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Add to Cart with Kulap Vilaysack & SuChin Pak

TREE TIME with June Diane Raphael, Jessica St. Clair and Casey Wilson

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The extreme-to-some Christmas decorating plans of Kulap and friends are moving from the groupchat to the roundtable. June Diane Raphael, Jessica St. Clair and Casey Wilson are here to talk about how they’re maximizing cozy Christmas time. SuChin, meanwhile, is hanging on by an email thread but ready to learn. Everyone has a tree (or three, or eight) to talk about, and they’re keeping score. Regardless, it’s a celebration of #TreeTime in all of its many beautiful forms.

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Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.

  • Blow molds are making a comeback. These candle blow molds are a dupe for the ones at Casey’s mantle
  • This gift box and candy cane hide a watering system to keep your real tree hydrated
  • Jess’ mice are from Maileg and she gets the cutest miniatures for her mouse house from MCS Minis

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Jessica St. Clair, Sender 2, Sender 1, Casey, Kulap Vilaysack, June Diane Raphael, SuChin Pak

Kulap Vilaysack  00:07

Carter’s, welcome back to Add To Cart, I’m Auntie Kuku Vilaysack.


SuChin Pak  00:10

And I’m Auntie Susu Pak.


Kulap Vilaysack  00:13

Su, before we go any further, I just want to take a moment let’s relax on what is about to be a moment a momentous occasion.


SuChin Pak  00:23

Yeah, I woke up already just.


Kulap Vilaysack  00:26

Yeah, because before the angels descend upon us before holiday mania, and Christmas Joy explodes onto the ears of our dear listeners.


SuChin Pak  00:34

Well, it’s been a long time coming. You know, this this meeting meeting of the minds what we’re about to do here. You and Casey Wilson first introduced me to this concept of tree time in July. That’s important, and really life has been quite altered ever since. But while I was a little angry.


Kulap Vilaysack  01:00

Yeah, okay I don’t want to put words your mouth angry look at this.


SuChin Pak  01:04

Angry, I am now bare ass naked swimming in the deep with the sharks, I’m about it #treetime is everything.


Kulap Vilaysack  01:15

Yeah, you’ve earned this moment, Su we’ve all earned this moment to cozy up and exist beside our many Christmas trees, and by we I do mean all of us, please Add To Cart for a very special tree time around table. The jingle bells of the Christmas ball, June Diane Raphael and Jessica St. Clair, please everyone.


SuChin Pak  01:39

Everyone clap.


June Diane Raphael  01:40

It’s the holiday season. Man, but it is […]


SuChin Pak  01:46

The I don’t know that, Diddy.


Jessica St. Clair  01:49

Thank you so much for having us. This is almost as exciting as Christmas itself, and that says a lot.


June Diane Raphael  01:56

Oh, it’s so true. I love that you framed this as a round table because it was a little worried there were going to be so many voices you know so many be heard.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:07

Did you ever worry about that both of you? Be honest.


June Diane Raphael  02:10

Sometimes I do.


SuChin Pak  02:13

The top of the show, it just did say like how are we going to get through this with four alphas talking about, I mean yeah, this most passionate topic. I feel like I I am I’m just stepping up to the plate, so I’m comfortable.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:31

Long learners. We are all lifetime learners. But you are learning today, Su and that doesn’t mean you can’t interject and ask questions but you take a backseat, and just learn as I am also, I think if we were to hierarchy, it quite frankly.


SuChin Pak  02:52

It’s no longer a roundtable now.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:54

Now it’s a pyramid, it’s a Christmas pyramid. Go ahead, Jes.


Jessica St. Clair  02:58

In a pride of lions. I would argue that not every lion is doing the same thing, you know, of course we have the male lion who isn’t doing a goddamn thing. And then we got not invited and not invited, right? He’s taking a nap. But what I would say is and this is going to cause friction, I would put Ku as the Grand Dam of Christmas. She is the Kris Kringle of Christmas, June right underneath in support okay, and consultancy. I think I am very much at the bottom and I’m still learning.


Kulap Vilaysack  03:01

I actually I’m going to say something I think you’re probably right because my holiday spirit wants that for everyone like I don’t need a position. The holidays are so personal to all of us that I.


SuChin Pak  03:58

Hear she comes is coming around it’s no it’s coming around.


June Diane Raphael  04:02

I love you know, I love that Kulap goes so hard I love the Kulap starts so early because it does make me feel a little freer. So I think you’re right, Jes in that having some you know, checks and balances, I guess, some branches of government. It feels like I can let her be a bit fringe, then I see more Main Street.


SuChin Pak  04:28

100% and here we are. That’s right, here we are. I knew you were gonna land that plane, I knew it I saw circling around the bullseye. And there she landed the plane.


Kulap Vilaysack  04:41

I am in the deep end, you know, and I’m fringy Casey, who may or may not join us she is temporarily and that’s.


SuChin Pak  04:54

Casey sit on this holiday pyramid if you will.


June Diane Raphael  04:58

I do think Casey is, that Kulap is definitely like the most radical you know, and the most sort of like, militant.


Kulap Vilaysack  04:58

The Dyess yeah.


Jessica St. Clair  05:10

Biggest swing and she takes humongous swings her trees her hero trees is themed that enormous when she’s the first one of all of us and maybe the only to attempt ribbon threading off of here.


Kulap Vilaysack  05:28

That was this year, that was this year.


Jessica St. Clair  05:30

And to do it so that it looks like she’s always been doing it.


SuChin Pak  05:34

I don’t know if it was last year. I had no idea this thing even existed at a tree collars.


Kulap Vilaysack  05:40

That’s right, I have tree collars. That’s on my bedroom tree, but you don’t get ladies ladies before we descend into madness. Can we please go around the table to see how many trees do we have? Oh, hold on, hold on.


Jessica St. Clair  05:57

[…] Grab my coffee bean hold on.


SuChin Pak  05:59

June has the coffee bean order she’s running to get that.


Casey  06:02

I have a […] chop salad next to me that I’m putting off in this. We all want things.


SuChin Pak  06:09

And now Casey Wilson has entered the room, miss tinsel herself.


Kulap Vilaysack  06:15

Okay, Casey, you have lost your voice.


Casey  06:17

Podcast tree.


Kulap Vilaysack  06:19

She’s lost her voice but she’s showing us her podcast studio tree. Casey wait, where we’re at now is live before we descend to the madness. I’d like us all the girl on the table to say how many trees we have, if you have more trees coming where they are and if there’s a theme to them all start and we’re going to end with Casey. Okay.


Casey  06:38

Can I say one thing Kulap, before we go around which is just to say that I’m more proud to be a part of this roundtable than I would to be a Best Actress Hollywood deadline.


SuChin Pak  06:49

I’ve never heard of it don’t care. Not relevant.


Kulap Vilaysack  06:56

We were talking about my hero tree hero tree of course is number one on the call sheet speaking about Hollywood actors, actresses.


Casey  07:05

[…] You should be in that article.


Kulap Vilaysack  07:06

That’s right ,it’s your showpiece okay, it’s the one that people are seeing, mine of course is every year since about 2019 has been of the theme. Gilded Woodland. Gilded Woodland I mean, obviously that’s clear what that is.


June Diane Raphael  07:22

Nobody’s clear when you see.


SuChin Pak  07:26

It is obviously clear. I mean, is it a Victorian […]?


Kulap Vilaysack  07:35

You’re thinking of the Gilded Age? No. […] Not that, it’s not or not that.


Casey  07:42

True, true so. it’s gold sparkly. You know, my dear have glitter on it.


SuChin Pak  07:49

Okay, oh, it’s literally, literally the forest themed covered in gold.


June Diane Raphael  07:58

That’s yeah. That feels SuChin that felt reductive the way you just said it.


SuChin Pak  08:05

Oh, thank you June for defending our friend.


June Diane Raphael  08:07

It felts basic, like it’s it.


SuChin Pak  08:10

When I meant it that way because I’m trying to learn everything. I tried to learn it down to the normal speak for the rest of us […] where there is going to be a fragment of the audience and at this point, it’s a small fragment because we’ve lost the main stream the small fragments who are like with me like we need to get it down to real words that mean something to people like us. Okay, got it. woodland creatures got it.


Jessica St. Clair  08:44

Right, and I think what is so special just to bring it back to June, what Jun said earlier is that each of us on this Christmas is here text thread which I was added to at a very late stage in the game I think in maybe like first week of December last year, and it was a very provisional ad. It was like let’s see how you do.


June Diane Raphael  09:05

Oh because I had just been there for a little while just but I felt like there were some unspoken community guidelines that I was very worried you were going to violate.


Jessica St. Clair  09:15

Wow, June birthday because I didn’t violate them enough to get kicked out.


Casey  09:21

Well, Jessica, when you asked last night I’m sorry to do this guy’s going I know you gotta do it like do it I’m fire. I know I don’t have a voice but I got a voice enough to say this. When I had the gall last night, Jessica, and I love you very much to ask and I quote, where do I get a good fake tree from I said, no […] I answered it for that for now, I answered it […] That’s like that’s like 101 you know.


Kulap Vilaysack  09:55

Because we’ve been saying Balsam hill, even I know that.


Jessica St. Clair  09:59

Over and over and over.


Casey  10:04

But I knew that wasn’t what your heartfelt Jess, but it couldn’t help but well something.


June Diane Raphael  10:09

Even more hurtful. I wanted to make sure there wasn’t a better tree than the fake one Kulap had, I knew Kulap’s was from Balsam and I just wanted to see like, oh wow okay guys this is sort of like a my housewives when they’re like don’t come for the kids like, Don’t fucking come for her tree to come.


Kulap Vilaysack  10:28

Make sure like we’re all, always in my bedroom […]


June Diane Raphael  10:38

Anyone’s trees. Guys are coming in,


Jessica St. Clair  10:43

Like golf balls. But Kulap’s being like, Kulap is very secretly aggressive as I’ve said, she’s the Dick Cheney in this in this group.


Kulap Vilaysack  10:53

I don’t know what you mean by that, but go ahead.


Jessica St. Clair  10:55

And so like, I have gotten a lot of pressure from the group to have a bedroom tree because I think a lot of people thought oh, you know, she lives in Santa Monica, where you know, we don’t have as much real estate and then June got her little grubby hands on my bedroom a couple months ago. And she was like, this was like in August. She was like there’s room enough for a bedroom tree and I still don’t couple one, and so Kulap will say things like, oh, is the fake one going up to the bedroom tree, like I don’t have a bedroom.


June Diane Raphael  11:25

Yeah you can sidestepping that and it’s.


SuChin Pak  11:27

How is she in the group chat? I mean, I’m just asking us like a learner, so I know the rules.


Jessica St. Clair  11:31

Su, don’t fuckin compromise spot […] It’s the only thing that gives me joy. So don’t come for me, don’t think like you could just slide in.


SuChin Pak  11:44

I was just asking as in.


Jessica St. Clair  11:46

Do you have a bedroom tree?


Casey  11:47

A question because when she doesn’t do what our basic requirements are, it does give one.


Jessica St. Clair  11:52

Su, do you have?


SuChin Pak  11:53

I just want to know what the rules are.


June Diane Raphael  11:55

Do you have a bedroom tree?


SuChin Pak  11:56

We’ll live what we’re gonna go around.


Kulap Vilaysack  12:00

All right, Jess, you said that you were going to do a bedroom tree so I’m only trying to encourage uplift my friend from what she stated.


June Diane Raphael  12:08

Now I’m gonna have to throw my husband under the bus this so this podcast is ripping families apart. But I had ordered a fake Christmas tree okay from Paul Shears suggestion, which was not through Balsam. Okay, it was waiting for me at Lowe’s and then my husband drops the bomb. I don’t know about a fake tree, what about off gassing? Now how can I come for him? Okay, so cancer survivor, and BB and I locked eyes like this mother comes back to that doesn’t this motherfuckers gonna fucking Grinch out on fake trees. So then I said okay, change of plans we’re going real tree. So then I go to get my real tree and I thought well, I don’t have a bedroom tree and I don’t think I can even get one in time. I go so I’m gonna go big on my hero tree. So I got a motherfucking nine foot. I have a nine footer I’m staring at right now real, you you guys want to come for me about a bedroom tree. I got a nine foot real tree cut down in the Pacific Northwest. Okay, I’m fucking staring at it right now. I put those lights on myself. Okay, so don’t come for me for bedroom trees.


Casey  13:04

Yeah, she is a very big like big house in the woods Laura Ingalls Wilder type.


Kulap Vilaysack  13:27

With the French with the French five and definitely French five.


Jessica St. Clair  13:30

Yeah, that’s the only tree I have, it’s nine foot fucking supported a group of real woodland animals at some point. Did yours? No, because.


Kulap Vilaysack  13:41

You just split there they are […]


June Diane Raphael  13:45

So one tree, so what I’m hearing after all that is one.


Jessica St. Clair  13:51

Yeah, for right now, for right now.


Kulap Vilaysack  13:55

And Jess, you have stairs, you’re not bringing another real tree upstairs. Let’s just let it go. Let’s let the bed I’m fine with you letting go.


Jessica St. Clair  14:01

I might bring it up there but […]


SuChin Pak  14:05

Now here’s an email question just did [..] come in on the telegraph. I thought this was gonna be no fun, first of all, Casey, you’re losing your voice. Uh, don’t scream when I asked this question. Okay, now would it be wrong to have some sort of a potted plant, and then you put lights or lights around it. Vomiting in her mouth.


Casey  14:41

Not that, not at that question.


Kulap Vilaysack  14:42

But what potted plant like?


SuChin Pak  14:44

I don’t know, like whatever potted plant.


Casey  14:46

Tomatoe? Guys we have to we can’t expect someone we have to bridge the aisle, guys, we can’t expect everyone.


June Diane Raphael  14:54

I don’t know. But I would prefer SuChin if you’re not going to put another tree in a bedroom, or another room then get some garland and drape it with a shower curtain.


Casey  15:07

Sorry SuChin for our fans.


June Diane Raphael  15:09

But I don’t want taking a plant that’s already there and trying to spruce it up with lights and stuff that got me sad.


SuChin Pak  15:17

That’s what I’m running childhood, yes […] it’s triggering for me.


Kulap Vilaysack  15:26

But maybe [..] putting presents underneath the snake terra cotta pot yes.


SuChin Pak  15:40

Let’s see, who hasn’t had a lights around a snake plant, you know?


Kulap Vilaysack  15:45

All right, Su let me get a little let’s let’s let’s uh keyed off Jess, let’s go to you. Let’s go okay.


SuChin Pak  15:52



Kulap Vilaysack  15:52

Where are you at right now?


SuChin Pak  15:54

Okay, zero.


June Diane Raphael  15:57

Zero trees?


SuChin Pak  15:59

No trees yet.


Kulap Vilaysack  16:01

But when will the tree come?


Casey  16:06

Where are they? Did your house burned down Su? Let’s call him up, chaos tree.


SuChin Pak  16:13

KS tree.


Casey  16:16

KS tree Su.


SuChin Pak  16:18

Well, I the tree is at the nursery that we always get our trees from here in Santa Barbara, and we usually get the tree you know I would say a week or so before Christmas.


June Diane Raphael  16:35

Oh my God, what are you talking about?


June Diane Raphael  16:40

Do you hate yourself? Do your.


SuChin Pak  16:42

Family and your we have sometimes trimmed the tree on Christmas Eve that could be a family tradition. I’m just throwing it out there you guys everyone blink nobody has blinked.


June Diane Raphael  16:55

Right context or dry have  run dry.


SuChin Pak  16:58

On Christmas Eve, hear me out on Christmas Eve you put on the Christmas playlist, okay you get out your portable.


Casey  17:07

What you do, it’s about when, we know we get on the playlist.


SuChin Pak  17:16

But on Christmas Eve you have your like Max Christmas spirit I’m just I’m just telling you because I’ve been [..] I you so now you’re on, yes max Christmas spirit your high essentially because tomorrow is the day you know and so this tree trimming Christmas Eve is like no other some would say it’s explosive you know.


Jessica St. Clair  17:40

You know when they trim the tree Christmas Eve you know when they do that in the Christmas carol when they don’t got nothing but light and they’re lighting real candle on a tree and hoping it doesn’t burn them in their fucking sleep. That’s when they do that because they don’t have enough candle wax to last.


Casey  17:59

Last night is when you are visited by like you have to make such a seismic shift in your life. You’re visited by a ghost of your former self and your future self that’s how wrong it is.


June Diane Raphael  18:09

Now Su, are you decorating other things?


Kulap Vilaysack  18:14

Okay, here we go Su, let them know about your your village habit.


SuChin Pak  18:19

Absolutely. Some of you may know that I went really hard about two Christmases ago and purchased a village. The village of my dreams.


June Diane Raphael  18:30

Oh, I’m happy for you.


SuChin Pak  18:32

Hearts, it has lights, it has music, there are characters in it. There’s a Santa Sleigh Ride that goes around the Christmas tree I have a carousel this is there’s a ice skating rink.


June Diane Raphael  18:45



Kulap Vilaysack  18:47

This year this year she added another piece to her it started as a Christmas Village is now is moving to sort of a metropolitan sort of situations.


SuChin Pak  18:58

Yes, try city yeah.


June Diane Raphael  19:01

So the what, when does the village go up?


SuChin Pak  19:04

So the village goes up December 23rd, the turkey gets bagged on Thanksgiving. It goes into a ziploc the whole thing gets shoved off right into a garbage large hefty garbage bag. And on the table then comes the Christmas Village the day after Thanksgiving so you have tree time, I have village time.


Jessica St. Clair  19:27

And what I’m hearing is that you want it Su,  you want you this is your gateway drug and you’re wanting it and you just don’t feel yet like you can go whole hog.


SuChin Pak  19:42

No, I’m not gonna throw my husband under the bus.


Kulap Vilaysack  19:45

But here he goes, beep beep. The wheels on the bus go round and round.


SuChin Pak  19:57

Now, to be fair, I started off before meeting Kulap and doing this, and you three Christmas ladies, like normal Christmas Eve, we decorate, you get the tree maybe a week before maybe the week of, you get your presents, you wrap them in whatever you wrapped them in, and it’s fine. And so over the years, this has awakened in me this child that was lying dormant inside of me that I never nurtured. And so this this child is awakening, but you have to ease into it. If you’re with a partner, who’s like, what the fuck are you talking about? It’s July, and so this gateway drug is this village, and the tree is right now immovable.


June Diane Raphael  20:56



SuChin Pak  20:56

I’m not saying marriage immovable, […] maybe if I if I get maybe if I know that there’s a group chat invitation in the future, just saying in the future, some things can be discussed.


June Diane Raphael  21:26

And by the way, Su, I wouldn’t be surprised if like Casey and Kulap and Paul had a separate chat outside of the main one. Like, I wouldn’t be surprised […]


SuChin Pak  21:40

Very quiet if they lose your voice completely, sorry.


Casey  21:46

I can’t, no one can hear me.


June Diane Raphael  21:48

And I think that’s fine, because I have to say that I really.


Casey  21:51

Just count codes for spoke.


June Diane Raphael  21:53

Exactly, like I am, you know, I really respect it because they will go a little bit and I think we need we need people to push us. You know, we need motivation. And I don’t think I would have ever had a bedroom tree if not for Casey and Kulap, and and that’s a very real impact I’ve had on my life.


Jessica St. Clair  22:17

And June tell people about the theme of it, because it’s really something.


June Diane Raphael  22:22

I was wondering when it was gonna come around.


SuChin Pak  22:23

Yes, let’s go to June, how many trees? Where are they?


Casey  22:27

So I hate to keep doing this, but Jess, wants you to in one go on June.


June Diane Raphael  22:31

Will right now SuChin is 0.


Casey  22:33

Well, yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s zero, tried to give him.


June Diane Raphael  22:41

By the way, just just to talk about trees for a second, I want to tell you SuChin that I grew up in a family where we did always get a Christmas tree, always a real one and there was a lot of like, my, the lore and my family and the narrative that I bought into for many, many years was like you’re not a real Christmas person if you don’t get a real tree and so I’ve had to learn many painful falsehoods, you know.


SuChin Pak  23:09

I don’t want to say it but I I do feel that. But the technology has advanced.


Casey  23:14

But it’s important you can say that because that’s a part of this. There is sadness with moving forward, there is loss.


June Diane Raphael  23:20

There is and SuChin, I felt and I’m still working through my own internalized hatred of you know, and with so and I’m realizing how it’s harming me and my family.


SuChin Pak  23:35

So holding you back.


June Diane Raphael  23:36

Yes, so I am here as also a student of Christmas and I am evolving, I really am, so right now, I had last year as a first year I had a Chris a bedroom tree.


Casey  23:51

And it’s a real bedroom tree June?


June Diane Raphael  23:53

No it’s fake.


Casey  23:54

Okay, cuz I was thinking needles up the stairs, okay.


June Diane Raphael  23:57

No, and so Paul did not think there was room for this bedroom tree and there is and there was and so last year, we just had simple white lights on it and bows. And then this year it really I will say that my trees this year, I have felt that I have really been inspired creatively through my trees. And I don’t want to take this to the writer strike and the actor strike and the negotiations and the kind of creative stifling that I have felt over the past, you know, seven months or so. But it was though I could finally express myself.


SuChin Pak  24:41

Yes, you found your voice your Christmas tree.


June Diane Raphael  24:44

I did, and so when I tell you I remember where we were at traditions when I saw that peppermint garland. And I thought my bedroom tree will be a peppermint tree.


SuChin Pak  24:58

So you, so now there’s a theme wait.


June Diane Raphael  25:00

There’s a theme to my.


SuChin Pak  25:02

[…] Before or, have you, have you always had a theme, okay got it.


June Diane Raphael  25:06

It wasn’t last year’s […] advance core studies.


June Diane Raphael  25:07

It is, wow that is AP.


Casey  25:11

And I don’t say that to make anyone feel badly.


June Diane Raphael  25:16

And Casey, like I am so proud of it you know the price, yeah you do, the pride I feel in this bedroom tree is honestly like nothing I’ve felt before and I’ve sent the picture of the pepper my bedroom tree to pretty much everyone I know.


Casey  25:37

And guess what that’s brightening their day.


SuChin Pak  25:39

And it does, and that also could scare people. I’m just speaking from the email crew the email crew needs a voice at the table all voices all are welcome here and we have to represent but there are some email people are saying that scary.


June Diane Raphael  25:56

Well, but listen, I the one thing I’m already thinking about because what I’ve learned from the Christmas is here chat is so much of the holidays it’s about being in the moment is about just enjoying what is and and really slowing down and by M but at the very same time, I’m keeping an open notes document that has notes for next year.


SuChin Pak  26:21

That’s so you.


Casey  26:22

That’s why Christmas is here, right? To me it’s like they say part of the fun of a vacation is planning the vacation like that actually, in some ways is more dopamine activation for people than the actual vacation.


SuChin Pak  26:35

Yeah. Oh, science.


Casey  26:37

So even, I thought I would bring some science mumbo jumbo but I do think that the notes I have a folder like all of it, I have so many Pinterest boards for different themes of trees and things and I’m not to jump on Eugen I’m just simply saying I think all of it brings joy for the present in that in those various presents all over the year. And then you can really sink into your peppermint tree.


June Diane Raphael  27:00

And yeah, because now I’m already thinking like, is it a peppermint tree every year? It’s such a it’s so fully realized, but maybe next year it’s a different theme and I’m excited to explore that, so that’s tree number one.


Kulap Vilaysack  27:14

No Paul was invited, he is out of town, he is so sad not to be here because you know man’s got opinions.


June Diane Raphael  27:20

Yeah, and I will say he did something that was very wonderful. I will admit our setup this weekend was like not great in terms of just where everyone was emotionally. And a part of the reason was because we were so frantic because he was getting on a flight on Sunday night. And so but when we came back from the east coast from Thanksgiving, Paul had already taken out all of the ornaments and had already put the bedroom tree up. So it was there was a layer of like things are out at least.


Jessica St. Clair  28:01

Prep, you gotta prep, that’s that’s my big note, but you said June you know December 25th, that’s when we’re on Balsam Hill buying our fake trees for next year. So it’s like we do need to be thinking ahead and that needs to start sometimes on Christmas Day, you should be adding to cart.


Kulap Vilaysack  28:19

A little different from what SuChin, is doing on Christmas Eve, just starting.


Casey  28:24

Starting you’re starting for next year, she’s starting 2023 and I want you on 2024.


June Diane Raphael  28:32

So that’s two trees right there. Okay, so that’s my bedroom tree and then of course that my hero tree and I’m really happy with how the hero turned out you know for sure tree as a real tree from Home Depot. They have the best trees don’t let anyone tell you different but I will say the hero tree definitely has a lot more kind of like diehard ornaments and sort of like Star Wars ornaments that I would necessarily have chosen to have chosen but I also am like this is the family tree.


Casey  29:06

So whatever we read about a couple trees is like let them live there.


June Diane Raphael  29:11

Well, let’s also say this in the Gilded Age, which I am streaming on Macs with Danielle […]


June Diane Raphael  29:18

Ladies retired to a drawing room, ladies had their own bedroom to operate as they pleased. And so maybe that bedroom tree is mommy’s tree, it’s feels like a dress it feels like mommy’s tree and I love it so the here tree is beautiful now I did add something this year, which you know, every year I like to take some ribbon from a gift I got or some and put it on the mailers are picking up and and I like to put it on as a decoration from years past. And that’s my special thing but then this year I decided that I saw this plaid ribbon, and I thought you know what I think this needs to go on our tree and it is on it I don’t know if anyone noticed it in the photo but it is giving me life that little splash a plan. So that’s the hero tree I’m very happy with how she turned out and then we have the kids bedroom tree. And that was a new purchase this year. Also from Home Depot, and that’s a more slender, no Kulap, no.


Kulap Vilaysack  30:32

Okay, okay I was like, how do you get okay, great.


June Diane Raphael  30:34

No, no, no, no. land that was really Yes, she’s svelte, you know, she’s slim. At traditions we had bought the boys some ornaments as a special thing for their tree and they put them up and then Sam had already fallen asleep and Gus and I were in there decorating and I mean, I told you this already, but it was it was really decide to put all of his sports metals on the tree.


Kulap Vilaysack  31:01

That’s cute, so inspired.


June Diane Raphael  31:02

It wasn’t it again, this is where I feel like we were kind of this […]


SuChin Pak  31:08

This is you finding your voice.


Casey  31:10

Everybody’s getting kind of their perfect tree in their bedroom.


June Diane Raphael  31:13

That’s what it felt like and then, you know, we took the kids to go see Gutenberg over Thanksgiving, which was so incredible on Broadway and Josh Gad and Andrew Rannells signed their Gutenberg hats and wrote a special note to them so we had those hats. And at the very same time, when I said should we put a star on it, both Gus and I looked over and saw the two hats. And then we put the two hats on top, and it was like, it really felt our trees, it felt very inspired and very aligned.


Jessica St. Clair  31:46

In flow, you’re in flow.


SuChin Pak  31:48

Yeah. In personnal and aligned Christmas […]


June Diane Raphael  31:51

It’s been a very on purpose Christmas so far. So that’s, that’s three trees total. Now I’m in my office and to be quite honest, the hero tree is so close it’s right over there. […] And the only thing I have to look out here, I don’t see Christmas out here.


Casey  32:12

I don’t like that June, I don’t like June. Because guess what, you’re in your office a lot of a day and that’s my point about these trees. It’s not to be decadent and this and that. It’s like, I have so much time between the first and the 30th and you’re not always sitting in that room. I’m sorry, but you’re not.


June Diane Raphael  32:27

No, it’s so true. So I am feeling that and that’s but that’s the thing next year maybe we come up with a garland, just a little something.


Jessica St. Clair  32:39

I think I need a little something. I think I think you can fit a tree in your in your office. Listen, I think that’s been a big lesson and I credit my you know for mother’s Casey and Kulap because I do think that they’ve opened up my mind to where trees can fit.


Kulap Vilaysack  32:59

It’s so funny because SuChin is laughing, but when you emerge. But when you know and I understand you because I was there I was you looking through a frosted glass from the outside? And what was going […] yeah and what was going on behind those doors seemed unattainable to me. And I had the left, and then when you get on the inside of the Chris, your text change? What, that seems normal what’s going on inside. What’s going on outside, which is, frankly, what’s going on in your house. Seems grotesque seems harsh. And not a place I want to be.


SuChin Pak  33:44

Yeah, depressing say it. You can say that.


Jessica St. Clair  33:46

No, I want to see that village, I would love to see that.


Kulap Vilaysack  33:51

I want that village to feel like it’s integrated into the rest of the home and not just this outpost.


SuChin Pak  33:58

I mean, listen, you’ll get our email feedback. It’s there’s just too much the calls are coming in. I can’t I can’t take them all, but we’ve lost some folks.


Kulap Vilaysack  34:09

She’s our command center right now.


SuChin Pak  34:11

We’ve lost some folks. I’m gonna be honest with you. We’ve lost some folks with this tree roundtable.


Kulap Vilaysack  34:17

Let them go, I’m not looking you know, I’m not looking to change minds okay, I’m not looking, this isn’t some religion that I’m trying to get more, you know, believers if it’s Eve then you’re welcome.


SuChin Pak  34:31

But if you don’t get the fuck out.


Kulap Vilaysack  34:33

No, you beat me beer it’s okay. If you’re interested come through.


SuChin Pak  34:37

That’s right.


Kulap Vilaysack  34:38

Cozy, cozy place.


SuChin Pak  34:39

That’s right.


June Diane Raphael  34:40

Hmm, we have to stand in our power and our truth, and if like others choose to, you know, be in a light with us, that’s great and if not, that’s really fine.


Jessica St. Clair  34:53

So does that lead us to Q or does that lead us to Casey?


June Diane Raphael  34:56

Yeah, I know I’ve named all my trees. I’ve got three, so I don’t know.


Kulap Vilaysack  35:01

Casey, yeah we’re we’re at Casey, and just so you know, I think it’s really important to to declare that Casey did coined the term tree time.


SuChin Pak  35:11

I mean, tree time is her lifetime. I mean, of course.


Casey  35:15

I actually think I’m now living at a tree time 365.


SuChin Pak  35:18

You are okay […]


Jessica St. Clair  35:21

I think people should know that when you’re in Casey’s house there is always a throw little princess touching you, or at arm’s reach like everywhere. She’s always like trying to train to swaddle me like in her office I’m like I don’t need that like I’m in workboat I don’t need to have like cashmere wrapping around so only my eyes are being showed so that’s what I read about what I luxury when we talk and you do so much of your business in bed which is also very Gilded Age of you.


Casey  35:51

And why I need a tree in my office which is also my bedroom okay. I’ll quickly take you through because you know look I’m on every I as a for mother though sometimes also have to ask myself have I done too much? Let’s talk it through socket let’s lay it down […] hero tree, nine foot or Balsam Hill every year it’s Pitch Perfect I’m sorry but it is you can do color lights white lights you can that’s my like red green my you know it’s just your traditional tree. Now then I come to our family room. And this year I added blow molds to my mantle area where the hero tree is and that has been like the blow mold is something I didn’t know I was but I didn’t know what they were. I was shopping with June and Q when I found two candles that say no well on them and having them flank my fireplace my tip for this holiday is get other things with lights doesn’t have to be a tree to have other little points of light. Like even if your office unit I don’t think we necessarily always need a tree. I’ve now been getting really into Garland’s and flocked garlands this year. Just a little something with lights. It really does the trick the same way a full tree will for you.


Kulap Vilaysack  37:12

Which makes me say June because I know you’ve already placed the blow molds that you purchased that traditional bloom into your office. […]


SuChin Pak  37:22

I can’t tell from the picture you guys they look like ornaments. They’ve looked like kind of like no, they’re free retro ornaments but they’re freestanding. How big are these guys?


Casey  37:32

They’re big like so my candles are like you could flank a doorway with them.


SuChin Pak  37:38

Oh, oh, I see so they’re almost like little retro statuettes? But it’ll that light up so it can be candy canes it can be candles. It can be a snowman, Santa God crackers.


Casey  37:52

Yes, whatever the texture though is almost waxy in appearance and very fun. But not fun that it’s like a blow up sounds a lot it’s not that fun, it’s like oh, it’s fun of your and fun and 80s 90s fun to me.


SuChin Pak  38:07

Yeah, retro like a vintage.


Casey  38:10

So that has been all the difference for my Christmas this year is the blow mold but so I will just add that I do think yeah, if you get blow mold, just keep an eye on the fire hazards of at all. I just want to make that safety announcement


Casey  38:36

So then in our family room, I’ve been holding on to this same I grew up getting a new tree, we went out and got a tree and Mr. jingles and that one, I will just say of all the trees like it just suffers. It’s like pitched forward too much. The lights aren’t quite where I want them I’m not saying it’s bad, but I will say it’s the room I go to least interesting. But that one really has like the popsicle sticks from when I was little and like the kid that was those are our fun ornaments. I love the ornaments. It’s like once friends have given that that just feels like fun.


Casey  39:04

But it’s in a room that you’d never go into.


Casey  39:05

No, I am in it, but I wouldn’t choose to be in it.


SuChin Pak  39:14

Yeah, I understand.


Casey  39:15

Okay, so then up in my room I have my bedroom chino I actually stripped down in the bedroom just to white lights on a fig tree. I used to have like kind of pinks and silver on there, I ran out of steam, I’m not I’m not describing them in order of when I put them up. Okay, okay, so but there I also have my white a big very big Christmas Village happening under my TV. So that does feel that there’s little details but the tree is just white lights.


June Diane Raphael  39:44

I love that.


Casey  39:45

Nice, pretty sizable. So then in my kids rooms this year, wearables three so now we’re heading to four. Yeah, we’re gonna round them out in four or five upstairs, okay. Now they’re very little I mean, like, mini baby. But they all need their own lights and ornaments guys.


Kulap Vilaysack  40:03

Yeah, they’re like three feet though. […] That’s right, that’s right for them. So they’re not that mini, they’re small trees.


Casey  40:13

They’re small trees like the well we’ll get to of course my podcast studio tree so there’s are decorated they look very cute. But we’re watering those it’s annoying. Okay, but have you got young that might mean Add to Cart thing and I’m gonna get the name is that big candy cane, that you stick into the bottom of a tree so you can pour the solution in on top.


June Diane Raphael  40:33

I got something even better for you.


Casey  40:38

What’s this?


June Diane Raphael  40:39

I’ve got a self watering wrapped gift that looks like a gift under the tree. And it does it for you. Paul has had it for the last three years.


Kulap Vilaysack  40:51

We need a link, we need a link.


Casey  40:53

Okay, honestly Add to Cart should be one link and it should be this.


June Diane Raphael  40:57

Yeah, fuck everything else. And Paul has been totally gatekeeping it yeah, but this is Paul.


Kulap Vilaysack  41:05

He is does not come up at all, that’s not cool. Paul. Now maybe keys will go in your family room with this. That’s keeping her out of her family.


June Diane Raphael  41:16

Yeah, wow, no. He’s already because we had that candy cane like that was like, that was an early iteration. And then there was an advancement made in the tree watering technology.


SuChin Pak  41:30

If you get the tree, say two or three days before Christmas. You don’t even need to water it really.


Casey  41:39

It’s already dead as a doorknob


Kulap Vilaysack  41:41

SuChin do you pull it down the day after Christmas? Like when does it come down?


Casey  41:44

Great question.


SuChin Pak  41:46

I mean, I don’t do the pulling down because that breaks my heart.


June Diane Raphael  41:49

And Kulap, you are not to talk about post Christmas because I don’t want to. Kulap, you’re very, very strict about when they come down. Is that right?


Kulap Vilaysack  42:00

I mean, it’s it’s because it’s heartbreaking it’s heartbreaking because now we’re after the Super Bowl. You know what I mean? And so it’s like it’s time.


SuChin Pak  42:08

Just dark until next year yeah.


Kulap Vilaysack  42:10

Although Casey and I were talking last year her dear friend Amanda, you know, I’ll never say it right huggy, huggy, huggy.


Casey  42:20

Hi G.


Kulap Vilaysack  42:23

Hi G, could be could be we’re saying all the letters is to this idea of keeping the cozy take all the ornaments out maybe leave what you can with just lights and bead garland, take us into you know.


Casey  42:36

if you live in like a cold part of the country. She likes to write it through January which is a tough month depression lies for a lot of people.


June Diane Raphael  42:42

Everyone, Jason Mantzoukas on in you know during COVID left his tree up till May, that’s a cry for help.


Kulap Vilaysack  42:52

That is a cry for help. But the issue with me keeping it for too long is is I gotta haul all this it’s all got to get put away.


Casey  43:00

Well now am I allowed to tell so I interested I’m trying to see how real we should be here now June you once said a phrase that rang so true to me, which was I never said I was relatable. I don’t want to be, but all the work I’m about to tell you involved me and my home for two full days with a crew.


June Diane Raphael  43:20

I asked him ask I had to load gas, I mean.


Kulap Vilaysack  43:23

You haven’t finished the tree, can you, let’s finish like there’s even done with the tree count?


June Diane Raphael  43:29

No, I do want to ask because I picture Casey I picture like several people coming in with like picnic tables to just like no picnic tables but like folding tables to just like exactly right. No, I had that in my head. Okay, there’s a crew there’s yeah.


Casey  43:45

There’s now I also do my Oregon house organizational on those two days. So it’s a lot well.


June Diane Raphael  43:50

It’s great because call it loading it’s loading loading day, oh my God.


SuChin Pak  43:55

Does the whole family then go to a hotel?


Casey  43:57

No, but they don’t like it. A lot of talk about 27 things of Christmas and then a half quarter of a table with our Hanukkah decorations and my husband and you know, guys, the way families merged so beautifully, our our seasons but it takes two full days to do it. But the final thing is in my office, I have an office out there and then I have a little podcast studio in here. In the main office, I had done a Halloween tree this year. Lauren Lapkus convinced me of that.


June Diane Raphael  44:27

Yeah, I was gonna say how did that go?


Casey  44:29

Well, I decided I was like I don’t want to spend money on this so I bought a white tree thinking maybe I could set you know kind of hold that gal between Thanksgiving I guess and but you know what Kulap, through an AI through careful consideration and discussions many, came up with many came up with the white tree in my office doing a kind of Frank Sinatra, kind of old Hollywood inspired, it’s old, old Chrismas like I can just […] it’s light blue.


June Diane Raphael  45:04

It’s Martiny, it’s Martiny, yeah. Can I ask Casey? So that’s five.


Casey  45:11

No, that’s six.


Kulap Vilaysack  45:14

Podcast tree […]


Casey  45:16

Like to just touch down on this one. This is where my creativity took flight into the smallest one. I decided to do an honorary tree to my mother who has. Now this tree is all bubble lights, which we used to do in my house on the little red Coca Cola ornaments.


June Diane Raphael  45:35

Oh, that’s cute.


Casey  45:38

And I love it. That’s so that’s very special. And I really so I am insane, you can get inspired with a little tiny treat absolutely for something.


SuChin Pak  45:47

So that’s seven.


Casey  45:48

Well, there’s one more SuChin. I’m gonna show everyone that nobody really knows.


Jessica St. Clair  45:53

here could it be a secret tree?


Casey  45:55

Okay, well, you know, I did, I did purchase a very small place in La Quinta, California. Now we loaded in that house this last weekend, yes.


June Diane Raphael  46:08

Of course, this is a Palm Springs, lucky to people don’t know necessarily, it’s by very close to Palm Springs.


Casey  46:14

Yeah, so we bought the house with the furniture which sounds so strange, but it was I’m so lazy so it was perfect. Everything’s there, so we walk in the house and I have a handyman person meeting me there. I mean, I’m not even a foot into the house, he’s putting up two large items.


June Diane Raphael  46:29

I have to say do you have your your Christmas is keeping the economy going. You’re really keeping, you’re really keeping people working, which is nice.


Casey  46:38

And my husband said we’re only here four days of the Christmas season. What is what what is this man bringing in?


SuChin Pak  46:46

What did he bring in the first thing first thing?


Casey  46:49

Together a crib in a tree and I said get going on her needs a nap. But my baby needed to really get up. And I’m going to show you guys a photo and I know you can’t see this. But I thought this was going to be a casual gal. I bought this I genuinely thought in my heart. But I got a seven foot which is as big. I did a cheapo it’s like cheap, fake because not Balsam Hill. Okay, so it’s like you’re getting it looks like the tree in the grove.


SuChin Pak  47:23

Oh my God.


Casey  47:28

You can’t quite see but it’s double the size of that fireplace.


SuChin Pak  47:31

How big it that’s not seven foot that.


Kulap Vilaysack  47:35

That’s a 12 footer if I’ve ever seen one.


Casey  47:37

Gigantic, you can see around it. You can’t look pleased you can’t walk around to the other part of the house you get around.


June Diane Raphael  47:46

It also somehow looks like two dimensional like I can’t imagine that there’s a back to it. And again, that’s no, that’s no disrespect to your tree like I love all trees in all their shapes and sizes.


SuChin Pak  47:58

I’ve lost count. Is it nine or eight? Are we at seven? What was that?


Casey  48:05

Oh god, I have a little ceramic pink tree in my daughter’s room you know.


June Diane Raphael  48:09

I know exactly what that for you. That is a ceramic one that says I don’t that doesn’t count although I am thinking of getting because you know I grew up with the green version of that ceramic one and that could be a nice addition to my office so that’s making me say.


Casey  48:22

I was thinking it this whole time June I didn’t want to take any more time but I wanted to say I would like that on your desk now.


Kulap Vilaysack  48:27

And I want to tell you that I will send you a link it’s available at Marshalls.com, and absolutely is.


June Diane Raphael  48:33

It’s having a moment, wait but I have to ask because there was a conversation this year about another like fairly controversial topic Christmas topic. And I don’t know where you landed on it Casey and it’s something I’ve still been toying with and that is tinsel.


Casey  48:55

Well June, wouldn’t you know it inspired by your father when I go back to look into this bad boys getting tinsel. And I’m thinking maybe no ornaments just ribbon and tinsel.


Kulap Vilaysack  49:08

Love it, that I look I love that.


Casey  49:10

I don’t have a ladder


Jessica St. Clair  49:11

Given it’s 14 feet, yeah.


June Diane Raphael  49:15

You’re gonna just toss it up and hope it lands in the right spot that takedown is going to be tough with tensil.


Kulap Vilaysack  49:21

She’s not doing it.


Casey  49:23

Kulap, I will absolutely text someone and how.


June Diane Raphael  49:27

Casey is single handedly lowering the unemployment rate in this country Am I tip my hat, tip my hat.


Kulap Vilaysack  49:36

This is Casey math like to.


Casey  49:39

Wait Kulap, tell Casey math about what you decided


Kulap Vilaysack  49:42

Because we read traditions and she was like as she’s just adding to cart adding to cart IRL. She’s like I have no more surface I have like no more surfaces and Casey math is to purchase a home and looking to take […]


Jessica St. Clair  50:02

It’s like when you watch the people living, don’t worry about the Gilded Age when you watch them live in Newport. And you’re like, really? You need a footman for every single party guest. And it’s like the excess, you know, and you know what happened to all of those poor people, you know, like their homes got turned into museums because everything fell apart for them. You know, we’re seeing the disillusion of the railroad industry, you know, and the upcoming.


Kulap Vilaysack  50:29

Why are you bringing this on a tree time, why are you bringing this tree episode?


June Diane Raphael  50:37

Enjoy it, didn’t they enjoy it? Well, Christmas is a time of excess. As far as I’m concerned. It’s a maximalist kind of experience. That’s the way I practice it, at least.


Casey  50:49

That’s way I will ask SuChin to practice it even if could we inch that back to the 22nd, that’s a genuine question.


SuChin Pak  50:57

Yeah, I mean, I’m open, I’m open we’ll see what’s left. You know, there’s not much left once I go to.


Kulap Vilaysack  51:04

There’s only like four or five branches and yeah, she’s got to prop up the.


June Diane Raphael  51:12

Yeah, Charlie Brown Christmas at that point.


SuChin Pak  51:14

Yes, we do often get the Charlie Brown. And you have to admit there’s charm to that.


June Diane Raphael  51:21

I think am I right is and I will totally, totally I do think there is and I will say as someone who’s been on a journey SuChin and like you don’t have to go you don’t have to be we’re Kulap and Casey are right away you know, but just let them see what your Christmas edges are. And see if push to push boundaries you’re all out of our comfortable right.


Casey  51:48

Suchin, if you had told me, I love it on the 25th that’s how I like to do it and I love it and that’s that but that’s not what I’m here.


Kulap Vilaysack  51:55

That’s not the energy that you bring for it.


Casey  51:58

I’m hearing how much joy this Christmas has brought. Yes, I want to reflect that back to ya.


SuChin Pak  52:05

We’re no, it’s in the corner behind a couch next to a deep freezer. But you know things can change every year there’s room to grow when spring comes the daffodils rise. I don’t know where I’m going with it. But you know what I’m talking about.


Jessica St. Clair  52:05

Can I ask a question about the village? Is the village on the kitchen table so it’s really like it’s really interactive every day.


Kulap Vilaysack  52:32

You’re talking about building something so that it can be displayed better you are talking about that.


SuChin Pak  52:39

I would like to get to a point where I’m texting Casey’s person when that person is off hours. So sometime in between February or March take them from the first to the third. Yes, great, great. And I think the village is going to have to have some sort of custom build because it is now to the point where there can’t be a single table big enough to hold the village.


Casey  53:02

Nothing would make me happier for them that custom piece to be built yet early in my life.


SuChin Pak  53:06

Me too.


Jessica St. Clair  53:07

I want to just put this out there because this is my kind of secret and not because it’s a shame but I just don’t share it with the Christmases here. Chain I probably share it just with Kulap, I have a doll house filled with mice with maileg mice and I consulted a deep diver who has made doll houses her business at MCs minis and she did that again just because a genius MCS minis, okay M I N I S  okay and I said to her, could you please make my dollhouse into Christmas and she sent me a box of the most oh my god delectable miniature things miniature Christmas cakes miniature of fireplace all the lights it out my dollhouse might and I say doll my mouse house has four trees it has a tree in every room […] but what I wanted to say is that.


Jessica St. Clair  53:10

Little Jessica has her trees, yeah.


Jessica St. Clair  53:32

This is pretty crazy because my 10 year old baby said you need to take down this dollhouse. This is embarrassing to me because everyone thinks it’s mine. And I am 10 years old and some are happening my bedroom I could move it to my bedroom. What I have done instead is I moved the mice out onto cupboards and they are having Christmas all over the house.


SuChin Pak  54:44

Oh my goodness, it’s mouse vignette.


June Diane Raphael  54:49

So I’m looking right now at my.


SuChin Pak  54:51

She’s back in the group chat now I know why she’s there. I was confused, I’m gonna be honest.


June Diane Raphael  54:56

This inspires.


Jessica St. Clair  54:57

And they even came out you know you saw it, Thanksgiving they came out onto the tablescape. And they were having the time of nature. […] Bibi did that he did that. So let children like you did with Gus let them bring a fresh perspective and don’t yeah, if you’ve got a dollhouse and their children are forced you to take it down, let them spill out over the house.


Casey  55:20

I challenge you anytime you have an impulse to do something to these mice, I think think about maybe I want that.


Kulap Vilaysack  55:27

Oh, wow.


Jessica St. Clair  55:28

What do you mean Casey, tell me.


Casey  55:30

Like the mice have trees. The mice have this, I think maybe just once these trees.


Jessica St. Clair  55:37

That is so I know people think we’re doing a bit this is so insightful.


Casey  55:41

I’m not doing, I’m never blessed unless of one.


Jessica St. Clair  55:45

Something to remember about these mice, they’re never working. Right now, I’m looking at two gal pals catch it up over Christmas cake. There’s a whole kitchen setup. And you know, this mouse house, they have a chef.


Casey  55:57

Of course they do.


Kulap Vilaysack  56:00

They’re not relatable.


Jessica St. Clair  56:01

They’re always eating carbs. These mice are […] We haven’t seen them because this is your Christmas Village.


June Diane Raphael  56:11

Yes, absolutely.


SuChin Pak  56:13

Thank you June, thank you for setting the table again.


Kulap Vilaysack  56:16

Ladies, I have to wrap this up. I know we go to work. I know we did there […]


SuChin Pak  56:24

Have no blood coming to my legs.


Casey  56:27

We just got started. We can’t even ask what our hopes are for next year.


Kulap Vilaysack  56:31

We simply can’t.


SuChin Pak  56:31

No, we really cant.


Casey  56:33



Kulap Vilaysack  56:33

Casey, June, Jessica, what an absolute honor and delight it’s been I don’t know if we have any tree time converts because we barely talked about it. Talked about trees we mainly talked about trees.


Casey  56:46

Yeah, we took the time to talk about trees, yeah.


Kulap Vilaysack  56:51

I love you, you’re also beautiful. You know where to find all of these three ladies. You’re only following Casey @caseyrosewilson, June @junediane and Jessica @stclairjessica. Happy Tree time to all and to all a good night.


Casey  57:05

Merry Christmas.


June Diane Raphael  57:06

Merry Christmas.


Sender 1  57:12

Hi, Su. Hi, Ku, my personal Christmas tradition is wearing a different pair of Christmas socks every day of the Christmas season. I have 35 pairs now, and there’s little penguins with hats and scarves. Gingerbread Men, I’ve got flamingos in winter garb and a pair I’m very fond of which is a shark with a Santa hat. That’s a Santa jaws. But yeah, I basically define my Christmas season based on how many days he’ll be able to wear Christmas socks.


Sender 2  57:57

Hello, aunties, this is Anna calling from Minnesota and one of my holiday habits is relatively new. I don’t think it’s I think it’s too young to be a tradition. But it’s only for the past few years. But I got really into punches during COVID my mom has this old antique Punchbowl and I was like hell yeah. So started making a bunch of punches between like November 1 all the way through New Year and it makes me feel like I’m at a cocktail party of your even though I never host anything but it makes me feel like a hostess with the mostest even if I’m bringing it to other people’s parties. If you’ve got any like weird things that you’re like, what am I supposed to do with this? I’m talking half bottles, remove any of the weird fortified wine things and then some cheap bubbly, you’re you’ve got yourself punch it’s so good, and it’s hard to go wrong anyway, happy holidays always listening.


CREDITS  58:58

There’s more ADD TO CART with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like where we tell you about the last item we bought or returned and why. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Add To Cart is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producers are Kegan Zema and Tiffany Bouy. Brian Castillo is our engineer. Theme music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers or Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer, and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Follow Add to Cart wherever you get your podcasts or listen at free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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