Pooplunch, Folk Music, Snow Dick
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Sarah buys fake eyelashes from a company with a very strange name. Plus, she offers advice to a guy whose siblings plan to vote for Trump again, helps an emerging comic decide where to move, and shares in the collective joy of a penis drawn in the snow.
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Sarah Silverman, System, Ralph, Rebecca, Amy, Eli Fans, Cooper, Mike, Bernadette, Joe
Sarah Silverman 00:14
Hi, everyone. It’s your best friend Sarah, and I don’t even know how to explain this but last night, I was, you know, hanging out and I thought, tomorrow I gotta put on mascara and like an eyeliner for my podcast. I mean, no one even sees it anyway but sometimes we have clips, so I put a little mess and it’s such a pain in the ass, and you can’t even see it, I’m gonna go monitor I really can’t see but I thought, oh, I wonder if I could buy fake eyelashes. And then it just looks like the black line of like an eyeliner, I just like, stick it on, and that’s all I have to do. I just thought maybe I’ll do that, so I look on Amazon. And I find like the ones that seem easiest, and I mean, it’s like $9 and it has like the highest whatever rating, so I buy it. And then I go on to the page for it. And I didn’t even realize I didn’t even see what the name of the company was on Amazon. I just like these were the highest rated eyelashes nine bucks, whatever bottom. The company is called poop lunch. P-O-O-P-L-U-N-C-H, poop lunch. Do you see on the screen? You guys can’t see I took a picture of it. The company is called Pooplunch beauty. And it’s not like they make a joke of it or anything, I didn’t even notice what it was called until I looked Pooplunch Beauty. I need someone to explain this. And then the best part of it was there’s a there’s a thick black line on their page. And in it it says Black Lives Matter. Pooplunch stands in solidarity with the black community. Looking lost it, I mean, I It’s amazing that they do um I just well, I laughed real hard.
Amy 02:19
Sarah did the eyelashes come?
Sarah Silverman 02:21
No, well, you know what? Today I go oh, I wonder if the eyelashes are here, so I look on Amazon. I never pressed order. So now I pressed order so they should come. I think they’re coming Wednesday. But the next time I record I might I might be wearing eyes by Pooplunch.
Amy 02:40
There has to be a story behind this name.
Sarah Silverman 02:43
I mean, and it’s not like they think they’re funny. Like there’s nothing on the site that makes it look like isn’t this funny? We’re being silly, nothing.
Amy 02:55
Do you think that it is poop lunch or is it like?
Sarah Silverman 02:59
Poop plunge? I don’t see yeah, that’s better.
Amy 03:04
Or like Poop blue no up lunch.
Sarah Silverman 03:10
I have I have no idea. I don’t know if this is I don’t know. All I know is that Pooplunch stands in solidarity with the black community and they make a very highly rated false eyelash and I’m going to test it out next time I talk to you eyes will be by Pooplunch. God I hope they become really famous and they hire me as a spokesperson.
Amy 03:39
Sarah I will just for the record say that you do not seem to be the target audience for said lashes.
Sarah Silverman 03:46
I know they, listen as nine bucks I was probably a little high but I but really what I want but I can’t find them anywhere is like the short bar of lashes from like the 60s like that, just like thick short bar that just kind of fortifies your lashes and makes like a lion.
Amy 04:06
But you said earlier that you wanted lashes so you didn’t have to do an eyeliner line, they have like a stamp that you can just like stamp the line on your eye.
Amy 04:19
Yeah, I mean, don’t you have Tiktok? I don’t but it’s like every Tiktok. It’s like the cat eye, it’s all these stamps. You just like dip it and stamp it and it gives you like a perfect.
Sarah Silverman 04:19
They do?
System 04:30
You left me a message. Now I’m playing it for the world.
Sarah Silverman 04:30
Okay, that’s what I want. I want a stamp for my eye and I want stickers for my fingernails. Anyway, let’s take some calls.
Eli Fans 04:38
Hey, Sarah, this is Eli Fans. I’m from Oakland, California. And I just want to let you know that I have a lot of respect for a stand up comedian, because it is not easy to talk onstage nonstop and be funny for like, about 15 minutes to an hour or something, you know, depending on the gig. And it is a very unique skill that you guys have. And my question is, did stand up comedy come naturally to you? Were you like a natural talker? Or were you not a natural talker and stand up comedy was like a little bit of a struggle. Because I’m just I’m just curious about that, because I’m not that much of a talker. But I watch a lot of stand up comedy. And sometimes, I emulate their spirits. And I’m able to have conversations with people better, and even sometimes sharpened my comedic skills to so people like me more. So I was just wondering if stand up comedy ever helped you out in your personal life?
Sarah Silverman 06:02
Yes, stand up comedy absolutely helped me out in my personal life as a matter of fact, and I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I would say that 100% of comedians developed a sense of humor as a means of a survival skill of surviving childhood. Yeah, I would be hard pressed to find a comedian that did not develop a sense of humor and become a comedian as a way to survive childhood. And that was certainly the case for me. I also I was talkative I was the class clown, other than, you know, two and a half, three years of my childhood where I was in a deep depression, besides on either sides of those class clown got along with everyone was like, not in any clicks, but peripherally liked by all clicks, and yeah, yeah. Everyone in the world figures out how to survive their childhood. They discover survival skills, not consciously, but that’s what we all do in order to survive our childhood. And as we become adults, ideally, we unlearn the things that we learned to survive, so that we can now thrive because they most of those things that served us that that helped us survive childhood, do not serve us as adults. And if we’re lucky, we realize that and kind of unlearn those things. The tricky thing is when you’re comedian, being funny is that survival skill, and you don’t want to shed that, because it’s how we make a living, and it’s our happiness. But certainly there are other things that we have had to do and figure out as kids that at best we we unlearn you know, if only just, oh, you made me feel bad, so I want to make you feel bad, that knee jerk reaction was totally a part of most adults lives as well, but if it you know, if you’re lucky, you realize it doesn’t serve you and try to unlearn that, you know, it’s like, my shrink was just telling me about the I can’t remember what he called it but if someone honks at you, because you did something you’re not aware of while you’re driving. Your knee jerk reaction is fear and then anger, because you’re like, oh, what was that? You know, you’re honked at that gives you a jump. And then you’re, you convert your fear because you don’t want to be scared into outward anger. So you’re like, fuck you. But you didn’t go like oh, what did I do? Oh, shit sorry. You know, like, the knee jerk reaction is fuck you. And then the, you know, it’s just a bouncing of negative energy that just everybody that comes in contact with catches. I don’t know if that was his point, but it was something like that. Alright, um, what was the question? I think I answered it. Alright, what else?
Joe 09:24
Hi, Sara, this is Joe calling in from Texas. I wanted to share my favorite memory that I have of you. My mom took me to a show of yours. I was 18 I believe. And I will never forget the moment when you said come home and she shot me a look like why did I bring my daughter here? I will never forget that moment. And I think that’s when I fell in love with you. But I am really calling to get some advice on my work situation. I’ve been at my job for six years now. And I’m completely checked out. It’s very mentally taxing. When I get home, I have to de stress before I can even have a normal conversation with my boyfriend.
Sarah Silverman 09:48
That’s normal.
Joe 10:16
And I’m just sick of it. I’m ready for something new, but I’m terrified of taking a really big pay cut. But at the same time, I’m thinking about my mental health. So I just wondered if you have any advice on quitting my job? And just taking that first step towards just being happy in life? Thank you for everything that you do. I love all your content. Bye.
Sarah Silverman 10:46
Hi, great question. Um, you know, I would say, to keep your job whilst looking for another job. You know, it doesn’t sound like you’re given 100% anyway, but um, so you know, use your spare moments, you could probably be at your job kind of noodling around online looking for another job. But look, keep your eyes out for the dream job, A, B for a job that you just like better than this job, and see what you find, but you keep your job in the meantime, you know, but listen, your happiness is your number one responsibility. And part of that is being able to take care of yourself financially, of course. But if you can live below your means, and by the way, always live below your means, in my opinion, you just never know what’s coming around the corner. And just there’s no reason to be spending all the money that you have, budget your money so that you can so that you’re saving a bit, you know, for sure. You want to have like a little bit of a cushion, and then you’ll have the freedom to work in a space you actually enjoy. You know, and that’s really ideal. I mean, you know, you always have to weigh the pros and cons is the juice worth the squeeze but I just think if you can work in a job that you actually enjoy or enjoy more than the one you have. And you can live off of less money. You know, do the budgeting, figure it out and see what’s available. But good luck callback if you if it all works out or doesn’t. All right, what else?
Cooper 12:35
Hey, Sarah, this is Cooper from Louisville, Kentucky. I love that I was just curious about the misophonia. So I believe that I also suffer from this. I think mine stems from my mother’s very strict table manners. When we were growing up, no elbows on the table, you had to have your napkin in your lap. So much so that she made a game that if you caught somebody at the table without their napkin in their lap, they had to walk away for 30 seconds from the dinner table, and then come back. And so me my brothers were trying to catch each other all the time. But the biggest one was chewing with your mouth open. So to this day, I’m absolutely repulsed by people who chew with their mouth open. I will notice it tables away. I know friends and family who chew with their mouths open. And I strategically do not sit across from them or beside them or really like within earshot of them if I know they’re going to be there, we’re gonna have to share dinner together. So I was wondering if you if you had a similar situation that you can kind of tie it back to or if it was just something that was always ingrained in you because I do feel like mom was learned. Yeah, that’s it. Thank you for your show. I love you and have a good day.
Sarah Silverman 13:57
Yeah, I’m misophonia usually hits are in your teenage years, which it did for me and then it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse. And that’s what happened to me too. I started just eating dinner at my mom’s house it was a lot of fend for yourself dinners you know so it’s not like we had a sit down dinner but if she made something or we had something where we all sat down together I wasn’t able to do it after a while it was not my stepdads fault but I could just he didn’t chew with his mouth open at all. But I just could hear his like saliva mixing the food as he chewed and it I couldn’t I fucking I felt I just it if you don’t know misophonia it’s like sound sensitivity and it it fills you with a rage you can’t control like it’s so and you just seem like a fucking asshole. So it’s horrible and they they’re their only has been a name for it in the past few years. So growing up, I just was like a fucking shitty asshole kid who would like sit at the table. But chewing people who chew with like their mouth open and listen, I’ve probably been guilty of it myself, but I can’t even look at it or people chomping gum and I chew gum, I do chew gum, but I don’t chump it. You don’t know it’s in my mouth usually, but like, people chewing gum loudly or, or chewing loudly, pens, clicking someone just like click and they don’t even realize they’re doing it. Wrappers someone opening a wrapper like that wrapper sound murders me. But I’ve just learned to take myself out of this situation. Like you don’t even want to see their mouth moving like I don’t want to I can’t even like see it. I mean, again, like when Brad Pitt, Eddie Brad Pitt movie, there’s a scene where he’s eating and I can’t always and I cannot. I have to close, I have to close my ears and my eyes, but I’ve gotten pretty good at taking myself out of the situation also, like, I mean, this is very counter to my hearing problem. But like, if there’s concern if there’s like music or like, ambient noise in the background that helps like if you’re at a restaurant, it misophonia is no problem because there’s enough like kind of ambient noise. Good luck, I know it stinks. People don’t really understand but try to find ways to either get yourself out of the situation or just ask the court for mercy.
System 16:48
Here’s some ads. And we’re back.
Mike 16:53
Hi, Sarah, this is Mike from Florida. I am a super fan of yours you’re rocking awesome. I have a question about how to talk to my conservative brothers and sisters or sisters, mostly, they’re older than me and they are Trump-errs. And I haven’t spoke to them in I since Trump got in office, like 6, 7, 8 years now. It’s been a long time. And I, it’s happening all over again. She’s fucking in the news, talking about this stuff and I don’t want them to vote for him again, and I don’t know how to like, get a hold of them and and say, you know, stop it. Just stop it and listen to what he’s saying. And look at the world around you. And I that’s pretty much it. Thank you so much. I hope you have some good advice for me.
Sarah Silverman 18:16
Detail, Mike, I don’t know. And where their vote really counts because it’s Florida, but I don’t know, I, you know, you may not be able to influence their vote. But this question feels like more than that, this is one election? Yes, is democracy on the line? Totally. Whatever this country is heading towards? Who knows? I don’t know that. It’s completely on your shoulders but um, if you’re looking over just a loving relationship with them, see if there’s any way in to just love them anyway, I don’t know. Keep a healthy distance for your own sanity, absolutely. If that’s what you need to do, but even though they are family, they are not you. So see if you can just meet them where they are, you know, can you talk about stuff you both enjoy, or you both agree on you know, whatever that is music, sports. A TV show you both love. Any point of connection that is, you know, obviously won’t be politics. It might be a nice place where you can keep it to that, you know, and you can just love each other anyway, and if you can find a way to do it, more than any argument of why Trump is a fucking lunatic, and criminal, none of that’s going to change their minds. I one thing I learned doing this the Hulu show I did with Amy, I love you, America is that you, nobody changes their minds, especially people in cult kind of tribal situations like that. Facts will not change their mind. Feelings all only feelings can change someone’s mind. So just save your breath on the countless things you could say about Trump, that should change their minds, it’s not going to do it, it’s just gonna put their porcupine needles up. And it’s going to be a fight that where neither of you listen, and all of you, you know, send articles by whoever supports your thoughts or, you know, whatever there’s, we’re living in a post truth world. If you can love them any way and have some kind of relationship with them, where you just love them to pieces for whoever they are, whatever they are, whatever they think that’s, that’s the best chance you have to have any kind of relationship with them and even to change their mind, just by loving them to pieces is going to make them more open than just spewing facts at them. That’s just, I feel very confident telling you that’s going to be what happens if you just throw, you know, this a million reasons why they should absolutely abhor Donald Trump and not want him to be president. It’s not going to do anything. It will not change their mind. But if they are reignited with their little brother, that they love to pieces, and they and us just send memories and use talk about when growing up, a nd remember when we did this and uncle so and so did this and it was so funny, or God I was really affected when dad said this when we were 12, whatever the fuck or sports or TV, any connecting point. And all connecting points focus on those. Do not talk politics. And that’s your your best chance at any of those things. But you don’t have to have a relationship with them. If if it, if it brings no joy. Those are some ins that that you might find, so I hope it’s helpful, I don’t know, absolutely call it if it is in any way or isn’t. I want to hear what happened.
Ralph 18:43
Hi, Sarah, my name is Ralph, I’m calling from New Hampshire, we missed you so glad you’re back. So I’m a huge fan of the singer songwriter folk music category. And when I heard you mentioned that and when your podcast it. That was some of your favorite music. I just wondered if you’re familiar with some of my favorite artists. Steve Poults out of Southern California is teasing. He’s been doing it for years, and he’s just amazing. His new album, startups and satellites is just fantastic. And Shana In a Dress is a young, new upcoming woman who I thought you would really enjoy. And I’m just wondering if you do get out to see any of these types of singer songwriters in some of the smaller venues. I used to own a place down in Lowell, Massachusetts for a few years, which is how I was lucky enough to come across. So many great artists. Ellis Paul, Susan Warner, Vance Gilbert, and so I’m just curious if if you ever get out to see some of those more intimate shows. It’s just such a it’s such an untapped treasure trove of great music. Thank you for everything and welcome back. We missed you.
Sarah Silverman 23:57
Oh, thanks, Ralph. Wow, I’m trying to say Ralph without hurting Charles is yours as of NLP. Um, I just I love that New Hampshire accent, I love it. It feels like home in my ears. I’ve never heard of Steve Poults or Shana In a Dress but I’m going to check the shit out of them. And what do I like? I mean, I’m really, really into Bill Callahan, who is also the band Smaug just everything Bill Callahan. His voice is like it’s a whole mood and his lyrics are so beautiful and brilliant. Love him love The National I don’t know if that’s considered folk, Atkins like all folk, Americana anything in that world? You know, a Patty Griffin obviously, I love Killian Welsh, but I don’t know if it’s Gillean or Gillian, I think it’s Gillean Oh, Merry Go Che have mentioned Father John Misty, give me any kind of like piano rock like a Ben Folds I love, I’m a lyrics gal too. I like lyrics, I fucking love Taylor Swift. I loved her folklore album, that song Betty, I probably listened to 100 times over two weeks. And then I learned to them the guitar. And then I was like, you know, I’m too old for this, but I didn’t feel it, because when she sings, I’m only 17 or whatever it is. I’m like, I really feel it. Thanks for calling in Ralph.
Hey, Sarah, I’m really inspired by you and love what you do. So glad your podcast is back. So you really do things that are different and outside of what other people would do or say. And I love that about you so much. I am finishing my degree in environmental sustainability, so I’m trying to tackle the big issues and to do that, trying to be different. And it’s hard because it can be very controversial, and because some people are kind of stuck in their ways, like why change? So how are you successful with being different? Or how could your flair translate to my world? Directly or indirectly? Thank you in advance.
Sarah Silverman 26:23
I’m not sure how to answer I mean, I will say I recycle clothes a lot. I mean, most of what I wear I’ve had for at least a decade. I’ve been well I wore a hoodie the other day that I have had for at least 19 years. Because I wore it in I’m fucking Matt Damon. So many of my staples are so fucking old. I have a pinstriped blazer I have worn I bought it from Barney’s RIP years ago I bought it to wear on late world with Zach which was Zach Galifianakis is whoops, late night show on VHS one before he got big and famous. And yeah, I still have it, wear it fits me very well actually right now. Got a little tight for a while a few years ago now it’s loose again. But I love wearing I’ve been called out for wearing the same things over and over again at events on TV and stuff and I wear it as a badge of honor. You know, it’s upcycled all of us to say I’m basically a hero in the sustainability world.
Sarah Silverman 27:50
Here’s some ads. And we’re back.
Bernadette 27:54
Hi Sarah, oh my goodness. My name is Bernadette […] Yes, I’m not Irish. I’m 100% Italian […] I’m good, thank you. I’m disabled, so I have a caretaker. But I had to leave you message because I have Charcot Marie Tooth disease. I know that you’ve heard of it, because I saw that your dad had it. And I’ve been following your dad for years, years, years years. And he did him and I did speak on Twitter, like randomly years ago and I told him I had CMT, and he was in Boca and I remember just thinking like, wow, like he was living such a great life, and there was a documentary made about my life back in 2013. It’s called Bernadette and my dad died actually during filming. And he was my best friend. And he also had CMT, and that’s why I have it. Unfortunately, but despite everything I’ve been through, despite you know, all that I’ve had 28 operations I am currently now riding around in a scooter because I can’t even use a wheelchair because my hands are weak. So I have to use a motorized scooter but.
Sarah Silverman 29:17
What? I guess she gets cut off yeah, I don’t know much about it other than my dad had it, yeah and I love that you were in touch with him. And he had a lot of foot problems. Charco foot was one of them Mercer he had he, Amy seen them for deformed feet and I told you he had two toes removed and I he just told me one day when we were talking and I was like you did? Which one? And he was the one that had roast beef and the one that went to the market. That’s how he knew his toes. Yeah, I and is is hereditary, and it does scare me because of I get tingling in my feet and my hands out of nowhere. And I think that might be how it starts, and so I feel like a bit of a ticking time bomb but I am so sorry and I guess I’m in a similar potentially because you know, my dad also had it your dad also had it but it is interesting. I’m going to check that out Bernadette the documentary, I’m glad you have care. I know the frustration of your, your body failing your brain, you know, when my stepmother before she died, you know, she was four months from diagnosis to dying pancreatic cancer. And in the last half of it, it was she was, you know, my stepmother was very healthy, very together. And an athlete, you know, I mean, she was an athlete, and unbelievable golfer, unbelievable tennis, all of it. And it it made her crazy that her body would not listen to her brain that she couldn’t see, she could simply not control her body. It wouldn’t do what her brain was telling it to do in it, it made her just so angry, which was an emotion I never saw in her, you know, anger. She was, I mean, as a person, she was not an angry person, she was human sunshine, actually. And I’m so sorry for what you’re going through and for the loss of your dad and you sound great. And in your soul sister with the charcoal of it all. So good luck, and what else?
Hey, Sarah, I’ve got a burning question for you. I submitted it a few months ago, and I never got your answer, and I’m really, really hoping you answer this. So, context. I’m a 32 year old comic. And I live in Phoenix right now. But I’m moving back to New York lived there in a past life before starting comedy, and was just depressed and lonely and doing cocaine and generally being mentally ill in that city but I’m excited to co back because I think it’ll be good for the comedy angle, and I think I think it’ll just be a healthy thing but here’s my question. If you had to redo your career in stand up, but you had to redo it today, 2024. What would you do differently? Would you do anything differently? Where would you go? What cities do you think? Maybe were better for stand up back then but are now probably more appealing? Obviously, Austin is the new one, I don’t know, I’ve got friends here in comedy who are like no, dude, stay in Phoenix get big then move here. And I’ve got comics who are saying like no, you go to Austin, you go to New York, and that’s it. LA is apparently dead for new comics, I don’t know, I’ve been hearing that. What are your thoughts? Love you, thank you.
Sarah Silverman 33:08
Like I have no idea, I’m out of touch with a lot of that but um, I still see new comics at clubs and stuff, I guess yeah, totally. But listen, you want to not to sound fucking corny, but you got to work on your craft, you got to just get like hours and you got to just get stage time. So if you’re in Phoenix, you’ve got like Phoenix, Tempe, you know, you’ve got there’s a bunch of clubs around there. Stay get be like the big local comic before you go, you know, don’t stay forever. That said, I, I moved to New York at 18. So and that’s where I came up. It that’s not necessarily the way to do it. That’s how I did it, I worked at a comedy club, I passed out flyers on the corner for two years, I did the open mics and I just that’s where I came up but it usually to go to New York or LA. You want to have some experience under your belt traditionally, that’s not how it worked for me. But yeah, if you can get you know, go to another tab. You know if you if you leave Phoenix. Yeah, Austin’s great, there’s a Philly scene, there’s a Boston scene, there’s any place there’s any kind of even close to Minneapolis, Denver. Greg is a great I think Tig started in Denver actually. There’s a lot of great smaller cities that are cities that have comedy scenes. And if you can really get state regular stage time somewhere, stay there and do it get strong and then move. But however you do it there is just not there is not one way to do it, there’s, you know, everyone has a different way. So, you know, you just follow your own path. I mean, to answer your question, if I started stand up today, I mean, I yeah, my comedy would be completely different than the comedy I did. Comedy I did would get me fully canceled today. And I did, I was in character, but it was problematic, you know, so I would be coming from a totally different place. You know, wherever you are in life, that’s where you are, you’re the sum of all the things you know, so far. So that’s what I was, when I was doing comedy at different stages. And I am at any given time, the result of what I know up until this point, comedy is the most not evergreen of the arts, you know, life isn’t even evergreen, we know this, we’ve learned this just from time is moving not just because I’m older as you get older time moves much faster, like your first three years or your first 10 years of life seem like forever. Because they’re 10 years make up your entire life. Now 53 years make up my entire life and time moves faster. Point being what? I have no idea. I don’t know why I said it.
Amy 36:29
I will say if I was giving someone advice on cities right now that were good for comedy. Austin is having a booming scene mostly because Joe moved down there and open up the mothership and a lot of kids from LA moved there and as have started a real scene.
Sarah Silverman 36:46
Right, yeah, Austin is I don’t know what the scene is like for women. And usually I don’t delineate because it’s women are killing it and comedy, but it’s the caravan of comedians that moved to Austin aren’t our, I think mostly dudes.
Amy 37:07
But Chicago is also another city where huge comedy said if LA and New York feels daunting, you know, it’s second city. It’s like, you know, big comedy scene. And I don’t know, I think what you said is true, it’s like, if you want to do that, then you’re gonna figure out how to do it wherever you are, because that’s all you want to do.
Sarah Silverman 37:28
Yeah. I mean, when I started standup, you couldn’t. There was nothing that my friends were doing at night that appealed to me more than like sitting in the back of a club trying to get on. Alright, good luck, what else?
Rebecca 37:44
Hi, Sarah, it’s Rebecca from Brooklyn. I’m so excited, it’s snowing in New York and across the street, there is a high school and a some genius student at the school has traced a giant soccer field size, penis in the snow, and left it for the school to discover in the morning and I looked at cross out onto this field and it just brought me such joy. And this morning, I saw some unfortunate teacher or school administrator trying desperately to scrape and erase the outline of the penis, it brought me so much joy. And I just wanted to share it with you because I am an adult and have professional life and I just didn’t know at this moment who would find this hilarious but I did and I my heart goes out to that school administrator, because it was a such a giant penis. It’s just gonna take them forever. So it’s now snowing again. So I think it’s going to be safely erased but it was brilliant.
Sarah Silverman 39:03
Erased but not forgotten. Thank you for sharing. That is hilarious. It’s the little things really. Just you know, I can be high brass, sure but it’s really the lowbrow stuff that makes me so happy. Dad wherever you are, we are winding down. This is the part of the podcast when I say send me your questions go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcasts that’s speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast and subscribe rate and review wherever you listen to your podcasts. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like one from a guy who’s exhausted by wokeness subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast we are a production of Lemonada Media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show our mixes by James Barber, additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson. Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.