Lemonada Media

What to Buy Your Podcast & Life Partners featuring Paul Scheer

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Why does it feel like our partners –– the people we love most –– are the hardest to buy gifts for? Is it the pressure to get the perfect gift? To express our love in a single package? Luckily, actor, friend, and real life husband Paul Scheer is here to give Kulap and SuChin the advice we all need about how to buy gifts for their husbands. Plus, the two reveal how much they really understand one another as they open each other’s gifts on mic.

Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

For a list and links to all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram.

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Paul Scheer, Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak

SuChin Pak  00:10

Hey everyone, it’s SuChin here.

Kulap Vilaysack

And Kulap.

SuChin Pak 

And this is ADD TO CART. It’s a show about the things we buy and buy into.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And what those things say about us.

SuChin Pak

So, we’re gonna start off by opening the gifts that Kulap and I sent to each other. Ooh, this is fun.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Then we have our very first guest coming on to help us buy gifts for our hot and very mysterious husbands.

SuChin Pak

And will divulge to you sweet listeners what we’ve recently purchased that totally changed the game. It’s a game changer.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Let’s get to our Prezi Prezi Prezi.

SuChin Pak

Okay, who’s gonna go first?

Kulap Vilaysack

Okay, well, unfortunately, because of shipping and whatnots. Two of the three presents of yours have not arrived. So I am going to show you the two presents that haven’t arrived and then you’ll open the last present. Does that sound good?

SuChin Pak 

Oh, you know, I love a good multiple shipment situation when it comes to gifts. You know what I mean?

Kulap Vilaysack

This is us, like this is us getting to be us, you know?

SuChin Pak

Let’s do it.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Okay, so one isn’t a surprise.

SuChin Pak


Kulap Vilaysack 

It isn’t, you have seen it and but let me share screen.

SuChin Pak 

Okay, what is it?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Coming your way soon is the Óleo Para O Corpo the Kaya Jungle Firming Body Oil from Brazil.

SuChin Pak 

Where should I put this it goes all the way down to the nips and then..

Kulap Vilaysack 

Pass the nips.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, were going past the nips.

Kulap Vilaysack  02:04

Full body.

SuChin Pak 

I need so many things firmed up on my body. This is oils and I’m gonna be slipping and sliding.

Kulap Vilaysack

I want you in that little tent of yours. And I want your body awakens with this high-performance lightweight oil that helps soften and tones the skin while unlocking the SuChin and radiance that resides inside of you.

SuChin Pak 

Oh my god, you bought this I know cuz you know how much I love to sit in my sauna. Just did that before I sat down with you here today. And man, I’m going to get into this  Kaya Jungle Firming Oil . That’s what it says. I’m gonna oil my jungle in there. And it’s a I may be seeing a different tune. I may have a different octave. And it’s gorgeous. And I bet you it smells so amazing.

Kulap Vilaysack

You’ll have to describe it to me. It’s all the SuChin things. It’s exotic ingredients. It’s cold pressed. It’s organic. Okay, it’s certified. All right leaping bunny.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, thank you. Oh my god, you know I would never you know. So luxurious. I would never luxuriate my jungle with this. So okay, thank you.

Kulap Vilaysack 

You’re welcome.

SuChin Pak 

I can’t wait.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And the same theme things that you would never do. A bottle of kin is coming your way.

SuChin Pak 

What’s Kin?

Kulap Vilaysack

It’s euphoric. It’s drinks. It’s non-alcoholic.

SuChin Pak 

That’s right, because I don’t drink.

Kulap Vilaysack

You don’t drink.

SuChin Pak 

Wait, adaptogens? Curl my toes. Tropics. Wait, what? Oh my god. Hold on a second. Now this is a very large bottle. I drink this whole thing.

Kulap Vilaysack 

No, no, no, this is what’s so great.

SuChin Pak 

What do I do with it?

Kulap Vilaysack  04:20

You love to cut things.

SuChin Pak 

Oh my god. Do I put it into my yerba mix?

Kulap Vilaysack 

I think we go with your you know, maybe a lesser.

SuChin Pak

Oh, just put it in my seltzer.

Kulap Vilaysack

Yes or of there are juices that you like that you might want to mix up

SuChin Pak 

Read all the stuff that’s in here.

Kulap Vilaysack

Adaptogens. Okay, that you know rhodiola rosea supports the balance of cortisol, the stress hormone that triggers fight or flight. Think of this as a thermostat turning you back into homeostasis. We’ve got botanics hibiscus and other Ingredients like geniessen I don’t know what that is. And liquorice. I know what that is.

SuChin Pak 

And nootropics, all those chemicals. Those neurotransmitters. I’m all about my neurotransmitters. I need all of them transmitting at all times. This is so cool. So you know because I don’t, Kulap, because you know me so I don’t drink and I don’t drink coffee. This is where I’m gonna get my you know what I mean, I’m gonna get my engine going on this. I’m so excited to drink this.

Kulap Vilaysack 

So you get eight servings. So you do two shots at a time. You mix it you cut it with something.

SuChin Pak 

(UNCLEAR) gonna be 16 for me, you know what it means?

Kulap Vilaysack 

I’m sorry. Yeah, that’s right. Good point. I say correct it. That’s what white people would do, but what SuChin will do at least 24 out of this.

SuChin Pak 

24 to 32 servings depending on what I’m doing. Look at this joyful boost. Soothing calm no hangover. Oh, this is lovely. This is exactly what I’ll be sipping on.

Kulap Vilaysack  06:04

Look pairs well. with pineapple and ginger. That’s your flavor profile.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, that’s so beautiful. Thank you. Oh, my get something from my body. Something from my brain. And then and then I have this box here.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yes. So I’m very sensory. Okay,

SuChin Pak

I know, you’re right.

Kulap Vilaysack 

So yeah, so this no you called it, right?

SuChin Pak 

Yes. And I live in a sensory deprivation metal box. So this is you right? Calling me out and being like, it’s okay. Feel your jungle. You know what I mean? taste your jungle. And what is this?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Smell your jungle, smell your jungle.

SuChin Pak 

Listen, my jungle smells, but that’s okay. So I’m opening it up right now comes in this little box. And what is this? It is, wait, Kulap. You know what’s so funny about your gift? Okay, what she got me was a candle that says oatmeal cookie. And it’s from Confetti Candle Company. I have to imagine this as you custom made this scent.

Kulap Vilaysack 

No, no, no, no, no, it was. I don’t know how I could really capture just as you put it instant oatmeal in a candle. So I thought, I think maybe a coke like an oatmeal cookie would be the cookie vagina.

SuChin Pak 

Hand poured in New York. Now this is a call back to a hysterical conversation we stumbled into about the goop candle smelling like Gwen’s nether regions and I said my nether regions on a good day smells like a quick cut oatmeal, organic.

Kulap Vilaysack 


SuChin Pak 

Now, open up your gift because that’s what I was thinking about when I was picking your gift.

Kulap Vilaysack

Okay, so I got two boxes and I stopped I opened them and I stopped just as soon as I saw that it was from you. So which one should I open first?

SuChin Pak  08:09

Open up the bigger one.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Okay, the bigger one.

SuChin Pak 

So the long box, it should be a longer box.

Kulap Vilaysack 

All right, here we go. Opening a box. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.

SuChin Pak

Don’t get too excited.

Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s Gucci you guys.

SuChin Pak 

Number one, a queen needs her labels. Okay, don’t come to Kulap with some discount shit. You know what I mean?

Kulap Vilaysack 

For the generous lady who deserves everything fancy love you Su. Oh my god, it smells so good. Whatever this is this beautiful black and white box. Oh, I know the well.  bury me in this box. Put my ashes in this box. Oh my goodness this smells like heaven.

SuChin Pak 

Does it smell like your hoo ha? When we.. when I was thinking we were thinking the same thing. Oh my god. She’s got tell everybody what it is.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Gorgeous incense.

SuChin Pak 

So Gucci makes these incense sticks. I knew I wanted to get you something to befit the Queen that you are with a label and a box but let’s be honest, you know I’m not in the price bracket for a Gucci cardigan which is what I would have bought you. think but I came across these incense sticks. And I started to read what each one smelled like and I picked the one that I thought would smell..

Kulap Vilaysack 

Like my vagina..

SuChin Pak 

I mean some would say that I would say your aura you know and this is the scent or bosom recalls a garden draped in morning mist with the fresh intense sense of leaves, aromatic plants peppered with basil and lemon grass. And I said that is the scent, that Kulap.

Kulap Vilaysack  10:18

Sort of a South East Asian Pete, like just East Asian MOS.

SuChin Pak 

Just walking through your MOS and wherever that MOS may be on your body is what I imagined this to be. So it’s really funny that we both thought of the same thing. And then the other gift you can quickly open it. Go with that.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness, I love opening presents.

SuChin Pak 

I also know that you love earth elements and all of this yes to cleanse and to create. So did it come?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Offering a prosperity and wealth beyond your imagination in 2021. Oh, my goodness.

SuChin Pak 

So I got it on this, this beautiful site called DharmaShop and they do all types of Zen things. And yes, it’s little prayer hands. And you put your incense in there. Yeah, it’s an incense.

Kulap Vilaysack

This is gonna go in my main altar to the left.

SuChin Pak 

And by the way, matte black. What’s behind you? You know what I mean?

Kulap Vilaysack 

This is beyond. I am so happy with my gifts

SuChin Pak 

It took me about two seconds to put that together. That’s how well I knew you.

Kulap Vilaysack

My goodness. Wow. Wow, you killed it. You truly killed it.

SuChin Pak 

I got a care package. I’m excited. I’m excited to ignite all of my senses. During this time, Mike is going to be so very thrilled that I am getting in touch with my senses. I mean, who knows what may happen?

Kulap Vilaysack  12:07

Baby number three.

SuChin Pak

Or just us wearing me undies and taking silly pictures. You know? That works. Alright, so, I mean, I wish I could be there with you. But you know how much I adore you and respect you and love you so much.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Love you too, merry Christmas. Christmas talks like that.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Okay, we’re gonna take a quick break. And we’ll be right back.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I am so excited to have a very first guest. He’s a close friend of mine who I’ve already mentioned, I think multiple times on the show. Podcaster, actor, producer, Vaughn v. Vaughn and Renaissance man, Paul Scheer!

Paul Scheer 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I really want to be introduced as Vaughn v. Vaughn more and more. First of all, can I just say, I love this show. I love this show. And I love what this show is about because this is a show that speaks to me. I am adding to carts all the time.

SuChin Pak 

Listen, Kulap when we were I think it was even an episode one had said we will talk to Paul because he will know what everybody needs to add to cart. And also whatever category of thing you’re looking at Paul his research it and has found the best in that category.

Paul Scheer 

Much to my you know, to the chagrin of the people around me because it has affected my life. I think positively, my wife may think differently. But I like when we go to a new city. I want to know what the good places oh, they make homemade doughnuts there. Oh, there’s a bespoke coffee place. I want to go, I want to experience these things,  I do my research. I try to go in there. I try to create a full experience. And that’s how I look at online shopping.

Paul Scheer  14:09

Especially now we can’t go into the stores you can find those little nooks and crannies. You know, I got to figure out how to do those quick pays and Apple pays and get the things to my house. I’m all about it.

Kulap Vilaysack

Paul, you have a guy for almost everything. And I am one of the people that does benefit from that because you’re my guy.

Paul Scheer 

I like being someone’s guy. I want to be someone’s person like I will. I’m going to tell you that when I was asked to come on the show, and I was told that this was going to be the area that we’d be discussing. I was daunted I was okay because it is a hard thing to I think buy for an adult. I’m gonna say a straight adult male. I think it’s a hard thing to buy for an older straight adult male and I know this as that. And knowing that I feel like people often don’t get me what I want.

Paul Scheer 

But they get me things for the person that they think that I am. And that points gifts can be insulting, like you think I’m that. You think I’m that. And that really, that is the warm ice cream scooper going into cold ice cream. Just scoop out your insides there. Because I’m like, I’m not that am I? Oh, maybe you are, but to them you are. So I understand this. And I will just say going..

Kulap Vilaysack 

I’m turning, I’m like blushing because I feel like I’m being called out. And you’re Scott. I’m gonna just try to call my insight.

Paul Scheer 

Okay, well, here’s what I’ll say. I think that most people are used to it. Right? And the best thing that you can do is be subtle about the way that people can return these gifts. Right? You can leave the trail without having to have the whole confrontation. Right. And I think that that’s one of the best gifts you can possibly give. I don’t have to tell you if I’m returning it, but I did. And you won’t know it. And it just disappears into the ether. And I got something that I want eventually. But it’s all quiet because I have taken over my new thing is whatever I get I love, I love it. I love it. I love it.

Paul Scheer  16:21

Because that’s all the people want is that and if you use it great, but yeah, like I used to have a bad poker face with this sort of stuff. And I’m gonna say that I think it’s hard. And here’s my rule for at all. So I’m gonna put this down for you. I think there’s two ways to go. It’s a weird line. But I think for people like me, you need to get them something that is slightly playful that they wouldn’t get themselves because oh, it’s not worth it for me to do that. Like here. I’ll say example of that, like, the egg, right like that smoker that people love the egg.

Kulap Vilaysack

I got that for Scott one year.

Paul Scheer 

How did that gift go over?

Kulap Vilaysack


Paul Scheer 

Great gift, because it’s sort of like, okay, you’re giving me a task. It’s kind of cool. I want it but it’s not like it’s not defining me. It’s like that kind of a thing. We’ve talked in the past club, I’ve said like, Okay, well, you know, there’s this like really cool like this thing, this Oculus, this VR Oculus. And it’s like, it’s fun. Like, is that going to be your whole life nobody all I did some VR was kind of cool is it’s low maintenance attempt to set the whole house, but it’s like, I got a little experience, I got a taste. It’s sort of like, you want to give him like, it’s almost like you’re giving them a pass to experiment with something that may be a little bit out of their wheelhouse, but also kind of like you like, you know, you like cool shit, but it’s like it. Yeah,

Kulap Vilaysack

I text Paul. I was like, hey, I need some ideas for Scott’s birthday. And he gave me some ideas Add To Cart.

Paul Scheer 

Did any of them work?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yes! Yes! That’s why that’s why you’re on the pod, bro.

Paul Scheer 

Okay, well, so I will just say that that’s, that is kind of the way that I look at things. The things you can never go wrong with are simple things, right? A good book that they may not have known, right? I’ve been obsessed with this book called Caste, which is a beautiful book just about race in this country. But it’s really unbelievably written. It’s I mean, you probably wouldn’t get but you could say, that won’t be the only gift. But it’s a cool gift to be like, Oh, you might like this. This is like, like, and it’s so well written. And it just sort of like that’s a good stocking stuffer. like okay, that’s weird. And it’s oh, what is this?

Kulap Vilaysack

So CASTE like C A S T E?

Paul Scheer 


Kulap Vilaysack  18:35

Not a Broadway Cast?

Paul Scheer

Yeah, exactly. No, and, and that book is phenomenal. It’s an Oprah book club pick. But that’s also like, again, for the more socially conscious person who may not be going out to the store and getting those books but wants to explore that part of themselves or open up their mind. I think that’s a little bit of a high-level gift. Now I’m going to go back to the one that I think is going to work maybe more based on if you think and I want to talk to both of you a little bit more about what you’re looking at and but I’m gonna say like, another great example is like there’s a great oral history of Dazed and Confused.

Paul Scheer 

One of the best it’s a great book that people really don’t know that’s out there really cool book kind of fun if your significant other likes Richard Linklater likes that movie kind of a fun gossipy but also everyone’s a part of it. Cool little thing that’s out there like let you know like..

Kulap Vilaysack 

I like this, Paul. Alright.

Paul Scheer 

So what I’m saying is get away from the Barack Obama book, which everyone is going to get which I’m not saying is a bad thing, but you’re gonna like surprise oh, what is this? This is interesting, like even one year in June probably be very upset that I said this. She gave me the Megyn Kelly book. Because like, there was a brief moment in time before I realized that she was a credible. That that I thought, Oh, she’s an interesting character.

Paul Scheer 

And I appreciated the thought behind it like it was like, even on the day of Christmas, like I’m gonna just like page through this and If I didn’t really pick it up after Christmas, it was fine. Because it was sort of like, Oh, you listen to something I said, and you liked it. And that’s the nod at the tip of the hat.

Kulap Vilaysack  20:11

Wait, SuChin’s crying.

SuChin Pak

It’s happening so fast. I mean, when you said I had to think about Megyn Kelly before she was, I’m sorry, we just gonna breeze through go on.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I am in.

Paul Scheer 

Okay, so I guess that you know, so that’s like, my kind of for how I think about gifts for people and I’m trying to go like, Alright, do you like cooking? If you like cooking let me find you something. Like, okay, that air fryer that might be interesting. Yeah. Do you have an air fryer? And again, I’m gonna make a very big generalization. And I apologize if I’m being offensive. I don’t think men need it to be incredibly personal. Right? Like, I don’t think that men are looking for a beautiful bracelet or a wonderful necklace. And if there are, there’s we gotcha, we got you covered.

Paul Scheer

But I think there are those things like hey, you like doing X, and here’s something cool that you will like doing like the egg, but it looks a little bit cooler, and then then they will feel good about it. Like to me like if someone got me an air fryer. Well, this is cool. I kind of want to figure this out like it, there’s a challenge to it. But if someone got me an ice cream maker, I’m not five, you know, it’s like it’s you got to find that like little you know, it got to find that little middle ground of like, it’s got to be cool.

Paul Scheer 

It just can’t be you know.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I see what you’re saying

Paul Scheer 

That’s kind of like some giving some like more general like ways that I start to think about people and I think that for me clothing is very hard to find something of what I like

Kulap Vilaysack

Well, you are you are very fashionable.

Paul Scheer 

I’m fine. I’m fine.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I’d love for you to like when is the Paul Scheer capsule collection coming out?

Paul Scheer 

By the way look when I saw him Scott posing for J.Crew I was like guys get me in there I got it but I can do this. But no there are..

Kulap Vilaysack  22:05

Where’s the Paul Scheer Clare Vivier come on.

Paul Scheer 

When I saw Clare Vivier created a bag without even and I know Claire a little bit like why was I not consult I’m all about the bags. I got a whole bag. You want to talk about bags? Well the whole episode we’re gonna talk about bag manufacturers that you don’t even know about like any, we’re gonna be like ever good get on it. We’re gonna buy Tom Ben get into it. We’re gonna talk about like, there’s so many weird little bag companies that are amazing. But there are those are the things that are personal like, June one’s got me a backpack. I hated it.

Paul Scheer

Because I didn’t get to pick it up. I want to pick up my own bag. It’s too that’s too personal. Like, you can’t do that to me. Like I got it. I got to check out the pockets. I got it. Unless I said to you, I really want this backpack that like so if you got if you got that in. And sometimes I’ll leave hints I’ll say to June all the time. So you know what I would really love. I would love to go to get a photography class, I really want to do a photography class. And then I actually got a fire for and I left it in the kitchen. I thought it was being really subtle. I didn’t get that photography class.

Paul Scheer

But the minute after Christmas, I signed up for it myself. But so I really tried to listen. I really tried to listen from November forward, but also reach out to friends. And kind of like pick their ears because like, pick their ears. I don’t know. But I try to listen to what because a friend is going to be your best chance of a connection to something I think sometimes because they oh, they always are talking about this or because it’s like, I won’t bore June with all the bullshit that I talk about. Like, I’m not gonna you know, I’m like, I can’t get excited about it. You know, an Elgato light that I love that is good for streaming.

Paul Scheer

That conversation June’s gonna go right to bed. So but I may have that conversation with like, my buddy, Jason and Zuckuss might have that we might have a big conversation about lights, you know? So there are those things you know, for, for example, you and I had a conversation the other day about something very specific. And I was like I needed your help to help me zoom is zoom in it. So I guess I’m not doing exactly what you want me to do. I’m kind of giving you some general parameters, right?

Kulap Vilaysack  24:19

You are doing everything right.

SuChin Pak

And in fact, you are doing more you are shifting the perspective on the matrix in which we are pulling from you know what I mean?

Paul Scheer 

All right.

SuChin Pak 

Now I’m thinking a little bit outside the box. I totally hear what you say like you want to be personal but not too personal.

Paul Scheer 


SuChin Pak 

Because that’s not then you take the fun away from that person.

Paul Scheer 


SuChin Pak

I so really love. Nobody will say no to a beautiful return policy. Do you know what I mean? Be generous with that and be generous when you give it by the way I can set this free and let you do what you want with it.

Paul Scheer 

You do your thing, and you don’t even have to make it a big deal. Like on the day like, and I put the receipt in there. No, no, we all see it. We all know this works. You got it; we saw it. And I think the idea is like really like, I’ll give you an example. Last year, my sister-in-law gave me one of the best gifts ever. And it was so simple. I didn’t even know I wanted it. But it was at this, it kind of a gimbal that you would put a phone in. And so if I was trying to tape something with my iPhone, it would always stay center and like on balance, and it was like a little handheld gimbal.

Paul Scheer

So it’s not like a selfie stick. But it’s like a little arm. And you can control it. And when I before we were locked down, you know, my kids are doing all these kind of shows. And they’re performing. And I’m like always kind of running up to see if I can get on stage and do the thing. And she saw me kind of struggling with. I can’t I’m trying to lift this up above my head and trying to get this shot. And I would never in a million years would have ever thought like that is something that I wanted.

Paul Scheer  26:03

But when I saw it, I was like, oh, she saw me in a moment of need. And she’s like, this will help. And I was like, and that’s great. Do I use it all the time? No, but it’s there. And I like it. And it’s one of those gifts that I could reach for it right now I know exactly where it is. So it’s like that kind of little thing that’s like, oh, and I think that that actually transcends the perfect gift. Because we’re all at an age and a time where the perfect thing we bought ourselves, I think we did anything that I want I buy myself, and I’m just used to that.

Paul Scheer

Like, so it’s like, you know, and I also know, this what I’ll say too, I think you have to get over yourself and do a thing where it’s like, I don’t want you to have that. But you want to have that you have to be like I don’t care what I want. I know what you want. Like, for example, this is not this would come up.

Kulap Vilaysack

I mean this is marriage counseling right here.

Paul Scheer 

Like June would never, ever buy me a PlayStation 5. Would I want a PlayStation5? Yeah, I would. As a matter of fact, I bought a PlayStation 5 on the black market. But I like but June would be like, I’m not putting that in my house. Yes, but I want to put it in my house and I will put it in my house. So and it will be hidden.

SuChin Pak 

In a closet.

Paul Scheer

It is hidden it is low it is no one can see where it is. But so I think that sometimes you have to get out of your way on that too. It’s sort of like and that goes back to like, who they are versus who you want them to be. And then and if you really know like, they want a PlayStation five, you get the PlayStation 5. And I will tell you, I’ll tell you one other amazing thing which I told Kulap. Because we had a moment together where I was envying your karaoke machine. And I was like, I want this karaoke machine. I don’t even like karaoke in the grand scheme of things. But I was like, it made me want to do it. And I had fun with.

Paul Scheer  28:02

Amazing rendition of Pearl Jam song, I believe.

Paul Scheer 

I’m trying to do a thing now where I saw the Farewell recently, and I was like really inspired by that movie. And I just felt like you know what, no one wants that person who when they go, oh, go sing and I go I’m up to have a terrible voice. I’m like, fucking just embrace it. Let’s just jump in and live our lives. Because when you live your life the shitty way. Like I don’t do that. And then you may kind of wreck the fun of everybody else. So I’m diving in. Thank you, Lulu for giving me that in the Farewell anyway. So the. So when I went home, I looked at karaoke machine, and we’re in the middle of a pandemic.

Paul Scheer 

And I was like, well, but I don’t really sing karaoke. It’s kind of expensive. But I looked and this is my secret of all secrets. Amazon refurbished, right, and I go, it’s a way cheaper. It’s like almost like $200 cheaper, and it goes may have some nicks and scratches on it. Now here’s the deal. It never does. They never have nicks and scratches on it. It’s just people who open the box and send it back to Amazon. They can’t sell you an open box. So you get the same thing that just been opened, but it’s perfect.

Paul Scheer 

I’ve gotten camera lenses there. I’ve gotten this karaoke machine. So Amazon that refurbished whatever that wholesale warehouse is get on it and don’t be afraid of it.

Kulap Vilaysack

Add To Cart exclusive.

Paul Scheer 

Yes, whenever I have been whenever I’ve bought anything from that and I buy high ticket items, they’re like I said like this lens or like oh, by the way, if you have a photographer in your life, a good lens, a good lens, it may mean nothing to you but a good lens is like that’s a great gift because I’m not gonna buy a good lens a good lenses like 500 bucks. By lens I don’t know what I need to do with the lens. But that’s a great gift like it’s like so you can do things like that. He’s got make sure they don’t have that lens, but I got great lenses there. There’s so many. So many little things and little tricks you can find also save some money this holiday season as well.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Paul Scheer. Wow, that was wow that was a very..

SuChin Pak  30:07

Good for you Paul cuz it felt great receiving it.

Paul Scheer 

I am excited to I love talking about this stuff and I will just say one more thing. When in doubt, go to my friends. wirecutter.com, wirecutter.com is your spot for everything good. It is the Consumer Reports for people like us. They do great testing and it’s everything from like a desk bed to like a little thing you put on your laptop, you can have your computer to, you know, the best frying pan. They’ve covered it all mattresses, computers, monitors, it’s all there. I’m gonna tell you this much. tell you one thing I bought a computer monitor for my wife.

Paul Scheer 

And a keynote. I’m just gonna buy this thing on Amazon the prices right? It’s good. It sucked didn’t work. I put it together. I was like, oh, what did I do want to wire cutter. Pick the one they picked. It works fine. It looks amazing. And it’s a night and day difference. The one time I went against it. I was bitten. So I’m gonna tell you wire cutter if you need to do that extra level of what are people saying? That’s what you do.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Paul, thank you so much for coming. I mean, you were the perfect first guest.

Paul Scheer 

I love being a guest I love the show and thank you for having me. And this is a lovely moment.

Kulap Vilaysack

I love you Paul. Thank you so much.

SuChin Pak 

Thank you.

Paul Scheer 

Thank you so much.

SuChin Pak

Kulap, he basically just like fish slapped us with his tail and then like went swimming off into the fucking paradise. I mean, what he says I took notes like I was in a class I was like refurbished oh my god the, Oh, yes. wire cutter. Why didn’t I think of that?

Kulap Vilaysack  32:03

Yeah. he’s the dude. He’s the man. He’s the man with the plan. In honor of Mr. Paul Scheer. You know, the Renaissance man, for coming on the show.

SuChin Pak 

He’s amazing.

Kulap Vilaysack 

He’s amazing. He’s truly the best. Like we obviously need more time with him.

SuChin Pak 

That Amazon refurbished is going to change the game. Yeah, that’s my game changer, as Paul Scheer’s Amazon refurbished tip.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And it kind of makes me feel better about the Amazon of it all too, because it’s like it you know, you’re it’s not we’re upcycling, is that fair to say? Is that, right? That’s not right.

SuChin Pak 

Well, it’s some kind of cycling because it would have ended up in a in a landfill or something. So it’s amazing.

Kulap Vilaysack 

So I’m showing off my bike helmet that he recommended. And then it just happens to be also in the Gold House, Gold Market and Gold House is the premier collective of pioneering pan Asian founders, creative voices, and leaders and want to say like twice a year, they connect with Asian owned businesses to just help them strategize and forge meaningful bonds and really to uplift these businesses. And so Thousand is also Asian American owned, which is very exciting. What I like about them, that’s a plus. Yeah, but it’s a very cool looking bike helmet.

SuChin Pak 

I mean, look at those straps. It’s very chic. You know how like, you think of a bike helmet, you think of, you know, a kid’s bike helmet, but that looks like that’s a Boss Lady. That’s a grown lady. She’s part of an electric bike gang through the hills. What is that?

Kulap Vilaysack

It’s matte black. Just like what you gave me. It’s matte black. Because I purchased through gold house market Thousand comp to me a gold monogram with my initials and a lightning bolt. They also gave me a free bell for my bike. Because I’m supporting Asian businesses.

SuChin Pak  34:14

Have you taken a ride on that bike yet?

Kulap Vilaysack 

I sure have.

SuChin Pak 

I need full video.

Kulap Vilaysack

Freedom. I feel free I feel at times have been a little scared. But then I eased on those brakes.

SuChin Pak

Wait does it go throttle like a motorcycle like do you have to always pedal or can you just sit and let it do its thing?

Kulap Vilaysack 

No. I got a pedal assist I also I want to be able to ride it and get some exercise. I just need help with the hills. The hills are tough around where I live. It’s so fun. But I highly recommend this helmet. It looks good. It comes in so many different colors.

Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s beautiful.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah. And you can there’s a kind of an opening to the side where you can put your bike lock through. And that way you know, you can you don’t have to take it in with you

SuChin Pak 

Asians wanting A+, you know what I mean? Just always thinking of everything. That’s awesome.

Kulap Vilaysack

Yeah, check out this brand. Check out their story. I think one of the owners it started because a friend of hers a lot lost her life in an accident. And so, you know, they’ve got, they’re definitely worth checking out.

SuChin Pak

So, I sort of cheated my game changer. I don’t have a game changer. I’m going to steal. Like I said, Paul Scheer’s Game Changer of using Amazon refurbished as an outlet. But mine is sort of a game changer because it’s been a game changer during quarantine in my house. So 11 years ago, as you know, my husband Mike and one of his closest friends Doug started a company called Awkward Family Photos, right? So people send in their silly photos and for 11 years Kulap, this man has carved this pie into so many slices.

SuChin Pak  36:13

You want calendars, board games, books, I mean every imaginable way, just when I think the teat is dry. When I think he has milked every teat dry, I think, no more milk on this cow. He comes up with something else. And during quarantine as a family. We were obsessed with deema those remember those old highlight search and find puzzles has, so my kids are really into it. So we were doing this. And of course, he goes, oh, I should do this. But I should do an adult version. And I sent you a copy of it. It’s called search and find puzzles for immature adults.

Kulap Vilaysack

That’s me.

SuChin Pak 

So you know, for example, go to Page Six. So in this book, you have regular search and find puzzles that look like your kids search and find puzzles. In fact, he worked with the artists that did original, you know, Mad Magazine and all these great artists. But the themes are themes are adults. So we’ve got you know, field trip to the meth lab. And in there, you’re going to have to find you know, a shot of tequila. You know, Mario Lopez his head, you know, maybe in this field trip to the meth lab, you’ll have to find a nose ring.

Kulap Vilaysack

This is genius. This is legit genius. This is so cool. Like I’m looking at I mean, there’s, you know, there’s family dinner and family dinner, you’re gonna have to find the Loch Ness Monster, you’re gonna have to find a unibrow some brass knuckles. It’s so fun.

SuChin Pak 

Honestly, this has been such a really big game changer in our family during quarantine to come up with this. I mean, he is for all I joke about him. He is truly like the biggest manifester. Like he has an idea. And then he and then it’s here. It’s on Amazon and you can buy it and it’ll be here on time for stocking stuffers for the person in your life, who has like a really wicked sense of humor.

SuChin Pak  38:12

And maybe has everything that they possibly could ever need. But this is great, especially because we’re all stuck in our houses, like how many more puzzles are we going to try to figure out and do you know,

Kulap Vilaysack

This is just my limit.

SuChin Pak

So this was this is it. It’s available. It’s on Amazon. It was a game changer, certainly in our household and hopefully you guys will enjoy it.

Kulap Vilaysack

I think this is a great, great gift. Like a no brainer gift. It’s so funny. Such a good idea. Kudos. Everybody. I hope you have just a wonderful, safe holiday. And we’ll see you soon.

SuChin Pak

And, of course, thank you to Paul Scheer. Everything we talked about is going to be on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod.


ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by WASAHHBII and produced by LA Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to this show wherever you get your podcast.

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