Lemonada Media
Tell Me What to Do

Career Crossroads

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The line between what you do and who you are is getting more and more blurry. Work used to be something you did for a paycheck. Now, it’s how many of us define ourselves. And the pandemic has only made things more confusing. Millions have lost their jobs. Many of us are now working from home. Essential workers are more essential than ever before. This week Jaime connects with some listeners who need advice: Todd and Amanda want to know how to build their brand and Bethany feels stuck but needs a push from Jaime to take the next step.

FYI: Tell Me What To Do contains mature language and themes that may not be suitable for all listeners.

Please note, this show is hosted and produced by a team that does not have any clinical or other mental or physical health training. If you are having a health or mental health crisis or emergency, please contact 911. For non-emergency mental health and addiction needs, try https://www.samhsa.gov for national and local resources. 

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Do you have a question for Jaime? Call 833-4LEMONADA (833-453-6662) and leave her a voicemail! You can also email her at tellme@lemonadamedia.com. Your question might get used in a future episode!

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[00:43] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Hey, guys, you’re listening to Tell Me What To Do, and I am Jaime Primak Sullivan. So much going on this week. First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for listening to the last, I don’t know, five or six episodes of this podcast. I have gotten such amazing feedback from you guys. And like some of you are kind of like my mom in that you tell me I’m cute and funny and smart just because you love me. But some of you really send me thoughtful feedback about the podcast, what you love and what could be better. You write the reasons why this podcast is needed and what void it fills. And I just want you to know that I really, really appreciate that. So I wanted to say thank you about that. And, you know I love to talk to you about what sort of goes on in my head as the week has progressed. So my kids went back to school and that has been excitingly terrifying, kind of like butt sex. Excitingly terrifying. Oh, Jaime. Jaime, sponsors are going to leave you. 


[02:10] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I did find this new recipe — and when I say find I mean stole from Chrissy Teigen. It’s a sweet chili salmon. OK, how good does that sound? Now she says you have to cook it with the skin side up. OK, right, I know. But I feel like we were always taught the opposite in my Facebook cooking school. You know, there’s some people who go to Facebook medical schools, Facebook political science degrees, a lot of Facebook policy. Do you see that? Facebook military. I’ve never served in the military, but on Facebook, I’m going to tell you what we should be doing with our military. I love those people. I’m like, well, how many years did you serve? You sound passionate! Well, none, but. Oh, OK, well, thank you for your thesis on veterans. I appreciate that. In my Facebook cooking school, I was taught that you cook salmon flesh side up. Chrissy Teigen cooks it flesh side down in the skillet and then puts the skillet in the oven under broil, skin side up. And the skin gets crispy. But here’s the thing I don’t understand. I was taught you never eat the skin. So why do you want the skin crispy? 


[03:40] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Do people eat the skin? I mean, I would imagine they probably do. I usually feed it to my dog because he loves it. Love. Speaking of. My dog is a dick. He’s already chased half my neighbors down the block, literally. The poor man that walks during quarantine, the guy, by the way, who wore an NWA Fuck the Police t shirt. Like, what’s up, 75 year old random rich white guy wearing an NWA Fuck the Police shirt. OK. I think you probably got it from a thrift store and you don’t realize what it says. Like, by the way, the white woman who lived in my old neighborhood who was wearing an AKA T-shirt, shout out to the fact that AKAs are a black sorority. She probably didn’t know that because she got it from a thrift store. My mom got a T-shirt one time from a Florida thrift store that said, “lick it, slam it, suck it.” And I said, Mom, do you want to talk about your T-shirt? And she was like, “five dollars.”


[04:49] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I’m like, no, not the price. I do love the fact that you love a bargain and you want me to know. But do you want to talk about the message? And she was like, I think it’s for tequila. I’m like, you know. Yes. Sure. But I don’t know, are you playing mahjong in a T-shirt that says, “lick it, slam it, suck it?” It’s weird. I’m just telling you, I don’t know if it’s appropriate. But you know what she told me? When you’re 65 and older, there is no such thing as appropriate.


[05:55] Jaime Primak Sullivan: So anyway, you know, we’re talking about jobs because I think, especially with the whole pandemic and the lull, anytime we have a lull, it gives people time to point out or identify the cracks in their life where they are unhappy. Because, you know that whole stop and smell the roses? It’s also like stop and see which rose bushes are dead. Which dead plants are you watering? And there’s been a lot of conversation about — two fold: there’s the OK, I want to make a change. How do I make a change? This pause has given me clarity that I am no longer happy with what I’m doing. And then there’s also, you know, we’re inundated on social media with like pursue your dreams, just do it, be the next Michael Jordan, Venus Williams. I think that’s a lot of pressure. You know, and you’re looking at memes that say when one of us makes it, we all make it late. Wait a minute. I don’t have Oprah money. Yay, Oprah. But Oprah made it 20 years ago. I’m still working. So what is the messaging and then what? Once you determine which message you’re listening to, is it the stop watering dead plants or stop and smell the roses? Or it’s time to make a change. Or when one wins, we all win or whatever. Once you isolate what message you are listening to, then what?


[07:33] Jaime Primak Sullivan: So for this episode, I wanted to talk one-on-one to one of my listeners about their career questions, especially because oftentimes our careers can be tied up into our identities, which makes career decisions feel really important. I mean, let’s be honest, how many times have you been at a wedding or at a dinner party or a PTO mixer or whatever kind of thing you go to, and the first question is, “what do you do?” So much pressure. It makes questions like, what should I do next feel like, who am I? Who do I want to be? So today we’re talking about work. So our first question comes from Amanda and her husband, Todd. Let’s get them on his the Zoom here. 


[08:31] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK, so before we start our actual conversation, I want to play back the voicemail that you guys left for us. OK, so let’s listen. 


[08:40] Amanda: Hi, Jaime. My name’s Amanda. Me and my husband have had a remarkable amount of medical issues. I currently have cancer and he is disabled. And we are wanting to start a — I don’t know if it’s a business per se, but my husband does video work and whatnot, and he wants to find other adapted bad asses who have a good message to send. And he wants to help build them up. My question is, how do we get our message out there? How do we get the following to make this a reality? There’s a lot of good messages out there and we would love to put some positivity into this world. Lord knows it needs it. Thank you so much for your help. 


[09:32] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Well, amen on that, first of all, before we get into the career part. I’m so grateful to see you doing so well, Amanda.


[09:41] Amanda: Thank you. This is actually my second go around with cancer. And this time was scary, but I did it. And I just got my PET scan results yesterday, and I’m all clear. 


[09:54] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Yay! What kind of cancer was it? 

[09:58] Amanda: Breast cancer. 


[10:00] Jaime Primak Sullivan: So your question is the two of you have a vision. And you want to know how to turn your vision into a brand. And then how to bring your brand to the right consumer. 


[10:16] Todd: One of the things that I’ve witnessed in the disabled community is everybody’s trying to brand themselves. And I do have a certain skill-set that is valuable to someone like that. But the thing is, the average disabled person doesn’t have a ton of money for branding, for logo creations, for video production, for animations, motion graphics. I taught myself how to do that after I became disabled. I got bored. I used to scuba dove. I used to work with disabled veterans in scuba diving. And that video production came out of the water when life turned to crap. So now, since we want to start this new life, we want to basically sell everything and move into a fifth wheel mobile home and go to these different areas of the country, educate our children about it. But more so design where we go, depending on the people who might need our services.


[11:25] Jaime Primak Sullivan: The first thing you need to do is make a list of services. What are assets you can create that you can not only create for them, but also offer a separate service to teach them how to create themselves. For example, whenever I see a video on Twitter or something, I send it to Jackson. It’s an asset to me that Jackson knows how to pull those videos from Twitter and send it to me so I can share it. But your business model would not only be able to do that for me, but teach me how to do it myself. So essentially, people can hire you to create assets for their brand and also teach them how to create those assets. It’s kind of like if you teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime. 


[12:12] Todd: Currently, I have a young lady. Her name is Ryann Kress. She’s actually Miss Adaptive Virginia. She’s a beautiful, beautiful girl. I created a logo for her and I’m not charging her. This is for her me to help her launch herself, because I know the priciness of this is. So really the question is, is how do I get funding without going — I do want to go for a for-profit route, but not at first. But I don’t necessarily want to go with the 501C3 route.


[12:49] Jaime Primak Sullivan: If you don’t want to go the 501C3 route, and you want to do this semi out of the kindness of your heart. Not really as a business, but like to service people that are dealing with a lot of the same things you guys have dealt with. Then what you need to do is you need to fundraise, but you can’t ask for large donations, because if you’re not a 501C3, it’s not tax deductible for people donating. So you’re going to ask people — you two need a name for this business. 


[13:17] Todd: It’s called Todd and Amanda’s Broken Adventures.


[13:20] Jaime Primak Sullivan: That is cute. But that does not tell anybody what you do. That sounds like a reality show. And that’s not what this is. It’s like Jeffrey Katzenberg went on and on trying to sell Quibi to people. It’s quick bites of content. And people are like, what the fuck? Quibi? Quick bites? It wasn’t working. Netflix is internet and flicks is movies. Right. Real simple. Netflix, Netflix. It’s movies you watch on the Internet. And there it is. Hey, have you seen Netflix? No, but I like movies on the Internet. Great. If I can’t refer your business, you are doing yourself a disservice. You need a name for this that people get. And then a secure the social media for the name. 

So do a social media search on the name and make sure nobody has it first. Do a social media search. Once you lock in all the social media, create a graphic that best represents your brand. And then go live on social with your mission statement. This is who we are. We are Todd and Amanda. We met 20 years ago. We fell in love. We got married. We have two children. Amanda has battled cancer twice. I have certain disabilities or limitations. These are professional skill sets. But here’s the service we want to provide to you. Who is our customer? Our customer is the person who blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank. Why do we want to do this? Well, we know life with limitations. That’s a cool title, by the way. Life with limitations. We understand that.


[15:17] Amanda: Can I write that down? 


[15:24] Jaime Primak Sullivan: It’s yours for free. We understand life with limitations. And we understand that there are not a lot of people that look like us or live like us that are looking out for us. And we want to look out for you. So let us look out for you. Life with limitations. Oh, my gosh. Are you also living a life with limitations? Great. Let us, Todd and Amanda, look out for you. Nobody else is doing it. So you take that and you create a vision and a brand and you put it out there and then you call in every favor. You ask every single person, you know, to spread the message far and wide. Then you join groups online, disability groups, cancer survivors, homebound people, mobility people, content creators with disabilities. 


[16:18] Jaime Primak Sullivan: There are so many groups. You join under your Facebook page Life with Limitations, not as Amanda and not as Todd. You join those groups with your page so that when you comment and you engage, you’re engaging as your brand. So that people engage back with your brand. And when they come to your page, they see very clear who you are and what service you want to provide. And you also say to people, if you are not in need of our service, do you know someone who is? And if not, would you be willing to kick in 25 bucks? I mean, I think this is a really, really great way for you guys to get started. And then when you’ve had some traction and you’ve had some success, if you still don’t want to go through the 501C3 route, then you find an investor, you find a backer, somebody feel-good who’s got some money and wants to make an investment. There are so many people in this world that want to do good with their money, they just don’t really know where they want to go with it. And people will hear your story and they will reach out if you do it properly. Let me give you one piece of advice. Get a good accountant, because if you don’t, and you get caught even accidentally mismanaging raised funds. This is not political. This is not political. So please don’t comment back. This is a financial thing. But Steve Bannon was just arrested today for mismanaging $25 million raised for a charity. It doesn’t matter what the charity was going for. You cannot raise money from people and mismanage funds. Get a good accountant. That is my advice.


[18:02] Amanda: Oh, my gosh. That’s amazing. 


[18:04] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK. And by the way, merch. Merch, merch, merch. If your title, if your company’s name is life with limitations, let’s just say that’s what it is. Make t-shirts. Make coffee mugs. Because remember, if people donate $25, they get a free life with limitations T shirt. That’s awesome. You know, and you sell your merch on your site. It’s just ancillary revenue for the business. You’re not going to live off it. You’re not going to get rich. But it’s just cool. Find a T-shirt partner locally that wants to partner with you. You guys can do this. I know it. I’m so glad y’all called me. I’m so glad I got you on the phone. I’m inspired by what you’re doing. I love it. I hope I was helpful. And I’ll be looking out for your site.


[18:57] Todd: Thank you, Jaime.


[18:59] Amanda: You are so welcome, guys. 


[23:18] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Our next call comes from Bethany. Hello, Bethany. Thank you for calling in. Thank you for listening to this podcast. Thank you for even knowing who I am. 


[23:31] Bethany: Of course, I’ve been following you forever, so this is weird to talk back and forth. 


[23:40] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I’m really glad that you’re here. I know that you called in and left us a voicemail, so I think we can play that now. Let’s take a listen.


[23:50] Bethany: Hi, Jaime. My name is Bethany, and I’ve been a nanny for seven years now. I have a bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing with a concentration in human development and family studies. I haven’t used that because I’ve been nannying. Not to mention I’m not really looking to take the road of speech and hearing after all of that. I’m so attached to the family that I nanny for, but I feel this constant pul. telling me that I could do really big things and I don’t know what it means. And something else that’s on my mind. My husband and I are ready to start a family. And he said before, out of the kindness of his heart, that I may always regret not making the career jump once we start having babies. And I’m wondering if that might be true. How do I know where I belong? From this point, I’m totally, totally stuck and I don’t know what to do. So, Jaime, Tell Me What To Do. Thank you. 


[24:57] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK. So first and foremost, if you don’t mind sharing, how old are you? 


[25:02] Bethany: Twenty four. 


[25:03] Jaime Primak Sullivan: My God. I could literally be your mom. So let Mama Jaime talk to you ok? Can I speak frankly? Like really? Do not have a baby right now. I appreciate that you and your husband are ready to start a family, but a couple of things. How many years have you been married? 


[25:30] Bethany: Not even a year. 


[25:31] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK. You are a newlywed. This is not the time to start a family. And that’s coming from a woman who gave birth to her daughter eight months after her wedding. Here’s the thing: I have a degree and I don’t use it. I had a double major, political science and sociology, and I don’t use it. Do not feel bad about not using your degree. 


[26:00] Bethany: So what did you do fresh out of college? 


[26:01] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I took a job in communications with MCI WorldCom, which is now defunct. I wanted to leave Baltimore and go to New York, and there was an open position as the executive assistant to the director in New York, which, by the way, I like totally wasn’t qualified for. I had my tongue pierced. I remember my mom drove me. My mom drove me to the interview and was like, are you going to take that bar out of your tongue or not? And I was like 20. Long story short, I got the job and I moved to the Park Avenue office and I moved to New York. And it was then that I really leaned into the business that I had started in high school, which was promoting nightclubs and restaurants to the bridge and tunnel crowd, which is why my company’s called Bridge and Tunnel Entertainment. I knew that I had a big mouth and I knew that I knew how to tell a story. So I just decided, let me get paid to tell stories for other people. So I started working at WorldCom during the day and then doing PR at night. And then my PR business started making more money than my WorldCom job, so I left WorldCom and started doing PR full-time. I was burnt out. I was living in Jersey City in New York till 4:00 in the morning every night I was burnt out. And my girlfriend was like, we need special education teachers in Jersey City. If you go get your masters in special education, I can get you a teaching job. So I started teaching high school special education, going to grad school at night. While also still doing part-time PR. I taught high school for three years in Jersey City and coached cheerleading and loved it and then went back to PR-full time. So I say to you, what is your thing? What is your thing that, like, gets you out of bed? What do you want to do? Don’t think about it. Just answer me. 


[28:08] Bethany: Well, so my fear, I think, with that is that if I jump into something, let’s say like that, and I do fail a week, a year down the line whenever it is that, then I’m back to square one. 


[28:24] Jaime Primak Sullivan: How bad is square one? You can always be a nanny. You have that to fall back on. You’re married to a man who loves you. You’re gorgeous. You’re smart. You’re healthy. This is your square one. You’re sitting in it. Is your life bad now? 


[28:41] Bethany: No. 


[28:42] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK. So what the fuck? 


[28:43] Bethany: You’re so right. 


[28:47] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK. So worst case scenario, you start a business and it doesn’t work and you come right back to this beautiful space. What’s the problem? Let me tell you something, I launched a fucking scripted podcast company. I had an announcement in fucking Deadline or Hollywood Reporter, wherever it was. I had partners, I had the whole kit and caboodle. You follow me. You know what I’m talking about. And then, it’s not my story to tell, but the shit hit the fan and the entire company had to be dissolved. I didn’t even get out of the gate.


[29:21] Bethany: Oh my gosh. How frustrating.


[29:23] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I was devastated. I cried every day for three weeks. So let’s say I failed. I don’t look at it as a failure, but to the world, OK, she failed. She started something, she failed. So here I am. Look at me. Redirected. God put me back at my square one and look how beautiful it is. I’m sitting here in my beautiful home on my podcast with my amazing producers and my Lemonada Media who believes in me. I’m talking to you. What is bad about my square one?


[29:51] Bethany: Nothing. It’s wonderful. 


[29:58] Jaime Primak Sullivan: That’s why I say look at your square one. If you fail, who gives a shit? Honestly. You’re 24 fucking years old. You’re not going to have a ho phase because you’re already married. So have a professional ho phase. Try it all. Go work for someone. See how you like it. You may love it. Apply for jobs you’re not qualified for. Tell people in the interview, I can do this job. I don’t care that I’m not qualified. I’m amazing. And guess what? My square one is dope. So if it doesn’t work out, I’m going back to dopeness. Let people get to know your personality. What does success look like to you? So I ask you, Bethany. What does success look like to you? What is something small you can tell me? If the first step is just simply success for me would be to figure out what I want to do. 


[30:50] Bethany: I think success is just making the game plan. Like, I have these ideas and every day they’re something. But like, for me, it’s just having the step by step, like, OK, this is where I’m starting. This is my end goal. And what’s in-between, like in between is what is killing me.


[31:09] Jaime Primak Sullivan: But in between of what? Between quitting your nanny job and interviewing for other jobs?


[31:10] Bethany: No, in-between having the idea and reaching the success point. I can have all the ideas, but like I’ll have the idea, and then it’s like down the drain because I don’t want to figure out those little tidbits in between, you know what I mean?


[31:31] Jaime Primak Sullivan: This is not fix my life. This is Jaime, start my life.


[31:36] Bethany: Jaime, tell me every step of my life. 

[31:39] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK, so I would say if you could identify what you want to do, I can tell you the next step. Start telling everyone in the world you know.


[31:52] Bethany: Oh, that’s easy, too. I’ve got the network. 


[31:54] Jaime Primak Sullivan: OK, so you’ve got to identify what you want to do. The first thing people ask anybody in entrepreneurship is what is your business plan? So while you are trying to pray for God to put on your heart what you want to do, I suggest you go to the library, or because of COVID, you go on a book site and you order a book on business plans. Business plans for dummies. I don’t know if it exists, but I bet it does. Whenever there is someone who tells me they want to be a screenplay writer, but they haven’t written anything yet, I say you need to read a screenplay a day until the idea comes to you. Because you need to be studying your craft. You will need a business plan. So while you’re praying, while you’re thinking, while you’re in wait, read a book on business plans, look up examples online. Learn how to write one. Your idea will come to you. I promise you. 


[33:05] Bethany: Yeah, I think I also just need the push. I don’t have many people with your personality in my life who are like just do it! Start somewhere and finish. And don’t be afraid. I mean, my husband obviously is like my hype person and he’ll like, tell me these things. But it’s different coming from a woman who’s been through it. 


[33:30] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Yes. Who’s been through it. And my advice to you is do not start a family. And people are hearing this going, oh, my God, that’s so like rude! And kids are a blessing! Kids are a fuckin drain. They take all your money all your time, and you are never emotionally or mentally yourself again. And starting a business while you are trying to be a present mother can be done. I have done it. But it is excruciating and somebody suffers. And a lot of times it’s us because we are bogged down with guilt. Our stomachs hurt. We have diarrhea. We miss our kids, but we want our business to be successful. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Do it now, girl. Professional ho phase. Tell everybody you are in a professional ho phase.


[34:20] Bethany: OK. Professional ho phase. Oh my gosh. I love you. Thank you. 


[34:30] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I really appreciate you calling in. I appreciate you listening and following along and supporting and loving me as much as I love you. I’m really grateful for that. So thank you. 


[37:32] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I want to say something specifically about careers. I feel especially for women — and I know a lot of men listen to this podcast and I’m really grateful for them — but I feel like for women, because historically we were not in the workforce, and then we entered the workforce because of war. That is the truth. Women were forced to keep this country going when the men went off to war. Then the men came home and the women went back into their homes. But they went back changed because they had a sense of independence. They had a sense of identity outside of just being mom. They were making money for the first time. Albeit, 20 cents to the dollar for a man. But it felt like something that was theirs. And there is something about freedom that once tasted, you will fight to pursue. It is in you. And when women entered the workforce and they tasted a certain financial and emotional and mental freedom, they could not have the same peace at home. It’s kind of like Adam and Eve. When they became aware that they were naked, they couldn’t unsee it. Right. Once you’ve tasted that, you can’t unsee that there is more for your life if you want it. I’m not speaking to people who choose to be stay at home moms. You are amazing and we need you. And this is not the conversation for you. But to the women that want to pursue a career, and are struggling with that desire because of the emotional and biological pull that grounds you, anchors you at home — first of all, I want to validate your desire for more, whatever more looks like to you and however you define it. The desire to want to know what you should do next, the fear of doing that once you decide. Am I too old? Am I too young? Should I have a baby? Am I selfish for leaving my kids? All of that. I feel you on that. And we may need another hour and 15 more calls to get through it. Go on LinkedIn, create an account. Don’t pay for a subscription yet. Just do the free one, create an account and go stalking. Look at people you admire in different industries. Look at their bios, the things they’ve done. Look at people they suggest. Look up companies that you wish in a dream world you could work for. Then if you’re really brave and feeling sexy, look at their openings, their job openings. 


[40:23] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Just tease yourself. You know, it’s like reading the loglines on PornHub. You don’t have to watch. You can just see what’s out there. Do it, go on, LinkedIn. Create a free account and start browsing, just look, see what’s out there. And if you sleep on it for a few days and there’s a certain job or a certain company or a certain opportunity that you just can’t stop thinking about. Go back. Find out who the hiring agency is, or agent ,who’s the H.R. executive, whatever it is. Do research on Monster about what those kinds of jobs pay. Are you willing to relocate? Who knows? Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. The world is your fucking oyster. If you’ve raised your kids already, and your 50 or 60 and you want to make a change, make the change! You’ve done the hard part, you fuckin raised your kids, amazing. Get out of Dodge! If you’re looking for a sign that it’s OK to make a change because you’ve been a bank teller for 20 years and now you want to, I don’t know, be a park ranger at Yosemite National Park, do it. Why not you? This is what I always tell people. Why not you? So if you are listening to this, why not you? I have the audacity of hope. I have the audacity to believe that I am meant to pursue my passion, that I am going to be successful. I have the audacity to believe why not me? And you should, too. Truly, you are worthy. You are deserving. You are capable. You can do this. It is scary. I know. But listen, if you are in your 20s and you don’t have kids yet, have a professional ho phase. Jump around, like House of Pain, from job to job. Do it. This is the time.


[43:09] Jaime Primak Sullivan: And if you are 50 and you’ve raised your children, be honest with people. Hey. Hi, my name is Carol. For 20 years, I have raised my children. I have done my job and I’ve done it well. I am ready to pursue my dreams. And working for this company is a dream. So where do I start? Audacity of hope. That is what you need. I’m serious. If I could give you any career advice, it is to be very clear about what you want to do and then let nothing stand in your way. I really think that the fear of failure is what prohibits people from getting the job or the career that they want. And that’s a shame because everybody fails. Some people fail up. Some people fail down. But everybody fails. 


[45:37] Jaime Primak Sullivan: I fail all the time. Literally, I fail daily. But I don’t care because I have the audacity to believe that I am meant for success. I believe it. So I’m gonna keep getting up and trying again and doing another podcast until Kryssy tells me I’ve done a good one. And then and only then will I get up and do another one in hopes that Claire tells me I did a good one, because that’s the thing about human nature. We are destination addicts and we work for Kryssy’s approval. And then once we get it, we realize we don’t have Claire’s and we keep going because that’s who we are as human beings. And you know what? Now they’ve added Alex to the team and now there’s another person I have to impress. But I’m gonna keep going. OK. I have to go. So let me tell you guys this. I know I’m a mess. I know I’m all over the place. But it’s kind of why you listen to me. But I just want you to know that I want you to have the audacity to believe that you can be anything you want to be, even if you never get there. Believe that you can. It’s so important to me that you believe that you can. And maybe we’ll do another hour on careers, because I feel like there’s a lot here. All right. I love you guys. Thanks for listening. Share this podcast with everyone.


[47:22] Jaime Primak Sullivan: Tell Me What To Do is a production of Lemonada Media. The show is produced by Kryssy Pease, and associate produced by Claire Jones. It’s edited by Ivan Kuraev. Music is by Dan Molad. Jessica Cordova Kramer, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jaime Primak Sullivan are executive producers. Rate and review us, and follow us @LemonadaMedia on all your favorite social platforms. Of course, you can follow me at Jaime Primak Sullivan on Facebook or at Jaime P. Sullivan on Instagram. If you have any questions for me that you want me to answer on the show, give me a call at 833-453-6662.


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