Houston Combats Homelessness, Revlon’s Bankrupt, Wrestling Drama
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Today, V starts off with giving snaps to Houston, Texas. They dig into how the city has decreased the number of unhoused residents by more than half, what Houston is doing to reduce the rate of gun violence, and what H-town native Beyoncé has in store for us next month. Also, V offers an interesting update on beauty giant Revlon’s financial situation, and they spill the tea on some WWE drama. Then, V is joined by queer theologian Jason Steidl to take a closer look at deconstructing religion. We’ll hear about how a recent TikTok trend is helping people heal from spiritual trauma, what it’s like to step away from organized religion, and how to build community outside of the church and create new traditions.
Follow Jason on Instagram at @JasonSteidl.Keep up with V on TikTok at @underthedesknews and on Twitter at @VitusSpehar. And stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia.
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Speaker 2, V Spehar, Jason Steidl, Sheila Jackson
V Spehar 00:01
Hey friends, it’s Tuesday, June 21sr, 2022, welcome to V INTERESTING, where we break down the viral and very interesting news that you might have missed. I’m V Spehar. And on today’s show, Houston is buying back guns.
Speaker 2
And I believe that we have to look at every option to deal with individuals who have lost all sense of civility of neighbor watching out for me. And that’s why I think, among other efforts that we have to make, we have to be able to get the guns off the street.
V Spehar
We’ll chat with a theologian from St. Joseph’s University about the unbaptism trend.
Jason Steidl
So a Catholic theologian who isn’t very sensitive to these because my look at it say Oh, you think you’re about de-baptizing yourself? Ah, you cannot de-baptize yourself. That’s an ontological impossibility. Once you’re a Christian, you’re stuck.
V Spehar
And later beauty giant Revlon files for bankruptcy protection, and is blaming Kylie Jenner and JLo? All that more coming up on today’s be interesting. Let’s be smart together.
V Spehar
And now for the headlines. First up, Houston is eliminating chronic homelessness and reducing gun violence. You know, when we talk about the Lone Star State, it is not typically to celebrate their progressive social justice policies. It is quite the opposite. Mostly. Most of the time, I’m hitting you with some kind of like, what has Texas done now to chip away at democracy and diminish the civil rights of marginalized folks, but not today. Today, we have a surprise, folks today I want to give all the flowers to Houston, Texas for a few reasons. First, the New York Times reported that over the last decade by taking a comprehensive housing first approach, the city of Houston has cut homelessness by 63%. And it’s for real too. Unlike some other cities, LA, they don’t just sweep homeless camps and then wait for those people to move somewhere else and then clear out the campus again. In Houston. Social workers meet with unhoused people wherever they are, and they offer them permanent housing, a one bedroom apartment without the sobriety requirements that many temporary shelters have.
Jason Steidl 02:35
Housing is the critical component to reducing the number of people who are homeless, but most of them two years after the fact of […] house, standing up, reuniting with their families getting jobs.
V Spehar
As Houston’s Mayor Sylvester Turner notes it is working. The city works with nonprofits faith based organizations and has invested $100 million into continuously offering not just the one bedroom apartments for people to live in, but services like addiction and mental health treatment, job training, food security and even literacy programs. The second Houston win, the city is piloting a program called one safe Houston, a voluntary firearm buyback program,
Sheila Jackson
The governor signed that permit was carrying and that is increased the number of guns and unfortunately, those guns are not guns in the hands of good guys. Good guys may get the guns and then they’re stolen. And these guns have been a utilized in criminal acts.
V Spehar
That was the voice of representative Sheila Jackson. She is the congressional representative for Houston at the federal level. And she’s working with the mayor of Houston to allocate both federal and city funds towards reducing the rate of gun violence. Houston is really putting their money where their mouth is beyond the voluntary buyback program. They have also funded research to identify crime hotspots and expand the use of neighborhood crime suppression, mental health teams and more. This is the kind of stuff that we need human centered approaches to identifying and improving conditions for people. So the root of why crime exists in the first place can be eradicated. Third thing and maybe the most important, Houston born Beyonce announced she’s got a new album dropping July 29. But, real Bey fans know she secretly dropped the first song off this album this morning. So get out and listen to Break My Heart. God bless Texas. What Beyonce giveth JLo beauty taketh away. Revlon has filed for bankruptcy and is blaming it on celebrities, influencer makeup lines and the supply chain. What aren’t we blaming on the supply chain these days. Revlon was founded during the Great Depression and has dominated makeup sales since the 1980s when billionaire Ron Perelman executed a hostile takeover of the brand, and while chatting about the ethics of a chapter 11 bankruptcy or how a billionaire is about to receive $575 million, and special financing would be fun. I am not a finance pro and I just don’t understand it. I really did try. So instead, we’re going to focus on the Veruca Salt daddy situation that’s happening behind the scenes at Revlon. […] Ron handed the reins of Revlon over to his daughter, Deborah in 2018, where she is clocking in almost $7 million salary. And she’s even bragged about how well things were going from an interview with Aesthetica magazine in 2021. She says, when I joined as the CEO of Revlon in 2018, our E-commerce sales were a small percentage of our overall business. I’m happy to say that we saw double digit growth in E-commerce sales last quarter, on top of a very strong 2020 for E-commerce. Prior to the pandemic, we had implemented many digital innovations, which enabled us to continue to meet consumers expectations, while physical stores were closed throughout lockdown. Okay, so she was able to meet the customer expectations. But then this week says, hey, you know what? Turns out supply chain issues, celebrity makeup brands and the pandemic are to blame for what Deborah, for what? For the over 100 million dollar profit Revlon saw last year, for the $7 million salary that you draw? How do you make $100 million in profit and then get to file for bankruptcy and have your debt cleared up? Deborah? You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still yet another reason why we can surely cancel student loan debt instead of bailing out million dollar makeup companies.
V Spehar 07:23
Speaking of people whose daddy is giving them, there’s I don’t know if there’s a daddy joke in here somewhere. I am not going to make it but I guess we could just consider this like the post Father’s Day daddy drama episode. Vince McMahon is stepping down as CEO of WWE. Now, something you might not have guessed about me is that I am a lifelong avid professional wrestling fan. From Jake the Snake to John Cena to Roman Reigns, you would not be hard pressed to find me at a smackdown and being a wrestling fanatic. I am also well aware of the McMahon family drama, so not much surprises me. But I was surprised this past weekend to see that Vince McMahon had stepped down from his responsibilities after the Wall Street Journal published allegations that he had paid a former employee $3 million in hush money to keep their affair quiet. Now, okay. But then the lawyer for Mr. McMahon told the journal that the employee had not made any claims of harassment against Vince, and that Vincent even used personal funds to pay the settlement. So what is the big deal then? We are about to get into some deep wrestling culture speculating because the math ain’t math on this. Vince McMahon doesn’t step down. He didn’t step down in the 90s when he was accused of forcing steroids on his performers. He didn’t step down in 2002 after the plane ride from hell incident in which WWE settled sexual assault claims from two flight attendants. He didn’t step down in 2005 after he used the N word in a match with John Cena. And he didn’t step down after wrestler Owen Hart literally died from a stunt gone wrong in the ring. In fact, he demanded that the show go on. So is this all just kayfabe is this whole? Vince is stepping down over an affair just another shitty Mr. McMahon Britton storyline? Either way, as a fan, I am personally looking forward to what Vince’s daughter, the new CEO Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H do while daddy Vince is out on the injured roster. But I am more looking forward to Sasha Banks’ NDA being thrown out so we can hear the truth about how Black women are being mistreated inside the ring and how we can hold Vince accountable for that. Speaking of unsportsmanlike conduct, FINA, the governing body for international swimming put out a new gender inclusion policy. The new policy states that trans men just have to pass a testosterone level test to compete on the men’s team. Okay. But trans women, on the other hand, cannot compete unless they completed their transition before the age of 12. You guys transitioning before age 12, for those who are unaware, is actually impossible. In all states and countries, it is illegal. You can’t have gender affirming surgery until you’re 18 period. And natural puberty doesn’t stop at 12. It actually kind of starts then. So this policy is not only medically impossible, it’s certainly not gender inclusive, and it’s definitely not fair to put a finer point on it. This is a policy that is against trans women. But this kind of stuff is never about being fair, right? It’s all about centering the misogynistic idea that anyone born male has a natural advantage over anyone born female period. And we know that’s not true. So how are people reacting? Caitlyn Jenner, you knew it was gonna happen. Caitlin, who enjoys her position on a women’s golf team and who wants one glamour magazine’s Woman of the Year Award has come out in support of this ban, saying it worked. It took a lot of heat. But what’s fair is fair. Pink news criticized Caitlyn for her opinion saying Caitlyn Jenner launches yet another disgraceful attack on trans athletes without a hint of irony. Caitlyn tweeted back. No, I just had the balls to stand up for women and girls in sports. But you didn’t Caitlyn, you didn’t because trans women are women.
V Spehar 11:50
While we are on the topic of people who need to give it a rest Have you heard of the nap dress inspired by cottage core also known as farm core or country core it’s a social media movement fostering the idea that living a simple rural lifestyle is best and it has now declared nap dresses as the must have fit for the summer and I did take my wife out to buy three of these over the weekend. So, the marketing is working. Nap dresses are loose fitting flowy and feminine. Featuring heavy smoking over exaggerated puff sleeves and a typically long maybe like slightly pleated skirt. A sort of whimsical twee moo-moo, and my wife loved him so I’m just saying like nap dresses are a thing now. But if […] doesn’t suit you, worry not. According to Lavender Magazine, the classic silk kaftan remains in style for men, women and friends beyond the binary it is the must have fashion fluid gender neutral size, inclusive and age appropriate poolside nap rap. Also making a comeback this summer is Y2k trends, butterfly clips, crop tops, bright colors, smiley faces, platform slides, belly chains, chunky rings, camo cargo shorts, pop collars, and faux hawks. All right, let’s take a quick break to hear from our sponsors. And maybe also take a little time to Google where to get a nap dress. When we come back, we will ask what does it mean to unbaptized yourself? And can an apple help?
V Spehar
Hey, friends, we are back and we’re gonna be talking about religion. Well, it’s gonna be the opposite of religion. So please stick with me and unreligious, if you will. And why are we talking about that, because of a recent TikTok trend. It’s called unbaptism, where folks are both creating and then sharing the very unique ways in which they’re choosing to separate themselves from their former religions and deconstruct some religious trauma. Look, I was born Catholic, and I stepped away. I’ve shared in the strange journey with many of you. I’ve seen how beautiful the community we build through shared beliefs can be, but also how corrupt organized religion can be. It is lonely, and it is scary to step away from the community that you belong to. But sometimes we have to do a scary thing right? Sometimes if we do the little scary thing, like cutting ties with something or someone toxic, even if we loved them, it can help us be a better version of ourselves. So it makes sense to me by someone might use something like an unmapped ism as a way to just wash away the parts of religion that hurt them. Jason Steidl is a theologian and assistant professor of religious studies at St. Joseph’s University in New York. He grew up as an evangelical Protestant but after college and exploring his beliefs, he switched directions and became Catholic. He is here to help me unpack why people deconstruct their faith. So let’s just, let’s just hold hands through this, Jason, I have to say, I’m so excited to chat with you. Because it’s rare that you meet somebody who is also in the LGBTQ community who has the level of understanding of religion, and specifically the Catholic religion that you do. And I feel like a very a safety right now. It’s like these being in Jesus’s arms himself.
Jason Steidl
That’s beautiful. Well, the Jesus, I imagine, yes, is a very loving, welcoming, affirming type.
V Spehar
I grew up Catholic, as many kids do, and in a coastal eastern town, so very Connecticut Catholic, if you will, very Christmas, Easter Catholic, if you will. But I did go to, you know, church school as a kid, and I was baptized almost immediately after birth. At that time in the 80s. My mom was like, we couldn’t take you out of the house until you were baptized. And he’s like, I don’t know what if we got in a car accident, then your soul wouldn’t go to heaven? And I remember thinking like, that is heavy Ma, like, that’s dark. This baby is potentially not gonna go to heaven if you don’t have it baptized, like right away. Is that still kind of like the vibe?
Jason Steidl 16:20
In a lot of places? Yeah, you know, I grew up in a I actually grew up an evangelical Protestant, I converted to Catholicism when I was 23. But I can remember being a kid and laying awake at night, when I was seven or eight years old, worrying that I was going to go to hell if I hadn’t asked Jesus into my heart, you know, if I hadn’t repented of my sins, and there are a lot of folks for whom religion is grounded in fear, you know, it’s this fear of God who’s going to send me to hell, it’s this God who doesn’t like me from the start, you know, maybe because of original sin, or because of the things that I’ve done. And unfortunately, a lot of religious leaders frame Christianity in that way.
V Spehar 16:59
We so often hear about the spiritual or religious trauma that people are experiencing. And sometimes it feels like the only way to go is to give up right, I have to completely separate myself. And for many folks, that is true, and that is valid. That is a little bit about what we’re going to talk about right now. I was scrolling through Tik Tok the other day and some of across a new trending ritual that is called on baptism. Are you familiar with and baptisms?
Jason Steidl
Yeah, I believe it’s when people who were raised in Christian traditions or were baptized as babies or children go through a ritual process to unbaptized themselves sort of de-classify themselves as Christians.
V Spehar
Is it possible, so this, then I, of course, like, stay up all night thinking about this, I’m like, okay, but if your soul was given to the Lord, even as a baby, like, whose sole is it to reclaim back? How do you get it back? Like, what do you think about it? Do you think it’s; do you think it can work? Like, how does it work?
Jason Steidl
Well, when I think of these rituals, first of all, I think of the people who are going through that, you know, or who think that it’s an important expression of who they are. And I think for them, it is absolutely a central part of their own spiritual or non-spiritual growth. From a theological perspective, from a Catholic theological perspective, baptism is something that is final right? So it is a sacrament, according to Catholic belief, it washes away original sin. And once that has happened, someone is fundamentally different. They cannot go back to a before baptism state, right? So a Catholic theologian who isn’t very sensitive to these because might look at and say, Oh, you think you’re de baptizing yourself? Hmm. You cannot de baptize yourself. That’s an ontological impossibility. Once you’re a Christian, you’re stuck. Of course, there is the belief in mortal sin, you know, so someone can always sin and always walk away from God’s grace and reject, you know, the truth that the Church teaches they’ve been given. But to be de-baptized is supposedly an impossibility.
V Spehar 18:59
So I’m trying to figure it out now, because it’s, it’s like, one, the amount of effort that folks are putting into an thought that they’re putting into and baptizing themselves, I think, is remarkable on its own just as an action as a human, that there isn’t really like a blueprint for this. There isn’t like, like you said, in in Catholic theology, there isn’t an undoing of the baptism by their standard. So it’s not like you could go to like Bible chapter 15 and say, okay, when you want out, like, how do you get jumped out of this game or whatever, like, there’s no process for that. Some of the things that folks are using, I was wondering if you maybe have like, some education for us on it. One of the rituals that I saw the person is like, you eat an apple and you take an herbal bath, and then you commit yourself to being like a citizen of the universe, which I think is so beautiful. That sounds so wonderful, but when I saw the apple I was like, okay, like is the Apple like Eve’s Apple, Original Sin. That’s how she got kicked out of paradise. This is how I’m gonna get kicked out of paradise quote, or Is it may be borrowed from like, the Jewish faith that considers Apple is like part of their new year tradition? This is like a rebirth situation. I don’t know, if you had any thoughts on maybe where that all comes from with the signum, you know, apples?
Jason Steidl 20:12
Yeah, you know, I’m a firm believer that religion is what we make it. So there are all sorts of traditions, you know, and the different rituals that people embrace or don’t embrace what they accept or don’t accept this is so incredibly personal, you know, so, I have no doubt that, that maybe many of these ritual elements are deeply rooted in people’s beliefs, you know, or, or images, symbolism from perhaps several different religious currents or traditions. One of the rituals that I’m familiar with actually comes from my doctoral work back in the early 70s, there was a group called cathodic was […], which was a group of radical Chicanos who are trying to reform the church. And one of their last acts as a group was they had a public burning of their baptismal certificates in front of the cathedral in Los Angeles, as a protest of the Archdiocese, pretty retrograde, very racist policies towards Mexican-Americans. And, yeah, they chose fire, you know, and I believe that the symbolism there was this is a purifying fighting fire, this is a refining fire. And also, you know, we’re gonna burn the very certificates that you gave us, you know, it’s a, it’s a walking away from their authority, saying, You are not a spiritual authority, you’re not over us, you know, in any sort of religious sense. We’re on our own here. And I think that’s the sad part is that a lot of people feel abandoned by their religious communities, you know, that these communities offer them absolutely nothing, you know, instead of hope. They offer condemnation, instead of a healthy lifestyle to live by, religion offers, you know, restrictive rules that can really, really hurt people.
V Spehar
There have been some questions even around this un-baptism ritual of like, who gets to decide the future of the church, right? Like, do humans now have the same rights and ability to speak directly to God to get those kinds of messages to make those kinds of decisions, to make the kinds of changes that we want to for the modern era. What are your thoughts on them?
Jason Steidl 22:17
Well, I think there’s been a movement even in the Catholic Church, and sometimes it gets obscured by actors who don’t really like what’s going on. But there’s been a movement to recognize what’s known as the priesthood of all believers, right, that all people have a role to play in God’s plan of salvation, all people experienced God moving in their lives, and that it’s really important for the church to recognize that so that faith isn’t something that’s just owned or controlled by the bishops, but that we’re really open to, you know, to use language with the Holy Spirit, where is the Holy Spirit moving? In people’s everyday lives? You know, it’s not just a matter of doctrine. It’s not just a matter of what the archbishop or Cardinal is preaching, but it’s who has got to me who is God to you? Who is God to lay people and, and what are the gifts that they bring, you know, to religious communities. Because really, God is at work in everybody’s lives, you know, we can’t put God into a box. That’s, that’s, that’s not how God works. Even according to very fundamental forms of Catholic theology. God just can’t be controlled, like many religious leaders tried to control God.
V Spehar
Very much so and like you were saying, the church is really made up of the people and not just its ideals and doctrines. As a theology. Professor, what are some of the common complaints you’re hearing from college students? Like, I think the kids often have the answers, what are they doing to move forward through this difficult time?
Jason Steidl
I think a lot of young people are stepping away from organized religion. You know, this is a huge trend. We see religious communities just don’t provide the support that young people need. They don’t provide the moral leadership that young people need, quite frankly, here in the US. You know, the sex abuse crisis has been huge. You know, Catholic Bishops just don’t have any moral authority anymore, to be quite frank. And I think here in the US, I mean, people are turning to their families, you know, they’re turning to their friendships, people are turning to online communities, you know, so things like tick tock, Twitter, this is providing forms of community in surprising exciting new ways. For me, I’m more of a traditionalist, so I think of like sports leagues, you know, sort of traditional community groups that I’m part of a singing group that gets together, we just sing for each other, you know, we have potlucks and it’s not religious at all, but we spend time together and, and healthy time, you know, good time, time that’s affirming time that’s supportive. It’s life, and it doesn’t carry the baggage that sometimes religion can.
V Spehar 24:52
I personally think that the baptism ritual is such a beautiful and personal experience, and I’ve felt very honored to be able to be here. Included like TikTok just invites you, people, Tiktokers invite you into their world, right, and you get to see how they’re dealing with things. And I found it to be a very beautiful ritual, but it’s something that I’ve noticed about it is, it’s a very lonely ritual as well. And sometimes when we get to a point where we’ve been such a part of a community, whether that’s Catholic or Christian, or Mormon, or Jewish, or evangelic, or whatever the case may be, we get to this place where we say, I don’t feel like I belong anymore. And all I can do is completely separate myself. And in doing so I have to give up everything that made me feel loved or was the center to who I am as a person previously. And that really, personally like hurts my heart. I don’t want anyone to feel alone, I don’t want anyone to feel like you have to kill everything about something that you cherished before, to be able to go forward and be the person that you want to be, you know, as, after essentially deconstruction, what are some things that people can do to deconstruct the pain that they felt from religion without necessarily having to completely annihilate everything about that community that they cherished?
Jason Steidl 26:03
Right? Well, I think all religions are like a buffet, you know, you sort of take and pick the things that look good to you and leave the rest behind. You know, and this is just as much true for people who are deconstructing as it is for traditionalists, you know, some people are going to be jerks, and they want to be jerks. So they take the parts of their fate that allows them to be jerks. Some people are going to be you know, about family and community, and they’ll take the parts of their faith that support that. So, you know, I would encourage people do what feels right, you know, the religion will always be there, if going to mass is something that’s triggering, or going to church or synagogue or whatever, don’t go, take some time off, you know, the community will be there. When you get back. You know, and I think being confident in who we are, and being, you know, from a spiritual sense of being confident who God created us to be gives us the freedom to do that, you know, to take some time aside, if we are hurting, there was a period last year where I stopped going to church for three months, because of how hurt I was feeling. I was just like, I just need a breather, you know, and some people might have to step away forever. But I think there are also ways to build new communities, you know, there are ways to build new rituals. If it’s not an explicitly religious community, you know, an annual family picnic, an annual picnic with friends that marks certain events. I have a lot of friends who come from formerly Soviet countries, and they’re, you know, during communism, they tried to do away with Christianity. So they started celebrating New Year’s a sort of their winter family festival celebration. And to this day, those friends of mine find new year’s to be far more meaningful than they do for Christmas, you know? So I think it’s a matter of discerning what are the good things? What are the beautiful things that I experienced? And if I’ve been hurt by religious community, how can I rebuild those in new and creative ways? You know, what are the communities that can fulfill those needs? What are the rituals that could fulfill those needs?
V Spehar
Which is that need for community for belonging for celebration for just feeling the feelings of being human and celebrating those and being there for our fellow? You know, I don’t want to say our fellow man that I deal with people or fellow people, yes. Because I mean, that is the part that holds people in religion, and that’s the part that people miss the most. And if you hear anything from this, I hope it’s that it doesn’t have to be there are communities like you said on TikTok, or on Instagram or in real life or sports clubs, where we can continue to celebrate each other and build that community that we miss often when we leave religion.
Jason Steidl 28:32
No, you know, I’d encourage people to trust your gut. First of all, you know, if a place feels safe, unsafe or dangerous, get out of there, you know, and likewise, if people feel drawn back to religious community to try it out, you know, sometimes religion can surprise us. As a gay Catholic, you know, I’ve been surprised to find that there are affirming communities. Like you said, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, you know, and I think my goal for me is to be secure in who I am, you know, secure in, in my relationships so that if I need to walk away, I can walk away and if I need to stay or want to stay, I can stay. You know, I think getting a good therapist is a good idea for everybody to have. It’s helped me process a lot of my stuff. And having friends who love me accept me for who I am, no matter what. That’s also really a key.
V Spehar
Yes, thank you so much for being with me today. Jason, I’m personally feeling a little bit better, like, okay, it’s not all or nothing, we can do a little bit of everything. We can take breaks when we need them. We don’t need to be completely alone. But whatever your body is telling you need to do to separate yourself from any trauma that you may have previously experienced and are too afraid to be a part of right now is absolutely valid and important. And you know, there will be folks that are there for you every step of this way, including my new friend Jason, my formerly fundamentalist Catholic friend, Jason.
Jason Steidl
All right. It’s a pleasure to speak with you.
V Spehar
Okay, my friends, how are we feeling? Did that help you make some sense of like stuff that you might have been thinking about with regards to religion and sort of just being your best person. I know it gave me a lot to think about. And when we come back, we’re going to have something to feel good about because we always end with good news.
V Spehar 30:26
welcome back, welcome back. I hope we all took a little break a little breath, we are gonna get into all of the things to feel good about this week. First up is a piece from our friends at the Washington Post. LEGO is set to open a new factory in Virginia. The progressive Dutch company has said that they won’t be pitted against the deeply conservative governor of Virginia the way that Disney has been pitted against the governor of Florida. LEGO literally means play well, so I’m super hopeful here, but, they have already pushed back on some of the governor’s policies. Youngkin wants to prohibit critical race theory in K through 12 classrooms. Lego says we stand against racism, and even donate to organizations that support Black children and educate all children about racial inequality. Youngkin supports coal, LEGO is planning an ambitious sustainability agenda. The factory is even going to be carbon neutral and features a solar energy power plant. Legos have not been American made for over 16 years. So it is very exciting to see them invest $1 billion dollars into the new factory, which will employ 1800 people and opens in 2025. Speaking of blocks, the crypto craze may be crashing but there is one group that is benefiting. Gamers, for years crypto miners had snapped up the graphic processing units or GPUs to provide the computing power necessary to run their mining rigs. But with the crypto crash, miners are offloading their chips, meaning that gamers and digital artists who have been waiting for high end graphics cards are finally able to upgrade their custom made consoles. For those of you worried that the crypto bust will further inflation or like tank the US economy. Worry not. Expert economists say that because the world of crypto had operated so decidedly separate from any established currency system. There will be no drag on the US Dollars value. As mentioned, it’s VidCon week and guess what, Friday I’m going to get to talk with Vidcon’s founder, Hank Green. Plus, you don’t think I’d let him be on the show and not ask him about B poop, right? Hank Green, oh my god, I cannot wait for you to hear this interview. It’s gonna be Friday on V INTERESTING. In the meanwhile, please leave me a voicemail. I would love to hear from you what you’re thinking about, what you’re interested in, how you liked the show, if you don’t like the show, you can leave me a voicemail at 612-293-8550. Please also subscribe to Lemonada Premium on Apple podcasts. Follow me on TikTok and Instagram, follow Lemonada on TikTok and Instagram. And please come back on Friday where we’ll be chatting with Hank Green. Thank you so much. I’ll see you guys Friday.
V INTERESTING is a Lemonada Media Original. Our producers are Rachel Neel, Xorje Olivares, Martín Macías, Jr. And Dani Matias. Executive Producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Mixing and Scoring is by Brian Castillo, Johnny Evans and Ivan Kuraev. music is by Seth Applebaum. Please help others find the show by rating and reviewing wherever you listen and follow us across all social platforms at @VitusSpehar and @UnderTheDeskNews, also, @LemonadaMedia. If you want more be interesting, subscribe to Lemonada premium only on Apple podcasts.