Lemonada Media

Mean Girlfriend, Roofied, Pop Music

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Sarah loved “The Greatest Night in Pop” documentary. Plus, she offers advice to a young woman with a mean girlfriend, brainstorms ideas on what to say when you toot in public, and describes her new favorite way to smoke weed.

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Sender 3, Amy, Sender 4, Teddy, Jessica, Andy, Sarah Silverman, Patrick

Sarah Silverman  00:14

Hey everyone, it’s your old pal Sarah and oh my gosh, I watched that Greatest Night In Pop documentary, which is titled that but it’s the We Are the World Documentary. And oh my god, it was awesome.


Amy  00:29

Oh my gosh, I think I cried multiple times.


Sarah Silverman  00:32

Course you did.


Amy  00:33

It’s like the anthem of my, that time in your life where you’re like so into music and into musicians. I mean, I was probably 10 or eight.


Sarah Silverman  00:47

When was it? 1984?


Amy  00:48



Sarah Silverman  00:49

Okay, I was 13, it was so fucking good. And it was not a second too long. And the music that we’re looking at these artists, they’re still pretty iconic artists, you know, and seeing them so young. And seeing everyone kind of being nervous and around each other. And like, how Diana Ross asked, she asked Daryl Hall she went up to Daryl Hall and was like, I’m such a big fan,w ill you sign my script? And he was like, all right. And then once she did it because she’s a legend, everyone, like sign each of the scripts. Here are the things that really struck me. The craziest thing that struck me is they show a clip of prints, winning an American Music Award in the category of Best black artist, 1984.


Amy  01:43

Yeah, that was nuts, I clocked it.


Sarah Silverman  01:46

Nuts, isn’t it crazy? How crazy we see it now we see it we we like that we that this didn’t strike white New Hampshire me at 13 as many things. Oh, cool awesome, I love prints one is best for black artists, fucking are you? But so insane.


Amy  02:06

You know what else struck me is how great music was that year. Like that was a year of like Michael Jackson, Prince.


Sarah Silverman  02:14

[…] Lionel Richie. Cyndi Lauper, Bruce Springsteen, and the three hottest revelations for me in terms of the most gorgeous sexy men I’ve ever seen in my life. Besides Rory Albany’s of course. Bruce Springsteen, oh my god. Huey Lewis, fucking gorgeous, hot, and mother fucking Quincy Jones oh my god.


Amy  02:44

Oh, well, he’s so handsome.


Sarah Silverman  02:46

But like him at like, 40 or whatever he was then. He just was like, just very, very sexy to me, I guess that’s not like the craziest revelation, none of those are but that’s what struck me but the prince thing that the best black artists is so crazy, and it makes me think of course, like Best Actress and Best Actor, you know, um, we’re going to look back on as as such a crazy thing is separating genders or, you know, making that stuff binary. Anyway, there’s, you know, everything we think we’re so out of the top, you know, we’re so progressive now and we don’t even know what insane things we are seeing as normal, now, but that was crazy. Alright, let’s take some voicemails.


Andy  03:50

Hi, Sarah, it’s your pal Andy. I am 30 years old. I just left my Christian community to be in a relationship with a woman for the first time. And it’s not going great. She has a lot of mental health issues, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD, depression, and she’s said and done some inconsiderate things, and I’ve been really patient with it and haven’t let it show when it’s hurt me, or scared me. But this past weekend, I told her how beautiful she was, and she started talking about how ugly she was, and how if she saw her on the street, she wouldn’t love her, and I said, hey, I fuck you. And she said, that’s too bad, you’re not hot enough, maybe your next girlfriend will let you love her. And I didn’t know what to say after that. I was trying to question it and she shut me down and I just all broke, I broke and now I’m really fragile I’ve just been crying those past couple days off the month. And we’re still dating, I don’t know why she would say something like that if she wasn’t trying to break up with me. But she still really wants to date and has been acting like I’m being really weird for being distant, please help.


Sarah Silverman  05:20

Okay, this is complicated, but that’s only because relationships are complicated and life is complicated. All these mental health issues she has, are fine, if she’s dealing with them, if she’s not, and you’re getting the short end of the stick of that, like, over the weekend, and this is I’m not proud of this, I was like, I feel ugly. I had a little like a moment. Because I did and I was, and I hate, you know, I hate. I loathe sharing this with you but you know, I am a human being and that is a human thing, it’s just, then you gotta like, get over it and keep yourself in check and say, like, I am fine, now I look, I’m beautiful, I’m whatever it doesn’t, you know, the all of this is just a reflection of how I was feeling about myself inside. That’s all, and that’s what it is for her, but if it she not only was saying that she was ugly, but she projected it onto you. And when you were trying to comfort her, she took a giant shit on your head. And that’s not okay, I’m not saying break up with her because she had this one moment, or she’s having these moments. But your happiness, and I’ll say this every day, every podcast many times is your responsibility, your happiness is your responsibility, so if you find that, in general, you are unhappy in this relationship, you should you shouldn’t get out of it, it doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, it doesn’t mean it just means that the juice is not worth the squeeze here, you know, and if you find yourself taking the path of least resistance to not, you know, or walking on eggshells to get through this relationship. That’s not that’s just no way to live. So you know, if you can practice I don’t know if she’s open to therapy, or if you are or whatever, but if if it’s hard to know what to say in the moment, it’s always later where you go, I wish I said this, I wish I said that, but if you’re kind of ready, at any given moment, not ready, and that your porcupine needles are up and you’re, you know, you’ve got walls up because you want to live your life open, you know, um, but if she were to say something like that again, I mean, you are comforting her, and she just spewed at you, oh, you’re not hot. I you know, that’s her feeling like shit about herself and needing that someone close to her to feel that same pain. Just because you understand it, though, does not mean you have to endure it. So when she does something like that, again, it would be great, if you were ready to with with something like, I don’t talk to you like that and I won’t be I won’t be spoken to like that i I’m not going to be in a relationship where my person speaks to me like that, because it’s not nice. I would never say anything like that to you because I love you. And if you love me, you need to work on on how you speak to me. Because it would be crazy for me to stay in a relationship with someone who talks to me like that ever, right? And if you want help with that, you got it. If you want me to point when I to it when I notice it new or when I say hey, it sounds like you’re going down a spiral and I can help you with that or I can give you space but I’m not going to be the target of your angst. Something like that, you know, just straight up. You can be there for her, you can say hey, I’m I’m willing to be with you during these moments. But if you’re not going to practice kindness, when it comes to what you say to me, I’m not going to participate in this. You know and by the way, just that you mentioned that you left your Christian community in order to be in a relationship with a woman. If this relationship doesn’t work out, or if it proves to be a negative experience for you, I hope that you don’t go back to that community that doesn’t accept gay people. There are plenty of wonderful Christian communities that accept LGBTQ people and all sorts of people that don’t look like themselves, you know, beautiful churches and communities that are accepting of all the humans that God made just as he made them, or she or dumb, or whatever God is to you. Alright, what else? Well, I got my voice got lower in that answer ended up here. All right, okay, what else?


Teddy  10:53

Hey, Sarah, it’s your pal Teddy calling from Germany, I’m a huge fan of yours. I have been since I first saw Jesus’s magic and you made the joke about licking jello off your boyfriend’s penis and feeling like you were turning into your mother, and I really felt at that point, like I had found my people. So thank you for being you and for sharing your company with the world. So I have obsessive compulsive disorder. I’ve had it pretty much my whole life, and it’s a whole lot better now at the age of 37, than when I was younger, but it mostly comes up due to anxiety about leaving my apartment. And I go around the place and making sure everything is switched off and unplugged, and I take photos on my phone of my stove, the iron of my hairdryer, etc. Which means that the photo reel on my phone is just filled with these photos. And I thought I was alone with this until I spoke to my brother who also has OCD because it is highly heritable, and who does the exact same thing, so my question to you as someone who has been very open about their suffering with mental health struggles, did you ever suffer with OCD? And do you have any similar anxieties? And do you have any photos on your phone of your hairdryer?


Sarah Silverman  12:14

That’s so funny, and how beautiful that you were able to bond about it with your brother. But you both were doing it and didn’t know. You know, I’m technically on the spectrum because I have misophonia. And is OCD considered on the spectrum? Or is that a whole other thing I don’t know. But um, there are some things like that Rory and I both share, like when we walk the dogs where we walk them, we all four of us, us and the two dogs have to either like tag the end of the street or like we all we have to step on the cable thing at the end of another street where we turn around, it’s like a dead end, they’re not really OCD, but we are there’s a fence on one of them and like all that we have to make the dog’s paws touch the fence and we touch the fence, you know, but I’m, I’m making light of something that is very serious. And I’m sorry, I have friends who are have OCD and it manifests in myriad ways and changes over time. And I think the way you’re dealing with it with a little sense of humor and also just taking the pictures when you leave and you think oh god the stove is on that you can look and say no, it’s not I know it’s not on is a I would guess a smart really smart survival skill of OCD, you know, I mean, it would be great to not have OCD, it would be great for it to not manifest in that way. But while it is you’re dealing with it in a really tangible way. And I think that’s great, good luck. Thanks, Teddy, what else?


Sender 3  14:03

Sarah? I got a question. All right, so it’s the end of the day, its.


Sarah Silverman  14:12

What is he chewing on?


Sender 3  14:13

Smoke and take a couple puffs right?


Sarah Silverman  14:16

Could you swallow first?


Sender 3  14:18

Do you smoke a pre roll?


Sarah Silverman  14:22

Oh he’s like sucking on a.


Sender 3  14:24

Roll when yourself a little grinder? Or you put it in the pipe, Shimon kind of a little cute pipe or or an ugly pipe or do you watch you do a bong hit?


Sarah Silverman  14:40

Got it?


Sender 3  14:41

That’s my question but love you.


Sarah Silverman  14:45

What kind of caller knows me at all decides to put a sucking candy in his mouth to call me. God that was holy, that was so hard for me and I’m filled with a chemical rage that I just need to like, chill I need to see […] okay, no, um, I very much enjoy the baby Jeeters the time or like little pre rolls, those little selfies are great. Get a little party pack of those, um, now I got a water. I got a bong. I don’t know what the difference between like a water pipe and a bong but it’s a it’s a bong, glass bong, maybe that’s a water pipe, I don’t know. And we, I like to keep it in the garage because you just can’t keep them immaculate and they smell like shit. But anyway, lately what I like to do because I’m trying to find besides edibles, a healthy way to ingest flower, or THC. So I take my rolled pre roll that’s rolled in Keef hmm, and I put it in, I put the joint into the, the little thing where you put the weed on a bong that you pull out, you know, like, that’s also the carb, I put the joint in it, and I liked the joint. And I also put little, I chopped down my ice cubes into small and I put that in the part where I suck the bong where you inhale. And that cools the smoke, and the water helps it too. So I don’t even cough, it doesn’t burn, it doesn’t hurt. And I can take a huge bong hit of my favorite joint, and it’s cool in my throat in my lungs. So that’s my latest, you know, who knows, I’m sure it’s killing me. But I really enjoy that, and then it’s just like one or maybe two bong hits because bongs are like, I never thought I use bong again in my life, but I like the water in the ice, I like the cool of it but I do enjoy smoking flower so that was kind of how I got the best of both worlds, enjoy your sucking candy.


Sender 4  17:11

Hey, Sarah, huge fan of the show. I just wanted to respond to the comment you made in the last episode about wanting to get back to comedy because you feel like that’s the way you best connect to people. And I mean, I obviously agree that comedy is your huge strengths. But I would not want you to ever think that the way that you’re connecting with people clearly on this show is not like as important. I think there’s clearly a huge relationship that you’ve developed with so many people that listen to this show and really, really value in a really like deep and vulnerable way the advice that you give and also just the parts of yourself that you share so I don’t know that common just struck me when you were saying especially that it’s about wanting to connect with people because I think you clearly do with this so anyway, love the show, thanks so much.


Sarah Silverman  18:14

Thank you, that’s so nice, I appreciate it well, it’s a balance. Lately, I keep getting you know Booker’s. You know, that’s how comedy though Booker’s will reach out and say I’ve got a date, you know, you’ve got I’m booking a show at the Improv on this date or this, you know, the Ice House, blah, blah, blah. I should really be I need to be doing stand up, I’m doing it not often enough, but I just keep not wanting to go out at night. I think I’m at that age where it’s like, why can’t stand up be like at four. But I guess I gotta pull it together, for some reason, it just kind of ruins my whole day when I have a show at night. Unless we’re like on tour, you know that our last tour Amy was the most fun I’ve had on tour.


Amy  18:59

It must have been because of me.


Sarah Silverman  19:01

It was, it was because of you.


Amy  19:04

I’m joking.


Sarah Silverman  19:05

I know, but it was it was the best. It was the best move I’ve ever made. But having like getting Amy to come with me on tour because it’s just pretty seamless. And we just are good together. And you knowing the set so well from being on tour every night helped me put the show together.


Amy  19:33

I’m so happy to hear that.


Sarah Silverman  19:35

No, your voice just got really sexy.


Amy  19:37

I will say just a tour, a tour story.


Sarah Silverman  19:42



Amy  19:43

You saved my life on your tour.


Sarah Silverman  19:47

Went to North Carolina and North Carolina.


Amy  19:49

Yeah, I was I got super super sick. I was throwing up I had a took a Z pack. And this is like the first time I’ve had a Z pack since before this pandemic, and I got so sick. I was throwing up all night in my hotel room, and I didn’t I missed your show, and I literally texted Sara and I said, don’t let me die in North Carolina.


Sarah Silverman  20:13

I’m gonna die in this hotel. I’m gonna die no hotel room, and you’re not gonna die in a hotel room and I came and I.


Amy  20:20

She showed up at my door, 25 seconds later with nine masks on because she wasn’t sure if it was or wasn’t COVID, even though I had tested like nine times. And I was like on the floor.


Sarah Silverman  20:32

But I will say despite nine masks your whole room read the vomit. It smelled like hot vomit, but I sat right next to you.


Amy  20:44

I’m dying right now. I was throwing up in a trash can. I was throwing up in the toilet. I was crawling around the room. I thought I was gonna die.


Sarah Silverman  20:52

It’s true, it’s true. God, I know that feeling when you’re just like, I can’t imagine recovering from this. This is what death feels like.


Amy  21:00

I can’t believe it smells like vomit in there, usually it smells like vanilla.


Sarah Silverman  21:04

And we stayed an extra day in not the greatest hotel but not bad. And then had a day less in a really nice hotel that we loved, isn’t that the case?


Amy  21:13

What we missed out on was an extra day of thrift shopping in Nashville.


Sarah Silverman  21:18



Amy  21:19

But we powered through.


Sarah Silverman  21:21

We did we did we powered through my God.


Amy  21:24

And I want to thank you for your care. And we stand in the smell because I this is the first time that I had even been made aware that my room smelled like vomit. It makes sense, because I grew up in it. It was filled with like I threw up in the sheets. I mean, I’m a neat vomiter.


Sarah Silverman  21:42

You are cuz I watched you vomit, and you did it in a way that I didn’t see any like vomit like you went mouth to hand to trash like you were telling the trash is secret, and he was heard like […]


Amy  22:00

Anyways, that tour was so great for me.


Sarah Silverman  22:06

Hey, we went we had good times. We had high highs and low lows, but it was a it was it was a good tour, what else?


Jessica  22:15

Hi, Sarah. I am one of your older listeners. And I’m hoping that you can help me with this. Back in 1977 when I had my first child, I eventually had three beautiful daughters. I had a botched […] where the some nerves in my sphincter were severed. This caused absolutely no problem until a few years ago when as the inevitable slackening of muscles in that area started to happen. I started to lose control of my bowels. It’s very, very embarrassing. I have endured pelvic floor therapy. I have gone to a proctologist a Euro gynecologist who fixed my front end. But my chassis is forever damaged. And they really tell me that I have no hope. So I have to live with it. What would you recommend that I say when I inevitably start passing gas while I’m walking around? It is so humiliating. It’s like the one thing that everyone’s allowed to laugh at. I tried to be brash and brush it off, but what would you do?


Sarah Silverman  23:45

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. And you know that I know that this is a result of a 1977 [..] accident. But I actually think this is more common than you might think with, you know, people in their late 70s 80s that they don’t have the same control over their sphincters I guess like for in gas they pass gas accidentally. And I guess you just know who your friends are after that. I don’t know, I will say I had an idea for an app once for like shitting in a public place. And the app what it would be is you press it when like your poop is coming out. And then it’s me going oh, I don’t know. Million dollar idea, maybe not? Better no, just like or a clearing of the throat? Then give it kind of like a noise that could cover. Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s just I wish I had a really good do you guys have any ideas on this? Maybe just go, sorry, I’m human. Maybe he just kind of like puts put like, a little like toilet paper up there just to muffle it you know, like when you put it at the end of a trumpet? That thing? I mean, I know that, I’m are you laughing? I am serious, though. It’s things can be serious and funny. Life is funny, you know, it sucks, it’s humiliating. You know, this is the kind of thing that creates a comedian. You know.


Amy  25:49

Like why is gas so funny and humiliating? That’s the real question. Because in the animal kingdom, you know, all animals pass gas.


Sarah Silverman  26:00



Amy  26:01

And they don’t they’re not, you know, like, my dog, farts. And then like, looks and it’s like, what just happened? It’s she’s, but she’s not, you know, ashamed of it. And I feel like when you see.


Sarah Silverman  26:15

These animals don’t judge.


Amy  26:17



Sarah Silverman  26:17

Well, they don’t see things that as good or bad we will.


Amy  26:20

Humans or animals and somehow we’ve equated passing gas with negative.


Sarah Silverman  26:26

Because we have ego so it’s like does this make me weak? Does this make me laughed at it.


Amy  26:31

Like that didn’t belching after a meal used to mean that was delicious?


Sarah Silverman  26:37

I remember hearing that that was like in Chinese culture, but that could have just been like right or urban legend what an ignorant person in New Hampshire said in the 80s to me and I believed it but I that’s what I thought I learned.


Amy  26:50

I just there’s so much shame around bodily functions that are out of our control and I, I’m more curious to know where it comes from that being said I you know, certainly have laughed aloud at things that are noisy and sound hilarious, that are coming from orifices but I don’t know it’s it’s it’s weird because I also in hearing her message, it I have such empathy.


Sarah Silverman  27:24

Yeah, I want to like fight anyone who looks at her.


Amy  27:27



Sarah Silverman  27:27

Then laughing is joyful, and we all most people, I don’t pass gas.


Amy  27:34

You know, you might have been onto something with like, it’s how it makes comics, it’s like you take your, your biggest


Sarah Silverman  27:41



Amy  27:42

And make it your superpower.


Sarah Silverman  27:44



Amy  27:46

It’s like fart man.


Sarah Silverman  27:48

Yeah, like what? Make a t shirt, right? Make a t shirt that just says, I fart sometimes by accident, ask me how call […] a jet but um, you know, it’s like, this is what it is. And you can laugh or go oops, you know, I you know, there’s someone in my life who’s older might pass gas, oops, you know, doesn’t make me love her less by any means, not even close. My grandma used to say was that you are the duck? That’s funny.


Amy  28:25

What if every time she farted she cheered. Yay, I like that like, and then people are like, Oh, that must be a good thing. And then you’re turning it into like a positive.


Sarah Silverman  28:40

I had a boyfriend whose dad and we watched him sleep once his dad would always sleep on the couch. And my boyfriend said watch he farts and then he screams and I was like what? And I swear to God, he would he farted and asleep and what? Oh. So hey, things can always be worse. Um, well, good luck, I hope something that we said helped. I’m not kidding with like a little, a little wad of toilet paper in your butt crack in your underwear. I know that sounds graphic, but probably would muffle any sound or or maybe like, when it happens, just start clapping like you know, so that it just sounds like that’s what it was. I don’t know, let me try. No, yeah, I guess not really, listen will workshop it. If I know, my listeners, people will be calling in with perfect solutions.


Jessica  29:47

Hi, Sarah, it’s Jessica from Oakland. I want to know about when you stopped drinking alcohol. I’ve heard you mention a few times that you don’t drink alcohol, and I wonder, did you ever? And if you did, could you tell us about that? And what made you stop and how long ago and I know that you smoke weed and I’m just interested to know about what happened, if anything with alcohol, maybe you never drink it. Love you, Sarah, love the podcast, take care.


Sarah Silverman  30:32

You know, I forget that when I say I don’t drink, a lot of people probably assume that I at one point did drink and hit bottom and then like got sober. Which is a much cooler story than what is true, which is, as I said, I had a 10 year olds palette, I have a 10 year olds palette. I like, it tastes like poison to me. I just I can’t get it down. I try, and for a while I really tried and I found I could drink. There was one drink, I could drink, and I went to bart, I went to bartending school. In my senior year of high school, I went to bartending school at night because I knew I was moving to New York, to become like a comedian and an actor, and I assumed I would need to be a bartender, but I passed out flyers on a corner of McDougal and third instead for two years. But um, so yeah, so I found a drink that I could get down, which is a sea breeze, which is great fruit juice, maybe a splash of cranberry. I think it’s just great grapefruit juice and vodka, maybe. And I was able to get one down. And that would make me really tipsy, and I loved that feeling, but besides that, I couldn’t drink anything. I couldn’t feel the fun buzz of anything without immediately getting nauseous and puking so it’s just not even worth it, but for a while, I could get down a what did I say a Seabreeze, so I went out and it’s so funny because I’ve had this story and I, I think I’ve told you guys, but I was telling Rory this that years ago, I went to a bar with a bunch of comics and it was crowded, and I went up to the bar and I ordered a sea breeze and I like, you know, I was like, playing with other friends or whatever, and then I’d come back to the bar, take a sip, and I only had like three sips of it. Got so wasted, that Jessica Gao and Todd Berry had to like carry me home, and it wasn’t until I told Rory the story like 20 years later or something that he was like your roof feed. Of course I was, you don’t get drunk from three sips of a sea breeze. I was fucking totally date raped, drugged. And thank God, whoever put it in my drink was not wise to the fact that I was with like a bunch of fellows who are not trying to fuck me and got me home safely, but Jesus Christ. That’s pretty crazy, huh? All right, um, so that’s my story, sorry, it’s boring. What else?


Patrick  33:22

Hey, Sarah, it’s your friend Patrick from Manchester in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom, wow, this is a great voice now starting off with, love the pod has been listening to it for a long, long time and really glad you’re back. Doing regular ones wants to know, what podcasts do you listen to? Are there any of your favorites that you would recommend? I listen to yours every week. I also listened to the Bold and the Beautiful by Trixie and Cachia, which is just hilarious. It’s just so stupid, but just really funny and really heartfelt. I also listened to my one of my therapist ghosted me, which is by John McNally and Vogue Williams, that two Irish comedians, who would again just really, really funny and it’s just something that makes makes my day listen to those kinds of podcasts. And then recently one called Cyclepedia, which is a true crime one, which is really informative, but also kind of like fun and entertaining at the same time. Yeah, just want to know what podcasts you listen to, love the pods, love all the bits of advice you give I think it’s Oh, something you said the podcast, you said that you comedy is your thing, and that’s what you should stick to. Now you are much more than that, comedy is your thing but you are also empathetic, kind, intelligent, all of the above. So please don’t think that you should just stick to comedy because you mean lots of people so stick with this. I love this podcast, thanks, everybody.


Sarah Silverman  34:48

Thanks, Patrick, that’s so nice. I’m not a big podcast listener, I have to say well, I love endless honeymoon, Natasha Leggero and Moshe Kasher, I just they always make me laugh Handsome with Tig and Fortune, and Mae. I love Add to Cart, which is a happens to be a Lemonada sister show with my good friend Kulap Vilaysack and SuChin Pak.They’re so funny. It was so fun to do, and I love listening to it. Besides that I’m kind of like a news, long read gal. Like I’m reading right now, these are old pieces in Vanity Fair Part One and Part Two about a writer from Grey’s Anatomy, who faked cancer and myriad other things. And wrote there for 10 years and wrote tons of and produce tons of episodes, but was completely living a lie on like 1000 levels, and it’s fascinating to read about Jamie Denbo, who I talked about recently writes there and sent forwarded me the the articles and Oh, juicy, fascinating, wild, weird, interesting. All right, what else? What else you got?



Hey, Sarah, so I saw a video the other day, and it was talking about the differences between eras and they were using Mean Girls as an example, that movie came out in 2004, but aside from flip phones and landlines, that movie could come out today, it would still feel very familiar to the experience of a high schooler today. But compare that to 20 years before 2004 when main girls came out, that would be 16 candles, which was a very different era or a different feeling a different world a different vibe. There was an example of music as well toxic came out in 2004. It sounds very similar to something that might be released today but you know, like a virgin was 20 years before that, and that’s very different from toxic. The only other example I can think of from my own mind was Donnie Darko came out in 2001. It was about a, you know, timeframe in 1988, which feels eons ago, even though that was 13 years difference, but you know, from 2001 to 13 years would be 2014. That story would feel the same if told in 2014 to 2011. Do you feel like there is distinct differences between the eras of the 70s 80s 90s? And then from 2000? Onwards all the same? I asked because I only have cultural awareness back to maybe 2002. Me everything seems kind of familiar. But you know, that also could be because I’m just young and if I was born in you know, 1970 I would think everything kind of just marginally shifts. So kind of just wanted your opinion on that.


Sarah Silverman  37:42

That was so much math. Yeah, I would. I don’t even know how to answer this. I mean, definitely from the moment the internet was invented from a certainly from the second the smartphone became a thing. So much has changed in the past, like 20-30 years. It’s like, you can’t even compare it to the rest of you know, maybe since like the automobile was invented or something like, it’s crazy. I’m not that old but when I wrote it’s SNL in 93, and 94 there were computers but at Serna at live we wrote our sketches on legal pads, and then handed that to a room of Lady typists. The world has changed a lot. And they remind you of the We Are The World documentary and that was 1984, and you know, Prince won best black artist, you know, shit was fucking different. And as different as it was, it was also not so different. I don’t know I can’t imagine what different generations are experiencing like I don’t even try to this kids today. I can’t believe I just said the word kids today, but I can’t imagine what their experiences at their developmental levels like all this news tech and all this new this whole new world happened for me in adulthood. I was a young adult, you know, but I was an adult, I wasn’t like I didn’t have a go impressionable mind. I mean, if there was internet when I was a kid, I mean […] me I would be in such deep shit. I already am, and dad we are winding down. In fact, we’re done. This is the part of the show, when I say send me your questions, go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast that speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast, and subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like one from a mom who’s not sure whether or not to let her kids play with toy guns. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast. We are a production of Lemonada media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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