Chocolate, Denver, One’s Tit

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Sarah samples See’s Candies and isn’t impressed. Plus, she helps a woman through a surprisingly aggressive sexual experience, talks to someone in their bathtub, and ponders the sensitivity of nipples.

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Cody, Speaker 8, Sender 2, Chris, Kit, Sarah Silverman, Sender 4, Amy, Speaker 9, Annie, Vow

Sarah Silverman  00:15

Hey everybody, it’s your best friend, Sarah Silverman coming to you from the invisible studios in WeHo, and on my lap, in my hands, here we go, a fucking box of See’s candies that Amy’s V brought in just to catch you up. I maintain See’s is the worst of chocolate. Amy maintains See’s is the very best of chocolate. I’m more of a Cadbury girl, I’m a lint Lindor girl, I’m a straight up Hershey bar girl, never been a See’s girl. I always just remember it as very like sugary tasting and not like more sugar taste than chocolate taste. But, I’m opening it up. I love a chocolate covered cherry, so this is gonna be.


Amy  01:06

So there’s multiples, there’s dark and one milk for the cherries. They’re the large, round one.


Sarah Silverman  01:11

What’s this one?


Amy  01:12

That’s a peanut butter patty. And I am telling you right now.


Sarah Silverman  01:15

Better than a Reese’s.


Amy  01:17

I mean, you tell us, Sarah, I maintain that See’s candy is hands down the best chocolate in the world.


Sarah Silverman  01:23

Go on.


Amy  01:25

I think Mary See.


Sarah Silverman  01:27

That’s it, si it Mary See was her name?


Amy  01:30

Yeah, and it was, it’s from LA. Is that the cherry?


Sarah Silverman  01:34

I don’t want to be chewing into the mic well, oh, fuck, there’s the dark cherry. I guess it doesn’t really taste like chocolate to me and be honest. Oh, fuck.


Amy  01:47

Did you get cherry on your pants?


Sarah Silverman  01:50

Yeah, I did scrape it up and eat it off, but listen, I don’t want people to hear me chewing and sucking on this. But um, is this chocolate covered cherry delicious? Yes, does it taste like chocolate to me? No.


Amy  02:08

I’m gonna need you to taste another one in there. So maybe just take a bite of that one and let’s switch to a different.


Sarah Silverman  02:14

oh, I want to finish it all right. You want me to do the what that? What’s this rectangle one?


Amy  02:18

So that’s actually an almond nougat. I like that.


Sarah Silverman  02:22

Whoa, oh, God, you’re gonna hate me. Amy, I swear I want it to be wrong. I’m not saying it’s bad. It doesn’t taste like chocolate. Oh, what’s this marshmallow? Oh, that’s my favorite. Let me try that. Mm, oh, fuck.


Amy  02:39

That’s the Scotch Mallow. And that is marshmallow and caramel, enrobed in chocolate. I believe it’s dark.


Sarah Silverman  02:47

Did you say enrobed?


Amy  02:49

I did.


Sarah Silverman  02:49

I’ve never heard that before.


Amy  02:51

It’s a chocolate term.


Sarah Silverman  02:53

Listen the again, delicious, tasting the caramel and tasting the marshmallow, and I it the consistency, feels like chocolate.


Amy  03:08

It is chocolate. It’s like the best chocolate.


Sarah Silverman  03:11

I mean, maybe it’s because I’m, like, a little stuffy from allergies, but I don’t I’m not tasting chocolate. Here’s the peanut butter on. Oh, fuck.


Amy  03:23

When, when you asked me if it’s better than Reese’s, I’m just curious to know these. I think it has a very similar consistency.


Sarah Silverman  03:29

I feel terribly it’s not to me better than Reese’s. I’m gonna just finish up this chair, chuck the covered cherry and call it a day. Sorry, bt, um, oh, fuck.


Amy  03:41

Just so, you know, the cherries dripping all over Sarah, which is, in my opinion, God, disagreeing with her.


Sarah Silverman  03:52



Amy  03:53

The Norse god of chocolate.


Sarah Silverman  03:55

I’m so sorry. I’m chewing. I’m just gonna yell from here, the god of chocolate doesn’t even know about See’s candies because it does. Can’t this doesn’t even count as chocolate. It does taste like candy. It’s sweet and yummy other than the consistency of it. I am I can’t identify chocolate in my mouth.


Amy  04:17

I would like here’s here is what I would like.


Sarah Silverman  04:21

I just ate a lot of that chocolate.


Amy  04:22

If there are some fans out there that want to dispute that, Hershey’s chocolate bars, which are delicious for smores, and I’m not, I’m not mad.


Sarah Silverman  04:34

Just a plain Hershey bar.


Amy  04:36

Yeah, I don’t, I’m not mad at any of that. But I just when you say that See’s is the worst chocolate in the world. That’s a bold statement, especially when.


Sarah Silverman  04:45

You’re right, you know what you are right, I’m sure it’s not the worst. I haven’t tried all the chocolate in the world like Russell Stover. I will say I think, I think Russell Stover is trash personally, because when I receive it. It’s probably on, it’s like 19 three gift, and it doesn’t even look like chocolate anymore. Like I like when I have like a, like a dark chocolate dipped strawberry, you taste the chocolate.


Amy  05:13

We’re from, like, Sherry’s berries.


Sarah Silverman  05:16

You’re a monster. We’re from Sherry’s berries. I don’t know where, but I’ve had them before, and they’re so chocolatey. I mean, have you ever put a Lindor chocolate ball in your mouth? It’s literally like God is coming in your mouth. That’s chocolate.


Amy  05:41

I just, I don’t put it in this in a same I don’t put it in the same category, sees, because, I guess, like the chocolate candies, seizes character. I just think it’s, oh, my God, O, M, G.


Sarah Silverman  05:53

Look, what does the bag say? Look, what does that bag say? Read it to me.


Amy  05:58

It says, See’s candy.


Sarah Silverman  05:59

That’s right, it’s candy. It’s not chocolate.


Amy  06:03

And by the way, I didn’t even bring you my favorite one. It’s Mars upon, because I don’t think you like almond paste.


Sarah Silverman  06:08

Good instinct.


Amy  06:09

I know, but I’m obsessed with it. And my mother is says my dad.


Sarah Silverman  06:14

Balls upon.


Amy  06:15

Balls upon, and they have the best marcan you. And it’s funny, it’s such a Europe that’s such a European thing, and especially at Christmas.


Sarah Silverman  06:23

My mom had it before, but we called it Mars the pan.


Amy  06:27

Okay? I mean, it’s tomato, tomato, I think.


Sarah Silverman  06:29

Yeah, yours is tomato. Well, there’s literally.


Amy  06:38

Sorry, you’re a batch.


Sarah Silverman  06:41

I was trying to think of that movie. I guess it’s like the twat of twat.


Amy  06:45

I suppose, and I guess I’m the twat.


Sarah Silverman  06:49

On that, let’s take some calls.


Cody  07:06

Hey, Sarah, it’s your friend, Cody from Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I just had to call in because I got to finally see you live in Denver this past Sunday, and it was epic, and totally made my year to see you in person. I’m a huge fan and longtime listener, and I have always wanted to call in so I thought that I would just go for it. After seeing your act, I wanted to just mention your bit about flies made me think of the show animals, and if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. I know that recommendation probably doesn’t mean that much to you, because you don’t know me, but it’s hilarious, a really well made like silly cartoon with an awesome soundtrack. I think you would like it. I’ve heard of that, but my real question is a little bit sad, but my brother passed away three years ago to suicide, and that’s been a huge challenge for me. And I’m very scientific, so the concept of like signs, or him being here with me, things like that, that people tell me to be comforting, just kind of make me feel confused and guilty that I don’t believe that is true, and I would love to experience the comfort that comes with thinking that way. And I’m just curious what you think, and if you can offer your perspective on that, I love you so much, bye.


Sarah Silverman  08:36

oh gosh. Well, first of all, thanks for coming to see me in Denver. Comedy works is my number one stop for figuring out what I’m doing and figuring out what the my next hour is, because it’s just the best. It’s run like no other club. It’s like a family there, and the audiences are amazing. And boy, I love it there, but let’s talk about you and your brother, and I’m so sorry. I mean, that must be so hard and bring up so many feelings. I think your belief around it should be just whatever helps you. He’s out of pain. He’s in a better place. He’s with you. He’s not with you. He is, his energy is out there and is finally free. You know, our perspective is, is our whole being in a way, right? It dictates our our experience of life. It’s okay to try on different perspectives, different ways of seeing and and find the one that that works for you and works for your heart. There’s a book called ways of seeing by John Berger, or.Burger. I’ve never heard it said out loud, and it’s about how it’s actually about how to look at art. But I was very influenced by that book, not only in how to look at art, but ways in which we can look at life, which you could consider art, because it’s subjective, you know, like using the example of looking at art, you can look at the same painting every day and have an entirely different experience, because it depends on what’s happened in your day, what you see will you know that affects what you see, what’s happened in your life, what’s happened in the world around us as the world changes. It’s so essential, I believe, and and key to happiness, to deal with what is, I mean, that’s what I’m learning, and I know I’ve been talking about because that’s what I’m learning in therapy, is not assigning good or bad on things, or just, you know, just, oh God, you know this happened or that happened. Okay, well, this is, what is, what are we going to do about it? There’s an opportunity here. How are we going to handle it? How are we going to heal from it? How, what? What can I do? What can I do? What is so you’ll, she sighs said it in my show in Denver, energy cannot, you know, I talked about my parents dying, and I say, energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. And then I say that I wrote that, but, yeah, it’s all. She was there for that, and you guys will see it when it’s a special in 2025 all right, what else?


Sender 2  11:42

Hey, Sarah, I’m calling in regards to the woman whose child attempted suicide. Most of the organizations that work on this issue focus on suicide prevention. That is really important, but a consequence is that sometimes the survivors feel even more guilt than they already do, and think there’s something they could have, should have, would have done, and so I wanted to highlight an organization that comes at it from the other direction. I know that you don’t normally highlight super specific groups, but I don’t know if anybody doing anything like it. It’s called the alliance of hope for suicide loss survivors, they have an online forum with 25,000 people around the world who tell their stories, lift up the stories and memories of their loved ones and and all they do is show each other kindness and support and love, and nobody there will tell you that you didn’t do enough, because you have been through enough as it is. Okay, I hope it’s of some help to somebody out there, the alliance of hope for suicide loss survivors, bye.


Sarah Silverman  12:55

Oh, well, this is amazing, because the last our last caller, Cody, this is for you. Alliance of Hope For Suicide Loss Survivors, Alliance of hope for suicide loss survivors, thank you for calling in. All right, what else?


Annie  13:11

Hey, Sarah, it’s your best friend, Annie. So I thought of something kind of fun, and I just wanted to share it with you. So I love you, remember how you always used to say, like, I don’t know why we use the term balls, like, for courage. Like, how did he have the balls? Because balls were really sensitive and they wouldn’t really have courage. So you started using lips. Like, wow, they really had the lips for a move like that. Well, I thought of another one that’s, like, very similar to that in concept, which is, instead of saying, get off my dick, when someone, like, won’t leave you alone, we could say, like, get off my tit or get off my tits. You know what? I mean? I like that because dicks. It’s like, no one really wants to, like, suck a dick. It’s like we more do that because we, like, have to or feel bad. But like, people love sucking on tits, like, that makes a lot more sense. Like, kind of like how lips makes more sense for courage. It’s like, get off my tits. Like, stop trying to suck on these tits. Anyway. I thought you would appreciate that. And I love you, bye.


Sarah Silverman  14:12

I mean, the explanation almost ruins it for me, but I am implementing that immediately, and I kind of like it in the singular, get off my tit. I do like that, get off my tit. But you know why I like it singular, it’s almost like you’re on my teat. Like, fucking, stop nursing on it. You’re sucking, you know? Like, yeah, oh yeah. But it like, when you say sucking your tits. I don’t know why that’s so gross to me. It makes me like, have to, like, cover my nipples. I you know, there’s something it’s so funny to me, like, when I know that some women, and, you know, I guess, like, in certain times of the month, my nipples or whatever would be more sensitive or more like, erotic feeling. But not really, and in that scene in bridesmaids, when Jon Hamm is like, can he do this? And he, like, he like, rubs her boob, like, in a sexual way, and it’s just, you just feel nothing, like she’s just laying there, and she’s like, I think so it’s so funny, because it’s so real, like, there are some guys that just think your boobs are like, a penis, like that, that like touching them in a certain way is gonna, like, feel like anything. I mean, I guess, like, there are some people their nipples are sensitive or whatever, but I don’t know it’s really the vagina.


Amy  15:39

So, uh huh there was a differing opinion in here, not from me.


Sarah Silverman  15:44

Okay, some so people must have sensitive breasts sometimes.


Amy  15:49

Yeah,  I mean, my nipples are like two penises, I’m gonna be honest.


Sarah Silverman  15:53

Oh, my God. I’m so excited to hear this. I made a horrible assumption that my boobs are all boobs which is basically dead inside. Yeah, that must be a thing where some women, it’s very sensitive. So please don’t listen to me. Every tit is different. I mean, they’re probably similar to the one next to it. But, you know, each person’s, I don’t know, get off my tit.


Sender 4  16:27

Hi, Sarah, uh, I’m calling kind of in a rage. I’m really mad right now. I’m 40 years old, I’m gay. Had kind of a hard week straight friend of mine said, listen to Tony Hinchcliffe’s podcast, Kill Tony, it’s hilarious. I really like him, so I thought I’d do it, and I did, and I really wish I hadn’t, uh, oddly enough, it was the 666 episode, and comic after comic is given a minute to give their best stand up. They could be anybody, they could be nobody. They could be a well known stand up. They could be doing it for years, whatever. I swear everyone, almost everyone, was throwing hate to gay people. Like, I’m thick skinned. I’ve been told that I need to be thick skinned from a child. So I’ve, like learned to adapt, but like so mad all these people are showing their alphaness by doing this. You know, I’m alpha two. I’m six foot three, 210 pounds. I could easily kick these guys ass, and I would love to do that. Like, what does that mean? I don’t I don’t like feeling this way. Oh, I don’t want to hurt anybody.


Sarah Silverman  17:55

Oh, baby, it fucking sucks. That’s always that’s a real bummer. And I’m not really sure how to approach this, because I don’t like to talk shit about comics, and I, you know, as a comic, it’s, it’s very tricky, but, yeah, it’s surprising that that’s still a crutch for like, a kind of, a whole swath of comics, um, you know, I don’t know I’ve done, listen, I’ve done gay jokes in my life, and I’m grateful to have changed with the times. I mean, in in 2007 on the MTV Movie Awards. I was talking about the movie 300 and I said that it got its title from how gay it was on a scale from one to 10. I wouldn’t do that today, even though I just literally just did it just now, but I wonder if, because I consider myself, I feel, if I’m considered an ally in the gay community, that the gay community would think it’s funny, um, but I don’t know. I mean, to a degree, it depends on who is saying the joke and how they’re saying it, and how they move through the world and the energy they’re putting out. And I, you know, but I, I know what you heard was probably not said with love. You know, like I would give an example of Jeff Ross, who roasts everyone and truly does it with love. He gets away with everything because he really loves I’ve never heard him say a bad word about anyone. And he just loves people so much that it never seems mean, and then that’s why he’s the roastmaster that said the joke teller doesn’t get to decide if the joke is offensive or not. That’s the audience’s choice. That’s that’s your feelings, to be honest, I have not listened to that podcast. I don’t listen to many podcasts. I have to assume there’s a fair amount of queer comics that are on it, and I’d be interested in hearing some of those episodes or or maybe just don’t tune in anymore. You know, the gay community is a massive influence on art and commerce, of course, and the absence of queer listeners certainly doesn’t help any podcast. So I guess, don’t patronize it. Don’t patronize it. That’s a song sorry. There are so so many great comedy podcasts out there that you would really love, I’m sure there’s I love endless honeymoon, handsome comedy, bang, bang. Beth Stelling and Mo Welch have a new podcast. I don’t remember what it’s called. There’s just so many good, great comedy podcasts out there that there are going to be so many that are perfect for your ear holes that you’ll love, that fortify you and make you guffaw and laugh, or go to Austin with all six foot three of you and see if Tony would like to have a little chat. He was quite brilliant on the Brady rose that I have to say, though, as was Jeff Ross and Kevin Hart, but Nikki Glaser had the set of the night, wow. All right, I’m really sorry, and I feel like I don’t know if my comments or my answer were at all helpful, but I’m with you, and I’m sorry that I know that feeling of rage where you want to punch, and you know violence isn’t the answer, and you’re not someone who beats people up, but I fucking know that feeling. All right, what else?


Chris  21:51

Hi, Sarah, this is Chris. I thought of this question when I was listening today, and you mentioned Robert F Kennedy.


Sarah Silverman  22:00



Chris  22:01

And this thought has been rolling around. This question has been rolling around in my head, because I am a avid Curb your enthusiasm fan, as well as all the cast members. And I just am so curious. I know I’ll probably never get this answer, but I’m wondering if you’re also curious about what Cheryl Hines thinks about her husband running for president, that’s all. Thank you. Have a lovely day.


Sarah Silverman  22:36

Well, who knows? And I mean, it’s her husband, and she’s been supporting him, you know? I mean, look, I have absolutely no idea, but I do know that I have had friends and acquaintances over my life where I absolutely adore them and think their partner is a fucking asshole. I mean, I don’t know it’s life. I don’t try to figure out if I should still like or love someone because I don’t like who they’ve chosen as a partner. I mean, there’d be very few people left, you know, like to, you know? I mean, that said, I don’t, I don’t know how one gets wet, for a person who says with such authority that coronavirus was developed as a weapon of war that disproportionately doesn’t affect Jews or Chinese people, that’s some crazy ass shit, but terrifyingly, not crazier than Trump. What can I say? I love her, but love Cheryl Hines. I love her work. I think she’s funny, and I no longer care for her husband at all. I certainly, you know it’s listen, I didn’t care about Trump before he ran for president, I watched every episode of The Celebrity Apprentice. I loved it. But when people start running for president, you have to judge them in a bigger way, because they they’re going to affect your life. All right, what else?


Kit  23:56

Hey, Sarah, it’s your best friend, kit. I’m just sitting here in my bathtub, because that’s where I always am anyway, just wondering when you’re starting to feel a little blue, what are some of the first signs for you? Like it’s kind of always just sneaks up on me, and I’m always a little surprised, but I always kind of find that I catch myself talking shit about people and myself.


Sarah Silverman  24:33



Kit  24:49

And after I say shitty things about people, I feel really bad about myself, and I instantly regret it, and then I isolate for days and days and days to punish myself and to avoid it happening anymore. I’m wondering what you do and what I can do to get out of this and never let this happen anymore. Thanks, love your show.


Sarah Silverman  29:20

That’s so interesting, and it’s so cool to really try to notice those things and those cues and stuff I don’t know. I think what for me when I’m slipping into a bad place feeling not good about myself, or, you know, I think my, first of all, my porcupine needles go up for sure. I get defensive. You know, why? You know, just kind of like the that kind of, it’s an, it’s a very knee jerk thing when we are sad or hurt, to want to make someone close to us feel that way too. You know, it’s a very unconscious reaction. So, you know, kind of step, taking a step back and examining it like you’re doing is, is so cool, because then it just becomes practice and note, you know, noticing our own cues, and then going, Okay, you’re just feeling sad. And maybe instead of saying this nasty thing to the person who loves you most, you maybe just want to ask for a hug, which sounds so kindergarten, but it’s Rory, and I have been, kind of been doing it like, where it’s like, we’re we get kind of like one of us is getting an energy that’s catchy, where we’re snapping at each other, and then finally, one of us will be like, I think I need a hug, you know? Or do you need a hug? Like, we just go, yes, and it just, it makes us laugh, because it feels so kindergarten, but it’s very, very adult. It turns out, you know it’s, it’ll, it does make you feel better, even if you’re just laugh, you’re you’re feeling better because you’re kind of laughing about it. I don’t know. I hope that was did something for you, but you seem to be doing great.


Vow  29:20

Hi, Sarah, it’s your pal Vow. Thank you for everything that you do. I just love your sensibilities, so I’m hoping you have some advice on my situation. I was friends with a man for many years, and we eventually found ourselves both single, and we went on a few dates, and then one night, decided to do an overnight and this gentle, kind person was so aggressive it stunned me. It literally took my breath away in how he handled himself in bed, and I didn’t know what to say, so of course, I didn’t say anything. And then it happened again the next morning, and I couldn’t believe I didn’t have the ability to say no. And then that night, he called me to say, wasn’t that great? And I told him no, and here’s why, and I told him what I was thinking, and he said, Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Let’s try it again. And I said, No, it’s not going to happen again. And this has been over a year ago, and he’s been doing everything in his power to bring our friendship back. And I just don’t know if I want to. I don’t know if I can. I’m not sure who this person really is, not the person I was expecting him to be that night, that’s for sure. So I’m wondering, if you have any advice, I I miss our friendship, but I won’t see him the way I used to anymore, and he is heartbroken and wants it back the way it was. Do you have any thoughts? I love you. Thank you, Sarah.


Sarah Silverman  29:21

You do not have to be friends with him anymore. One, I’m really proud of you for telling him exactly what he did and how it was not cool or enjoyable. That’s huge, because I you know, when you said you had sex with them the next morning and you just didn’t know, God, I we’ve all been there. Or it’s just, for some reason, it’s the path of least resistance is exposing yourself to that again. It’s just odd, but we do it, don’t we? And I’m so glad you spoke up for yourself that night. So it’s great that you spoke up and you did that for yourself, and it’s also a great that you did that for him. A mitzvah, really, I was, you know, I was with a guy, a lovely guy, who, whenever we kissed, he shoved his tongue down my throat so hard, and it was, it felt assaulting, you know, and but it’s not what he meant at all. But it was, and I told him. I told him, it was not at all enjoyable for me, that it makes it so I can’t participate in the kiss, I’m just like taking it, and I will tell you that he ultimately became the perfect kisser for me because he was open to hearing what I liked, and that was his only interest, was kissing me in a way that I would enjoy here.  The thing we only know what we’ve been taught, you know. And a lot of times with kissing and stuff boys, they learn it from other boys who don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. We are only and always the product of what we know so far up until now. So like when I learn more and act accordingly, I can’t blame my former self for not knowing what I didn’t know. You don’t owe him friendship. You don’t owe him anything. But if you’re interested, you could this is a guy who seems very open to being shaped in terms of how he connects with you sexually. And a lot of guys just really don’t know better. And probably women have just he probably just hasn’t had second dates because women are like Jesus, but because you started out as friends, you do have a rare opportunity to say, hey, listen, women don’t like this. I didn’t like it. Here’s what I like, but I do understand that if you go down that road, you’re showing him, you know that you’re open to either friendship again, where you’re just saying, listen, pal, this is what it is, you know or maybe even more. You know, I don’t know what you want. You have to do what you want. I hope I’m picking up what you put down correctly, but just in case, if you, or anyone listening is a victim of assault, take a look at the resources that will put them in our show notes. I hope it’s helpful, what else?


Speaker 8  31:40

Hey, Sarah, I still have your animated short series in my entertainment collection, and so I guess, do you get high and watch cartoons from when you were growing up, ones that you still really like and or do you have any like more current animation that you like? Just kind of curious about that. But hey, we love you in Chicago. This is coming from an Evelyn wood speed reading course Jew in Chicago. But anyway, we love you. Keep coming out here. You’re hot. We love you.


Sarah Silverman  32:23

I don’t have a good answer for this. I’m not a big cartoon person. Rory is so I’ll watch, like, Rick and Morty with him. And every time I’m like, Oh yeah, that’s brilliant, you know, or, you know, I’m in Bob’s Burgers and, like, my best friend is, like, a writer, producer on it, and his wife, Nora Smith and John Schrader, and I still, I barely watched that. I’m just not like a I don’t watch cartoons well, I, you know, I like murdery things. And I remember I used to like The Sim sense. But growing up, I loved Top Cat. It was like Top Cat, Casper, the Friendly Ghost. There was just a bunch of Saturday cartoons that were all mushed together. There’s that, like, gray skull, one I didn’t really like, which is, I see it on Call of Duty a lot. That character, I hate the color palette of it. It just bothers me. It’s like, purple and blue and it, I don’t like it. It doesn’t feel good on my eyes. Yeah, I don’t know. This isn’t a big thing that I have a good answer for, or what else do we have another one? Yeah.


Speaker 9  33:34

Sarah, I was wondering if you think you’ll ever do another TV show. Thank you for all the wonderful work and laughs you’ve given everybody over the years, and I hope you and your loved ones stay well and healthy.


Sarah Silverman  33:48

Well, thank you. I think so. Yeah, I don’t know. We’re always looking it’s scary to, like, dip my toe in too much, because I like doing odd jobs, so like, any big job that takes me out of other things for a long time or an indefinite time, always makes me a little nervous. But, um, you know, if I I very much interested it, because I, oh, this is what I enjoy watching, is like the limited series format. It’s funny, because I love certain shows, and then it doesn’t necessarily mean I want to be on it, but I just like my my ragtag odd jobs life, but I really I always miss acting when I’m not involved in something currently. So short answer, yeah.



And Dad, we are winding down. This is the part of the podcast when I say, send me your questions, go to That’s podcast. And subscribe, rate, and review wherever you listen to podcasts. That helps us and there’s more of the Sarah Silverman Podcast with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like, What about a time when Steve Agee stuck up for me? I don’t remember that. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. I will too. I wonder what I said. Oh, and one more thing, I might be coming to a city near you this fall on my tour, Cleveland, Reno, Chicago, just to name a few, go to, I don’t know, just Google my name and tour dates and you’ll find the links. But oh, I know in my Instagram bio, link in bio, blah, blah, blah, you guys know how to do it, all right, see you next time. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast. We are a production of Lemonada media. Catherine Barnes and Isabella Kulkarni produce our show, our mixes by James Sparber. The show is recorded at the invisible studios in West Hollywood. Charles Carroll is a recording engineer. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Whittles Wachs  and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds, you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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