Sperm Whales, Strain, Space
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Sarah shares an explosive fact about sperm whales. Plus, she helps a mom support her young child through divorce, motivates someone struggling to get in shape, and analyzes a dream about cannibalism.
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Jeremy, Christine, Louise, Rachel, Ali, Tony, Brooke, Sarah Silverman, Amy, Joey
Sarah Silverman 00:14
Hi everybody, it’s your best pal Sarah. You know, I read so actually Rory texted me a story from the news. What’s it from actually is something that he follows that animal news or something. Um, a group of sperm whales was attacked by a big group of orca whales, orcas. They’re just called orcas right. And they were able to fend them off how? I’ll tell you. This is a defense mechanism that they use sperm whales. It’s a defensive, explosive diarrhea. And I’m not just saying that because this is exactly what I would want it to be. It’s actually true. They expel explosive diarrhea. And then they use their giant fins and like fan it over to where the orcas are coming from, and they get lost in a cloud, a diarrhea cloud, and it disorients them and probably makes them lose their appetite. I mean, just using explosive diarrhea, as a defense mechanism is so inspiring to me. I mean, I’m getting rid of my rape whistle. That just reminds me my friend Mark Cohen said his stage name is Ray, whistle it always makes me laugh. Alright, let’s take some calls.
Brooke 01:57
Alright, Sarah, this is your friend Brooke from Northern California. Sydney here enjoying everything you do. Podcast comedy acting, Wreck It Ralph was really, really great for me and my kiddos to watch. We love everything that you do. My question is for you, how do you stay physically fit and ready to play any sport, particularly basketball, I am a little bit younger than you. But I find it really hard to get out, get motivated to continue to do it. It’s been a bonding experience for me and my dad to play sports our whole life and sorry for the loss of your father. And I just want to continue to have those moments with him as best as possible. And I was wondering how you stay fit and how you keep going and keep motivated to do things. Anyway, love you.
Sarah Silverman 02:51
Hi, Brooke, um, I’m with you. I’m having a hard time. You know, but I’m having dogs has been like a saving grace because I have a real long walk with them every day. And you know, as we get older, especially the best thing for your body hands down. And they just came out with studies and stuff about this. But of course, this has been something people knew for a long time is walking. So I have like a long walk at some point every day. I’m supposed to be weight training. That’s supposed to be the best thing for your bones. I guess as you get older and you’re a woman and I’m not doing it, but I need to do it. I’m starting to like I have some weights and I’ll take like, I’m like I don’t have a peloton but I have the peloton app and you can take like weight classes and stuff as long as you have like some weights and Matt and I do do that stuff. Basketball. I was toying like every Sunday, there’s a game and I used to play in it and I still get the emails. And every time I’m like maybe this Sunday I’ll do it maybe this Sunday, I’ll come back I really miss basketball but I also and I don’t want to be fear based but I also just want to be like realistic I don’t want to break anything. And I’m just not as bendy as I once was I’m trying to every night after I brush my teeth and wash my face and do all that I do I stretch and get my stretch on when I really love that. And I feel like it’s good for me. But I’m walking, stretching that’s the stuff you need for life because it ages well. But basketball I don’t know I still I think I I might. I might come by a pickup game one of these Sundays and see how it goes but I only played once since the pandemic I would played up until March 2020, I was playing twice a week and playing the best basketball of my life to be honest. But a just hit a wall where I’m like, I don’t want to fuck with it, I don’t want to push it, you know. But I also don’t want to be fear based. But I want to, I think if I go I play a little, I’ll see how my body feels. And and like, I always have the past several years to just like quit early and get like, do like a half hour of stretching after, you know, stretch a little before. But it’s the stretching after that is I think the important part, I don’t know. Anyway, that’s all I got. Hope I’m helpful. But it is funny, because I’ll go I need to weight train. And the more I say it, the more I don’t do it. So just don’t even talk about it. I feel like the more you talk about what you’re going to do, the less likely you’re going to do it. You just have to just do it, don’t put thought into it. This is like exercise is always something that’s great to do in a thoughtless way. You know, because the more thought you put into it, the more reasons you can come up with not doing it today. But if you mindlessly put your sneakers on and just do it, then you do it. That’s what I find anyway. And I remember hearing something about how if you say you’re gonna write a book, or you’re gonna lose weight, or you’re gonna do all these, like whatever you and you say, you’re going to do it, you get the dopamine rush of having done it, and it satiated and you ended up not doing it. I think I read that somewhere. Some maybe it was a meme I read once and now I feel like I read a book about it, but that’s what I think I know. All right, what else?
Tony 06:39
Hello, Sarah. My name is Tony from San Francisco. And I understand that your mom and dad split up when you were in about six and a half. I’m almost 50 I have a six and a half year old well, now she’s seven daughter, and just wanted some advice on what a mom can do to support a kid going through this. And wondering if you have any thoughts about your experience growing up? Thanks so much.
Sarah Silverman 07:08
I’m so sorry. Yeah, I was just about seven. When my parents divorced, and I have to say it was I think it was harder on my older sisters. I actually looking back I feel the same way I did then which was I had a very clear. Personally I had I had, I was very clear about it when they told us and divorced. I was like, in my mind. I was like, oh, so I’m not gonna go to sleep to you screaming at each other anymore, great. Sounds great. I never had a problem with it. I was immediately happy and and my sisters were older and smarter and more developed and had you know, were hysterical and crying about it. But there was something for some reason. I saw it very clearly. But yeah, it’s a very, you know, I’ve heard that it’s a very rough age seven, eight is tough with divorce, but every person is different. I think my parents could not have handled it worse. And I turned out okay, I don’t know. You know, I think you can’t necessarily keep your kids from going through it. They’re gonna go through it one way or another so here’s a divorce that she can pin it on, you know, but it’s life happens. And I actually think it’s I don’t agree with the conceit that parents in a miserable marriage should stay together until the kids are grown. I think every year I lived with my miserable parents was a miserable year of my life. And that when they found happiness, I was able to find happiness. Kids know when their parents are miserable. They want their parents to be happy, why? Because one because you love your parents but beyond that, or any kind of conscious, you know, kids or kids. When you’re happy as a parent, you have a lot more space for others, including your kids. Having two miserable parents and a miserable relationship is the same thing as having to completely narcissistic parents. Because they had no space for us. They were way too open about their problem with you know our dad or dad with our mom. They told us all this shit we shouldn’t we that we should have been spared from about divorce. But they had very little space for us and our lives and what was going on with us. So in my view, if you are in an unhealthy marriage, or you are unhappy with your marriage don’t stay together for the kids. Because it’s a whole bunch of bullshit, find your happiness. Stay close, be close by my parents were two minutes apart. I saw both of them a lot. I’ve said this before, but I have friends who got divorced, and did something called bird nesting, which is they got a studio apartment. And they share the studio apartment and the kids live in their house. The kids live in the house, the parents switch, they go when it’s not their week with the kids, they live in their studio apartment they share. And the and the parent that has the kids that week lives in the apartment that the kids live in, you don’t make the kids have to pack their bags three times a week, you can suffer the inconvenience, you’re an adult, and you’ve made these choices. So that’s a very lovely way to go about it. But also there they have limited means and if they get up two lovely houses nearby to each other, that’s probably a not a bad thing, either. But, you know, asking your kids to have to pack their bags constantly, when they already have school to contend with is a little inconvenient for them. But then again, kids adapt. So I really think focus on finding your happiness. You’re gonna have a lot more space to take care of your kids. You know, obviously, you’re taking care of your kids, but you emotionally you’ll have a lot more room for them than you ever did. In your miserable marriage. That’s my opinion. Take it don’t take it. But um, I think you’re doing the right thing. What else?
Joey 11:56
Hi, Sarah. My name is Joey. I’m a huge fan. I’m calling in regard to a question my friend Raymond and I were discussing. It’s about his assistant. She’s worked with for him for years. And this is really silly, but at the end of every conversation, she goes, thank you, thank you. And she gives the double “thank you”. And we used to laugh about it. But it’s been years and he’s like, oh my God, it’s driving me crazy. I used to suggest like, maybe you could like, casually say something to her. So she like will stop saying thank you, thank you. Like she knows that it somehow annoys you. But you don’t say something too offensive. Because their office culture is not super sensitive, however? You know, he doesn’t want to offend her. So Sarah, we would love your opinion. Thank you, thank you.
Sarah Silverman 12:54
Gosh, I actually. Like, my first instinct is like, well just tell her and you know, whatever. But I actually think even if he tells her in the nicest way, like I don’t know why it irks me, I, I actually think he’s gonna regret it. Like, it’ll be one of those things that he immediate, like, even in the best case scenario, she goes, Oh, God, I hear you okay, I’m gonna, I won’t say that anymore. I feel like he’s immediately gonna be like, no, no, no, it’s, it’s fine. You know, I, you know, it’s almost like, with my misophonia I’ve learned how to deal with it and lots of ways that but but I would sometimes, like, snap at someone or be like, can you not? And I this is different because it’s, it’s like, letting something slip out and then regretting it, but I would just totally regret it. You know, when could you not crunch that? Are you chewing obviously, you know, like, like, I just like it’s so in my bones like makes me crazy. I’m pretty good at just taking myself out of the situation. But um, and I know this isn’t that and he would have it well thought out. And if he really can’t stand it, I guess you have to say something, but I actually think and I know you’re laughing. So maybe it’s not that big a deal. But if it does, irk him, maybe the first thing to do is to ask himself why he thinks it bothers him. Like I wonder what it is triggering not like it’s triggering some traumatic thing but it’s triggering something that it irks him. And maybe wondering about that is the first thing to do because maybe you’ll go you know what? So and so used to do something like that or it reminds me it makes me think of this or something and then realizing it will kind of, exercise it out of him that it bothers him, or maybe just start responding with, you’re welcome, you’re welcome. And then every time she says, thank you, thank you, you say you’re welcome, you’re welcome. And then if she wants that to stop, she has to stop the first part. So that might be a weird, covert way of dealing with it. But and I would normally say like, no, just be honest and say, It’s me. I don’t know why I’m weird about that. And maybe that’s what you want to do but if you can live with it, and find a way to live with it, or find a way to find it funny, like it seems like you have or maybe you respond with, you’re welcome, you’re welcome and see what happens. But first, I just have this gut feeling for some reason that if he says something to her, and even if she takes it the best way and isn’t hurt at all, which I think is unlikely to get will make her feel like embarrassed. He’s going to regret it. He’s going to, I think regret it. Maybe not, this isn’t my usual advice. But I actually think, I don’t know, there’s your jumble of words. It’s a little bit of an answer and a little bit of I don’t know what, but um, maybe it helped. You’re welcome, you’re welcome.
Rachel 16:17
Hi, Sarah, this is Rachel, I heard your podcast about dizziness. And as somebody who suffers from chronic heart problems, my cardiologist gave me a solid piece of advice that I would like to pass along with you. He said, when I stand up, and I get lightheaded, all I have to do is excuse me, strain. And I was like, what are you talking about? He’s like, you know, like when you have to go to the bathroom and you push, it will stop that feeling and that system of basically shutting down your lightheadedness, because it instantly pushes blood up to the if I’m not saying this correctly, but lowers your blood pressure. Because oftentimes in my job, I have to be down on the floor for long times and then stand up quickly and move places quickly. And it has, it’s really inconvenient for me to be lightheaded when I stand up, and so I have found it effective. I don’t want to kill your euphoria. But it’s something that when it’s not convenient, I remember to push or strain. And it really has been helpful and effective for me. So I hope it helps you as well. Love your podcast.
Sarah Silverman 17:52
That’s really interesting, I would say that it raises your blood pressure would be my guest to strain like that, because it’s a product of that I have very low blood pressure that I get dizzy. Sometimes when I stand and like I used to have to walk around with salt pills, but it hasn’t been as bad anymore. But lately I’ve been I just have to hydrate a lot. I have to salt my foods and I’m okay. But yeah, I’ll stand up. I’m going to try that. But I mean, like, obviously you don’t want to have like, not that I do that, you know, but certainly one would not want to have anything in the chamber. Wouldn’t this, let me just try this. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It’s almost like engaging your core, but you’re kind of involving your pelvic floor, your route, as they say in in yoga. I’m gonna try that. Thank you. Very interesting, all right what else?
Christine 18:54
Hey, Sarah. It’s her best friend Christine calling from Washington DC. I’m so glad that you brought up the issues that you’re having with dizziness and fainting. Please look into pots, P O T S, it stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. I’ve had this condition for the last four years ever since my first COVID infection. It is actually really common and it predominantly affects women. It’s a neurological condition where when you’re upright, your autonomic nervous system isn’t sending the right signals to your blood vessels to constrict so you don’t get enough blood pumped to your heart and your brain. Which results in dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting for some people. So yes, salt is really helpful hydration, lots of hydration, lots of salt, compression clothing, and I definitely recommend seeing a neurologist who’s knowledgeable about pots. If they aren’t, they won’t be helpful but if they are, there are also drugs they can prescribe that can make a world of difference. And then so I hope it helps and then I love so you just want to say thank you, I have chronic illness and I’m home alone a lot. And I love listening to your podcast, whether I’m listening intently or just having your voice on in the background while I’m doing things. It’s very comforting, so thank you for everything. And I hope you get some relief soon.
Sarah Silverman 20:17
Oh, that’s so nice. Thank you for your call, and for that information, I’m glad I keep you company. It’s my nasal voice. My friend Mark Cohen. As my friend Mark […] and we’ll do like sometimes I’m talking and he’ll be like, what is that noise? Oh, all right, what else?
Ayo, Sarah. I was just listening to some music after like a nighttime smoky sesh. And there’s this song, shit what’s it called? I have like your recording thing up. I can’t remember the name. But it sounds like your voice 18 seconds in. Okay, or like 17 seconds. I don’t know, and it says like, make some noise right now for the voices in your head. And I don’t know if they sampled it from you. It’s called the thing with the rabbit by headache. It’s very like you know treat the I guess like a theory all but I was wondering if they sample do then maybe you remember you’re in that? Or maybe it’s just someone else who like sounds like you but maybe it’s him? All right, give it a try. Love you, bye.
Sarah Silverman 21:30
Do you want me to play it for you? Oh, yeah, I was just looking it up, yeah.
Sarah Silverman 21:40
Make some noise right now for the voices in your head. Does that me?
Amy 21:47
I don’t believe it’s you.
Sarah Silverman 21:49
You know, it sounds exactly like me. But when she said head, it didn’t sound like me saying head.
Amy 21:55
I felt she had a deeper voice than you do.
Sarah Silverman 21:58
I thought that sounded like me too. But head head once again. Alright, make some noise right now for the voices in your head. Yeah, no, that’s not me. All right, let me Google this headache. That thing with the rabbit. Okay, so it says that the voices are AI generated, which is fine. But it all boils that, you know, here we go AI generated. What it all boils down to is what voices educated the AI system? And then what did they label those voices to make them original AI voices? You know, I mean, I know I’ve got this case. But I mean, that’s this case, I’m in against AI right now. This, this song reminds me of something. He said not the song. I love the song. It sounds great. It’s interesting, whatever. But the idea of AI generated voices well, they can just generate the voices with AI and then they don’t have to pay any artists or any fees for whoever that was, oh, because it’s free because it’s just AI well. It reminds me of what our lawyer for the DEA I case Matthew Butterick said, which to me really hits home with what the case is all about, which is artificial intelligence is a misnomer really, because it’s actually human intelligence that simply been divorced from its human creators and repackaged with the new price tag put on it. So do what you will with that information. But and we digressed obviously. But this is interesting, right? AI has to be educated. What’s educating the AI? And did you pay for those rights? Did they even did the people you take that from even know that you did it? Was there consent involved? No and no. All right, what else?
Ali 24:21
Hi, Sara, this is Ali, you’re such an inspiration. And in one way in you being vegetarian or vegan, whatever you are, at this point, whatever you label it to. I have just finished my degree in environmental sustainability. And I have kind of tried to be meatless that even in my college town, sometimes it can be a struggle. And I was just curious if you’ve ever had like a partner or someone that it’s kind of an issue. Maybe they wanted to make you a meal. And you said oh sorry I don’t eat that. If that was ever a meal issue. And what you did, thank you keep doing what you’re doing.
Sarah Silverman 25:05
Um, no, I mean, listen, I am partners I’ve, I’ve, for some reason always dated men who love meat. And I grew up with people who love me it. You know, I just, I can’t I understand it because that’s what’s normal in the art world. If for some reason it’s a ever since I was, you know, seven, I cannot begin to get my head around eating meat. Like, it’s, to me, it’s just so gross. But I, I understand that I’m in the minority. And we live in a world where people eat meat. I mean, it’s just it’s so weird, but it’s just how it is, you know? It hasn’t been too much of an issue. I’ve had, you know, I had a boyfriend who would get annoyed by it over the years, but mostly they accept it, respect it. I you know, I I’m pretty good with, you know, someone else matter restaurant and other people are eating meat. You know, it’s fine. If I have my preference. I really, really hate when people eat smelly fish around me. It’s so fucking disgusting, to me. And I just the smell I just, it’s it ruins my meal. To be honest, I mean, I’m never gonna say anything. Unless it’s like, you know, someone I’m very close to and like, please, could you not order that, please? It comes with like, its eyes in like that fucking branzino I’ll never understand it’s so nasty or white fish. I mean, like, I’m a Jew that doesn’t I’ve never tried locks. I’ve never tried seafood. I just, it’s, it’s just just born that way. But um, meat. I mean, I can usually handle it fine. You know, and I understand that it’s, I see things differently, you know, but I remember being in Italy and walking into a restaurant, I was just barely holding it together. I was not with a partner that was understanding like that would understand me saying like, please, can we get out of here? Because to him, it’s like fresh meat. But this place had just I don’t even know how to not like slabs of meat more like it just looked like pieces of carcass all like adorning their, like shelves all over. And it to me it’s like seeing like pieces of dead body. I mean, it’s so weird but you know, I try to keep it to myself as much as possible. Because, you know, nobody wants to hear about your vegetarian opinions. That’s for sure. And I’m not going to change anyone’s mind. I don’t think maybe I will. I don’t know, but I just kind of do by living my own life my own way and that interests people find but as my diet ever been an issue with a partner, yeah, I guess but not really. I mean, you know, sometimes you’re with a man. And I’m sure this is you know, the other way around and with same sex and non sex and non gender […] the different variations of intimacy but but it will be very understanding about all my weird things the first year or two. And then that understanding starts to wane. And you get your real partner. So I don’t know, I’m trying to reckon with that. Like, for instance, Rory, and I get, you know, more and more comfortable with each other and less polite and start getting real. I guess really what relationship is is your own your own version of the real world? Am I still talking?
Louise 29:17
Hey, Sarah, this is your friend Louise. So I want to ask you something about work, which I don’t usually think you get those calls. But anyway, hope this makes the cut. So I was very emotionally abused. In my last job and I had to quit because I completely burned out. It wasn’t a very deep anxiety slash depression crisis. Due to all of that D abuse. So I was off from work for six months and now I got a new job and I’m starting it next week. And you know, I do what I’m supposed to do so I go to therapy, I take my pills, and I’ve been dealing with this trauma really. But it still haunts me. And I still am scared, or afraid that I’m going to carry all that baggage into this new work. In spite of all the therapy that I’m doing. I just, I feel like it’s a deep, deep trauma. And you know, I don’t know if you’re ever really cured from from a trauma. So yeah, I just wanted to know if you have any advice on that, so I can do well at my new job. All right. Love you, bye.
Sarah Silverman 30:40
One day at a time, Sweet Jesus. That’s all I’m asking of you. I don’t know why that came into my head. Oh, because I was thinking just take it one day at a time. That was a commercial that was always on growing up in New Hampshire. It was like an an ad for some religious album, I guess. But I did love that song. Um, this is my advice, though. Yeah, II listen. Just take one day, don’t think about the whole job as a whole don’t think about you also just took six months off. It’s hard to start a job again, when you have not been working. Whatever the circumstance. It’s, it’s new. It’s everything new is scary. It’s new. You don’t know the people. But this is my advice. You got this. Just take it one day at a time. Do not think beyond that. Unless there is something you can actually do to make the coming work easier. But do not stress about it. Just like be in the moment be in your body. Remember that everybody has their story. Try not to project this fear or this trauma onto your new workmates. They have their own story lines they’re living. So you know, it’s hard with these calls. And I just want to say a general not to lambast you or anything. But like, I just I have no idea what the trauma of your last job looks like. I don’t know how heavy or light it is, I don’t know, the, you know, like, if you call in and you say like I was abused that, you know, like I need, you don’t have to get into gory details or anything that is triggering for you. But if you can give me some little example, or some little, just a little more detail to go on, it’s just so hard to give my advice or opinion of which I am totally unqualified, with just really vague, you know, information. So I can only just do the best I can with what I’ve been given by you, which is information. But take this new job one single day at a time. Try not to tell yourself horror stories. Because we have no idea we’ve never been able to predict the future. I know it feels like you can. But you can’t. No one can. And so when you say what if this happens, what if this happens or this is going to happen or this is going to happen? That’s your that’s how we cope with like mortality or it’s some weird, very human thing. But try to understand it because it’s not real. What’s going to unfold is going to unfold and you’ll deal with it when it does. But to give yourself such agita such Suris because you’re afraid and this is how your fear is manifesting doesn’t help anybody. Especially not you. So try to notice it and assure it up. I’m telling myself horror stories. I don’t know what’s gonna happen at work. I can I’m on the edge of my seat to find out. But I don’t know. And, you know, it’s kind of like, you know, did he mention a panic attack? I was thinking about this because one thing I learned about panic attacks. That really helped me a little bit it helped me a little bit is the thing about panic attacks is the first one happens it comes out of nowhere you can’t control it and it’s terrifying. You think you’re dying. It’s you know, it turns out it’s a panic attack. Every subsequent panic attack comes from the fear of having your next panic having another panic attack. That it comes from the fear because now you know what it feels like. And you know Oh, that it came from nowhere. Now it happens again, because of get out of the fear of having one. And just knowing that was really helpful to me, it’s kind of like PMS, like, the world would just fall apart. And I would feel like I was in complete distress. And then I would look at my calendar and realize, because I was on the pill, you can, that’s how like, exact you can be. And I’d be like, Oh, I’m in my PMS week. And just knowing that it didn’t change any of the facts in my life. But it made me understand what I suddenly completely understood the chemical aspect of what I was going through, and that made it a lot better. So the more you can learn about it, the more you can handle it, but try not to tell yourself horror stories about what is going to happen. It will unfold before you know it but you don’t know yet. And when you start doing it, being kind to yourself and reminding yourself oops, I’m telling myself horror stories is good. And call in and let us know how it how it turns out for you. All right, what else?
Jeremy 36:20
Hi, Sarah, this is Jeremy from Chicago. I love you so much are my favorite comedian. I think you’re so funny. Wanted to call in to ask you a question about dreams. I’ve always had really vivid intricate dreams with complex storylines and I remember them in detail just like a you know a movie that I have watched. And I also have reoccurring dreams and my number one reoccurring dream always has the theme of cannibalism. My first one I was probably like 15 years old. And there’s always like two versions. The first version is I like stumble into a party. There’s a group of people and I catch them like eating other people. And the cannibals always have these like distorted faces like really monstrous, scary, distorted faces. It’s terrifying. I hate it. The second version is I’ll be like eating a turkey sandwich or something and someone will come in with the same distorted scary face and will inform me that it’s not actually Turkey that I’m leaving. I’ve been tricked and I’m eating people. That is equally as terrifying. So my questions are number one, do you have any idea what that could possibly mean? I don’t spend any time thinking about cannibalism during the day. So I don’t know what that could mean is a recurring dream. And second part is do you ever have any reoccurring dreams? Thanks so much. I love you. Hope you have a great day. Bye.
Sarah Silverman 37:49
Well, I just Googled it. What does it mean to have a nightmare in which people try to force you to be cannibalistic is what came up. This particular nightmare could be a manifestation of feeling pressured or manipulated by others in some aspect of your life. It may also represent a fear of losing control or being consumed by external influences. It’s important to remember that nightmares are not literal and do not reflect reality. If you find that this dream is causing you significant distress, blah, blah, blah, mental health professional. Let’s see. Oh, the basic meaning is to absorb the qualities of that which you eat. Cannibalism, and a dream is an eloquent hence that you feed off the energy of others use other people’s ideas or spend someone’s money. This is all just random people answering this so I don’t know why I’m googling it. But there you go. You could probably find some psychologist that tells you but I yes, I I have. It’s not a recurring dream. I always say I have a very, very busy dream life and I have to be there a lot is me defending how much I sleep but I really honestly like how can you prove which life is real? My reoccurring thing in dreams is it’s New York City. But it’s not New York City at all. Like the New York City in my dreams is the same in every dream, but it’s actually not New York City it looks totally it’s like a completely different map. But that completely different map is consistent. In all of my dreams where I’m in New York City, it’s like completely different places completely different layout. I don’t understand why this is but this is I will say I had a shrink once that would say everyone in your dream is you. And if you just say okay, what part of me is represented by the person I’m eating what part of me is represented by the cannibals around me? And whatever you can try to figure out, see if that makes sense to you. But you know, I’m not a dream interpreter. Anyway, good luck, Jeremy. Thanks for calling in. And dad, wherever you are. we’re winding down wherever you are in time and space. Oh, I miss you so much. We are winding down. This is the part of the show, when I say send me your questions, go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast that speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast, and subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like one from a mom who’s not sure whether or not to let her kids play with toy guns. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts.
Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast. We are a production of Lemonada media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.