Lemonada Media

Pet Tricks, Being Sorry, Praise

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Sarah and her manager Amy chat about their new show, Stupid Pet Tricks, which is out now on TBS! Plus, Sarah talks about what it’s like to play dramatic roles, gets support from hearing aid users, and shares some of her favorite recipes.

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Catherine, Sarah Silverman, Sender 3, Sender 5, System, Joanna, Toad, Kim, Presley, Sender 2, Sender 1, Sender 4, Amy, Jen

Sarah Silverman  00:14

Hi everyone, it’s your good pal Sarah Silverman. Listen this is me cracking a Red Bull, that’s hard to say. Not even a sponsor, it’s just a drug I need sometimes. I can’t even drink a hole and I feel like my heart would explode. Okay,  Mosley has asked you about oh, Amy and I were talking about us Stupid Pet Tricks, which Amy produced. And I hosted and Rory and me and Katie Doyle and Raj, Raj on Desai wrote, and it’s coming out. It’s so funny, we made it like two years ago. But now we’re kind of psyched I love it that it’s coming out. And we’re talking about all old stories about shooting that it was so crazy, a lot of animals a lot of chaos, a lot of urine and as some feces, great guest stars, because it’s not just the Stupid Pet Tricks aspects like we grew up with on David Letterman. It’s got a whole background behind the scenes aspects, you know, kind of like the Muppet Show or something. So like Judd Apatow, all the writers and producers in the back behind the scenes parts are animals. But one of those animals is Judd Apatow and he’s a writer he shares like, I think he shares a office with a snake?


Amy  01:49

Well, he shared an office with hamster or a a gerbil or a rat and then one of the.


Sarah Silverman  01:57

Writers ate it, yeah, they I think what it was the hamster shared an office with a snake and then the hamster was just somehow gone and never found again. And is the story of course, no animals were harmed.


Amy  02:14

Yeah, so the show besides all of the because there I’ve been seeing a ton of promos on TBS and across all the I saw one actually yesterday. So in addition to the real pets that came on to show their feats and show all of their special training, we shot the Muppet style kind of Muppet Show style vignettes where we gave animal actors characters and we had, she you acted with a lot of them like there was a writers room that was like chaos and you like sad.


Sarah Silverman  02:45

So you know, that was the one aspect that was Lo Fi in the way I wanted, which is the animals are just like chewing on like a piece of carrot or something that whatever they like, and then we just add voices to it, like it looks so fake. In the best way but I love that.


Amy  03:05

Some great voices.


Sarah Silverman  03:06



Amy  03:07

Henry Phillips, David Cescau, Laura Silverman.


Sarah Silverman  03:11

It was a real comedy family affair.


Amy  03:14

Yeah. Plus, we had some of the most fun guest stars showed up including Judd Hamm and Howie Mandel and Jeff Rose, Jeff Roast.


Sarah Silverman  03:24

Jeff should change his name to that Jeff Ross, the roastmaster.


Sarah Silverman  03:28

General came out and roasted the animal and Reggie Watts.


Sarah Silverman  03:33

Oh my god, Jack McBrayer has like a whole arc. He plays like a competing animal show host.


Amy  03:40

He’s in a couple of episodes.


Sarah Silverman  03:41

And he comes by and he’ll like give us shit. Like be like, Oh, he’ll be in craft services and be like, oh, Kirkland Brown. We have a espresso machine. Like it was so good.


Amy  03:54

He plays like it’s very against character. He plays like a cocky asshole, so well too. It was it’s so funny. Like he’s wearing like those shoes that look like like they’re like fancy shoes and he slips and it’s.


Sarah Silverman  04:10

It’s so aggressively dumb. This is just what I particularly enjoy very much is a wildly low brow. Aggressively dumb humor.


Amy  04:21

I do feel like a lot of the behind the scenes. Acting portions of the show are reminiscent of the Sarah Silverman program.


Sarah Silverman  04:30

Yeah, yeah, definitely. And the we got Dan Opsal directed all those pieces and it look him up on like Instagram, Dan Opstal,  O P  S A L, him and my friend, John Haskell who were their best friends wrote for the old Hulu show make incredible videos and Dan makes amazing videos on his own there, I’m a big fan so I was super excited when he was game to come direct these silly things. But yeah, it’s gonna be on.


Amy  05:04

February 11 that premieres right after the puppy bowl.


Sarah Silverman  05:07



Amy  05:08

The Discovery Channels including TBS discovery than then it will air regularly on Monday night. And so there’s 10 episodes.


Sarah Silverman  05:19

Oh my God, Will Ferrell we didn’t mention oh my god, he was so funny, incredible in it. Everyone was great in it. I really loved how he used to be honest how he was amazing. Everyone was so good, but um, yeah, tune in. And like you can tune in with your kids, can you believe it? It’s something besides WreckIt Ralph that I’m in that you can watch with your kids. And there’s stuff that will go over their heads that you’ll enjoy and there’s stuff that you’ll laugh at together.


Amy  05:46

I think the whole thing about the show is that it’s just a really deep appreciation of animals and how important they are to humans and how we don’t deserve them because they’re so wonderful.


Sarah Silverman  05:59

We really don’t you know what I was trying to remember. I wrote like a theme song.


Amy  06:05

If they can get along we can get along oh, yeah.


Sarah Silverman  06:08

And we’d all like me in the the band which was awesome Jacob Jeffries in his band just kind of improvised this basic song.


Amy  06:18

I can hear I can I can pull it up.


Sarah Silverman  06:22

I mean, when I say I wrote it it’s not the most complicated song but yeah, but it’s just says the song itself obviously the show is not political in any way, and then the song is just like, if they can get along we can get along because my favorite thing to look at and almost exclusively all I want to look at on social media because I don’t really like to look at it anymore is you know unlikely animal friendships, so that’s the basic idea of that’s the theme song if they can get along we could get along.


Sarah Silverman  07:25

I’m laughing now that I said I wrote this. I mean, I did but it’s it’s just it’s one sentence.


Amy  07:32

You did write it and you sent me the audio of it, and I shared it with Jacob and he got it and put it to music and it did happen, it all happened.


Sarah Silverman  07:42

Yeah, we like never rehearse it event. I hope you tune in, I can’t wait to hear what you guys think it’s it is what it is but I think it’s silly and fun and.


Amy  07:52

I you will ever you won’t admit it, but you were great in it.


Sarah Silverman  07:57

It’s adorable, all right, let’s take some calls.


System  08:03

You left me a message, now I’m playing it for the world.


Sender 1  08:15

Hi, Sarah. Love the pod, love you think about things you say on your podcast all the time, I wanted to call in and share with you something that happened yesterday that I can’t believe frickin happened. Which was the that my mother who I’ve had a strained relationship for many, many, many years, apologized for lots of things that happened when I was growing up very painful things that I through therapy and through my community. And through my strength, I and the strength of those in my community, I was able to like work through and decide, you know what, I am never going to get an apology from her but I’m going to radically accept that and try to have relationship with her anyway because I want to. And then all of a sudden yesterday she was just like I want to apologize for putting you through and she listed some specific things. And I just couldn’t I couldn’t frickin believe it and I as soon as you know as soon as I finished the phone call and was my heart was so squishy. I told my partner and then I was like I gotta call in Sarah because I do think you know so much of what you preach, which is kindness and acceptance and leading by example really does pay off and it’s been such a monumental thing anyways, I love you. Bye.


Sarah Silverman  09:43

I thank you so much for calling in. Ah, that makes me so happy and you know you did everything right. And it’s amazing that she apologized. You can’t expect that that’s very rare and wonderful, and I’m so happy for you. Oh my god, I’m so happy for you, I’m done and I’m proud of you. And I’m so thrilled to hear this. This is it’s not something that you can expect or hope for. It really isn’t but what a gift. And I have to believe that all the work that you did, to let go to not let your hurt from what she was unable to give you eat you up or hurt you and that you got to a place where you’re able to love her just as she is despite any failures with you. You got yourself to a place where you didn’t need an apology. That was the biggest win. But what unexpected frosting on the cake for you. And what an absolute feat for her, I’m just so happy for both of you, dude, that’s awesome like, and then that must have felt phenomenal to you and to her. You know, people don’t fucking get the joy of apology. I mean, sometimes I don’t apologize, because I’m not wrong, and I want to apologize anyway but I keep myself from it. I know that sounds really obnoxious, because maybe you’re thinking, well, maybe she was wrong. But I believed I was not wrong. I can’t apologize when I don’t believe I’m wrong. But I’m so psyched to apologize, the second I realized I’m wrong, which is a lot. And I think people think it’s going to take something from them or make them appear weak or make them weak or make them. I don’t know what the fear is. It’s it’s mostly with men, but it’s absolutely with women too, and probably with non gender specific people. But it is the greatest revelation to realize that apologizing feels awesome. And not only does it feel good, because you’re apologizing, it feels good because you’re making someone feel amazing. By apologizing to them. I mean, it takes someone 180 degrees, when you apologize when they’re mad at you and you apologize, they soften. They have more space in their heart. They love you extra, because they know it was hard. And God, I wish more people would do that. But amazing that your mom and you can never expect your parents to suddenly change you can’t you have to change, you have to figure out how to either detach with love or love them anyway, or just meet them where they are. Because wherever you are, you are a person who has the skills of everything you’ve learned up until then. And nothing more, and we can’t expect stuff like that from our parents, you know, in general. So wow, what a gift, and I’m so happy for you. And you just fucking did everything right. I love that you called it especially by calling in. That was the rightest move you made because you made my day. All right, what else?


Sender 2  13:17

Hi Sarah, I been a fan for a long time I just discovered your podcasts, which has been really great, because it’s been pretty grounding for me so thank you for that. I wanted to ask you a question about like joking around with people fucking with people like, like, as a comedian, or anyone, like I feel like some of my best relationships is when I get to be super playful with someone and get to make fun of them, I love when they make fun of me. I mean, as a person, I have a lot of social anxiety. Like I’m not maybe the best communicator all the time. I think I could use humor, maybe sometimes to say the truth in a way. I feel like there’s relationships I have where I like the dynamic can be that way. There’s other relationships where the dynamic, I can’t joke around as much as they get offended or something like that. I guess my question, I don’t really know my question is it’s like, where do you draw the line with like, stuff like that, like humor? Being honest fucking around with someone being playful?


Sarah Silverman  14:28

Yep, it stopped. I think I get the gist yeah, I like that too, that’s my favorite kind of relationship. You know, being in a relationship with someone where we can, you know, tease each other and make fun of each other. And it feels like love. That’s what I love, you know? When when when my friends make fun of me like I played poker the other night, my friends give me so much shit. And it feels like love to me. Feels like that feeling when somebody really knows you. You know, and I love that feeling. But like both people have to participate in that, you know, you can’t be the, you know, person teasing someone about something about their personality or whatever, and then it hurts or feeling like, like, it’s gotta be a very mutual dynamic, and you have to be able to pick up on if it isn’t, you know, the last thing you want to do is hurt someone’s feelings, and there are gonna be people that feel bad from it. And of course, you want to not do that with them, you have to be in a pretty good place about yourself to have that kind of relationship, or at least, know that the person teasing you loves you to pieces. It’s a very subtle, but very huge difference to be teased by someone you know, loves you, then to be teased by someone who maybe does not love you, and or is joking on the square, you know, meaning they’re teasing you and saying something, but they do actually mean it, you know, you gotta have a feel for it. And it’s, it’s, and you’ve got to be earnest and really mean no harm, you know. And if they still don’t receive that stuff, that way, that’s not a person that you have that relationship with, that’s all. But it is great when you find that group of friends that can make fun of each other, and it just feels like love. It feels like what it feels like to be known. And I love that.


Sender 3  16:40

Hi, Sarah, I was listening to your podcast about hearing loss and I also have hearing loss and mines from a hereditary condition that many people in my family lose hearing loss early. Mine happened to me but earlier than others at 29, I got my hearing aids. Before that, I felt the same way that you did, and, you know, felt like there was a stigma and was really hesitant to get them but it was just becoming frustrating for my husband and my kids to not I couldn’t hear my conversations that were happening around me, I couldn’t hear the TV and you know, regular daily life. I just wanna say I think it’s so unfair that like we, as a society stigmatize hearing aids more than like glasses or contacts, which it’s, you know, just a different type of, of sense loss that people have. And I think it’s unfair that we like all associate hearing loss with the old people, and it’s got this stigma. And I feel like we should change kind of that conversation because here it is, my life has changed so much better. Since getting my hearing aids, so I encourage you to just consider it go back to your doctor and and get them it’s so much better being able to hear things around me.


Sarah Silverman  17:57

Hi, that’s encouraging. Yeah, I am doing it and I don’t you know, I can’t see without glasses either so, the hearing aid battery or whatever goes behind your ears. So I don’t know how it’s gonna fit with my glasses, but obviously they I’m assuming that’s been figured out like, there are tons of people who I don’t think everyone with hearing aids has perfect vision so there’s got to be a solution, but geez, I didn’t think I’d be wearing so much on my fucking face just to get through the day.


Catherine  18:34

Hey, this is Catherine, your producer.


Sarah Silverman  18:36

Hi, Catherine.


Catherine  18:37

You got a several voicemails about hearing aids, one from regular Toad, and few others. I’ll play him right now.


Sarah Silverman  18:47

All right.


Toad  18:48

Hey, sir, sure fun to really feel for you about the whole hearing aid situation, your loss of hearing. It’s hard to kind of Mitch, when you’re vulnerable and you know that you need help. Prior to being diagnosed with bipolar, I’ve never taken medications, never drank smoked anything like that. And it really was an internal struggle to kind of realize that I need to take a pill every day. But I my life vastly improved in the lives of everyone around me vastly improved since taking the medication, and this once you know that, like you’re Sarah fucking Silverman, like you’re amazing, super intelligent, hilarious. You do a lot of wonderful things and you make the world a better place. So what do you got to use, hearing aids on it? You don’t make it sexy, you could be the spokesperson for hearing aids. Don’t be sponsored by big hearing aid, when that’d be amazing. Good, like change people’s lives and say, hey, Sarah made this cool, now I can use them. You know, and I think you really can make a difference if we just look at it in a different perspective. Love you, Sarah.


Sarah Silverman  20:00

Oh, Toad, I love you. That was very sweet and yeah, you’re right. And I’m glad you take your meds every single day you got to do it, got to do it, I do it too.


Jen  20:13

Hey, Sarah, this is Jen and full disclosure, I’m an audiologist or was one in a former life. I work for one of the hearing aid companies now. So I really don’t want you to wait. Hearing aids can be fun. My husband wears on many streams all the time and ignores me. But that’s fine. Like Bluetooth, they can look like earbuds, they can be really skinny binary, or they can be really tiny. The Bluetooth I think is like just the gateway where, you know, you can stream music and podcasts and TV, whatever you’re watching from your phone, walk around the block with them, they can help with your misophonia. So I’ll be so happy to help you if you need anything, or I can find someone right around the corner from you. Don’t let audiologists be annoying because we can be very annoying. But anyway, don’t wait, it’s really helpful. It’s you know, you just it’s part of wellness. It’s part of keeping your brain healthy. And they can be fun, so you’re the best.


Sarah Silverman  21:35

Thank you, God, this is really helping.


Kim  21:37

Hi, Sarah. It’s your best friend Kim calling from Saskatchewan Canada. I was calling about your comments about hearing loss and hearing aids. I’m a 45 year old woman and I have had hearing aids for the last four years or so. And they have completely changed my life. I used to struggle to hear and you know, always did the thing that you talked about where you say what so many times before you just sort of smile and nod. I initially got them thinking that it was going to improve the lives of the people that I live with. That would be less frustrating for them. But it has actually just completely changed my life. It has increased my joy. It has increased my connections with people. You don’t realize what strain it is on your relationships. When you’re struggling to hear people. There’s a little box that connects right to the TV. So when we watch shows, I hear it right in my ears. And there’s no more battling over the volume or like you talked about the closed captioning. It’s just been great, and so I was just calling to encourage you to give it a go. They’re very discreet, nobody can even tell that I have them. It’s like a built in Bluetooth, it’s just awesome. I hope you do it. I wish you all the best. Thanks for the podcast.


Sarah Silverman  23:07

Thank you, thanks, everybody. Thank you I feel very encouraged, I appreciate it. And so I’m going to do it I mean, literally, I was shooting Maestro and poor Bradley Cooper. Because like, you know, we shoot and then we do takes over again like right from the middle of the scene. It will go like, go back to that, you know […] go back to the beginning. You know, whatever, and I couldn’t hear him. And he probably thought I was not listening and was just like, Sarah, or he only called us from our name Shirley […] he’s not like he was yelling at me, but he was kind of frustrated that I wasn’t listening and I had to be like, Bradley, I cannot hear well. I’m not ignoring you, I just might need you to come closer to me so I can see your mouth moving when you give me direction. Um, he was I think he felt bad and was very nice about it, obviously. All right, what else?


Presley  24:11

Hola, my name is Presley. I’m calling in from Barcelona. And I just want to say I really, I’m enjoying the podcast. I think you’ll frickin hilarious. Anywho I am an artist and I’m about to be I’m working towards a cookbook, illustrating and things and I was wondering if you are a chef. And if so if you enjoy cooking, what would be your famous dish? Thank you so much.


Sarah Silverman  24:47

I don’t cook, I’ll tell you my famous dishes. I make a an incredible warm Grape Nuts, to scrape nuts with just a little more oatmeal and then were so funny. You pour a little more oat milk or whatever your milk preferences and you microwave it for like one minute or ish, maybe one minute and a half tops, you have to watch because it can explode or overflow. And then you take it out. Oh, I like to add a like a teaspoon of vegan butter or regular butter if you eat that. Let that all melt in mix it. I also like to throw a couple tablespoons of wheat germ just because I love that taste. And it’s nutty and warm and delicious. And then maybe you would want just the tiniest scoop of vanilla bean ice cream or a vegan version of such. I love it, it’s so wholesome so feeling so good, but that’s about as far as like, oh, and I can I make a really here’s a meal I make. I’ll make like Keen Wah or minute rice or something as a base. Throw in some spinach leaves. Maybe I want to put a little heat up some spinach as well. And then in that Pam, a bean of your choice a black bean maybe or kidney bean or a lentil of some kind. Heat that up any kind of vegetables, throw it in there, maybe some little olive oil. I’ll chop up some cubes of tofu. Stir that in there, maybe throw some soy sauce in there a little, what’s it called? What’s the soy sauce that’s like better for you that I like?


Amy  26:36

Liquid aminos.


Sarah Silverman  26:37

Yeah, huh? Oh my god, a little of that. Stir it all together. Throw it over the rice. If you get a little tahini sauce or make a little sesame dressing, drizzle that on? That’s I love it, so good, so delicious, so good for you. There you go, I answered.


Amy  27:01

It’s funny because I’ve stayed in your house. And then there could I mean, there could be like a Food Network show of like, what could you make with what’s in this fridge? And it’s literally like 17 condiments and that’s it and you’re like, Okay, I can like maybe there’s a stale cracker. And I feel like since Rory, your food, your cupboard is more stock.


Sarah Silverman  27:27

Yeah, we have stuff in a cupboard and we can like make meals, I back home, I mean before worry, like in my apartment. Yeah, you would find some cereal, who knows how long it’s it’s been open. Um, you will find water. Maybe a cook can have like coconut water.


Amy  27:51

Um, you stock great beverages.


Sarah Silverman  27:54

Always oh, you know, that’s from meeting Garry Shandling. And like playing basketball at his house. And when you open his refrigerator, it looked like a store like it just like all his favorite drinks all like stocked on each shelf, and I was like, someday I’m gonna do that.


Amy  28:14

You inspired me to do that in my house, because I now have like, a cupboard, that’s all beverages, I love it. But I love it truly when you just listed the ingredients of whatever that bowl was that you make, I had only ever seen the not food portions of it.


Sarah Silverman  28:34

What are the not food portions?


Amy  28:36

Like the amino acid.


Sarah Silverman  28:37

Oh, yeah.


Amy  28:40

Buster, whatever.


Sarah Silverman  28:41

Well now I get like minute rice because I just I can’t even be bothered to make rice. But you can just open an envelope and put it in your microwave for a minute. And you have rice like yeah, I don’t know. I also like really love, like, I have a 10 year old palate. Like I still enjoy an occasional Spaghetti’os. Or you get the Annie’s version if you want to be like healthy, I guess anyway, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. I also make perfect popcorn, which we’ve covered on this show.


System  29:17

Here’s some ads. And we’re back.


Sender 4  29:21

Hello, Sara, this is less of a question and more of a compliment but I recently watched Maestro and I just wanted to let you know that you were so wonderful in that film. Your acting was just fabulous. You look amazing. Every moment that you were on screen was a treat. An absolute thrill. I was so excited every time I saw your face on screen in that movie so amazing work and you’re such an inspiration comedically, and as an actress, and I just am so grateful that you are around to be a role model in that way. I just wanted to let you know good job. I adore you. And thank you for your performance.


Sarah Silverman  30:17

Well, that was quite a call. Thank you, that’s very nice, I you know, I Maestro, I thought it was gonna win, not because I’m in it, I have a very small part in it, by the way. So as I say this, I’m not like patting myself on the back. It is really like Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan and they’re both fucking mind blowing in it. And the I mean, Bradley Cooper did an unbelievable job. I I’ve seen it three times at now, you know, because and but it’s so fucking amazing. It’s so good, I’m really surprised that it you know, they haven’t won much coming up. They haven’t won anything, did they? I think they won some technical stuff but like, I’m really shocked, I mean, everyone, it’s such a there’s so much great stuff so I get it. It’s not like oh, I can’t believe so and so one or anything, but I just I find their performances. I was fucking blown away by both of them so I hope they get a little some some acknowledgement because it was really, it’s right, you should see it. I feel like if I didn’t see it, I’d probably think like it was one of those kind of homework kind of movies, but it’s so fun. It’s a fucking feast for the senses. In my humble opinion, alright. I say that as someone who’s not in it much, it’s not like, ghetto, but I fucking loved it, all right, what else?


Sender 5  31:50

Hi, I’ve been watching The Good Wife and you’ve just popped up in an episode. And the entire time I was thinking about Victoria Wood, and Kathy Bark. Comedians from the UK that I grew up watching. That kind of seamlessly transitioned into drama for small projects. Now, I’ve not seen Maestro. But I was wondering, in terms of how it feels to approach these roles, does it feel like you’re exercising? Like a comedy muscle? Does it feel like you’re exercising that like, true human experience thing? Or do you kind of have to have a word with yourself before you go and said a bit not hitting punchlines? Or about keeping yourself very small? For the camera? I don’t know. I would love to find it. Thank you very much. I hope you’re very well, bye for now.


Sarah Silverman  32:56

That’s an interesting, I’ve had that question before. So on one hand, I would say there’s very little difference between comedy and drama, if you’re just pretending something is real. Like you’re, you’re just pretending or this person and they’re saying these words. And it may be it’s comedic, and maybe it’s drama, but it’s you’re just being honest. You know, the one of the first dramas I did, I remember, just like you said, being very small and very, and everything I said was like this and like, really real, and really, in Sarah Polly, who is the director, you know, like, we’re in the scene that was on a bus. And she was like, can you be louder? Because like, you’re on a bus? And I was like, oh, yeah, yeah, and then we do another take, and I just was so hooked into the this is what real acting is that I was like talking like this. And then we went, we had lunch, and at lunch, I was sitting with Sarah Polly and other people. And I was like, bah, bah, bah, dadada,. you know, like standing and I was loud, and all of a sudden, I stopped and I went, wait a minute, I am in real life right now. And I’m being loud and broad, like, people in real life are sometimes louder because it’s loud in the room or abroad or our characters. And that was such an interesting lesson, and then sometimes you see dramatic actors do comedy, and oftentimes, they’re brilliant at it but sometimes even great actors think that they have to put some kind of like comedy sauce on it. And they’re not good, because they’re, they’re adding something that they don’t need to add. Comedy, I mean, depending on what kind of comedy it is, is just, you know, a great example is like bridesmaids, like those performances are just real. They’re just people playing real people. I mean, you know, Kristen Wiig is a great example of that, because she’s so small and so real. And it’s such hard comedy. There isn’t something else put on it, you can see how she can seamlessly go from comedy to drama, you know, it’s interesting. When sometimes you know what in Maestro, I’m, like a really broad character, because surely Bernstein was a very broad character. So, you know, it’s all I don’t know what this answer is but there’s some sort of answer in that word salad, I think.


Amy  35:36

Hey, Sarah. Last week, I was looking through some scenes that you’ve done, and one of them I had forgotten, but there is a beautiful scene. This is just a compliment to you about your dramatic acting but.


Sarah Silverman  35:51

Maybe I’ll take it.


Amy  35:52

Well, in Masters of Sex, you have this amazing scene with what’s her name.


Sarah Silverman  35:59

Annaleigh Ashford, she’s incredible.


Amy  36:01

About how your parents left. And you have no family and, and then she says, I’m your family and then the following scene on in the reel that I was watching is your character. I mean, spoiler alert, but your character dies in childbirth. And the last thing you say is I want my mom.


Sarah Silverman  36:22

I wrote that what I did write that line.


Amy  36:24

And I watched and I was like, when I see you emotional, I get emotional, and I also know kind of, I mean, I didn’t know you wrote a bit you it was such a, it’s so raw, about whole string of seeing those two scenes together back to back. And people who don’t know you act, or who wouldn’t imagine an eye like you fully lose yourself in those characters. And there’s something I don’t know, I can’t explain it but it’s like, I was very impressed, not that I haven’t seen those scenes 100 times, or knew you for 20 years, but.


Sarah Silverman  36:59

Well, I appreciate it, you know. I think I’ve been told, Oh, I would never cast you as this because you’re too much of a personality and people know you and it will take them out of the I’ve lost jobs because of that, I don’t know if you remember what I’m talking about. But I do think that I can that you can get lost that I can disappear into stuff, I mean, but my opinion doesn’t matter. But, um, but I guess I just have to get, I have the opportunities to and I’ve been given some opportunities to and I appreciate it. I like doing our jobs, but I also do understand that I mean, people know me, I’m pretty much an open book, especially on here. I try to come part, you know, to me, I compartmentalize those things, just like any actor is also different roles and different things in their life, they’re just not public. But it is smart, you know, if you’re an actor, I always think the way to go, you know, like the the Leo DiCaprio like you did Nero thing of like, no talk shows no social media, you know, just like, you don’t have an idea even on they’re both so famous, and you have a little bit of an idea of who they are, you really don’t know. And so you’re able to no matter how famous they get, really, they can disappear into roles. And that’s not an advantage I have that as a disadvantage because I’m of my own making, because I’m a comedian, and they have a podcast and I like talking about my life and life in general and dynamics between people and my Rory or people in my life, and that makes it harder to really lose yourself in a performance but I try to balance it, and thanks V. Ali’s love as V compliment. Alright, what else?


Joanna  39:01

Hi, Sarah. This is Joanna from Massachusetts. And I’m responding to Nolan’s call. Nolan, there are these area aging agencies that exist in all the counties, all the states, all the regions of the United States, your federal government dollars pay for it. And the area aging agency that serves you even has a caregiver social workers specifically there to provide you with support because being the person who’s in charge of everything that happens for your loved one is both isolating, draining, and honestly the feelings can be very overwhelming and the frustration so please check out the Area Aging Agency you can actually find it on the web through the National Office of Elder FERS or something, but it’s like a magic wonderful agency that can also help with home care and eligibility for all that stuff, so you don’t have to navigate it all by yourself and hopefully there is somebody in the social worker for caregivers position. That can be a really good resource for you so I did everything Sarah said, but I wanted to share hard one resource because I was the person for both of my parents.


Sarah Silverman  40:28

Area Aging Agency. So just your so it would be whatever your state.gov, that’s great. Get those tax dollars to work for ya. Thank you for calling in, I hope Nolan was listening. All right, dad, wherever you are, in time and space, we are winding down this is the part of the podcast when I say send me your questions go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast that’s speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast, and subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to your podcast that helps us stay on the air. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium baby subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like one from a guy who feels stuck in a Ph. D program for creative writing, when he should be out experiencing things to write about subscribe now in an apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast we are a production of Lemonada Media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show our mixes by James Barber, additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson. Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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