Coyotes, Cat Eyes & Cocktails
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This week, Kulap and SuChin are happy to be psychoanalyzing each other again. What does it mean that SuChin is slathering her narrow feet in another French pharmacy find or that Kulap is literally chasing coyotes out of her backyard with jingle bells? It sure is fun to speculate. Plus, after an unsettling incident at REI, Ku and Su talk about how much has changed for them with all the violence against AAPI people over the last two years. They talk about resources you can use as a bystander and ways to stay informed.
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.
- The balm SuChin is using on her bony little feet
- The Linda Linda’s music video for “Growing Up”, directed by Humberto Leon
- Kulap is loving the Cartoon 3D Style filter on Snapchat that makes her look like a Pixar princess
- Here are the 5 D’s of bystander intervention from Hollaback. Make sure to check out their different trainings and additional resources
- Also head to Next Shark, Stop AAPI Hate, Hate is a Virus and Diet Prada for more ways to support the AAPI community as hate crimes continue
- Kulap is making tequila sours from this recipe
- SuChin is actually falling asleep with this method
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Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Claire Jones
Kulap Vilaysack 00:09
Hello, and welcome to another episode of ADD TO CART. A show about the things we buy and buy into. And of course what it says about who we are. And I am Kulap Vilaysack.
SuChin Pak
I’m SuChin Pak. I’m so excited to have a cart full of things that you’ve never heard before. Because as you’ve heard, sweet, sweet babies, we were in the desert. And now we are in a hot, sweaty, moist jungle. She be shopping. And when I tell you..
Kulap Vilaysack
How many carts are open right now? I mean revived five carts; she’s counting.
SuChin Pak
There are many good things. There are many good things about taking a break from shopping. Of course I have learned things about myself. My partner, all of these things I’ve learned and I’ve grown.
Kulap Vilaysack
Just give me a few of the things that you’ve learned about yourself. Just a few.
SuChin Pak
I hate silence. You know? And just period. No, I hate the silence of not knowing what to do with myself. When I want to be distracted. And also, you know, I learned that I don’t need all this stuff. I didn’t miss one thing. I really didn’t.
Kulap Vilaysack
And yet, you’re saying February.
SuChin Pak
The downside is now I’m just putting everything. Everything, because I say to myself. You didn’t buy anything last month? Certainly you need a new set of end tables that comes with a mallet because there are no screws in this end table. Sure. Do. I need more end tables? No. Those are coming on preorder.
Kulap Vilaysack 02:14
And it comes with a mallet? Tiny Korean Thor.
SuChin Pak
This is interesting because no buy also was a very a huge time of self-reflection. But like everything buy is also a time of self-reflection because I’m like, what am I doing. What am I doing? Can’t stop myself. I’m buying things that I never would buy before. I’m buying journals, art books. I bought a little book of art. I bought a Valentine’s Day gift for myself.
Kulap Vilaysack
I love that Su.
SuChin Pak
I bought this for myself. I don’t. I’m not. It’s a book. It’s a handbook. It was a book shape in the like a hand.
Kulap Vilaysack
With a key on it.
Kulap Vilaysack
And it has little things like I’m lucky to know you. And they’re drawings and they’re you hold the key to my heart. What the fuck? I bought this for myself.
Kulap Vilaysack
Where did we find that?
SuChin Pak
Got it at a paper source. Anyway. Oh, God, I wish I could say that. I feel good. I don’t. I don’t feel good. I feel like that moment when you’re like on a diet, and then you go to a donut store and then the box of doughnuts in your car and then you’re like, Oh God, I wish I could vomit this but the taste is so good. And now you smell like deep fat fried oil for a week. Now I have to get back to the equilibrium. But man, I’ve added a lot of things to cart anyway, shall we get to some of them?
Kulap Vilaysack 04:08
Well, before we get into our carts, let’s give a shout out to Becca Tankersley, who won the add to cart package at the Jane Club auction in December. Su and I had auntie tea time with Becca and it was just so lovely to talk to her.
SuChin Pak
You know what I love that conversation that we had about, you know, finding a place a community where when you’re looking out and talking about identity, specifically Asian identity, and how difficult it has been this past year, that she has found comfort in our conversations and she’s found a place where she felt like a conversation that she hadn’t been hearing in her life. So I don’t know that was incredibly sweet and we had such a good time with her.
Kulap Vilaysack
She also wants to tickets for our Sketch Fest show, which as you all know was postponed until 2023. So I mean I know everyone’s looking forward to that and that’s like you know they’ve saved the date and you know so we’ll see all of you and Becca in 2023.
SuChin Pak
We hope.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s get to some carts baby. Well Su and Claire know why I was gone for our last couple episodes, it’s all good things in the area of surrogacy and baby for Kuku I’m not ready to kind of delve into that but just know all good things for now. So that it’s put me in a great mood. Let’s just say that for now, that I’m comfortable saying that that I’m in a good mood. Also signed a lease for mommy.
Kulap Vilaysack
Bye, Mommy. Great mood. See you mommy. Did you wanted me to pack this here or there? Bye. Bye. Love you. Bye bye. She got an apartment. You guys did it.
Kulap Vilaysack 06:03
We did it. We did it. We’re you know, I’ll be in Minnesota moving her, directing that move. Lifting lots of things.
SuChin Pak
Do you have like a whistle and like a bullhorn. What’s your like, move in day outfit. I feel like you’ve got a whole thing.
Kulap Vilaysack
I think I’m gonna do like a maid well ones. Like a coverall. I’m warm. I’m accessible. But I’m also going to be like, hey, let’s sharpen our pencils. Okay, let’s mark these boxes. And I’m doing you know, a lot of pre-work, a lot of organization.
SuChin Pak
And you’re so good at that. You are so good at deadlines. Producing schedules, budgets. Lists. Telling people what to do in a kind, gentle but firm way.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. And if need be. I’ve heard from you. It’s a little scary.
SuChin Pak
If you’re not in a scary relationship with another friend. That’s not friendship. If I don’t scare you, and you don’t scare me, what’s the glue? What’s the glue? Why am I calling you back? If you have a relationship that doesn’t scare you a little bit, that relationship isn’t that significant? You move that into the outer rings.
Kulap Vilaysack
I don’t know you’re coming in. Some wisdom, you know, As you know, cuz you were in Bentley, laying some good words. You know, some wisdom.
SuChin Pak
We’ve had a break and we’ve now seeing each other just a little bit. But man, I really I just want to say again. I really missed you. And I missed, you know what I miss is really interesting. Oh, let’s make this about me really quick. And then we’ll get into it guys. I miss and we’ve talked about this where I’m not necessarily a self-reflective person. And you’ve been able to do that for me. And I’ve been able to do that more because of you and I’ve realized it’s kind of been a little quiet. Just a little quiet in my soul. I don’t like silence. I’ve gotten used to being seen by just you. I don’t need to be seen by anybody else. Thank you very much. There’s no line here. I miss someone being like you’re weird. You’re mean, you’re funny.
Kulap Vilaysack 08:39
And you’re cheap. Doesn’t Mike do that?
SuChin Pak
Yeah, but that’s not the same. It’s just like that’s background noise. I can barely hear it. It’s just a corpse whisper.
Kulap Vilaysack
Look, it’s because I enjoy you thoroughly. I just count my lucky stars that I get to have these conversations with you, that you’ll casually reveal something that needs to be expanded upon that I can spelunk into your psyche, excavate, excavate. That I too. I go to the SuChin REI, that I’m getting carabiners. Claire, am I saying things that are outdoorsy? Thank you Claire, producer Claire.
Kulap Vilaysack
What does REI stand for?
Claire Jones
It is recreation equipment incorporated.
Kulap Vilaysack
Producer Claire, if you don’t know this, she’s an outdoors person.
SuChin Pak
She’s a retro, a retro sexual.
Kulap Vilaysack
She’s doing things and she’s off doing executive things no underwear.
SuChin Pak
She’s peeing behind dumpsters and eating out of tin plates.
Claire Jones
That’s me.
Kulap Vilaysack 10:04
Share with Claire and I what you’ve added to cart please.
SuChin Pak
I don’t even know anymore. What is the point? Where are we in this damn show? Oh, yes. Adding to cart guys, we have a game changer coming up. And this was my original game changer. So it’s an Add To Cart but it’s also slash game changer now. Listen up, click on this link. Okay. So as Ku mentioned, I don’t know if you heard but I went to France. I went to France once. And I got some stuff. Now, as the winter is progressing into its peak, you know, we’re getting to the coldest months we’re gonna try to get through these coldest months of winter. Ku and I are thankfully in milder climates, but many of you are listening in the frigid cold. My feet are like..
Kulap Vilaysack
No flesh on your feet.
SuChin Pak
I’ve no flesh on my feet. By the way. I have the skinniest, most narrow feet you have ever seen in your life. They are three fingers width. That is the width of my foot. I am dead serious. I have been in stores, and people that sell shoes remark at how narrow my feet are. My feet are three, three thin fingers width. That’s what’s carrying this load. And they’re just dusty and old and crusty. When I was in France, I was with one of my dear friends Annie and she swore, she swore by this jar. It’s from this French or European brand Alva DM. And it’s called […]. Don’t know what that means. So anyway, I have been using this now. Consistently after every shower. I don’t do anything to my feet. I get out of the shower. I put this on and I put on my regular socks and I go about my day where you can use gel socks if it’s at night. Three weeks in, my feet are pink. They’re peachy. They’re soft. There’s like color in my feet. I don’t even know what this is, what’s in this. It just feels like a normal cream. It’s not like I get it out and it’s thicker or goopy or it feels like lotion. Put it on my feet. I’m taking my sock off now. I am telling you the calluses on my feet are without using any tool. Or I would say 80% gone.
Kulap Vilaysack
Wow. I am looking at her and I can tell she’s feeling her feeling right now. Alright, I’m sold. And also by the way. 15 bucks, guys. I’m gonna try this. This is interesting. I think they’re might be in his description. I think this might be a mistranslation here because it’s it says it’s enriched with royal jelly in squalor. And I don’t think that’s what they mean. Because that’s a tale. That’s a movie somehow.
Kulap Vilaysack
Don’t worry about the description. I’ve given you the description.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. You said that you described that your feet prior to this. It was like the Hunchback of […]. And after using this product now you are a Beauty and the Beast of beauty. Speaking of animated movies too, I don’t know I think you are already aware of it. But you know, I’m on the social medias. And I was like I was noticing people are looking like Pixar. Pixar characters, right that there was a filter on the social medias. Of course, I asked my niece Dana, after a brief Google because I was trying to find it on Instagram, only available on Snapchat. And I have spent some days just doing selfies of myself like I was a Pixar character. Now are you seeing these photos that I sent to Claire ahead of time just having a little Fun.
Kulap Vilaysack
What a sassy Pixar character you are. I mean, this is your hair, right?
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah. That’s my hair.
Kulap Vilaysack
By the way, good hair. Look how cute you are. And so you downloaded Snapchat.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, to be honest, had Snapchat but I dusted it off. It’s been like three years.
SuChin Pak
What does it make you feel like, Ku?
Kulap Vilaysack
It makes me feel like I am in Encanto.
SuChin Pak
I only do the Instagram. That’s okay. I can do Snapchat.
Kulap Vilaysack
You look for filters and you do a search for the filters. It’s called cartoon 3D style.
SuChin Pak
Okay, needs some work on that title. As we record this, Happy Lunar New Year, and the Linda Linda’s, if you don’t remember, are this fantastic punk rock band, they’re four girls ages 11, 13, 15, and 17. And they went viral last year with a song called racist sexist boy. And they performed it at a library and then went on to perform it on you know, Jimmy Kimmel. I mean, it was a huge thing. And so their album was about to come out in April, and they’re single, called Growing up, is out now. It’s a video. It’s directed by a dear friend, Humberto Leon, who is also one of the founders of opening ceremony. So it’s just cool. There’s the fashion is cool. I’m gonna post it, you’ve got to see the makeup. They did cat eyes, but literally, they put cats on the eyes of the girls. It’s so cute.
SuChin Pak 17:06
The song is about what it feels like to be a teenager and a twin ager in this pandemic, not able to see your friends, not going to school full time. And what that time is like, and in this sort of month of not-so-great news about a lot of our people in the Asian community. It’s just nice to celebrate some Asian joy, and to see these girls thrive. And it’s a really fun video. And I just I love that this kind of music is out there for kids as well. And for grownups.
Kulap Vilaysack
I relate it to their lyrics. And you know, I just very, they’re rad. They’re super rad. Let’s get into some removed from cart. I’ll go first, Su, and Claire, you know, I’ve sent you a video and you you’re aware that there’s a pair of coyotes. I’m sure they’re mated. I’m sure they have a wonderful relationship. They come through my front and back yard often. And now you guys know I have two very small dogs, very small dogs.
SuChin Pak 18:25
Feisty, though powerful dogs small. But feisty.
Kulap Vilaysack
Georgia, maybe has a chance. Maybe Molly none.
Kulap Vilaysack
You don’t have to kill me just take me with you. I’ll clean up after you. I’ll make you tea.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean, she has zero cance. But Molly doesn’t know that she has zero chance which makes it even more dangerous. I want these coyotes; I want them to live. I want them to thrive. I don’t want them to eat my dogs. It’s an interesting sort of dynamic. And so I have taken to anytime they come into my yard, I charge at them screaming and clapping. And during the holidays after I got my booster, I sent some surveillance photos to Claire and Su where I looked insane, because I grabbed the jingle bells that are around my doorknob and shook them. I sounded like Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino; I was like you know get out of my yard. Jingle jingle all the way. And so since that time, I have chased after coyotes two more times. Two more times, once my mom was there once Scott was they’re both very concerned for me. Very concerned at the level ferocity that I’m bringing towards two wild animals.
SuChin Pak 20:04
That obviously don’t really give a shit because they’re coming back.
Kulap Vilaysack
They always look me in the eye like are you serious before they go. It’s very interesting.
SuChin Pak
They’re not intimidated by our..
Kulap Vilaysack
All the humans gone; coyote shall remain. And you know, I respect the hustle, but they can’t be comfortable in my yard. Also, I do feel that I can take two. I’m not saying I can take three but I can take down two.
Kulap Vilaysack
You cannot take down.
Kulap Vilaysack 20:42
I want them to thrive. Have your Coyote babies, live your life but you can’t feel comfortable in my yard.
SuChin Pak
What does one do? Well, there’s nothing you can do. Right? You live in the hills.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. Again, I’m not saying you know, I’m no Donald Trump. I’m not saying build a wall. I’m not doing any of that stuff. Have I tried wolf p pellets, around the perimeter. They don’t give a fuck, I don’t care about that predator P. They don’t care. They seem to care when a top-heavy Asian woman comes barreling at them telling them to get out that makes them hustle that makes them move a little bit. And that is our relationship, that will be our relationship henceforth, removed from cart two coyotes in my yard. The last time Scott and I were going out of the backyard, and I have like my Gucci purse. And I was like no and I’m holding my Gucci purse underneath my arm just like, get out.
SuChin Pak
She from Laos.
Kulap Vilaysack
Taking my earrings off like, bitch, not today.
SuChin Pak
Not surprised. Hold on to that Fendi bag yet. Just marching out there in your visor. Hold my product Scott. Like jingle my bells. These two wild animals I can rip me and just say three charts.
Kulap Vilaysack 22:17
Three of them can, not two. I know what I’m trying to describe to you as I know my limits.
SuChin Pak
I certainly hope you do. Will you keep us posted>
Kulap Vilaysack
Real quick, I did ask my sister Alyssa for Christmas. She did give me a slingshot, and then on its way coming, are biodegradable. There’s a possibility that I’ll hit myself. Anyways, I think that’s gonna dovetail really nicely to what you’re going to be talking about. Which is what is the REI incident?
SuChin Pak
God, you know, we go from laughter to the deep dark depths. Maybe I need a slingshot. I went into an REI. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a really wonderful place. And they have lots of things with hooks and shiny things and camping things. And I was looking for a beach chair. And I was sitting in these beach chairs and an older white gentleman walked in. And I could tell just by the energy it was very like, do you know what I mean that energy of like, very aggressive. And, you know, the position I’m in like, my knees are like close to my ears. Like because beach chairs are pretty. And I’m pretty down he comes in he’s kind of big and he walks by I just noticed him, it walks by he stops, backs up. And he takes down his mask. Guys, nothing happened. Don’t worry. But the first thing that came to my mind, and I have never ever thought this in my entire life. This man is going to spit in my face. And I was very calm. You know, you think that in those moments, you know, I’m the type of person that’s very fight or flight but I was really calm and collected. He took down his mask. And he screamed, something about me wearing my mask, like he was incensed that I was wearing a mask. And he was wearing a mask obviously but obviously he didn’t want to be wearing the mask. And before I could even do anything, the sales lady came and told him to leave and they handled it. So that was that, so nothing happened. That’s my REI incident. But I realize as a woman, as an Asian American woman in the past year, I have these thoughts that had never is never crossed my mind. And I think the last few weeks things have been coming up in the news. If you aren’t hearing about what’s happening in the Asian American community, it’s not just you, don’t worry, no one’s hearing about it. But us. You know, it’s like, it’s not news anymore.
Kulap Vilaysack
Add to cart at Next Shark. And we’ll add a bunch of other places. But there’s a lot of, there is continued violence and AAPI hate.
SuChin Pak
That’s right. And it feels like there’s an uptick. I don’t know, if that’s just more reporting, it’s really hard to tell. It’s a I don’t know what to say, I you know, and it’s yeah. Do you feel that? Do you feel unsafe walking around LA?
Kulap Vilaysack 26:07
Generally hyper vigilant, but I know I am more of a target now. And, and also, this is reminding me that later tonight at 5pm, at my local grocery store, there is a planned anti-mask protest happening. And my friend John was like, Kulap, do you want to grab a dozen eggs and go there with our ebikes? And that is something that, you know, I was like, I actually have let me do a thoughtful inventory about doing it that way. And indeed, I can tell the future because I know that’s how I would get arrested. Why? Because I’ll go do that. And then they’ll notice that I’m Asian, and then they’ll say something. And because I actually am a hothead, who, you know, is prone to violence. I think the coyote thing sort of gave you an idea of my thought process on confrontation, I would put myself in a position where I was like, going to do something, right? And I walk around with the fear that I might do something. Like I walk around, it’s whatever this is my own psycho. Like I walk around feeling like I have to defend myself, my family, because I don’t think I don’t know if anybody else will.
SuChin Pak
Absolutely yeah, you know, obviously removed from cart all of this, but it just got me thinking and I started to think about our friend Naomi, and she had sent out a link, and I’m going to put this up, we’re gonna put this up on social media, but it’s really great organization. It’s called I Holla Back.
Kulap Vilaysack
I did this training, too. It’s fantastic.
SuChin Pak
Oh, you did? Okay, great. And so tell us about it. Because this is specifically I mean, it’s a lot of things. But the thing I really loved about is, is that they have very, very simple tips for people who are by standards or witnesses to these kinds of hate crimes, and you don’t know what to do, right? Like, imagine you’re sitting there you see something like you’re scared, like, what can you do, and they give very easy things that you can do to help alleviate someone else’s pain, or you’re seeing harassment or a violent incident starting to happen. And I just thought this is everybody needs to read these instructions. But you took the course and they have a virtual free course, it happens at different dates, happens all year long. And so you can sign up and get on their calendar. But go ahead, Ku.
Kulap Vilaysack 28:53
I mean, you wrote this down for me to just repeat which is they kind of talk about the five D’s and those five D’s are when you’re in like you’re at the grocery store and you see something that it’s about to you know, happen to someone else or to yourself, you distract, you delegate you document, you delay, you direct and that is to like, cool down the situation.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. So distract is very easy, right? You distract you know, you start to ask the person hey, you know, what time is it, you know, as they’re harassing someone. Delegate means you get a manager or someone in charge. Document, it really helps when you have video. There’s also documentation in terms of reporting it to all of these organizations. Because, you know, imagine for every one we hear about how many hundreds of violent acts and micro aggression aggressions that aren’t reported. There’s the fourth D is delay, which is after the incident has passed to go to the person and say, are you okay? Can I help you get somewhere What do you need? So the last D is direct, which is very succinctly don’t engage in conversation. If you see something, you just say name exactly what it is like, hey, that’s sexual harassment, you know, stop being racist, whatever it is be very clear, very direct and be succinct. And that can often sort of defuse a situation or draw attention to something without engaging in what is happening. And by no means are we asking people, I mean, I certainly I’m afraid of this to put themselves in harm’s way. But I just think that we all have to take care of each other. Like if we don’t take care of each other, in these public spaces. Like that’s more scary to me. I think I’m equally as afraid of being spit on, or harmed, as I am about watching people around me do nothing, like I don’t know, like, they’re both equally heartbreaking and scary to me.
Kulap Vilaysack
The videos that I’ve seen of these random acts of violence towards largely elderly Asian people in our community and the people who do nothing as it’s happening, who wants it’s over, do nothing. It is chilling.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. I saw an article in New York Magazine, it’s been 10 years since the murder of Trayvon, 10 years. And what has changed? And I hope that, you know, we get past this to some degree, but I also hope we don’t. Now we know. And we have to take care of each other. And I think it’s just really important to, you know, find organizations like this that give us the resources that when we see something that we aren’t part of the problem, right? Of doing nothing.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:13
We’ve got some game changers, right Su?
SuChin Pak
We got game changers. Listen, I love an episode where we have all the fields. You know, guys, we got all the fields.
Kulap Vilaysack
Now, Su, look, I know Su, you are allergic to alcohol. This isn’t for you, but I think you’ll enjoy.
SuChin Pak
I enjoyed all of your, remember that thing that you were shooting into your family’s mouth. Sort of alcohol. The shotgun.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, you’re talking about the shotgun. Absolutely. Yeah. I for some reason, I have been anointed. The house bartender. So I’ve been making just drinks and I’m somebody who I’m not afraid of a brand-new recipe. I made this tequila sour. It was a game changer. If you hit this recipe, I just, I don’t know who these couple is. I don’t know them. Sonja and Alex.
SuChin Pak
If I’ll be her friend. I’d be like Sonja, No. Probably hates that. She’s looks like a person that’s like do not do that stupid joke again, but go on.
Kulap Vilaysack
So Su, this is me. I’m like, oh, Alyssa younger sister. What would you what base alcohol do you want me to use for our cocktail this Eve? She says tequila and I go okay; I’ll go on Google. I’ll say tequila cocktails. And then I’ll do a brief I’ll hit a link that’s like these are the best easy tequila cocktails. Tequila sours. And I hit this first one I have all the ingredients and we are off to the races. And that is almost how a lot of decisions are made for Kulap.
SuChin Pak
The precision the percentage goodness, you guys, I am confident, aspire to elevate to this precision. All right. Are the Vilaysacks just getting trashed at 4PM?
Kulap Vilaysack
Here’s the trouble is that these cocktails I’m making two at a time. And Scott wants more but a certain point I’m tired. Bartender closes, Scotty I’ll make you two.
SuChin Pak
And two cocktails. Tell me for non-drinkers to cocktails, are we buzzed? Are we silly? Are we loose? Like what’s two cocktails?
Kulap Vilaysack
For Alyssa who, she’s five feet. She just needs one and she’s done. Scotty needs two. Okay. Scotty needs a little bit more. Now, thanks for I think what you’re about to ask why Scott like drunk. And it’s like, it seems like we’re still that dry humor and then he hits a wall and then when he hits that wall oftentimes he’s on the ground. Many, many a party where it’s like my friend, you know, we’re Scott, where’d my husband go? He’s on the ground. He accidentally fell.
SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack
But that’s the thing. He’s drinking, drinking, drinking, margarita, margarita, margarita. And then there’s a number that happens. And there’s a point of no return.
SuChin Pak
Just trying to get him off the ground. So what are you like drunk?
Kulap Vilaysack
Jovial, and more handsy.
SuChin Pak
The speed in which you said handsy will never leave my mind. It’ll be one of those things.
Claire Jones
First thing to go is my ability to hold on to things, wondering can I start dropping everything? No matter what. They just get buttery. Interesting.
Kulap Vilaysack 36:10
We’re opposites in that way. My hands get very firm, grabby lobster claw.
SuChin Pak
I love that I plan on being around both of you drunk as handsy and un-handsy
Kulap Vilaysack
I can’t wait until we can come together. Okay, Su, what is your game changer?
SuChin Pak
Guys, guys, guys. Boy, do I have a game changer for you fall asleep in two minutes? Have you clicked on anything faster. It’s this video that went viral, where this guy basically explained a military technique of falling asleep in two minutes. And apparently they teach this technique to Air Force Pilots so that they can fall asleep in two minutes, anywhere. There’s nothing revolutionary about this technique. It’s very simple. And it’s one that we’ve heard in different variations. But basically what it is, is you lay in bed on your back, and you go down from your head to your feet, and you relax every part of your body. Right? And in two minutes, you’re supposed to be asleep. The thing that has been different for me, I’ve been just trying this out for about two weeks. And it has worked is that they give you a very specific mantra when you get a thought in your head. Which is don’t think, and I know that sounds so simple. I think it has to be simple. I’ve tried this.
Kulap Vilaysack
You’ve tried everything.
SuChin Pak
I don’t remember falling asleep. I wake up next morning being like, I guess I fell asleep. Because I use it. I generally..
Kulap Vilaysack 38:08
Are you saying full night’s?
SuChin Pak
I use it at that 3AM, when I’ve been getting up? And my mind is racing. And I’ve tried this technique without the don’t think part, with a mantra. I’ve tried it with relax. I’ve tried it with go with the thought, you know, because relaxing every part of your body. I can’t get past like my jaw. You know, it’s like, my head, my forehead, my eyes, my jaw. Did I pay the you know, electric bill? Is the pool covered? You know, what am I making for lunch like, and it’s something about the don’t think and it could be the novelty of it. But Claire, I know that you struggle with sleep sometimes too. I’m just curious, watch this video and see if this helps, especially at that middle of the night wake up. And I’m curious to see if anyone listening. If you guys watch this video, we’ll put the link up on our socials and see if it works for you. Because apparently, the studies are saying that 98% of the people that train in this fall asleep in two minutes.
Kulap Vilaysack
By the way, whatever that figure is the fact that you’re falling asleep. I think of anybody.. All right add to carter’s that’s it for this week’s episode. As usual, make sure you check out at @AddToCartPod for all the goodies from this week.
SuChin Pak
Leave us a message and tell us about your best Add to Cart recently. Tell us if you’re falling asleep in two minutes.
Kulap Vilaysack
Also, if you liked the show, go ahead and leave us a review. It helps more people like you, find us.
SuChin Pak
That’s right. We’ll be back next week. Lucky you. Bye bye.
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our mix is by Ivan Kuraev and Veronica Rodriguez. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.