December 14, 2020

Toolkit: How to Build a Bubble

Frankly, it’s a little embarrassing it’s taken this long to do this toolkit, but better late than never: In the Bubble answers your questions about bubbles. Andy and Lana enlist the help of epidemiologists Emily Gurley and Saskia Popescu to get a better understanding of what a bubble is (and what it isn’t), how to build a safer one, what to do if someone in your bubble gets sick, and more. Plus, why the UK has bad bubbles.

December 9, 2020

How Biden Can Reach Trump Country (with Laurie Garrett)

Andy calls up author and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Laurie Garrett to explore one of the most challenging questions of the day: how will Biden reach Trump supporters on the vital issues of the pandemic? It’s a question that needs an answer.

December 7, 2020

Toolkit: Where and When Can I Get the Vaccine?

This toolkit tackles one of the most pressing topics in the world: how you will get your COVID-19 vaccine and when. Get answers about the science from Dr. David Agus, and the logistics from CVS Health’s Tom Moriarty. Andy asks them your questions about when you can get it, which one you’ll get, and more. Plus, a fun little bit of vaccine history from David.

December 2, 2020

Following One Shift in the COVID-19 Unit (with ER Dr. Megan Ranney)

Dr. Megan Ranney recorded her shift in a COVID-19 ER in Rhode Island the day after Thanksgiving and was kind enough to talk to Andy about it. Though her job is both physically and mentally exhausting, she manages to remain hopeful. This is a rare look inside a hospital’s COVID-19 bubble.

November 30, 2020

The Next Three Stages of COVID-19 (with Ashish Jha)

Andy calls up Ashish Jha, Dean of Brown University’s School of Public Health, to discuss what to expect during the next three stages of the pandemic. Ashish also describes going through what he calls “among the most surreal experiences of my life” – testifying in front of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee about hydroxychloroquine. Plus, Ashish’s projections for 2021 including which holiday we will be able to celebrate with friends and family — and an invitation too!

November 25, 2020

Toolkit Throwback: How to Talk to Each Other About Wearing Masks

Andy and Zach take a new approach in this episode, exploring the most pressing topics on people’s minds with two experts. Today: how to talk to others in your life who disagree with you about masks and social distancing. The panelists are Lanhee Chen, presidential health policy advisor to Mitt Romney, and United States of Care co-founder Natalie Davis.

November 23, 2020

Inside the Biden COVID Task Force (with Task Force Co-Chair Vivek Murthy)

Andy brings you an inside look at President-elect Biden’s COVID-19 efforts with task force co-chair Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon General and one of Biden’s senior advisors in the pandemic. Andy and Vivek discuss what the President-elect is thinking about the pandemic, the (lack of) transition, and his priorities come January 20. Plus, how they hope to reverse the damage done by — as Vivek puts it — the way politics has poisoned the pandemic response.

November 18, 2020

Tracking the COVID Third Wave (with Tom Inglesby)

Andy calls up one of the country’s leading experts on pandemic preparedness, Johns Hopkins University’s Tom Inglesby, to get the best possible view on the winter wave hitting the country. Johns Hopkins has been the gold standard for COVID-19 information and Tom also has a prominent role on the Biden-Harris COVID transition team. They discuss why Andy thinks the next three months are the most dangerous time in the whole pandemic and offer tips on how to get through it — both as individuals and as a nation.

November 16, 2020

A Pandemic With No Presidential Transition (with David Shulkin)

Andy talks about what should be happening with the presidential transition right now in terms of managing the pandemic. Former Trump VA Secretary David Shulkin provides expertise on how a typical transition goes — and the cost of President Trump’s refusal to concede. David was there for the Obama-Trump transition and details how he sees today’s norm-shattering process playing out. The saving grace, as Andy points out, is that President-Elect Biden knows his way around the White House blindfolded.

November 11, 2020

A 90% Effective Vaccine! (with Eric Topol)

Could this be a light at the end of the tunnel? Andy evaluates the remarkable news that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine proved more than 90% effective with physician, scientist and author Eric Topol. How excited should you be? What do we know and what don’t we know? What’s the timing and what comes next? Plus, a look at President-Elect Biden’s COVID-19 task force.