Take a Shower with SuChin and Kulap Pt. 1
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It’s been a rough couple of weeks, y’all. Ku and Su are here to tell you first about a few folks who are doing amazing work in their communities plus some more resources to take action. Then it’s time to let some of it slide right off, at least for a little while. Grab your towels, take off your clothes, run that water, and hop into the most detailed, revealing, slightly absurd, FIRST OF TWO episodes all about Su and Ku’s top-tier shower routine.
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
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Kulap Vilaysack & SuChin Pak
SuChin Pak 00:10
Hey, friends, welcome to ADD TO CART. I am SuChin.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I’m Kulap.
SuChin Pak
So, today is a really fun one. It’s actually a request episode because we take requests. And this is the request from our producer Claire, who emailed us and said: “would you walk me through your shower routine?” So this is what we’re going to do.
Kulap Vilaysack
But before we step into the shower as it were, we want to talk about a couple of things we’re Adding To Cart in relation to the events of the last few weeks.
SuChin Pak
So I mean, as of today, you know, the Atlanta shooting was about two weeks ago.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. And then 6 days afterwards, was the Boulder shooting where 10 people were killed.
SuChin Pak
I mean, what can we say? I think we talked about it. And surreal seems like too small of a word. At times, I feel like it’s almost an out of body experience. Like how do you process all of that? And it does feel like waking up, do you have that feeling of waking up and having that quick heart palpitation of opening the newsfeeds and looking at you know, all of that because you just don’t know what happened, while you were sleeping.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I am on the internet, on social media and on Twitter quite a bit. But if I don’t know if I could really have survived the last two weeks and be a person if I did it any more so of course there’s stretches of time where I just have to take a break. I have to tend to my life. And then that’s exactly what happened. When I found out about Boulder. I’m like, what’s this happened? I can’t believe this. Like there isn’t a chance to just like, have a breath. Like, I think exactly what you said. And I will add it’s like sometimes I just I want to just leap outside of my body because it’s really hard to stay present and grounded.
SuChin Pak 02:20
Yeah. Or just even pause time. I woke up a few days ago and Chanel Miller who, so Add To Cart Chanel Miller, Add To Cart following Chanel Miller, Add To Cart her book: “Know My Name: A Memoir” She has been posting and writing and she’s such an incredible..
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin Pak
She’s just an artist. She’s a writer. She’s a poet, she’s an empath. I mean, I think she’s just such a voice. She articulates the feelings I often write, you know, right there that I can’t articulate. And I wanted to read you her one of her latest posts. And I encourage you guys to go to this and see the visuals because she’s such an artist as well to go with this and it says:
SuChin Pak
“Today I wish to type apologies if I have not responded I have been mentally swept out to sea. Last week when the news broke a wave came and got me and swept out so many of my Asian-American friends and family. And since then, I have been submerged in a deep, quiet shock engulfed in sadness. Can you fit your grief into a six-minute segment? Can you tell us where it’s been hurting? Can you tell us what we’re meant to be learning? Can you dissect textbook terms and speak to your experience? Did you know that at first I tried, I rushed out of the water still dripping to compose myself to speak. Practice saying fetishization out loud. Until I realized I did not have the energy to comb my hair, could not remember the last time I had eaten something. I say yes to everything. And this is where it just hit home. Because I’m hyper aware that attention has an expiration. I worry that they will be gone by morning. We organize time into boxes as if it’s neat when really grief is not meant to live in calendar days, has every right to leak. It is brutal the way we assigned urgency to processing.”
SuChin Pak 04:32
And it goes on and it’s so beautiful. And she ends his poem by saying: “I’m nowhere near done with this grief.” I mean, and that’s I think that in so many ways wraps up how we’ve been feeling and how I’ve been feeling which is that it feels like everything feels so urgent, to process, to speak, to articulate to be angry to all of that feels so urgent. It also feels like there’s that feeling I often come from which is the scarcity feeling like they’re gonna go away, they’re gonna stop talking about this. Anyway, that’s a bit of where I’m at.
Kulap Vilaysack
You told me and directed me towards her posts and it’s so beautiful and there’s such a quiet power to her in general but especially to this piece of art. I feel those feelings that urgency but at the same time it’s like I also am not well about this when we used to be on planes and they said to put on your air mask on yourself before your neighbor, before your child, before your companion. And for some of us that’s where we are. Some of us have already put the mask on and we’re good.
Kulap Vilaysack
We’re good to beat the drum and I think that’s something to talk about too is the silver lining of it all is that we’re a population, we’re community awake supportive of one another so if someone needs to fall back someone has the energy to pull forward that’s what this is but burnout is real, right? And so then that means like taking a beat, taking a beat if you need it so that you can fight another day.
SuChin Pak 06:24
So important and you know Kulap, I know for us and the friends that we have such a great support system and we often reach out to each other when we’re feeling this way and it’s just so important to have that and if you don’t have that then let us be that for you. Let us give you that connection and that support and I do mean that, I know that we can’t tend to every single person but I do hope that there is a sense here that if you don’t have your own community wherever and for whatever reason that we can be there for you. That’s the thing that gives me the strength to like get out of bed, you know what I mean. And do this, and I’m especially, you know this week I took off from a lot of things and I just really felt like I needed to be with my parents.
SuChin Pak
I felt like I needed to be with my parents I know we’ve been talking about it I’ve been afraid like so many of us have been and they live in the bay area which is in the middle of some of the highest rates of Asian-American violence. They also don’t have any idea what’s going on. I think a lot of people in our community understand but perhaps outside of our community is that we have grown up as 5-year-old, 6-year-old, 7-year-old translating the world for them. We are the gatekeepers, we are you know, the protectors, wait here’s my mom now.
Kulap Vilaysack 08:00
I’m so excited.
SuChin Pak
She’s not. She’s like “what are you doing?” – (speaking Korean)
SuChin’s Mom
Kulap Vilaysack
Hi! Hello!
SuChin Pak
This my mom. (speaking Korean). You know one of the things, you know one of the reasons why I wanted to kind of talk to my mom in my very broken Konglish, is that his is the first time I’ve seen her since all of this. And so I got to show her the videos myself and to explain what’s been happening because nobody has done that. This is the first time she’s heard or seen this.
Kulap Vilaysack
And you showed, assuming you showed the video of the 70 plus year old woman who beat back her attacker and he left on a stretcher?
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I sure did. And I also showed her the post of her family wanting to give back all of her GoFundMe funds or at least a majority if not all of it back to the AAPI community. So I showed her that, and I think it shocked her.
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin Pak
Like it shocked her. That she couldn’t, she didn’t understand. So many questions, why? Who’s doing this? Is this one person? What’s going on? And so just explaining that to her and explaining our experience you know there’s not only a generational divide but there’s a cultural divide and there’s a language divide. There’s a lot yeah to try to explain. Today we went to the Korean grocery market and I felt like I was a like a hired body guard, just like scanning the horizon for any kind of shadiness. And so in those moments, you do that and then you go on, right? It’s your day. You don’t process it.
Kulap Vilaysack 10:16
Generally you process when you feel like you have the luxury of safety.
SuChin Pak
We’re all carrying these moments throughout the day, these experiences, these microaggressions, this adrenaline rush, and we clench and we hold that and we have no time to process it. And this is what’s happening is we are fighting and processing at the same time. And those two things don’t exist.
Kulap Vilaysack
On top of that, old pain.
SuChin Pak
Yes, that’s right.
Kulap Vilaysack
Triggered. Rising up. That’s another part of what Chanel Miller’s talking about that “wave”. All of these things that I had buried in I had moved, supposedly quotes moved on from laughed about, forgot, now they’re rearing their heads because I didn’t fully deal with certain things.
SuChin Pak
But I think that our awareness continues to evolve and change and grow. So we see those things in a new light. Do you know what I mean? So it’s retriggering. But it’s also a reprocessing.
Kulap Vilaysack
You’re so right. It’s not like all things are the same. At the time, 10-15 years ago, we didn’t have the support systems that we have now. You know, to look back and really wished there was someone that could have helped a younger me. And that’s so much why I really, really want to help people who are younger than us. It’s because I just didn’t have that. And that is such a real pain.
SuChin Pak
And that helps us heal. I want to say one quick thing that my mom had said. So when I asked her, I said, “well, what do we do now?” Do you know what she said?
Kulap Vilaysack
What did she say?
SuChin Pak
“Maybe if we’re nicer.”
SuChin’s Mom 12:02
(speaking Korean)
SuChin Pak
Anyway, enough of that. So here we go. I promised myself I was going to get through this without crying. So that’s, I want to get to a few things. I want to get to a few sort of like special Add To Carts.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, please.
SuChin Pak
And we’ve talked about Chanel Miller. I want to also shout out to New York Magazine and the team out there. Anthony Rotunno, who’s the senior editor at The Strategist, the new editor in chief of The Cut, Lindsay Peoples Wagner. And I want to shout out to them and that publication, because I think they’ve been really, really good at covering and continue to cover this in different ways that move the conversation forward. They just did a great roundtable about sort of Black and Asian sort of solidarity, and where that rift comes and how do we repair that for some people and how to even understand that in the context.
SuChin Pak
But I really, really love everything that they’re doing. The Strategist just has an exhaustive an almost complete article that they posted, which was 68 Ways To Donate to the AAPI Community.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s tremendous.
SuChin Pak
And it’s just a list. It’s just a telephone directory, if you will. So if you don’t know, and you want sort of a list that has been vetted, I want to say Add To Cart to them and the work that they’re doing, which is so much of what this healing process for us. And this process of processing is also to be seen by the community outside of us and to be held by them. And so I think that’s really important. A friend of mine, Sky, who works with Artists Feature and Haze, like I’m not a young person, but I think these people are important. They design these really awesome streetwear. And 100% of the proceeds are going to go to the AAPI GoFundMe page.
Kulap Vilaysack 14:08
We’ll put all of these links up on our at @AddToCartPod. But it’s the GoFundMe, it’s the stop AAPI hate page.
SuChin Pak
And then finally, an Add To Cart. I actually haven’t received it. I just ordered it this week. So I’m so excited. It’s a book called Chinatown Pretty. And it’s a photography book, an Asian-American photographer, and an artist came together. And what they did was they photographed all of these incredible elders in the Chinatown communities, and just like their fashion, their wisdom. It’s so joyful. It’s such a celebration. You know, we talk about a community and a generation that has survived. Survived by being invisible. And so to see them kind of celebrated in this colorful, beautiful way. It lifted my heart. So I’m so excited to get this book and I wanted to Add To Cart to that.
Kulap Vilaysack
And shout out to Andrea Lowe and Valerie Lu. I’ve seen just people posted pictures; they look amazing. I want to get this to. I want to be hip like the Chinatowns most stylish seniors, one can only hope these are goals for sure.
SuChin Pak
We’ve talked about Ahjumma style here, you know, hit a certain age, I get the visor, I get the multi pleated pants with the elastic, I am ready to fight, you know?
Kulap Vilaysack
Drown me please, drown me
Kulap Vilaysack
Speaking of drowning.
SuChin Pak
Was that the transition?
Kulap Vilaysack
Don’t we all need a shower? After the shitstorm that the last two weeks have been? Look, guys, I’m laughing. But I want to really tell you that I need a new word. And it’s a word that combines the feeling of both being mortified and delighted. Because that is what is in store for you all in mere seconds. Or I mean in the mere amount for this quick ad.
Kulap Vilaysack 16:31
We earlier talked about stepping into the shower. And that’s what we’re going to do. Our producer Claire sent us a list of questions to address in addition to the products we use so that […]
SuChin Pak
[…] By the way for her personal use. By the way, she wasn’t proposing for us to do an episode about it. She was like these are things I want to know about.
Kulap Vilaysack
So when you finish this episode, you will know the intimate details of how SuChin and I bathe ourselves. SuChin, shall we?
SuChin Pak
Let’s get right into it.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s really set the scene, okay? What you’re going to be describing is what I’m going to call “the works”. Picture of Sunday when there’s nothing to do all that there is to be done is to binge something. Maybe it’s a baking show. I don’t know. there’s no place to go, there’s no one to talk to, Zooms are not being had. So this is time all the time in the world. And then we take things out, when things life and things get busier. Okay, so this is “the works”
Kulap Vilaysack
One of the questions Claire asked was “when are you taking a shower?” And for me, it’s morning. Now there’s a conversation about pre-pandemic, during the demi. Let’s be here and now. I will try my best to be here now. And I’m shooting for morning but sometimes morning for me is afternoon and so it’s that’s generally my go to shower time. But then if I work out, which has not been recently, then I will take a shower because who […]
SuChin Pak 18:16
Excuse me, you are always working out with The Bala Bands, okay? You were never not working out my lady.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, not enough to change a pair of underwear. You know what I mean? To put it in SuChin terms, it’s not enough. And when I’m, you know I’m going, I’m turning on the shower. I’m setting it, I want it. I want it hot, but I don’t want it too hot. It’s certainly going to steam up the room, but I don’t need to be scolded. And as the water is getting to the correct temp, I pull out a dry brush, and I’m brushing my body in preparation for the shower. And I’m moving the brush towards my heart. The strokes are towards my heart. And one of the works is to use a Eucalyptus shower spray.
SuChin Pak
What is that?
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, my niece Dana gave it to me for Christmas. It’s basically if you are familiar with the sense of the locker rooms at Equinox, it’s essentially that sense.
SuChin Pak
We could bottle the scent of the locker rooms at Equinox
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. Equinox scent. She’s so smart for Christmas. She bought a big bottle that’s expensive and then divided it among smaller bottles and gave it as stocking stuffers. So it’s a Eucalyptus Spa Scent, and I spray it on the walls of my shower to give a real spa feel.
SuChin Pak
Wow. Wow. I have goosebumps.
Kulap Vilaysack
This is next level. So it smells amazing, and so you get that Eucalyptus mist scent throughout. Resetting essential scent tone. So, SuChin that’s my first three steps and I have not hit the water yet. I love to hear what you do?
SuChin Pak 20:16
Oh god. Okay, first I love culottes that we’re calling this “the works” okay? This is a version of the shower we all know. This is the works is it’s not your every day. Spritz your panty, you know what I mean? This is let’s get down to the crevices. This is more about taking care of the mind the heart, the soul and the body. So Claire asked what time and like you I do usually an afternoon shower. And I do that around like three o’clock because around three o’clock is when I want to go to bed. If I had no one to answer to, no children to feed, I would have the lights out. Shutters drawn, my feet in my socks at 3PM in bed and I would sleep.
Kulap Vilaysack
But context, when are you up?
SuChin Pak
I don’t know. 7?
Kulap Vilaysack
I was hoping an earlier time.
SuChin Pak
My afternoon, but Kulap let’s be honest. Am I ever asleep? Not really sleeping that much guys. Like this is also coming from someone who probably doesn’t sleep you know? I don’t know. There’s some pretending going on. That looks like sleeping but I’m not sure if it’s actually sleeping. That’s what it is. So, but around 3 o’clock. I think it’s actually a pretty universal thing. There’s like a dip in your energy levels. So you know, some people go for coffee. I can’t have coffee. So I sometimes do an afternoon brush my teeth, which we’ve talked about, love my afternoon little brush. And but that’s when I take my shower because that also kind of like wakes me up. So I do an afternoon. I’d say like 2 to 3. PM afternoon. I grew up in California very much in drought times. And I feel like we’re always in drought times.
Kulap Vilaysack 22:30
Certainly we are now, yeah for sure.
SuChin Pak
The thought of running water while I’m not in it is never gonna happen on my watch. It won’t happen. It gives me, gives me […], I don’t like it. So my shower routine starts off with I talked about this before. I like to lay down a towel on the floor.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, this is the first time we’ve talked about that. I would have remembered that, that was a big part of the ritual.
SuChin Pak
These are tools of a master showerman. I lay down my first tool which is the towel on the floor. And I stripped down to what is comfortable for you. And for me it is into a cotton biker short in some sort of a bralette. And I put this O.R.G skincare mineral peel body. I spray that from my feet up and that will get all the skin exfoliating. You know what I mean? Like we talked about that Korean spa experience where your skin starts to peel off in gray strips. Okay, so I get that going get that going in a nice, you know, just as many places as I feel I need exfoliating in and then I go into the shower to rinse it off. And the shower temperature…
Kulap Vilaysack
Wait please. Sorry. I don’t mean to interrupt. We’ve taken off our bralette and underwear at this point?
SuChin Pak 24:03
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay. Okay.
SuChin Pak
I have at the last minute. Before I’m supposed to get my body wet, have I been known to throw a bra over the shower curtain because I forgot to take it off before I got it. That’s fine. I like to wait to the very last minute to expose anything tender, you know. And so that comes off I’m in the shower. Okay, yes, I’m naked in the shower. And the water temperature is as hot as I can get it. Now, the Eucalyptus shower spa mist reminded me of a time. I will talk about this a little bit later.
SuChin Pak
When you could also do it with just taking essential oils and you do a few drops in your bathtub. So not near the drain. But like somewhere in the bath or the shower that the water isn’t directly hitting so it doesn’t wash it away and that can also give you and that’s so essential and so easy. Just keep that little spray mist or that essential oil, whatever vile, you know in your shower. The other thing I used to do have you ever actually used real eucalyptus leaves?
Kulap Vilaysack
I have seen that I haven’t used it but where you can put it on top of the shower I’m sure that’s divine.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, when we used to be able to go to Farmers Markets, you could buy very inexpensively like large branches of Eucalyptus you know leaves and then you would sort of use a rubber band and you’d put it around the shower and then every time you use a shower you get this really great scent, but was also kind of nice about as you walk in and you have all this like greenery around you which is also a totally unexpected thing that you’re like wow I’m..
Kulap Vilaysack
..In a rain forest.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s take a break and we’ll be back to dive deeper into our showers.
Kulap Vilaysack 26:27
And we are back on Add To Cart where we left off SuChin is boiling in her water. She is nude. I’ve been nude. I was nude the day before. And now we get into products. Now I’m well within the water. I I’m gonna wash my face and you can use any face cleanser. But right now when I’m using is the Naturium because SuChin Park introduced me to this brand. It’s the mixed greens nutrient rich cleanser, washing my face. I’m using this upon my neck and my decolletage. What is that that’s my from the base of my neck to my nipples.
SuChin Pak
She likes to top nippet. You know what I mean? With her skincare, we know this.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, sorry underboob.
SuChin Pak
You can be old and wrinkly.
Kulap Vilaysack
You continue to live in the shadows.
Kulap Vilaysack
So, I wash my face, then I am going to use shampoo and conditioner. Which because again, SuChin Pak has changed my life. I’m using the Hair Story New Wash, and something that we like to bring up a lot, which is the scalp brush.
SuChin Pak
When you show that to me, I have like a Pavlovian real like experience like all the tension in my neck just releases, so happy.
Kulap Vilaysack
So I’m taking a handful of this new wash was just both shampoo and conditioner. I’m putting it on my head I’m using, get working it into my scalp and bringing it down into the strands of my hair. And then I’m using this sculpt brush and I’m going to town, my scalp and then I’m letting it sit. So now we have some time while it sits. I can get back to my face. And I have to quickly dry it, quickly go out a little bit dry my face and my neck and my decolletage and I’m going to use the Cure Natural Aqua Gel, which we’ve talked about before which has the same goal as your body spray, which is to exfoliate and I am going to leave that on for a little bit and then I’m going to cleanse my body.
SuChin Pak 28:45
So wait, you do the Cure Natural Aqua Gel in the water? Or the water is off?
Kulap Vilaysack
The water. It’s in the water but my face is out of the water.
SuChin Pak
Oh, this is just for your face. It’s not for your body.
Kulap Vilaysack
Face and my neck and to nipple. And maybe not. Maybe there’s water splashes on the nipple, but I’m really trying to get at my neck and face.
SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m really worried you don’t know.
SuChin Pak
I’m so disoriented. Now I know exactly where we are.
Kulap Vilaysack
If ever you were lost. Please let me know my nipples are the compass. They’re your compass and mine. So what I hope is clear is that we’re kind of in a holding pattern right? The shampoo and conditioner needs to sit and really needed to get it needs to be outside of the water. The Aqua gel needs to sit for a little bit before I start doing around circles. So while we’re waiting on that, then I’m getting into my body. I’m getting into my body and I’m putting on gloves. Okay, I’m putting on exfoliating gloves. These are cheap gloves. You get three bucks from anywhere. Yeah, anywhere you can get these gloves on. And then, I’m right now I’m using the Alba Botanica bath and shower gel. Big, it’s 32 ounces.
SuChin Pak 30:13
And you pick that one because of the smell of the feel of the product. Any particular?
Kulap Vilaysack
I like the product; it was the only smell available on Instacart at Sprouts at the time. It’s fine. It smells fine. So it does the job and we’re stuck with it until it’s done. And we use the spatty. I’m avoiding getting my head and my face wet. But I’m working everywhere else.
SuChin Pak
You are acrobatic here, everywhere.
Kulap Vilaysack
But I’m not that flexible. So it’s hard for me to get my back. That’s all right. I’ve got this back scrubber that comes out. And I’m putting on some of that tuber rows, and I’m working the back, work where I can’t get it. Getting the middle, getting the shoulders.
SuChin Pak
[…] I’m so proud of you. So much. So many tools here. Really, it’s inspiring.
Kulap Vilaysack
This is not the end of the tools. But it is a pause for me because I want to hear your next steps.
SuChin Pak
Okay, as we go into our next steps. You know, listen, I have to be honest with you. When Claire asked us about the shower routine. And we thought well why don’t we make it an episode? I was like, not sure this is gonna be very interesting. Boy, boy, do I love to be wrong on this podcast. I have never seen such a deranged shower routine. But also I have a deranged shower routine. We’re crazy. Are we? Please let us, are we the exception?
Kulap Vilaysack 32:09
Let us know on our voicemail. 1833-453-6662
SuChin Pak
I gotta believe that we are. We are insane.
Kulap Vilaysack
But SuChin, this is “the works” okay? We’re talking about “the works”
SuChin Pak
I don’t care what it is. It’s the mark of insanity. I’m okay with it. I’m right there with you. Alright, so I’ve left off with the water is piping hot. I’m in. I am in my birthday suit. And I forgot to add something here I just can’t focus really. So I’m in the water, here I am. Now, number one, you do your facial cleansing and that in the shower. So I do my entire facial, like cleansing routine before. Like I do all of that blah, blah, blah. And then I go in the shower. Then when I come out of the shower, I finish with products on my face. So, I’m in the shower. And if you’ll see it’s not a you know, magical thing, but I forgot to add this. If you click on the link is I like to first go in with my favorite clarifying shampoo. It’s very inexpensive. It’s like I don’t know six bucks. eight bucks. It’s Biocure and it’s called Curiously Clarifying Shampoo. I like to do that first.
SuChin Pak
Now the reason I like to do that and Kulap, I feel like you will add another step to your rigorous and acrobatic shower routine. Because, and I know I don’t think you as well wash your hair every day. I am trying to go as long as I can in between hair washes. So this clarifying shampoo is really important for me because it’s really getting I feel like it’s really cleaning my scalp. So I go in with that. And like Kulap, I like we are hawking this damn scalp brush from hair story. Like we’re getting anything from it. We’re not.
SuChin Pak 34:17
So this $10 scalp brush, getting the shampoo and guys, as we said it before game changer get it, it’s $10. And you do that you rub that in and the thing with clarifying shampoos, you know you leave it on for just like a minute or so just to really kind of get the residue off of your scalp. So it’s going to really take all the product out of your scalp. It’s going to take the oil out of your scalp. It’s going to really clean your scalp and then you go in what the all fancy. Your fancy do dads.
Kulap Vilaysack
So, what are you doing in that minute? That minute that it needs the clarifying shampoo needs to just chill.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, what am I doing in there? I’m nothing I’m just sort of getting my body moist. You know what I mean? Getting my body moist, getting in blah, blah, blah. Nothing. I’m trying to think of what I do in that time. I usually like organize my shower caddy. You know what I mean? The kids have left, you know, little cups and things and I’m rinsing them out. You know, I’ve been known to clean my bathtub. You know what I mean? Just bring in a brush in there and go ahead and give them a scrub. You know what I mean? It’s wet already. You know, we can’t waste that water. Multitasking.
Kulap Vilaysack
We have to let that clarifying shampoo do its work.
SuChin Pak
We got to let it do its work. But guess what? During that time I’m working too, you know what I mean? She’s working. I’m working. So I got my cleaning bathtub. Cleaning the bathtub. Then rinsing off. Okay. You know, I am a Hair Story fanatic. I’m a Hair Story unpaid ambassador. Yeah. Now, what I haven’t told you, because it killed me a little bit is that Mike has become very sensitive to any type of scent, including any type of essential oils or even natural sense. And Hair Story has a beautiful scent, that is just a tiny scent. And there’s a rose scent in there just a little bit. It’s minty rose. It’s lovely. But if you don’t like rose, it’s gonna be a problem. So yeah, we had a moment. We had a couple’s moment. It was outside.
SuChin Pak 36:31
I remember the day very clearly; he knew how much I loved this Hair Story. He’s heard this podcast; he’s listened to every episode. And he said, I’m asking you something really big. Can you give up your hair story just for a bit. The Rose smell is really kind of driving me nuts. I stamped my foot like a two-year-old. And then I thought about it. And I said, Okay, I’m gonna roll up my sleeves, and I’m going to try to find an alternative. I have tried a lot of alternatives. And I came upon this company called PROS.
Kulap Vilaysack
We’ve already set an ad for PROS. This was prior to that.
SuChin Pak
Because when we got the ad submission, I felt so validated. I bought my PROS full retail. Without any promise of advertising.
Kulap Vilaysack
I don’t know what that’s like, keep talking.
SuChin Pak
Hair Story is great. Nobody should stop using Hair Story. But if you want something that doesn’t have sense, so pros, you fill out their little questionnaire, which is very extensive, and you tell them what kind of hair and problem blah, blah, and then they give you a formula. Now the difference with pros is that you get a shampoo and a conditioner. So it’s a little bit more labor intensive. Okay. And the conditioner, I like to make sure that it sits for a few minutes.
Kulap Vilaysack
So all conditioners, you got to let it sit.
SuChin Pak
You got to let it do its work otherwise you’re just rinsing the product right out and wasting your money.
Kulap Vilaysack
Your money is going down the drain.
SuChin Pak 38:01
That’s right. So for me at least, they’re both fantastic products. PROS is for I think it would also be great not only for people who want zero scent, there is zero cent in this which is great.
Kulap Vilaysack
Also PROS, There’s different formulas. So there are formulas that have scent but she’s using the one that has no scent.
SuChin Pak
That’s right, that has no scent. And so it comes in these two beautiful amber bottles with your name on them. Kind of.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, I like that.
SuChin Pak
Your name on that. And the other thing is, is I think if people felt like Hair Story was a little bit drying, huh, this is a creamy like I said, it’s a creamy experience. The only way to describe it, but it’s lovely. And so I put that in and now I like to turn my shower off at this point because I’m letting the conditioner in. Oh, I don’t need the water going. So when the water is off. Now when you’re in a Korean scrub, what you do before the scrub is they ask you, they require you to sit in hot boiling water first.
SuChin Pak
And if you don’t, you know, you can’t lie to them. They get angry and they put you in the water.
SuChin Pak
Because your skin won’t be prepped for the peel, they won’t be prepped for the scrubbing. And so I turn off the shower by then my skin is really prepped. And I go in with my Korean little you know towel and I get the parts that I feel are the toughest. So my feet, my elbows, you know what I mean? Like the places that really need to scrubbing. And that’s where, that’s where I’ll leave you guys, you know, just hanging on the edge of your seat.
Kulap Vilaysack
What will we say next?
SuChin Pak
I feel both I’ve reached an all-time high and an all-time low so how, I don’t, it’s mortification and delight, you’re right.
Kulap Vilaysack 40:10
That’s the range.
SuChin Pak
That is the range.
SuChin Pak
A wild swing. We understand and we are laughing at us with you.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, and here look. Look, there’s a lot of questions that need to be answered, right? Will producer Claire get the answer she needs? What more will be revealed? Who will regret this show idea more? Producer Claire? SuChin or myself? Tune in for part two of “showers”
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate review and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.