ATC Controversy (with Janie Haddad Tompkins and Paul F. Tompkins)
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If you find yourself struggling to strike that fine balance between practical and absolutely regal, we have an episode for you. Comedians, actors, and writers Paul F. Tompkins and Janie Haddad Tompkins join Kulap and SuChin to talk about how they skip the tire shop, rent the runway, and give their backyard rodents Michelin style experiences. Practical and regal for all.
- Find Janie on Instagram at @lebaneselooker and Paul at @pftompkins
- Listen to their podcast Stay F Homekins: https://bit.ly/stayfhomekins
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.
- Rent the runway like Janie: https://bit.ly/renttharunway
- Janie’s “Astro Al” air compressor: https://bit.ly/astroal
- Paul’s squirrel picnic bench: https://bit.ly/squirrelpicnic
- Si Beau, Paul’s custom tailor: https://bit.ly/sibeautailoring
- Paul’s VERY controversial choice: https://bit.ly/paulstoothbrush
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Paul F. Tompkins, Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Janie Haddad Tompkins
Kulap Vilaysack 00:10
Hello, everyone, welcome to another episode of ADD TO CART. A show about the things we buy and buy into and what it says about who we are. I’m Kulap Vilaysack.
SuChin Pak
And I’m her sidekick SuChin Pak.
Kulap Vilaysack
You are no one’s sidekick.
SuChin Pak
What do you mean? I love being your sidekick. I wanted be that little puppy with the little like hat next to you in the sidecar. And you’re on? No? I love that idea. That’s an image that works for me.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay. All right. Okay. So today we have two my dear friends Paul F. Tompkins and Janie Haddad Tompkins.
SuChin Pak
We have so much goodness with these two. We recorded this actually in Santa Barbara when we saw each other for the first time since all this craziness happened. So it was just fun to be in the same room all together with these guys especially they’re so funny. They have so many good practical add to carts so let’s get right into it.
Kulap Vilaysack
Add to Carter’s you are in for a most special treat. Because we have two of my dearest friends and travel buddies on the show today. You know her from Comedy Bang Bang and the regular show you know him from Bojack Horseman and Bajillion Dollar Properties to name just a few of their credits because they are both stars of […] and screen. together. They are the host of the Stay F. Homekins Podcast. Janie Haddad Tompkins and Paul F. Tompkins
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Thank you for having us. We’re so excited to be here.
SuChin Pak
You didn’t have a choice because you’re traveling with cool off. I feel like I’m on the car right up she was like. Also, by the way.
Paul F. Tompkins 02:00
What have we had said No. Would that have been weird?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I would have made it weird. That we’re all hanging out together.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean, we would talk about it at dinners, dinners.
Paul F. Tompkins
What if we’d said no. But then still sat at this table while you were recording? Were just on our phones the whole time.
Kulap Vilaysack
The Stay F. Homekins podcast is also like ADD TO CART, and that it was born out of the pandemic. Very
Paul F. Tompkins
Very true.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
True. We’re still going once a week.
Paul F. Tompkins
It’s a Hangout podcast. It’s like the two of us catching up and talking about whatever. There’s no theme. There’s no..
Janie Haddad Tompkins
It’s a stream of consciousness absurdist conversation podcasts.
Paul F. Tompkins
There’s no absurdist conversation.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
It’s a podcast of the absurd. Because it’s in the moment, it’s like it’s kind of it goes where it goes.
Paul F. Tompkins
I don’t think that’s absurd, though.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
It can be absurd.
Paul F. Tompkins
It can be. I will grant that.
SuChin Pak
It can be also absurd, I would imagine because wait, don’t you guys also live together?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
SuChin Pak 03:05
And you’ve been quarantined together?
Paul F. Tompkins
SuChin Pak
So and then once a week you decided to have another conversation only recorded? I have to imagine at times. It’s got to get absurd. Yeah, it’s a lot. It’s a lot of time together.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I would use the word codependence which is what I’ve started using.
Paul F. Tompkins
You have started using.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Because I think it’s true.
Paul F. Tompkins
I think we’re okay.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
We have to get another we have to shift gears now.
Kulap Vilaysack
You have to bring in a third?
Paul F. Tompkins
One slot open.
Kulap Vilaysack 04:06
Paul, Janie, please tell me what type of shoppers you are.
Paul F. Tompkins
Well, I’m bad, I think.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Paul’s a little bit of a, he’s a retail therapy.
Paul F. Tompkins
It’s true.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
He gets I mean, am I allowed to say like, you kind of get stuff something every day.
Paul F. Tompkins
I mean, yeah, that’s fair to say it’s pretty steady. And it’s a lot of it’s either closer, it’s like household things or whatever. But yeah, I do tend to do that too much. And sometimes it become very aware of it. And I tried to curb it and so it goes up and down.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, same same same. What you’re describing is me.
SuChin Pak
You’re on Add To Cart so..
Kulap Vilaysack
And for those of people who don’t know, Paul, he’s a man of, as a man of cloth.
Paul F. Tompkins
I’m a man of the cloth. I’m a Catholic priest.
Kulap Vilaysack
He’s a man of fine suits.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
He’s a clothes horse.
Kulap Vilaysack
He loves an accessory. To me my mind, I’ve never seen you wear one but would have a signet ring. Like I would picture you with a signet ring.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
You got another hand.
Paul F. Tompkins
If I did not have a wedding ring. I probably would have something like that.
Paul F. Tompkins
I can’t, I don’t want to be a two-ring guy. I like just having a wedding.
SuChin Pak
Now, Paul, where do you get your ideas when you’re shopping fashion wise? Like, are you just always on the hunt? Is it tips that you’ve gotten from friends? Or is it just tried and true? Like, listen, I go to my three places.
Paul F. Tompkins
I think of it and then I look to see if it exists. Do you know what I mean? I think I was like, because it’s based on maybe things that I’ve had before or I’ve had trouble finding, like a sort of like a like a sort of Safari jacket. Like with epaulets and belted or whatever. And I try to see like, does that exist like in a linen fabric like a lightweight thing? And in a different color. So it doesn’t look like a costume but it looks like a jacket.
Janie Haddad Tompkins 06:32
I was gonna say there you have; you wanted the suit from the Mayor in Jaws. And so he had the suit.
Paul F. Tompkins
Yes, there’s a jacket that the Mayor of Amity wears in the movie Jaws.
Kulap Vilaysack
One of your favorite films.
Paul F. Tompkins
It’s one of my favorite films to blazer with. It’s like a pale blue blazer with anchors all over it. And I searched for that and I couldn’t find it anywhere. And then I think I talked about it on a podcast and somebody sent to ear wolf the sample of the fabric and they said here’s where you can find the fabric. Yes. And so I found the fabric I bought it. I took it to my tailor […] of West Hollywood. And I had a three-piece suit made out of this fabric. It’s a good suit.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
But then also when one time there was a Bojack premiere. And so his character on Bojack, which you can catch on Netflix, is Mr. Peanut Butter, who is a anthropomorphize golden retriever. And Mr. Peanut Butter had a pink suit with starbursts all over it and you found the fabric. Yeah. And then you had it made and you didn’t tell anyone. And then we went to that premiere that season of Bojack and people lost their minds that you’re dressed like your actual animated character.
Paul F. Tompkins 08:04
That one, I got I had help from online with that one because I put it out that if I could find material that looked like this, and I posted a picture of the cartoon, I would get a suit made out of it. And then somebody found it for me and they shared with me.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Like not just as your Bojack character because I like the pink fabric with the starburst. I think it’s cool.
Paul F. Tompkins
It’s very coarse fabric too. And the tailor it seemed tailor had to like soak it in a tub for a few days to loosen it.
Paul F. Tompkins
I think I ordered it incorrectly.
Kulap Vilaysack
Janie what type of shop are you?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Well, I this has been hard on the pandemic because I enjoy I actually enjoyed going out to places and trying things on although I do shop online obviously, it’s the modern age. But I like something that thrills me is going to kind of consignment shops or secondhand shops or you know places like that. Where and then you stumble across a garment that feels unique or a vibe or history to it or something like that. That’s always been exciting to me.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s tough to do that online. It’s tough day, you’re really like if you’re doing that online, you’re on Etsy or in different consignment online shops. You’re taking a gamble. You really have to know your measurement.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Yes, and I’ll be like on eBay or something because he is designer I like and I got a dress like a really cool dress and it’s like a size 12 but really it’s like a size six.
Kulap Vilaysack 10:06
Oh, who’s the designer Janie?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Raoul Blanco. Raoul Blanco. We’re talking like big shoulders and like the whole 80s deal. There’s a lot of vintage Raoul Blanco online.
SuChin Pak
I love it. I mean, we’ll have to do a closet tour between these two, Raoul Blanco’s and then the custom made Oh, yeah. Little cinched waist. Man of the cloth.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s get into some of your Add To Cart. Janie, we’ll start with you. The AstroAI air compressor? Portable air pump for car tires?
Paul F. Tompkins
Okay, first of all, I didn’t even know this thing existed. I had a slow leak in my tire, where I would frequently have to pull over to like a gas station put in the quarters, like do that. Like, you know, like, I don’t know, like it was the 1940s or something, you know, and then COVID happened. And I didn’t get a chance to take my car into my tire place. I got a great tire place. And I stumbled upon this thing that you keep in your car, you plug it into your car, cigarette lighter. You hook it, then oh, this gets even better. So like say, say your tire pressure. Say your tire pressures. 38 pounds. Okay? You type in 38. You plug it into your cigarette lighter, and then you push a button. And you don’t do anything.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Guys, guys, guys. I’m adding to cart $29.99.
Janie Haddad Tompkins 12:09
Do you know how much I use this thing? Like I swear to God, no, I didn’t have to get a new tire. I got to patch. There was a nail in my tire for 14 months. I just like twice, like every two weeks it would get slipped like lower. And then I just would grab it out of my trunk. And I bought like I bought one for my mom. My mom was driving a lot you know and like our tires would cut and I was like my mom can’t pull over get on the concrete on our knees. She’s in her 70s like, the quarters and then sometimes you don’t have the quarters and you have to kind of wait. I’ve got like a whole thing now like because I also is another thing as far as shopping and things I’m very practical like I love any item that has a purpose that’s going to solve a problem for you. You know what I mean?
SuChin Pak
Yes. So but this thing also too by the way, you can pump up your bicycle tires
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s why I’m getting it for, for my bike.
SuChin Pak
Other inflatables, you guys, multi-use.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Yeah, maybe have a pool and you want to blow up like a huge shape of a flamingo.
Kulap Vilaysack
I just purchased a Sriracha bottle pool float.
SuChin Pak
Scott, stop blowing up the sriracha.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I use it during the day mostly, but there it also has an LED light. Where if it’s like you’re stuck on a dark road, and you pull over and you’re doing that you don’t have to pull out your iPhone, turn on the flashlight. This thing is like amazing and it’s small and you keep it in your trunk. And it’s like instant empowerment is liberation. You know, it’s like, you don’t have to rely on some man. You don’t have quarters and it’s a dude working at the convenience store. Yeah, and like that your eyelashes on you’re like without my air compressor tire and player.
SuChin Pak 14:32
Oh, this is this goes in the Hall of Fame.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
This is like this kind of shit I like.
Kulap Vilaysack
Wow, Paul. You will have to follow up. I follow Paul on all social medias and I know about this, okay, it’s a Squirrel Feeder picnic table with a red umbrella and corn cob holder and a small peanut cup.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
He feeds his squirrels.
Paul F. Tompkins
I saw him first saw one of these things on the Silver Lake reservoir, because there’s a patio, there’s a walking hiking path around there. And there was one that was attached to a tree along the path. And I was like, what is what is that? And I saw it was a little picnic bench. And I realized, Oh, this is for squirrels. And I thought I have to see a squirrel sitting at the picnic bench. And so I got one. And it’s the best purchase I’ve ever made.
SuChin Pak 16:04
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I need to dial this back a little bit. I need for you to just to do two things before you continue. Number one is trying to explain to people that are listening what this is visually, number one. Number two, when you walked by a tree and you saw this immediately you said oh that’s for a squirrel like you, I would never, so explain to people that are listening what is what is this thing because it’s you guys, everyone close your eyes.
Paul F. Tompkins
It is like a picnic bench that you would see at like a national park campsite or something like that, but shrunk down to appropriate squirrel size. So that the squirrel would be as big as you would be at the regular size table. And it has, this one is the best one because it does come with an umbrella on the table because of the sun. Now if you take the umbrella off there is a screw there that you can use to put a corncob on there. I feed my squirrel hazelnuts out of there’s a little silver bowl that you put on top. I think it’s the same guy every day.
SuChin Pak
Are there pictures of your squirrel eating?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
He got video.
Paul F. Tompkins
Oh yes. Oh yes.
SuChin Pak
I have chills and not good chills.
Paul F. Tompkins
Are they multiplying?
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I don’t know how I feel.
Kulap Vilaysack 18:03
I’m pulling up your social media.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I think that you will know how you feel when you see the pictures and the video.
SuChin Pak
And it’s adorable but squirrels Okay, did you guys spend some time in New York living in New York? Are you from the East Coast? We all know how we feel about squirrels in the park. Correct? Because I think if you’ve lived in New York any amount that’s wait sorry. Kulap is showing me a picture of Paul’s squirrel. That’s, you took that picture?
Paul F. Tompkins
I have a I have a camera set up.
SuChin Pak
Because this looks like a brochure for the squirrel feeder. How does it attach to the tree and is it high up on the tree, or lower on the tree?
Paul F. Tompkins
Mine’s on the ground. I decided not to put it on the tree because I liked I don’t know, and I liked the idea of it just being on the ground like it would be for us. You know?
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin’s not an animal person. You need to know that, number one.
SuChin Pak
I think animals should live. Do I think the animal human population should be rubbing against each other?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I’m kind with SuChin on this because I’m not a huge animal person.
Paul F. Tompkins
They’re our neighbors.
Kulap Vilaysack
We can’t have a barrier; you want to build walls? Donald Trump?
SuChin Pak
I don’t want to put out a picnic table with a red umbrella. Do you know what I mean? Like you do you whatever you’re doing in the ground there. I will stay here. And we shall you know. It’s a living and let live situation.
Kulap Vilaysack 20:07
Kind of nodding from afar. Captains, you know, captain’s acknowledgement from afar. I see you. I respect you.
Janie Haddad Tompkins 20:18
It is funny that all of these animals live in an urban environment?
Kulap Vilaysack
Janie, tell us about Rent the Runway?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Well, it’s okay. So this kind of goes along with the kind of shopper. I am. Yes. And one of the things that clued me back into like, oh, we’re vaccinated and things are opening up in our neck of the woods, I guess, is that because I had to Rent the Runway subscription prior to the pandemic. And it’s like this business where they have all this high-end designer stuff that you would never want to pay for, like a $600 blouse or something, but you’re like, I would like to wear a $600 blouse to this meeting, or whatever. And so it’s a monthly subscription, and you get four pieces you select and they send it in, and you get to wear it all month, and then send it back and trade it in for something else. And I like the whole idea of kind of the sharing model or something, It’s practical, definitely. It’s more affordable. You know, and you get to refresh your wardrobe once a month and like have something cool to wear. And I don’t know if it’s, I think it’s better for the environment, they say, and it comes in like a fabric thing. It’s not like cardboard, and they recycle the plastic it’s packed in you send it back and everything.
Kulap Vilaysack
And you have the option to purchase if you fall in love with something?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
And I have done that before where something fits really well. And I wore it like three times or maybe got some compliments and I was like I’m gonna buy this to put it in my closet. So that was one of the things that brought me joy, like after the pandemic that I renewed the subscription to rent the runway. I don’t know why I’m such a big lover of it.
Kulap Vilaysack 22:15
No, I’ve used the service before too, especially like during wedding season. It’s just it’s perfect. And you can get three sizes or two sides. And then you just when you’re done you just throw it in the bag, you don’t worry about cleaning it.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
And that oh I forgot about that one time so I was in my friend’s wedding, middle aged brides maid, you know coming through a theater near you. And she basically just said everyone just wear black look for like a black and white effect. And so I rented a cute black looking more formal type of thing and I sent it back and I didn’t have to buy a bridesmaid’s dress that I was stuck with forever You know? So I think it’s cool. There’s a lot of other services like Rent the Runway that’s not the only one I think there’s other ones too.
Kulap Vilaysack
Janie, let’s jump to your remove from cart. We’re gonna go into some removed from carts from both of you.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I haven’t tried it. But I it’s like, the reason I say removed from cart because I feel like I’ve it’s in my mental cart and I keep taking out of my mental cart. Because here’s the thing. Alright, allow me to explain. Do you find when you freshly make your bed? It’s wonderful. Do you find after a night or two the fitted sheet becomes loose and wrinkly and upsetting?
Paul F. Tompkins 24:03
It’s upsetting to some people. I can vouch for that.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I require a very tightly made bed. Now for those of us who enjoy tightly made bed rather than constantly when you make the bed tightening the fitted sheet each time there is somehow my social media knows I like this tightly made bed because it keeps trying to sell me this gadget called The Bed Scrunchie.
Kulap Vilaysack
called the bed
Janie Haddad Tompkins
So it’s like a giant bed sheets scrunchie. Bed sheets scrunchie with clips and you clip it around the elastic of your fitted sheet. And then you tuck the scrunchie part under the bed so that it all like shrinks toward the center. And I think it could be a scam that’s why I keep removing it from my mental cart. Is this that I want it to be revolutionary.
Paul F. Tompkins
Is this is supposed to live under the mattress?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Yes. Where else would it live?
Paul F. Tompkins
I didn’t know if you had to remove it.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
When you wash your sheets you have to unclip it and do the whole thing over again.
Kulap Vilaysack
I actually this is better than I thought I did picture a scrunchie that would be around the bottom.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
In my mind, I didn’t imagine.
SuChin Pak 26:04
This is more work than just tightening your bed I think.
Kulap Vilaysack
But once a week or twice a week whatever your schedule is with your cleaning your fitted sheets.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
But every day when I make the bed sheets get pulled out and I’m pushing them under their mattress.
SuChin Pak
Are you getting the right size fitted sheet for the mattress? I mean, I don’t, I think so. What do you think?
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I don’t know. I want it just like I want it like the military. I want it like military style, I want it to be like it’s one it becomes one with my mattress.
SuChin Pak
See I’ve been known to put many fitted sheets on.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
You mean like there’s toilet things that go on the toilet seat and then another one comes around?
SuChin Pak
Oh yeah. Wait, wait, is this not a thing
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Then what happens? I mean, does that help it all stay in place? The extra material?
SuChin Pak
You know I’m sort of loosey goosey.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Oh, you’re fine with it.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, so I haven’t noticed that but when you put more of them on it is a tighter fit. It’s less movement around.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
I’ve never heard of this in my life.
SuChin Pak
You just take it off and then you have a clean..
Paul F. Tompkins
But it’s not really clean because you’ve been sleeping on it.
SuChin Pak 28:02
No, but you’ve only been sleeping on the top layer.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, but you have to also understand SuChin is wearing multiple layers on her body. So sweat only hasn’t touched.
SuChin Pak
Paul, are you just like a heavy night sweater?
Paul F. Tompkins
I go to bed in scuba suit because we never wash our sheets.
Kulap Vilaysack
Now, SuChin is wearing long johns then she’s wearing pants on top of that and there are socks tucked into her pants. She’s a cool, yeah you need heat.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I need heat. And I’ve also never mind..
Kulap Vilaysack
Just because it’s unsafe space doesn’t mean you should say it.
SuChin Pak
This is focus group of three. We shall take it to the masses.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well then let’s hear this, tell me.
SuChin Pak
Well I have also been known you know because you get behind on your laundry. And so you don’t have a fitted sheet. You know sometimes. And so you have a fitted sheet and then I’ve been known to cover it in a flat sheet like a hotel does. And then sleep on top of the flat sheet and then rip that off and wash it and then put another fitted sheet on top of the fitted sheet when I get to the laundry. And it works just fine.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
You’re fine with it bunching up around your skin?
SuChin Pak
It doesn’t bunch because I tuck, I tuck it underneath.
Kulap Vilaysack
And you wouldn’t be able to feel it.
Kulap Vilaysack 30:07
Our final item is, I am so excited to hear.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
This is an Add To Cart controversy.
Kulap Vilaysack
Dr. Tung’s Ionic Toothbrush. Now, listeners know that Caissie St. Onge, past guest brought this to us Caissie is a mutual friend of ours. Paul, what’s going on?
Paul F. Tompkins
I don’t like the packaging; I threw it away. I listened to that episode. I thought that is I’m a Sonicare man myself. I heard the description of how well this toothbrush cleans your teeth. I was like, I got to try it. I tried it for I want to say three weeks. My teeth did not feel like glass.
SuChin Pak
Did you wet your thumb?
Paul F. Tompkins
I did all the things that I was supposed to do.
SuChin Pak
Was it wet the entire time?
Paul F. Tompkins
It was wet the entire time. I would hold my forefinger, my middle finger, and my thumb Okay, under the water for a second. So I’d have moisture on there. Did it always made sure I was making contact with a little metal part. And it didn’t feel any different to me. After all that time. I think I’ve become more accustomed to the electric toothbrush thing. And I like that way of brushing better. I like Sonic technology.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
So in your estimation, did it work at least as just a basic toothbrush?
Paul F. Tompkins
Yeah, it works as a toothbrush for sure.
Kulap Vilaysack
But beyond that it was just that for you. It was a basic tooth brushing you don’t feel any additional benefits?
Paul F. Tompkins 32:04
No, I did not feel any additional benefits.
Kulap Vilaysack
All right, guys. Let’s take it to the bathroom. Let’s bust out the toothbrush.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
So you’re on board with the effectiveness of it?
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m on board.
Paul F. Tompkins
You guys have definitely, you’ve both definitely noticed a change.
SuChin Pak
I want to try it now. Just put yours and hydrogen peroxide and then..
Kulap Vilaysack
Will you guys please share your social media?
Paul F. Tompkins
Mine is at @pftompkins on Twitter and Instagram.
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Mine is at @lebaneselooker on Instagram and at @janiehadad on Twitter.
Kulap Vilaysack
And the stay at home..
Janie Haddad Tompkins
Stay F Homekins.
Kulap Vilaysack
Sorry I like lost where I was and who I was. That’s independent.
Paul F. Tompkins
It’s just us in our kitchen in our dining room
Janie Haddad Tompkins
And we have separate socials for that at @stayfhomekins on Instagram and at @stayfhomekins on Twitter. And you can find it for free anywhere you get your podcast.
Paul F. Tompkins
It goes out Friday nights, we record it, no editing, it just goes right up into the air.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s it for our show everyone.
SuChin Pak
You can find everything we mentioned here today on Add To Cart pod and all the links to buy anything will be in our show notes always.
Kulap Vilaysack
Leave us a message at 833-453-6662
SuChin Pak
All right, we’ll see you next week. Bye.
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.