Lemonada Media

Add it Again: So Basic It’s Actually Cool with Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey

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This week, we revisit a truly iconic crossover episode. Ku and Su are joined by hosts of the World of Wonder podcast, Homophilia. You maybe know one of them from the launch of our SolaWave challenge, as it’s none other than very hot and very smart Matt McConkey. He is joined by editor at large of Esquire Magazine (and also v hot, v smart) Dave Holmes. Together the four discuss MTV nostalgia, the world of exercise classes, bad water, and fast fashion. Plus, everyone makes a final decision on the SolaWave.

Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.

  • Dave sets the mood with his tiny bonfire, the FLIKR
  • Matt loves to be the apple of the teacher’s eye in every SoulCycle class
  • Kulap started frothing at the mouth when Dave told her about the at home boxing + music setup Liteboxer
  • Everyone made their final decisions on the SolaWave

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Matt McConkey, Dave Holmes, Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Claire Jones

SuChin Pak  00:10

All right, everyone. Welcome to another brand-new episode of ADD TO CART. Now, this is the show where we buy things. We tell you what we’re into. Sometimes we’re renting things. I am SuChin Pak.

SuChin Pak  00:23

And I’m Kulap Vilaysack. Now a quick announcement. Lemonada Media, the company behind our show has a new series. We’re so excited to support it. After 1954 explores what happened after the historic ruling of Brown v Board. We know about desegregation, but did you know 38,000 Black educators lost their jobs in the wake of the 1954 ruling? Well, this timely and moving five-part series really dives into these issues. I encourage you all to check out After 1954 wherever you get your podcast it’s a big Add to Cart from us.

Kulap Vilaysack  ­

We are incredibly lucky to have the host of the world of wonder podcast homophilia first and foremost, yes, these are two attractive and athletic men. They also have brains and good ones at that. Writers, comedians, on camera talents, one is the editor at large at Esquire magazine and one will reveal at the end of the episode his final thoughts on the solo wave please add to cart Dave Holmes and Matt McConkey.

Dave Holmes 

The glow about you reveals that you’re the one who’s been using the solo.

SuChin Pak 

We’re gonna keep it a mystery.

Matt McConkey

Well, I will we’ll get into it. Yes, but I believe you have one as well, Dave.

Dave Holmes 

I do actually have a lot to discuss.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Everybody on the Zoom has a solo wave wand.

SuChin Pak  02:02

Again, still not being not sponsored. We are doing something very wrong.

Matt McConkey 

Speaking for yourselves. Maybe solo and Dr. Matt McConkey have a low something going on the side.

SuChin Pak  02:14

I hope that’s true. Before we jump into all the goodness, I mean, can I just acknowledge for a second my colleague, Dave, man, we go back.

Dave Holmes 

We go back decades.

SuChin Pak 

I felt like when you were at MTV, you guys had the really good spring breaks like you actually went overseas. You actually had like, a real beach. You know, and my spring breaks we’re not, where did you go for your spring breaks? Where

Dave Holmes 

Where did they take you, to Passaic? Or where did you go?

SuChin Pak 

We went to the Jersey Shore. We went to […] It’s not the Hamptons. That’s where it’s not. I think they were there was a few of them at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas. Dave, you got the good budgets.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah. So Dave, you weren’t swimming in […], you weren’t no traipsing around ruins,

Dave Holmes 

But I mean, you know Cancun, Cancun is still Cancun, right? Well, maybe like maybe if you get away and do the things that you might do. If you were older than 19 years old.

Dave Holmes 

No, we were not wandering around to loom. We were you know, going down the slide at Senor Frogs.

SuChin Pak 

I miss those days. There is something about that summer camp feel absolutely have an MTV spring break where the whole cast and crew, all the clowns and jokers, we all roll up into a town and just take over for a few weeks.

Dave Holmes  04:06

Like the best bunch of nerds and weirdos which I mean, in the best possible way. Like all people who were you know, obsessed with TV and music and culture and wanted to make good stuff and like I lived in the Bahamas for three and a half months at a Club Med. We lived in a club med; you are not supposed to stay at a Club Med for longer than a week because everything repeats every week. So it was like well, Tuesday night it’s the Michael Jackson tribute show, better go. But yeah, God, those were fun times.

Kulap Vilaysack

And now you both are podcasting.

Matt McConkey 

It’s our own spring break. Right here from the comfort of our homes. Su, I’m curious if you could say Sometimes somebody will bring up like a TRL moment with Dave or something that will take us out of YouTube hole. And I’ll see like a very cute clip of Dave. You know, it’s a moment where the musical act has started. And now the host is sort of alongside the audience and you have to kind of like dance along. It’s like that thing when Oprah has a musical guest and I just love seeing her. Try to just be in the moment enjoy the music, but the cameras on her, did you have those moments?

SuChin Pak 

Oh, you’re taking me back to those painful moments, inevitably, when you would go visit an artist in the studio to talk about the latest single or the album drop, right? And they would play the beach or they would play the singles. And you’re standing in front of one of those like sound boards. And you better bought that head with a shirt because you’re like, you’re like, yes, and when I tell you, that’s my most uncomfortable place in the world. Like my personal hell is having to fake bop to music in front of the musician. So Matt, that is hilarious.

Kulap Vilaysack  06:20

I mean, knowing you now, like, at the time, I’m like, yes, SuChin’s into it. Like, I don’t know her. You know, but now knowing you now that is so funny.

Matt McConkey 

Yes, exactly. That’s why I love seeing Dave in that context, because he looks great. He doesn’t look like awkward; he looks cool. None of that is simply just knowing him and knowing what is probably going on inside his head in that moment.

Dave Holmes 

Let me say this, though. When that’s your life, like when that during that time when that was my life. And I know you’ll agree with this SuChin, like you would go into that studio. And it was everything was so crazy. And it was such a dream job that my tastes didn’t factor in. You know what I mean? Like, it was just, I felt like I was working at Disneyland or something. And I was just so happy. You know? So like, yeah, no, I mean, a lot of the music I didn’t love but it didn’t matter when it was being played live. And all the people were excited. And I was like, this is literally what I do. And I had you know, enough years doing things I didn’t like to do to understand how great it was.

SuChin Pak 

You’re in like one of the most exclusive clubs, you know, you and literally the artists that made the piece of music and you’re listening to it with them as it’s playing behind you. I think the difference is Dave is a music connoisseur, he’s a fan, he’s a music you know lover and I am not so much. Continues to be the most awkward footage if I ever see myself doing that, I can’t watch it. And I think back to Dave all those like listening parties that we were invited to. And you’d have to like the artist is watching and you’re like, yes to the windows and to the wall. You have the whole room. I love it. You know let’s get dirty, dirty, you know?

Kulap Vilaysack  08:30

So just double checking was that Christina Aguilera philosophies? Great. Great. Great. Now we can play the songs, that’s fantastic Let’s get into some add to carts. Dave, what is this? What is this flicker portable fireplace?

Dave Holmes 

I don’t know how to describe it other than it’s like a little like well that you put on your desk and you fill with isopropyl alcohol. And then you light it with a match. And it burns for like 45 minutes at a go. And it just provides a nice little, little bit of atmosphere actually a little bit of warmth, which is good on these chilly mornings.

Kulap Vilaysack

So not only is it portable, it’s a personal fireplace.

Dave Holmes 

It’s a personal fireplace.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I mean you put it on your desk. It’s smaller than I imagined it.

Matt McConkey 

I mean, I’m looking at the website and it’s not a candle. And I don’t mean that to diminish, but it is anyway.

Dave Holmes 

No, you’re absolutely right.


Matt McConkey 

But there’s more going on.

Dave Holmes 

It is more of a roaring fire. It feels like a fire pit. Except that it’s like you know, six inches in diameter. Yeah, it’s Mini. And I don’t know, I just, I really I like it. It’s makes for a comfy morning.

Kulap Vilaysack  10:13

I’m into it. I’m very into this.

Dave Holmes 

Okay. I feel like it came in like a here I’m gonna put it in the chat, in like a bespoke box or something like that, like something I was doing for a minute. Where you get all you know, you get like a box a month with you know, whatever, a nail kit and a you know, a couple travel size.

Kulap Vilaysack

This was this came in a curated man chest for Dave Holmes.

Dave Holmes 

A curated man chest. That’s exactly right. And then I have a little thing of wooden matches next to it that like, you just strike them right on the little thing that they come in, and they have fire.

Matt McConkey

I’ve never seen that this angle of your office. And it’s lovely. And I’m happy to see that Jake Gyllenhaal issue of Esquire just casually. By the way, I take it back. This is much more than a candle.

Dave Holmes 

Yeah, it’s big. It’s substantial.

SuChin Pak

No, but there’s something yeah, there’s something about that, that I think we as humans that there’s like a soothing quality to it. Right? Like it’s something of the coziness of it. Does it give you a meditative moment to start your day? Is that Is this a kind of a ritual that you’ve incorporated?

Dave Holmes 

It does actually, it does. Yeah, I start getting up at 5am in in 22′ weekdays only. And so I have this like extra time in the morning now to like to journal and meditate and just sort of, you know, get my ducks in a row. And it’s nice to have just like a little just to, you know, start the day with a fire, start the day around a fire. And then build from there. The one problem that I have with it, is that I feel like there should be like a subscription service for isopropyl alcohol and it should come in like a vessel that you can pour without dripping or spilling or whatever. Because I find that I am now every 10 days or so going to Walgreens and getting a whole bunch and I’m sure they think I’m doing a meth lab or something. Just listen, I’m just trying to light the fire within.

Kulap Vilaysack  12:46

Flicker fire. Like I’m sure you’re listening. You know, this is a way for you to you know, expand the line. More revenue. Listen to Mr. Dave Holmes.

Dave Holmes 

Yeah. And like keep me a consumer.

Matt McConkey 

I don’t have a question. Forgive me if you said this, but how do you extinguish it?

Dave Holmes

It just, it will either burn out after 45 minutes or you literally, I can just put my coffee cup on it. It’s like the second it’s deprived of oxygen.

Matt McConkey

Just been sort of basic science in terms of how fire works. I see.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Matt, I see that you are adding to cart SoulCycle now I know pre pandemic Matt to be a front row center bike.

Matt McConkey

We’re usually bike six or seven And look I know that this is such a like basic like 2006 Add to Cart and I own that and I would argue that it’s almost so basic and kind of outdated that it’s actually new again, that’s the feeling because okay during the pandemic of course they were closed and they were open but it was masks only which I respected but I could not, I just did not could not go started going to New York they weirdly got very liberal with the mask policy much earlier. So I got to experience after a couple years being deprived being back in the room and also we do have a peloton and at one point I’m not a peloton person, I’ve accepted that, at one point I was I would put my iPad over the peloton screen and do a Soul Cycle workout on the peloton. But that didn’t do it for me. I’m not an at home cycling person. I can do home workouts in the garage and throw weights around till the cows come home and I do, when it comes to the cycling thing, I need the drama of being in a studio I need to like what I really crave is being recognized by the teacher and being called out and that is something that I have achieved, not to brag, but you know, over the years, and there have been moments that I’ve even been called up to sit on the instructors bike. Again, it’s not 2006 I know this. But that has been the best part of whatever you would call this new era of the pandemic that we’re in for me is SoulCycle is back. If your vaxxed, you don’t get to wear your mask, and God, it’s good to be back. Oh,

Dave Holmes 

That was like poetry for a moment there.

SuChin Pak 

And did you get right into it when you went back? Were you right up in the front? I mean, more than ever?

Matt McConkey 

I would say there’s been like a renewed energy, you know?

Kulap Vilaysack 

A reigniting of the fire, much like Dave’s flicker.

Matt McConkey

Exactly. But you will not put a coffee cup on me and extinguish this fire. Can’t be done.

Kulap Vilaysack  16:04

You could on that ask though.

Dave Holmes 

I now have a SoulCycle bike and I really love it.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Well, you also have something called the light boxer. Which I’m very interested in. What is this?

Dave Holmes 

Please come over and use it. I love it, and that goes for everybody, please come over and use it. It’s like a big stop sign basically, that’s on a stand. And it has like six targets on it that light up, and you punch them. So it’s like a heavy bag. But it’s not. And you  just punch the hell out of it. And they have a deal with Universal Music. So all of the classes and the sparring sessions are set to music or you can just like isolate a song and just punch to that song. Which sometimes nails and sometimes is Carly Rae Jepsen, if you can, you know, they have like challenges now you can challenge other users. If there’s a like a monthly or the weekly and then a monthly challenge where you just..

Dave Holmes 

Kulap is frothing. She’s frothing at the mouth.

Dave Holmes 

Get into it. I had never kind of done like a boxing class here or there. But it’s like, it’s easy to forget how unbelievably hard it is. Even when it’s this fake thing that you’re punching. You’re essentially like punching a wall. Like it’s still your heart rate goes to max immediately and your sweat is dripping off you. They also now have a wall mounted one if you don’t have the space for like the stand and everything.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh boy. And what is this? Oculus piece is that?

Dave Holmes  18:03

There’s now an Oculus part ,where you’re just punching nothing like you put the thing on. The Oculus is like the, you know, virtual reality thing. And you’re just you’re punching the same screen, but it just doesn’t exist. You’re just swinging wildly in a row. Not as good. I’ll be honest, that’s not as good.

SuChin Pak 

This is you actually want to make physical contact with the thing. There’s some satisfaction.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Matt and I, we worked out last weekend with our dear friend Kendra Smith who is a master kickboxer. And we did it was sort of like circuit training with like five of our friends. But one of the one is hold, you know, hitting mitts, Kendra’s mitts and just I hadn’t been back to working out with her or doing any kickboxing for like two plus years since the pandemic and it just felt so good to just make, to connect that way. That is an important form of catching up.

Matt McConkey 

Kulap becomes a beast. It means that form is a beautiful thing to witness.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Now the endurance needs to get back up again.

Dave Holmes 

Yeah, it will. And what a great time in history to punch things. Truly. Like after a couple minutes, it becomes very, really cathartic. Like you work some shit out.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Speaking of punching things, Dave. It seems that you want to punch out Dasani. You want to remove from cart Dasani. What’s going on?

Dave Holmes 

No more Dasani water? It’s bad tasting water. It’s bad taste water that bums me out. And when I am on, you know, a set if I’m at an event and they have a thing a, you know, like a tub full of ice and bottled waters. If it’s Dasani or Aquafina, I just get bummed out. If I’m at the airport and my water options are Dasani and Aquafina. I’m almost like, let’s cancel this trip. It’s hose water with just a little bit of salt. I mean, it’s all hose water, but like Dasani and Aquafina especially feel like hose water, and they just make me sad. They make me so sad. And I know that’s ridiculous.

SuChin Pak  20:44

I remember there was like some post going around. Maybe during it could have been like a hurricane or something in New York, there was a catastrophe and they were showing the aisles of like emptied out you know, you know, grocery and bodegas and all that was left it was just empty, empty and then just Dasani water as far as you could see an empty again like they’re like even I would rather take my chances with the water coming out of my toilet than take this Dasani water off your shelf.

Matt McConkey 

Revolutionary. It’s like, I knew that it was trashed, but I didn’t know it I consciously until this. As soon as you set it. I was like, oh my god, fuck that water. It’s water for people who don’t drink water. It’s water for people who are at the airport and they’re like, oh, I have to drink. My doctor said I have drink water before the airport. Whatever this crap is. It’s like, because they don’t know the difference because they have not had a glass of water in six months.

Dave Holmes 

It’s water for people who don’t love themselves.

Matt McConkey 

Trash. It’s awful.

SuChin Pak 

It’s dead water. That’s what we call it around these. That water is dead. It’s corpses of water.

Dave Holmes 

There was a commercial. I want to say it was like the 90s mid 90s, late 90s for Dasani, and it was like it was a woman like a corporate gal. And she was somewhere for a meeting or something. And she had a little sip of Dasani and then she just, you know, she went, she went there. She was quenched. She was under a waterfall, whatever. And then she’s kind of shaken from her reverie by like an assistant who’s like, Can we get you anything? And she goes, you can get me another Dasani. And like even back then I was like, bullshit. No one ever would ask for a Dasani.

SuChin Pak  22:40

Has never touched a drop of Dasani in her life.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Matty, you’re removing from cart fast fashion, except for your wedding stuff?

Matt McConkey

Right. Except for the major haul that I just pulled in for my bachelor party, our trip to Miami a couple other events. Because that’s an Add to Cart where after you check out you feel dirty. And you know, and then it was, it arrives in a certain Sugar Rush watch it washes over you as you’re like, Yeah, I’ll wear this once. And then it will fall apart. And I that I have tried to resist that and pass but I’ve given into it. Because like I was saying like we’re going away on a couple of trips where it’s like, we have been encouraged to I guess, hoe out these are your words not mine. And you know, my version of that is going to be dressing differently than I dress in everyday life with the you know the Todd Snyder stuff is not going to cut it and so I’ve used it, I’m not gonna buy like a like a Gucci piece for something that I’m going to wear one night, you know? So this is all just me justifying doing something that is reprehensible, thoughts?

SuChin Pak  24:08

Do they have you know, on this podcast, Ku, myself and Claire all of us have been getting into this like renting clothes service like do they have something like that for men, because that, it that could be a game changer.

Kulap Vilaysack  

We have Rent the Runway and a service that we’ve been loving called Nuuly.

SuChin Pak 

You know what, when you go there’s this I don’t know how good this is. But there’s Mr.Collection.com. Again, I am just Googling and it says that you can wear everything, rent it. What I’m saying is that more and more I think that there are these types of services for these either occasions or for the fact that we just don’t want to own the stuff that you know, forever. Like there is something to that, especially when it comes to fashion, you know, yes you have your tried and trues and the stuff that you’re going to keep forever but just you know when you want to change things up when you want to try new things and you don’t want to spend a ton of money doing it, this could be a solution.

Matt McConkey 

This is blowing my mind seems like what you’re saying is light Google could have taken it here instead of just repeatedly going to H&M, but I’m in, I’m ready to return a significant portion of this hall.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I mean, you’re never going to keep everything you know, like you part of you had to try some stuff on and you know, see if it fits and like that is the way of online shopping whether it’s expensive or you know, inexpensive.

Matt McConkey 

That’s right. I mean, part of me feels like this is a hole in the marketplace for like the Rent the Runway for guys. Not sure yet if Mr. Collection is that if it’s not Dave, I think we’ve got our next business venture.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, this would be huge, huge. But I get it, listen, I’m guilty of the fast fashion. I love it. And increasingly, it’s harder to ignore, you know what it is and but even so, fast fashion, luxury fashion, I think that line even today is even blurrier than ever it’s not like the answer is go buy more expensive stuff. For me I feel like the answer could be How about not buy anything you could just rent it and then return it and not own it.

Kulap Vilaysack  26:34

Well this is from Su, she won’t buy anything full price so you got to take that all with a grain of salt.

SuChin Pak 

Yeah, no, I won’t buy anything full price, I’m not telling you a full, what I am saying that it did go on sale half off and you’ll have learned me that later you know and maybe I will benefit from the sale at this Todd Snyder’s. I’ve never heard.

Dave Holmes 

Does good collaborations. I have a great Todd Snyder and Champion sweatshirt. That’s one of my prized possessions. He’s done one with J press most recently. Which is great. You know, I said earlier that I was like really trying to shop less and think more about you know, like the personal brand and make more directed choices. But I say that as someone who just last night was shopping for a good summertime poolside kaftan.

Kulap Vilaysack 

You need that, you need them. Did you find one?

Dave Holmes 

I did actually, it’s just I haven’t pulled the trigger.

Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s year of the Tiger and it’s a water Tiger and you’re gonna be a water tiger in that kaftan.

SuChin Pak 

I need to see pictures of this calf cow. It’s in your heart. I know. You haven’t pulled the trigger. But I want to see a men’s inspired kaftan.

Kulap Vilaysack  28:05

It is time for the moment, we’ve all been waiting for, the results of the solo wave challenge. Matt, you first joined us in January to initiate the research. So we’re going to do a quick, quick recap, you were to use the solo wave wand five minutes a day, five times a week for six weeks. You were not supposed to change other parts of your routine. And you were to let us know if you had any procedures or did anything different. So let’s start there.

SuChin Pak 

Like a full yank, a half yank, a quarter yank.

Matt McConkey 

Sadly, I haven’t had the yank that my heart desires. But I have used it consistently. Not every day. But I’d say a good three times a week I can say confidently. And I’ve loved it. You know, at the end of the day, can I say that it has changed my skin. I am somebody who believes that anything that’s going to be truly transformative. Can’t happen at home. And the only things that can really make a difference at home are treadmilling which we know is our prescription level, retinol, and like a really good chemical exfoliator those are, I think what are going to make or break you in terms of home care, but I enjoy the routine of solo wave. It certainly hasn’t hurt me although I was experiencing I told you this Kulap in the early days, focusing a lot on the under-eye area and I did start to get an eye twitch. And I’m not saying that they’re related because I also wasn’t sleeping great at the time that I have to acknowledge that.

SuChin Pak  30:03

It’s scientific study guys, if you’re listening, wanting some sort of clinical trial shit, turn it off. That’s not what you’re gonna get. Go on, Matt, tell us about the eye twitch.

Matt McConkey 

Well, it went away. I’ll tell you; it went away and I’m still using the solo wave. You know, I eased up a bit on how much I was kind of hitting the under eye, but I’m also just sleeping better. So I think that it’s, that’s, you know, well, I guess it is a chicken egg thing a bit.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Do you see any incremental change at all? Aside from the warmth you get from the red light?

Matt McConkey 

You know, I feel that I do see a bit more smoothness, but it is so subtle. It’s kind of hard to put your finger firmly on it.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Claire, how was your experience in these six weeks.

Claire Jones 

I will be honest; I was so consistent the first two weeks and then I absolutely forgot. But I really have to say that the like warming aspect of it was a really nice thing to do before bed. And also I liked to do it during recording sessions. I think once or twice you maybe saw that happen because that’s when I would remember.

Kulap Vilaysack 

SuChin, you used it too much that you broke it and then you got a new one from solo wave.

SuChin Pak 

I’ve burned my face cuz I used it too much. Right?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Dave, that’s interesting. The box says do it for five minutes. Now Su was doing 20 and when she says 20, probably 30 to 40 minutes.

SuChin Pak 

Episodes of euphoria. You know, I don’t know how long that lasts.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s an hour-long show.

SuChin Pak 

Let’s say an hour.

Matt McConkey 

Oh, so you’re not even doing it in the mirror. You would just be casual. The way that you do like a jade roller.

SuChin Pak  32:02

That’s right. Oh, yeah. No, like you would pick your teeth as you’re watching. You know, the rodeo just a casual long, absent minded solo wave.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And has the second wand. What condition is it in now?

SuChin Pak 

Well, I have been gentler, and I love it. And you’re right, like the warming sensation, all of that. Right. Like you said, Matt, I think, you know, going into a dermatologists office is, it’s hard to compare what you can do at home. But I do think there’s something about whatever serum that you’re putting on that it’s pushing it into an absorbing better so I do think that your skin, my skin has been plumper and firmer, but I think that’s the product of the serum actually being pushed into with the heat and the motion of it. It’s not enough of a heavy lift where like, like it’s so easy to do. You know, I’m putting on my serum anyway. It’s just kind of like there’s no afterthought to it. So for me it’s really easy and I love it.

Matt McConkey  33:05

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to just drill down on specifics too hard here but because I know that the serum is so key, you really cannot use it without really lubing up and so if you’re watching TV or doing it absent mindedly Are you also just absent mindedly, putting more serum on your face?

SuChin Pak  

Yeah, I just do it in patches. So like, I’ll work you know, if I’m like working on my bottom cheek. I’ll just do it here. Do that until it kind of dries out. And then I move. So I do it in sections like dousing your whole face in the serum, it’ll dry up faster than you can really get to the solo wave. Not in the instruction booklet. You don’t get everything from reading those things.

Kulap Vilaysack  34:00

Claire, would you add or remove from cart the solo wave?

Claire Jones 

So this is like I have it in my cart. Am I keeping it? Yeah. Where am I getting rid of it? I will keep it.

SuChin Pak 

Absolutely Add to Cart.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And you recommend it? Would you gift it?

SuChin Pak 

I do, but I recommend it. I would gift it and I would recommend it. And I’ve gotten so many texts from friends who are like, do I need to get this all the way? And but I say all the things that I’ve told you, I was like, if you’re looking for a full yank with this little device, that’s not what you’re gonna get. It’s this. It’s this. It’s this. And so if that sounds great, then get it.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And finally, Matt McConkey as we close the door of the add to carts, Matt McConkey solo wave challenge. What does he say?

Matt McConkey 

You know, until this conversation I was ready to remove from cart but the SuChin patch method is very intriguing to me.

SuChin Pak  35:02

That’s how I was able to do it, I think for as long as I was doing it, right? Because it’s like, well, if she just rolling that thing on her dry skin, would be harmful I think, it definitely hurt.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Matt, Dave, where can we find you on the internet? How can people get at you, know your work?

Matt McConkey 

I mean, I don’t have anything.

Dave Holmes 

There’s nowhere it isn’t right. We’re not exclusive. We’re not roganing.

Matt McConkey 

We’re not hiding behind a paywall.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s right. You’re brave. You’re brave. Where are you on Twitter, on Instagram?

Matt McConkey 

I am on Instagram at @MattMcconks. I am technically on Twitter at Matt McConkey. Although I do sometimes forget that, that platform exists.

Dave Holmes 

Oh, boy. What a luxury. I am at @DaveHolmes on both. And I am at @realjuicenewton on tick tock but I’m not doing anything with it.

Matt McConkey  36:11

How did you pick that name?

Dave Holmes 

I don’t know. I was in a hurry. You remember juice newton?

Kulap Vilaysack 

You guys were fantastic guests. I love you.

Matt McConkey 

Thank you for having us.

SuChin Pak 

Okay, that’s it for this episode. Make sure you check out everything Matt and Dave added to their cards on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod.

Kulap Vilaysack 

We also have links to all the products in a doc that Claire updates every week. You can find that in the link in our bio.

SuChin Pak 

That’s right. And leave us a message. We love hearing your voices. 833-453-6662

Kulap Vilaysack 

and let us know if you know of any gentleman’s rental companies. You know, but if there isn’t, I feel like Dave and Matt. Let’s say get dibs. They get dibs. Guys. These are the rules. That’s right. We’ll be back next week.

SuChin Pak 

Okay, bye guys.


ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our mix is by Ivan Kuraev and Veronica Rodriguez. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.

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