Lemonada Media

Thumb-Sucking, Dizzy, Eggs

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Sarah gets dizzy sometimes and doesn’t hate it. Plus, she offers tips on how to stay present, shares her opinion on stretched earlobes, and helps a woman decide whether or not to donate her eggs.

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Hazel, Kay, Andy, Dustin, Patrick, Becca, Sarah Silverman, Amy

Sarah Silverman  00:14

Hi, everyone, it’s your old pal Sarah Silverman. And I was, I was thinking I would bring this to you because I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this I, I think it’s because I have low blood pressure. I used to faint all the time. But now I just I really all you can do for this is just salt, your food, which is a great thing to have to do for your health and probably kind of rare. Don’t do it unless you have very low blood pressure but so I put all that salt on everything, and I haven’t been fainting. But sometimes I still get very, very dizzy and I kind of blackout I don’t I don’t know how to. I don’t know if it’s called blackout, because that’s like when you’re drunk or something. Like I’ll stand up and everything will go black, and I have to either sit down or find something to hold on to. Everything goes black, and I just kind of wait until I can see again. And is it scary, I guess? But not really. I mean, it seems like it’s only scary because it seems like there’s something wrong, but I know what it is. It’s just like I either don’t have enough salt or I haven’t drank enough or eaten enough. But here’s the odd part. When it happens, and if Rory sees me, he’ll be like, are you okay? And I’m like, I’m okay, I just everything went black. I’m dizzy, I get so dizzy that everything goes black. And I have to hold on to something or be or sit down until my vision comes back. Here’s the thing, while that’s happening. The feeling is euphoric. It’s euphoric. I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s, and when I used to faint all the time. It was horrible. I’d feel it coming on, and it was bad. But when I actually fainted, and like, you just have to your body just lets go. You’re out of control of your body, and as I would come to same thing, like it’s a euphoric feeling. I mean, of course, I’m nervous, I feel guilty, I’m embarrassed, all these things flood back. But there’s this moment where you have no control over your body. And I realized that this feeling feels euphoric. That’s all if you have something to add, or you know what it is, or you have experienced the same thing on the, you know, regular or semi regular, call in, because, like, what is that? And I just have decided to enjoy it. Alright, let’s take some calls.


Kay  03:02

Hello, Sarah, this is Kay. I live in Vermont, in a little house with a little baby and a little dog. And that’s the family. I am a single parent by choice, which is kind of a thing I realize, there’s a community which is pretty cool. It’s mostly online. But anyway, I am of course very busy and very tired. My son is nine months old. And I’m working two jobs and you know, like doing my best and just kind of like powering through it. And I feel like I’m missing my life. You know, because I know this is temporary. But I you know, I worked so hard to you know, save up for fertility treatments and, you know, go through all of it and pregnancy and you know, and I love my son so much but I really sometimes I look at pictures of him after he goes to sleep and I’m like, I was I wasn’t even there for this like, I my being present and or am I just like thinking about when I can next go to bed or stressed or rushing around like, like a chicken. So anyway, how do you how do you stay present? I guess. Love you.


Sarah Silverman  04:27

You know, this is good question, I mean, first I’ll give you the thing that my strength told me that’s like, what’s his face? Who’s the power of now dude. Eckhart Tolle, Toll a Toll however you say it I’ve heard it said all those ways about if you if you’re in a situation that you don’t like, leave, if you can’t leave, change it. If you can’t change it, you have to accept it. There’s some kind of answer in that for you. But as I’m telling you this, I’m telling this to myself as well, there is only the present. So everything you’re going through that you feel like you’re missing, there isn’t really a change to be made other than inside your mind of this is, this is what is this is this is your, as my mother would say, and I never understood it at the time, I’m a human being not a human doing, you know. So everywhere you are every moment that you’re living in. That’s the moment, but when you’re toiling over the past, or if you have anxiety over tomorrow, you’re not in the present. That’s where you’re that’s what you’re feeling, I think. So, toiling over the past, that’s considered depression, anxiety over the future that you know, worrying about the future, that’s anxiety. So there is only right now. And that’s really the best way to be existing is right now. And, you know, like Rory was really stressed about X, Y and Z or something the other day. And I said, and this is what I, you know, this is a practice I’m not, you know, good at it, it’s just easy, because when it’s someone else like you, so when he was really stressed out about something, and while he was stressed out, this is what we were doing. We were on the couch together, dogs on his lap. And he was stressing about something in the future. And I said, okay, but how are you right now in this moment? And he went, Oh, well, this is like, my favorite thing in the world. I’m on the couch with you with dogs, and it’s heaven. All right, well experience this. Because you can worry about work when you’re at work. If there’s something you can do ahead of time. If there’s work, you can get done to alleviate the stress of what you have coming up, that’s different. That’s great, then do that right now. But if there’s nothing you can do right now about what you’re stressed about tomorrow, or the next day. Gently remove that worry, gently remind yourself that you’re ruining this moment. With what with with stories, you’re telling yourself that may not even come true. And if they do, you’ll deal with it then. I don’t know, this is not revelatory, but for some people, it may be revelatory for me it was and continues to be. It’s something I have to remind myself of. You know, I remember, like I was super stressed about my podcast the next day, one night, I was so stressed over it. And, and Rory did the same for me, he said, but are you okay right now, and I was like, says like, heaven. I’m in bed with you. And we’re watching TV, and it’s my favorite thing in the world, right? Why am I living in tomorrow? I’m already prepared as much as I can. If there’s something I can do to alleviate what’s coming up? Yeah, do it, but there wasn’t. So let it go. Enjoy this moment, that’s when you’re really fucking ruining the present. Because you’re stressed about something in the future that often does not even come to pass, does it? We tell ourselves horror stories, that’s a very human thing for some reason. I think it has to do with ego. No, I don’t know what it has to do with but it’s very human, I remember my shrink saying, I asked him about because it seemed to be something that a lot of people could relate to. I remember as a kid, I would walk and go. I would say, in my mind, like, if I don’t pass that crack in the road before that car passes me, I’m gonna die. You know, like, and I go, why would I do that to myself as a kid? And he said, it’s really common, it’s how we deal with mortality by trying to to have some kind of control over it. It’s interesting. All right, I don’t know if I answered that question. But I know I said several words. Alright, what else?


Sarah Silverman  04:28

Hey, Sarah, I love you. And so far as someone who doesn’t really know you can know I wanted to ask about something you said on a recent podcast, which is that you wanted to be an ally to a men’s movement that is against toxic masculinity. I want to know what allyship looked like to you in that context, because to me, the foundation of allyship is listening and believing that there is a group that has not been listened to and we need to hear their stories and possibly change our own views, and behaviors as a result of hearing those stories, and, you know, I’m on the progressive side of whatever spectrum there is, and in our ideological world, the narrative is normally that men have been doing the talking for too long, and they need to be listening. So I’m wondering, do you see whether it’s men as a group, non toxic men as a group, liberal men, as a group, whatever? Do you see them as not being listened to? And if not, what would allyship look like to you? Thanks.


Sarah Silverman  10:34

I hear what you’re saying. But I think the not being listened to quote unquote, aspect of this version is that straight men. I know they’ve been running everything and fuck them, and blah, blah, blah. But it really it to me, it’s not about litigating the past, as much as changing the future. And that I would tell it like this, they have been raised by the world by society, and that would includes ourselves to not have feelings. So everything they’ve been saying when they’ve had the mic, isn’t their innermost feelings and vulnerabilities, right? It’s basically like, why white men in power are like, let’s use Trump as an example. An extreme example, but a really good example, actually, of someone who filled an unfillable hole in his soul and heart with money and stuff and things. And because of it became extremely powerful also, because his daddy was very rich. So he like was born on third base, filled that hole in him with money, money, money, and money is power. And then, as an extremely powerful person made decisions that affect all of us, based on his fucked up daddy issues. What we want are these powerful people to be healthy, and to live examined lives. And then by nature, they probably won’t want that power A and B, they’d be very different people and make different choices. But um, part of that is a change in us as well in and you know, listen, cry. I fucking dare you to cry. Instead of feeling a second of sadness, and immediately converting it into outward rage and blame. What if you just cried?


Amy  13:07

I’d hug you.


Sarah Silverman  13:09

I wouldn’t tell you to stop crying. I’d say just like Mr. Rogers says, you know, people, Mr. Rogers says, I’m sure I’ve said this 12 times. That when people cry, our instinct is to say don’t cry, why? Because it makes us uncomfortable. That the brave and the caring thing to do is to say, go ahead and cry. And I’ll be here, I’ll just stand right here with you, you know? When straight men feel comfortable, being vulnerable, being wrong, making mistakes and crying the whole world is going to be in a better place. And that’s true for everybody of course, but as this power gets slowly taken away from them and parsed out a little more evenly perhaps we have to stop punishing people for being straight white males. So um, it’s something I guess I would like to be an ally for a male movement a masculine a toxic masculinity, rejection, you know, to men should be able to feel should be able to cry. I mean, it’s crazy that I’m even saying this, but I mean, I see straight white men who were at I don’t want to say white because it’s not necessarily white but straight men. Afraid of fucking like the color pink, you know, like it’s really doesn’t come off as brave in this world. But this is how we’ve, this is we’ve all been a part of this. And and that’s my answer, and I’m sticking to it.


Andy  14:57

I Sarah, it’s Andy in Memphis. Oh, I love you very much. I just heard Ralph in New Hampshire, you’re talking about folk musicians and the ones he’s a fan of, who are all great folks that I’m familiar with. And I know that’s something that you talk about a lot and are a fan of and so I wanted to share with you the group Black Opry, which is not a band, it is an organization. It’s a collaborative of artists who are elevating and amplifying black artists in roots and Americana and folk music. It’s just an amazing group of people. I’ve had the good fortune to interact with because I run a concert series called folk all y’all, which has hosted a lot of folks that you’ve talked about, including the magnificent Mary Gauthier. So I just wanted you to be familiar with with black opera and what they’re doing especially in this moment where, you know, people are kind of discussing debating how other voices fit into genres, where they’re not typically saying black opera really reclaims the fact that a lot of these American music genres started with with black artists and black voices so just would love for you to explore that and meet some new folks over there and you know, if you come through Memphis love to have you had a show, love you.


Sarah Silverman  16:22

Oh my god, I’m all over it, all over it. Oh, it’s so cool. I mean, I you know, I mean, og folk for me this Tracy Chapman or Joan Armatrading a little she’s kind of rocked too, but in country like you know, my my stand up special was Someone You Love came out on an album and it’s with a company called 30 Tigers and they also like you know in like in the light of Beyonce releasing a country album which is so good kind of highlighted a bunch of Black Country artists and I got really into it she’s more pop country than like folk or anything is she’s full on like pop country is Reina Roberts, who I just think has a fire voice. But Black Opry is home for black artists, fans and industry professionals working in country Americana blues, folk and roots music. Yeah, I love folk. I love Americana, and great. All right, thanks for the heads up. I’m gonna check the shit out of that. Alright, what else?


Hazel  17:37

Hi, Sarah. I hope you’re having a great day. This is Hazel. And I just wanted to say, first of all, that I have noticed this thing where the more I listen to your podcast, the more I start to sort of mirror you. I don’t know. I mean, yeah, that’s a common thing to do, but just you the qualities of your personality that I really liked the way that you listen to people. And the way that you respond to your callers is just really great. And I feel that I’ve become like a better friend and a more empathetic person, the more that I listen to your podcast, so want to say thank you to be so and I also wanted to ask you what you think of like, for example, I’m a super feminine woman. I love wearing skirts and stuff. I’m also young I’m 19 and I, I want to get like piercings I want to get well I have piercings on my ears, but I want to stretch my lobes. And I want to get a lip piercing. And some people think that that’s really ugly and unsightly. And I think that those people are overly judgmental, but I want to know what you think and also what you would do if you lived with your parents. And if your parents would really hate if you did that to your beautiful face.


Sarah Silverman  19:10

I am feeling very old. Because all I want to do is beg you to not stretch stretch your […]. And I’m just gonna sound like your mother. But you know, my best friend got her she pierced Heidi, she you know when we were 19 and in our 20s and stuff she she got a a bar through her tongue. She got a lip pierced I think she did her eyebrow maybe or her nose. She did all of that. Great, it’s fine. You know maybe there’s a little dot like I can see on Rory and everyone his age all the guys his age that have like their pierced ear and you can see it hole where they pierced their ear when they were your age. And who cares, it’s great, who cares? It’s fun, it’s it’s just a tiny little hole, it’s your body. You should be able to do whatever your body your choice. But as you’re someone your parents age that is not your parent and is pretty, like, objectively cool. Please don’t stretch your ear lobes, please. It’s so your I just know you’re gonna regret it. I mean, let’s, even with stretched ear lobes every once in a while it can go back, but it pretty much doesn’t go back unless you get surgery. And it is, you know, I don’t want to say it’s ugly. I think it’s unseemly. I really do, and I like a lot of far out fucked up shit. I find it extremely unseemly. But that doesn’t matter what I think it’s subjective, and you might love it. But you know, once you stop like putting those circle things in your ears. It just looks like an old clitoris.


Amy  21:12

Can I jump in here?


Sarah Silverman  21:13

I just go on.


Sarah Silverman  21:15

I have a few.


Sarah Silverman  21:16

Hey, I take umbrage with my own. There’s nothing wrong with an old clitoris. And even what is an old clitoris Mike? Mine looks perfectly new. But I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m really sorry, Charles.


Amy  21:29

I have a couple of things to say. The first is because I see to two sides of this. When I was in high school, my mother threatened that if I got my belly button pierced, because everyone was that was the rage and the mind is that she wouldn’t pay for college. And I was recently talking to her. And I said, you know, you threatened me with college like, that doesn’t hurt. That hurts you like that hurts all of us. Why would that have been the threat? I still don’t understand why. And also a bellybutton piercing is so like, no one sees it. You can pierce it. It’s the whole closes up, it’s gone. Like everyone was doing it, also, I never even want in my belly button pierced. It was like she was preemptively threatening me, I actually wanted my nose pierced. That has to do with me. So I do understand that feeling of being told you can’t do something to your body. And I am, and in retrospect, I was like, oh, that was such a dumb thing to threaten me with, however, I will say about the ear stretching on Sarah’s side. I would actually, you know, everyone has become a lot more aware of where trends stem from right, and what is appropriation of cultures, etc. And I believe that ear stretching is a custom in African culture for certain tribes.


Sarah Silverman  22:55

Right, yeah. Like, I don’t know, if, if if Hazel is of African descent, but it is it is in the realm of like, are you? Are you the white girl with dreadlocks?


Amy  23:10

So then the last thing I would say is, I know someone who did it. And then in their 40s had to have it reversed. And basically what happens is they they don’t so that you’re back together, they just cut the bottom lobe. So you just have like a really short your lobe, and I know, Hazel said she thought it was beautiful. And I think you know, listen, that’s subjective. And it’s beautiful in the cultures that do it. But you know, I always whenever someone gets a tattoo, I always say to myself, like, what’s that going to look like when you’re 90? You know, to someone who’s getting like a tattoo across their entire back?


Sarah Silverman  23:49

Yeah, I mean, listen, I didn’t have any tattoos but my I have almost everyone in my family has tattoos. And you know, they’re beautiful. And they mean something. And again, like if it means something to you, but the appropriation thing is absolutely something to consider. And also a just those stretched out lobes, but you know, you don’t, don’t not get it for me. You have to get it or not get it for yourself. But maybe we’ve added a couple elements of things to consider. And ultimately, what you need to do is, what you want to do and what makes you happy. But definitely think about it. All right, what else?


Patrick  23:49

Hi, Sarah, this is your good friend Patrick from Manchester in the United Kingdom. I had to leave you this message because I was browsing through my cereal aisle in my local supermarket in Manchester. And I saw Grape Nuts. I’m a massive cereal fan. And I’ve heard you talk about these so often as I don’t understand what she’s talking about. Because the two words grape and nuts just to me don’t quite go together. But I saw them was like, right, I’m gonna give this a try. Try them with warm milk and honey, and my life has officially been changed. So thank you for that. They were relatively expensive because obviously they’re important. They’re in this little section that sells like international food. But yeah, wow. I now fully understand why you’ve talked about them so many times on the pod. Life has changed, evenings are so much nicer just before bedtime. Amazing, thank you again, Sarah. Love the pod.


Sarah Silverman  25:36

Patrick we are kindred spirits because I also am a nighttime cereal person and a nighttime Grape Nuts. I didn’t realize that they didn’t have Grape Nuts in the UK. I didn’t know that, I guess that makes sense. But I’m so excited you got them and that you had them with warm, I use oat milk but sometimes I like come cold. Sometimes I’m ready for that sometimes. I love it at night, you put a little more I use oat milk, but whatever. Put a little more milk than it needs. And then well, I put it in the microwave because I’m not classy. And you put it in for I don’t know, maybe 45 seconds. Keep an eye on it use when to start bubbling take it out. Um, honey is great one. I always have to watch that because I’m allergic to raw honey, but I’m a little maple syrup a little or sometimes I’ll just do a little scoop of vanilla ice cream. Just a little scoop. Oh my god, it’s so good. There’s so many things you can add sometimes I’ll just put a little top layer of Raisin Bran heat it up. It’s so good. It’s not for everyone. But I can tell Patrick, you fucking get it. Welcome to the club, it’s made up of just me and you.


Dustin  26:22

Hey, Sarah. Okay, I’ll get right to the point. I am a 40 year old woman, and I still suck my thumb. It’s embarrassing. I don’t talk about it ever. The only person who knows about it really is my partner, my life partner. We share children together. None of them suck. But I do still. And I was wondering I guess if you know, of this phenomenon, with anybody you know, or if any callers other callers have called in that I may have missed talk about this. I don’t know, I haven’t even even been able to have an even even, I haven’t been able to discuss it with my therapist really is something I’m really embarrassed about. And so somehow speaking it to you and your podcast. Maybe will provide me with a little bit of insight or help because I would like I think I would like to be an adult who doesn’t suck. Yeah, okay. I love you so much. Hope you’re well, bye.


Sarah Silverman  28:22

I love that callers who call in with stuff that they wouldn’t even tell their therapists. I think that there’s something about this podcast that makes people feel like it’s a kind of a message in a bottle. But um, first of all, definitely talk to your therapist about this. There should be nothing too embarrassing to talk to your therapist about it’s that is like complete, protected air. That’s, you know, they they’ll never tell anyone about it. They can’t, they’re therapists. They really I mean, my best friend is a therapist and I I tried desperately to get her to tell me things. And she will not. But yeah, you should absolutely talk to your therapist about it. Now, do I know anyone? Any other 40 year olds that suck their thumb? I do not. But I would guess my guess with you is that this is associated with comfort or soothing. It’s what is sucking your thumb, it’s self soothing. That’s what it is with babies and children’s self soothing. So maybe it is something some kind of regression. Maybe it’s undealt with stuff from childhood that kind of makes you regress and that that’s where you seek comfort still or again or I don’t know if you’ve sucked your thumb this whole time? I think so but he if you don’t you say you don’t want to do it anymore. I mean, your therapist will probably help you also just it’s I would guess mindfulness that when you find yourself sucking your thumb you notice it and you you’re kind to yourself, and you stop. A lot of times I know with addiction, and I would guess this may be some form of addiction or in that under the umbrella of that. Transferring, you know, the kind of obsessive aspect of it. Like I had a friend in AAA who started like, took up, like taking care of his nails became like, the thing that he transferred, you know, his addiction into like, obsessing over that like nail care. But, you know, there’s kind of, now that you say that, I mean, my dad, always kind of, especially in with any kind of stress in his body, he would always have a knuckle in his mouth or he’d have his arm kind of his elbow over his head. And his it’s funny because I remember telling Jimmy Kimmel many, many years ago, and we were dating, oh, my dad always does this thing, where is he dangles his arm over his head with his like elbow sticking. And he just looked at me like I was crazy, and I said, What? And he goes, that’s what you do. And just interesting how like, unconscious those things can be. But yeah, I would always see my dad would have like a knuckle in his mouth. And I wonder if that’s kind of in that same world of a way that he self soothed? I mean, if you look at people with their giant cups, and they’re straws, and they’re chewing on their straws all day and you know, is probably some kind of transfer of that same kind of thing. I mean, I’m only guessing but you know, maybe if you want to do that, grab a you know, bamboo straw and your favorite drink and chew on the end of that, you know, have that in your mouth. At least it hydrates you on the way I mean, I’m fucking seeing these. I didn’t know of this thing. This phenomenon. It Amy was telling me about it at the Stanley I did this thing with this, this tiny actress that plays little me in the musical the bed wetter. We just did this like, it’s a long story. But we’re in this convention center. And she’s like, I want a Stanley Cup. I want a Stanley Cup and I’m just like, I mean, does she even play hockey? I love that she you know, aspires to this but no, this is a cop a thermos a one of those big looks like a big giant cup with a straw. She goes oh, it’s so cool, and when it she’s nine. I go, what is it, she goes, I’ll show you and there was another convention in the same hotel that had these things. And she brings me over to it. And it’s a fucking thermos. This is what nine year olds want. Someone told them they want a thermos and now they all want a thermos. Anyway, I digress but I’m gonna get one of those and stick it in your mouth. And maybe you can kind of transfer that but at least understand what it is. I believe what thumbs sucking is is self soothing. It’s comforting yourself in in moments of stress, so find other ways to comfort yourself in moments of stress. There’s lots of things people do people smoke, I would not suggest that you take up smoking I would probably thumb sucking would be the healthier option of those. But there are probably healthy habits you can find. Even like chewing on a stick, you know those sticks, like cinnamon sticks and stuff that are kind of like good for your teeth. You can get those, get those two on those. It’s that’s kind of a cool habit. Good luck, let me know how it goes. What else?


Dustin  33:53

Hi Sarah, I’m Dustin, I’m calling in because I think that I have a good idea for someone who called into your show, straight cisgender white guy who was walking in the park and two lesbians stop holding hands in front of them. And I understand that, that can be upsetting, especially if you’re an ally. And I you know, I think maybe you should take a page from your dad’s book and wear a pride show. Where a Black Lives Matter shirt wear a shirt that says protect trans kids or maybe one of those hats that looks like a maga hat that says Made you look black lives matter. Yeah, something like that because then when someone sees him, they’ll know. Yeah, he’s a straight sis white guy, but he’s not a threat to their existence. He’s not there to cause harm. So I think that that might be something you know, I hear a lot of allies wondering what they could do. And you know, we always as queer people, people of color, you know, can’t hide our identity. And you know, why should someone hide their allyship if you’re an ally, be an ally out and proud. Wear it on the front of your T shirt so everyone can see. Alright, that’s my idea.


Sarah Silverman  34:56

You know what that’s that’s that’s fucking beautiful and I, you know, because I thought well, yes, and it would be lovely if he wore a t shirt that said he was an ally or said black lives matter or pride shirt, protect trans kids, which I’ll never forget Don Cheadle hosting Saturday Night Live and saying good that his good nights with a protect trans kids t shirt. But when you said, you know, all these marginalized people that can’t hide their identity, why should an ally you know, be hiding their identity, they should be out and proud. And I think that’s really beautiful. And of course, listen. Yeah, I was just thinking of that caller the other day too, because I was in Miami and, and I was thinking about it. Because I passed a couple a gay couple holding hands, and I and I, and I thought about him. And he’s not always going to be able to wear an ally t shirt but I do think that’s a really lovely sentiment and if he’s really looking to do that, and there’s risk involved for him. And that’s brave. You know, if he’s living in Florida or wherever, where it’s, it’s there’s a lot of Maga stuff, and he wears that. That’s, that’s really that, it’s such a small gesture, but it’s actually sticking your neck out. For the people you want to be allies to. And I think that’s, that’s really, really lovely. All right, what else?


Becca  36:31

Hey, Sarah, it’s your friend Becca from Philly, actually called you a few years ago, when I found out that I was pregnant, and I was getting an abortion. And you pointed out in your response that I was unable to say the word abortion and you were right, I was a little ashamed of it at the time. But I say it loud and proud with my chest. Now I got an abortion and your advice was so helpful. And I still listen to that bit of that episode sometimes I need to be reminded of what a mitzvah it is, and what a privilege it is that I get to choose exactly what to do with my life now. So thanks for that one. And then a one complete 180 from having an abortion. I think maybe what I want to do with my life at the moment is donate some of my eggs. And for some context there, I’m in grad school, and honestly, money’s kind of tight, and you can make decent money donating your eggs, and that was definitely what got me interested in it. And I think there’s a lot of other, you know, higher moral reasons to do it. Like I have a couple friends who can’t conceive, sadly. And I would give my eggs to them in a second if I could. And I think it’s a really beautiful gift to give someone else if you’re able to and willing and but at the end of the day, I’m kind of just in it for the money between you and me. And I just I’m guess I’m just curious as to your thoughts on that. It’s also brought up some, you know, trepidation I have over the general morality of bringing new life into this world. You know, and I don’t know, I just don’t know how I feel about it all. And I think I’m gonna do it. But I guess I would just love to pick your brain on what you think about donating your eggs mostly for the money. So thanks, Sarah, love you.


Sarah Silverman  37:58

I totally support it. I mean, I think your perspective is right, like, listen, donating your eggs is a mitzvah for people who very much want to, I guess go through the process of pregnancy or, you know, maybe they want to have children with the want, you know, whatever, whatever reasons they have that they don’t want to adopt. You know, adopting is obviously a mitzvah, but that’s not something you can force people to do, or you’re not going to sell your eggs because people should adopt, I would understand that too. But listen, like, I’m a person who decided to not have children. And I always thought if I did, I would probably adapt. But when my friends are pregnant, I’m thrilled. I’m not judging them, and their choices like fuck that. You know, and I also think it’s okay to sell your eggs for the money. It’s, it doesn’t change that it’s a mitzvah. It doesn’t change that you’re helping people who couldn’t otherwise conceive. And, you know, there’s nothing wrong with a win-win situation. There’s not anything unethical. You know, listen, I do what I love. And I get paid for it. I mean, that’s just the dream, right? So I’m, I’m for it. And I’m so glad you called back and I love hearing back from people who have called in. And awesome. Thanks, Becca. And Dad, can you believe it? First of all, Dad, I miss you so much, I just ache for you lately and I can’t stand it but I am okay. And wherever you are, I just want to tell you that we are winding down. This is the part of the show, when I say send me your questions, go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcas that’s speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast, and subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like one from a mom who’s not sure whether or not to let her kids play with toy guns. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast. We are a production of Lemonada media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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