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Aunties Holiday Book Club with Aparna Nancherla

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Bookworms, gather ‘round the fireplace for an auntie-approved holiday book club. Comedian Aparna Nancherla joins Ku and Su to talk about her new book “Unreliable Narrator: Me, Myself, and Imposter Syndrome.” Together, they unpack the voices in their heads – from the angry to the anxious. Plus, the aunties share their picks for holiday reading. Britney Spears’ memoir has SuChin reflecting on the times she interviewed the pop star. Meanwhile, Kulap has the perfect book to celebrate the Asian American experience in cinema. You’ll leave with a full shelf!

This episode was recorded prior to the end of the SAG-AFTRA strike.

Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

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Aaron, Aparna Nancherla, Katie, SuChin Pak, Kulap Vilaysack

SuChin Pak  00:07

Carter’s, welcome back to our holiday madhouse. I’m auntie Suchin Pak.


Kulap Vilaysack  00:12

And I’m auntie Kuku Vilaysack. Su, it’s the season for curling up, next to a fire with your favorie book. And books are one of the easiest gift to get.


SuChin Pak  00:21

That’s right, Ku, you know, I’m always juggling a few books at a time. I’m also the type of person just to always have a book suggestion, you know, just right in my back pocket, and just like to be that gal at a party, you know, just a good time.


Kulap Vilaysack  00:39

SuChin Pak in a corner, please be.


SuChin Pak  00:43

Handing out book recommendations, after assessing you psychologically for just about a quick 32nd review. And I say, I have the book for you. You know, so today’s episode is all about books. We’re sharing some books that you guys should definitely pick up this holiday season, either for yourself or for a gift, some books that have changed our lives. It’s sort of an aunties holiday book club.


Kulap Vilaysack  01:08

And we have a special guest at our book club today. She is


SuChin Pak  01:13

A many edged sword, deadly.


Kulap Vilaysack  01:17

What’s coming at you right now. She’s a comedian, an actor, actress. Both, she’s both of those things. A writer based in Los Angeles, her standup has appeared on to 2 Dope Queens on HBO, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Comedy Central and Netflix. She’s got specials look them up. She starred as Grace the HR rep on the critically acclaimed show corporate and voiced Hollyhock on Bojack Horseman, her new book, Unreliable Narrator is out now. Please Add To Cart Aparna Nancherla.


Aparna Nancherla  01:52

Wow, what an Intro. Thank you so much.


Kulap Vilaysack  01:57

What a career.


Aparna Nancherla  01:59

Whoa, just did such a quick career retrospective for me.


SuChin Pak  02:06

She’s an expert at it. But she has good material.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:09

Great material. There’s things that even bring up. She’s in the Great North. She’s a lead on the Great North.


Aparna Nancherla  02:15

I mean.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:16

We don’t have all day.


Aparna Nancherla  02:17

Yeah, yeah.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:19

Oh, yeah. Like you forgot.


Aparna Nancherla  02:21

No, no, I just meant, um, I keep forgetting with the strike. Like what I’m allowed to talk about or even acknowledge.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:30

Okay. You don’t have to you can?


Aparna Nancherla  02:33

Animation. I think it’s okay.


Kulap Vilaysack  02:35

It’s totally okay.


Aparna Nancherla  02:36

I think it’s totally okay. That was me, as a kid always wanted to follow the rules, just one to make sure I wouldn’t get in trouble.


SuChin Pak  02:45

I was coloring in the lines, which kind of leads to a lot of themes in this book, right. This book is called Unreliable Narrator colon, me, myself and impostor syndrome.


Aparna Nancherla  02:56

Thank you for mentioning the colon.


SuChin Pak  02:58

Yeah, yeah, that’s, that’s an important list. And because it’s so funny, as you’re reading this book, which is a lot about imposter syndrome, you’re like, what was it like, conceiving of a book, going through the process of writing it? And then also feeling like, wait, should I be? Am I good enough to you know, like, that’s like, I feel like so many people can relate to that, you know, push and pull.


Aparna Nancherla  03:26

Yeah, I mean, I think when I, thought of the idea I was, it was, you know, very much ripped from the headlines of my life. Like I was struggling pretty acutely with self doubt at the time. And it was kind of a point in my career where I thought things had been figured out. Like I had gotten more opportunities, I was able to work full time and comedy, like all these things, I had sort of checked off my bucket list, and then, I think I thought when I got the opportunities, that confidence would come but it got the self doubt got worse. And then I was like, oh, no, this is not, this is not going as I planned. So then I was like, well, and I self doubt has so much to say, Why doesn’t it do some work for one so that I was like, maybe I’ll write a book about it. But yeah, it turns out it was a horrible idea, Su, to write it yourself down. I wouldn’t recommend it. Yeah.


Kulap Vilaysack  04:20

A whole chapter on this conversation of process. And I just appreciate you so much. It’s a very entertaining trans parent look about this like mythical thing about process and I as I was reading it, it was making me just feel so much better.


Aparna Nancherla  04:46

That’s good.


SuChin Pak  04:47

Yeah, someone else’s agony is sometimes the best place you can find your own. You know.


Kulap Vilaysack  04:52

And yet,we heard my intro. Like, you describe some very unproductive moments. You get down nitty gritty into a schedule of not doing and you know, but it’s something Su and I talk a lot about to this whole thing about hustler and, and this beautiful idea of just a kept schedule and being a hyper productive person at all times. And yet you’ve had these struggles, these obstacles, she talks about how her start time of writing got pushed to like 11pm, and then romanticizing that now, you know, but yet you wrote the book at the end of the day.


SuChin Pak  05:34

I’m sorry, it’s small type and long.


Aparna Nancherla  05:36

It is long, it is long.


Kulap Vilaysack  05:40

Is that, it just made me feel good, you know, it’s like, because as we scroll on, you talk a lot about like, Doom scrolling, and like, you just, you know, there’s some influencers that do everything really great, and then and with music, and it’s oftentimes it’s not sexy, and I appreciate that. I really do.


Aparna Nancherla  05:59

Yeah, I’m glad you guys related. I think sometimes also, when you get in those procrastination cycles, you’re kind of like, I’m like such a little dust ball of a person, like I used like, you do feel like you fully do not belong with the rest of the human race. And it is good, though, is just good to remember, we all have those moments or those struggles that we get caught up in those things. And I don’t know why. I don’t know what it is that even when we talk about like connecting over these things, like when you’re in them, you still kind of feel like oh, no one’s as bad as I am.


SuChin Pak  06:36

I still don’t believe no one is as bad as I am. I have it. I also think that this imposter syndrome, you talk about it, the way that we all understand it, you know, it’s like we’ve all felt moments of doubt, but you also dive into it in like little ways that are very nuanced that I was like, wow, that’s also impostor syndrome. And, like the chapter you have on like, rage and anger, you know, and about how, and I connected to that. I was like, wow, I have so been conditioned to smile, and to be polite. And the nice person, and inside, I’m a fucking psycho. You know what I mean? I, the thoughts I have about people I love. Like, I have legal documents that I’ve drawn up, you know, that I like, like, I like want to serve to people I love and be like, This is what you owe me. And this is what it’s called. Totally.


Aparna Nancherla  07:33

I feel like my own brain has to sign an NDA to be like, you must never never, ever reveal any of this because it is bad, it is inditing, yes.


SuChin Pak  07:35

So, it’s like even that I’m like, I do feel like that a lot. I do feel like this imposter of like, happy mom […] and then at night, I’m just like, you know, just like, disgusting gremlin. And I’m like, Is this okay? Is it okay? You guys to be that far off?


Aparna Nancherla  08:06

I always wondered that too, with people who are very free with their anger or don’t seem to have the same boundaries around it that I do, I’m like, is the inside of your head? Like, you know, more expansive or like, is there less clear? Yeah, yeah, like holding on to that rage? Or is it just like, there’s this rage all the time and it’s, it’s fine.


Kulap Vilaysack  08:30

Sometimes a book comes to you when you need it. And, I in therapy Yesterday, I had to discuss a couple episodes that you know, the word dysregulated gets thrown around.


Aparna Nancherla  08:45

Oh, sure.


Kulap Vilaysack  08:46

Do I know the meaning? What I do know is that I have a temper, I have a temper and I’ve, it hasn’t been a while since I’ve just sort of let it rip, and it has happened a few times recently. […]


SuChin Pak  09:04

In front of in front of people, man you don’t have to name who but in front of people. Because sometimes I most of the time I rode quietly in a dark closet. Yeah behind winter coats.


Aparna Nancherla  09:18

Me too, me too or like through an exercise video where’s, really taking it out on Krista today?


Kulap Vilaysack  09:31

Yeah, I was, I mean, this is only it’s gonna sound like I’m a piece of shit but let’s just go there. Let’s just go there, it was both times was with my trainer, which all again I hear myself, I hear myself okay, I hear myself. We have a great almost brother like relationship. And it is a level of rage. He was riding me so hard and I build my life of proving that I’m a capable person, and when I feel like I’m communicating that I don’t like being spoke to in a certain way and like, and if I feel like I’m not being, hurt that’s right yeah, he’s a Tunisian former champion, who is used to work with dudes in the gym, and sort of nagging type of talk, I think, there are people like who like that, who probably that’s what they need. He himself was a fighter since he was eight years old. It was a way how he got out of, you know, his, you know, his economic strata. You know what I mean? Like, this was a wave, but I’m 43 year old woman who just needs to let you know, it’s a different thing. So at one point, this last time, he was riding me so hard while I was doing something new that I had never done before. And I kept kind of like checking him, and it built up so hard that I through the weight, and the expletives that came out of my mouth, like, it’s more than you think. It’s more you’re thinking of like, how many fox, and it was a variety of fox quiet loud, different, you know, volumes, different speeds.


SuChin Pak  11:22

Oh, that word is ever expansive.


Kulap Vilaysack  11:24

Yeah, it will walk away punch a cooler that was nearby combat like he was, it was something and then I read in your book, and highlighted, highlighted something that spoke to me, which was perhaps women have to go to these extremes because they’re often ignored the first one to 100 times they tried to respectfully set a boundary.


SuChin Pak  11:51

Here God Aparna is like, you know, she’s the guru that our generation, you know, didn’t know we needed, but here she is.


Kulap Vilaysack  12:00

Yeah, just in time for the holiday season. You know, like, like an angel from above?


Aparna Nancherla  12:05

Well, that’s a frustrating thing to write like, people are like, well, you shouldn’t bottle up your emotions that’ll just like lead to you know, resentment down the line, but then it’s like, it feels like sometimes as women we even when we try not to bottle up our emotions, people still don’t take them seriously. Or they just like, you know, kind of like, tune you out or or like sideline you or diminish what you’re saying or kind of like gaslight you and so I feel like we’re constantly conditioned to not trust our own emotions or like, consider ourselves as unreliable narrators. So I think that makes us Yeah, like, kind of have to lash out sometimes.


Kulap Vilaysack  12:44

I want to tell everyone that we had a very adult conversation the next time we saw each other, which I presented and with my big girl pants and said, we need to have a talk, and I you know, I was like.


Aparna Nancherla  12:58

Hey, did he receive it?


Kulap Vilaysack  12:59

He did, he was very first, very defensive. He was like, I’m not being negative. I was like, I actually know that you mean, well, it’s just that when you talk to me that way, I feel a certain way, he’s like, oh, like, triggers you? And he had that word ready to go. I was like, yes. And I was like, I totally understand that that’s a valid form of coaching it’s not something that I do well with. So I don’t want to disrespect you, I don’t want to know.


SuChin Pak  13:27

You’re helping us business, yes. I mean, there are a lot of people who don’t like to be taught that way when they’re doing physically hard things. So you’ve only helped him you know, you should get a cut of his new business when he applies your coaching to his sessions.


Aparna Nancherla  13:45

Yeah, I when I do exercise videos, because I can’t even deal with a real human person, so you’re ahead of me, but I have to mute them because I’m like, you don’t get a voice here. This is just about me and my body and I don’t need your, you know, condescending uplifting blurps, that reminds me that I don’t have the right energy to be a trainer.


SuChin Pak  14:13

Just mute them, I just mute them. I mute people in my head all day long. Anyway […]


Kulap Vilaysack  14:21

Well to answer you is my head clear maybe I don’t know. No, I don’t it’s like for me what you describe it like it is I feel like it is when you were a generally describing women about the gaslighting you were basically talking to very personally to me about my relationship with my mother. So it was like I didn’t.


SuChin Pak  14:43

Know that at first.


Kulap Vilaysack  14:44

You didn’t know about a partner but that was like.


SuChin Pak  14:46

You channeled it, you said, oh, that’s a relationship that needs some, some work.


Kulap Vilaysack  14:52

And so like for my path to kind of heal myself is to learn how to not let it build up so it erupts, and to, as my therapist said, don’t throw weights. But to say that doesn’t work for me to learn how to go, that doesn’t work for me in a way that isn’t so like my pupils make enlarge black.


SuChin Pak  15:16

That doesn’t work for me as a really good, a good one if you can sit in that. I mean, I don’t know if I’m I will ever be that brave in my life to utter those words out loud also said it’s a good phrase.


Aparna Nancherla  15:28

Yeah, because I also feel like we’re often told to contort ourselves to fit the situation or, like, that doesn’t work. For me. It’s like such a clear, like, making space for yourself, and I feel like we’re not always given that opportunity.


Kulap Vilaysack  15:44

No, no, and you talk about the business that we’re in and how that’s even the sort of specifics of that too, like the the contorting the saying, yes. The feeling like, you know, that no, could have a lot of consequence.


Aparna Nancherla  16:00

And yeah, that’s, it’s like saying no, is like, yeah, there’s a freedom in it. And it is like respecting yourself in a way to, to be able to say no to things but, but it is true that certain, like people saying no, like, there’s more consequences for you than other people. It’s not like everyone’s no is weighed equally.


Kulap Vilaysack  16:19

No. And that’s why stuff like, there’s so much education to be had in here. And I know, it’s because you’re working on yourself. And you’re like, let’s get to the bottom of this. You decide like an article or an author. And I’m like, oh, I want to read that, by myself, like, going, it’s just it’s really, in so many ways, a very funny textbook.


Aparna Nancherla  16:40

All day, you know, someone actually wrote a message to me, I think, on Instagram, where they were like, I loved your book, and they recommended my friend and they did not like it because they said it was like, written by smart people for smart people, and they felt like, you know, it wasn’t for them. But I was like, but I was like, well, I mean, I agree there’s a lot of nerdiness in it and not for everyone. They were probably like, this does not work for me. Okay, yeah, nice okay.


Kulap Vilaysack  17:13

One of the things that I liked and in back to our conversation about productivity, you wrote, I do wonder how some of us can suddenly produce, accomplish and generate, and some of us can’t stops stalling and buffering despite the dogmatic programming, and I was like, Oh, she sees me.


Aparna Nancherla  17:31

Yeah, I mean, I was talking to a friend recently, because I feel like they also struggle with some degree of self doubt, I feel like they’re constantly just like making work and putting it out there. And I was just like, do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Because I think my perfectionism is really what stops me from like, getting things done or like, being able to just create without just criticizing and judging and they were like, I think I have the opposite thing where it’s like, I just want to get it done as quickly as possible. And I was like, why didn’t I get that kind?


SuChin Pak  18:04

I’m married to that kind. Try be waking up every day, and it’s like, a new idea meetings, blah, blah, and I’m like, just trying to put on my LED mask here and just wake up before three o’clock. And he’s just like, you know.


Aparna Nancherla  18:26

Yeah, just like that thing of like, oh, like, It must be nice that your neuroses line up with society’s values.


SuChin Pak  18:37

Monetarily, emotionally, mentally. Poor as mine, I need to read more books about it, you know like.


Aparna Nancherla  18:46

Where my work is.


Kulap Vilaysack  18:48

I feel like we need to know how you add to cart like, I because I’ve read your book. I know a little bit about how you end up to kids overalls, but could you share? Could you share how you shop?


Aparna Nancherla  19:05

I mean, I have to say, lately, my shopping behavior has fully been like a coping mechanism for mental health. So like, I’ll use it to distract, avoid numb, and then.


Kulap Vilaysack  19:16

I don’t know what you mean, that’s so weird.


Aparna Nancherla  19:19

If I actually mean something, and then you know, I do like responsible search and manner of getting it. I’m like, Oh, this actually feels a little different than when I do the rest of the.


SuChin Pak  19:29

The word is unsatisfying. That’s the word I feel. I’m like, Oh, that was, wow, was that a waste of three seconds getting something I actually needed. So much more fun.


Aparna Nancherla  19:39

Oh, still make, much more fun.


Kulap Vilaysack  19:40

I mean, the page 23 really early in the book. You were talking about the essence of the beauty industrial complex. You’re never done, your self esteem is never full. Your online shopping cart is never empty. And I was like, that’s this podcast.


SuChin Pak  19:58

I mean, that’s why you’re here. That’s why you’re here. featured guest there could be no other.


Kulap Vilaysack  20:18

Let’s get into your cart, you have some books. You’re a generous person. And you come on to talk about your book. And you’re like, let me talk about other people’s books, too.


Aparna Nancherla  20:29

Yeah, I mean, it’s actually just like a real season of comedian memoirs. Well, actually, I talked to one of them about it. And I think we figured out that going by the timeline, where we each took about three years and change to write our books, it seems like we all did it during the pandemic, and now they’re all coming out.


SuChin Pak  20:50

Makes, it doesn’t make any sense. And not much has changed or the world is different.


Aparna Nancherla  20:54

The world is different. For the better, but it’s different bad.


Kulap Vilaysack  21:02

So that’s good?


Aparna Nancherla  21:03

So that good?


Kulap Vilaysack  21:04

It’s different. It’s different.


Aparna Nancherla  21:06

It’s different. It’s different.


Kulap Vilaysack  21:07

Your first one is from Maria Bamford, and her book is called Sure I’ll Join Your Cult.


Aparna Nancherla  21:08

Yes, and I devoured Maria’s books, similarly to your experiences with mine, where I was like highlighting and I was just like, I gotta read this again. I actually she’s like, such a genius with voices that I don’t know why I didn’t just do the audiobook first, but I think I will do that the next time I. I go through it, because.


SuChin Pak  21:35

That’s a great tip. I can’t I can only imagine how incredible she is, reading, right. All of these.


Aparna Nancherla  21:43

Yeah. But you know, she’s very open in her standup and her work about like, her experiences with mental illness and just like very open about, you know, her low points and, and your her book, you would think you’re like, well, she’s already been pretty open about everything, but there’s like, even more even more dirt. That she sifts through which I found, yeah, I mean, she’s, she’s just so magnetic. I feel like there’s no end. For me for what I can like, listen to her, just talk about her brain is like singular in that way.


SuChin Pak  22:16

She’s such a she’s legendary. Stand up.


Aparna Nancherla  22:19

Yes. Yes.


Kulap Vilaysack  22:20

So the full title is Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult, a memoir of mental illness and the quest to belong anywhere. Can relate.


Aaron  22:29



Kulap Vilaysack  22:30

Go. Let’s go.


Aparna Nancherla  22:31

And I think similar to the shopping thing, it’s sort of just like you want to belong. So she just kind of goes through all the different groups that she’s been a part of in terms of like working on different things she’s been struggling with, and yeah, I think just that need we all have for connection and like wanting other people to see us as we even as our messiest selves.


Kulap Vilaysack  22:55

That’s so scary. Yeah. Yes, yes.


Aparna Nancherla  22:59

She also has a whole section she’s very like transparent about finances. And she has like a whole section in the book where she just like, breaks down like her income and like, what goes where and I just found it very, like, rare that someone would be so especially in entertainment, like, just be so open about stuff like that, where I feel usually people can get very cagey about like, what they make or where the money’s going, where did it come from? And she’s very, like, she just puts it all out there.


Kulap Vilaysack  23:26

I love her. I love her as a person and I’m gonna I’m definitely gonna read that that’s a good holiday read. Let’s let’s talk about another comedian. Zhi Wei she’s got a book called Out Called Black Friend.


Aparna Nancherla  23:32

Yes, Zhi Wei, I think everyone knows her either from her web show or her show, but she’s, you know, she’s kind of cemented a place for herself as an interviewer who is not afraid to ask the tough questions like maybe, you know, put people on the spot a little like, look kind of steep in the discomfort we have around things like talking about race and, and our own positions of privilege, and like maybe limited awareness of certain things. And her book is like very much kind of picking up where her comedic brand leaves off, I think where you’re just, she really wrestles with like, you know, her own glow up as a performer and like, how she kind of got this attention for doing this thing and how that like shifted her version of herself, because she sort of had one of those not overnight successes, but things where she was like struggling, you know, as a performer to like, make it make a career for herself. And then suddenly this one thing just really took off, and kind of like unpacking that, and also, just like how people have like, treated her differently now that she’s gotten a bigger platform. And I don’t know, just like very candidly talking about things that I think we, tend to maybe make up our own narratives about when we’re only just like seeing the outside on on Instagram or something that I really respected, and I think also like the persona she puts out can be a little bit mysterious, and I think she kind of digs in to what’s behind that, which is always like hard to put down when someone who like seems like they’re not showing a lot is like, explaining some of their cards like that’s very juicy as a reader.


SuChin Pak  25:20

Oh, yeah. Because I’m a type of person who has difficulty with any type of confrontation and sees, you know, sunlight as confrontation. Yes. Like, it’s nice sometimes to read about confrontation, or the process of confrontation or getting there or being comfortable with it. Yeah, like I like that’s more much more relaxing to me than like, watching it for if you know what I mean. Yeah, so I’m super interested in how she kind of sees her life because so much of it is about asking the tough questions or being uncomfortable and being comfortable in that.


Aparna Nancherla  25:58

Yeah, yeah. I wish I relate too. I also not not a fan of confrontation.


SuChin Pak  26:04

And when I say confrontation, like I said, like, conversation is a confrontation like yes, yes. Yeah, last night. And this is a remove from cart I want to bring to the table you know, I went to my son’s like, a school event. And I was by myself and I was like, Oh, God, I gotta do it. You know, a parent has to show up. And the front of house guy that usually does it was not capable of doing it. I was like back in houses. Back at house is doing it and back at houses back at house for a reason, you know? And so I was in there like putting my big girl pants on and this woman comes up and you know, just like that look of like, yay. And and I was like, even that look felt confrontational. And there was nothing even said it was so welcoming. She just wanted to say hi, you’re Kai’s mom. Yeah, I was like confrontational […]  you know and so so when I say confrontation, I mean just any sort of dealing with the outside world so that’s a very broad definition but that’s important again.


Aparna Nancherla  27:09

No, that so true.


Kulap Vilaysack  27:10



SuChin Pak  27:15

Yeah, but that’s why I’m a jellyfish now. Yeah, took it all out of me.


Aparna Nancherla  27:20

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


SuChin Pak  27:22

I have nothing to give I gave it all to TRL, she has the best of me.


Aparna Nancherla  27:27

What a legacy to leave.


Kulap Vilaysack  27:32

You are adding to cart a weightlifting bench.


Aparna Nancherla  27:35

Yeah, I’m trying to get more into weightlifting everyone keeps telling me about the benefits of weightlifting but I don’t want to go to the gym so I think I need to buy a bench for my home.


Kulap Vilaysack  27:47

And is this the one you’re like the most you’ve done research.


Aparna Nancherla  27:54

I haven’t no, this was like first search cheapest but looks like it’s okay.


Kulap Vilaysack  28:01

This is the fly bird adjustable weight bench.


Aparna Nancherla  28:04



Kulap Vilaysack  28:05

On sale guys on sale right now 52% off.


Aparna Nancherla  28:08

I think the adjustable got me because I always think I’m like usually too short for most of the equipment at the gym. So I probably need something that adjusts to smaller.


Kulap Vilaysack  28:19

Do you already have the weights or the weights are coming?


Aparna Nancherla  28:21

I have sort of a misfit collection of weights to crude over the years.


Kulap Vilaysack  28:30

Five to 10s.


Aparna Nancherla  28:34

That’s exactly what it is. It’s like 112, 210s like one ankle weight little thing that you put around your bag but the other one like all the sand fell out so oh like the lost and found.


SuChin Pak  28:50

It’s like a Charlie Brown weight lifting class. No, I was picturing like, my idea of mismatched weights is like you know a really heavy book you know, maybe a jello, you know almond milk like thing as weights. But aren’t, you know, used clinically. But I want to ask like, is this like, are you weightlifting every day once a week? Like do you have like a class a system? Like what is your schedule for weightlifting?


Aparna Nancherla  29:20

I’m trying to do at least twice a week. I think I also find weightlifting like maybe boring compared to just like cardio. So I’m trying to learn that it’s not like it’s as important because I think like cardio all the time is not necessarily like helping your muscles get stronger.


Kulap Vilaysack  29:38

Yes, and well. I’ll just review the two times that I lost it on my trainer was during strength training.


SuChin Pak  29:44

While you were showing your strength in other ways. Like I’m strong and so many other ways my friend and I will take you down.


Aparna Nancherla  29:53

Well also I think all the examples I’ve seen a weight training are just like big dudes at the gym like grunting and I’m like That’s not for me. You might need like, you know, little pink bow. Beyonce playing but like, I just need something different.


Kulap Vilaysack  30:17

And we’re also looking for some good earbuds. Yes.


SuChin Pak  30:22

This is calling out for a recommendation carters, so will you comment, you know, on our Instagram if you’ve got really good recommendations, but you also have something that works for you. Right?


Kulap Vilaysack  30:34

These are ones that you’ve done before the Jabra.


Aparna Nancherla  30:38

Yeah, which I liked. I just lost forgot mine on a plane. So now I need new ones.


Kulap Vilaysack  30:43

Okay, so you have these in, while you’re working out. You’re not listening to the instructor. So what are you listening to?


Aparna Nancherla  30:50

I am listening to music. I am a big music while I work out person. And usually it’s just like a play like a Spotify or Apple playlist?


Kulap Vilaysack  30:59

Is it like a workout playlist or like.


Aparna Nancherla  31:01

It’ll be like something more a beat. But I also have like a, I’m very bad at making playlists. So sometimes I’ll just like if I like a song, I’ll just keep adding it to this one, like Monster playlists on my iTunes, and then I’ll just put that on shuffle. But it’s like very erratic in terms of like, style and genre, and like what phase of my life I was in. So it’s not really a workout playlist, per se. It’s more just like, my life at a glance.


Kulap Vilaysack  31:34

That’s the one we do. You’re in memoriam? That will be playing.


Aparna Nancherla  31:38

But that I’m sure. They’d be like, Oh, no, there’s a set for one of her shows in here, this is horrible. Sometimes voice memos will just end up in there, I don’t know why. That is a confrontation.


SuChin Pak  31:56

Oh, you’re caught because it’s your own thoughts.


Aparna Nancherla  31:59

Your own work, back at you true confrontation.


SuChin Pak  32:05

I mean, oh, that’s yeah.


Kulap Vilaysack  32:08

Reading your book. This would be like as if SuChin had to write a book. And then I was like, honestly, bitch, it’s if you had to write a book, like that’s the truth of it. But like, it’s so hard to do. The idea of writing a book really actually makes my skin crawl. Like I, to me like for you to have completed this like this is Joseph Campbell’s mythology at play here. This is I mean, that you were able to put your dysfunction to form and then send it off. And then it got printed into this physical thing.


SuChin Pak  32:46

And then it got highlighted by other people. Yeah. Weird.


Kulap Vilaysack  32:50

Like, like, I think that it’s so I find it inspiring, and I also just like, I know how hard it is.


SuChin Pak  32:57

Yeah, you’re basically a self belief coach.


Kulap Vilaysack  33:00

Yes. That’s right. I’ll hire you.


Aparna Nancherla  33:04

Yeah, that was my question. Should I put become one?


SuChin Pak  33:08

All did we all do this to book a session, Aparna? Is this your pitch? Because you could have just gone to that and not have fit through our ramblings?


Kulap Vilaysack  33:17

I mean, what an arc though, what an arc for a partner.


Aparna Nancherla  33:20

I know. Can you imagine from imposter syndrome to self belief coach. That’s what we, but I knew clients are what we love as a society that that’s the arc people want.


SuChin Pak  33:33

Yeah, and they just got it here. So you’re welcome.


Kulap Vilaysack  33:38

You’re welcome. Aparna, where can people find more of you?


Aparna Nancherla  33:43

I have a website that is about to be revamped. But it will still be the same domain Aparnacomedy.com, and then I’m on Instagram and Twitter at a bar napkin.


Kulap Vilaysack  33:56

Thank you so much for joining us. Really appreciate it.


SuChin Pak  33:58

Thank you.


Aparna Nancherla  33:59

Thank you for having me. This was delightful.


SuChin Pak  34:17

Well, this cozy episode is all about, you know, the books we’re reading and loving. And we cannot leave here without talking about what I think is a game changing book. It’s called crying in H Mart by Michele Zahner. I mean, this book changed me as a person it like changed the way that I saw my relationship with my mother. It’s just one of those books that has had a real profound impact on my life, period.


Aparna Nancherla  34:47

It’s the memoir of Michelle Zahner, who is also the lead singer of the beloved band Japanese breakfast, talking about her 20s, when she was working as a waitress struggling as a musician, and then she gets a call that her mom’s sick and then changes The whole trajectory of her life. I remember reading this book, and being engrossed in the food in the language of the food and tasting the spiciness, the depths, and all of that. But also like, just bursting out crying, bursting, right, like, many different times.


SuChin Pak  35:26

Ugly cying.


Aparna Nancherla  35:27

Yeah, like, from a kind of primal yearning place.


SuChin Pak  35:32

That’s a great description. It’s from a primal place, truly. And you were talking about the food because in this book, she’s dealing with her grief, in some ways, by cooking her way through H Mart right to feel more connected to her mother, and to feel more connected to her Korean identity, which is really complicated because she’s, her father is not Korean. And then her mother is Korean. So you’re gonna cry like you never cried before, but there are moments of clarity in this book, about our relationships with our parents that I’ve never seen written in such a beautiful way, anywhere else.


Kulap Vilaysack  36:12

She’s a fantastic writer like, it’s just so well done and lyrical, which makes sense because she is a musician. The craft is there, too. I was, earlier before our recording, I was listening to the audiobook that she reads the way she takes, we’re in present, she takes us to the past brings us back to the present. It’s so so well done. It’s like it’s everything. I think it’s just one of those books, you have to read. I think anybody would relate to this. I was actually thinking while reading, it was like, I’m so lucky that I live in LA. Like that. I get to experience Korean culture and to eat the food and like that KTown is so close to me domain to make you feel bad, SucHin, like I’m feeling bad, but that’s alright.


Kulap Vilaysack  37:01

Okay. All right. All right.


Kulap Vilaysack  37:05

I think anybody from any background would really appreciate this. I do. And you know, the holidays are about family. I know it can be stressful, because I made it, and also, because family can be triggering, I can be our let’s just say, let’s just be plain. So this book feels like holiday reading in the most beautiful way. So it’s our pick of the season, we’d love to hear your thoughts after you read it. Su, is there a special book episode. Let’s get into what we’re reading today, what we’re recommending, I know you spend a lot of time reading instead of sleeping. So what is? yeah, and I know, I know where I’m at. We’re asking a lot of you. With that in mind. If you could give us just a few of your book recommendations.


SuChin Pak  37:53

Well, you know, it’s a little bit late to be talking about it, because everyone’s talking about it. But Britney Spears is going to be releasing a second volume to her autobiography next year. Did you hear this? This is no.


Kulap Vilaysack  38:06

Don’t, I didn’t, I didn’t understand that. So there. It’s a two parter?


SuChin Pak  38:10

And I don’t know that she knew was going to be a two parter when she wrote it. I don’t know if it’s because they knew it was going to be such a huge success or they didn’t know and they’re just cramming it in, because it’s such a huge success. But apparently volume two is coming out. This is what the people are saying. And I just want to add a footnote, I didn’t buy this book, not that I’d be ashamed to buy this book at all, I was delighted when it came in our Amazon package, but I didn’t order it. Mike ordered it, because there’s one person in this household that reads celebrity biographies that watches every episode of The Bachelor and reads People Magazine, and people would assume it’s me.


Kulap Vilaysack  38:50

Whoa, whoa, wow, the many facets of Mike Bender.


SuChin Pak  38:55

He was, so excited to get this. And then, of course, I got my little Nubbins in there, and I read it. So you know, not a huge amount of revelations, per se, but she gets into some really, really nitty gritty details about some juicy nuggets. I was around for some of this at MTV.


Kulap Vilaysack  39:16

I know, I know.


SuChin Pak  39:18

It’s frickin weird.


Kulap Vilaysack  39:21

This perspective is so interesting to me.


SuChin Pak  39:22

So weird. I’m still sitting in it, you know, it’s just like, the world in the last, like, since the beginning of the pandemic, to where we are right now. It’s just so culturally different, and so it’s like, I have to recast my entire experience and MTV in this new light, and personally, and then, you know, in like the larger sense of pop culture and what it means today versus what it was then. I mean, yeah, like I remember when she shaved her head and going on TRL and it was like almost like gleefully reporting, you know, it was like what is she done now? You know, and it was almost like, oh boy what a train wreck, and there was like nothing wrong with it. Nobody was talking about in hindsight, oh my god and hindsight destruction of a woman’s psyche. Ya know, in hindsight, it was an imprisonment, it was a gaslighting isn’t even the word, right? It was something, you know, right out of like a mental institution of mind fuckery that this woman had been going through, and so I don’t know, it’s interesting, just to think about all the times that I’ve met her interviewed her and like, now knowing what I know about her, and do you know what I mean. and like.


SuChin Pak  39:33

Ya know, it’s given me chills, honestly. Because it’s to give, it’s giving you a different context.


SuChin Pak  40:26

I mean, those are different in a context that of course, at that time, and she was the biggest pop star of the time, and so, so protected. But also now I know, so protected, because she was so controlled. You think that oh, it’s like a PR thing, and she can’t say certain things, and she doesn’t have a mind for herself, and some you don’t, I mean, you just don’t know, and then you’re sitting here with this knowledge, and you’re like, no, this woman was in hell, and, you know, and just to think about, like, all the judgment, I do have to say, though, I always felt when I sat down with her, like an incredible amount of respect. She was always in my memory, like the most vulnerable interview ever, in terms of like that level of celebrity. Like I always had a huge amount of compassion for her not knowing anything, how can you be anything but protective because she felt so vulnerable. So anyway, it’s just as interesting to read this and be like, God, man, like, you know, we were all there we were all there.


Kulap Vilaysack  41:52

Yes, but you in a different, more active role. I mean, it hurts my heart to just hear that really? It does, it does that vulnerability. Wow, a greatest strength but also could be used to guess.


SuChin Pak  42:07

Manipulator, yes, and control someone like her. But this book, your she just, it’s hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I mean, she kerosene, and then lights things on fire. And there’s such a satisfaction in reading this from her perspective, knowing what we know now and what she’s been through that it’s like so satisfying. I’m not a big celeb, like autobiography kind of person. But it just is so different. It’s just means so much more than just a popstars life. You know, it’s it says so much about how we gaslight women, how we treat young women how we treat young women and sexuality. It’s just so much. And then on top of it. I talked about this in our newsletter, if you haven’t subscribed yet, this is where you’ll get all the exclusives. If you haven’t bought it, I would even suggest just downloading the audiobook by the esteemed actress Michelle Williams, not of Destiny’s Child, which I think a lot of people sometimes, because that would actually make sense as to I was like, Oh, wait, huh? But um, she just does a reading. And it’s so straight on. And it’s so good. I have to play.


Kulap Vilaysack  43:24

Hold on, hold on. Yeah,let me let me let me so you are I’m to understand that you physically read the printed book and then went back and said, Let me download on audible, Michelle Williams, okay. Is that what I’m about to understand?


SuChin Pak  43:39

Yes and no. So I read the physical book, I visited some friends. And this is all we talked about from some friends who used to work at MTV. And so we were just like, you know, talking about this. And my friend Ryan was like, no. You need to listen to the audiobook. So that’s when I downloaded the audiobook. I didn’t listen to the whole thing. I listened to like the parts. I wanted to listen to that I felt like, were great. I would listen to the whole thing over again. I think I would choose the audio book over the reading of it. It was just, good. I mean, it’s so good.


Kulap Vilaysack  44:14

I haven’t read it. I just sounded good. Based on your recommendation. I have not heard it.


SuChin Pak  44:19

Yes. Okay. So I want you to play this clip that’s going viral of Michelle Williams reading an excerpt of the Britney Spears biography The Woman In Me, so just listen to this part.


narrator  44:32

One day, J. and I were in New York going to parts of town I’d never been to before. Walking our way was a guy with a huge blinged out medallion. He was flanked by two giant security guards. J got all excited and said so loud. Oh yeah. ferocious, bushes, bushes Genuine, what’s up homie? After Genuine walked away Felicia did an impression of J Oh, yeah, bushes, bushes Genuine J. wasn’t he been embarrassed.


Kulap Vilaysack  45:01

So J is Justin?


SuChin Pak  45:03

Justine Timberlake. Who? I mean I don’t I’m not gonna.


Kulap Vilaysack  45:11

We all did it. It’s so embarrassing.


SuChin Pak  45:15

But Michelle, reading Britney, it’s okay. This is this is the true, true well of of sheer horror. Michelle Williams reading Britney Spears is writing, recounting Justin Timberlake trying to get down with a rapper than her best friend imitating I mean, it’s just it’s stuff like that, where the audiobook. You can’t even it’s so good. It’s so juicy.


Kulap Vilaysack  45:44

Well SuChin, all it needs is correct us I wouldn’t consider Genuine a rapper. He’s more of an r&b singer. We all know him. Oh, you know, pony, you know the song pony. Oh, man, what is your horned rat it […]


SuChin Pak  46:07

Pushes pushes, pushes, pushes. Anyway, you guys, that’s my that’s my book recommendation. It’s just good holiday reading.


Kulap Vilaysack  46:19

I mean, it’s so great, because, it’s both sight and sound. It’s a multi dimensional pick, which I really like.


SuChin Pak  46:32

Yeah, it’s a human putting bath. You know, you just get in and it feels.


Kulap Vilaysack  46:37

I it’s such a treat. Whenever you talk about your MTV days. I just have to say it out loud. And really. It’s so fascinating, your perspective and like being in like, because you were inside of the machine. You were a player in the machine. it just it’s okay. It’s just so wild. You were it was such a moment in time.


SuChin Pak  47:00

I know, yeah. And it’s crazy, because it’s like, these people are still famous. You know, it’s like some people I don’t know, I felt like when I was there it like the slice of it just was major. You know, they mean like we’re, there are lots of artists that we are not talking about, you know, I mean that nobody knows who they are. But most of the time that it was there, were there still like crazy famous, you know, Britney, Justin, Gaga. Like, that was my slice. So it’s just as kind of, it’s like that MTV experience comes up so much more than it should because it was something that happened 20 years ago but and yet, and yet And yet, and anyway, okay, your cart.


Kulap Vilaysack  47:46

This book is called the Yellowface by R.F. Kwang. Oh, SuChin Pak, Oh my God, this is like, I can’t believe him and read this because I just I think it’s something that you like, it’s okay, so, Athena Lu is a literary darling in June Hayward is literally nobody when Athena dies in a freak accident. June Steel’s published manuscript and publishes it as your own, under the I love under the ambiguous name Juniper Song, but a gay white lies, right? But as evidence threatens Jun stolen success, she will discover exactly how far she will go to keep what she thinks she deserves. So it’s written in June Juniper’s like first person voice.


SuChin Pak  48:33

So is June a white woman?


Kulap Vilaysack  48:35

White, white, yeah, so it’s cultural appropriation.


SuChin Pak  48:39

Adding to cart.


Kulap Vilaysack  48:40

And alienation social media, and it’s Su, it’s such a quick read because you’re just drawn into.


SuChin Pak  48:46

Oh, no, yeah. I love any book that starts with a lie. It’s like my favorite genre, liars because I’m a liar, I love I love a jewel heist to a just like a boldface, identity theft, you know, any type of lie. I’m fascinated by that as just a theme, you know?


Kulap Vilaysack  49:09

Yeah, she lies but like everybody’s lying. And either you’re gaining people are gaining and they keep the lie going. I can’t wait for you to read it. I think this is a great and people are going on vacation, or staycation. It’s such a like, quick read by the pool. You’re gonna finish it in a day or two.


SuChin Pak  49:29

Yeah, that’s what you want for the holidays, just like a dip in and out, you know, because you’ve got other things going on. So it’s not the time for a 400 page book. Okay. I went down the rabbit hole of banned books, because I thought I was like, You know what, I have a lot of friends who are big readers. And so I was going through some of these banned book lists, you know, just kind of curated like these are some great novels that are being challenged. And I just finished The House on Mango Street, which is a book that was probably written, I don’t know, 25 years ago. And it’s just a fantastic gorgeous story about a young latina girl growing up in Chicago, I want to say probably in like the 80s. And they’re just little, like each chapter is like, maybe it’s an essay. It’s like maybe two pages. And it’s just slices of this little girl’s life growing up in Chicago, what her family was like, I don’t even know why this would end up on a banned book list, other than.


Kulap Vilaysack  50:29

This is in my question, this is what.


SuChin Pak  50:31

Yeah, what he there are some books on the banned list where I’m like, Oh, I could see how someone would be annoyed at you know, there’s sex and violence. You know what I mean? I don’t agree, but I’m like, okay, then there are a vast majority of books where you’re just like, so you just don’t want any other perspective, other than the white male perspective, because I can’t imagine the only reason you’re really upset about this is because it’s from a purely Latina girl’s perspective, it is. It’s just a book about a girl trying to figure out her own voice in the midst of poverty in the midst of like living in a really densely urban populated area with lots of different types of people. So, but it’s really fun and.


Kulap Vilaysack  51:14

Perhaps, a white person would feel bad. And that’s enough to get it banned.


SuChin Pak  51:19

This is the only reason why I’m like that this book could be banned. But there’s so many books that are like that. So anyway, my thing is, is that like, why not buy you know, support these authors who are being challenged on these crazy lists, so I’m gonna throw up on the show notes two like places that I thought had really good curated books. And then I thought it would be nice if I was gifting someone this House on Mango Street, you know to get chocolate dipped mangoes from my favorite vegan chocolate shop in Santa Barbara and make it a whole kind of thoughtful gift. So that’s my sort of recommendation for a reading a book but also a gift that you can give this year.


Kulap Vilaysack  52:01

Well shout out to Menchaca Chocolates in Santa Barbara. You can also purchase they I think they deliver stateside.


SuChin Pak  52:09

Absolutely they you can get them online and they’re great and they’re chocolate covered mangoes are I dare you. I dare you. I dare you to find me another one that is better and juicy here. There is no.


Kulap Vilaysack  52:20

Tall order. The last book we’re going to recommend is one that I am in.

SuChin Pak  52:34

Not surprised but what is the title of it?

Kulap Vilaysack  52:36

Is the title of the book is, The Golden Screen: The Movies That Made Asian America.

SuChin Pak  52:42

Oh yeah.

Kulap Vilaysack  52:43

This is written by New York Times best seller author Jeff Yang, Jeff Yang who has been on our show before SuChin is in his last book that he wrote with Phil Yu. Right, the Golden screen is the first of its kind history and celebration of Asian Americans on the big screen. And this book covers 130 films spanning more than 100 years. From Cecil B. DeMille. Is 1915 film, The Cheetah, Wayne Wang’s The Joy Luck Club to the Daniel says Everything Everywhere All At Once in 2022. It’s a groundbreaking book explores how these films have shaped how America sees Asians, and most importantly, I think how Asian Americans see themselves. It is such a gorgeous and giftable book for film enthusiast. I’m so proud that I have a couple quotes in the books. In the first printing. I am credited with three by mistake. What is mine is I have a quote about RR and a cut about Raya The Last Dragon, the one that I didn’t write, and I should just lie because it would make me seem smarter is about the film The toll of the sea. Now I did not see the toll of the sea, SuChin Pak.

Kulap Vilaysack  52:49

You’re not afilm theory professor at UCLA. I’m sure it’s one of those films.

Kulap Vilaysack  53:43

Yeah, and again, the ones that I did.

SuChin Pak  54:10

Yes, violence, fun, right, right.

Kulap Vilaysack  54:15

Here’s my quote. The term epic gets thrown around willy nilly these days, but it’s an accurate descriptor for our RRR. The three hour plus runtime initially dissuaded me from watching, but I was a damn fool to have denied myself the pleasure. I found myself hooting hollering and on my feet for much of the film, imagine the Fast and Furious franchise but instead of car suspending logic and physics, it’s two dudes doing incredible feats with their bodies, and sometimes motorcycles, horses, CJ animal predators and enraged deer. This is a lavish bromance for the ages. If only I too could be so lucky as to have a friend break me out of solitary confinement put me upon his shoulders to form an unstoppable force of vengeance. Now that’s what I right.

SuChin Pak  55:00

I know, I bet that 100% It’s funny it’s witty add to cart that movie by the way, you want to just break from your family. Do you have like tension because you know that uncle or that aunt is is annoying you you put yourself in a dark room you watch RRR, and you just release it. It’s so good. Awesome. I love that, thanks Jeff Yang. Now Carter’s we have been asking you to recommend a book to gift or just one that you have been loving lately. So we’re so excited to play our first message. And this one is from Aaron.

Aaron  55:43

Hi, add to cart. The book that I would give a friend for Christmas is, Lessons In Chemistry. I loved it so much. I have big plans to watch the show. After all the Christmas decorations are up. I want to watch it right next to a decorated tree with some hot apple cider. Maybe a hot toddy cannot wait. Love you gals.

SuChin Pak  56:07

Great, great recommendation.

Kulap Vilaysack  56:09

Paint a picture. Okay, Su I my only reference point is the television show, I believe starring Brie Larson on Apple.

SuChin Pak  56:17

Okay, I was I was wondering where, who was starting and I read the book, but I did not know but this is already out.

Kulap Vilaysack  56:25


SuChin Pak  56:26

Okay.  Have you watched it?

Kulap Vilaysack  56:27

No, no.

SuChin Pak  56:28


Kulap Vilaysack  56:28

The book though you love.

SuChin Pak  56:30

Oh, it’s great. The book is so big. You know what I mean? I like to read books that are just in the zeitgeist. Because, you know, it’s a fun way for me to be a part of pop culture without, I don’t know, it just it’s an easy way for me to step in. No, it’s a great book. It’s also one of those books that you can give to a recent high school grad college grad, you can give it to your mother in law, you can give it to unit I mean, your best friend. It’s it’s ageless, meaning that like there’s something in there for every age group, which is why I would imagine that it’s done so well, because it’s just one of those books that I think pretty much all women can relate to.

Kulap Vilaysack  57:12

What is like, I’m sorry to put you on the spot. But what is it about? Like if there’s a.

SuChin Pak  57:17

Yeah, really about this woman, she’s a fantastic chemist. And her whole life is overshadowed by men telling her she’s not smart enough, and that she should just be pretty, and so.

Kulap Vilaysack  57:33

Now I understand what he said.

SuChin Pak  57:36

And then she stumbled into becoming the host of a cooking show. Okay, and so yeah, it’s a really fun twist. It’s a great book. It’s like, obviously, it touches on what it means to be a woman in a man’s world. But in a world that’s really fun. And interesting, because it’s both about chemistry and cooking.

Kulap Vilaysack  57:56

Oh, add to cart Add to Cart.

SuChin Pak  57:57

It’s really fun.

Kulap Vilaysack  57:58

Thanks for submitting Aaron. And here are a few other listener recommendations.

Katie  58:02

Hi, aunties. It’s your nibbling. Katie W. here I’m in Michigan near Detroit. You asked what books were adding to cart. So I wanted to share that in my family, we do a book exchange, you pick out a list of five books for yourself and the person that drives your name pick something out from that list. I’m hoping for the anti capitalist book of fashion or for Claire V’s new book. Not sure what my brother in law picked out yet as I have to buy for him again this year. Anyway, thought you’d like to hear about our tradition. Happy holidays.

Kulap Vilaysack  58:33

Thanks for sending in your book picks. And remember, during this holiday season, every person whose message gets played on the show has a chance to win a giveaway item, so keep an eye out on our Instagram for our next prompt.

SuChin Pak  58:45

Now, besides our aunties holiday book club, in this episode, we have another book club recommendation for you guys to Add to Queue.

SuChin Pak  58:58

This one is especially great for getting your audiobook fix. We love that you know, because sometimes you want to have the book read to you like the queen that you are so you can just soak in the words while you’re folding laundry, or doing.

Kulap Vilaysack  59:13

Or baking holiday cookies or yeah, various areas. Yes. And the network that we’re on Lemonada media partners exclusively with Apple books to share audio book recommendations monthly. The best part, you can then hear the author of that monthly pick on another Lemonada show.

SuChin Pak  59:31

So it’s full circle here, right? I feel like when I finish a really good book or even while I’m reading it, I’m like googling, who is this author or what’s their story? You know, what do they mean when they wrote this part? And just knowing that you can tune into a podcast here on Lemonada and hear the actual author talk about it is pretty cool. So one of my favorite pics from this year was a memoir by Nicole Chang called a Living Remedy. It’s by an AP by author and it’s about her experience with taking care of her aging father, and it’s so sweet and heartwarming, it’ll piss you off at parts. And this one just struck a deep chord with me as you can imagine.

Kulap Vilaysack  1:00:17

Yeah, I get Ken all the books that we recommend in this episode. In addition to the Lemonada book club picks can be found as audiobooks and the apple book club store. We have a store friend just for Lemonada so go to www.apple.co/limonadabooks. That’s all for today’s episode. You can find everything we talked about in today’s episode at our Instagram at Add to Cart pod.

SuChin Pak  1:00:40

And while you’re around, subscribe to our newsletter, guys, for some juicy ATC extras we have exclusives on there, you’ll get to hear directly from me and Ku about what we’ve been buying and thinking of even more right than we’re talking about on this podcast. We’ll have gift ideas we’ll have lists and cards that will only be in the newsletter so don’t miss out. You can find a link to subscribe on our Instagram and in our show notes.

Kulap Vilaysack  1:01:07

Hard to believe we’re more unhinged there.

SuChin Pak  1:01:12

It is true and it’s a whole other outlet for our craziness and I am loving it.

Kulap Vilaysack  1:01:18

I do too.

SuChin Pak  1:01:20


Kulap Vilaysack  1:01:21


SuChin Pak  1:01:25

There’s more Add To Cart with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like where we tell you about the last item we bought or returned and why subscribe now in Apple podcasts.

CREDITS  1:01:38

There’s more ADD TO CART with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like where we tell you about the last item we bought or returned and why. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Add To Cart is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producers are Kegan Zema and Tiffany Bouy. Brian Castillo is our engineer. Theme music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers or Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer, and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Follow Add to Cart wherever you get your podcasts or listen at free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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