Accumulating Wigs (with Fortune Feimster)
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We are so freaking lucky, Fortune Feimster is here! We had a blast diving into her character alter egos, hoarding wigs, and her start at the Groundlings Theater. We talked about Fortune’s transition from journalist to comedian and she gave me a sneak peek into Chelsea Handler’s hilarious hiring practices.
Please note, Funny Cuz It’s True contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
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Elyse Myers, Fortune Feimster
Elyse Myers 00:06
Okay, actually, can you just pretend that you’re listening to a fully complete theme song here? I got really in my head. And I tried to make it perfect. And I couldn’t. So this is going to be the theme song right here Hello, and welcome to another episode of Funny Cuz It’s True. I’m Elyse Meyers. I am so lucky to be talking to my guest today Fortune Feimster. She is someone that I have wanted to chat with on this podcast for a while now. So today feels a little bit like a dream come true. Like personally for me, we had a blast diving into character alter egos, hoarding wigs and her start at the Groundlings theater. Fortune is a dynamic on screen presence and somehow talking to her in real life and like a conversation is even better. We talked about fortunes transition from entertainment journalism to stand up comedy, the ups and downs of life as an actor and a writer and also her life before comedy. So two things that are funny because their true number one fortune was in a well known theater and sketch group called The Groundlings which I mentioned in my intro, but the entire time she talks about it, I for sure thought she was saying Groundlings, so I said Groundlings so confidently without a single hesitation in my voice and then I didn’t find out until the listen back that that’s that was wrong. So perfect. And number two, I got an unexpected sneak peek in how Chelsea Handler hires her stuff. So that’s really fun. Alright, let’s get into it.
Elyse Myers 03:03
Okay, Fortune we made it. It’s funny because I follow your Tik Tok a lot and you have these characters you do wear what is it Barbara or no?
Fortune Feimster 03:14
Elyse Myers 03:14
Brenda. Yeah, you have like the pearls you do like the blonde wig. And I really want to know how that started.
Fortune Feimster 03:22
Yeah, it’s this character that I created the onset one day, I was filming something and they were way behind and acting is all about just being able to sit around for six hours, six to eight hours before you do anything. And they had me dressed up in this crazy outfit like denim and turquoise. My hair they straighten my hair because every everyone thinks it’s hilarious to see me with straight hair. Any any like comedy show. They’re like, and now we should straighten your hair. And I’m like, Okay, I don’t know, I guess because it’s different than my hair that I’ve had forever.
Elyse Myers 03:59
Which isn’t the best thing to internalize as a child because then you just believe your curly hair is pretty much garbage but it’s fine. I’m still working it out in adulthood.
Fortune Feimster 04:07
So I was dressed like this and bored. And I was like, I’m just gonna start entertaining myself. So I started filming videos just kind of making up this voice like Hey, y’all, it’s me, Brenda. I’m just chilling here yelling at my husband DM and what I loved about it was just like she would love them and then hate them and love them and hate them which I guess is how I see women and straights marriages. Hey, yo, it’s lame. Brenda you know where I am my cousin Shayla is doing my hair. Oh my god. Tim is gonna be so excited to to to get on in here. his buddies just showed up with beer. I felt we’re gonna have a look We’ll adjust to him. I told him to come back later, I swear I just put the kids to bed. And also, I grew up in North Carolina with a lot of women like that. And so I posted these videos online and everyone was like more Brenda. So anytime I do anything everyone’s like, more importantly, you’re like, What have I done just to alter ego baby?
Elyse Myers 05:23
I was wondering because I know that you’ve shared photos of your childhood and your specials, and you’ve talked a little bit about being a debutante? Well, gosh, yes. So I didn’t know if maybe that had something to do with it.
Fortune Feimster 05:33
Well, I hated the debutante days my Mum Mum forced me to do it and I want to know part of it because you know, they’re trying to back to back then teach you to be a lady to have manners which again is kind of the opposite. It’s a lot me I’m like in tennis shoes, all these like luncheons.
Elyse Myers 05:53
My mom made me do national charity league when I was in high school to kind of get like extracurriculars on my, you know, applications. When I go to college. I made it to maybe one and a half events, because everyone was so mean. It was not a good experience.
Fortune Feimster 06:10
But funny enough, I saw I studied at the Groundlings. I was at the Groundlings theater in Los Angeles for like seven years. That’s a for anybody who doesn’t know it’s a very famous improv and sketch comedy school where like Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Phil Hartman, all these people went there, and we’re in this group. Anyway, the whole school is all about creating characters. Like if you went there, and you kept going up the ladder, you just accumulated more and more wigs, more and more costumes. And I even though I like, um, you know, on the tomboy side, I want to play characters don’t mind being a lady early. Yeah. And like being really dolled up to me. It’s like fun. I’m, I put on heels and my, my wrist start changing and I’m lighter. And I’m talking to him. And I don’t know. So yeah, I kind of gravitate towards these. dainty, it’s really light lady characters sometimes. Maybe because it’s so opposite. You know?
Elyse Myers 07:18
Is that something you’d wanted to do for your whole life? Or was it something you found later?
Fortune Feimster 07:22
Something I found later, I you from a tiny town of like, 9000 people, and I just didn’t know you could do any of this for a living. If you had told me that. You know, I would be a comedian one day, I’d be like, that’s not a job. That’s not a real job. Yeah. So I, um, I don’t know. I moved to LA kind of for this life experience. Really didn’t expect to be here that long, but I did theater in college, but it wasn’t great at it. But we also weren’t no comedy. So I don’t know if that also was part of it.
Elyse Myers 08:01
Like I don’t want to be in Sweeney Todd.
Fortune Feimster 08:04
Like my accent was even thicker back then. And I’m trying to do Shakespeare like come on. I’m all like, can we do Steel Magnolias? Yeah, they’re like no, checkoff.
Elyse Myers 08:20
So you did you did like performing and stuff, like when you were younger?
Fortune Feimster 08:23
Yeah, but still kind of like naive about it. So whenever delay, I saw that the school had like fun classes, like anyone can do this. So I was like, I’m gonna do that just to like, make friends and have something to do. And so it was really a hobby at first, but quickly became a passion. And then once I like got in the thick of it, I was like, Oh, this is this is it? Yeah, like comedy is like, my path.
Elyse Myers 08:53
Did it ever make you want to go on SNL being there?
Fortune Feimster 08:56
Yeah, I tested twice for SNL.
Elyse Myers 08:59
What was that process like?
Fortune Feimster 09:00
I mean, you know, the most exciting and most terrifying experience really. I grew up on SNL even though even though I didn’t think I could be a comedian, for a living. SNL was like, my happy place. Same Yeah, I recorded it and would like learn all the sketches and which we call them skits. I would learn them and then perform them for my friends. Just kinda, you know, softball practice or something.
Elyse Myers 09:31
Oh, I used to sing to my softball team. I was just in it because I want to be uniform. And I thought it was cute. So I whenever like we would just be sitting in practice, I would just sing. I would sing Colby clay. So I resonate with this very hard, where you would perform SNL skits for your friends?
Fortune Feimster 09:47
Yeah, my friend Mary Katherine Gallagher days that I dressed up like that for like our senior year performance and I love like the cheerleaders like all those silly The characters is what I gravitated towards. So, um, yeah, so I just thought it was kind of a pipe dream, but like that I, the more I went up the ladder at the Groundlings, I was like, Wait, this is like, maybe not a pipe dream and a possibility I was starting to meet people that were in that scenario. I started to meet managers who rep people for their and I had a friend this is like the craziest story because here I am in the middle of Hollywood trying to make all this happen. And a friend on maybe I don’t know if it was MySpace or Facebook. It was 2009. And she was like, Oh, my friend is a as a producer as now this is like a friend from home my tiny town of 9000 people. She’s like, Oh, my friends are producer. So now she’s like, she said, if you make a tape, she’ll watch it. And I go, what? She goes, yeah, she told me if you make a tape, she’ll watch it. And I was like, Oh my gosh, that that can’t be real. Like she was we went to college together. We were sorority sisters. And that’s what she said. All right. I think we have a manager, I don’t have an agent and nothing. I was in the Groundlings in the advanced program just like happen. Yeah, so I like what at home. I’m like, doing what I think is funny in front of a white wall. Oh, no crazy characters, my roommate filming it. And um, I sent it in, didn’t think I would ever see the lighter day. Months went by. And it was like, near the end of summer. I think I just gotten a manager like I’m telling you like a week into having a manager and I get a phone call. It’s like three o’clock in the afternoon. And it’s this producer from SNL. I don’t like what she’s like, Hey, it’s Lindsay from Saturday Night Live. And I was like, what?
Elyse Myers 11:58
No, it isn’t.
Fortune Feimster 12:00
She was like, I’ve been trying to get them to watch your tape for like two months. It’s been sitting here. I’ve loved it. I’ve finally got them to sign off on it. And we want you to come audition for Senate live. And my gosh, like are you kidding? If you don’t feels like one of those unreal. Like this, like you’re in an alternate universe situation? Yeah. She was laying catches. You have to be on a plane tonight and audition tomorrow morning. I was like, what? So I call this like random manager who was like, Wait, what happened? And I go, I don’t understand that either. But this is happening. So I had to like quickly come up with like, an audition in like a couple hours before I got on the plane, which in hindsight, I think was better because I didn’t have all the buildups and all the time to stress. Yeah, so I get on plane the next day. I’m like, I’m reading everyone’s story about SNL and what they did and like, a lot of them went to this church and like set a prayer and lit the candles like Okay, I gotta do that.
Elyse Myers 13:04
I was definitely expecting fortune to talk about how she like read up on how to prepare your jokes and your characters. But I did not expect her to go into saying a prayer and lighting a candle in a church.
Fortune Feimster 13:18
Then yeah, went to the studios. And they put in hair and makeup because they film it. And um, in the dress someone’s dressing room. I don’t remember at the time. And then that that was the year of like Kristen Wiig was there and Bill Hader and they were they were quite a few years into it. They were looking for like the new generation after them. And I went auditioned and just like got shot out a cannon I had no fears because I was so like didn’t know what to expect. And just went in it’s kind of that old, like, old school Broadway thing you see where there’s like a table in the back and it’s dark and they just have like little lamb. Yeah, it was like that. That was Lauren and Seth Meyers. And whoever else, Marci Klein watching you do this thing. And I I remember I had layers of costume. So like, I think I went from like Richard Simmons to like a Hooters waitress. Like all these crazy characters. And like the, the crew was like, that was awesome. The other like people auditioning or like, you were in the pocket. It was so good. And so I really was like, oh my god, like what if i What if I got this? And you go home, and you wait. And then you see on the internet like three weeks later that they’ve hired three new people and you’re not one of them. And that’s how you find out.
Elyse Myers 14:54
Really no one even calls you?
Fortune Feimster 14:57
It’s so old school but yeah, but the they were like, listen, people try, like he often times have has people audition two times three times four times. This is not the end of the road. So go okay. And so like six months later, Lauren and Kristen Wiig, and Seth Meyers and a bunch of people come to our Sunday company show, and they see us all perform live.
Elyse Myers 15:26
Did you know they were coming ahead of time?
Fortune Feimster 15:28
I think we found out like 10 minutes before and we were like, What was that, like? terrifying, terrifying. You’re just like, you’re you’re just so nervous. But you got to just, you know, your instincts kick in to just like, push through. And I was doing this girl scout character at the time, who eats all the cookies that she’s supposed to sell.
Elyse Myers 15:51
For my chocolate bars, I was like my biggest customer. My parents hated when they saw me bring home those white boxes of chocolate bars, they knew they would be buying the out of the entire box. I was genuinely my best customer.
Fortune Feimster 16:07
I like have me as her being interrogated by like the girls. And I had just grabbed like a book bag in the have like a costume closet. And afterwards Kristen was like, I kept staring at your book bag. She goes, That’s my childhood book bag. As it was it was after I when I right before got SNL I just you know, brought a bunch of like, props and things and throw them in the costume closet. Because that’s my childhood. So that’s so wild. Oh my gosh. And then they brought nine of us out that that summer from that group because we had a really strong group to come audition again. But the problem is you’ve given them all your a material already twice. He seen me now audition on video, audition in person. And then characters on stage. I gotta do all new stuff from all that I would say that audition was good, but not as good as the previous year and just didn’t get it. And you know, it’s devastating at the time because you think that’s that was it? That was my chance and now it’s gone and and that was the dream for so long. So you’re like, what’s the new dream?
Elyse Myers 17:22
Okay, we have to take a quick break but when we come back fortune tells us how she reimagined her dream after not making it to SNL. So how do you even like begin to pivot after not getting a callback for SNL? Because I feel like that would be so hard to kind of reimagine what comes next.
Fortune Feimster 20:11
I mean, this business, you know, you get so many nose that you just learn to kind of it sucks you like cry and your your, your dreams are shattered, which you just have to like, you have to pivot, there’s no option, right? So I think I just, you know, pick myself up by my bootstraps got back out there, you know, but you know, what was harder is that that year, I just was broke. I was so broke and was really coming to a time in my career, like a real crossroads in my career of like, Can I do this? Because, yeah, I can’t pay my bills. Then the other part of you is like, you got this. Yeah, whatever you got to do, you’re gonna figure it out. Right. So then you just start having new goals. I started focusing on stand up more, I was like, okay, so that that was the pinnacle of sketch. Let me see where this stand up. Road takes me. But it gave me like, a little bit of exposure, and it gave me a TV credit, which I needed. And then that led to Chelsea Lately, six months later, which is what really opened the doors. I was like, I’ve never written for TV. But you know, I was a journalist for seven years. While I was out here in LA, my day job was being an entertainment journalist. I kind of fell into it.
Elyse Myers 21:33
Usually it’s like I was a server or I delivered pizzas. But she went straight to entertainment journalism. I love it.
Fortune Feimster 21:40
It’s so random. I just I in 2003 I started writing for like a woman I met through a friend who was like, do you want to cover like events for me around the town? I heard you can write and I was like, I guess yeah.
Elyse Myers 21:55
What are some of the biggest celebrities that you ever covered?
Fortune Feimster 21:59
I mean, that was back when like Lindsay Lohan was so popular in Paris Hilton. Those were those days that like Nicole, Richie days. So Anna Nicole Smith, like the see all of those guys that red carpets interview those people but my, oh, I always loved the like legends. Like, I interviewed Julie Andrews twice that like blew my mind. And I watched I went to the read premiere of Mary Poppins and interviewed her and watched dig VanDyke watch himself in Mary Poppins and sing a lot. It was crazy. Like things like that Betty White was one of the first people I interviewed on the phone.
Elyse Myers 22:37
I love that you had that like background that you can go and have this confidence of like, I can’t actually do this. And then did you feel like that really did prepare you well for writing for somebody else?
Fortune Feimster 22:49
Well, it prepared me for just like the actual writing part of it. The joke part of it was a hard so to fast forward very quickly, I got that that meeting led to a meeting with Chelsea, they will like eight people. And I happen to be first, which I think is the only reason I got this job is because she felt like he made the impression. You know, she hates meetings. She hates meetings and back then I saw her hire someone for her sitcom, because she didn’t want to drive back over the hill. She goes, yeah, just hire that person. I’m not coming back.
Elyse Myers 23:28
So that’s why I really think like. I think I got the job because I was she liked me. And I was the first one.
Elyse Myers 23:37
But I mean, that’s also a huge testament to you though. Like I’m sure some of it was that she’s like, I just didn’t want to sit through the other ones. But in like, you mean you weren’t bad? Like, I mean, like you were good enough for her to be like, I feel good with this. Let’s do it.
Fortune Feimster 23:51
I think she remembered. Well, because I brought up that Hooters character I used to play the Hooters character named Darlene Witherspoon. And she, Jo Koy had shown her that he had seen it on YouTube. This was like early early YouTube days. And he saw it and showed it to her like a year before I came in there. So I think everything started coming back. Oh, that’s the girl from that video, because they he said they laughed about it for like 30 minutes. So it was just all these things coming together. You know, it felt it did feel meant to be in a weird way.
Elyse Myers 24:31
Do you think you would have ended up in a different spot if you would have actually made it on SNL versus the route you took with Chelsea Lately and all that?
Fortune Feimster 24:39
Yeah, I’ve thought about that. I’ve worked with a lot of SNL people since Tina Fey and I. We did a pilot for her and then she ended up Yeah, I sold a pilot with her. So I got to work with her. You know, Chris Red was on SNL. He was on that sitcom that we hired him before he those kinds was first break and I did another sitcom at one point. And Lauren was part of that. So I met him and he sent me flowers and so I’ve that world’s still, you know, I’m still around that world.
Elyse Myers 25:16
Time for another break. When we come back fortune tells us more about her pilot with Tina Fey. You brought up Tina Fey and I wanted to ask because I saw that you had written a pilot with her. And it basically got all the way to the end until it didn’t continue. And I really wanted to ask you about that process. Because I couldn’t imagine making it all the way through writing it shooting all that, like what did that process look like? And what did it feel like for it to just not happen?
Fortune Feimster 28:01
Oh, that was one of the greatest and hardest experience that was probably a harder rejection than the SNL. I think because I got to actually experience what it was like I got a taste of it. Yeah, one of the coolest experience, it was so crazy to see my name all over, you know, offices was just the first pilot that you wrote. Another first one, I wrote the first one that I had sold another show before that, but it didn’t get picked up to get shot. This is the first one I filmed. Wow. And because my name was in the title, it was everywhere offices, new golf carts, costume, like, oh, it was like the most wonderful, amazing experience. And I had like we had so much fun shooting it. It was super funny. And I don’t know if I would say it was a little bit before it’s time because my character was gay. And in the South. It might have been like a year or two too soon. But we did everything right. We did everything right. And it still didn’t work. Like they said No, the President called me of the network. And he was like, it was so close.
Fortune Feimster 29:22
That’s not helpful for me. So you know, you never know in any if it had been a year later a year before. Maybe it could have gone who knows a bit. And so when I got that no, that was like because I because it’s my story. I wrote it totally. It’s everything felt very personal. I just like cried like a baby.
Elyse Myers 29:45
Oh my gosh, I would do the same. I was like that’s why I was so curious to hear about that process because it isn’t like you’re writing fictional people, or for someone else. Yeah, it was your life story in a way Yeah, to get all the way there. And then for it to be a no like, do you? Do you own that? Like, how does that work? Can you go use that somewhere else? Because for me, I’d be like, I’m just putting it on YouTube. I don’t know. I’m just giving it away. I just want people to see it.
Fortune Feimster 30:12
I don’t know, it’s triggered when you’ve shot it. Um, I could take the I could tell you. I mean, it’s my story. Yeah. Everyone’s always told me I should take my story and make more like a, a dark comedy, but not as like, not the like, cheery network version of it.
Elyse Myers 30:30
In this world, like with what you do? Is there anything that you do for fun with your craft that isn’t for work that isn’t for, you know, getting the approval of studios? Like, what do you do to exercise this craft? Just as a hobby? If you do?
Fortune Feimster 30:46
I don’t even there’s not even really done. I mean, the BrEnda things are like when I do that character, also this character, Deb, who is a spin instructor who never actually gets on a bike desk and plays music and she goes get, oh, your bikes, and she, she she does her hands like she’s spinning. I just love the idea of like, she’s only cares about playing music, telling you to buy and also points out all the food stops. Oh, there’s appendix whereas Oh, no. Yeah, keep rolling. Keep rolling. But I do love those crab Rangoon. So that’s that sounds fun for me. Because take. It takes me back to the Groundlings days. Yeah, you know, even though it was like you’re in a bubble, it’s kind of it was stressful. It was like very carefree. The the business part of the business hadn’t taken over. Yeah. Now I’m very much in a business. And I love it. I love that I get to make people laugh, but I’m on a national tour right now. So most of my weekends are spent, you know, in these really beautiful, awesome theaters. But yeah, it’s a cool job. I mean, if I were just an actor, you just kind of are in your bubble. And, you know, LA is sort of a lot of people’s home base. But a lot of people are going off to film different places now. But you don’t really have an interaction with people. And so I love staying up because I’m in every town, every city, I’m in restaurants and airports with people all the time. I meet people every day, and people are really lovely. So when I see like, you know, there’s so much negativity online, and there’s so much going on in the news. And I go, Oh, man, it’s so bleak out there. And then I go on the road and meet the nicest people. And I go, Okay, we’re okay. People are so good. People are so nice.
Elyse Myers 33:03
What has been a moment in this in this tour, where you found that you’re like, This is a highlight, like, I want to remember this forever.
Fortune Feimster 33:11
And there’s been quite a few of those. You know, it’s when I had my first Netflix specials, sweet and salty come out I was, I had only been doing clubs. And then that came out. And I was, it did really well. And we put this tour up and it sold out right away. And I was like, Oh my God, that’s like, never happened to me before. And then the world shut down the pandemic happen. So that had been the breakout had been waiting for forever. And you go okay, we’ll have to hope that it’ll be there. And whenever this you know, who knew we’d still be dealing with this.
Elyse Myers 33:51
Is this that you were that you were supposed to know.
Fortune Feimster 33:53
This is the second one. So we saw it was a year later that tore pick back up. And during the pandemic at all these people sat at home and so like four times the amount of people that would have seen it saw it and so when the tour picked back up a year later, the the venue’s almost tripled in size from what I was gonna do, I was doing like.
Elyse Myers 34:20
Could you ever imagine though, the outcome?
Fortune Feimster 34:23
No. Because, you know, it felt like such a like, oh, there it went. That was my that was my break, and that’s gone. And you know, those are like 500 600 seat theaters, which I was like, oh my god, this is like crazy. And then it went to like, you know, to two to 3000 seat theaters and I have chills Oh my god. Denver like all these like, really unbelievable places where there’s like a room like 3000 people are rude. I was like, That sound of like cheering and laughing was like, gave me chills. It was like this is I never thought I could do this. And then I’ve been really lucky. The tour this tour started, because then I film my next special good fortune, he came out in the fall. And this is the tour. After that, it’s a whole new hour though nothing that people have seen on on TV are gonna eventually film this. And I just taking my time, I don’t want to rush it. I just feel like everybody’s just like clamoring to get content out there. And that’s great. Because, you know, the, the beast wants the content, as you know, I can’t imagine how much you have to put out. But I just, I just wanted to be good.
Elyse Myers 35:42
I would much rather put out one thing that I am so proud of. And I personally would sit down and watch myself, even though it’s me, you know, like, and want to show people then put stuff out where I feel like I’m just like, biding my time, and I’m putting the coins in the machine and like hoping one day I’ll get like, tickets out. I don’t know if that made no sense. But, but I feel you feel like, you’re right. Like you feel like you’re like I just want people to forget about me.
Fortune Feimster 36:09
I know. That’s the thing. Everybody you feel like if you don’t do something for like a minute, I have like really successful stand up friends who are crushing it, they’re selling so many tickets. And I go, Are you gonna take a minute, like one person’s towards anything? Who are you to take a minute, and they were like, I’m worried I’ll fall behind and like, you’re like, 10 steps ahead of everybody already, that you’re not you’re good, but you got to take care of yourself. And I’m guilty of it too. Like, I’m a workhorse, you know, I? Yeah, I’m really trying to work on work life balance.
Elyse Myers 36:46
I thought you said work whore for a second word that I take everything. No, I give you that. I was just talking to Ron Funches. And he said something that has stuck with me since he said, You have to know when you won. Because a lot of people just keep pushing forward and they want to be the best and they want to like you know, not forgotten. And they don’t know when to celebrate when they’ve won and they can be so successful, but like unhappy in this job where you’re literally getting paid to make people laugh. And that really resonated with me because I’ve always struggled to kind of stop and like appreciate what I’ve done. And and I’m in a season in my life where I’m pregnant. So physically, I am very limited in what I can give my energy my time to and I have had to not because I want to like stop and really appreciate what’s going on and know when to take a break. And knowing when you’ve won is like that is advice that is really like really.
Fortune Feimster 37:48
Really good advice. We’re all we’re all guilty of it. Everyone’s sort of that SNL mentality of you’re only as good as your last get and we feel that with everything you’re only as good as your last special is your is your last Tiktok is your last song is your last whatever you’re like, when is it enough? But it is up to you to be like, I’m feel good about myself. I’m Yeah, doing things that I love and that make me happy. And it’s doing well. And that should be enough.
Elyse Myers 38:16
I can’t wait to see it all your character working on you talking about i really want to get to do something with you in person because I love your characters are so incredible. And I am not good at characters because I’m so hyper literal that I love them and I can appreciate them and I can do anything that anyone has the idea about, like bad at workshopping those characters because I’m like, all I know how to do is me. So I just worked it what you do. But I want to study what you do and be able to do it these days because it’s you are just such an inspiration to me. So let’s talk about it.
Fortune Feimster 38:46
I’m always enjoying your videos and impressed that you’re you know, singing and all of a sudden like doing these fun videos. Fun to watch.
That’s it for my conversation with Fortune Feimster. Thank you so much for listening. If you want to catch Fortune live, check out her dates for her live laugh love tour. And if you like this show, give us a rating and a review. It helps other people find us. All right. We’ll be back next week with more Funny Cuz It’s True, bye. There’s more Funny Cuz It’s True with Lemonada Premium. Get access to all of Lemonada’s premium content, including my five questions with Chris Olsen, which came out last Friday. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Funny Cuz It’s True is a Lemonada Media and Powderkeg production. The show is produced by Claire Jones, Zoe Dennis and […], our associate producer is Tiffany Buoy. Rachel Neil is our senior director of new content and our VP of weekly production is Steve Nelson. Executive Producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs, Jessica Cordova Kramer, Paul Feig, Laura Fisher, […] and me Elyse Myers. The show is mixed by Johnny Evans, additional help from Noah Smith and Ivan Kuraev. Our theme song music was written by me and scored by Xander Singh. Follow Funny Cuz It’s True wherever you get your podcast or listed ad free on Amazon music with your prime membership.