Take a Shower with SuChin and Kulap Pt. 2 featuring Caissie St. Onge
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Listen, if the rest of the shower routine in this episode doesn’t leave you feeling squeaky clean and ready to go, have no fear. Caissie St. Onge, co-host of the podcast Busy Phillips is Doing Her Best, is here from the future with gadgets. So, hop back in, let’s finish this shower business, and then put on your softest robe for wisdom from our future.
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
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Caissie St. Onge, Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, and Claire Jones
SuChin Pak 00:10
Hey everyone, this is SuChin Pak with a another edition of ADD TO CART.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I’m Kulap. Welcome back everyone. I know you’re all just dying to get into the shower with us again.
SuChin Pak
Are they?
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, that remains to be seen. I guess I’m being more hopeful than anything. And I want you guys to know that when the shower is over, we’ll be joined by a very special guest, Caissie St. Onge. If you aren’t completely clean from the shower, trust us, when we tell you that Caissie, you will make sure you are sparkling.
SuChin Pak
And all the parts are sparkling.
Kulap Vilaysack
Add To Cart, all the parts.
SuChin Pak
Alright, so we’re gonna get to all that soon. We just want to do a couple of things right up at the top. Kulap, I just think for me, right now, the most important thing is to make sure that the news around the AAPI violence which is still happening is top of mind and front-page news. It is disheartening, disappointing and not surprising that in the mainstream news, it just continues to slide further and further into oblivion. And that makes me very nervous. As a journalist, I know what that’s like, in a newsroom. You’re always pitching, you’re in a 24-hour news cycle, you’re just pitching the most urgent story is right at the top. And unless there’s representation in a newsroom that is meaningful, these stories aren’t going to be told until there’s something huge happening, like, God forbid another Atlanta.
SuChin Pak
So if you guys are not following certain accounts, or reporters or journalists that are really almost solely dedicated to making sure that the news around the AAPI community is top of mind, then I would really, really suggest you Add To Cart.
Kulap Vilaysack 02:08
Yeah, these are must follows.
SuChin Pak
Because otherwise, you’re not going to get this news. Dion Lim is a journalist. And she’s based out of San Francisco. CeFaan Kim is another journalist that has been on the streets in the very beginning about all of this reporting on this. He’s based in New York. And both of them do such an excellent job really following up on the stories but following up on where the victims are in terms of their recovery, what they need, you know, so it’s a real holistic approach I think to their coverage of the AAPI violence, I really love because it’s not just about the shocking videos, but it’s also about like, what’s happening with these people?
SuChin Pak
Like, are they okay, what do you need? Can we connect you to community organizers that are going to support you and help you. So it’s that type of journalism slash activism that I really love with these two. So Add To Cart, follow them. And then you’ve got your bigger accounts, you have NextShark, every Asian person is on NextShark. But if you’re not following NextShark, then they only cover AAPI news at this point. And the biggest of them all Diet Prada, I mean, just a round of applause there. They have gone from, you know, celebrity and fashion to being on the front lines of the AAPI community and talking about just the issues and the violence and the news around our community in such a big way.
SuChin Pak
They have such a big broad audience, the fact that they’re using their platform to focus on AAPI issues at this moment in time. Like, I don’t know who these people are, I was so moved, when I saw a story on there of that poor woman going to church and then the security guards closing the door. I didn’t see that news by the way, in mainstream news. I saw it on Diet Prada. I messaged someone I was like; I don’t know who you are. But I just want to let you know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you are doing this. And so those are just four accounts I really highly recommend that you Add To Cart to really understand what’s happening, what’s happening on a daily basis because you’re not going to get this from mainstream news.
Kulap Vilaysack 04:25
That’s right. And now, how is it that I always get the job to have to do these transitions.
SuChin Pak
I know.
Kulap Vilaysack
Here we go guys. Let’s get into the meat of this episode. Let’s get in. Let’s get back into the shower.
SuChin Pak
Oh truly let’s.
Kulap Vilaysack
Last we left you. Just to set the scene in case you forgot. In case you didn’t decide to re listen. Take a Shower Part 1 before this came out in anticipation to make sure you remembered every element. Last we left you, SuChin was doing a naked tub scrub. #nakedtubscrub everybody, let’s start it.
SuChin Pak
You know what I mean. It’s a drought, a multitasking all the time.
Kulap Vilaysack
If you got time to lean, you’ve got time to clean, SuChin Pak says, she says in the shower. And now, Add to Carter’s, the final conclusion to Add To Cart Take a Shower. I too am in a bit of a holding pattern at this time.
SuChin Pak
I’m sweating, I’m sweating on laughing so hard.
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m sweating I had to take out my Bala wrist because it’s too much for me. (laughs)
SuChin Pak 06:13
We know, guys, we know we’re ridiculous. We understand. We laugh along with you and at us. We laugh at us.
Kulap Vilaysack
And you know it’s doing this. I do this all the time. I never thought I would tell anybody. And like most things, I just say yes. And go yeah, I’ll do whatever. And now I’m inside of it. I’m like, oh, this is very intimate.
SuChin Pak
We don’t hold back, because we love to share but also because at least from my end, it takes too much time to edit. And I’m lazy. So I’d rather just share it.
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m not going to stop and I will not withhold any details. But I just want you guys to know that I’m hearing myself.
SuChin Pak
And she can’t get it together. I get it.
Kulap Vilaysack
I can’t. So where I left you guys off is I’m waiting for my shampoo to do its work. I’m the Cure Natural Aqua Gel has been sitting for a beat on my face. And now I’m going to start rubba dub dubbing making circular motions on my face and on my neck to get the dead skin off. And then I am going to be working on my feet.
SuChin Pak
Waters on the whole time. You’ve not turned off the water once.
Kulap Vilaysack
Sorry, I have not. I’ve not it’s shameful. Yep, water has been on. It will not go off until the end. And at this point I’m sitting down, and the water is away from me as I file.
SuChin Pak
Why are you taking a cheese grater into the bath. That’s a cheese grater. Be honest.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean. Yeah, it’s not. You can absolutely, it would be a Parmesan..
SuChin Pak 08:03
No, it’s not a cheese grater. That’s actually a foot file. I’ve never seen a foot file.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, this is what the bag says it’s Rikans Foot File. It looks SuChin is correct, It looks like a cheese grater.
SuChin Pak
Does it draw blood when you do this?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, it doesn’t. But if you gotta chill with this, you can’t go, you can’t a+ this. You can’t.
SuChin Pak
You gotta chill. You got to be real chill. You gotta be quiet. You got to lay low.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s stainless steel, okay?
SuChin Pak
Wow. Oh my god.
Kulap Vilaysack
We are being gentle because the first time I used it; I went too far. I Kulap it and it hurts. It didn’t drop blood but it was painful. So we are being careful. And we’re hitting those rough patches on our feet. Water is on. Is on. Still on. We are getting towards the end. We are fully, we are rinsed. Now I’m rinsing my hair out. I’m taking that scalp brush again. Just to make sure all the residue is off. My final thing and I don’t do it always but I did it my last shower yesterday is I if I think to do it, I do a cold-water rinse.
SuChin Pak
For your hair or for just everywhere?
Kulap Vilaysack
Whole body.
SuChin Pak
Oh god.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let it rain on me. Closing pores, for closing pores it’s great for the hair. It’s great for the skin. It makes my heart go boom, boom, boom. I was inspired by Goop Lab on Netflix, the Wim Hof Method, which is The Iceman, the man who can swim in..
SuChin Pak
Arctic waters naked.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes. He suggested you know, just to start yourself off, it’s like do you like a cold shower and get into horse stance.
SuChin Pak
Are you planning on swimming in Arctic waters?
Kulap Vilaysack
Never. But I would and I’d like you for you to do it with me.
SuChin Pak 10:01
Oh, no.
Kulap Vilaysack
Wait, let me finish.
SuChin Pak
This is an old tropical bird. It’s an old tropical bird here.
Kulap Vilaysack
If we were to do something like they did in the Goop Lab, where we would go up to big bear in our bikinis.
SuChin Pak
Don’t own one. you wouldn’t
Kulap Vilaysack
You wouldn’t be wearing a bikini; you would be wearing your bralette and your biker shorts. And we’d be horse dancing and breathing heavily on the snow and then we dive into the lake. Would you do that with me?
SuChin Pak
No. But I do other things with you Kulap, you know I would.
Kulap Vilaysack
All right. Well, thanks. So that SuChin that is the end of my shower. I’m turning off the water. I squeegee, I squeegee out my shower because of I have glass.
Kulap Vilaysack
I think she needs a nice celebratory sound effect here; you know?
Kulap Vilaysack
We’re squeegeeing the windows to the outside, we’re squeegeeing the glass doors. We’re opening the door. Now if I’ve done the cold shower, my body’s pre acclimated to the cooler air outside of the shower, and I’m wrapping my head up in a smaller hair towel. You have one of those SuChin, where it’s already twisted.
SuChin Pak
I know of them. I would love to. I like to think about it. But yeah.
Kulap Vilaysack
I like that to SuChin because I don’t need a big towel on top of my head. Smaller, less things to wash. And then I’m drying myself off getting all my crevices and that’s the end of my shower, SuChin.
Kulap Vilaysack
Where we left off, SuChin has turned off the water. Waters off she still remains in the shower, the shower is not over, but the water is off.
SuChin Pak
Showers off, conditioner is in the hair. I’ve soaked foliated, I’ll do a quick rinse. And then I wrapped my hair in a rubber band and I step out of the shower.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:01
Rubber band? Like it’s just a normal rubber band? Like a produce rubber band, or like one for hair?
SuChin Pak
Either. Whatever, whatever is there the last time I was there, my hair is wet and it’s conditioned. It’s fine. It can be a rubber rubber band, like dry hair pulling it out. I don’t know. Sometimes it’s what you got; you know. And sometimes like the hair or rubber bands, they get a little I get scared like it’s all wet and moist from the I don’t know. It’s moisture. So anyway, so I put my hair up in the thing I come out. I finish my face, do all the serums while the conditioner is in. And then I start finishing up the rest of my routine. I like to use on my feet and I’m glad that we’re taking care of our feet. I like to use these two products. Usually some sort of oil right now I’m really into this Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil that is in a squeezable package. Have you ever seen this?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, not in a squeezable package.
SuChin Pak
Oh, it’s incredible, because you know, you can get coconut oil and put it on your body. People have been doing that forever. But it usually comes in like a jar and it’s so messy. This is a squeezable thing. It’s actually it’s almost like a toothpaste. I do the coconut oil. I put it on my feet. And then I put a petroleum jelly like substance. It’s an unpetroleum jelly, you can pick any one you want. And what that does is it seals the moisture. Okay, and then I put on this gel sock over my foot.
Kulap Vilaysack
I love when you laugh at me. And then..
SuChin Pak
You have to let the stuff sit on your skin. Our feet are dry and cracked. Like you can’t just moisturized, and then it just rubs off on the carpet or the floor or the towel. You got to lock it in. So you put, that they have special socks where the inside is almost like a gel and then the outside looks like a fuzzy little sock and you put it on and then you can pat around throughout the day and your feet. It’s doing the work. You know what I mean? It’s sealing in all the juices. You know, like a thanksgiving turkey.
Kulap Vilaysack 14:27
Wait, so I guess I thought that the water being off. That wasn’t the end of the shower.
SuChin Pak
No, it’s not.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, sorry.
SuChin Pak
So now I’m in a bathrobe. I got my face. I got my face tight. I got my face, you know, creamy. And now my feet are in these beautiful gel socks. I still have the conditioner in my hair. So I have one other showers that you can remove. And I do the rinse of my hair.
Kulap Vilaysack
The wand, you’re doing the wand.
SuChin Pak
I’m the doing wand, and I do that and then I brought my hair.
Kulap Vilaysack
Now I’m understanding blowing my mind that we’re wanding at the end.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, we’re wanding at the end, yeah I’m not going back in the shower, but the shower is not over. Now another tip, another tip is that coconut oil is also naturally antibacterial. So there are certain times when a lady feels…
Kulap Vilaysack
What’s happening, what’s going to happen?
SuChin Pak
When a lady feels less fresh. And so what you can do is you can take the coconut oil, and you can put it in and around your lady bits.
Kulap Vilaysack
Is that true?
SuChin Pak
Yes. And then I’ll put like a panty liner on and put on my underwear. And I’ll let that do its magical work.
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack 16:00
So just the oil?
SuChin Pak
Just the coconut oil.
Kulap Vilaysack
No petroleum here? It’s just the coconut oil?
SuChin Pak
Yeah. And it’s very natural. It’s like I said, it’s antibacterial.
Kulap Vilaysack
I’m interested because I’ve never done it. I don’t do aside from just washing it. And then I’m not doing anything else.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. You shouldn’t be putting soap on it and that sort of thing. Right But like..
Kulap Vilaysack
Wait, you’re not supposed to put soap on it?
SuChin Pak
Well, they say, you know, I mean..
Kulap Vilaysack
Not in it.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. Well, it’s like a pH balance type of thing. You know, and when your pH gets stripped or it’s off, then things can get a little kooky. You don’t need soap. You can use this.
Kulap Vilaysack
Really? You don’t need soap.
SuChin Pak
Well, you soap the outside.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, okay.
SuChin Pak
But do this more for like, once a month, or just kind of like an extra, extra. It’s what I like to call, you know, it’s an oil change. You know what I mean? You don’t have to do it all the time. But it keeps the engine running. It keeps the engine clean. And it’s super easy to do. I enjoy it.
Kulap Vilaysack
All right. Well, that’s a hot tip that I definitely have it. I now understand why it would be better to have the packets than palming it from a mason jar. And if you get it in what looks like sort of a, you know, I don’t know, it looks like a yogurt packet or a single serve. packet. You can do the trick that our listener did a couple episodes back as when it seems like it’s almost done yet cut in half. And yeah, you get that product and you use the spatty.
SuChin Pak
Spatty it, always time for a spatty.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, at this time, we’d like to bring our producer Claire to get her reactions to see.
SuChin Pak
You know what? This is officially the longest we’ve ever recorded. An episode is on our shower routine. That’s sad.
Kulap Vilaysack 18:05
See, you said that, oh, it’s not gonna be enough. There was talks before about like, oh, it’s a shower and a face routine. I was like, no way. I’m looking at my products and there’s no way, is this a marathon show?
SuChin Pak
Okay, go ahead. Claire our producer is here.
Kulap Vilaysack
So is this what you wanted?
Claire Jones
Yes. This was everything I wanted and more.
Kulap Vilaysack
Did we leave anything out? Do you have other questions?
SuChin Pak
Stephanie, our other producer has gone to actually cooking dinner. She’s cooking dinner.
Kulap Vilaysack
Night has fallen.
SuChin Pak
Because she’s like, “y’all are crazy.” Go on. And now are there regrets, Claire?
Claire Jones
No regrets.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, okay. All right. All right.
Claire Jones
The context for wanting to know all of this information in so much detail is because if you go to the internet and try and find out best practices for all of these things, it’s extremely overwhelming.
SuChin Pak
Oh, and this wasn’t?
Claire Jones
And, knowing. No, because at this point, having now produced this show for many, many episodes. I have just in this room. There are things all over that I have purchased.
Kulap Vilaysack
She pulled out a bottle of Nettle.
SuChin Pak
She’s got a Guasha
Claire Jones
Yeah, yeah, it’s all over the place. And so as that’s highly yep, there’s […]
SuChin Pak
Oh, there’s Mike. Her husband, Mike.
Claire Jones
Mike is hoping […]. So yes, as trusted sources. This is exactly what I wanted. So, yes, thank you. I have no further questions.
SuChin Pak
We take your trust to heart. You know, we don’t hold it lightly. And we’re so glad that you don’t, you don’t regret this at least you don’t right now. So there we are.
Kulap Vilaysack
And look, again, it was “the works”. I really want to make this clear that I’m not doing this every day that would be I am insane but that would be extra insane. We’re not filing my hooves every day or every, you know, shower, looking around like the things are getting a little rough. Let’s take care of that, you know?
SuChin Pak 20:15
Yeah, this happens once, twice a week tops, tops, tops, guys, everybody calm down, sit down, sit down. Stop screaming. All right.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, we have an amazing guest. She’s a writer, a TV producer, and co-hosts of Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, please. Welcome to add to cart. Caissie St. Onge.
SuChin Pak
Welcome, welcome. Welcome.
Kulap Vilaysack
Caissie St. Onge
Thank you so much for having me. I’m such a huge fan of this podcast. And I’m so happy to be here with you today.
Kulap Vilaysack
We have so many mutual friends and through them became friends ourselves. But I love your Twitter feed. I love to hear your takes on everything.
Caissie St. Onge
SuChin Pak
I sense just as a newcomer to this friend group I just added myself. That you all really enjoy. And I applaud it. A good sort of theme. It may be costume. It may be dance. You know, it may be a tropical, you know, mood. But you guys are a group of producers.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s right.
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah, you know what, even just the color palettes, SuChin, you can just you’re wearing a polka dot top right now. That’s enough for me a black and white polka dot is enough of a theme for me.
SuChin Pak
I’ll go with it. One of the first things wait, I’m just realizing, one of the first things first order of business when we before we even launched this podcast was Kulap talking about what’s gonna be our color palette. I was so into it. I was surprised and delighted by question number one on the agenda. And many of Pinterest board has been made about our color palette. Which doesn’t exist anymore.
Kulap Vilaysack 22:17
Doesn’t, it’s God.
SuChin Pak
Never executed.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s gonna sit in mood, right?
SuChin Pak
I was like, this is how you do a podcast. You start out the color palette, I had no idea.
Caissie St. Onge
That’s the first thing I do start like a fake Instagram account to start putting pictures like for a TV show, a podcast, a friendship SuChin if we like become close friends, I’ll make a fake Instagram account that you and I both have the password to and I’ll just like put a bunch of pictures on it. That may be you and I like that just like we’ll set the vibe for our friendship.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean, that’s next level. That’s amazing. Because you need to do that. You got to set up an email. You know this is commitment.
SuChin Pak
She’s got so many emails; you have like a rolling receipt. You’ll be like, got it.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, like yeah, exactly like a CVS receipt of all of her emails.
SuChin Pak
Girl Blue 2020 Roaring 20s, at.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh my goodness, Caissie, please. I want to know what you’re adding to cart, what you’re removing from cart. What should we start with?
Caissie St. Onge
The first thing that I’m most excited to talk to you guys about is Dr. Tung’s Ionic Toothbrush This thing might be a magic.
Kulap Vilaysack
But what I’m really loving right now is that it’s not like it’s Dr. like mouth tongue. Even though it no you know, it’s t u n g. But he works, his businesses around tongues. And that’s just serendipitous.
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah. And by the way, I don’t even know what Dr. Tung’s qualifications are. I didn’t really look into it. I just know that like, I’ve been going through a thing where like my teeth have had that not so fresh feeling lately. And like, I don’t want to rat out like a particular brand. But I had like a very pricey Sonic type toothbrush that I felt wasn’t like that thing used to be my dream toothbrush.
SuChin Pak 24:23
They got like a gold standard in the dental industry.
Caissie St. Onge
Yes, the gold standard. And I love that thing. And then suddenly, it wasn’t getting my teeth clean anymore. And so I was you know, I’m always trying to find a reason for things like a scientific in my mind, a scientific reason. And so I was like, maybe it’s the move to California. Like maybe the waters different here. Maybe it’s like a medication that I’m taking that’s like interfering with my saliva. Maybe it’s age like to be honest. Like maybe when you get old, your spit gets old. I don’t know. But I just was not having..
Kulap Vilaysack
I think that’s probably likely though I think, you know, I think it’s yeah, we are expiring every day.
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah. So it became a quest. And so I was switching toothbrushes. And just I gone through a bevy of toothbrushes. And so I saw this Dr. Tung’s Ionic Toothbrush, on the evil amazon.com, I’m afraid to say, but, I ordered one, it seemed really weird. But then I saw that, like, I think somebody who claimed to be a physicist, had ordered it and reviewed it and said that, like, I’m a physicist, and I ordered this and I like it. I say it works. And so I ordered it. And okay.
SuChin Pak
And this is in the comment section of the Amazon product page.
Caissie St. Onge
In the reviews. Okay.
Kulap Vilaysack
And also, sorry to interrupt again, but I just want to say in name of the product, they mentioned that it makes teeth repel plaque, bringing healthy smiles naturally. I can’t wait to hear if that’s true.
Caissie St. Onge 26:05
Yeah. So Okay, so here’s the weird thing. Okay, so I got this toothbrush, and it comes with like interchangeable heads. And so it’s so weird, you guys. Okay, so there’s like a battery inside the toothbrush, and there’s like a little button that you can press on it. And a red light goes on to tell you like the battery’s still working. Okay. And so because it has interchangeable heads, once I tried it, and I was like, yeah, this thing works. My husband wanted to try it. But because he knew there was like a button and a battery. Like he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that it didn’t vibrate. So he kept being like, this thing doesn’t work for me. And I was like, no, it’s like it’s manual, but it has a battery inside it. That’s what makes it work. And so you have to like wet your fingers that hold it and touch a metal part of it on the handle and brush your teeth. And I guess the battery and then you’re like maybe forming some kind of like circuit with the electricity in your body. Anyway, according to like the research that I tried to do, it reverses the polarity of your teeth, which normally acts like a plaque magnet. And so then it repels the plaque of your teeth.
SuChin Pak
We need to pause. I instantaneously added and removed from cart in about a 15 second span.
Caissie St. Onge
My teeth are like glass. They feel fake. I feel like my teeth made a deal with the devil. It is the cleanest my teeth have..
SuChin Pak
Now it’s back in my cart. Oh my god. I’ve added and removed this thing.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, yes, SuChin. I’m gonna echo what you’re saying. I’m like I’m in, I don’t know this sounds insane. But then you’re saying it’s your teeth feels amazing. Your teeth feels like fine china.
Caissie St. Onge 28:06
Yeah, I mean, like, it shocks me every day. I just I can’t. It’s kind of scary. And I’m like, is this battery doing something weird to the rest of my body? Is my body repelling other things that it shouldn’t be repelling but like is working so well on my teeth. And I will say that my teeth stay really clean throughout the day. And they stay really clean overnight. When I brush my teeth at night they stay really clean overnight.
Kulap Vilaysack
You bringing this product to us like you are so at home right now? Like SuChin talks about teeth a lot. I want to share with you, I’ve shared that I’ve had a lot of like health issues. There’s been a reckoning in that way but I also want to share a health brag in that my cardiologist did a mouth test to check if you know like bacteria and oftentimes bacteria in your mouth leaks to problem cardiovascularly and such and she said that I have one of the cleanest mouths she’s ever tested.
Caissie St. Onge
That’s amazing.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I just wanted to just put that out there.
Caissie St. Onge
That’s amazing.
SuChin Pak
Oh, that needs to go on up on a button that you put on your shirt. Because people need to understand how unique and beautiful you are. I just need a moment here. I’m fully clenched. every muscle in my body is clenched. I am just it’s involuntary. I’m so excited about this conversation. Nothing makes me happier than talking about oral hygiene. Number one, number two, this product is $24.99. Okay, I’m going to be trying this as soon as the evil prime, I will be putting, I will be licking my finger putting it on this socket, plugging it in whenever I have to do I think there is something about for sure aging that I never cared about my like my teeth when my teeth I brush them like moved on. And all the tricks aren’t working. Maybe it’s just like old saliva.
Caissie St. Onge 30:21
Yeah. I hope you like it as much as I do it really it’s very life changing. I really look forward to brushing my teeth. I do have to confess I feel like a little bit of a weird pervert wetting my fingers before I touch the handle. I don’t know why it feels like weirdly sexual to me.
SuChin Pak
I don’t think there’s anything weird about that. I think that’s where I removed it from cart and then the glass teeth brought me right back into the cart, you know?
Kulap Vilaysack
Look, it’s a newer technology. I’m sure. You know, when people moved from, you know, a kerosene light to electricity. That felt strange. You know, we’re trying things out here.
Caissie St. Onge
We’ll get used to it down the line.
Kulap Vilaysack
Alright, let’s take a quick break, and we’ll be right back.
Kulap Vilaysack
What’s her next product? What’s her next add to cart?
Claire Jones
Okay, the next product is something that, okay, I have a history with this product. It’s been ongoing. In my family. We call it Shirt Guy. It’s the serene life shirt drying dummy. And okay, so I’m going to describe it to you. It’s like, okay, do you know those blow-up guys that are in front of like car dealerships? Okay, like, it’s like that, but the size of like a man that you’d be married to maybe. And it is headless. And it blows hot air. And you put a shirt on it and then you put a wet shirt on it. And then it blows up and it dries the shirt without wrinkles. And we got it, because my husband has to wear certain shirts to work. And we both hate ironing. And he looked like a wrinkled mess every day. So we got this shirt drying dummy. And it was genius because you just put it on there on the shirt drying dummy. And then for 10 minutes on Shirt Guy. And then it was like perfect, crispy, like unwrinkled shirt. But then we came to love it like a headless family member. But then sadly like one day, he just like for like only 5 minutes and then deflated. And like shirt guy was no more like he had like shorted out. And I was devastated. Yeah, he was deceased.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:58
How long was he with you?
Caissie St. Onge
Like less than six months. And so, so sad. So I had like, and I had talked about Shirt Guy on my podcast before and like talked about how genius he was and how I was like, kind of in love with him even though I was married. And he’s headless. And so I put like an Instagram story saying like, “RIP Shirt Guy”. And like I tagged the company in the Instagram post. And then they were like, give us another chance. And so they send a new shirt guy to my house and shirt guy one can never be replaced, obviously, you know.
Kulap Vilaysack
Of course not. Not in your heart.
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah, not in my heart. But this new shirt guy. We named him Shirt Reynolds, and I’m really careful with him. And he is exactly the same as the first shirt guy. And he’s brilliant. So we’re just treating him very gingerly. And it is a brilliant device. It is a brilliant device. So I’m just really praying that it never breaks again because it’s a genius idea.
Kulap Vilaysack 34:05
I didn’t know that this was available. I mean you’re bringing us like technology that we didn’t know.
Caissie St. Onge
SuChin Pak
She’s traveled from the future. I don’t think she’s from the present time is what we’re getting at here.
Caissie St. Onge
I will say that it was so genius when original Shirt Guy broke. Like I rigged up a hairdryer to the blow-up body to like continue to dry shirts with like the husk of shirt guys body. But you know what I mean, it’s like some psycho Norman Bates stuff happening, you know? And so I’m glad we’re in a healthier space now. But that’s how brilliant the concept is.
Kulap Vilaysack
You were in grief. And we do. This is what again, you’re from the future. SuChin and I are on the same website. We didn’t know about these products. How is she through the tea leaves sussing out these.
SuChin Pak
What are you searching? What’s your search? What’s your search keywords like? drying shirt? Hate ironing product?
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah, I’m just a desperate woman who hates I guess. I guess the key is I hate things a lot more than the two of you. Like, you might not like ironing but I really hate it.
SuChin Pak
Can you put on any type of fabric?
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah, you can. People who are plus size have asked me like, Oh, can I put a plus size shirt on it? And yes, the body unzips so it will like it will blow up bigger to be like a plus size shirt. You could put any kind of fabric, stretchy fabric. Yeah, any kind I never tried. I have thought I’d want to try to put a pair of pants on it and see like if it would work on a like pair of pants maybe? I don’t know, but we’ll see.
Kulap Vilaysack
Would you flip the pants so that?
Caissie St. Onge
Kulap Vilaysack 36:00
I just wanted to be clear. And I’m seeing also now, I’m so curious if this TOTO Drake cotton white? Is it the actual toilet? If this is an add or remove to cart?
Caissie St. Onge
No, that’s a toilet that we put in our bathroom?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, that’s a toilet.
Caissie St. Onge
Okay, so we bought a house in California. We moved into like this 1950s adorable house last year right before the pandemic happened. And it’s a really cute house and the bathroom had been given a very Southwestern flavored makeover by the previous owners who are very nice people. But that wasn’t the bathrooms true identity. So we stripped the glaze that they’d put on the tub and put it back to like, it’s old mint green self. And we’re trying to just do a very budget makeover on the bathroom. But the one place we wanted to splurge was replacing the toilet. And so we use like all our credit card points for like our entire marriage. We’ve been married like, almost 25 years to buy this like super jazzy toilet.
SuChin Pak
It’s like the 25th anniversary gift. You know?
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah, I mean, we were just like let’s buy the fanciest toilet that not that money could buy, that credit card points could buy and so we got like TOTO toilet that comes with like a bidet seat. So like, yeah, it’s the kind of toilet that I’ve seen in my rich friends’ houses and kinda like wish that I had but like..
SuChin Pak
Go ahead. No, Caissie, I want to hear about your toilet and I’m not poo-pooing your toilet pun intended. Does it warm up your butt?
Caissie St. Onge 38:04
Oh yeah, yes, it’s a heated. And it this one also, it uses like electro charged water. We’ve had this toilet a long time and I’ve only had to clean it like two times because it pre sprays the bowl before you go. And then it sprays the bowl after you go with this special.
SuChin Pak
[…] Your saliva to anything.
Caissie St. Onge
I should use the toilet to wash my mouth out Probably. That’s probably what’s wrong. Yeah, it’s that clean. But the one thing that I will say about it is that it opens automatically and pre rinses itself out when it things that you want to use it and things that I want to use it all the time. And it’s a real try hard, you know, and I’m just like, it makes me feel bad.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, it’s hard to have a thirsty toilet.
Caissie St. Onge
Yeah, it’s very thirsty. That’s how I know I’m not cut out to be fancy or rich because I can’t have something at my beck and call that way. Just really eager to serve me like I’m like calm down toilet. I’m just putting a towel on the towel rack. You know, like settle down. It makes me feel bad.
SuChin Pak
When I went to Kulap’s house and was treated to the toilet experience. I guess the question I had for her was like how do you then just like go back? You know what I mean like how do you go to a Chipotle and use a bathroom there? Do you know like, I’m saying is that like can you over fuss over your cheeks to a point where going back is really hard?
Caissie St. Onge
Well, I can tell you as a parent, I think it’s a problem. I’m very aware of this because I was always told when I first had a baby don’t get the wipe warmer because then your baby will scream when you’re out in public and you wipe it with a cold wipe. So I’m worried that you know if I ever have to use a cold bidet or no bidet that I’ll scream. And also, when my kids went to public school and the school installed toilets with automatic flushing, which was for sanitary reasons so that kids wouldn’t have to flush with their hands. A lot of the parents started complaining now my kid is like, leaving deuces in the toilet at home. Because he doesn’t remember to flush the toilet now that he never has to do it. So I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m gonna do in Chipotle, but also like, you know, Chipotle like, that’s what everybody does.
Kulap Vilaysack 40:32
So you’ll be fine. It’s a non-issue is what we’re trying to say.
SuChin Pak
Casey, I want to say thank you so much.
Kulap Vilaysack
Thank you.
Caissie St. Onge
Sure. My pleasure.
Kulap Vilaysack
Where can we find you on the internet?
Caissie St. Onge
You can find me on Twitter at @caissie, which is spelled unusually. And I’m also on Instagram at @instacais, not very original. And I’m also on Facebook. So tell your mom to find me there. And yeah, and I’ll see you there. And Kulap, hopefully, I’ll see you and SuChin around Los Angeles soon when we all get vaccinated.
SuChin Pak
I would like to just have an open invitation. Because I am sensing that you are from the future as we have said. And this is the lane for Add To Cart like you need to come on and tell us how to optimize and what the future looks like. Because it’s beautiful. And by the way easier.
Kulap Vilaysack
I feel like you’re from the future but it’s not like you’re from the future 100 years from now which by the way if you were, it’s not helpful for us.
Caissie St. Onge
Two weeks from the future.
Kulap Vilaysack 42:07
Most important to us.
SuChin Pak
Just from two weeks from now.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s thank you for being here.
SuChin Pak
Immediate instant gratification future.
Caissie St. Onge
Well, it was my pleasure and I would be happy to come back anytime
Kulap Vilaysack
Yay, thank you so much.
SuChin Pak
Okay, well wow guys, listen if you’re not clean in your body, your mind, your house, your spirit. Every possible place really. Then be sure to check out take a shower with SuChin and Kulap Part 1. I’m kidding God, please just get us out of the shower already.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s a mobius strip you start with wand, the. you to go back with the wand.
SuChin Pak
We’ll never take another shower with you guys again, we promise.
Kulap Vilaysack
Thanks so much to Caissie for coming on the show. And zero thanks to our producer Claire for making us do this.
SuChin Pak
I mean a lot of things for you and me We had so much fun I just don’t know the rest of our listeners found that as amusing as we did. Alright, find everything mentioned in this episode on our social media @AddToCartPod.
Kulap Vilaysack
We’ll be back next week with who knows what.
SuChin Pak
If that isn’t ever a tagline.
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate review and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.