102. The Man in the S.U.V.

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This week on Boneheads, Emily Deschanel and Carla “Drama” Gallo unpack everything from the second-ever episode of Bones. They talk about the skin condition, they talk about the flesh-eating beetles, they talk about Tessa! Inspired by the episode’s deadly affair, Carla reveals who (or, more accurately, what) she’s currently having a secret love affair with. Then, the duo takes us behind the scenes on the Fox lot, where they worked side-by-side with the casts of other hit shows like Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, and Arrested Development. And finally, an answer to the question we’ve all been asking – is Seeley Booth lactose intolerant?

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Carla Gallo, Emily Deschanel

Emily Deschanel  00:00

Oh, here we are.


Carla Gallo  00:01

We’re back!


Emily Deschanel  00:01

We’re back again. Third time’s happening. […]


Carla Gallo  00:06

Is it third time?


Emily Deschanel  00:07

Yeah, this is the third one.


Carla Gallo  00:09

I like it. It’s kind of nice.


Emily Deschanel  00:12

Yeah. we’re in a rhythm.


Carla Gallo  00:13

We’re in a rhythm. That’s what I gonna say


Emily Deschanel  00:14

That’s happening?


Carla Gallo  00:15



Emily Deschanel  00:15

It’s not a fluke.


Carla Gallo  00:16

No, it’s not a fluke anymore.


Emily Deschanel  00:18

Not anymore.


Carla Gallo  00:19

No, it’s a real thing we’re doing.


Emily Deschanel  00:21

Yeah, a podcast.


Emily Deschanel  00:22

I’m Emily Deschanel.


Carla Gallo  00:35

And I’m Carla Gallo.


Emily Deschanel  00:36

And this is, Boneheads.


Carla Gallo  00:41

Listen. I’m ready to jump in.


Emily Deschanel  00:42

There’s so much to talk about.


Carla Gallo  00:43

There’s a lot.


Emily Deschanel  00:44

The man in the SUV.


Carla Gallo  00:45

Some good things and some bad things. […]


Emily Deschanel  00:46

Yeah, I agree. They’re good and bad, and some great in between.


Carla Gallo  00:51

In between. Yeah. This is episode 102, the man in the SUV. It aired September 20, 2005; it was written by Steven Nathan and directed by Alan Kraeker.


Emily Deschanel  01:04

Good pronunciation.


Carla Gallo  01:05

Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. Okay, so the episode opens, and we see a man, Hamid Mazar, walk out of the Arab American friendship League and get into a car. He’s driving around DC, we’re seeing the sights. He gets a call from someone named Sahar- we will meet her later- and he starts talking really sternly in what I assume is Arabic, and he starts driving erratically, pulls up to a corner, and the car explodes.


Emily Deschanel  01:34

Well, the opening of this episode is interesting because it kind of foreshadows what we end up doing later on as our kind of formula for the show, which is you set up dead body first. I mean a little different, because you see the man alive.


Carla Gallo  01:51



Emily Deschanel  01:51

And then you see the explosion. And we had different takes on it, where I from the beginning, knew that he wasn’t setting off the bomb.


Carla Gallo  02:00

You did?


Emily Deschanel  02:01



Carla Gallo  02:02

Wait, but you were in the episode.


Emily Deschanel  02:03

I know,. […]


Carla Gallo  02:06

Did you forget?


Emily Deschanel  02:07

I don’t know how much I’m influenced by that, but I feel like if he was going to set off the bomb, he wouldn’t be yelling on the phone like that. I don’t know it’d be portrayed differently. In my mind, it was obvious he did not set off the bomb. But, that’s me.


Carla Gallo  02:23



Emily Deschanel  02:23

I also knew the episode and shot the episode and worked on it.


Carla Gallo  02:28

Well by contrast, because once again, I’ve watched it twice. The first time I was like, “Oh no, is this episode about someone who’s from Afghanistan, who’s a suicide bomber”. So I did think it right. I was like, “Okay, I’m hopeful that this is not what it is”, because it just feels racist. So I was like, I hope that’s not what it is. But then on the second viewing, now, knowing that he isn’t, I did watch more closely, and I agree with you, I saw his behavior as not at all, someone who is on a mission, like who was


Emily Deschanel  03:04

Yeah very much exactly.


Carla Gallo  03:05

Engaged in something else.


Emily Deschanel  03:06

Yeah, he seemed stressed, but didn’t seem stressed about to blow something. It seemed like an accident to me. I’m curious what other viewers […], while they’re first watching that episode and what they think. But, we need to talk about the skin condition.


Carla Gallo  03:23

Well, yeah, we do.


Emily Deschanel  03:25

In the first scene, we see Hamid has some sort of condition of the skin and it makes his skin blotchy.


Carla Gallo  03:37

Dermatological issue. There’s something. […]


Emily Deschanel  03:41

Some kind. Yeah.


Carla Gallo  03:42

It was a really strong makeup choice. Just really real, noticeable, real, not noticeable


Emily Deschanel  03:48

Not subtle at all.


Carla Gallo  03:49

Not subtle.


Emily Deschanel  03:50

And it’s funny because that too, I remember on the first thing like, “what is wrong?” […] because there’s no acknowledgement. You can’t miss that. You don’t miss it at all. No.


Carla Gallo  04:02

Oddly, I feel like the brother’s skin is nowhere near as bad.


Emily Deschanel  04:07

No, I think that’s true. And he should have more. […] because he’s the one working with it.


Carla Gallo  04:12

Then he point it. […] So maybe they ingested it on purpose. […]


Emily Deschanel  04:18

That makes sense.


Carla Gallo  04:18

Maybe that’s what it is. But it is kind of weird, because the brother obviously has so much more exposure to the toxins.


Emily Deschanel  04:23

But, he probably protected himself in some way from making bombs.


Carla Gallo  04:28

Yeah, maybe. […] I was very disappointed to find at the end that it was like, “Nope, this is Yep”, that was exactly what I was afraid that it was.


Emily Deschanel  04:36

That is what it is.


Carla Gallo  04:37

It was racist.


Emily Deschanel  04:38

Racist is what it was. It was pretending it was, and then it was sending it wasn’t.


Carla Gallo  04:43

Wasn’t, yeah.


Emily Deschanel  04:44

And then it is, and that’s the end.


Carla Gallo  04:46

It is. And I was disappointed.


Emily Deschanel  04:50

Yeah, it’s disappointing and embarrassing. And I think we had discussions, knowing that we’re gonna look back on the show and thinking, “Oh, it’ll be fun.” We’ll look back, and I think it mostly will be. But there’s also times where we have to face things that I was involved in a show that I am not proud of, this episode and not proud of, contributing to, negative racist stereotypes of people from the Middle East and, things that were portrayed in the medi. I mean, I think that those things make a difference when you’re putting that out there. And I feel terrible I was involved in that. Looking back, I didn’t think we’d have to face it so quickly. I didn’t remember what episodes happened, when, or what they were. I don’t think anyone involved in the show at the time would feel differently. I think we’d all be disappointed and embarrassed and feel bad that we put this out there in the world. So, I guess grapple with that.


Carla Gallo  05:45

We can look back at it, and acknowledge that it wasn’t okay.


Emily Deschanel  05:50

Yeah and apologize.


Carla Gallo  05:52



Emily Deschanel  05:52

I’m sorry for contributing in this way, being part of the show.


Carla Gallo  05:55



Emily Deschanel  05:56

I wish I could undo it, but I can’t.


Carla Gallo  05:59

You could re-edit the episode. I think you could.


Emily Deschanel  06:02

Let’s go back and re-edit it.


Carla Gallo  06:03

Should we?


Emily Deschanel  06:04

Let’s just get in there. I’m sure they’ll be fine. […] Someone has a file. […]


Carla Gallo  06:10

They’re on a VHS somewhere.


Emily Deschanel  06:13

We will break in to Disney. It’s down by Disney.


Carla Gallo  06:17

You know that there is a room at Fox? It’s like, I don’t know if it’s still there, but this is a funny story. So I really like to make my own Halloween costumes.


Emily Deschanel  06:29

Oh! I didn’t know about that.


Carla Gallo  06:31

I was always on set when I was making these costumes. And so one year, I decided that I wanted to be Vicky from small wonder.


Emily Deschanel  06:38

Right. I remember it.


Carla Gallo  06:40

And I cut and dyed a dress. I made an apron, I did a whole thing. And then I was like, I need a back panel. I need a computer, like a computer panel. And I had, an old sprinkler thing that I had, and I was at the fox lot shooting bones, and I was walking by there was like a pile of electronic junk.


Emily Deschanel  06:59

E-waste, is what we would call it today.


Carla Gallo  07:01

And I was kind of looking at it, and a guy’s driving by on one of those cute little cart things like a golf cart thing. And I was like, “Do you know if this is garbage?” And he was like, “yeah”. I was like, “Oh, I just need, is it okay if I just take a piece?” And he was like, “Oh, you’re interested in that? Come with me.” No joke. He takes the key out right there, unlocks a door. And it was a room of floor to ceiling VCRs. They were, they were like, well, it was probably for editing. They weren’t like the VR you would get at Best Buy or wherever it was like two deck, and he was like, “Take anything you want.” And I was like, “What?” literally, floor to ceiling, like a five by 10 room. I’m not taking a close, it was like a storage, it’s bigger than that. It’s 10 by 10.


Emily Deschanel  07:55



Carla Gallo  07:56

I’m like, my storage space is five by 10. It’s very simple. So 10 by 10, all these charities, take whatever you want. First of all, it was like a kid in a candy store. And then I was like.


Emily Deschanel  08:06

There’s nothing Carla Gallo loves more than E-waste.


Carla Gallo  08:09

E-waste, taking some E-waste time, and I took one, and I just, “Oh, I just need one.” Maybe I took two, because I think I was like, “there might be different parts.” Broke it open, phenomenal. Let me just say, one of the better Halloween costumes.


Emily Deschanel  08:20

I remember seeing pictures of it.


Carla Gallo  08:21

Oh, great. It was a phenomenal if I do so. Anyway, side story, side note.


Emily Deschanel  08:26

I appreciate that. So we need to get there so many things.


Carla Gallo  08:30

I know. There’s a lot of talk about this.


Emily Deschanel  08:32

Gossip about this episode is that it was shot as the third episode.


Carla Gallo  08:39



Emily Deschanel  08:39

It was not meant to be the second episode originally. And there’s some.


Carla Gallo  08:45

I wonder why they pulled it up like no sooner. I know that’s interesting.


Emily Deschanel  08:49

Yeah, I don’t know the answer. But this is also the first time you see because it’s a second episode that aired. So it’s the first time you see the newly built sets, the eyes that the Wong Foos, which is the restaurant slash bar that we’re in, that we are introduced to in the next episode […] by introducing it.


Carla Gallo  09:12

Right at that point, you’re like, the audience knows what this is.


Emily Deschanel  09:14



Carla Gallo  09:15

Which I accepted it. I didn’t, you know, it wasn’t like, “Where are they?” But then it was, I have seen three, and it was weird to be like, why are we now having a thing of […] this is Juan poos, and this is, whatever heavy, decent, and this is him, and he’ll get you whatever you want.  We’ve been here.


Emily Deschanel  09:31



Carla Gallo  09:31

Like, we’ve been here already. That is funny.


Emily Deschanel  09:34

But, it worked. Like, if you don’t know that, I think it works, and that’s how they were able to do it. But I am very curious. I don’t remember the reason, if they gave me the reason at the time, or if that was the correct reason. Another thing, I think is interesting is the homeland security guy who is there throughout the episode. He was in the pilot. He detains Brennan and the pilot at the airport, and he read my book. He read.


Carla Gallo  10:00

He’s a big fan.


Emily Deschanel  10:01

He’s a big fan.


Carla Gallo  10:02



Emily Deschanel  10:02

He doesn’t mention […] Booth says you’re the best.


Carla Gallo  10:05

Yeah, that’s a mistake. That’s a mistake. So he also, by the way, just because we’re talking about him, in the very end, when booth takes out the brother, that guy is wearing sunglasses, and I think specifically, just so that when he looks up to booth, he can take him off and give him a nod. It was the most. I like clocked like, “why is this guy wearing his sunglasses inside?” And then when he took him off, I thought, well, there you go. That’s why he’s wearing them. So he can do this very dramatic move.


Emily Deschanel  10:35

We don’t know if that’s why, but we can just.


Carla Gallo  10:37

We don’t. And the other thing that we’re gonna cover in this, is very juicy, is meeting booths, […] and there’s a something specific about her. I’m gonna have to talk to you about.


Emily Deschanel  10:49

Oh, there’s some things. That’s Annie Dudek, who is great and great actress, and we hung out a few times.


Carla Gallo  10:56

Yeah, I think she’s great.


Emily Deschanel  10:57

But, we need to talk about that.


Carla Gallo  10:59

Yeah, we do need to talk about that. But you know what I want to start with is, let’s start with the body. Because the other thing is an introduction to, I think, in the pilot. Some of the bone stuff was a little, you’re like, Okay, maybe, as a viewer, you’re like, “oh, skeleton.” But there’s not a lot of skin stuff.


Emily Deschanel  11:19



Carla Gallo  11:19

And then on this one we’re jumping in. You’re pulling this one leg and there’s a skin you pull, it snaps and it makes a terrible noise. And then also, Angela and booth are both very disgusted, and you are not. Also, you say that you need vegetable oil to remove the body from the charred metal or something, and it’s like steak on a grill, disgusting.


Emily Deschanel  11:45



Carla Gallo  11:46

Visual. But I was like, “Okay, here we go.” Because this is definitely a bones, a signature move of the show, which is to have a really disgusting, off putting body, yeah,


Emily Deschanel  11:59



Carla Gallo  12:00

You know.


Emily Deschanel  12:00

It became a hallmark, if you will.


Carla Gallo  12:02

A hallmark of the show. Yeah, something that people I think, there are things that appeal to the show for different people, and I suspect that is one of the things people are.


Emily Deschanel  12:12

I think so. I love how gruesome it is, or whatever.


Carla Gallo  12:14

For that reason, I also found the Beatles to be particularly I think you do not have a problem with them, but I do.


Emily Deschanel  12:20



Carla Gallo  12:21

They’re the noise of the beat like, I thought was disgusting, like the kind of when they pour them on, and I didn’t like that.


Emily Deschanel  12:28

What I worry about is, when they pour them on, how many are getting crushed? There’s a certain number.


Carla Gallo  12:33

Are you talking of the actor Beatles? Like, these are the real The Beatles.


Emily Deschanel  12:37

The actual actor, Beatles. Yeah. Definitely some […] were harmed.


Carla Gallo  12:41



Emily Deschanel  12:41

But not intentionally, but well, also in the story, they get blended up.


Carla Gallo  12:46

Yes, they do, yeah. Luckily, we don’t see that. I don’t think I’d want to see that.


Emily Deschanel  12:49

I know it’s funny because I watched it again and I was thinking they were going to show it.


Carla Gallo  12:56

Oh, really?


Emily Deschanel  12:56

For some reason. I was glad they didn’t show it.


Carla Gallo  12:58

No, I don’t even know if it was fake, even if it was fake.


Emily Deschanel  13:00

Well, it better be fake. That is a real thing, though. Flesh is different. There’s different ways of taking the flesh off of bone, boiling them.


Carla Gallo  13:10



Emily Deschanel  13:10

Flesh eating beetles. Well.


Carla Gallo  13:12

You’ll cover it all. I was gonna say, you do it all, but the blending of the beetles was a new one, like, let’s get the toxin from the beetles. Very smart. But, that was a new one for me.


Emily Deschanel  13:24

When you’re trying to figure out what toxin and there’s none left. Oh, so in the next scene, we meet the victim’s wife, Sahar and the victim’s brother, Fareed. And yes, Fareed has the same condition that Hamid does, but as Carlos says, it’s much more subtle.


Carla Gallo  13:43

Yeah. Thank God.


Emily Deschanel  13:45

And another thing is that the actress who plays the wife, she plays Sahar, but her name is Bahar.


Carla Gallo  13:51

Oh, okay.


Emily Deschanel  13:52

But I ran into her a little bit ago.


Carla Gallo  13:54

You did?


Emily Deschanel  13:55



Carla Gallo  13:55

You like always, what is up with you? Number one, let me just say you must have the best facial recognition of anyone I know, because you.


Emily Deschanel  14:03

She said something to me.


Carla Gallo  14:05

She did.


Emily Deschanel  14:05

But I totally remembered her when I saw her.


Carla Gallo  14:07

You also have a very good memory.


Emily Deschanel  14:09

I have a good memory. But then there’s certain things that I don’t know, but I totally remember her. And she’s also cousins by marriage with a friend of mine. Not that I haven’t seen her at anything with my friend, but that stuck out she got cast in Saw IV when she was working on the show. I remember she got the lead. I remember her telling us about that, which was exciting, and that was just funny.


Carla Gallo  14:30

She ran into her.


Emily Deschanel  14:30

We ran into her.


Carla Gallo  14:32

It so funny.


Emily Deschanel  14:32

Yeah. With her kids and her husband.


Carla Gallo  14:36

Funny. Now, well, I liked her. I thought she did a very good job.


Emily Deschanel  14:39

Yeah, she did.


Carla Gallo  14:40

She had a lot to do there.


Emily Deschanel  14:42

Yeah, I liked what her character represented, too. Saying you’re racially profiling my husband and what you think that he’s just some bomber. You’ve put me through all this.


Carla Gallo  14:52



Emily Deschanel  14:52

And Brett does not care.


Carla Gallo  14:53

No, Brett. She’s like, “No, this is an investigation into a murderer.”


Emily Deschanel  14:56

I think you really see the insensitivity of Brett. And in this episode where she keeps talking about.


Carla Gallo  15:02

She’s like “well, I’m still separating the skin from the” and then she’s like, “oh”. And another thing that it brought up with her, though, that is interesting too, is there’s a whole, like, theory with Booth about her cheating.


Emily Deschanel  15:16



Carla Gallo  15:16

I delve into that because, first, let me say, its just a side note. I did very much enjoy him throwing the ball against the wall when he was like, I don’t know think she’s having an affair.


Emily Deschanel  15:24

And you noticed it now.


Carla Gallo  15:25

I did, and it’s a good choice, because it’s kind of a side, it just feels like, not like snarky little side note. But he’s just kind a little smirky. But I like that a lot. But, I thought it was all this theorizing about. There’s a lot of this in the episode, because Angela also does this with Tessa, being like, she’s eating a fat free muffin. There’s a lot.


Emily Deschanel  15:50

Reading a book about LDI.


Carla Gallo  15:52

Failed cases or whatever. But with Sahar, there was like, well, she lost weight. She’s like, probably put some Botox. She’s having an affair. So this concept of like, “Oh, if she’s taking care of herself, she must be having an affair.” And you’re like, “that is so offensive”, which I really appreciated. And then Angela’s like, “it went to all our churches.” I actually agree, other than married 11 years. I mean, I would like to say I have been in a relationship. We haven’t been married 10 years, but we’ve been together for 10 years. For 10 years, I have recently started to take care of myself and I am not having an affair. I am just coming out of the depths of having children, and I am decided to try to care about myself for a minute.


Emily Deschanel  16:36



Carla Gallo  16:37

Were you gonna say that you think I am having an affair?


Emily Deschanel  16:39



Carla Gallo  16:40

You had a look on your face. It’s like, I like to differ.


Emily Deschanel  16:43

That we know that you’re willing to do that.


Carla Gallo  16:44

Emily, can we not talk about this on the podcast? It’s a little exposing. I’m not having an affair very much the opposite. You don’t want having an affair with naps, but that is what I am sneaking away to do, that is what I’m lying about. That is what I am prioritizing.


Emily Deschanel  17:06

Not snacks.


Carla Gallo  17:07

Not snacks.


Emily Deschanel  17:08

She’s taking care of herself. She’s napping.


Carla Gallo  17:11

I am, it’s true. Like, I’m not quite lying, but I would because I don’t want judgment. I don’t want, “what did you do today?” So I might be like, I might pump up the things I did to try to down.


Emily Deschanel  17:23

And not maybe it slips your mind.


Carla Gallo  17:26

Yeah, like, whatever. Although Mark comes home and he goes, if I’m not napping, he drops the children, and then he goes, “Aren’t you gonna take a nap?” So he knows, I just like to send the kids off, and then I just like to grab an hour. I just need a little bit more.


Emily Deschanel  17:44

We have to take a really quick break. We’ll be back with more boneheads in just a bit.


Emily Deschanel  18:09

Should we talk about Tessa?


Carla Gallo  18:10

I was about glaring at my notes just in there. Well, there’s a particular issue.


Emily Deschanel  18:17

Scene when we meet Tessa. Brennan shows up at Booth’s house to discuss the case, and while she’s knocking on the door, we see a shirtless Booth inside. He leaves the bedroom and he puts on a white button down shirt.


Carla Gallo  18:35

Right. And then you’re inside, and we catch a glimpse of a woman walking out of the bedroom in nothing but an oversized white shirt that I assume is Booths. Yeah, and we will find out that this is his girlfriend, Tessa and but I just wanted to know what stood out to you?


Emily Deschanel  18:49

Oh, just you know, we’re meeting her.


Carla Gallo  18:53



Emily Deschanel  18:53

For the first time.


Carla Gallo  18:53



Emily Deschanel  18:54

I would say, there’s so many white shirts.


Carla Gallo  18:58



Emily Deschanel  18:58

Multiple white letters.


Carla Gallo  19:00

Anything else?


Emily Deschanel  19:01

There’s just something else comes to mind. You see her brazier?


Carla Gallo  19:05



Emily Deschanel  19:06

And it’s not covered up. I mean, she just leaves it like that, black bra under a white shirt. He’s putting on a white shirt when he comes out, right?


Carla Gallo  19:14



Emily Deschanel  19:14

So he’s putting on a white shirt.


Carla Gallo  19:16

I think she’s rendering things in and then white shirt.


Emily Deschanel  19:18

She’s taking a dish another white shirt of his and nothing but chosen up to cover […] She leaves it open. That’s not any dude X choice.


Carla Gallo  19:33

Oh, I can’t imagine.


Emily Deschanel  19:35

I feel like I remember, saying something like this is just really weird. I mean, you can see Brennan’s uncomfortable.


Carla Gallo  19:41

Yes, which I enjoyed. And, I mean, fair enough.


Emily Deschanel  19:44

I think that’s the point of the scene, in a lot of ways, is like you log in on a situation where, like, “Oh, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” Now I’m seeing her breast.


Carla Gallo  19:51

Yes. And when he’s getting dressed, I noticed that you hear the, I don’t know if they added or if it really was there, but the sound of his zipper going up, which, is very like she’s sitting there with her.


Emily Deschanel  19:59

Oh my gosh, I didn’t realize that Carla, no.


Carla Gallo  20:04

I’m not the sound person.


Emily Deschanel  20:06



Carla Gallo  20:07

I’m sorry. I noticed it. He was talking, and then you just hear and I was like, “Oh, that’s a real like, zipping it up,” but her just standing there with the bra exposure, talking to you, and being very comfortable and she’s not.


Emily Deschanel  20:21

She’s not even secure the way she’s acting in that scene. But, you know, Michaela, I mean, Angela.


Carla Gallo  20:29



Emily Deschanel  20:29

The size is not secure.


Carla Gallo  20:31

But it would be kind of like an asshole move. If you were trying to threaten, if she’s trying to threaten you.


Emily Deschanel  20:37

Yes, yeah.


Carla Gallo  20:38

Like, I’m just, yeah, whatever.


Emily Deschanel  20:40

I think there are people like that who are just, would totally just have a bra out.


Carla Gallo  20:44

I think so.


Emily Deschanel  20:45

Yeah, it could be very much move, but she’s not playing it like that at all. No, do I don’t think she is doing that. I think that she’s just, “this is okay, this is normal to just be standing here talking with my bra” and Brennan doesn’t feel that way.


Carla Gallo  21:02

Yeah. I think the whole introduction of Tasa is smart. And it’s funny again, thinking that this is episode three, because it’s actually kind of smart to do that in episode two, because it kicks up all this stuff with you and him. And, I don’t know that you seem jealous, per se, but you’re bringing it up an awful lot with him.


Emily Deschanel  21:20

Yeah, I think Brennan’s not aware that she’s jealous, but she can’t help feeling or something. She’s very curious. And underneath that, I guess, subconscious […] Consciously, she is bringing it up, just it comes out. That’s subconscious coming out. I guess.


Carla Gallo  21:38

She keeps being like, “Well, if you were murdered, or whatever tested murdered you”. But also I thought it was funny that he’s like, “Oh, you think it’s so funny that I’d be in a relationship”, and you’re “yeah” I don’t, you’re the alpha male.


Emily Deschanel  21:51

Lone alpha male, which is a weird thing.


Carla Gallo  21:53

Maybe like a player or something.


Emily Deschanel  21:55

Yeah, he has multiple partners.


Carla Gallo  21:57

Yeah? Maybe that’s what.


Emily Deschanel  21:59

Not just one.


Carla Gallo  22:00

But then he’s also like, “Well, your boyfriend” you’re like, “I don’t have a boyfriend”, so it’s establishing some of that stuff too.


Emily Deschanel  22:04



Carla Gallo  22:05

I think is good.


Emily Deschanel  22:06

Yeah. Brennan’s the alpha male loner, alpha female loner. Yeah. I think that just the whole Tessa thing is very interesting.


Carla Gallo  22:17

Yeah, no, I liked it. I thought it was a good b-story, as they say.


Emily Deschanel  22:21

Exactly, if it’s known in the Biz as a B-story. One of my favorite lines from this episode is in the scene at the lab with Angela, Hodgins, and Zach, they’re all talking about Booth and Brennan, and whether Brennan is into Booth. Angela says, she thinks she does protest too much.


Carla Gallo  22:42

Oh, yeah.


Emily Deschanel  22:42

Brennan had said she wasn’t into Booth, and then Zach says maybe she protested just enough, or something like that. I like that. That might be my favorite line of the show.


Carla Gallo  22:54

Oh, you got a favorite line.


Emily Deschanel  22:56

I don’t know. I don’t want to put it all on that. There’s probably other lines I like, but I’ll put I’m gonna do it.


Carla Gallo  23:00

Okay, is it in the run? […] You’re committing, okay?


Emily Deschanel  23:03

It is an evidence. […] It’s already been recorded.


Carla Gallo  23:08



Emily Deschanel  23:08

Multiple different ways.


Carla Gallo  23:10

Well, now I feel a bit of pressure, like I’ve got to find one myself. I mean, should we talk about the brother?


Emily Deschanel  23:16



Carla Gallo  23:16

The brother who that whole situation of that he’s like, “you guys go see him”, and he is acting as if he has converted to Christianity.


Emily Deschanel  23:26



Carla Gallo  23:26

To throw you all off the scent.


Emily Deschanel  23:28

Yeah, so big commitment is a cross. […]


Carla Gallo  23:32

I know you’ll really explain the cross. No, and I’m jumping ahead again, but I would like to say related to the brother. I did find it somewhat comical when you guys get to the point where you realize, because of the location where he like this building, which I was like, it’s a bit of a reach, but okay, whatever. The material was used to build the buildings in the neighborhood he lives in. So you guys rush over there, and you speed with which you find, eight different clues to confirm any.


Emily Deschanel  24:02



Carla Gallo  24:02

He literally at one point, Booth picks up phone book.


Emily Deschanel  24:06



Carla Gallo  24:06

And it’s like, “what about a mechanic?” Oh, dog eared here. He’s a mechanic who works on connecting odometers. And I was like, “I can’t with this”. And then […]


Emily Deschanel  24:13

It was the phone book?


Carla Gallo  24:14



Emily Deschanel  24:14

I thought it was a manual of the […] there might have been multiple things. I thought there was a manual of the car that the victim had.


Carla Gallo  24:23

You may be right.


Emily Deschanel  24:23

And it was dog eared with the odometer, which is how the bomb was connected.


Carla Gallo  24:30

So maybe that’s what it was. But even still, it was like he barely flipped through it. He found it right away.


Emily Deschanel  24:34



Carla Gallo  24:34

He wrote down all the things that you guys.


Emily Deschanel  24:36

Please, I don’t want to hear cause there was so many.


Carla Gallo  24:39

You’re right.


Emily Deschanel  24:39

That would happen a lot on the show.


Carla Gallo  24:41

Yeah, I can’t blame you. You got to solve the crime, and you got 45 minutes to do it. But you find his prayer mat, you find his date book with a note saying 530 and then you find bomb materials under the bed, you guys are just like boom, boom.


Emily Deschanel  24:56

I mean, what a treasure trove.


Carla Gallo  24:58

If you guys were in an escape room, you would get out so quickly. […] If only those existed in 2005. Who knew?


Emily Deschanel  25:10

I remember the first person, hot tip.


Carla Gallo  25:13



Emily Deschanel  25:13

Cold gos […], investors told me about escape rooms was TJ thyme, who plays hot.


Carla Gallo  25:20

Really? That does not surprise me.


Emily Deschanel  25:23

No, it does not surprise anyone who knows you, Jay.


Carla Gallo  25:26

Here’s like, a false, created reality that you have to break out of, even though you know you’re not really trapped. Like, of course, that makes total sense, but that’s funny.


Emily Deschanel  25:35

It sounded insane when he told me “you go into his room, you’re trapped in it”, and you have to figure out how to get out and said you’re paying to be locked in a room.


Carla Gallo  25:43



Emily Deschanel  25:44

That is my worst nightmare.


Carla Gallo  25:46



Emily Deschanel  25:46

No, but I love them, actually.


Carla Gallo  25:47

I do too. I have to say I’ve come around to them. He really missed the boat because I feel like he could have, TJ is very entrepreneurial.


Emily Deschanel  25:53



Carla Gallo  25:54

And I feel like he should have knowing and feeling that it was so cool.


Emily Deschanel  25:57

He might have invested in it. We just don’t know. I don’t know.


Carla Gallo  26:01

I don’t know either, but I feel like he obviously was onto something way before everybody else. But I do, they’re very fun. I did a bunch of them on my birthday last year.


Emily Deschanel  26:09

You did?


Carla Gallo  26:10

Yeah, my friend Cleo obsessed.


Emily Deschanel  26:13

Don’t know her.


Carla Gallo  26:14

You don’t know her? Well, she’s great. You should get to know her.


Emily Deschanel  26:17



Carla Gallo  26:17

She’s obsessed. She and her wife are obsessed. And so they were like, “wait a second, you’re here on your birthday”. And at that time, my family was in Canada, and so I was gonna be on my own, they’re like, “we’re doing three escape rooms that night”. And they invited me, and we did three escape rooms. That is wild, that’s fun actually.


Emily Deschanel  26:36

That sounds awesome.


Carla Gallo  26:37



Emily Deschanel  26:38

I just realized that I have failed to talk about one thing.


Carla Gallo  26:43



Emily Deschanel  26:43

And that is the scene of the crime, where the bomb goes off in the car is on the New York street.


Carla Gallo  26:50

Oh! yeah.


Emily Deschanel  26:51

The fox lot, which we later on in a season or two. I don’t know when we started that. We’ll find out guys, we watched it. We got the diner there.


Carla Gallo  27:01



Emily Deschanel  27:01

And so then we, quote own that street. And so we had priority to use that those streets.


Carla Gallo  27:06

All the lots that had, the studios that have those, they sometimes call them back lot type. I know I got backlog. I was right upfront.


Emily Deschanel  27:14

It was pretty small. It’s a front lot.


Carla Gallo  27:16

Front lot for fox. But to me, it doesn’t matter how many times I’m there, how many times I’ve been there? How many times I’ve seen it whenever I walk on those streets. Because they also have one at Universal, or Warner Brothers.


Emily Deschanel  27:30

Warner Brothers and Universal, I think both have that.


Carla Gallo  27:32

Yeah, to me, it’s like you’re in Hollywood.


Emily Deschanel  27:35

You made it.


Carla Gallo  27:37

Yeah, for me, it’s not the Walk of Fame, it’s not any of that. It’s like, you are on those back lots, and they’re the false buildings, which are incredible because you often will shoot a scene where you have to run up the stoop and be like, “bye”, and you open the door and there’s, nothing behind it, but like a stairwell down and like plywood. And it’s incredible. I think it’s movie match to me, it symbolizes movie magic. It’s like, “Oh, I love shooting on New York Street”.


Emily Deschanel  28:03

I agree, I love it. But then we probably took it for granted because we were there so much. We had the diner and we’d use the street.


Carla Gallo  28:09

Yeah, the diner. I definitely took for granted. I think we were there enough, but I remember having a scene on the street, and it was night, and we were shooting like on the street, and I don’t really remember what’s happening, but that is very romantic to me.


Emily Deschanel  28:21

That’s the word I was going to use.


Carla Gallo  28:22

You were?


Emily Deschanel  28:24

It’s romantic at night. It feels so magical and but they’re remodeling the fox one. Maybe not anymore, but last summer, when I went to the fox lot for an event.


Carla Gallo  28:36

Putting up new storefronts or something or trying to make it look different?


Emily Deschanel  28:39

I think they’re redoing the entire thing. I don’t know what they’re doing. I don’t know secrets of Fox anymore. I don’t know the secrets, but they’re redoing it. I’m presumably making different buildings and different things.


Carla Gallo  28:52

It is kind of too bad. I want to modernizing it or something. It felt very much like New York, these old buildings that are kind of untouched, but I wonder if they’re adding some because maybe just for shooting purposes, like, “Oh, you do need something that looks a little bit more like a condo or something”.


Emily Deschanel  29:06

A little more modern.


Carla Gallo  29:07

It was a stuck in time.


Emily Deschanel  29:09

It looked like an East Coast very much. You could be Boston, New York, DC, and we did it. Obviously it was DC for us. As we were talking, remembered a dream I had last night that had to do with this and that. I went to visit whatever show is filming on stage six, which was where the lab was.


Carla Gallo  29:28

You had this dream last night.


Emily Deschanel  29:29

I had this dream last night, and I didn’t remember until we were just talking. This is Hot Goss.


Carla Gallo  29:33

This is Hot Goss?


Emily Deschanel  29:36

Into my mind.


Carla Gallo  29:37

Emily’s dream. This is a segment we will do every episode.


Emily Deschanel  29:43

That’s a lot of pressure


Carla Gallo  29:44

I know to have a dream.


Emily Deschanel  29:45

And then to be related to the show. But I was going through and I visited the people who were shooting whatever show it was, and I was telling them, we shot bones here for 12 years. That’s good luck for your show.


Carla Gallo  30:00



Emily Deschanel  30:01

And I was showing them like, “Oh, your set starts here. Our set started over here, 20 feet over this side, basically, our set was bigger than your set”. I guess I was trying to make the point. We had a bigger set point.


Carla Gallo  30:18

I mean, what would Freud Young, like, what would they say?


Emily Deschanel  30:22

Oh, they’ll say something. She wants to prove that she had a bigger set.


Carla Gallo  30:31

Or it just related to you watching the episode. You watched it last night.


Emily Deschanel  30:34

Yes, I watched it right before I went to sleep.


Carla Gallo  30:36

Yeah, that’s true.


Emily Deschanel  30:38

I was thinking about shooting it, and being the first time we saw the sets, what a huge thing that was to build those sets, especially the lab set, was just huge. It’s a huge physical set, and it was just so impressive and incredible. And then the FBI said, changed over time. So it’s funny to see that FBI set, what it looked is very much cleaner.


Carla Gallo  31:02

It must be interesting. When you’re a network picking up a show like this and you’ve seen the pilot, you’re approving it. Obviously, you know, you have to have a budget for building a set if you’re gonna pick that show up. But I wonder if it’s a part of the deciding or decision making process, because the lab is such an undertaking and so expensive, versus a house.


Emily Deschanel  31:27

Oh yeah.


Carla Gallo  31:28

A diner or something, that is such a complex and just massive. That set was massive. I mean, as your dream.


Emily Deschanel  31:35

Demonstrated it.


Carla Gallo  31:36

Yeah, demonstrated it. I wonder it’s interesting to be like, “Oh, the show’s picked up now” we have to construct that.


Emily Deschanel  31:42

When you said house for a second, I thought about the show house, which also shot a fox lot, and just down from stage 10, where we did film Wong Foos. That’s in this episode, we later didn’t use stage 10 anymore. We used stage nine, and that became FBI and Brennan’s apartment, then Booth and Brennan’s house, Booth’s apartment, different seasons. Anyway, house shot down there. And I remember somebody who told me, who worked on the show, how difficult it is, maybe it was Greg Daniels to shoot that pilot. You’re from that set, because it’s all glass. So you had to have it’s reflective and also you can see through it. So you have to have extras walking back, way down, far away. Similar in a lot of ways, to our lab, in that you see everything. So you have to […] extras to be there in space and make it look like people are actually working there.


Carla Gallo  32:40

It’s funny to think about another cool thing about working on these lots, there are these other iconic shows there. When “Your Sister” show, “New Girl” was there as well.


Emily Deschanel  32:53



Carla Gallo  32:53

“How I Met Your Mother” was there. You probably know more of them, there’s something that’s like being in the club, because you go run into people you know, who are on these shows. Again, that feels very almost old Hollywood.


Emily Deschanel  33:06



Carla Gallo  33:07

You’re on that stage and you’re shooting. And like, I know Jason, see, I’ve known Jason Segel forever.


Emily Deschanel  33:11



Carla Gallo  33:11

From undeclared, and I’d run into, he’d be sitting outside. I parked right by the stage. It has the big simpsons mural, doesn’t it?


Emily Deschanel  33:19

Yeah, the ones for How I Met Your Mother?


Carla Gallo  33:21

Yeah, they were there forever. But it was really a cool thing to like when we did undeclared we were at sunset, hour “Six Feet Under” was shooting there.


Emily Deschanel  33:29



Carla Gallo  33:29

So that was cool.


Emily Deschanel  33:30



Carla Gallo  33:30

I would run into some of them.


Emily Deschanel  33:32

And next door to the stage six, which was the lab, Arrested Development was there. Tony Hale would come over and visit Modern Family, then took over that stage after Arrested Development left.


Emily Deschanel  33:47

That’s so cool. I don’t know that.


Emily Deschanel  33:49



Carla Gallo  33:49

And then on the stages, I should say, there are also plaques that say what shot there, which I loved, and probably looked at it every time I was there.


Emily Deschanel  33:58

Our goal was to make sure we got on the plaque, because not everything gets on the plaque.


Carla Gallo  34:01

Right. Did you get on?


Emily Deschanel  34:02



Carla Gallo  34:03

That’s always incredible, because you’re like, “A star is born was shot here”, you know? If these walls could talk, there is such history here, and you think these old Hollywood actors walking it out of these stages.


Emily Deschanel  34:17

Well, when I was there for that event where I got the intel that they’re redoing the New York stages. I was there, and I got to meet Julie Andrews.


Carla Gallo  34:27

Oh! You did?


Emily Deschanel  34:28

Yes! The Sound of Music. And there’s a big mural of her, and sound of music there as well.


Carla Gallo  34:32



Emily Deschanel  34:33

She talked about riding bikes on the lot and different memories. It was lovely.


Carla Gallo  34:38

What was the event?


Emily Deschanel  34:39

It was AFI a Lifetime Achievement Award, yes, for her, but I believe it was a Lifetime Achievement Award for AFI American Film Institute. My father was the first class of that.


Carla Gallo  34:54

Don’t go anywhere. There’s more boneheads in just a few moments.


Emily Deschanel  35:18

So speaking of a fox lot. In the next scene, we meet Ali Ladjevardi who’s having an affair with the victim’s wife, Sahar.


Carla Gallo  35:27



Emily Deschanel  35:28

That was filmed right outside one of the executive buildings.


Carla Gallo  35:31

Where you take him down. […]


Emily Deschanel  35:33

Were you impressed by my skills?


Carla Gallo  35:35

I made a note of it because I was like, “he works for Homeland Security, he’s a mole”, and he could not protect himself against you.


Emily Deschanel  35:43



Carla Gallo  35:44

You took him down.


Emily Deschanel  35:45

Oh, no.


Carla Gallo  35:46



Emily Deschanel  35:47

I made so many skills. Well, that’s where you get to see.


Carla Gallo  35:49

Really, yeah.


Emily Deschanel  35:50

All that I did, do a month of training of gender martial arts training.


Carla Gallo  35:54

You did?


Emily Deschanel  35:54

Yeah, before. You see in the pilot, you do see, like five minutes.


Carla Gallo  35:58

That you’re like Brennan Garner in Alias.


Emily Deschanel  36:01

Exactly the same.


Carla Gallo  36:02



Emily Deschanel  36:03

Brennan is a marshall expert and takes karate before in college team.


Carla Gallo  36:11

Oh! really? […] You’re on the karate team.


Emily Deschanel  36:13

Yeah, but you didn’t have to be that impressed. You could be beginner to be on the karate team. But I did. I was committed to it for a while.


Carla Gallo  36:21

I was on the fencing team.


Emily Deschanel  36:23

You were not. […] I was fencing in sixth grade like a club or something.


Carla Gallo  36:29

I was so bad that they promoted me to be the scorekeeper. So I wasn’t allowed to play ever, I always had to be there to keep school.


Emily Deschanel  36:38

Oh! Carla, that’s so not fair.


Carla Gallo  36:42

I really wanted to get a letterman jacket for school, my freshman year, even though I feel like anybody. But I think, you know, I got a form that was like, “Do you want to buy a letterman”, “Do you want to order LaGuardia music and art”, Performing Arts in New York. And I was like, “I have to have a letterman jacket”. And so my mom was like, “Okay, fine”. And obviously I’m gonna put fencing on the back, because that’s my team. That’s what I do. That’s my sport.


Emily Deschanel  37:10



Carla Gallo  37:11

I also didn’t want my name on the front, because I don’t know if someone had told me this or if I assumed it that, the mean streets of New York.


Emily Deschanel  37:19



Carla Gallo  37:19

You had better not be walking around with Carla on your jacket, because someone’s gonna like […] and then abduct you and murder you.


Emily Deschanel  37:25



Carla Gallo  37:26

So on the front, it’s same type of story. Yeah, it was written drama. And then on the back, it had, when it showed up the fencing, it looked like, just like a blob.


Emily Deschanel  37:41

And picture of someone’s fencing.


Carla Gallo  37:42

And it was the fencing mask. And there probably was the foil, and it was so awful that we sent it back to the company. I was like, “I cannot wear this”. I should have just stopped there. I guess my mom always could work a deal. So I’m sure she was like, “this is terrible”. So I then ready for this. So then I chose the dramaturgs, the happy face.


Emily Deschanel  38:08

Happy face, the drama.


Carla Gallo  38:11



Emily Deschanel  38:12

Whatever it is called.


Carla Gallo  38:12

That’s called masks.


Emily Deschanel  38:13



Carla Gallo  38:13

So we got it replaced with those on the back. On the back was the happy and sad face coming together. What is it like coming at a large date? Like, I don’t know, whatever that.


Emily Deschanel  38:22

Technically comes that comedian dollar date, but it’s a sign for comedy and tragedy.


Carla Gallo  38:25

Yeah, because I was drama major, and then on the front it said drama. And I still have that jacket.


Emily Deschanel  38:31

No matter what, people just see drama.


Carla Gallo  38:34



Emily Deschanel  38:35

See drama coming from my way.


Carla Gallo  38:36

Carla, Drama Gallo. You know what I’m saying? I have it. It’s in my basement like a ball. I need to get it, dry cleaned, and hang it up properly.


Emily Deschanel  38:46

Yes, you should.


Carla Gallo  38:48

To get the respective dessert.


Emily Deschanel  38:49



Carla Gallo  38:50

No, I didn’t wear it. It was not cheap, and I don’t think […] I realized very quickly that it was unacceptable to wear that. Yeah.


Emily Deschanel  39:00

I find it so interesting that you isn’t LaGuardia like a artsy school. My school’s an artsy school, my high school and it’s considered a conservatory.


Carla Gallo  39:10

A conservatory? I mean, yeah, was it?


Emily Deschanel  39:13

I went to college, conservatory in college. Actually, at some point it was considered, I was in the drama conservatory too.


Carla Gallo  39:22

What it makes a conservatory? […]


Emily Deschanel  39:24

You don’t study other things really.


Carla Gallo  39:25

I mean, we studied other things, but we had a block. No matter what you were in, whatever your specialty was, you did a four class, you had a slide in your specialty.


Emily Deschanel  39:35



Carla Gallo  39:36



Emily Deschanel  39:37

Oh, my god, that’s a huge chunk.


Carla Gallo  39:39

And then you would go off and do rest.


Emily Deschanel  39:41

We probably didn’t have that much. I probably had two hours or something.


Carla Gallo  39:45

I’m just very well trained.


Emily Deschanel  39:47

I know, you’re really well trained. It’s clear from your work.


Carla Gallo  39:51

Yeah, I know.


Emily Deschanel  39:52

So much training happening.


Carla Gallo  39:53

You can see the training.


Emily Deschanel  39:54



Emily Deschanel  39:54

That happened for every moment.


Carla Gallo  39:56

You can see the training from 14 days.


Emily Deschanel  39:58

Yeah, but you went to drama. Didn’t you major in drama in college?


Carla Gallo  40:02

Unfortunately, I did.


Emily Deschanel  40:04



Carla Gallo  40:04



Emily Deschanel  40:06

What were you even talking about? You’re talking about kicking butt.


Carla Gallo  40:09

Yes, taking him down.


Emily Deschanel  40:11

Taking him down. Letterman jackets. Oh, how do we get into letterman jackets?


Carla Gallo  40:16

Listen, I’m not gonna justify. […]


Emily Deschanel  40:20

You don’t need to know. You just need to get back.


Carla Gallo  40:23

Because you took karate, you were on the karate team, and I was on the fencing team. But wait, I just realized, I don’t have a favorite line, but I have a favorite moment.


Emily Deschanel  40:36



Carla Gallo  40:38

This is at the end, so if there’s other things we need to cover. Fine at the very end, Booth is having a romantic dinner with Tessa. You’re having a romantic evening with some World War One bones.


Emily Deschanel  40:49

Oh, was it World War One? I thought it was World War Two.


Carla Gallo  40:51

Well, I thought it was World War Two also. And then I noticed that when you identify the guy.


Emily Deschanel  40:55

Oh! Right!


Carla Gallo  40:55

Because 1918.


Emily Deschanel  40:56

1918, I do remember that in my notes.


Carla Gallo  40:59

But with dinner, Booth drinking a very large glass. […]


Emily Deschanel  41:03

You mentioned.


Carla Gallo  41:04

I know.


Emily Deschanel  41:05

And then, of course, I noticed that this well […]


Carla Gallo  41:08

Next to the glass of milk, glass wine. They both have glass of wine. He has a huge glass of milk. And as he kind of contemplating something, probably you.


Emily Deschanel  41:19

Probably me, probably Brennan.


Carla Gallo  41:21

Big swig of that, that vitamin D milk. I was like, “What in the world?” So that’s my favorite part of the episode.


Emily Deschanel  41:30



Carla Gallo  41:30

I’m sorry to everybody, all the guest stars, and everybody that was in it, but it was the milk for me.


Emily Deschanel  41:35

The milk was the star of the show. I mean, that milk.


Carla Gallo  41:38

Listen, that’s why do you think they ended up.


Emily Deschanel  41:39

When I saw the milk. You can’t miss the milk.


Carla Gallo  41:43

Can’t miss the milk because he drinks it. It was just sitting on the table. No big deal.


Emily Deschanel  41:46

Yeah, no, you would never notice it if it […]


Carla Gallo  41:48

He makes the choice to not reach for the wine glass, to reach for the milk.


Emily Deschanel  41:51

But how did the milk get there? Did you have requested it?


Carla Gallo  41:54

He must have. He had to. They usually ask you what you want to drink.


Emily Deschanel  41:57

What’s funny? I feel like he’s lactose intolerant.


Carla Gallo  42:00

No, this is scandal.


Emily Deschanel  42:02

I have to ask him.


Carla Gallo  42:03

This is the kind of scandalous information that you’re gonna get on this podcast.


Emily Deschanel  42:07

Some real hot and cold gos right here, I’m writing a […]


Carla Gallo  42:12

You’re gonna ask him if he’s lactose intolerance. Are you saying that […]


Emily Deschanel  42:18

No […]


Carla Gallo  42:20

Okay. I was just curious.


Emily Deschanel  42:20

It was an interesting character choice, I’ve decided my character’s lifeless and talent has nothing to do with the script at all. But this is what I bring to the character.


Carla Gallo  42:27

Yeah. I listen some people. Daniel Day Lewis, you know, I like to bring up.


Emily Deschanel  42:32

Oh, yeah.


Carla Gallo  42:32

Method acting, Danielle’s. He would do something like that.


Emily Deschanel  42:35

Yeah, he would make that up. And you have your favorite moment, and I have, are you gonna change a favorite line?


Carla Gallo  42:41



Emily Deschanel  42:41

Okay, no, I’m gonna say I have another second favorite line.


Carla Gallo  42:44



Emily Deschanel  42:45

My first cranial reconstruction.


Carla Gallo  42:48

But it was more the way that, right?


Emily Deschanel  42:49

Yeah, my friend, Zach.


Carla Gallo  42:51

I was actually surprised that it was his first cranial reason.


Emily Deschanel  42:53

I was also surprised.


Carla Gallo  42:55

I know I was like, “huh”,


Emily Deschanel  42:56

How long is he get in there?


Carla Gallo  42:57

Is he get through school?


Emily Deschanel  42:58

Brennan does not let them do it.


Carla Gallo  43:00

She takes it away from him. Well, she apologizes.


Emily Deschanel  43:03

He’s not been through school. He has halfway through two doctorates.


Carla Gallo  43:07



Emily Deschanel  43:08

He’s been through school to a certain degree, but no.


Carla Gallo  43:10

Yeah, he still would think he would, wouldn’t he have done a cranial reading zinc?


Emily Deschanel  43:14

I don’t know.


Carla Gallo  43:14

I don’t know either.


Emily Deschanel  43:16

Forensic anthropology school, but maybe we can talk to Kathy Reichs about that.


Carla Gallo  43:20



Emily Deschanel  43:21

So many necklaces. I had a several necklaces, like there were smaller necklaces and many neck necklaces.


Carla Gallo  43:29

I did notice that.


Emily Deschanel  43:30

And then also belts.


Carla Gallo  43:33

Some pretty Angela’s Bell, amazing. That’s probably her top. Her top, horrible belt appeared in this episode.


Emily Deschanel  43:41

I would agree with that. I think we really establish character traits of Brennan.


Carla Gallo  43:46

Oh, definitely.


Emily Deschanel  43:46

Wanting evidence, being insensitive Booth, kind of going with his gut, same with Angela. You get Hodgins Conspiracy theory.


Carla Gallo  43:54

Oh, yeah, there’s a lot of that. I don’t know that we covered it a ton, but I loved you guys at the bar. There’s some sexy “Shaw Day”, like music playing in the background, but I just do love you guys, and then there’ll be more to come. But you guys at the bar, just like connecting and, just showing you want them to be together. This is established very quickly, in the show, but it works and it plays. Because I certainly like, “he’s leaving”, he’s like, “Do you want another drink?” And you’re like, “No, like to go home to these bones”.


Emily Deschanel  44:25

I’ve got these all. Got a hot date with bones.


Carla Gallo  44:28



Emily Deschanel  44:28

World War One […]


Carla Gallo  44:29

A cold date. And I, as a viewers, like, “Come on, stay have a drink”. You guys, see where the night goes.


Emily Deschanel  44:40

See where the night goes. That would be messy. You don’t want to start a relationship like he’s a relationship with Tess. If it was a cable show or a stream.


Carla Gallo  44:50

The connection is palpable.


Emily Deschanel  44:52

That’s palpable. I have another line that I liked. I liked so many lines I wrote them down.


Carla Gallo  44:59

That’s great.


Emily Deschanel  45:00

Okay, this sign happens in, it’s a scene in the car with Booth and Brennan. And Brennan is kind of trying to reassure Booth that they will solve the crime. And she says, “you can always count on the dead”.


Carla Gallo  45:15

Oh, I wrote that line too.


Emily Deschanel  45:18

I thought it was funny.


Carla Gallo  45:19

I actually started writing it down and I erased it.


Emily Deschanel  45:22

Oh! What does that mean?


Carla Gallo  45:25

I started to type it. Well, I was like, “I don’t even know what I have”, what I’m saying about it.


Emily Deschanel  45:29

I know, but it kind of stood out because it was kind of a funny line. Oh, I just thought of one other thing. So in the last scene, or one of the last scenes where we discover that the brother Fareed has placed the bomb at the Peace Conference.


Carla Gallo  45:46

Oh, yeah.


Emily Deschanel  45:47

I think we shot that at a building at or near Loyola Marymount University. That’s my recollection. I’m shocked that the bomb didn’t go off.


Carla Gallo  46:00

Yeah, it felt like he reached for it. And the odds that you’d be able to shoot him, he’d fall. And there’s no part of his hand that touched the button. It was a little hard for me to believe.


Emily Deschanel  46:14

Yeah, and Brennan can […] him from the back, from his gate,


Carla Gallo  46:17

Yes, very impressive.


Emily Deschanel  46:20

Also get that information how good Brennan is.


Carla Gallo  46:23

Oh, she’s such the best.


Emily Deschanel  46:24

Yeah, very best. As the only security guy says to Booth. Booth says you’re the best for the best.


Carla Gallo  46:32

Speaking of the best. Bones has the best fans.


Emily Deschanel  46:35



Carla Gallo  46:35

So what I would love to do, if you will oblige, tell me, is answer some fan questions.


Emily Deschanel  46:41

Yes, please. We want to interact with the fans, the whole point of people.


Carla Gallo  46:47

The whole point.


Emily Deschanel  46:48

Who are fans of bones, who are listening to this podcast. We will answer your questions that you send to us.


Carla Gallo  46:54

Send them.


Emily Deschanel  46:55

Send us questions.


Carla Gallo  46:57

How do you send them? Do you know how to send them?


Emily Deschanel  46:59

Through instagram at “Boneheads Pod”. Should we get to some right now?


Carla Gallo  47:03

Let’s do it.


Emily Deschanel  47:04

Okay. Well, since we don’t actually have listeners at this point, while we’re recording this, our first listener question can come from us.


Carla Gallo  47:15

I love it. So, this one’s from Carla in Los Angeles. Hi, Carla. Carla, we’d like to know, Hi, Emily.


Emily Deschanel  47:27

Hi, Carla.


Carla Gallo  47:29

I saw a press announcement, and I heard a trailer about a year ago saying that this boneheads podcast would be coming out, and then nothing happened for about a year. And I would just like to know what happened?


Emily Deschanel  47:42

Well, Carla in Los Angeles, so we were getting ready to launch the podcast last year, and we had some episodes that we recorded, and we were really excited to launch, and then last minute, we couldn’t launch because we were on strike with our guild. And at first we thought it was okay, and then we were told it was not okay for us to launch the podcast, so we had to put it on pause. And then we took some time during that pause we weren’t allowed to even record. And then we took time during that pause to kind of revamp and look at it. And now we’ve partnered with Luminato Media, and we’re ready to go again. And you know, it took us a little time, but here we are.


Carla Gallo  48:28

Here we are. Carla from Los Angeles says, “thanks”. That makes a lot of sense.


Emily Deschanel  48:34

I’m so glad you understand, Carla.


Carla Gallo  48:35

I really do, like I was confused and I’m not anymore.


Emily Deschanel  48:39

Okay, good.


Carla Gallo  48:39



Emily Deschanel  48:40

So glad I could clarify that for you, Carla.


Carla Gallo  48:42

Thank you.


Emily Deschanel  48:50

There it is.


Carla Gallo  48:50

Wow. There it was […]


Emily Deschanel  48:54

What is happening right now?


Carla Gallo  48:56

I think that’s the point. I think what you’re trying to convey is we did it.


Emily Deschanel  49:00

We did it. Thanks for joining us.


Carla Gallo  49:02



Emily Deschanel  49:02

We’ll be back next week with another episode of Bones to discuss. Can’t wait.


Carla Gallo  49:11

Boneheads is a production of Lemonada Media and us. Our producer is Alex McOwen.


Emily Deschanel  49:17

Our engineer is Brian Castillo. Our senior vice president of weekly content is Steve Nelson.


Carla Gallo  49:23

Our executive producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs, Jessica Cordova Kramer, and us; Emily Deschanel and Carla Gallo. Music by Doug Paisley.


Emily Deschanel  49:32

Special  thanks to Allison Bresnick and Andrew Carson. To stay up to date with us and submit your listener questions, follow us on Instagram @Boneheadspod and @LemonadaMedia on all social channels.


Carla Gallo  49:44

Follow Boneheads wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your prime membership.


Emily Deschanel  49:50

Thanks so much for listening.

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