106. The Man in the Wall
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DC’s hottest club is… Boneheads! This place has everything: flimsy walls, belly button rings, a modern mummy, a forensic anthropologist on meth. That’s right – this week, Emily and Carla are revisiting Episode 106 of Bones, The Man in the Wall. Emily shares behind-the-scenes stories about her club-going outfit, dubbing her lines, and how she prepared to act like she was on drugs. Plus, Emily and Carla answer a fan question about all the hard words they had to pronounce on the show.
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Carla Gallo, Emily Deschanel
Emily Deschanel 00:00
Carla Gallo 00:01
Emily Deschanel 00:01
How are you?
Carla Gallo 00:02
Good. Long time no see.
Emily Deschanel 00:03
Long time no see. Can you hear? Do I sound normal?
Carla Gallo 00:05
No, you sound much better.
Emily Deschanel 00:06
Okay […] .
Emily Deschanel 00:07
I’m Emily Deschanel.
Carla Gallo 00:23
And I’m Carla Gallo.
Emily Deschanel 00:25
And this is Boneheads. Thank goodness we’ve been front loading these recordings.
Emily Deschanel 00:34
Before we’re airing them or dropping them, because betweenkids being sick and one of us being sick, and I’ve been out foralmost two weeks at this point, and I still can’t hear out of m right.
Carla Gallo 00:40
Carla Gallo 00:48
I know, which I feel for you, because that had happened to me in the past, and I feel like it’s […]. Everything just sounds and you’re like, “I can’t function like this”.
Emily Deschanel 00:57
Carla Gallo 00:57
And I was telling you I had to act like that when I was sick, and I did Clea DuVall movie. My ears plugged up, and I just remember being happy season. And I was like […]. I pray, but when I listened to the movie, I sound like this, and they have ultimately got cut down. Okay, not a big deal.
Emily Deschanel 01:24
I wanted more of you.
Carla Gallo 01:25
Thank you.
Emily Deschanel 01:26
And it’s funny because I feel like did sound a little different. It was very low. I was curious. It was not an acting choice.
Carla Gallo 01:33
No, it was not. The Christmas lady who I was playing did not have a cold. That was not the choice.
Emily Deschanel 01:41
I want to see more of this Christmas lady.
Carla Gallo 01:44
Yeah. Well, we talked about. There was discussions like, “What a sequel happen?” Would it not, I pitched that Christmas lady, was obviously very big part of a sequel. And Cleo didn’t answer me on that one. She didn’t.
Emily Deschanel 02:01
Carla Gallo 02:01
She’s probably just mully it over.
Emily Deschanel 02:03
Yeah, I’m sure she’s still very seriously considering it. But we’re back. We’re here back and better than ever.
Carla Gallo 02:09
Better than ever.
Emily Deschanel 02:10
I don’t know about that, but we’re here. We’re surviving.
Carla Gallo 02:14
Emily Deschanel 02:14
I took a nap before this because.
Carla Gallo 02:16
There’s nothing better.
Emily Deschanel 02:17
Carla Gallo 02:17
There’s nothing.
Emily Deschanel 02:18
I usually cannot take a nap, but now that’s all I want to do all day long.
Carla Gallo 02:23
Did you fall asleep?
Emily Deschanel 02:25
Not fully, but it was restorative.
Carla Gallo 02:27
Great. I mean to me, I’m like, “There’s nothing”.
Emily Deschanel 02:30
Oh! I’m into this new thing. Should I go into this before I talk about what we’re doing today?
Carla Gallo 02:34
A hundred percent.
Emily Deschanel 02:35
Okay, so it’s a Danish term.
Carla Gallo 02:37
Emily Deschanel 02:38
It spelled, H.Y.G.G.E. So, you think it’s pronounced hygge?
Carla Gallo 02:43
Emily Deschanel 02:47
It’s all about being cozy, spending time with some candles and tea, like warm and with friends.
Carla Gallo 02:54
Emily Deschanel 02:55
But not too many friends, not like a big bar.
Carla Gallo 02:57
Emily Deschanel 02:57
Four people, cozy upon fire.
Carla Gallo 03:00
Emily Deschanel 03:01
With a candle and some hot tea, hot beverage, coffee, tea. And I thought about our podcast and our shwals.
Carla Gallo 03:10
I don’t think we’ve talked about our podcast shwals. Maybe we have […] .
Emily Deschanel 03:14
I like the podcast shwals, really just cozy.
Carla Gallo 03:21
Just super large, cozy sweaters.
Emily Deschanel 03:23
And we call them our podcast shawls and neat to wear them every time we record.
Carla Gallo 03:29
[…] Forgive me if I said this already when we were recording, but I always said that eventually, I’m expecting that we’re going to be on the home shopping network.
Emily Deschanel 03:36
Oh! Yes.
Carla Gallo 03:37
Modeling podcast shawl […] .
Emily Deschanel 03:40
I probably pronouncing it wrong, but it says it’s pronounced H.O.O.
Carla Gallo 03:47
I thought it was hygieia or height.
Emily Deschanel 03:49
Well, it’s spelled H.Y.G.G.E.
Carla Gallo 03:51
Maybe we can get some fan pronunciation.
Emily Deschanel 03:54
Yeah, so if we have some Danish fans out there that can tell us how to pronounce it.
Carla Gallo 03:59
Emily Deschanel 03:59
The Dutch have a similar word, but it is usually more people. And it’s funny, my friend who came over, who’s Dutch, I think she used that word one time were we all gathered to watch the World Cup at our house.
Carla Gallo 04:10
Emily Deschanel 04:12
Her parents were visiting and we got bagels, and she said, “The Dutch have a word”. It’s this. It means, like, cozy gathering.
Carla Gallo 04:19
Emily Deschanel 04:20
You’re supposed to be comfortable and not formal. Cozy, comforting gathering.
Carla Gallo 04:25
And was she saying your gathering had that?
Emily Deschanel 04:27
Yes, she was saying that it felt like that.
Carla Gallo 04:30
It’s nice.
Emily Deschanel 04:31
I take it as a high compliment.
Emily Deschanel 04:32
Okay. Today we’re going to talk about the episode “The Man in the Wall”, which is episode 106. It was written by Elizabeth Benjamin or Liz Benjamin as she goes by, and directed by Tanya McKiernan.
Carla Gallo 04:32
It is.
Carla Gallo 04:48
Can I give a little summary?
Emily Deschanel 04:49
Carla Gallo 04:50
Okay. So in this episode, Angela convinces Brennan to go to a nightclub, to let her loosen up a little bit.
Emily Deschanel 04:59
It’s a […] water moment for Brennan.
Carla Gallo 05:02
Yeah. That’s right. While there’s club, Brennan accidentally offends some of the club going, which was unfortunate, and it leads to a fight where she is gonna kick a man right into a wall, but the wall open.
Emily Deschanel 05:21
Right open.
Carla Gallo 05:21
It just releases a bunch of meth into the air and reveals a dead body.
Emily Deschanel 05:26
Or a modern mummy.
Carla Gallo 05:27
Right. A modern mummy who they find out later is up and coming rapper named Roy Taylor, A.K.A DJ Mount.
Emily Deschanel 05:34
I’ve watched this episode.
Carla Gallo 05:35
Yeah, three times? […]. Thrill for you.
Emily Deschanel 05:36
But I have not watched it recently, but I broke down every scene just to make sure I don’t forget anything.
Carla Gallo 05:39
I know every time we canceled, that was the thing I would think. I was like, “Oh! No. Did she watch it again?” That’s a great episode, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying to keep preparing to talk about it and keep watching.
Emily Deschanel 05:59
Not my favorite episode, though.
Carla Gallo 06:01
No, not my favorite either.
Emily Deschanel 06:03
It doesn’t age well.
Carla Gallo 06:05
Correct? Which is one of the things I think we were probably both made notes about. There’s some sensitive topic.
Emily Deschanel 06:13
We’re sensitive then, I remember being uncomfortable.
Carla Gallo 06:18
Are you really?
Emily Deschanel 06:18
Yes. There’s certain things though in the club.
Carla Gallo 06:23
In the opening, when you’re there with Angela.
Emily Deschanel 06:26
Carla Gallo 06:26
And you’re dancing, and you’re like, “Oh! it’s tribal”, and there’s women who take offense, and that makes sense. But I would imagine when you’re shooting […] .
Emily Deschanel 06:35
Yeah. And I think the point was to say, Brennan’s not being specific about being tribal, because it has to do with black culture.
Emily Deschanel 06:45
But, it bumps in about me.
Carla Gallo 06:45
Carla Gallo 06:48
I agree.
Emily Deschanel 06:48
[…] It brings up the concept for me of anthropologists historically, and it was something I hadn’t really deeply thought about before. But anthropologists generally, historically being white people. Probably mostly males during a long periodof time.
Carla Gallo 07:03
Emily Deschanel 07:08
Going to different cultures and deciding how to study other people and how they lived. Mostly black and brown people, and making judgments from their culture. And it kind of made me think about Brennan and her place within that kind ofhistory and story of anthropologists. And I wonder if the anthropological community has been reckoning with that at all.I really hope so. Been kind of looking at what implicit bias has been in place, or explicit bias has been there when setting other cultures, especially as white people going into other communities throughout the world, and making judgments based on. Then, the Cartesian split thing when we talk. I’m sure that’s part of how the anthropologists are judging other cultures too, like valuing the head and […] breaking apart. I’m no official person.
Carla Gallo 08:15
Emily Deschanel 08:16
But, it has to do with the mind and the body, and separating the mind from the body and believing that the mind is better than the body. I believe, whether it’s dance or sex versus intellectual pursuits, being of the mind, instead of connecting the two, the Cartesian splits connect like separates those two, I believe.
Carla Gallo 08:41
You mention it in the episode, don’t you?
Emily Deschanel 08:45
[…] Yeah, so Brennan mentions it in the club.
Carla Gallo 08:50
Emily Deschanel 08:51
The Cartesian split and the mind from the body, it’s very tribe. And that woman, I think they were dubbed in the version I saw.
Carla Gallo 09:02
Emily Deschanel 09:02
And I think the people were saying “Bitch”, and now they say “Fool”.
Carla Gallo 09:08
Oh, interesting.
Emily Deschanel 09:08
Because it looked dubbed and looked like the one was saying, “I’ve watched this episode”.
Carla Gallo 09:11
Yeah. So you’ve noticed some.
Emily Deschanel 09:13
I got to see some real details.
Carla Gallo 09:15
Are we not allowed? I mean, now we can certainly say “Bitch”, but back then.
Emily Deschanel 09:19
No, I think they did say bitch back then. But, I mean, it was said bitch. And I think it was either dubbed back then, maybe it must have been dubbed back then.
Carla Gallo 09:26
Yes, probably.
Emily Deschanel 09:27
And sometimes you dub it just for.
Carla Gallo 09:29
Airplane or whatever.
Emily Deschanel 09:31
Carla Gallo 09:31
I’ve done that. You have to do the airplane version. And you go in and do all the […] if you prefer it for Californication. Oh, we would have a lot of those. They like, “Okay, come in for your airplane, ADR”, and it was really hysterical, the substitutions, because if you were like, “Fuck you”, they’d be like, “Flub you”. you know. And you were like, no.
Emily Deschanel 09:53
No one says that.
Carla Gallo 09:56
[…] No, but it was bad and there was a lot.
Emily Deschanel 09:59
Oh! one time I ad libbed. I said, “Oh, god”. I didn’t even say, “Oh, god”. And my character, this is from bones.
Carla Gallo 09:59
Emily Deschanel 10:00
Is an atheist.
Carla Gallo 10:11
Atheist, yeah.
Emily Deschanel 10:12
And they made me dub it as, like, “Gosh”.
Carla Gallo 10:18
Emily Deschanel 10:19
Or something like that.
Carla Gallo 10:21
Because they were like, “She’d never say that”.
Emily Deschanel 10:23
It sounded offensive, like, “Oh, God” was it? But my character is an atheist. There’s other characters that believe in God in the show.
Carla Gallo 10:32
Emily Deschanel 10:34
But I could see if somebody’s very religious and being sensitive by that, I understand it.
Carla Gallo 10:39
That’s interesting.
Emily Deschanel 10:41
So if you recall, in the last episode. I believe was the last episode we had the outfit, and we got notes from network or studio that I did not look good enough.
Carla Gallo 10:51
Emily Deschanel 10:52
The hair and the wardrobe. And there’s a lot of attention put on this outfit for going out.
Carla Gallo 10:58
Emily Deschanel 10:58
Which will probably not remember, because it’s a non member.
Carla Gallo 11:01
For this episode?
Emily Deschanel 11:02
For this episode.
Carla Gallo 11:04
Because I just watched a few minutes ago. It’s a black tank top, the one that you wear out?
Emily Deschanel 11:09
Carla Gallo 11:09
It’s just a black tank top and I think jeans, because you’re like, “Oh my costume”. You say, like, “Oh my costume, becauseit’s hot in here”, and Angela’s like, “No, honey, because you’re part, you dressed perfectly”
Emily Deschanel 11:24
It’s not a costume.
Carla Gallo 11:25
Yeah, it’s not a costume.
Emily Deschanel 11:26
But, I literally am wearing, like what I wear other times too.
Carla Gallo 11:29
No, you’re not.
Emily Deschanel 11:30
My character is not similar things.
Carla Gallo 11:32
Emily Deschanel 11:33
I don’t remember what went into all the discussions, but there was a studio executive or network executive or both. There were multiple people like weighing in, coming to costume fittings for that.
Carla Gallo 11:47
What? Why?
Emily Deschanel 11:48
Carla Gallo 11:48
Just because of what had happened on the previous episode?
Emily Deschanel 11:50
I guess. And I don’t understand it, and I don’t understand how like that. Sometimes it’s too many people overthinking things.
Carla Gallo 11:58
For sure. I think it occur in the first episodes or first season.
Emily Deschanel 12:02
So much attention on the beginning of a show, and somebody decided they didn’t like the vintage dress.
Carla Gallo 12:08
Emily Deschanel 12:08
And then they send some executives to make sure she doesn’t.
Carla Gallo 12:12
We need eyes on her.
Emily Deschanel 12:13
Like that, again.
Carla Gallo 12:15
Well, it’s funny you bring up the outfits because I noted the first time I watched it and then again today. Angela’s outfit, when you guys go out, because I was like, “I like, owned that”, it look silky where it’s almost a camisole, not outerwear. But at this stage, with a tiny little spaghetti strap like a lint and then some […]. That was the look of going out.
Emily Deschanel 12:43
But I know a lot of people would, but I would never wear spaghetti strap because I don’t know how to wear bra.
Carla Gallo 12:47
Well, you have ample bosoms and some of us do not.
Emily Deschanel 12:56
That’s not true.
Carla Gallo 12:57
Well, it is.
Emily Deschanel 13:00
Some people can get away with not having the support, and some people would be very dear to not have a support.
Carla Gallo 13:05
I don’t have a lot to support, okay.
Emily Deschanel 13:08
There’s a nice amount of support.
Carla Gallo 13:09
Listen, I’m not complaining, okay.
Emily Deschanel 13:13
Carla Gallo 13:14
Different times my life, maybe I would have.
Emily Deschanel 13:16
Carla Gallo 13:19
My friends were complimentary of the fact that I could go out without a bra.
Emily Deschanel 13:25
I know.
Carla Gallo 13:25
That I could wear certain things, I did not have impeding my choices.
Emily Deschanel 13:31
Yeah, Ipersonally jealous of that.
Carla Gallo 13:34
Emily Deschanel 13:35
I never get on that.
Carla Gallo 13:36
I’ll take it and I could wear that kind of a […]. Now that said, I did always wear a bra. Because I was a kind of a conservative, a little bit of like a, “Oh! god”, you know. God forbid you see the shape of my breast, I’d have a strap […] tape on the side. You tape it and stick it and it dipped down. I had every bra for every occasion, strapless.
Emily Deschanel 14:07
I remember I had to wear some weird thing and I had some crazy bra that raced her down in the back.
Carla Gallo 14:14
Emily Deschanel 14:15
It was like, I had to wear a leotard that went way down in the back. Yeah, the things we do.
Carla Gallo 14:21
The things we do.
Emily Deschanel 14:23
The things we do.
Carla Gallo 14:27
Boneheads will be right back after this short ad break.
Carla Gallo 14:51
Can we also talk about you kicking a guy through the wall?
Emily Deschanel 14:54
Yeah, and how easily that wall just fell apart.
Emily Deschanel 14:57
The kick was kind of weird. […] How convenient was this, by the way, and I don’t think there’s many episodes where bones, or one of our main characters finds the body.
Carla Gallo 14:57
Yeah, I know.
Carla Gallo 15:09
No, that is super unusual, actually.
Emily Deschanel 15:12
I’m glad that we didn’t use that a lot.
Carla Gallo 15:14
A lot. No, because I know that a friend recently was, we were talking about poker face, which I love.
Emily Deschanel 15:21
I need to watch it.
Carla Gallo 15:23
Oh, it’s so good. And this is a neighbor friend, and he loves Marvel and superhero, real suspension of disbelief stuff. Can’t handle the fact that she always is around someone who dies on poker face. Because every episode, I hope I’m not ruining it for you, someone dies.
Emily Deschanel 15:41
Carla Gallo 15:41
Because it’s murder, she wrote. She’s solving it, much like a procedure, any a procedural. She’s fine figuring out who killed the person.
Carla Gallo 15:49
This neighbor friend cannot get passed.
Emily Deschanel 15:49
Emily Deschanel 15:51
But, doesn’t she get called in when someone dies […] .
Carla Gallo 15:53
No. But, if you watch Marvel and you can suspend disbelief.
Emily Deschanel 16:00
But that’s in a different world. This lives in our world.
Carla Gallo 16:03
I know. I did think of that where I was like, “Oh, maybe that’s where he’s tripping up”.
Emily Deschanel 16:07
Carla Gallo 16:07
He said. It’s like, “Oh, this is a normal universe where you just keep”, she mention at one point, she’s like, “Watch it, don’t be around me, because I keep all these dead body”.
Emily Deschanel 16:08
Carla Gallo 16:09
People keep dying around me. I’m kind of trouble.
Emily Deschanel 16:21
I have once thought about how many people I’ve known or knew of who’d been murdered.
Carla Gallo 16:28
In real life?
Emily Deschanel 16:29
Carla Gallo 16:29
Emily Deschanel 16:30
Well, because you think you don’t know many people who’ve been murdered or suspicious deaths, like even the person who drove me to school, when I was little, she died suspiciously then she couldn’t drive me to school anymore. She was a teenager, and then she couldn’t drive me to school anymore. I was like a suspicious dad. I don’t know if we know how she died. She could die or drowned or something, she was found in the ocean. But it was things like a friend’s sister was murdered by a stranger in a rest stop.
Carla Gallo 17:06
Emily Deschanel 17:06
Some of my sister knew, but I knew him too, murdered by his new boyfriend’s ex boyfriend.
Carla Gallo 17:14
Emily Deschanel 17:15
I feel like I’ve counted him up and it’s 10 people or something.
Carla Gallo 17:20
That’s very unusual.
Emily Deschanel 17:21
But it’s kind of the connections are, right. And my friend’s dad, a guy in my class, his dad was murdered when I was in school in elementary school.
Carla Gallo 17:32
This is very surprising to me, because I don’t think I have, I mean, I’m sure there’s one somewhere in there. You know, car accident stuff.
Carla Gallo 17:43
I know I’m from the big city. I’m from Big Apple in Brooklyn. But, no murders that I know of. No.
Emily Deschanel 17:43
You don’t know anyone?
Emily Deschanel 17:44
Carla Gallo 17:44
Someone got hit by a car in high school, not a friend of mine, but like someone who went to my […] .
Emily Deschanel 17:49
But not on purpose they die?
Carla Gallo 17:53
No, I don’t think I have any murders. You’re making me think I’m gonna have to go back.
Emily Deschanel 18:05
It’s just when you start thinking about it, then you realize, anyway.
Carla Gallo 18:08
Anyway. So kick through the wall, because I didn’t want to talk about that, you get very convenient. And then you find awhat you refer to. I wrote it down our first modern mummy, which is interesting, because I do think we later go on to have other. I think you have other? No, maybe not.
Emily Deschanel 18:27
I don’t remember.
Carla Gallo 18:28
Because I was in an episode where I make fun of it, where they find a mummy.
Carla Gallo 18:35
I’m sorry. You know what? I would never make fun of, I would never I’m so devoted. A mummy is discovered on a electricfence […] . I’m just sure we’re gonna get to that episode. And they find frankincense and myrrh in the mummy. And then I think, you’re like, “This is an Egyptian mummy, so it is an old mummy”.
Emily Deschanel 18:35
Emily Deschanel 19:05
Carla Gallo 19:05
But I think that you think maybe it isn’t an old mummy, until you find the frankincense and the myrrh. And I think, that’s what I make fun of it. It’s just that you instantly know that when you smell it, you’re like, “I smell, is that myrrh? Is that frankincense? Oh, I know this is an Egyptian mummy”. Sorry for that, apology.
Emily Deschanel 19:28
No, please make fun. I feel like we have to ask Michaela when she comes on. I feel like they gave Michaela dance lessons to do the dancing.
Carla Gallo 19:38
Emily Deschanel 19:40
I think she had to have dance like, they got her dance lessons. And we joked about that.
Carla Gallo 19:48
She did a little ditty in the office when she’s like, “Come on, honey. Come out”. And I was like, “Oh, that’s cute”. That’s Michaela doing a little move, but that’s no dancing in the COVID.
Emily Deschanel 19:59
There’s barely.
Carla Gallo 20:02
Oh, really?
Emily Deschanel 20:02
No. And the kind of dancing that would be done would not be anything.
Carla Gallo 20:06
No, you need a lesson.
Emily Deschanel 20:07
That you know, couldn’t be doing on her own, which I have full confidence.
Carla Gallo 20:10
Confidence that she could do. She could feel the beat.
Emily Deschanel 20:11
She’s got the beat.
Carla Gallo 20:16
She’s got the beat. Can we fast forward to, not fast forward. I’m just moving to the thing that was to me, the most shocking part of the episode is when we’re back at the lab and Booth is like, “Didn’t this guy have hands the mummy?” And you’re like, “Oh, I’m rehydrating them”. Then you proceed to peel the skin of the hand. The sound effects were incredible.
Emily Deschanel 20:44
Oh, I don’t even know.
Carla Gallo 20:45
I mean, it was the gooiest sticky at their hand, it’s sound effects.
Emily Deschanel 20:50
Carla Gallo 20:50
And then you put the skin, you rehydrate it.
Emily Deschanel 20:54
Carla Gallo 20:54
Peel the skin off, and then put the hand skin on your own hand, like a glove to get the fingerprint. And I would like to also question you right now, why couldn’t you just scan the hand as it was? Why did it have to be on your hand?
Emily Deschanel 21:12
Great question.
Carla Gallo 21:13
Emily Deschanel 21:14
I could not eat my breakfast that morning. I distinctly remember, because it was so disgusting.
Carla Gallo 21:18
Emily Deschanel 21:19
At that point, I already eat, like, when the dead bodies were around. But that was like, I remember cereal.
Carla Gallo 21:26
And you were like, no.
Emily Deschanel 21:27
I was like, nope. I had one bite.
Carla Gallo 21:29
Emily Deschanel 21:30
Then when I had to do that, I just didn’t have breakfast that morning. I carved myself.
Carla Gallo 21:34
I’m interested, suffered for the art. I’m interested in hearing that because obviously you’re acutely aware that it is fake, but it still affects you.
Emily Deschanel 21:44
Yeah, it’s pretty gross.
Carla Gallo 21:46
It was very gross.
Emily Deschanel 21:47
Yeah, we haven’t even discussed though, that Brennan and Angela get high on math.
Carla Gallo 21:54
Oh, I’m so sorry to have skipped that, because I think that is my actual favorite part of the episode.
Emily Deschanel 22:00
Yeah, I like that.
Carla Gallo 22:01
That was my favorite part.
Emily Deschanel 22:01
I always could have done more.
Carla Gallo 22:04
I was like, that was way too quick. Like, you guys being kept repeating. […] And I loved you guys being high on math.
Emily Deschanel 22:20
It was fun. That was fun to do. I really would have never actually been high on math, shock.
Carla Gallo 22:26
Nor have I.
Emily Deschanel 22:27
So I did not know I had to do my own research. I remember doing some research on what I’d be like, I’m sure it was not accurate at all, but it was still fun. And I remember talking to Mike Grasso, who we’ll talk to at some point as well, who isour law enforcement consultant on the show, who’s a former LAPD homicide detective.
Carla Gallo 22:50
Emily Deschanel 22:51
Oh, okay. Anyway, I asked him about what method, because he will know about anything. I’ve asked him when I had to be a heroin addict, I didn’t take a hit. Because he comes from a law enforcement background, but he does have a lot of information.
Carla Gallo 23:03
Emily Deschanel 23:04
From that perspective. But then I talked to other people who had done heroin, and I talked to people
Carla Gallo 23:11
You did?
Emily Deschanel 23:12
Who in relationships with people.
Carla Gallo 23:15
So the math.
Emily Deschanel 23:17
That was not this job. But anyways, point is math. It was fun to do that.
Carla Gallo 23:21
Emily Deschanel 23:21
I like, look at that, like my posture. And I remember Barry Josephson coming up to me in that club for one because I think we were probably in that club for a couple days.
Carla Gallo 23:31
Okay, yeah.
Emily Deschanel 23:32
You have to go back and dance thing, which is the first night club scene took a lot while for a TV show.
Carla Gallo 23:38
Carla Gallo 23:39
Emily Deschanel 23:39
And then we had to find the bot, and we had to be high, then we had to come back a few times to go in the wall, and then go talk to Randall the guy, right?
Emily Deschanel 23:39
And we have to talk about the casting of those guys.
Carla Gallo 23:54
Oh, yes.
Emily Deschanel 23:55
But I remember Barry Josephson coming up to me and just saying, posture,
Carla Gallo 23:59
Posture, because you were too well.
Emily Deschanel 24:01
I was like, my shoulders go down.
Carla Gallo 24:03
Wait, he wanted you to have.
Emily Deschanel 24:05
Better posture in general.
Carla Gallo 24:07
Oh, I thought during the math thing.
Emily Deschanel 24:10
I don’t remember was during the math thing.
Carla Gallo 24:11
Oh, okay.
Emily Deschanel 24:11
During the math thing, I definitely didn’t have great posture.
Carla Gallo 24:14
Nor should you. I don’t think.
Emily Deschanel 24:15
Is well known that people well on math.
Carla Gallo 24:18
Have great posture.
Emily Deschanel 24:19
Terrible posture.
Carla Gallo 24:20
Oh, terrible.
Emily Deschanel 24:20
So that’s what the choice, that was the action. I think that was when he also just said, “hired”.
Carla Gallo 24:29
What does that mean?
Emily Deschanel 24:30
I had a friend who auditioned for a part, and I said, “Oh, my friend auditioned”. And then he just came up and said, “hired”.
Carla Gallo 24:37
And you know what it meant?
Emily Deschanel 24:38
No, not. I was like, “What?” “Hired” I was like, “What?” “Your friend”. I said, “Oh, awesome.” I don’t want to interfere with fasting, but I’ll say, “Hey, that’s a friend”.
Emily Deschanel 24:51
I got so upset.
Carla Gallo 24:51
That reminds me of the story. I just say obviously, because we’ve discussed this quite a few times, I think we’re gonna have to have your good pal, your very good pal. Melanie Lynskey on because she auditioned, but didn’t, she should tell the story, but I don’t want to ruin it a little bit. She told me “She was good friends with you”. And they were like, “Sure”. But then you were like, “Oh no”. I don’t think she ever ask you for a word.
Carla Gallo 25:16
I know, because she didn’t get it.
Emily Deschanel 25:21
I was so upset, I couldn’t even say anything to the casting.
Carla Gallo 25:25
Emily Deschanel 25:26
Well, that’s what happened. And then I was like, “Whatever”, but we should definitely have me on. But, I want to talk about Bokeem Woodbine.
Carla Gallo 25:31
Oh yeah.
Emily Deschanel 25:31
And Morris Chestnut.
Carla Gallo 25:34
Bokeem Woodbine plays Randall Hall, the owner of the nightclub who, (spoiler alert, I’m very sorry) we eventually find out is the killer and Morris Chestnut plays who we think is one of Randalls cronies, but then he actually turns out to be an undercover FBI agent named agent oaks, right?
Emily Deschanel 25:54
I remember when I saw them, because I had recognized them from different things they both have been in. And I was like, “Oh, I remember this episode being like, Oh, we got some good people”.
Carla Gallo 26:08
Really good people.
Emily Deschanel 26:09
“People who I recognize”.
Carla Gallo 26:10
Emily Deschanel 26:13
So to me, that was something that kind of stuck out about this episode where I was like, “Oh, this is legit?”
Carla Gallo 26:20
Well, you got really good people.
Emily Deschanel 26:23
And people who’ve done. There’s other good actors.
Carla Gallo 26:27
Emily Deschanel 26:27
For show for sure, but I didn’t recognize them as much as these guys. Later on, Morris Chestnut went on to do RosewoodFox show.
Carla Gallo 26:39
I know.
Emily Deschanel 26:40
And Carla.
Carla Gallo 26:41
I was on it, and it was kind of funny, because I did a crossover. So, I was Daisy Wick.
Emily Deschanel 26:51
Carla Gallo 26:52
And that’s why, when I saw Morris Chestnut in this episode, I was like, “Wait, hold up”. Obviously, the shows aren’t related. But I was sort of “Wait a second, how could he be two different characters?”
Emily Deschanel 27:01
Like Lauper? Playing a character on the show with different.
Carla Gallo 27:08
Yeah, who’s not Cindy.
Emily Deschanel 27:10
Avalon Harmonia, character.
Carla Gallo 27:12
Avalon, right?
Emily Deschanel 27:13
I love. I was a huge fan of Cyndi Lauper.
Carla Gallo 27:18
Yeah, me too.
Emily Deschanel 27:19
Huge fan, but I just loved working with her, too.
Carla Gallo 27:23
Yeah, she seemed very cool. I didn’t work with her a ton of times, but she gave everybody the CD to Kinky Boots.
Emily Deschanel 27:31
Yeah, so sweet.
Carla Gallo 27:34
In your wedding, that episode.
Emily Deschanel 27:36
Carla Gallo 27:37
It was a lot of us, and she gave everybody. She was like, “Oh, wait on my CD” she was so nice.
Emily Deschanel 27:43
Carla Gallo 27:44
But I didn’t work with her very much. That might have been one of the only episodes I met.
Emily Deschanel 27:47
Me too. We’ll have her on our show.
Carla Gallo 27:51
That would be incredible.
Emily Deschanel 27:52
Yeah, she also sent me champagne when I got married.
Carla Gallo 27:56
That’s so sweet. Did you just have you touch?
Emily Deschanel 27:58
I have her number.
Carla Gallo 28:00
Do you?
Emily Deschanel 28:00
Carla Gallo 28:01
That’s pretty cool.
Emily Deschanel 28:02
I’ve seen her. I saw her in concert and I’ve seen her a couple other times. We hang out all the time, just kidding, but I have seen her.
Carla Gallo 28:13
Well, I’m jealous.
Emily Deschanel 28:13
We’re BFF.
Carla Gallo 28:15
I’m a big fan. Having her, that would be dream come true, to have her on on here. So text her.
Emily Deschanel 28:24
I’ll text her.
Emily Deschanel 28:29
Time for a quick break, but don’t worry, there’s more Boneheads coming at you in just a bit.
Emily Deschanel 28:53
Do we want to talk about the belly button ring?
Carla Gallo 28:57
Yeah, I would like to talk about the belly button ring. I had a lot of and then Angela, of course, being like, “I had one”.
Emily Deschanel 29:05
Well, I think it was the actually written originally that she had.
Carla Gallo 29:08
She still had it.
Carla Gallo 29:09
Emily Deschanel 29:09
That’s actually even Michaela’s words of, that feels very Miami divorce day.
Emily Deschanel 29:09
And they put that in.
Carla Gallo 29:16
I love it and it’s not wrong.
Emily Deschanel 29:20
No offense to the Miami divorces day, […] that time with a belly button ring, who’s known in Miami divorce day.
Carla Gallo 29:27
According to as many belly button rings these days.
Emily Deschanel 29:30
Yeah. I think it was kind of passe.
Carla Gallo 29:34
Is that true? It must have been for her, for Michaela, to have said that. But there was definitely, like a belly button ring era.
Emily Deschanel 29:41
Emily Deschanel 29:42
I put those two things on the same category.
Carla Gallo 29:42
And then no more, then it was […].
Carla Gallo 29:49
So my five year old was like, “My teacher has a tattoo above her butt” and then Mark and I are like, “Oh, how do you know?” “She was wearing pants and she bent over”. And then Mark and I just like, “Yeah, some people have that”. But it’sfunny because you’re kindergarten teacher. Of course, there’s a whole association with that, where the placement of that tattoo is, and you’re like, that’s a “Venera” […] .
Carla Gallo 30:30
At that time.
Emily Deschanel 30:30
Carla, how did you do that? I have to say, I have so many people I know in that exact spot.
Emily Deschanel 30:31
When you’re coming in the age of 18.
Carla Gallo 30:44
Emily Deschanel 30:46
It’s a miracle. or not a miracle, because it’s better or not better. I don’t know if my kids […] our kids wouldn’t know.
Carla Gallo 30:54
Emily Deschanel 30:55
Neither David nor I have tattoos.
Carla Gallo 30:57
I don’t neither.
Emily Deschanel 30:58
But, at the same time they’ve had nannies that have had tattoos, and rounded enough that it wouldn’t be something of note, but maybe they don’t know where it is.
Carla Gallo 31:07
I think that was it is.
Emily Deschanel 31:09
It is a secret.
Carla Gallo 31:10
For sure.
Emily Deschanel 31:10
That’s what it was.
Carla Gallo 31:11
Very close friends who have literally full sleeves like, Mark’s writing partner, he’s an animator, so he has tons of tattoos.
Emily Deschanel 31:20
That’s animato.
Carla Gallo 31:23
Very skilled animator, Pedro Eboli, I know you’re listening. So, the kids are very interested in tattoos. They also like a press on tattoo. Love a press on tattoo.
Emily Deschanel 31:36
Carla Gallo 31:37
But I do think it’s the location. I think it was the fact that she also kind of bent, it was a secret tattoo, and she bent over.
Emily Deschanel 31:43
Yeah, secret tattoo.
Carla Gallo 31:45
He saw.
Emily Deschanel 31:46
What was it of?
Carla Gallo 31:48
I don’t know, I could try to find out. I like to try to get the gossip from school.
Emily Deschanel 31:56
The little tidbits that we got.
Carla Gallo 31:59
But I caught Margo used to call it. Well, she thought it was called gothels. And so she would be like, “Oh, I have gothels”.And I’ll be like, “Oh, you do?” […] .
Emily Deschanel 32:13
I know the older kid will correct the younger kid with the cute thing.
Carla Gallo 32:18
I know, gothel. So now, I’ll be like, “Who’s got gothels for me?”.
Emily Deschanel 32:21
I want gothels. That’s what I want to call it from now on.
Carla Gallo 32:24
Okay, do. Who has gothels? And then I get the gothels.
Emily Deschanel 32:26
Wait, can we have a section of the podcast called goethals?
Carla Gallo 32:29
Emily Deschanel 32:31
Why have we not been doing that?
Carla Gallo 32:32
I don’t know, but I’m glad we came to it as early as we did episode six, goethals.
Emily Deschanel 32:37
Do you want to talk about the whole Angela relationship theory? There’s the Booth and Tessa.
Carla Gallo 32:46
Emily Deschanel 32:46
Side thing, but we didn’t put in the synopsis because it wasn’t part of the main plot, but it’s a big thing for the whole series. And they’re planning a vacation together, and Angela has all these theories, six steps or whatever, goes through the steps with them, and then all of a sudden, Tess is like.
Carla Gallo 33:02
Cancel the vacation, and then he has to go alone. I mean, I was telling you earlier, there’s literally nothing that I like to discuss more than relationships. I can’t get enough on that, it’s all I care about. It’s part of the goethals. To be perfectly honest, […] gothels are my gothels. I mean, that is my hot gothels. I’m just interested in breakups. I’m interested in the inception of a relationship. You know, where did it start? How did it start? Who was interested? Who wasn’t? Obviously, relationship dynamics can be tricky, if it’s current. Well, you don’t want to get in too deep. But, it’s all I want to talk about.
Emily Deschanel 33:44
I like that kind of stuff too. Maybe not as much as I’ve like, but I also feel I’m very attuned. And I think, this is a generalization, but I feel like sometimes women are more than men. If you know, my husband, Dave, and I are out and sometimes we’ve been with couple, and I’ll be like, “Well, something’s going on there”. And, the next thing we know, we’re getting a divorce. I’m like, “there you go” or we’re separated. I sense that I got that, like, spidey sense.
Carla Gallo 34:14
Is it a funny thing, hanging out with other couples because I don’t know if you guys have this, but you were1 reflecting on like, “Well, how did we come off to them?” I just think that sometimes, because we’ve absolutely will do the post mortem, where we’re just like, “Did you see how like”, “He said that?” And we’re just always analyzing. And then I’m always like, “Are they analyzing us?” Of course they are, right?
Emily Deschanel 34:39
Yeah, I don’t think everyone’s on top of David is also […] he won’t pick up on some things, but I think just being actors and he’s a writer, you are used to. You’re interested in human behavior.
Carla Gallo 34:55
Emily Deschanel 34:56
And so I think it’s fascinating. I think we’re also attuned to such things that sort of, “Oh, did you notice that moment?”
Carla Gallo 35:01
Yeah, definitely watching, observing.
Carla Gallo 35:04
Very much so.
Emily Deschanel 35:05
Emily Deschanel 35:07
I’ll also be careful hanging out.
Carla Gallo 35:10
I know you’re gonna have to be very careful around me, because I’m always watching. It’s funny because I think beingmarried 10 years deep. We’re not married 10 years, we got married after we had two kids, scandal.
Emily Deschanel 35:26
Scandal, that’s a whole episode.
Carla Gallo 35:28
We’re five years on marriage, five and a half or something. But I’m gonna give that 10 years, I don’t miss dating, in termsof dating is a nightmare, and maybe it isn’t for everyone. Maybe, some people love it, I don’t know. But, the only thing I would say I miss is that analysis. I think even when you’re involved in it, you’re kind of, “This is new thing, and this new kind of person who does that”. I think the analysis people (I don’t obviously don’t get to do that anymore), so maybe that’s why I’m analyzing everybody.
Emily Deschanel 36:02
Yeah, of course, vicariously.
Carla Gallo 36:03
Vicariously, yes. I just am fascinated by it and in this vacation thing, I don’t think I did that very much. I remember hearing about people who would be like, “I can’t remember who now”, but there’s a few people where I remember it waslike, “They hadn’t been dating very long”, and the person just asks them to go on maybe this vacation is happening, happens to coincide with early stages of this relationship, and they’re like, “Well, do you want to come?” And that, to me,was always like, “This is really make it or break it”, which I guess is what she’s saying. I think early on, if you’re going to go on a vacation with somebody, that is so telling. Because you are waking up there. If you’re at that stage where you’renot living together, this is really like you are seeing without makeup, hair, and did it on bad breath. And maybe I’m just speaking for myself, very exposing.
Emily Deschanel 36:04
You’re the only one who’s experienced those things, Carla.
Carla Gallo 36:05
Yeah, I feel some people were I never […] the hair and the makeup, but I did. And there was a presentation I was putting on, you rip it all away. I think she’s not wrong. I’m gonna go ahead and say that pre living together.
Emily Deschanel 37:11
You have to go on a vacation together.
Carla Gallo 37:12
Well, not that you have to, but that vacation is a trial run. It’s absolutely a trial run.
Emily Deschanel 37:16
Do you think that Tessa got a little freaked out by that, because she’s not sure about the relationship and she’s commitment? Or she’s got scary by Angela putting that?
Carla Gallo 37:27
I think you guys are scaring her. I think that you all and his sort of involvement with you all. She gives you a real look up on the bridge.
Emily Deschanel 37:35
Yeah, she kind of says something.
Carla Gallo 37:36
You were like, “Hi, Tessa. And she’s like […].
Emily Deschanel 37:37
Yeah. We talk about analyzing little behaviors but I noticed the same thing. I couldn’t tell if it was because she is like notsure if she wants to go in with Booth into that next step, and Angela’s saying, “Oh, that’s the next step before moving in”.Like, “I don’t want to move in with him”.
Carla Gallo 37:38
Emily Deschanel 37:42
Or she feels insecure or she just feels like pushed away because of the Jeffersonian group.
Carla Gallo 37:57
Yeah, it’s creating a wedge. You guys are creating a wedge, I would say.
Emily Deschanel 38:05
I don’t know if it’s because she’s not sure about the relationship or a commitment issue.
Carla Gallo 38:19
I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out, tune in.
Emily Deschanel 38:21
I know why I’m questioning this.
Carla Gallo 38:22
Because you probably know the answer. I also thought, I’m jumping ahead, but just want to say on that topic. I was kindof surprised, I was like, “Wait, he’s still going on the vacation when she cancels?”. Like, “Why is he still going to Jamaica by himself?” […] Not to say again, you guys talk about vacationing alone at the end. And it’s actually you guys kind of both talk about it.
Emily Deschanel 38:47
Yeah. I’ve never had that happen before.
Emily Deschanel 38:47
Carla Gallo 38:47
Positive light but I was just like, “I wouldn’t do that”. I wouldn’t go to Jamaica, a Jamaican getaway by myself.
Carla Gallo 38:49
No, I haven’t either. Oh! I did a trip.
Emily Deschanel 38:54
But, I don’t know if I would probably try and get a friend to come with me.
Carla Gallo 39:06
Yeah, I would do that for sure. I was supposed to go on vacation with a boyfriend and he broke up with me right before we were supposed to go to Monaco. It was like, sometimes actors are gifted vacations because they want, like a celebrity type to be at an event. So they’ll say, “Hey, you’re invited”.
Emily Deschanel 39:31
It was for the Monaco TV?
Carla Gallo 39:33
No, it was a Formula One race.
Emily Deschanel 39:35
Oh, yes.
Carla Gallo 39:36
And so they wanted him to come to that race, and he broke up with me, then he didn’t go, which I was glad about because I didn’t want to miss.
Emily Deschanel 39:48
Oh! because you wouldn’t go on your own, because it was his vacation.
Carla Gallo 39:50
I couldn’t go alone.
Emily Deschanel 39:52
We’ll end up talking about that entire relationship through the course of this series of podcast episode.
Emily Deschanel 39:52
Carla Gallo 39:52
And I wouldn’t have to be honest, but he didn’t go without me, and I believe instead, he like, cashed it in for something else. I don’t remember the details of it, but I feel like there was like a spa weekend instead of the Monaco trip. I don’t know, I might be making up because he broke up with me, I got back together. Should we talk about that relationship? I’m just kidding. My ex relation cause I have lot today.
Carla Gallo 40:23
Over 250 episodes […] .
Emily Deschanel 40:24
We will download the whole story.
Carla Gallo 40:26
If you track my stories, you will know everything about that.
Emily Deschanel 40:30
Absolutely. I have the Angela steps.
Carla Gallo 40:34
Oh, you do?
Emily Deschanel 40:35
Yeah. Step one, spend the night. Step two, spend the weekend.
Carla Gallo 40:41
Emily Deschanel 40:42
Step three, exchange keys. I disagree to that.
Carla Gallo 40:46
I disagree.
Emily Deschanel 40:49
I don’t think that happens untils you’re married.
Carla Gallo 40:51
Yeah, I didn’t give a key until you live together. When you live to me, I don’t think, […] that relationship where I got broken up before Monica, we had keys for sure. We both had homes.
Emily Deschanel 41:06
Carla Gallo 41:07
We weren’t living together, but we would be there for a week. My place for a week, his place for a week. So we had to have a key. But we were not living together, right?
Emily Deschanel 41:16
Yeah? Basically, we living together.
Carla Gallo 41:17
Emily Deschanel 41:19
Four, sexy weekend getaway.
Carla Gallo 41:22
Four? […] Okay.
Emily Deschanel 41:26
[…] It’s been a long time since I’ve been a single person. Do you know?
Carla Gallo 41:30
I know, but let me also say, I think for me, sexy weekend getaway is the same as extended vacation.
Emily Deschanel 41:38
I don’t know what’s a different. I think you’re in front with the same thing. I guess it’s a shorter version, so you can get away quickly if you don’t like it.
Carla Gallo 41:46
I’m taking issue with Angela’s list.
Emily Deschanel 41:48
Send it to get a vacation then inevitably, followed by six, move in together. I don’t think that’s enough.
Carla Gallo 41:55
I agree with you. I’ve done all those things and not again. Obviously, I had that relationship, I just talked about that I willobviously continue to talk throughout the years of us doing this podcast. I feel like you know which relationship it is. AndI never lived with anyone until Mark. Never was there one residence that we both lived again, like I had that one I was talking about, where he had a home and I had a home, and we were always together. But we could leave, if we got in a fight or something like that, leave and that happened. But Mark was the first person. So I had all those steps, and I did vacation (I did short vacations, I did long vacations), and the relationship continued, but I never made it with all those other people. Where she’s sort of saying that if you do the extended vacation, it leads you. If you survive, it leads you the next step of moving in.
Emily Deschanel 41:55
I don’t think that it works.
Carla Gallo 42:01
It doesn’t work.
Emily Deschanel 43:04
Well, Brandon calls her on it. She said […]. Yeah, that’s not a list.
Carla Gallo 43:13
So it was addressed in the show.
Emily Deschanel 43:15
It was addressed.
Carla Gallo 43:17
Emily Deschanel 43:17
And debunked already, but we’re debunking it again.
Carla Gallo 43:20
Yeah. That’s what we’re here for.
Emily Deschanel 43:23
That’s what we’re here for. I think we’ve gone through the whole episode.
Carla Gallo 43:25
Yeah, I think it happened so seamlessly that here we are at the conclusion, and we didn’t even know we did it.
Emily Deschanel 43:36
Okay. Do you want to do a listener, fan question?
Carla Gallo 43:39
I would love to.
Emily Deschanel 43:41
Jackie in Los Angeles, California asks, did you ever get nervous before read through because of all the hard words you knew you were going to have to pronounce?
Carla Gallo 43:51
You want to answer?
Emily Deschanel 43:54
Should I answer?
Carla Gallo 43:54
Emily Deschanel 43:55
Okay. I don’t know what they mean for read through, like a rehearsal or actually filming or a table read which is when you just read the scripts. We only did table reads the first season because it just took too much time out of a production day. And I would say table reads wouldn’t make me nervous at all, because scripts, I would be reading them off the page.
Emily Deschanel 44:18
So, it’s probably not what they meant. But, sometimes I would get nervous about filming certain scenes with crazy dialogue, and I became a machine, as I like to say, learning dialogue. I had a whole system of when I would learn it, and I learned it only the day before, unless I had big speech or a lot of dialogue.
Carla Gallo 44:18
Carla Gallo 44:39
Because you have a short memory.
Emily Deschanel 44:40
Carla Gallo 44:40
Like you were using it so that it was sort of, you just put it in and you’re gonna put it out, rather than, storing it.
Emily Deschanel 44:45
And it would literally be gone.
Carla Gallo 44:45
Emily Deschanel 44:48
I don’t know what constitutes short and long term memory, but it was just a 24 hour kind of thing. And I don’t know if I had some misconception, and somebody who knew about that was like, “No, that’s not short term memory”. So I don’twant to speak. But, I had a whole system. People always ask actors, how do you remember all those lines?
Emily Deschanel 45:09
And it’s a question that every single person asks every actor, basically, if they ever meet an actor. Usually, with everyother job, you’re like, “It’s not a problem learning the lines”. […] This show Bones. That’s a legit question.
Carla Gallo 45:09
Carla Gallo 45:28
Emily Deschanel 45:29
Not that people might have a hard time understanding how actors memorize any line. I get that and anyone can do it, Ibelieve. It’s a muscle you just have to learn how to do it. But learning these a difficult medical terms, technical terms, scientific terms, you have to also understand what you’re saying. My rules, I had to understand what I was saying when I said it.
Carla Gallo 45:54
We got a guide. By the way, we used to get a booklet that every medical term in the script was in a guide that Donna Klein gave us so that we could reference back, because even when you’re talking about certain bones in the body, or you’re talking about procedures when you’re learning something and when you’re saying it as an actor, if you don’t know what you’re saying, it’s hard to retain it. Otherwise, it might as well just be a made up word, like […]. And also you just can’t convey even if it might not sound different to somebody else who’s listening to you, it’s different if you don’t know the context of what that procedure is.
Emily Deschanel 46:33
I think it’ll sound different even if the listening doesn’t know, or watching doesn’t know […]. Yeah, we will get guides, thatwasn’t happening in season one yet, we hadn’t figured that out. The guide would have the pronunciation and then what it meant a lot of times, end of our scripts. But a lot of times, not everything would be covered in that. And first season, we didn’t have our phones that were smartphones.
Carla Gallo 46:57
Emily Deschanel 46:58
Where you just look something up.
Carla Gallo 46:59
Emily Deschanel 46:59
So there definitely be times, you go home to your computer and be like,”What is this thing?” Or I had textbooks on forensic anthropology and forensic science as well. I did my research.
Carla Gallo 47:12
Yeah, of course, you did. You’re a professional.
Carla Gallo 47:15
You know what I like to do? You know what it turns out? Because as we do these podcast episodes, we’re learning our style, our format. It turns out, at the end of the episodes, I like to talk about what a great job we did. That’s what I’m learning.
Emily Deschanel 47:30
You feel the urge.
Carla Gallo 47:31
That’s what I did. No, it’s happening really naturally. My pride in us, because it also happened on the last one.
Emily Deschanel 47:40
I like the positive attitude.
Carla Gallo 47:41
I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s not gonna happen on every episode so you know it’s authentic.
Emily Deschanel 47:42
I appreciate that.
Carla Gallo 47:48
Yeah. It’s coming from a real place.
Emily Deschanel 47:52
Yeah? Honesty.
Carla Gallo 47:53
Emily Deschanel 47:55
Thanks for listening.
Carla Gallo 47:57
Thanks for listening.
Emily Deschanel 47:58
We enjoyed it.
Carla Gallo 47:59
I did.
Emily Deschanel 48:00
We thought we did great.
Carla Gallo 48:01
We sure did.
Boneheads is a production of Lemonada Media and us. Our producer is Alex McOwen. Our engineers are Brian Castillo and Noah Smith. Our senior vice president of weekly content is Steve Nelson. Our executive producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs, Jessica Cordova Kramer and us; Emily Deschanel and Carla Gallo. Music by Doug Paisley. Special thanks to Allison Bresnick. To stay up to date with us and submit your listener questions. Follow us on Instagram @BoneheadsPod and at Lemonada Media on all social channels. Follow Boneheads wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership. Thanks so much for listening.