Thanksgiving Turkey, Tantrums & Tiny Bubbles
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This year, Thanksgiving is gonna be weird, to say the least. Luckily, Kulap and Suchin are here to share everything you need to make it through this holiday in quarantine. Think: a recipe for the turkey you’re now cooking for two, a personal sauna that resembles a Montessori tent, and a typewriter to send letters to your family…who are now staying home. Plus, Kulap shares one of her open carts, while SuChin showcases some of her weirder purchases.
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Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak
SuChin Pak
Hey everybody SuChin here and Kulap and you’re listening to ADD TO CART.
Kulap Vilaysack
A show about the things we buy and buy in to.
SuChin Pak
And this week we’re talking about what cool up and I have added to our carts.
Kulap Vilaysack
Plus we’re doing something called a mystery category.
SuChin Pak
And then our ultimate quarantine buy, well, so far. So let’s get into it.
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin, it’s no surprise to anyone and certainly I know not you have this as a Thanksgiving unlike any other. Unlike any Thanksgiving we’ve ever experienced in our lifetime. Why yes, it is. A Thanksgiving in isolation, or a cozy tea gives is the positive spin on it.
SuChin Pak
I like your positive spin. Sure, let’s go with a coat. What does like cozy look like versus just a regular roll stinky Thanksgiving?
Kulap Vilaysack
Let me explain it. Actually you know what? Let’s just get into ADD TO CART.
Kulap Vilaysack
ADD TO CART and what I’m adding to cart is sad cozy Thanksgiving. I’m going to tell you that much like everything I say with a smile is drenched in sadness.
SuChin Pak
I just want to note that I do hear an elevated tone of aggression anyway.
Kulap Vilaysack
She’s trying to force it being okay. She’s trying to make the most of it because she once read that you get knocked down seven times you get back up eight. And she’s also tired.
SuChin Pak 02:00
Look at that. aggression meter. Broken off the charts.
Kulap Vilaysack
Off the charts.
SuChin Pak
Please back away from the aggression meter.
Kulap Vilaysack
Imploding in three.. two.. one..
SuChin Pak
It’s sad because you love your gatherings you love your holidays you love your home is so beautiful. You’re such a hostess such as we call in Korean we say it’s a Sunika, you have a very big hand it means you’re just a generous person. And you love to give.
Kulap Vilaysack
And my favorite thing in the world is a crowded table. And that cannot be in our plans that we once had days ago, which was for my in laws and my sister in law’s to come visit us from Orange County. Take a fun COVID test before they came has gone away because we are in it’s either the second or third by my count wave of Corona Virus-19. And that’s gone and I’m sad about it. And I had SuChin Pak. What can only be described as a Friday night, adult tantrum.
SuChin Pak
Oh my god, what does a Kulap tantrum look like?
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s where she can no longer be pleasant or look at the bright side and she sort of devolves; well her husband tries to make it better. And that’s where he went wrong. That’s where he goes wrong.
SuChin Pak
God classic, classic failure. Don’t do that.
Kulap Vilaysack
Like feeling bad. He’s like, it’s not that bad. I’m like, whoo boy.
SuChin Pak
Stand up straight. I’m swinging hard. Stand up straight my man you’re tall.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s unwise. Well, if he’s sitting down and I’m already pacing, and that’s what he throws at me. At he’s just asking for it. It’s what I’m saying.
SuChin Pak 04:00
What he didn’t do was he didn’t put his batteries in his aggression meter. So he couldn’t see the swivel of the needle, because I would have got out my meter and been like, Ooh, it’s time to shut the F up and just let her behave you know even feel all the feelings.
Kulap Vilaysack
now Do we have is that meter available on Amazon? Because that’s something that I would definitely add to his cart.
SuChin Pak
That’s gonna be in our ADD TO CART subscription box. That wouldn’t be SES we’ll get together
Kulap Vilaysack
Once it gets invented. Truly, that is just money to be harvested.
SuChin Pak
Saving marriages. This is what we’re doing here saving marriages. So he says, well, it’s not gonna be that bad.
Kulap Vilaysack
I was watching all the news and reading all the news and seeing the numbers and how little hospital beds and looking at the map. We went from election map to COVID map where everything safe for Maine is a deep bloody red and Chris Hayes is talking about Thanksgiving and how nobody can see each other. And I just get up and I say to Scott, and I say it like this with this energy with balled up fist and I say, I’m a social person. And this is hard. And he goes, it’s okay. That’s where he went wrong. We’re in the middle of it. And he goes, it’s not the middle. I was like arghhh. That is actually very accurate reenactment.
Kulap Vilaysack
Now I understand what happened after that. You went into 12 hours of Christmas decorating.
Kulap Vilaysack
It wasn’t 12 hours. I told you it was five.
SuChin Pak
That’s a lie. That’s a lie. I saw on the Instagram Live. There is no way that you got giant Christmas ornaments to sit askew on the bottom of your staircase underneath a 20-foot garland.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s not 20 feet guys.
SuChin Pak 06:01
Sorry. 40 feet of Christmas Garland.
Kulap Vilaysack
It was less you went the other way.
SuChin Pak
You have a pair of matching deer nestled on some sort of countertop. It took you more than five.
Kulap Vilaysack
But SuChin you have to understand. I don’t have kids who need other things from me. I go into a fugue state. And I have very organized boxes. And then I just go okay, I go, and I try to control something. Because I can’t control COVID. But it doesn’t matter that I’ve been doing and I’ve been being a good girl. But because it’s worse now. It’s worse now. And it doesn’t make sense. Why aren’t we healing?
SuChin Pak
You’re right. You’re right. You’re right. You’re absolutely right, Kulap. you have every right. We’ve been doing this for so long. You’ve been doing so good. You’ve been doing so strong. Thank you. You’ve been doing so kind. And it sucks.
Kulap Vilaysack
It sucks. Yeah, but so Thanksgiving, I think this Thanksgiving is really going to be one to remember
SuChin Pak
Scott’s like, how do I eject myself from this Thanksgiving scenario now? So what are you guys gonna do?
Kulap Vilaysack
We’re gonna it’s just gonna be me and him. And in the past, I would be somebody who would be cooking. I’ve never not done the turkey since we’ve been together. And I cook in the turkey this year. Which is a shame but hey if you’re at home and you’re going to cook a turkey might I recommend nom nom paleo spatchcock turkey recipe.
SuChin Pak
Is that an Add To Cart?
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s an Add To Cart. This is a sub Add To Cart. If you’re cooking for just people in your household in your family unit your pod and you’re like hey, I want to try something different. Spatchcocked turkey but nom nom paleo. That’s a plug because I love Michelle Tam. Who’s the author. She has two books out there. I own both of them. Great, great recipes go to her. But I won’t be doing that this year. I will be ordering in which is very sad to me. It is sad, but I’m gonna make the most of it. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
SuChin Pak 08:17
Wait, sorry, before we move on? Why can’t you cook a turkey?
Kulap Vilaysack
For just me and Scott? Are you insane? I’m gonna go through all that for just him?
SuChin Pak
What about the small what do you call them?
Kulap Vilaysack
You want me to make what? Like a quail? You want me to skewer two quails? You want me to have a weird kebab Thanksgiving, SuChin? Are you out of your mind? Just put things on sticks?
SuChin Pak
I don’t know where what freeway exit you got off of? Because last I checked you and I are both children of Asian immigrants. My mother looks at a turkey and is like what the fuck is that? I’m not eating that. I could put a saddle on it and write it to the ranch one grocery store.
Kulap Vilaysack
Your mom’s a diminutive woman. She’s delicate
SuChin Pak
You know growing up you know damn well your mother never spatchcocked a turkey.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, that was mine.
SuChin Pak
I don’t know when where you’ve been living.
Kulap Vilaysack
So you’re saying you don’t do any traditional Thanksgiving cooking is what you’re saying?
SuChin Pak
God no. I’m sorry. And also turkeys are disgusting.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, it’s not SuChin. You haven’t had my turkey. I will allow that you’ve had bad turkey in the past. But I cannot accept that you will not love my turkey. I cannot.
SuChin Pak
I hope that one day we can see each other in person and I hope we will spend all of that time spatchcocking a turkey and then I will eat it and let you know my honest opinion.
Kulap Vilaysack 10:01
Well, what are your Thanksgiving plans?
SuChin Pak
So my Thanksgiving plans are like my plans yesterday and tomorrow and Oh, wait, hold on. And last week and the week before. And wait a minute, last month, the same people will be over. At the same time.
Kulap Vilaysack
It just happened to be Thanksgiving.
SuChin Pak
It’ll happen to be Thanksgiving. So Thanksgiving will be lovely, but it’s not going to be that different than any other day.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, SuChin. What did you Add to Cart?
SuChin Pak
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I like to stock my fridge with delicious, sparkling beverages, as you may or may not know. I don’t drink alcohol.
Kulap Vilaysack
This I know.
SuChin Pak
So I don’t drink because I am missing. For those of you who care both enzymes. As an Asian person, you’re generally missing just one. But I’m missing both.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well. You’re a you’re a high achiever.
SuChin Pak
Always looking to one up. And so I’ve never been able to drink so I don’t know what it’s like to drink. But anyway.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s highly overrated. Just so you know.
SuChin Pak
Is it? It looks fun.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah it is. But you know, as we progress in age, it’s not as fun that recovery.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, the recovery. But I would have liked to have spent my 20s in a day like everybody else. My 20s are crystal clear and replay sharp focus all the time. So I don’t know if you’re familiar. I’ve got two sparkling drinks around the holidays. One of them is quite expensive. So I like to stock up on it just around the holidays to share with my loved ones. These are Kimono, Camino. I said kimono because they’re Japanese drinks, but Camino drinks. And for a packet of 12 they go for $35.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:12
35 divided by 12.
SuChin Pak
I don’t know.
Kulap Vilaysack
I actually am very bad at math.
SuChin Pak
I want to say it’s $3 ish. $3 and change per beverage.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, that’s a small can it’s a tight can.
SuChin Pak
It’s a small can. It’s an elegant can, if you will.
Kulap Vilaysack
8.4 or five fluid ounces.
SuChin Pak
The flavor that I love is Yuzu. Yuzu is like a really big citrus in Japan. It’s somewhere between I think a lemon and an orange. There are two things I require of my sparkling beverages. One is that it’s not sweet.
Kulap Vilaysack
I don’t like it sweet.
SuChin Pak
But it’s flavored. It’s flavored, but it’s not sweet. And number two, them bubbles better be tight. I don’t want to lose bubble. I want to tight. I want to when you open it up, and you get that first sip it just tickle your tongue. Like little tiny elves dancing on the tip of your tongue.
Kulap Vilaysack
So it’s not too abrasive, but it’s there.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, you want it to be really just like super bubbly. Just tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny tiny bubbles. So for example, I don’t love a sparkling Perrier, but those bubbles are too big.
Kulap Vilaysack
They’re too out there. They’re too loud. What did you think of my mountain valleys spring?
SuChin Pak
I love mountain valley. We get mountain valley delivered. Not sparkling. And those bubbles are too big. Sorry Kulap.
Kulap Vilaysack
All right. You know what? I put myself out there to hear this true feedback and I accept it.
SuChin Pak
Did I take one home? Yes. So I don’t even know where you can get this. I’ve never seen this in a grocery store. That’s why I order it online. However, the other sparkling beverage that I like to get carts of and I bulk up on. This is my everyday sparkling beverage and I guess you can get this at Whole Foods or anywhere. Is this guy, Guayakí Yerba Mate flavor is very important here. Grapefruit, ginger, sparkling, Mate. They’re all around the same price. So you get a pack of eight here for 32, they’re expensive. This is how I justified I don’t drink coffee. I don’t drink alcoholic beverages.
Kulap Vilaysack 14:41
No coffee? Do you do tea?
SuChin Pak
I do tea.
Kulap Vilaysack
Look, can I say something? You have to justify anything to me, but I understand why you’re doing it. But just so you know.
SuChin Pak
Oh, yeah, no, I keep a running tally in my mind of all the money I spend and I have to constantly justify it to the crazy person living in my head. Like when I pick up one of these and it says 249 at Whole Foods, I have to stop and be like for real and then and you know what’s so crazy is because it is a little expensive. I cut it sparkling water. So one can will last me an entire day.
Kulap Vilaysack
Do you like the flavor or do you like the flavor with water down?
SuChin Pak
Well, I’ve gotten so used to it water down. But every once in a while if I’m feeling like hey, I deserve it or like I’ve had a long day, I have half a can on cut.
SuChin Pak
I start cutting the Yerba Mate during lunch. And so then I have half I can left usually around after dinner or in the you know, like the day is done. You survived another day; we are putting this one to bed. And I say sometimes I’m like, I’m not gonna cut this other half of this can I’m just gonna give it to myself straight.
Kulap Vilaysack 16:12
And I just got to wonder, Is it warm at that point?
SuChin Pak
No, no, no, no. It always has to be cold. So yes, it’s in the refrigerator. And yes, there are open cans of this in the fridge. Have I been known to just drink random open cans of this. And it’s lost all of its sparkliness because Lord knows how long, because you lose track. Have I ever had a full can uncut of this Yerba Mate Sparkling?
Kulap Vilaysack
Have you?
SuChin Pak
SuChin Pak
Maybe this Christmas 2020. It won’t be like other Christmases. I will treat myself. But I have yet to have an entire can. Now I want to say for those of you curious, there are many flavors and I say the grapefruit ginger once again, because it’s the only one that’s actually less sugar. All the rest of them have so much sugar. I’ve never even tasted them.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, so my question though, is that you say that, but is it the only one that has enough flavor? That you can taste traces of it when you’ve cut it with other lesser unflavored sparkling water?
SuChin Pak
What you said? I see nothing wrong with this.
Kulap Vilaysack
No. Well, I do see some things wrong with it in the sense that I feel that you deserve a full can. I want you to have a full can. I want your life to be a full can.
SuChin Pak
Of Yerba Mate? I don’t know. Sounds like a lot of work. There’s just so many things that have to change for me to be that person. I’m already tired thinking about it. So I will consider that I’m going to write that down in my journal in invisible ink. And I’m going to consider that for 2021 as a potential new year’s resolution.
Kulap Vilaysack 18:12
I think the act of writing it down invisible ink or not. And then setting on fire. I think there’s some sort of alchemy that’s happening there. And it’s not for me, it’s not outcome based. I just want you to know that. And I thank you for sharing the specifics of this. I didn’t see it coming.
SuChin Pak
Neither did I. Oh my god, it was so personal. I thought this one’s gonna be a boring one. I just was like, Well, I don’t know, I ordered these sodas.
Kulap Vilaysack
What I’m realizing in such a delightful way that there isn’t anything that shall be ordinary with you SuChin Pak.
SuChin Pak
That’s what I’m afraid of.
Kulap Vilaysack
Fear and excitement. Isn’t it just the same edge of the blade?
SuChin Pak
One cut. much deeper, you know?
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin, I want to tell you about two other things that I added to cart. I’m gonna group them together, which is their new places to shop online.
SuChin Pak
Oh, wait, I got an invitation from one of your place.
Kulap Vilaysack
All right. That place was I don’t even know how to say it. Is it Olive Allah, all of LA. Oh, live LA I don’t even know. But we’ll share the link. And so it’s a luxury fashion and beauty retail concept, where 20% of the proceeds support at risk communities. And this holiday 20% of the net proceeds from every purchase support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. And so you buy things like today I bought a present for my friend for her birthday. And I was able to select what partner that they’d give it to and so it’s no cost to us. It’s a deal that has with the designers.
SuChin Pak
What did you get for your friend?
Kulap Vilaysack
I got her a pearl bracelet and I got her some masks, because she’s very athletic. She’s my friend who teaches me. She’s my kickbox trainer. And so I got her these cool masks that are for active people. Because she runs. She runs like on the beach and stuff, like four miles. And on trails for miles.
SuChin Pak 20:19
And then you were able to 20% of what you spent went to St. Jude’s, which is one of the best. I love that organization.
Kulap Vilaysack
And so I’m thinking this is where I’m going to go to for holiday shopping. So I can shop and also be doing good the same time. So that’s the first one. The other thing I want to share. It’s an app and it’s called Fast AF. And they do same day delivery only available in Los Angeles at the moment. And they like offer 1200 items from 170 brands. It’s very like LA Vibe. Their categories are like LA essentials personal care, spiritual healing, beverages, pets.
SuChin Pak
That are delivered to your doorstep and how fast do they deliver it?
Kulap Vilaysack
Two hours.
SuChin Pak
Two hours.
Kulap Vilaysack
Like a quicker than Amazon situation. But of course it’s a smaller selection, and it’s more curated. So this is what I got. And I got it, I think yesterday. So I ordered Glossier Boy Brow Pomade for 16 bucks. I got Theragun Mini for $199. I got a La Colombe double shot, draft latte it was so cold, $3. I got Hello I’m ugly, Dried and Diced Nectarines, snacks. I got bolo, one-pound wrist ankle weights in the color blue for $49. That’s a lot. But also I was given a code to get $100 off.
SuChin Pak
Let me just think about what you were doing yesterday. You were just like, Hey, I’m in my house. Oh, again. I’m like, wait a minute. I feel like I want to do my brows today. Wait, shit. Where’s that glossier boy brow? Fuck. All right. Let me go to this. All right, let me go to this app on my go to dark store here. Let me get that. Oh, wait, hold on a second. Theragun. I am tight. I am so sore. I do need that. Is that kind of how it happened? You were like, let me just go for the glossier eyebrow thing. And then now I’ve got a Thera gun and some weights.
Kulap Vilaysack
You forgot about Hello, I’m ugly. upcycled white nectarine bits. Hello, I’m ugly. And you know what by buying this, I prevented 2.2 pounds of ugly fruit from becoming waste. Pretty cool, huh?
SuChin Pak
I have thoughts about that. And my thoughts are controversial. I don’t know if I want to share them. Every time I pass by that display, and I see the price of those ugly fruit things. I think what sucker is falling for this marketing? I mean, there’s maybe an apricot and a half in that packaging. It’s beautiful packaging.
SuChin Pak
The font is gorgeous. Yeah, it’s in a color palette that’s so pleasing to the eye. That is you in a nutshell.
Kulap Vilaysack
That is what I’m paying for. I’m all about aesthetics. also understand I got $100 off.
SuChin Pak
Will you tell me how that Theragun is? I’ve been dying.
Kulap Vilaysack
We come from a people who need the heat. And who love a massage who love all hands-on bod. And that’s something that I just missed. So, so, so much. So I’m trying to make it work. So two possible carts for everybody out there. As I explore them further. I’ll be sure to keep them updated.
SuChin Pak
This is Kulap Vilaysack’s Add To Cart.
SuChin Pak
Our next segment is something we’re calling a mystery category, right? Where we secretly choose a category and then pick items that fall into that category. So Kulap, you don’t know what my mystery category is? Mystery category is we like to keep it sexy. We like to keep it fresh. I like to keep my cool up on her toes interested. It’s too much?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, it’s exactly right. I feel like since you and I have both been in marriages and relationships for a long time. Even though our relationship is fresh. We’re already playing defensive or offensive. Like, let’s keep it there. We know the pitfalls. We don’t want to fall into like old rhythms.
SuChin Pak
We already sailed through the honeymoon phase.
Kulap Vilaysack
I don’t think we have.
SuChin Pak
I’m still in my honeymoon phase with you.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, 100%. But I just love how we’re still like, let’s spice it up. My category is open carts across the internet.
SuChin Pak
What does that mean?
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, that means there I have carts and I know you do too, many carts. You know that I put things in and then I walk away from them. That saying, “If you let it go, and it comes back, then it’s meant to be.” And I guess I’m not quite sure how that applies. Now, I walked it through that maybe doesn’t apply to this. But maybe sort of let me try to make it work. If I still want it and I still remember that exist. Yeah. And I go back then I’m likely to purchase. And so that’s what that is.
SuChin Pak
I understand that. It’s like you’d like your open carts are things that you’re like, huh? Like I’m considering I’m going to put it in a cart. I’m not going to add to cart, I’m going to put it in a cart. I’m not going to process payment. I’m not gonna process the payment. Okay, cool. Cool. Wait, before you tell me what your open cart is, how long has this cart been open?
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, the cart in my mind has been open since quarantine. This actual cart because it was discussed over the weekend. Now I’m looking at specific models of electric bikes. And the company is called Vintage Electric Bikes. The one that I’m looking at is the cafe model. Now, of course, the price the price you’re wondering, because I’m not going to get a cheap one. But that said, this is the cheapest model at $3,995. And also, it starts there because trust that I will get accessories
SuChin Pak
And trust that shit will get stolen. You better have an industrial lock on that thing.
Kulap Vilaysack
You’re gonna get into my house.
SuChin Pak
Oh, you just riding this around your?
Kulap Vilaysack
My neighborhood. Well, my friend Nick Kroll got one he was driving around people’s houses in our part of town. And then before the weekend, my friend told John Schrader, Tall John who is 6’9. That’s why we call them Tall John. He just got one. He’s got one coming in. And I was like, Well, if he’s got one, I want us to be able to ride bikes together like little kids like Stranger Things, but we’re all 40 plus going so faster than anybody else. And then now my buddy Paul Scheer just got one. And I’m like this is the start of a gang that I want to be a part of.
SuChin Pak
This is like a 40 plus, yeah, electric bike gang, in the Hollywood Hills.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s right. And it’s not like mods with the vest buzz. And it’s not like those, the men who actually cycle. This is a little lazier. It’s a lot lazier. And you know, but it’s just truly so that we can ride bikes together. Like this is like a Christmas gift. But I want it before Christmas. So that’s what I’m really playing with. Like, this would be a perfect thing to ask Scott for Christmas. But I also want it sooner than that. So I’m just thinking about these things. I’m just weighing these things in my head.
SuChin Pak
I love the idea of an electric bike. This is a pricey electric bike, but it’s beautiful.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s just so good looking.
SuChin Pak
And I know that matters. And that means something to you.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, I’m shallow.
SuChin Pak
And I have a feeling that I’ll be testing this thing. I like a handlebar that’s high. Is that weird?
Kulap Vilaysack
You want a higher handlebar?
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I’m not a good bike rider or good electric bike rider. So I like to feel very low in my seat high in my handlebars.
Kulap Vilaysack
Like a Harley. You want a Harley style?
SuChin Pak
Yeah, I was thinking more of a tricycle. But yeah.
Kulap Vilaysack
So that that is something I am I’ve been considering and looking at open cart.
SuChin Pak
That’s very interesting, because my mystery category is sort of related to your open cart, because it’s both now that you’ve explained to me your category. So my category is does this make me look weird? So these are items that I have in open carts that I haven’t pulled the trigger on. And I fear in sharing them with you and whoever is listening, that it may make me look weird. I am comfortable with that.
Kulap Vilaysack
I mean I appreciate you being vulnerable at this moment.
SuChin Pak
I know, this is vulnerable for me. So I’ve got I don’t I mean this is a big build up to probably nothing but I never know that’s why I never know with you.
Kulap Vilaysack
The stakes are high.
SuChin Pak 30:00
So, in my mystery category called does this make me look weird? I have a royal 79 100 epic manual typewriter for $168.37. It is an old-fashioned typewriter. It’s not like a vintage typewriter like it’s not used typewriter because those actually looked into and they were quite expensive. And then I got it afraid that like, would I find the right ink for it, but this has been sitting in an open cart for a while.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, so this is furthering a tale that you’ve been talking about, really, and I think it’s very much related to your voicemail service. For you to get a royal epoch manual typewriter. I assume that’s how you will take down your messages for yourself. Is that incorrect? or correct?
SuChin Pak
First of all, I blush because I am seen and I feel so seen. So visibly seen by you.
Kulap Vilaysack
I love it. I love it. A character is being formed right now. She is a fashionable, old timey gal.
SuChin Pak
Go on.
Kulap Vilaysack
I assume pretty soon you’ll be speaking in an American Standard accent.
SuChin Pak
Take a little turn there.
Kulap Vilaysack
Something is you know; I just feel.
SuChin Pak
Listen, you are correct. I didn’t think about it. You’re right. This could be loosely tied to the narrative that I am spinning here called the truth about my soul. I want to retreat from humanity. True. I could see that I could see that. But the top layer right, the top layer of why I did this was actually something you know, more akattak just saying the word makes me sweat, you know, more sentimental. Which I have a very hard time with that. Is that an emotion? I don’t know what that said an action.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:08
Why don’t you like to be sentimental?
SuChin Pak
I don’t know why I just said, I’m not a sentimental person, generally, but anyway. So I was thinking about just like these times, and I’m looking at my kids. And I’m thinking about all of my friends who, you know, we don’t get to see so often. And I thought, Man, like how fun would it be to write letters, and put them in the mail and send them to friends and have my kids do that, you know, to relatives?
Kulap Vilaysack
I think it would be lovely.
SuChin Pak
I don’t know, there was something kind of, yeah, romantic about it. I love the idea of writing something and not being able to like edit it. I know you. I’m sure there’s an edit delete function on this. But just like the idea that you just sort of write something down and you fold it up and you get in the mail. I don’t know, there was something romantic.
Kulap Vilaysack
When you write on a typewriter, it is very satisfying. It’s pretty passive. That part of it alone. I totally get it. I love it. I don’t think it makes you look weird.
SuChin Pak
I was a little nervous.
Kulap Vilaysack
But here’s the other thing I just want you to know. I know that you’re weird. And so it’s, I just don’t know what you’re gonna bring to me that I’m not either. Just gonna totally enjoy, certainly for the sake of this podcast, but also because I’m weird.
SuChin Pak
Oh, yeah. That’s obviously that’s why we’re here. So this next item in the category of does this make me look weird? It’s a recent open cart. It’s this plant based feminine care company called the Honey Pot. They have everything that’s related to taking care of your lady parts. They’ve got washes wipes. So the thing about this though, I’m just wondering, I like the idea of this. I like the idea of like, a small, female run business that is very much into making sure that the products are natural in that sort of thing. But I guess my question is like, do we need like separate things to keep our honey pots clean? Like, do they just naturally clean themselves? Do I need a whole separate line of this? Like, is this like a marketing thing? Or is this necessary?
Kulap Vilaysack 34:45
Is it a scam is what you’re asking? You’re asking if it’s a scam. You didn’t want to come so harsh on it. But you’re wondering if it’s a scam.
SuChin Pak
I feel like this is something that as we continue with this podcast and build, hopefully a very intimate loving relationship with our audience like I would love to get a consensus on this. Like how many women out there actually use products very specifically catered towards your lady parts your vagina.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, how do you feel about like the goop candle? Like, this is what my vagina smells like. This is what my orgasm smells like.
SuChin Pak
Wait what? There’s a candle that smells like your vagina.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, yeah, well, Gwyneth.
SuChin Pak
Wait, it smells like Gwyneth’s vagina?
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, basically, it’s goop. So that’s my assumption.
SuChin Pak
Oh, I bet her vagina smells lovely. What does it smell like? Oh my god, what would your vagina smell like?
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, it smells like Gweny’s. I promise you that. This is a great question. Let me answer you. L
SuChin Pak
What notes? What top note? Are we talking like a bergamont? Like a jasmine?
Kulap Vilaysack 36:02
I think I think maybe it’s a little, maybe a little woodsy. Little cedar cut with yuzu.
SuChin Pak
I’d like to take a walk in that. That’s a forest. I’d like to take a walk in.
Kulap Vilaysack
What does your vagina smell like?
SuChin Pak
Whatever it smells like, you don’t want to light it up. In a closed room, that’s for sure. On a good day, it smells like oatmeal.
Kulap Vilaysack
We’re talking like an Irish sort of.
SuChin Pak
Organic quick cut. Quick cut. You get to that real quick. That’s on a good day.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s move on to another category, SuChin. Another category, we’ve already sort of touched on it. But let’s give it its own time, which is questionable quarantine buy ins. I’d like you to start.
SuChin Pak
This questionable quarantine purchase is not questionable anymore. I’ve tried it a few times. And I love it. It’s also very unlike me because it is quite a bit of money. I feel like I spent close to $3,000 on this thing. But it’s an indoor infrared affordable sauna.
Kulap Vilaysack
You had to explain it to me maybe five times and then I was like, Can I have a photo because I just couldn’t understand what was happening.
SuChin Pak
It looks like a beautiful like Montessori kids tent. It’s made out of it’s made out of probably your drop cloth. It’s like organic cotton. It’s, grounded. There’s no EMF ways blah, blah, blah. It’s nontoxic. I don’t know, my husband did most of the research on this. And it’s an indoor infrared sauna. And it’s portable. So, you know, should we move you can take it with you. It we’re spending so much time at home. It was sort of one of these like, luxury buys that I would never in a normal time. I would just go to like the Korean spa and do the infrared or do the and I just was missing that. We talked about how as Asian people are like reset is heat. Like being in hot water in steam in. You know what I mean? That’s like our reset is like raising the temperature of our bodies
Kulap Vilaysack 38:39
Having a Korean mom with the breath of her lunch still available. Scrub me down and accessories scrub. Just great old skin coming out of every crevice every inch of my life. That to me is home.
SuChin Pak
Yes. Flipping you around in a milk bath. Just scrubbing in a kneaded wetsuit with just boobies and bodies hanging out scrubbing, harkening back to that image, that beautiful image we call home. Let’s hold Zoom hands here. I bought this and I go in there with my oils and my sprays and my guasha I don’t know.
Kulap Vilaysack
For people who don’t know what that is. Could you please explain.
SuChin Pak
Guasha is a type of, I suppose Chinese massage, it’s mainly lymphatic training. And using a very simple like carved stone. So anyway, so I go in there and I do my own my guasha and I do my massage and I just if you come out of there feeling like a million bucks you sweat, you sweat like you’ve never sweat the infrared you can do the research on it. It’s like a certain type of heat that like, permeates like deep tissue level. So there’s lots of like, detoxifying and repairing and all of that. But I mean on a purely leg vein level, do you want to talk about your skin looking like a baby’s fat little knee covered in honey. I mean, dimpled dewey chunky monkey. This is it. So it’s excessive. I know. But it’s definitely like an investment. You know what I mean? Like, this is what I’m going to spend my money on. Question.
Kulap Vilaysack 40:32
Where is it situated in your home? Are we right in the middle of the living room? Yeah. Is
SuChin Pak
Totally, like front and center. People think it’s like, oh, my God, look at these parents. They’re so cute. They give so much of their house space to their kids. They’ve set up their play mystery tents. And I’m like, get out of here. Mommy’s sweating. It’s sweat time. What did I tell you about sweating?
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, you’ve taken enough from mommy. It’s mommy’s time.
SuChin Pak
I need to put the milk back in.
Kulap Vilaysack
So that is a questionable quarantine buy.
SuChin Pak
Totally 100% questionable quarantine buy. But as you said it shifted to just a great quarantine buy.
Kulap Vilaysack
So I am on my phone quite a bit. And during the quarantine, and I’m not a game person. I’m not like and when I do it, is it because I do get obsessive about it. There was a period in my early 20s when I got into the Sims. And I sometimes I wouldn’t sleep because I really was like, I hope she’s okay. Anyways. So what I put on my phone during this quarantine is a really, it’s a game called fishdom. And it is just a dumb puzzle game. And it’s something that I play every day when I don’t want to do anything. And what they got me to going to says you know that I like decorating. And so you get money, money. And then you use that money to like decorate various aquariums. So this bitch like, Oh, yeah, you know, like this aquarium needs some flowers. It is so questionable. It’s so unnecessary. It’s also so like, soothing to me. And I have drawn the line where I’m not buying things out of it anymore because it’s gotten ridiculous. Like, stop it Kulap. You don’t need extra lives, Kulap. Live your life, Kulap. Live this life.
SuChin Pak
Not your fish life, Kulap. I’m noticing a trend here which is interesting, like, during this time, is that, yeah, like you’re really craving things that are very soothing, that feel very calming. And that give you that sense of comfort. And I think that’s probably something a lot of people can relate to.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, that’s nice of you. That’s nice of you to say.
SuChin Pak
Whereas I feel like during this time, I’m more like if I were to describe right now this moment of like, what adjective describes my 2020. The word that comes to my mind is retreat. Go so far into my own head my own space.
Kulap Vilaysack
Ah, so that type of yeah, retreat versus like spa retreat?
SuChin Pak
Yeah, yeah. Oh, no. No retreat as in like, fall back. As in fall back as in the battle is one. Everybody go home. Turn out the lights. Halloween is canceled. You know what I mean? like Happy New Year, maybe? Probably not. Like that’s where I’m and, but they’re both fine. They’re both valid. And I’m sure you know; we’ll move in and out of it. But I like hearing your version, too, but that does give me some comfort. Okay, everyone. That’s it for this episode.
Kulap Vilaysack 44:15
We hope that you all have the best tea gives that you can possibly have in this weird time.
SuChin Pak
Check out our Instagram at @addtocartpod to see all of the products from this episode.
Kulap Vilaysack
I love how you say it fully. You’re like the brand is Instagram. Not Insta, not IG.
SuChin Pak
Because if I say Insta, no one will believe it. It’s not going to roll off my tongue. I’m not going to try it. You know, I don’t say holla back. I don’t use these terms and stuff.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, nobody does anymore. Okay, you guys, we’ll catch you all next week. Holla back.
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Bill Lance. The music is by WASAHHBII and produced by LA Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @addtocartpod. Also take a moment to rate review and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts.