier version of that in my book. I turned it into it, Add to Cart even though it was a remove.
Kulap Vilaysack 28:09
This is what we want to need from you. Thank you, I am grateful.
SuChin Pak
That’s why my follow ups are always and what would you recommend we add to cart as you remove that from cart.
Kulap Vilaysack
You know maybe like some of us you know and I’ll say names, me, have a drier skin, I do find a cream blush and sometimes there are some cream blushes with a little bit of highlighting that just gives me that little pop.
Jennifer Sullivan
And your moisturizing it’s double duty, there you go for your dry skin it also has moisture in it.
Kulap Vilaysack
Thank you so much. I feel like this was fun, but also an education which is my favorite time.
Jennifer Sullivan
I had fun. I had a lot of fun.
Kulap Vilaysack 28:59
I mean you had you know, you were sniper. And you had many types of bullets. Where can we find you on the internet and the interwebs?
Jennifer Sullivan
@fatmascara on all the socials, even TikTok. It’s basically my face in front of like a green screen of the Spotify of our podcast being like this is what’s in this episode.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean wow, that’s more than we do.
Jennifer Sullivan
Yeah, and you know all the podcast places for our podcast so same place you find ADD TO CART, you can find Fat Mascara. I love you guys, love your show and thank you so much for having me on.
Kulap Vilaysack
Thank you so much.
SuChin Pak
Thank you. Alright, that’s it. That’s it for our episode. Listen, a remove from cart that comes back to add to cart then just swings back to more add to carts. February.
Kulap Vilaysack 30:07
We’re at a ninja level.
SuChin Pak
We are at full Max shopping February we had no buy January, max shopping, every single hole filled with things February
Kulap Vilaysack
upwards of three holes, five holes, are we counting nostrils?
SuChin Pak
Make more holes. Shove it in. I want it.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let us know what you’re shoving in your holes, leave us a voicemail at 833-453-6662. Also, if you love the show and I know you do, go ahead and leave us a review if you don’t, just keep going on your day.
SuChin Pak
Those reviews are mean. Guess what? You don’t have to friggin leave those, okay? Also check out everything we talked about today in our Instagram at @addtocartpod. It’s all there.
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our mix is by Ivan Kuraev and Veronica Rodriguez. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.