Lemonada Media

Extending Empathy to Afflicted Actors

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Because of the surrealistic nature of celebrity life, we sometimes forget that famous people are also subject to the human condition. That’s especially true now that we’ve learned that actor Bruce Willis is retreating from the limelight to deal with an aphasia diagnosis. This week, Hoja, Kiki, and Mohanad talk about the Die Hard star’s health now that the Razzies have rescinded his ‘worst performance’ award. They also recognize the unfair treatment that similarly afflicted entertainers like Wendy Williams, Amanda Bynes, and The Shining actress Shelley Duvall have received from an oblivious society. Plus, Hoja falls in love with filmmaking duo The Daniels, Kiki says sorry to her un-tattooed limbs, and Mohanad casts doubt on Delaware’s existence on this week’s Sorry Not Sorry.

Please note, I’m Sorry contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

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Mohanad Elshieky, Hoja Lopez, Kiki Monique

Kiki Monique  00:00

Hi I’m Kiki Monique. And this is I’M SORRY, a podcast about apologies. And this week as summer is quickly approaching, I’m deep in the throes of trying to figure out how to get rid of strawberry skin. And any person who shaves their legs knows what I mean.

Hoja Lopez

This is Mohanad Elshieky, and I’m so happy that it’s finally sunny in New York City. It’s no longer raining like we’re in London or something. Speaking of London, Queen Elizabeth, when are we going to see her? Is she dead? I think she is.

Hoja Lopez

Every single week. I don’t know why I get surprised. What if there’s something wrong with me? It’s pathological that I am surprised by this at this point, right? There’s something wrong. And my name is Hoja Lopez. And this week, I wrote a song with an 11-year-old. And it was a wonderful experience. It was essentially about a dog named wishbone who got lost and was then found inside of a butt, and it was the most joyful song that’s ever existed. And I do believe that the Grammys missed. They missed a gem and they didn’t know it was out there.

Kiki Monique 

I hope it gets uploaded to YouTube soon. I’m looking forward to hearing it.

Hoja Lopez 

I cannot wait.

Hoja Lopez 

we’re gonna be SoundCloud famous, this kid’s got Billy Eilish potential in the comedy songwriting world.

Hoja Lopez 


Hoja Lopez 

So today, we have a really interesting topic because I think speaking about the Grammys, it feels like Hollywood could not stop talking about the slap. I mean, SNL, the Grammys, I feel like there were at least five or six speeches in the Grammys that were you know, specifically referring to the slap, including Questlove, who’s having the best and worst week of his life, I suppose.

Kiki Monique  02:02

I think Questlove should actually get the final say like, I felt like that was the moment I said, we’re done. Like he gets the final say, and like, let’s move on, but I did. I really appreciated Jerrod Carmichael’s monologue. Because he didn’t even have to say it. He literally was like, aren’t we talking about it? We all knew and like, it’s just amazing how like, something that happened a week ago, has just like, infiltrated our brain to the point where someone just says, aren’t we done talking about it? We’re like, yes, we know exactly what you mean.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, the first time that I can, like confidently say like, we are one as a country. Is this a specific incident? It’s we’re all in a single stream of consciousness about this damn slap. And I think the interesting thing specifically about the Grammys, too, is there’s all these award show circuits. So we’re gonna continue to get these Jake’s. Did y’all watch it? Like, what was your vibe about the Grammys?

Kiki Monique 

Oh, of course. I mean, I will say what the slap also did was now I’m going to be tuned into every award show here on out. Because I just need to see if anything happens.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah. And I love that the Grammys, how controversial the Oscars was, and we’re like, you know, what? We’re gonna give an award to Louie CK, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. Talk about us. We’re going to create the most intense discourse regarding a comedian.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah. Oh, my God. It’s sort of the continued vibe of like, what’s the most violent thing that’s ever been done at an Oscars or at an award show? And it’s like, well, maybe giving the award to a bunch of bad dudes. Something else that is really interesting is it feels like the focus is so on the Will Smith and Chris Rock altercation that, but I feel like Jada has gotten kind of like a lot of love and a lot of have an outpour. And that kind of her narrative has sort of been lost in the mix a bit. So this kind of brings us to our topic of the day, which is kind of essentially based on a few stories that are kind of running around, kind of apologizing to celebs that we didn’t really know we’re suffering because I didn’t realize that Jada had alopecia. It’s just I don’t know if they’ve talked about it ad nauseam and I just wasn’t aware of it. But did you guys know that she had like an autoimmune disease that that was something that she was struggling with?

Hoja Lopez  04:29

No. And I honestly at this point to quote SNL on the weekend update where Michael Che was, like, I know, like, Will Smith and Jada shared so much about their personal life, but you cannot expect us to retain all of it. So even though I know so much about them, I feel like I did not remember that part. And now I mean, I mean, obviously, we all know and you know, like you said, yes, like, some people like being like nice and positive and all of that. And then there’s the other side of it where people are just like doubling down on it and just like calling her all like kind of names and being like, this is not an actual disease. And it’s just like, what are you even saying? Sometimes it’s okay to just not comment. I think.

Hoja Lopez 

I definitely agree. I know like people like Ayanna Pressley, and other people who suffer from alopecia have definitely kind of come to her defense. And I guess like, what is it about us that makes us feel like we’re entitled to kind of talk about people’s bodies or talk about Jada’s, you know, head, there’s something about it that I definitely understand in terms of, you know, they’re celebrities, and they’re sort of set in the public light. But does that kind of give us a right to comment? It’s an interesting question. I guess.

Kiki Monique 

It doesn’t give us right. But it’s like, we’ve just turned this celebrity culture into, like, we own you, right, like we pay for your movies, we pay for your music, and somehow we have turned that into and because of that, we’re allowed to say and do you know, however we please, whenever we please, you know, and, you know, they make the comparisons about like, you know, LeBron James, we constantly talk about his hairline, his receding hairline, and do we get away with it? Because he also sort of makes fun and he is like, in on the jokes as well, I don’t know. Or if it’s just because he’s put up with it. Because he knows, that’s what happens.

Hoja Lopez  06:20

Yeah. Well, Will Smith said something about like it coming with the territory, kind of like the it seems like they kind of accept it as part of the job in some way.

Hoja Lopez 

I mean, yes, it does come with the territory. But the thing is, and I noticed that like a hard thing to change, because it’s a big cultural thing. And it’s just out so many people are doing it, it shouldn’t come with the territory. It’s just like one of those things like we normalized to a point where we expect it. And we’re like, well, this is what happens when you’re famous. And literally some people who are like would say something extremely hurtful online. And then you’re like, why are you mad? Like, this is what being famous is like? No, it’s not, like there are so many things that you could say about famous people and celebrities that have nothing to do with the way they look or like how they age or like, if they lose weight, or gain weight, or any of that there’s so much that they do that is so cringy and bad that you can comment on. But they’re like, no, no, I’m gonna comment on the one thing that also they have in common with just like, you know, people who are not celebrities, that someone like, you know, someone who’s not, you know, in the public eye will see it and feel like it’s hurtful to them because they can relate to it.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, I totally think you’re right of the idea that we’ve like normalized saying these negative things about real people. It’s because they are, in some ways, avatars to us, you know, I think the distance between us and the internet plus the distance between their real lives, I think people feel ownership for sure. But how do you even go about changing something like that?

Kiki Monique 

I grew up on gossip magazines, and gossip rags. And so my view of it is skewed, because like, that is how I’ve known how we’ve talked about celebrities. And obviously now, as I’ve even allowed myself, I mean, I’m nowhere near celebrity, but as I’ve allowed myself to become more of a public figure online. And just like how I’m like, Oh, God, that’s awful. I obviously have way more empathy, because I can’t even imagine what this feels like on a scale times 100. And when it comes to comedy, it’s like, I love comedy. And I’ve always been a person that says, gloves are off on the comedy stage. And like, you know, when I go to see underground shows, like I believe in that recording and people saying what they want, but I do think there’s also a way to make people laugh that doesn’t hurt people. Like I don’t know how we change that. I mean..

Hoja Lopez  08:48

There’s so many things that people will take as a given like, or celeb culture like, and I mean, like I can only talk about stand-up comedy, where I feel like one thing has been normalized by comedy fans is that they can say anything to you. And because you’re a comedian, you can take a joke. And I mean, you know, like, I’m not that famous or like out there. But like the people who watch comedy, like who know me, sometimes they would like someone would make a comment or something. And I’m like, well, I don’t like this. And they’re like, oh, you’re so sensitive. Like I can’t believe a comedian can’t take a joke. And I’m like, I did not sign up for this. Also, this is not a joke. Like also I do the jokes. You’re not the comic. You’re not doing the jokes. Also, this is not a joke. This is just something hurtful that you’re saying to me. I am supposed to accept it. No, and it’s also like something that’s usually very fucked up. But I’m like, this is not like, I don’t know who told you this is okay. Because I feel like other people like watch roasts and stuff like that. And I’m like, well, that’s why I never do roast because I don’t want to be made fun of, it’s so simple.

Hoja Lopez 

Especially for stuff that like you can’t help that you’re like being affected by it or that you’re suffering through and I think And it’s really hard because we’ve entered this territory of like when it’s okay to make fun of people. And I do think that we have a very like, sometimes we have a heavy hand as a society like, especially if you’re talking about like, you know making fun of Billie Eilish because she has Tourette’s or making fun of Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, like Britney Spears, these people who are genuinely dealing with, like, mental health issues. Like, is it helpful? Is it really funny? Like, I wonder if I think it may be is like a joke case by case basis situation?

Hoja Lopez  10:34

It’s definitely a case by case. Yeah, I mean, like something like, I don’t know, like the beginning of the pandemic, when all of these celebs got together and made that imagined video. I’ll make fun of that. Because it’s cringe and weird, you know, and it’s an action not, not based on a look or like, any other traits, or like, yeah, this is cringe, or that lady, I can’t remember her name, who came on not too long ago, I was like Putin, if I was your mother and the whole like poem.

Hoja Lopez 

Oh, AnnaLynne McCord.

Hoja Lopez 

Has nothing to do with the way she looks or who she is, or any, you know, just like more like a of an action that you did. And that’s what I’m saying that celebs do so much cringe stuff that you can talk about, that has nothing to do with your looks. And I remember Jonah Hill, like, not too long ago, like had this post on his Instagram when he when he said, like, I know, you mean, well, but kindly, I asked you not to comment on my body good or bad. I want to politely let you know it’s not helpful and doesn’t feel good. Much respect. Now like, yeah, it’s just like, even if it’s positive, sometimes it’s just feels like, can we stop talking about it? It’s so weird.

Kiki Monique 

Yeah. It’s like when people say things like, oh, you look like you’ve lost weight. All I think it’s like, so I was fatter the last time and like you, like, thank you for the compliment. But also like, we don’t need to talk about it.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, it’s sort of an intimacy thing. It’s like, I don’t know you like that. And again, I think it’s like, you’ll see the picture of this person, and you don’t necessarily remember that they’re like, you know, a have like a person that they go home to and like a real life and are reading this stuff. And I think that’s why I’m compelled by today’s topic of like, what celebs do we feel maybe we need to apologize to because we talked a lot of shit, or we as collectively as a community made fun, or maybe ask questions that really were just not a lot of our business. And this is really, I think, popping up just because of, you know, Bruce Willis’, his diagnosis. And so he was diagnosed with aphasia, and essentially, his family announced that he’s going to be retiring due to this, you know, particular thing he’s going through, which clearly, you know, as we looked through the articles and read a little bit more about his cognitive ability, I guess, even since 2021, it seems like there’s a lot of things about these celebrities that we just don’t know. And we see them at face value, what they put out in their movies, and we don’t actually comprehend the very large like story of what’s going on behind the scenes. And so did you, because I didn’t notice that Bruce had been making just this very big string of like, extremely bee movies that were kind of going straight to streaming. I didn’t know what was happening. And I was like, I guess this is just like, what he can kind of get like, I don’t think I had a full idea of what was going on. But I was just thinking like, Oh, his career is not at its peak. You know what I mean? Like, it’s past. I think that was my impression. Like, did you have impressions of Bruce Willis in the last year? What did you been thinking?

Hoja Lopez 

I mean, yeah, I mean, I think at the same level, just like he’s at a point where he just like wants to make easy money. Right. Right. And those movies are easy. You know, there was like, no pressure there. It’s very low stakes. I know that before, like, knowing what the diagnosis and stuff, you know, like he can get any role like he wants and like can still do it really well. But that was really it. I didn’t really think much about it, because I feel like there’s so much content out there. And I’m like, well, if this is what he is making, I’ll just watch something else. But I feel like some people got really fixated on it.

Kiki Monique  14:11

My friend Ellen told me about this article last year that came out in Vulture. It’s called the King of the Geezer Teasers. And it was this article about Randall Emmett, who most people know as the boyfriend of Lala from Vanderpump Rules. And he has this production company like […] production, and that’s like the production company that was doing a lot of these geezer teasers, these aging action stars and it was really talking about the finances behind like how they were. The reason they were called geezer teasers is because they would find these like Steven skulls and Bruce Willis’, they would put them in the film for maybe six or seven minutes, but then really, like kind of carry the movie out, you know, and they would film these in like two weeks. They were really quick, but they were they would turn a profit. Yeah. But this article came out read it a year ago didn’t think anything of it. In between that article coming out and this announcement, Hollywood […] there were I had heard there were rumors from people about Bruce Willis having this diagnosis. And I was like, oh, so when this announcement came back, I kind of went back to the thinking about this article and read it with a kind of a new light, right? Because I was thinking, wow, I wonder if Randall maybe was really good friends with Bruce. Maybe did he know, you know, about his declining condition and wanted to make sure that he had some good money going into his older age, you know, because there was also articles coming out about how, you know, over the last several years, Bruce has like, unloaded, like $65 million in properties, you know, because he knew he wasn’t going to be working. And so I don’t know if that’s the case, but it did make me kind of look at Randall who has gotten a lot of like crap in the last you know, he cheated on Lala and all that stuff. Maybe in a different light. I was like, maybe if Randall knew his diagnosis. Maybe he was trying to help his friend. I don’t know this theory I have. Yeah.

Hoja Lopez  16:04

Yeah. No, that makes sense.

Hoja Lopez

As I was looking back, I started looking up just interviews with Bruce Willis thinking like, oh, maybe I’ll find something about what he thinks about his career or what his sort of vibe has been. And it definitely seems like GQ interviewed him in 2013. And basically asked him to complete the sentence. If I live long enough I, and his responses sort of like muddled in the sense, but he ended up sort of like talking about his retirement, like what he wanted his retirement to look like. And I felt like it was such an interesting dichotomy. Because essentially, what he says is that he knows he has to stop doing at some point. But that he, his quote, is sort of like, I’d really like to think that I would have some control over it, and that I would get to choose. He said that at that point, he’s like, nobody wants to hear like the hard news. And he said something like, but we’re all dying on some level. And he said he was going to, quote, keep the machine moving forward as much as possible and not have to think about the eventuality of becoming more frail and less able to do the work. And I wonder, like, we make so many predictions about ourselves in the future, you know, and some of the things that are in this particular interview, I think, yes, it’s very difficult to go through, like a retirement or a forced thing where you don’t want something to end and it has to end. And I just feel like, it’s a hard ending. This whole thing we saw with Robin Williams, with people who have these sorts of diseases were like, their brain, and the way that they can be effective in their career sort of leaves them at a relatively early age. It made me think a lot about what that particular disease does to somebody who is like an actor and who’s in the public eye. And I just, I had no idea that there was any suffering from Bruce Willis.

Hoja Lopez  18:22

Yeah. And I mean, we remember we recently just had that with like, also like Chadwick Boseman, as well. You know, people were like, commenting like, the way he looks and how skinny he was, and all of that stuff. And, I mean, he knew, but he was still just had, obviously, like Black Panther. And then like, other performances that were just like, incredible. But he’s still like, had his diagnosis and everything. But people had no idea literally until the day he died, people had no idea that he was sick. So I don’t know if the general public sometimes have an understanding that like, those celebs can get sick as well. And they’re just like, you know, people. It’s so weird. I don’t know, like, I feel like people just like, you know, will not stop making comments about like, you know, whether they’re how their performances in movies are, like, how they look and all of that stuff. And it’s just like, I don’t know, man, maybe just give it a rest. There’s so many other things that you can talk about.

Kiki Monique 

And we have to remember, like, A, when you’re going through a sickness, obviously, you want to believe everything’s going to be okay, you’re going to go into remission, or whatever it is, you know, you’re going to be healthy again. So you don’t want to put maybe bad energy into the universe. But also, you don’t want to put it out there because Hollywood is also going to start being like, oh, well, we were considering you for this role. But, now maybe we can’t or you know, I don’t know how insurance works, you know, depending on you know, like you have to, you know, get people insured. You don’t want to have opportunities taken away because of this diagnosis. So then you don’t share it with the world. And so, it’s hard because you want the support of people you don’t want them talking shit about you. But then you’re also like, I don’t know you, it’s none of your business.

Hoja Lopez  20:08

Because I know specifically with Bruce like, people are kind of coming out now and apologizing, like the Razzies, like rescinded his worst performance award following the revelation. And, you know, they sort of extended some apologies also to like Shelley Duvall, because of essentially like the she was in Stanley Kubrick’s, The Shining. And so it seems like the Razzies are in some way. Like, they’re like, Oh, we also didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes and actually highlighting something negative or, like somebody’s worst performance, without any context, maybe, you know, leaves us in a situation where we made comments, or we said something about somebody when we didn’t know the whole story.

Kiki Monique

Basically, she talked about the, like, crazy experience she had on the set with Stanley Kubrick, I think that she said it was like 56 or 57 weeks of filming, six days a week, 16-hour days, there would never be a take that was less than 35 takes, like the scene on the stair. I think they said it was 127 times they did that scene, you know, and so it was like, she just, you know, she was having to be like crying every day and emotional breakdowns. I mean, that’s a very heavy film and the heavy you know, so in that instance, it was like, you know, they also felt like, okay, knowing what we know, now, this isn’t like fair treatment. You know, and this article came after, I guess the 2016 Dr. Phil appearance that Shelley Duvall built, you know, she sort of left Hollywood in the late 90s. And, you know, nobody knew where she was. And somehow Dr. Phil’s team found her in Texas, and they do this whole interview with her, where she’s clearly suffering, she starts sort of rambling on saying things you know, about Robin Williams, and how he had, you know, not really passed away, but he had now shapeshifted you know, she was making all of these just really sort of, and everybody was disgusted. They were like, disgusted by Dr. Phil, you’ve taken advantage of this woman, you know, she’s clearly in need of help. And so, you know, this is why this, you know, interviewer of this article, tracked her down to really, you know, find out what was going on. But yeah, I think that, you know, she sort of just was over Hollywood, and, you know, all the things she had sort of dealt with. We didn’t really even know because especially back then, back in the 80s and 90s. None of those things came to light.

Hoja Lopez  22:49

I think it’s good that the Razzies can go back and say like, oh, we see the context. This wasn’t a merited thing. Let’s get the hell out of here, I like that. Maybe I like the Razzies.

Hoja Lopez 

Absolutely. And one day we 100% you do a deep dive on all of the things that Dr. Phil should apologize, horrible man.

Kiki Monique 

The number one is introducing us to cash me outside girl.

Hoja Lopez

She didn’t need that; he made her life worse.

Hoja Lopez 

If you want someone to give like worse performance to you can always ask me, and the answer will always be Jared Leto. If anyone has watched house of Gucci?

Hoja Lopez 

No, but I know no one’s watch Morbius I know that for a fact.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Okay, House of Gucci? First of all, it will never, will never stop being funny to me when people who are supposedly Italian and are fluent in Italian do the whole movie in English but in an Italian accent.

Hoja Lopez  24:04

That’s completely funny.

Hoja Lopez 

Why are they not talking to each other in Italian but whatever I get it people don’t want to read the subtitles whatever. Lady Gaga was good in it, like you know Adam Driver as well. You know, like, the accent was weird, but whatever. But Jared Leto was accent it was a love letter to I guess the Super Mario Brothers or whatever. It was like what is happening here like he was speaking Italians. The way people make fun of Italians when speaking in English.

Hoja Lopez 

He was being offensive essentially.

Hoja Lopez

And that was a choice he made he said this is an artistic choice. He already looked like a clown in that movie. Bro, what are you doing?

Kiki Monique 

The amount of like Jared Leto slander TikTok’s I’ve seen recently I mean, I’m sort of just waiting. I feel like this guy. hasn’t come in soon.

Hoja Lopez 

Is this a situation where it’s like, he’s like Nickelback was just like a perfectly acceptable piece of art. That somehow it becomes, like fun to make fun of. And also this whole episode is about us not making fun of people. And it’s so hard not to.

Kiki Monique 

That is the thing we can’t lose. Right? It’s like we have to still keep this humor. I didn’t realize the Razzies had even been around as long as they had. We’re saying they wanted to take back the Shelley Duvall, you know, that sort of thing. You know, the Razzies obviously needs to still exist. I think the problem they got into this particular year is because they literally created an entire category called worse performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 movie and then listed all eight movies he was at and so that was really why you know, maybe if it had just been like one thing, you know, one movie where he was worst actor, they probably could have just like rolled with it. But obviously, all eight movies, which again, when I look at this list, were probably movies part of this geezer teaser? Yeah. Which again, could have been to help him who knows. So yeah, they kind of have to take that away, because it’s not fair.

Hoja Lopez  26:15

So I saw that Kevin Smith apologized for like having made petty comments about Willis just basically on like some movie he was on with him called Cop Out in 2011. And I said, You know what, Kevin Smith? If you don’t like somebody, don’t like him. Yeah, if you just don’t like Bruce Willis, just because now he has aphasia doesn’t mean you have to come back from the woodworks and be like, Oh, he was a nice man. If you don’t like a person, don’t go to their funeral and say nice things about them. Just hate them. Keep hating them. That’s the best thing you can do for yourself.

Hoja Lopez 

Also, yeah, the comments were literally like, first of all, like about like, 2011 movie. And the thing is, like, it wasn’t really about, like, his performance or anything. It was about like, how he acted like off camera. And I mean, like, I feel like with more interviews and like, you know, with actors and stuff like that, and like you said, like to learn about their process. Some of them are like insufferable.

Hoja Lopez 

Oh, this is another person that just came out an article. There was a lot of people talking about Wesley Snipes at the Oscars, because he was honoring the 30th anniversary of White Men Can’t Jump with Woody Harrelson. And then I guess it just seems like there’s a lot of people sort of like talking about how thin he is. And that’s that same thing of like, now it comes with like, I hope he’s okay. Because it seems like we kind of learned a bit of a lesson with Chadwick, where, like, we see this kind of being mirrored again. And so while people are still talking about it, it seems like people are expressing worry, which at still at the same time, it’s like, shut the hell up about it.

Kiki Monique

t’s just your way of asking in a roundabout way, which is just like kind of also, like you’re wanting to know, like, is it okay for me to make fun of them? Or are they sick? You just want confirmation.

Hoja Lopez  28:07

I wonder if you as a human being would go up to a very thin person and just be like, do you have cancer? Just a normal question that you would ask a stranger. Just a quick like, are you currently suffering from some stage of cancer and expecting the other person to be like, yeah, but I’m okay. Thank you for asking. Like, that’s not how real-life functions.

Hoja Lopez 

I know. It’s so fucking strange.

Hoja Lopez 

So weird.

Kiki Monique 

And also Wesley Snipes. It’s like, got to be in his 60s by now. He’s aging. He’s a Hollywood, I don’t think it’s uncommon for men and women who are aging to start getting a little bit thinner. And like, you know, like trying to like retain their youth and other ways of diet and exercise.

Mohanad Elshieky 

People do not believe in aging at all. They’re like, they cannot be like, maybe this person is 75 years old. And that’s why. I don’t know. linear time. I’m not sure what to tell you here.

Hoja Lopez 

This is something also I want to call myself out talking about the who’s going to be canceled in 2022. Because I said Wendy Williams. That was my guess. And now like, I sort of was like Wendy is crazy. She’s you know, she says crazy things and now you know as we know, she’s been MIA from her show for many months and she’s gonna be replaced essentially by the Sherri Shepherd show. But it seems like at least there’s rumors or articles out that basically are stating that it’s more to do with her Graves disease and poor mental health issues.

Kiki Monique  30:10

Well, she called in first, I think, to Good Morning America. And she also did an IG post, And the calling to Good Morning America, she didn’t, she didn’t go on camera, she just did it through a phone call. But you know, she was very clear that, you know, Wells Fargo had basically prevented her from accessing her cash. And we’re requesting a conservatorship because they felt like someone was or people should being taken advantage of in a way that, you know, you know, she needed a conservatorship and she was just like, absolutely not. So she was fighting that. And that was really what she reiterated on her IG posts. But she you know, she was on camera that time again, like, I don’t know her situation, but you know, she seemed completely with it. She was, you know, coherent all of those things.

Hoja Lopez

Yeah. Which is, again, one of those things is like, because we don’t know the backstory, making any kind of assumption that she both needs conservatorship, or that she actually does not need conservatorship, that is just not our call to make. It’s not like something that we get to have this huge opinion on just based on the fact that we know, you know, two articles, or just very little information about it. And so I will all slap myself on the wrist for honestly, like, I mean, she has some crazy stuff. But ultimately, it’s I think, a part of the lore of Wendy and why people love her. So I wonder again, if she’s okay, and hopefully she’ll get an opportunity to like, come back to her show if that’s something that she wants, but I see Kiki here like..

Kiki Monique 

It’s more like, and again, like I you know, I don’t think just like with the Kevin Smith thing, I don’t necessarily need to go back to apologize for all the things in history because sometimes people didn’t exist at a certain point in time. And everything that was valid, still stands to this day, regardless of what happened to them now, right?

Hoja Lopez  32:00

And I think it’s like being able to look back with like a more kind of compassionate lens as to like, why you have this feeling that you’re allowed to like comment on people’s mental health on their bodies on again, things that they cannot change or control about themselves. And there’s also again, the conservatorship piece, because it’s Amanda Bynes. It’s Wendy Williams, its Britney Spears, feel like we’ve definitely talked so much in that length about these people’s mental health. Yeah, I feel like the way we’ve treated them has been pretty heinous. But it’s almost like the, the media is like a wave, they get caught up. And it’s not an individual talking shit. It’s like all of us, at the same time commenting, which has got to be hard.

Kiki Monique 

Yeah, it is. And I think the conservatorship, it’s like, it’s such a touchy subject, and obviously, the Britney Spears really highlighted like how someone can be completely taken advantage of. And, you know, my fear is like, we also need to understand that these people like Britney Spears was obviously, horribly abused under this conservatorship. But Britney Spears also probably still does need some sort of assistance, because she’s someone who in a very young age, got into this industry, didn’t do traditional schooling, and then was thrown into conservatorship that has to fuck with your head in some way. And so like, even though she’s out of this conservatorship, you know, you still hope that there’s people around her that still want to help her. It’s not just like, you’re free, like, do whatever you want, I still hope that like, she has good people around her. And like, you know, same with like Amanda and Wendy. It’s like, no, no one needs to be, you know, if you are sound mind, control your own money, but also recognize that you may have trauma, you may actually have still had mental illness that you need to handle.

Hoja Lopez  34:00

This is uncouth, and I’m going for it. But I feel like I need to be put in a conservatorship for shopping and for money. Somebody slapped the credit card out of my frickin hand. You guys like, I make the worst financial decisions at time. And I mean, if you didn’t know me, you might think I was insane. So there’s, you know..

Kiki Monique 

Is this particular kind of shopping? Or is it just any kind of like, is it just?

Hoja Lopez 

Instagram’s got me pegged down through with their little cute tips, opening my eyes to look at these, like, I swear to God, they just have cracked to me, they’ve got my algorithm, they know me so well. They know the kind of fashion that, that a fat Latina woman in Chicago is looking for and they just feed it to me. So if anything, I need to be held back. But yeah, I mean, just in terms of like, unbalanced behavior. We all have it. We’re all like crazy fucked up in some specific way. And I would help the people around me or the people that know me, like, have some grace and say nice things about me anyways, you know, because they care about.

Hoja Lopez

I mean, the big message here is if I ever become that famous, everyone should be extremely nice to me. That’s the conclusion. Mohanad Elshieky, be nice to me. That’s my middle name. Please, everyone be nice to me in kind no matter what I do. It’s very simple.

Hoja Lopez

I love that. I want that same. I want that writer. I want that contract.

Hoja Lopez 

Exactly, exactly. Everyone, just be nice to me and just either say something nice or just absolutely ignore everything else.

Hoja Lopez

Okay, well, now it’s time for my favorite segment. Sorry, not sorry, where we either get to ask for an apology from someone or a group of people. Or we offer an apology. And as always, I’m going to start with Hoja, what’s up this week?

Hoja Lopez  36:05

Yeah, I would like an apology from everyone in the entire world that isn’t Daniel Quan, and Daniel Scheinert, the Daniels who created the movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once. Okay, because you didn’t make that movie. And so you should apologize to me for not having written, created and directed that movie. It’s my new favorite movie. It’s my number one top movie of my whole life. It’s so great. And I hope it just blows up and everybody gets to see it. Because it’s just so good. So that’s who I want an apology from.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, it’s an excellent movie.

Hoja Lopez 

I literally was speechless for almost two hours after I left the movie, first of all, because it was exhausting in a good way. But yeah, I just I’m like, I’m an Evelyn fan. A fan of this movie. It made me want to make movies more. So that’s where I’m at.

Kiki Monique 

So I gotta go to the theater to see it?

Hoja Lopez 


Hoja Lopez 

Yeah. It’s being premiered in in Los Angeles, which is crazy. Because the movie is not everywhere. Just a name. Okay, well, hopefully they will reach out with an apology soon. From every timeline, every universe, they should apologize. Which a reference you’ll get once you watch the movie. Okay. Kiki, what’s happening?

Kiki Monique 

You know, I’m going to apologize to my arms and my legs. Because I thought by now I would have way more tattoos than I do. Okay. But I think the lockdown the pandemic really, like stop that, right? Because tattoo artists couldn’t work for, you know, quite a bit. And then on the other end of it, recession comes in and you’re like, do I want to buy gas? Or do I want to pay for a tattoo? And you know, the answer, unfortunately, is usually buy gas. And, you know, when you start getting tattoos you do like, if you’re like me, like I think most people who love tattoos, you get addicted. And so you just like, you get addicted to the feeling of it. And just like everything about it, and especially when it starts to be, you know, summer coming and you want to like have more skin. You just look at yourself and you’re like, I want to have sleeves or I want to have something on my legs so that when I’m wearing shorts, and yeah, I’m doing the opposite of what people I think come to LA and they start removing tattoos to get roles I like want to like fill my body out more. So I apologize. I haven’t been able to do that. I hope that I can resume that soon. I did get one small tattoo. You know, I got my bagel tattoo. That was like a nice toe dip back to the pawn. And then of course now I want more.

Hoja Lopez  38:51

Well, you don’t know it yet. But bagels are a huge part of everything everywhere all at once. Somatically I really feel like this movie is kind of like for you. So just think about that.

Kiki Monique 

Yeah, that’s all I needed to know.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, it is the most important part. I would say it’s everything.

Hoja Lopez 

It’s everything. There’s no other word to describe it, Kiki, it’s everything.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah. Love to make jokes. I’m sure only people who watch the movie will get it cuz that’s my brand now. Yeah, a very specific references.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, we’re essentially small forum just between us right now.

Hoja Lopez 

Absolutely. Well, for me, I’m gonna demand an apology from a whole population of a whole state. Yeah, and I’ll get to that. But two years ago or so I tweeted one of my most controversial tweets ever even though I did not know that was going to be the case where I said that I am very tired of pretending and I know it’s not easy to say this but I do not think that the state of Delaware actually exists. And I held that believe, like, really like close to my heart. I was like, that place does not exist. I feel like we as a country like, I’m so tired of just pretending that it’s there that there are people who live there. It makes no sense. I’ve never been there. So what’s the proof? And the amount of people who got upset at that tweet is insane, truly insane amount of people, a lot of people who would reply to me and say, like, would reply with a picture of the like a map of the US. And would point a Delaware and I’m like, well, first of all, obviously, this has been photoshopped. This has not looked like my map. You’ve added this. And then some people were like, Well, Joe Biden is from there. And I’m like, well, literally, like one of the most powerful men in the world cannot create a state that he’s from, like you literally just making it sound like that it is not a real place. Anyway, and people got upset, whatever. And then a few days ago, I had a gig in Delaware to go and perform there. So I went to Delaware, and I performed there. And I went to, I think it’s called Wilmington or something. And I need an apology from everyone who replied to that tweet, because this just solidified my belief that Delaware does not exist. Why? There is not a single place that like I cannot. If you like, what did you see there? I’m like, I have no idea. It was just an intersection of streets just put together. And then the theater was there. But every place we tried to go into like a coffee shop, whatever. Mind you, this was 5PM everything was closed. Nothing was open.

Hoja Lopez

North Korea style. They created this for you to arrive. Without areal people living there.

Hoja Lopez  42:02

It was like a very low stake, like The Truman Show. Like what’s, you know, what are you doing here? This is like the good place, but like 100% the bad place? And I was like, why are you close at 5PM? Like, what’s, what’s happening here? I can’t believe that people actually there are people who live there and pretend that this is an actual state.

Kiki Monique 

I mean, I will say up until 2021. I really did say Delaware was really only created for LLC, so it was like for LLC creations. And like, you know, so you could have a tax haven of some sort. But then Mayor of East Town, premier, and we got the infamous Delco accent. And I feel like Delaware sort of redeemed itself.

Hoja Lopez 

Absolutely not.

Hoja Lopez 

Are you sincerely telling me that Kate Winslet’s accent in […] redeemed anything at all? That famously, that accent, famously unredeemable.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, I didn’t know I was like what’s happening? Like, what’s going on? What are we going for here?

Hoja Lopez 

I have no knowledge of Delaware like literally didn’t even know that. That’s where Biden was from. I’ve never experienced that state in any single way at all.

Hoja Lopez 

And you should not.

Kiki Monique 

The best thing. It was the worst but the best thing because to this day, my friends and I still say to each other because my friend, her family had a beach house in Rehoboth. And so we would go to this beach house, you know, every so often. And one summer we went up and we stopped at the Home Depot to get the materials to make a beer funnel as one does. So we’re standing in the checkout line with our funnel and our tubing. And this old guy behind us, sees the four of us and he looks at us and he goes, pretty girls, what a waste. To this day, pretty much anytime one of us is doing something ridiculous. We just look at one another just say pretty girl, what a waste.

Hoja Lopez  44:16

I think you found your new tattoo. You’re obligated to get that tattooed.

Kiki Monique

Okay, okay, on the list.


I’M SORRY is a Lemonada Media Original. The show is produced by Alex McOwen, supervising producer is Kryssy Pease. Our executive producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our mix is by Kat Yore and theme music was composed by Xander Singh. If you like this show, please rate and review. And please don’t cancel us. You can find out more about our show at @LemonadaMedia on all social platforms, or follow us on Instagram at @imsorry_podcast. We’ll be back next week and until then be nice, play fair and always say I’m sorry. Thanks for listening!

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