From Mouth to Down South
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For the month of July, SuChin and Kulap are being featured in Apple Podcasts Spotlight. With such an amazing opportunity, the two talk about some of the biggest realizations and revelations in the first seven months of the pod, and naturally, it gets personal and hoo-ha related. Then, Dr. MD Majanda Delfino (read: not a real doctor) comes on to tell us how to keep things right and tight as we all continue on our path towards decay.
Follow Majandra on instagram @majandrama.
If you’re a new listener, get started with Episode 1: https://apple.co/3yrPqXo. Or, listen to one of our favorite guest episodes with Casey Rose Wilson: https://apple.co/3hi4kJZ. If you need any additional convincing that there is more to this show than what we buy, listen to our episode that came out after the Atlanta shooting: https://apple.co/36dWkmT.
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase these products, click below.
- Dr. Tungs Ionic Toothbrush: https://bit.ly/drtungsionictoothbrush
- Dr. Tungs Smart Floss: https://bit.ly/drtungsmartfloss
- Kulap’s Charcoal Toothpaste: https://bit.ly/charcoalcocotoothpaste
- Kulap’s Copper Tongue Scraper: https://bit.ly/kustonguescraper
- SuChin’s underwear: https://bit.ly/suchinsbikeshorts
- SuChin’s other underwear: https://bit.ly/susundies
- Skim’s Everybody Full Brief (Ku’s undies): https://bit.ly/skimseverybody
- Majandra’s Gradual Self Tanner: https://bit.ly/gradualselftanner
- Majandra’s Poo Pills: https://bit.ly/intestinalmovement
- Majandra’s Happy Gum’s Swishing Oil: https://bit.ly/happygumsoil
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Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Majandra Delfino
Kulap Vilaysack 02:02
Hello and welcome to ADD TO CART, I am Kulap Vilaysack.
SuChin Pak
And I’m SuChin Pak. You know we are so excited for the month of July. I would venture that this is other than our launch our most important month, right? I’m just gonna put it out there.
Kulap Vilaysack
Lay down, SuChin Pak.
SuChin Pak
The reason why is in July, we are part of Spotlight which is a new program from Apple Podcasts. It’s where their editorial team chooses a podcast out of the millions of podcasts in all the land. And they think that this podcast is a podcast that you will want to spend time with. We’re so honored. We’re so delightfully surprised. And we’re so happy that you’re here. I feel like you knew all along something like this was coming. I mean, this is a big deal.
Kulap Vilaysack
You know you hoping you want to manifest something and when it comes, you got to enjoy it. So if you’re new, welcome. ADD TO CART is a show about the things we buy and buy into and what they say about who we are, for example, most things I buy will be matte black and gold, which is how my house and my body are decorated. As you know, it’s because it’s classy and I’m classy.
SuChin Pak
Your body is decorated in matte black and gold? For some reason I had this image in my mind of like, some sort of body art. You know what I mean?
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, yeah, I fear that you thought I was nude with body paint on.
SuChin Pak
And I was like, oh boy, we are in for a very special July, you save the big one. We cleared this up that you’re not covered in matte black paint underneath your matte black shirt. And those things are your, your primary colors because you’re queen. You’re a sophisticat. you’re woman of the world.
Kulap Vilaysack 04:14
But who are you? What are you like?
SuChin Pak
I’ve learned mainly one thing and that I’m weird. And I knew that I was weird. You know, like, I knew, like I suspected let’s just say I suspected I was weird. Everybody has it. You know, I look around I see how other people are doing it. And I think, that’s how I put, but I just didn’t know the depth of my weirdness, how peculiar I am.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I didn’t know that I would be putting on a scuba suit to dive into those steps.
SuChin Pak
Hold your breath. So the other thing about the weirdness is that I am very weird about really minor things like I have very strong opinions. And Mike my husband has been saying this for years I resent it when he says it or when you or any of our Add to Carter’s say it, it delights me is that I have very strong opinions about things that do not matter and it’s true. The big things, I can be swayed, I like to listen to all points of view, small things, my ears are closed. You know?
Kulap Vilaysack
For instance, like right now I’m drinking a sparkling beverage and I’m drinking it wholly fully. Now you have a sparkling beverage, you’re doing something different.
SuChin Pak
For me, a sparkling beverage is a beautiful thing. It’s a treat it’s a luxury everyone should have it. I’ve worked hard my whole life, you know? To have a sparkling beverage of my own. I’m sure we both did not grow up in houses where there were sparkling beverages.
Kulap Vilaysack 06:00
Tap water.
SuChin Pak
And so when I have a sparkling beverage, I like to cut it with just either tap water or plain sparkling water, you know, just to get more out of that can then that one thing.
Kulap Vilaysack
Timeout, timeout, timeout, timeout. Okay, she likes Yerba mate.
SuChin Pak
It’s a very specific, what flavor is it SuChin?
SuChin Pak
It’s is a Yerba mate sparkling drink and its flavored grape fruit and ginger from Guayakí I’m still waiting for free Guayakí.
Kulap Vilaysack
We gotta let them know we’re in Apple spotlight.
SuChin Pak
This may be the month I get Guayakí
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin Pak, I was aghast to hear that but you have worked so hard. I want you to have a full, a full can. But I was aghast to hear that you cut it with a lesser non-flavored sparkling water which you just described is at sometimes you add tap water? I mean, loosen the bubbles with tap water? You dilute the flavor with city water?
SuChin Pak
Okay, let me, first of all, I’m concerned for your heart rate.
Kulap Vilaysack
You know, I’m checking my Apple Watch and I’m gonna have to do a deep breath.
SuChin Pak
Not tap water. Yes, reverse osmosis filtered water. But yes, sometimes it’s not carbonated because I don’t always have a fresh carbonated beverage. I don’t have fresh carbonated water to add to my sparkling beverages. I don’t always have that. You know, I’m not on top of it sometimes. And I want a Guayakí sparkling Yerba mate beverage. And I’ve now gotten used to the taste of it. Where it’s just..
Kulap Vilaysack 08:01
Hey, guys, she’s cheap. Is that clear? That was cheap and weird. So if you haven’t already, I mean, that really is. What we just gave you is a […]. And if you want more of a meal, you see how our show works with the add to carts, removed to carts, and game changers. Listen to our first episode.
SuChin Pak
The other thing we’ve added over time, and really just lead right into is guests. And we’ve had lots of our friends.
Kulap Vilaysack
And people we are forcing into friendships.
SuChin Pak
And people we are forcing, yes, we either you are either a friend or someone we’ve stopped. And I would say stop. Sorry, in a very, very nice way. Not in a weird canceling way, please.
Kulap Vilaysack
Hi, Tony. How are you?
SuChin Pak
Tony, Tony from Strategist magazine. Anyway, so we’ve had, we’ve had guests now. And I would say if you want to listen to an episode with one of our guests go to Casey Wilson. And not only is she a movie stars star of the screen, a star of podcast, but she’s a dear friend of yours.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, I mean, I guess more important than the things that she’s done is that she’s achieved best friendship with me.
SuChin Pak
Absolutely. And which is why she came on right in the beginning. Because I mean, we weren’t spotlighted that, you know what I mean? Casey, you know? And we appreciate that. So, she comes on to the show. And the reason why I love that episode is because I feel like Casey along with us really launched our conversation around underwear culture, you know, like that was the episode, I think where we discovered a few things about me, about you and about Casey, by the way and her underwear choices.
Kulap Vilaysack
Sure. And before I think It was sort of like we were. We touched on it, but it was more abstract. This is where it really took shape.
SuChin Pak 10:07
And the crazy thing is, when I think of Casey, she’s an author. She’s a star, and yet all I can think of is her underwear choice. She’s a thong. She’s a thong wearer. It came as a shock.
Kulap Vilaysack
If you guys are familiar with Wile Coyote, sometimes he would look at the road runner and would see like a meal, right? But SuChin looks at beautiful Casey Rose Wilson, and her head is a thong. That’s what SuChin sees.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I just see people’s underwear. It’s a gift. I learned it here. And now I am really good at it.
Kulap Vilaysack
To understand that this show is just not a review of products, and that it’s truly a reflection of the lives of SuChin and I lead and how the world impacts us as Asian American women. Listen to any episode, really, because we just are. But especially listen to our episode that aired after the Atlanta shootings in Georgia. Link to these three episodes will be in today’s show notes. Oh, also, we cuss on the show. Well, mostly I do. So consider yourself warned.
SuChin Pak
Alright. So this week, I think I want to talk about because once again, if you haven’t heard, we’ve been spotlighted. And we were thinking about well, what do we want to talk about this week? And I thought it would be good to talk about realizations and revelations. You know, we’ve been doing this show for about seven months. And there’s so many things that we’ve learned about each other things that we’ve added to our cards removed from cards. You and I have grown as women as friends. And so let’s talk about it.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. And then we have boots on the ground, our dear friend Dr. MD. Majandra Delfino on to tell us how to keep it tight, and right And less you forget, she’s not a real doctor. So let’s get into it. We’re gonna do with SuChin was talking about realizations, our revelations.
SuChin Pak 12:21
What’s yours?
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, look, I had no idea that I would double down on oral care. I had no idea that I would feel the satisfaction of my teeth. Feeling like glass and that like brittle glass. What I’m talking about is a surface feeling.
SuChin Pak
Yes, a tempered glass By the way, I mean heat resistant, microwavable.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, like the glass of a chandelier that my mouth would become an ornament. Okay? I had no idea. I didn’t know that that was in store for me. Now, SuChin Pak, really paved the way when she talked about her afternoon delight, which in her world is not sensual lovemaking in the afternoon, she loves to do a pick me up in the form of using a classic oral-B
SuChin Pak
Manual toothbrush.
Kulap Vilaysack
Manual toothbrush, just, you know, ease into her PM. And I was like, I was listening. I was listening, you know, and I have great teeth. I have great teeth. But now they’re just their models.
SuChin Pak
I mean, yes, I have been talking about teeth. I talk about teeth a lot. I’ve been talking about teeth. Ever since I turned 40. And they started falling out of my head. That’s when I was like, this shall be no more, not on my watch.
Kulap Vilaysack
So SuChin, did some fall for real? Or about to fall?
SuChin Pak
Since I’ve turned 40, I’ve lost three teeth.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, everything makes sense now.
SuChin Pak
That’s a lot of teeth.
Kulap Vilaysack
And your fear in your experience has passed down to me.
SuChin Pak 14:04
Do you have those teeth nightmares when they’re like eating something? And like your teeth are falling out and they’re falling at all your teeth are falling out things are cracking. I feel something and then all my teeth just like dissolve. You know, like chalk?
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, I have those dreams. My mom always said those types of dreams teeth falling off is because you’re afraid of money. You’re afraid about money.
SuChin Pak
Oh, really?
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s what she says.
SuChin Pak
We’ll see, now I’m even more obsessed with teeth because that’s so true. So yeah, so we’ve talked about teeth a lot. And then, and then we’ve had guests who have shared our passion for teeth.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, we have Caissie St.Onge with the Game Changer. SuChin, let’s say it together. It’s the Dr. Tung’s Ionic Toothbrush.
SuChin Pak
A.K.A Glass teeth. Okay?
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, so I use this with a regular toothpaste and it makes me feel it just, it’s just it feels good now is it a little weird? Is there a part on the handle where you must keep wet with your, your pointer finger and your thumb you know and I think I think Caissie said that like you should like lick those fingers and I’ve been doing that but really if you just put it under the water I guess it would be the same to activate it but because she said it that’s how I do it.
SuChin Pak
The licking of it is such a commitment. It’s such a commitment that you’re licking your thumb in between brushes.
Kulap Vilaysack
It is. It is.
SuChin Pak
You got to really want it you got to really want it to be licking your thumb like your brushing your teeth.
Kulap Vilaysack
And we’ve done it and then another guest Alison Rosen shows up and..
SuChin Pak 16:05
She didn’t know about; she would have been doing this for years. She didn’t do this because we talked about it.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, she comes in same brand Dr. Tung’s with this Smart Floss. And our editor Ivan put it so perfectly. He says this floss is truly the luxury waffle […] of flosses. To circle back about this double down on oral care. Because you’re thinking everybody listening now is thinking oh, you replace your existing tooth regimen with this Dr. Tung system and I want to let you know no, I’ve added to it. I also fucks with see I told you, I cuss, I also fucked with like a natural bamboo charcoal toothbrush, and I’m putting charcoal and organic teeth whitening toothpaste, as well. I’ve told you about this. It works. And I got some pearly ass whites.
SuChin Pak
For an Asian person that came to the dental game a little late.
Kulap Vilaysack
Who drinks coffee every day. I drink wine.
SuChin Pak
Have you had your teeth ever professionally whitened?
Kulap Vilaysack
No. I used to do crest white strips.
SuChin Pak
Wow. Yeah. Yeah, I’m impressed.
Kulap Vilaysack
Look, I have a huge mouth that’s constantly open. I you know, it would be really distracting.
SuChin Pak
Thank goodness, they’re white.
Kulap Vilaysack
And then just I just want to slide in that I also. I also do have a copper tongue scraper.
SuChin Pak
Oh, yeah. Have you tried brushing your tongue with the Dr. Tung’s toothbrush while licking your thumb? Dead serious.
Kulap Vilaysack
Timeout. So tongue is out, you’re also licking. You’re digging? Hold on SuChin.
SuChin Pak 18:07
I know. Go ahead and walk them through.
Kulap Vilaysack
You’re brushing it with Dr. Tung’s, toothbrush, but sometimes you’re turning your thumb onto your tongue to get a little moisture?
SuChin Pak
That’s right. It’s kind of like how like, like, my dad counts his dollar bills. You know, just like a lick. And, you know what I mean? Just get that moist. But the Dr. Tung’s on your actual tongue. One day I was. I was tonguing it. And I said oh no, I tried to get casual. I was. I was in the bathroom. I was tonguing it. And I said, well, what if I put this on my tongue? I mean, I don’t see why this technology wouldn’t work on the bacteria on my tongue. So I licked my thumb, and I brushed my tongue. The next morning. I woke up with almost zero morning breath. So we have on this show done a lot. We’ve covered a lot on oral care. We’ve also big umbrella topic here is our underwear love language.
Kulap Vilaysack
So from tip to tail that’s add to cart’s promise to you.
SuChin Pak
From tip to tail. From tongue to bung.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, that is because you’ve been spending too much time with me and I will own that. And I know that’s why. I know that’s why. and I’m a little disturbed but I’m also like really proud.
SuChin Pak
I learned from the best, you know what I mean, I like to take buster classes.
Kulap Vilaysack 20:01
Look, you’re an award-winning journalist. Don’t mess around.
SuChin Pak
One single word for my journalism.
Kulap Vilaysack
We won a Webby. From a tongue to bung. Do you think, did everybody leave?
SuChin Pak
Do you think Apple can take away their spotlight? Will we be in the dark next week? Hopefully they haven’t got this far.
Kulap Vilaysack
We’ll be back in just a few. Please stick around you guys.
SuChin Pak 23:43
Back on track, Spotlight we are big deals okay? We have covered the mouth. And now we’re going south. And okay look, the depths to which we have dissected underwear on this show. And I would argue that this would be where I am the weirdest, maybe this in another topic. I had no idea that people were so different. I thought we were variations of a flavor.
Kulap Vilaysack 24:25
As did I, but our what I thought was like the main flavor is very different from what you thought was the main flavor.
SuChin Pak
My main flavor is an add to cart. I buy these in bulk. I buy two different types of underwear. Number one, the Amazon Cotton Bike Shorts. And number two, the High Waisted Cotton Underwear Full Brief. These are my two underwear love languages. I Sometimes wear them together. And also, this is swimwear.
Kulap Vilaysack
Time out. Okay. The one she was speaking of first, let me see the whole title. These are women’s anti-chafing cotton underwear boy shorts, long leg boy shorts in a three pack.
SuChin Pak
Yes. $21.99. Nothing but the best for my lady bits.
Kulap Vilaysack
What is the occasion when you combine forces to this full coverage? Who are you fighting? That you must double layer.
SuChin Pak 26:09
The Voltron combo comes out on many different occasions. Let me just give you one, your menzies.
Kulap Vilaysack
We’re so getting the spotlight taken away. And then last we forget and we don’t want to walk away from the jewels that was bestowed upon us is that SuChin if you are a new listener, she does not own a bathing suit. So this full cycling gear outfit that she’s describing, also will get it’s all terrain.
SuChin Pak
Let me tell you about a few things. One, I have owned swimsuits in the past, okay? So I know of what I speak. One day, my kids were in the pool. And they said Come in, come in. I was like, I’m gonna go change into I gotta get into a tight swim suit on over this. And I said, why don’t I just jump in the pool in what I have on underneath my shirt?
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, I mean, stepdads have been doing it for years.
SuChin Pak
That’s right. And you know what I discovered? It’s more comfortable. Number two. Cotton can get wet. And it dries and you get out of the pool. And guess what? It feels just like a swimsuit. You’re still wet. It’s not liked his swimsuit is like wick away moisture and you’re instantly dry. So you know what I said? I said swimwear is a scam. It’s a scam. I look like I’m in a swimsuit.
Kulap Vilaysack 28:05
You know, let me be the judge. Look, I’m not I’ve done away with thongs I’m not interested in that. And that floss. You know, and I like a high waisted, a little cheeky I like a full but I just show my little booty of you know, you gotta flaunt it for my husband. And during the pandemic I was in a really weird place of purchasing matching underwear with Scott. I look back at it fondly. And that it was some type of grasping for something, wimzie grasping for..
SuChin Pak
Wimzie during a global pandemic.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. What I thought maybe would help a little would be for us both to be wearing underwear that has the Wonder Woman logo or like happy cartoonish dim sum and it did for some time. It did for some time. But now I’ve moved on you know, I didn’t think I would touch SKIMS but a former guest […], checkout SKIMS and I try to sits everybody full brief does me good guys does me good. I like the colors. Not expensive. Not bad.
SuChin Pak
And how high does the waistband go? Over the belly? under the belly button?
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, there’s different choices here.
SuChin Pak
Okay, got it. And then covering your, all your cheeks or there’s a little wink on the side?
Kulap Vilaysack
For me there’s I like a little wink. I like a little wink, but the one that I like, we’re covering the belly. That’s what I’m rocking. Really nice on me. Alright, we are going to talk about removed from cart. And when we say remove from cart, it’s like it’s things you’re done with, its items maybe you considered you did add to cart, and then you’re like, nah, I don’t need it. Let me remove from cart.
SuChin Pak 30:23
These are things mainly, I would say it’s been on our show things, not necessarily products or items, but I really do believe just behaviors, ideas or beliefs, you know. And I want to say that I want to remove from cart, what I thought this show was going to be what it is now turning into and constantly evolving. This is not a review show. Right? Remove that from cart. This is not a testing product show. That’s not what we do here.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, we’re not consumer reports.
SuChin Pak
No. And I think I only bring this up because I’ve been perusing. I’d love to peruse often are the comments and the reviews that people leave? And I love the complaints. And there are some complaints that this is this is not a show where they talk about actual practical things that you should buy as much.
Kulap Vilaysack
I didn’t know we had that feedback.
SuChin Pak
Yes, yes. And I said, You know what, sir? I’m making wild assumptions here. Sir, you are right. There are many other podcasts that will do that for you. This is not it. What this podcast has ended up being about is a show about the things that have brought us joy that have brought our guests joy that have made our lives easier, and really kind of added to the personal growth in our lives.
Kulap Vilaysack
To be fair, sir, making a wild assumption and a leap. That’s a show I’m interested in doing. That’s what’s fun for me.
SuChin Pak
I did not know how deeply personal this show was going to get. And if you haven’t heard our episode at the end of last year, going into this year, we had a show where we were just talking about the things you know, that we want to hold on to for the new year and let go of and that was really personal and you shared everything from your baby journey to our experience with racial injustice. We’ve talked about adult LEGO sets. I mean, we’ve run the gamut. It is such a reflection of who we truly are.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:27
Yeah. What I am removing from cart is I don’t know, the best way to put it is poise pad persecution. This year because of this show, I learned and I’ve grown to accept SuChin’s poise pad lifestyle.
SuChin Pak
Oh, wait, have you not poised it?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, I have not poised it.
SuChin Pak
By the way. Also no free voice pads. But go on.
Kulap Vilaysack
You’re right. We really need to; we need to talk to our Lemonada team. You got to make the poise pad push.
SuChin Pak
You’re not curious about poising it? Have you been in a situation since we started this podcast? Where you thought you know what if I had a poise right now, this would be very helpful.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, when I’m talking about growth is that when you first told this about told this to me your poise pad, and at first I thought it was psycho it reminded me of that crazy astronaut lady who wore a bunch of adult diapers to go commit harm upon a rival. That’s the reference I saw but when you explained it to me, oh my goodness. And as the weeks and months. It started to make sense. And then, as you talked more and more, I kind of understand it when you’re traveling when you’re at a plane. That feeling of like, I have to go pee, but I can’t get up right now.
SuChin Pak 34:19
You’re in an active runway.
Kulap Vilaysack
So what I’ve come from thinking that this is the most insane thing I’ve ever heard. To recognizing in myself that sometimes I sneeze and I pee a little and sometimes it’s not a little and going okay, okay. I get it now is what I’m saying is I get it now. So I’m removing the cart like that. This is an insane idea.
SuChin Pak
Again, as I said, I’ve been perusing our reviews. This one came early November 19th. And this is what this person wrote. I’m a retired law enforcement professional and I listened to Episode Number 1 while working a surveillance job where a holding pee is key. And I have to say, I was sitting there just laughing and wondering if they make a poise pad for someone like me.
Kulap Vilaysack
Poise pad. Do you hear that?
SuChin Pak
Law enforcement surveillance.
Kulap Vilaysack
Do you hear that Mr. And Mrs. poise?
SuChin Pak
Validation is the sugar in my sugar boat, and I feel validated.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I just just want to back up a little bit that so people understand that SuChin Yeah, brought this up as if it was commonplace, as if everybody did it, if you didn’t do it. Well, you’re stupid.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, because I’ve been poisoned for years. I have been poisoned. I have poisoned for so long that I am probably on the second or third generation of boys pads at meaning that technology has even changed. So that’s how long I’ve been poising.
Kulap Vilaysack 38:37
All right we are ready to go. Oh, I’m so thrilled. This is gonna be so fun. Wait, wait, wait, before we start, I have to get a fresh piece of paper to take my notes.
SuChin Pak
I think we’ve started, we already started. Okay, get out a fresh sheet of paper.
Kulap Vilaysack 40:17
Everyone get a fresh sheet of paper out. The professor is here. She’s back, our boots on the ground, tried and tested. Our white jacket, Dr. MD. Majandra Delfino
SuChin Pak
And this week, Dr. Majandra is here to tell us all about the items that keep things tight, and keep things right. So tighten right is our theme today. Majandra, thank you so much for always just your service. You’re so sacrificing and generous. We just value so much your opinion.
Majandra Delfino
I can’t tell you how much that means to me. And just to know that the hard work is paying off, not just in a vacuum over here.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, you are. You are a first responder when it comes to beauty, Majandra please tell us the ways that you are keeping it tight. And let’s start if we can or let’s see. Would you like to intro like kind of how you got into this? How you came about this list? I mean, any motivations?
Majandra Delfino
I mean, yes, I can tell you I came about this list just through desperation, Kulap. I mean, we are on just the path of decay. And boy am I feeling at these days. That’s sort of been my motivation. It’s sort of not in my power. It came to me. You know?
SuChin Pak
She herself takes a fresh sheet of paper when she’s channeling.
Majandra Delfino 42:01
100% close my eyes and just a scribble comes out. And then I you know, opened my eyes and it says retinal you know, things like that. It’s a gift.
Kulap Vilaysack
The first item I really want to know about is Subtle Self-Tanner, aka here’s a tip hide the decay.
Majandra Delfino
Hide the decay. First of all, I need to preface this by saying that I am a Hispanic woman. And there’s nothing more of a crown jewel than being pale. Right? When you’re Hispanic. Very loaded and problematic. However, I do look a little weird with a tan. I’m gonna be honest. It’s not a good look for me. But these days I’m starting to realize why so many people tan. It hides so much. I mean, contouring.
SuChin Pak
What does a tan hide?
Majandra Delfino
It just hides the dimpling, the craping.
SuChin Pak
It does?
Majandra Delfino
It really does.
SuChin Pak
I never even thought about that.
Majandra Delfino
And I’m so heartbroken to say that because one I hate the feeling of the sun.
SuChin Pak
You’re a goth chick through and through.
Majandra Delfino
I am a Miami goth. You know what I mean? Feels like I’m burning I am and who has the time, the actual process, whatever. So, in my desperation to hide these things that are just popping up. I found this Tanner. One, it doesn’t smell like a bad car freshener. It goes on in the shower. So you take a shower. And guys I know you have extensive shower routines. When you know the time is allowed. I have a new step. Additional just slide it in there when you’re feeling it.
Kulap Vilaysack 44:15
This is the St. Tropez Gradual Tan in Shower Tanning Lotion. You go golden glow medium.
Majandra Delfino
Yes, I go medium. I don’t know why. You know, I feel like going straight out of the gate with dark. Being a person that is not trained in applying self-tanner could be a real disaster. You put this stuff on. This is what’s fascinating about and you shower, you get clean, you know you do your thing. You turn the shower off, you put this on in a circular motion, you wait three minutes, at least. So feel free to leave the shower, walk around naked as I do, yell at your kids, you know the dog, whatever. Get back in, wash it off, and then just in a couple hours, suddenly this little glow starts to appear. Suddenly you don’t see the wrinkles above your knee as much things like that. And then it’s gradual. So if you do it every three days or whatever it starts to build, it doesn’t streak. And so it’s just kind of like foolproof.
SuChin Pak
And do you do it on the face as well?
Majandra Delfino
I do it on a face because I like to take chances, guys, I don’t know if you’re supposed to, but I have. And it’s great. And it’s so sad because I do run into people when I’ve used it and they’re like, You look just so healthy. And it makes you know, when you realize that you’re not walking around looking healthy.
SuChin Pak
That is just a mask.
Kulap Vilaysack
You look amazing. Right now. You do look glowy.
SuChin Pak
But underneath it, it’s decay.
Majandra Delfino
Underneath there is pure decay is like a horror film.
Kulap Vilaysack 46:18
Because your insides too are on the decline, Majandra suggests some poop pills.
SuChin Pak
By the way. Majandra your hair pills, right? The supplements that you recommended last time you were here. All the rage with our add to carter’s like I feel like it’s one of the most discussed and most praised things that you’ve brought to the table.
Majandra Delfino 46:45
Well, I’m not going to come forward guys without something that isn’t just scientific facts. They can’t give you kielbasa. Then what am I doing here? By the way, everyone here around me. We fight for the nettle. It’s sold out like everyone gets mad. It’s a feeding frenzy.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, the one that you suggested was sold out for some time and people had to go off. They had to go off brand they had to choose their own adventure. They had to do their best to find organic nettle.
Majandra Delfino
Yeah, it’s been happening to me and I’m like what have I done.
SuChin Pak
All the nettle farmers are like what’s happening with production guys, working a lot longer these days.
Kulap Vilaysack
But these are also supplements. This is the intestinal movement formula. 50 vegan calves. This is pure formulas. You’ve suggested this brand before for melatonin.
Majandra Delfino
Yes, I send you to that sort of store because they’re kind of the umbrella they have. They have it all. But these poop pills. I mean, I don’t, not trying to be funny. I hate scatological humor like the next guy. But this is no joke. I mean, when you get older, especially as we start to, you know, really decline and perhaps get our appendix removed or have, you know, a secret facelift. I don’t know some surgery, where suddenly you come out of it. And you can’t poop. I had a hernia surgery. I’d like four hernias got them all operated on. Then you come out you take these lovely pain pills, and then you can’t poop.
Majandra Delfino 48:34
And then it really brought me into the world of learning of all these people. Without surgeries that cannot poop. That’s just a normal way of life. I have a friend that admitted she poops once a week. I know. And so that’s where I heard the call, you know, that’s right channels and realize this is what the people need. We need a chill way to poop. You get something from Walgreens, whatever, you know if it’s a gradual, it’s a grab bag. It’s not enough. You know? These are really something
Kulap Vilaysack
All right. Wow. Okay, so I guys I want to share that I poop two to three times a day.
Majandra Delfino
I mean, that is the meaning of health right there, Kulap. That’s what you’re supposed to yes, you’re supposed to poop after every meal, which is just lot of time in the bathroom. SuChin, you know who would tell us this is our beloved Dr. [..]. He can tell you right now,
SuChin Pak
Wait, poop three times a day?
Majandra Delfino
SuChin Pak
Poop talk makes me a little you know, but I’m gonna get right into it. So Kulap, without getting into when you’re pooping. Are the poops healthy? Like is it because you’ve been eating ice cream for lunch and then […]
Kulap Vilaysack 50:14
No, these are well formed. well-formed and well placed in the bowl sir.
SuChin Pak
How many times do you poop, Majandra?
Majandra Delfino
I poop once a day, you know?
SuChin Pak
But then with these pills, do you take these pills every day?
Majandra Delfino
So no, I don’t take these pills at all. Because I’ve been blessed you know, with this GI system that may have to do with suffering through a lot of parasites as a child in Venezuela, but I do have that regularity to depend on. But going through the hernia surgery for instance, that was like a wakeup call and then I started to kind of you know, sneak out a little bit and talk about my woes. I mean, guys, there was a time where I thought I was going to die, you know, trying to poop.
Kulap Vilaysack
Majandra wants you to know that our beloved producer Claire Jones has shared that she is a once a weeker.
Majandra Delfino
Claire. See, this is the thing, guys once you discuss it. You know, you learn people are suffering you need to get the poop out. I would die.
SuChin Pak
If you’re pooping once a day. Oh, Claire, she’s suffering. Add to cart immediately, Claire, we need to get you to poop. But what I’m asking is, if one poops once a day, should we be taking these to encourage more poops? And when you take these I know I’m circling back here again. I am a little afraid of diarrhea. I have to say. It freaks me out. I can vomit till the day. I love a vomit. I love a good look. What a treat.
Kulap Vilaysack
I didn’t know we were gonna get that share.
Majandra Delfino 52:00
That’s a perfect segue into my vomit pills. No, I will say I will say I don’t aspire to poop more than once a day only because I feel like I’m fine. It’s never been an issue and who has the time? You know, Kulap is used to it. I don’t know what I would do if I had to add that to you know, all the other.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean, you guys have kids, I have time to shit. You know what I mean?
Majandra Delfino
That’s self-care. I don’t self-care to that level. Once a day. I’m fine.
SuChin Pak
I was just sitting here as I’m getting over everything. You know, my dad, Poor dad. He really suffers from this. But he really and it does affect it’s a real source of anxiety. And it’s a new source of anxiety in their marriage. Because my mother has taken it on as her own personal mission to regulate my father’s bowel movements. And then when we sit down and eat, it’s all centered around whether my dad will have a movement. And I’m just try to have some noodles. Like, just chill on the bowel movement talk. But it’s you’re eating too many spicy things. Don’t eat that pepper.
Majandra Delfino
But it really does point to the importance. I mean, you guys and I don’t want to say that. You know, I don’t. This is not a pun intended, but it’s like, you need to get rid of this like toxic dump, like toxic waste in your body. If I don’t poop for one day. I am in complete asshole. I mean, I am in the worst mood. You know what I mean? Like, that is so huge for me to take a poop. And I did have a father like that. Who was always like, you know, you’d call I’m not feeling well. He’s like, did you poop? And I’d be like, yes, no, I did poop. He’s like, that’s all you need. You know? It’s like that’s it if you’re pooping everyday man like you’re fine. And it is really a thing but of course it makes everyone uncomfortable. And that’s how we end up not knowing that our best friend only poops once a week.
Kulap Vilaysack 54:11
Yeah, so add to cart normalizing bowel movement talk.
SuChin Pak
No I don’t think that that was the add to cart, I think the add to cart was a little different than that.
Majandra Delfino
It’s the add on like when you buy something technological and you can get the five-year protection plan that’s the add on to the poop pills is the normalization
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah guys on, add to cart and your stories tag us when you tell us how many times you move during the day.
Majandra Delfino
How many days are you pooping? What’s it like? Are you afraid of diarrhea too?
Kulap Vilaysack
Majandra, you call the gums, our gums the shot caller of your pre-destined death.
Majandra Delfino
Yes, this is something I have learned recently and the regrets whenever I go to the dentist for teeth cleaning and they’re like, do you floss every day? I’m always like, absolutely not like who? This is such a scam. What a lie if anybody says that you believe them. And then I found out that gum health is linked to all these things as we know cardiovascular issues, all these things. It is the window into the soul of how long am I going to live. You know, essentially this is what I’m learning. Took me 40 years. But here I am. And this stuff. It’s almost liked an oil pulling type of thing but it’s got a bunch of other things mixed into it.
Kulap Vilaysack 56:02
So this is a living libations happy gum dropped the oil swishing serum.
Majandra Delfino
Living libations happy gumdrops, oil swishing serum. It tastes minty and very sort of like herbally doesn’t taste bad at all. It actually tastes kind of nice. And you know, you’re gonna want to maybe put a little more in there than you need to because it is such a pleasant experience. But you do want to sort of do it sparingly, save the dollars, you know what I mean? But once a day I swish with this stuff and then I say a little prayer, because I’m really coming into this late in the game, but it really has helped as far as when I go in for teeth cleaning like oh, your gums there’s so much better.
SuChin Pak
Are you swishing or actually pulling?
Majandra Delfino
I just do like, I don’t know. I mean, like to keep it in there. You know, you’re supposed to keep that coconut oil and like 20 minutes.
SuChin Pak
That’s why, first of all, pulling is like an ancient […] way to keep your, your body and your gums really clean and your teeth really clean. So you can take sesame oil or coconut oil. And then what you do is you put it in your mouth, like for an ungodly amount of time. And you swish it and the reason why they say pulling it’s almost like you’re swishing it like you’re pulling the liquid in between all your teeth. Do you know what I’m saying? Like it’s a real, it’s a real kind of, okay, active motion. It’s not just liked a mouth swish. Okay, but the taste is so disgusting. You have to keep it for so long. Like I did it probably for a week. And I was like, there’s, there’s just no way. But I’m interested in this because I mean, not to brag and not to shame. That’s not what we do here. Sometimes we do.
Majandra Delfino 58:00
Your flossing every day. I know you’re gonna say.
SuChin Pak
I mean, at a minimum.
Majandra Delfino
By the way. Now I am too.
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m not really flossing every day and I know I should.
SuChin Pak
I couldn’t do that. I don’t you know what, I will skip a brush before I skip a floss.
Majandra Delfino
Yeah, that’s smart. Cuz you’re cutting to the chase.
SuChin Pak
So in the morning, for example, sometimes I’ll floss and then do a swish with my, you know, with whatever mouthwash I have.
Majandra Delfino
Because it’s kind of what it’s all about. I mean, you’re actually probably doing the right thing.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, I’m hearing this. I’m listening.
Majandra Delfino
This is the thing. I live with an obsessive flosser.
SuChin Pak
He’s got a great set of chops.
Majandra Delfino
He’s got a great looking set of chops, but he has just generations of tooth decay, where I had never heard of such a thing and the teeth fears that I have now adopted, you know, as sort of a surrogate to his and these oil swishing drops are for like the lazy person like me who is not going to do the polling. No way.
Kulap Vilaysack
You don’t have time to poop a second time.
Majandra Delfino
I can’t even poop two times.
Kulap Vilaysack
I want to echo what Dr. MD is saying. When I went in to the cardiologist. We were worried about my heart. One of the tests one of the battery of tests she did was a gum and mouth bacteria test. That was part of it. And I have one of the cleanest mouth for as far as I speak. You’d be surprised how clean my mouth is.
Majandra Delfino
What a balance. I like that.
Kulap Vilaysack
Majandra, thank you so much for coming back. I know we already have you scheduled to return.
SuChin Pak
And by the way, I mean not to whatever create panic in the streets. But a few of these things sometimes sell out. I’m not saying it’s us, but I’m not saying it’s not Majandra, so if you’re interested, i.e., I’ve got the poop pills on the way. And the self-tanner even though I’ve never even considered that as a possibility to hide the decay seems easy enough.
Kulap Vilaysack 1:00:23
Majandra, where can we find you on social media?
Majandra Delfino
You can find me on Instagram at @majandrama. And that’s it.
SuChin Pak
Well, thank you. Again, just helpful tips. Keeping it tight keeping it right. Majandra once again, thank you for gracing us with your presence.
Majandra Delfino
Thank you so much for having me ladies.
Kulap Vilaysack
That is it for this show. Really fast as an update to last week I have an answer from my nephew Kai about his YMP, his young male perm. He was an influencer a perm of over a year. It’s on our apple premium, which is an awesome way to support the show. Go to apple.co/lemonada to listen to the full interview with Kai. Subscribing to Lemonada Premium is only $4.99 a month and you get access to all kinds of awesome bonus interviews behind the scenes stuff and extended cuts. We’ll have plenty of that coming out this month.
SuChin Pak
And all our new listeners if you like this show, share it with a friend tag the gal or the guy in our comments. Make sure you also subscribe.
Kulap Vilaysack
Everything that we talked about each episode will be on @AddToCartPod. Follow us there for pictures of everything stories on those items in the wild and our favorite listener reviews. Also, please leave a review so you can be on our Instagram.
SuChin Pak
Alright, you can also leave us a voicemail at 833-453-6662 and I would love it if you guys could tell us your best summer Add To Cart so far because we’re going to be doing an episode around summer add to carts this month.
Kulap Vilaysack
Bye everybody.
CREDITS 1:02:18
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.