Lemonada Media

Pill Song, Sitzpinkling, Gisele Pelicot

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Sarah wrote a new pill song, and she sings it to us. Plus she gives support to a caller whose husband stands up to wipe his ass, and to a woman starting chemo. She also hears from a caller who explains that sitting down while peeing is actually quite German and explains why Gisele Pelicot should be on a coin.

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You can get tickets for Sarah’s Post Mortem tour here.

Listen to the full episode of Short Stuff on Sitzpinklers here.

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Sue, Aaron, Sarah Silverman, Sender 5, Wes, Sender 2, Jody, Isabella, Speaker 1

Sarah Silverman  00:51

Hi everybody. It’s your old pal, Sarah. And you know, I don’t know if it is getting older. I don’t know if it’s some kind of senility creeping in. I don’t know if it’s long COVID. I don’t know if it’s maybe ADHD or all of the above, but marona, me, Rory and I both cannot keep our minds straight. We, you know it, we both are like, why did I come into the kitchen? I know this is many people’s story. Why am I here? Why did I walk into the kitchen? And the place where that is most dangerous is when we are taking meds. Now, he kept telling me, get one of those days of the week things for your Zoloft, Sunday through Saturday. I didn’t. He did. He got it for me, and it’s been a game changer. I keep it in the junk drawer. My alarm goes up at 630 I take my pill. What could possibly beat that? That should be all I need. Well, we both have that for our various medications. And now he would take the pill out, and now he can’t remember if he took it out and put it down somewhere, or if he swallowed it. He doesn’t remember swallowing it. And this is both of us are this way you can’t fuck with medications. So I wrote a song, and we had, you have to keep singing it until you have swallowed the pill. But I recorded it so he could actually make it his alarm, and then we don’t, you can’t turn the alarm off until the pill has been swallowed. This is so sad, and it goes like this, I’m taking my pill […] you see, and if I don’t remember if I took my pill, I’ll remember this song, I sung me, oh, I’m taking my pill,[..] you see, and if I don’t remember if I took my pill, I’ll remember this song I sung me, and then you just keep singing it until you’ve swallowed a pill. It kind of sounds like a drinking song. Not to flatter myself, I guess it is a drinking song. It’s a drinking of a sip of water with a pill. All right, let’s take some calls.


Aaron  03:35

Hey, Sarah, it’s Aaron. Did you know that there’s a podcast called Stuff, you Should Know, and they have a episode on what they call “Sitzpinkler”. Apparently, it’s men who sit down to pee. It’s very popular in Germany and other places. They’re called Sitzpinkler. Also, I have a question. I think this would be more for your producer. Do you get a lot of voicemails? How, like, what percentage of them are actually arable? Thanks, love you.


Sarah Silverman  04:11

Sitzpinkler, is amazing. Thank you for that. And that sounds like a cool podcast Stuff You Should Know. Um, yeah. Um, yeah. Isabella, what say you who listens to who gets these? Uh, because by the time they get to me, they’re whittled down. So I don’t know if anything comes in that’s unarrable, or I’d be interested in the unerable ones.


Isabella  04:38

Yeah, we do get a lot of unerable ones. We could always use a ton more. But I’d say the unerable ones are ones where people have a lot of mouth noise that we try to avoid, or ones where people are just kind of rambling. And there’s not really a clear question.


Sarah Silverman  04:54

There’s not like I hate ones?


Isabella  04:57

No, actually, no one. Calls in with mean stuff. I think it’s like, the podcast community are like, huge fans, and they love you, and they say really nice things. So I think it’s like, yeah, we could always use more. So if you have a friend that you think would be someone in need of advice, or there’s someone else you think would enjoy the show, please do share and encourage them to send in voicemails. We could always use them.


Sarah Silverman  05:21

Yeah, and advice stuff, but also proclamations, opinions, thoughts, yeah, sometimes they give me advice and I take it.


Isabella  05:31

Can we go back to the German term for.


Sarah Silverman  05:34



Isabella  05:35

But sitz, S, I, T, Z is actually like sitting, so pinkling or pink ler is like a pier […] Oh, to pee is pinklin? That’s so cute.


Sarah Silverman  05:49

Sitzpinkler, I wonder if it’s like a derogatory thing. Oh, he’s a fucking Sitzpinkler I had to give it a Boston accent. Wait, you to fucking Sitzpinkler. I mean, listen, all men pee. All men sit to pee when they’re shitting. So what? At what point is it no longer, quote, unquote, masculine to sit and pee if you’re not shitting.


Isabella  06:17

Wait, do all men pee while shitting?


Sarah Silverman  06:19

You can’t shit without peeing.


Isabella  06:22

Who’s that’s not an official situation.


Sarah Silverman  06:27

I would venture to guess that most people pee during the sitting of a shit.


Isabella  06:34

I’m not 100% in agreement.


Sarah Silverman  06:38

So you sit down and only shit comes out of your ass.


Isabella  06:41

Listen, I’m not trying to brag, but Sunday, I really wish that it was appropriate to share photos.


Sarah Silverman  06:53

Oh, god. What did it like come out in its own casing, no wiping.


Isabella  06:58

I mean, it was like gilded.


Sarah Silverman  07:00

Oh, of course.


Isabella  07:02

I just want to say one more thing about the sit sprinklers, which is that, so this I’m kind of calling out my boyfriend, but there are some times where in the middle of the night, all over the floor, yeah, and then you step in it, and then you’re just like, like, I have to wash my foot in the sink, and then I just get, like, really grossed out, and then I just feel disgusting, you know what I mean? And same with when the man shakes the penis because they don’t have they don’t use toilet paper like a civilized person, they shake the penis out, you know, then it dribbles all over the place. But if you’re sitting on the toilet just goes right into the hole.


Sarah Silverman  07:42

It’s on the seat, it’s on the floor. It’s sticky.


Isabella  07:45

Two words, airplane bathroom,


Sarah Silverman  07:49

Exact, that’s, yeah, you shouldn’t have to have that in your home. But by the way, in public restrooms, women also are the culprit, because they don’t sit on the seat. And then they they spread. They sizsplinkers. They sit, they pink lurs all over the seat. It’s like when Amy Sherman Palladino, or was it Genji Cohen Cohan, one of them, one, I think it was Amy Sherman Palladino won an Emmy, and she said her speech was like, ladies, if we all sit, then the toilet will always be clean. Thank you. That’s so true.


Isabella  08:29

Big fan of the toilet seat cover. And it doesn’t exist in all states, but California, it does.


Sarah Silverman  08:36

Yeah, but the best one, where are we when it’s is it Chicago, where it’s like the cover is covered in plastic, and you press a button and it like recovers. It just goes, like [….]


Isabella  08:48

Right? That was the way Chicago hair was,


Sarah Silverman  08:51

Loved. It.


Isabella  08:52

It’s no longer that way. However, I did, always in the back of my mind, worry that it was coming back around from the last person. No things that go through my mind in a toilet stall.


Sarah Silverman  09:05

The truth is, I mean, like, I don’t even put paper down when I pee here. Oh, I know. Well, it’s always clean.  It’s like the toilet seat is not dirty. The inside is dirty, and the floor is dirty.


Isabella  09:19

If there’s not a seat cover to be had you better believe I am folding, not wadding, paper along every element of the seat, and then just squatting just barely above, and then making A very making, a very clean sprinkle, sprinkle Pringle sprinkler. All right, yep. What else?


Sender 2  09:47

Hey, Sarah, just found out that my husband stands up to wipe his ass. Wondering if you’ve ever heard of that, probably not, because it’s insane also, is there something that you do that other people might find insane? Thank you.


Sarah Silverman  10:10

No, nothing I do is insane. Um, yes, I know people who do that, and I feel very passionately that this does not clean all the poop out when you stand there’s less. Listen, I had this discussion with the creative team from the bed wetter, Annie, David, Josh and I talked about this at one point, because they feel I over wipe, because I do like to be immaculate, like two to three inches deep, and they feel you just have to clean the outside of your asshole, and then that’s it. These are the things we talk about when not talking about the bed butter. But, um yeah, there are different schools of thought. But yeah, standing up is less wiping because you’re not your asshole isn’t spread open. You can’t get to the recesses, and so it comes back clean faster, but I feel that’s a lie. But you know, people like it that way too.


Sue  15:56

Hi Sarah. This is Sue calling from State College Pennsylvania, where I saw you, and I think it was like 1996 anyway, I am starting chemotherapy, my first round of chemo tomorrow for breast cancer, a recurrence that I found out about in October, when life sort of knocked me on my ass and stopped me in the middle of just living my life and planning my 10 year anniversary with my husband and starting my matchmaking business that I actually want to chat with you about too, because I know you’re really into that. Anyway, the other part of this is that I have tickets to see you at the Beacon doing everything I can to make sure I’m healthy enough to do that, but I just don’t know what’s going to happen. I anyway, what would you say to yourself if you were facing a year of chemo and then a mastectomy and radiation and all that comes with it. Thanks, Sarah.


Sarah Silverman  17:06

I’m sorry to hear about it. I have friends that have gone through this, and they all persevered. It’s sadly not unique, but it is no less horrifying, scary, tragic. You know, I think what is important, if you’re asking me, and you are, is to stay in the moment. There’s too much to worry about that you can’t do anything about. You are doing everything. You’re you need to do. You’re you’re doing it. It’s scheduled. So all you can do is stay in the moment when you get stressed anxiety about it, you have to ask yourself, am I okay right now? And I think nine times out of 10 the answer will be yes. You’re going to get sick, you’re going to not feel great. Other times you’re going to feel fine. Have a date with you, a girlfriend, a guy friend. Why am I gendering this? I don’t know being but have have friends. Sign up to go to chemo with you, spend time with you. Hang out with you while you’re there, unless you want to be alone and read a book or listen to a podcast, wink wink or whatever, you can kind of plan around that to make the experience as good as possible. You don’t have to be alone and the majority of people I believe, with breast cancer are are living long lives with it and beyond it. I think for the most part, the friends I’ve had that have had breast cancer go on to live long, healthy lives far beyond and boy, we’re living in a time where they in Korea, they just discovered how to transform cancer cells back into normal cells. So I think we are in spitting distance of knock on wood, cancer being a thing of the past, a thing that you no one dies from, but it’s come pretty far, and although women’s ailments are studied far less than men’s if. At all we’re finding out now as Finally, there is some money going towards women’s things. We don’t know how long that will last. Jeff Ross had the greatest joke about it. Amy, am I saying this? Right? He was like, you know, breast cancer is there’s still, like, walks and marathons and things to raise money for breast cancer. Meanwhile, if there was like, blow job cancer, it’d be like this report just in blow job cancer is a thing. Oh, I’m just getting word. Blow Job cancer has been cured. It’s basically that. It’s a better version. I’m not remembering exactly, but it was such a smart telling, very truthful joke. But anyway, I got you. I’m here. If you want to call in again, get some mates to hang out with you while it’s happening. You’re taking care of business, and that’s everything you can do, and you’re going to get through this, and I’ll see you at my next show. All right, good luck. I’m thinking of you, Sue. What else?


Jody  21:15

Hey, Sarah, this is your best friend, Jody from Austin, Texas. I’ve been meaning to call you because I love your show, and it’s helped me through a really dark time this year, and I have always been a big fan of yours. In fact, I used to have a Twitter account called shit Sarah says, where I would retweet things that you said, but I think I did it like four retweets, and then I got bored and stopped doing it. Anyway, I wanted to tell you two things. One, I came to your show in Austin. You were fantastic. And two things that I noticed, one, you your merch was in women’s sizes, and I really appreciated that. And I did buy a shirt, and I have already gotten a lot of compliments on it. And also, I noticed that you actually stayed at the end for the audience’s appreciation and clapping, and I know that that’s hard for you because another caller asked you to work on that. So it’s awesome that you are sharing yourself and your journey with your fans. And I wish you the best.


Sarah Silverman  22:19

You know, if you think that you guys don’t affect me, you’re wrong, because I took that collar to heart. And Amy, of course, also was like, stay out there. I love that you noticed my very concerted effort to stay for a bit when it was over and not run off. I I get it. I mean, the crowd is saying thank you, and the polite thing to do is to stay and be there to say, I you’re welcome, or or Thank you, you know, um, but my super secret shyness makes me want to just run off stage. But I get it because I notice when, when I compliment someone or thank them for something, though I know to them, this feels like modesty. It’s actually rude not to accept it with a thank you. You know, like I have a friend I was and I we were hanging out, and I said, God, your skin is gorgeous. And her knee jerk reaction was, No, it’s not, I’m disgusting. And I said to her, I think the answer is, thank you. And of course, that snapped her right out of it, because it shows and we all do this, that shit is so self centered, even if it’s self hatred, which it so often is, but the moment is about hearing someone else and being grateful to them for What they are saying. But we all do it, and combating it is it takes practice. That’s all. It’s just practice. Especially as women, we have to stop doing that shit. It’s so hard, but it takes up space. And as women, we should take up space, but it takes up space with garbage, and it takes a giant shit on the person who is literally gifting you with positivity. But yeah, fuck. It’s a practice, you know. I think I noticed that the younger post Barbie movie generation is kind of killing it in this respect, because, you know, it’s like some of the young girls in my musical the bedwetter, you know, they’re kids. They’re 1011, 12. And when I go backstage and I say, you were fantastic tonight, you know, they say, Thank you yeah, thank you. And it’s awesome, you know? I mean, it seems normal, but it’s not. It’s better than normal. It’s, it’s a huge improvement culturally, and makes me very proud of them and inspired by them. You know? It feels monumentally huge to see as a woman, these young girls just being able to take a compliment, and hopefully they won’t grow out of that. All right, anyway, thank you.


Sender 5  30:01

Hey, Sarah, had to get your thoughts on the Giselle pelico case. This is the case where this woman’s husband drugged her and invited up to like, 80 men, I think, over to rape her while she was drugged and unconscious over the course of a decade. So, you know, I just don’t think there’s been any other case that I’ve ever read about that makes me like lose faith in men more just because, you know these men, there’s like 50 of them on trial. They’re from like every walk of life, like a journalist, an IT specialist, a fireman. And there’s like a phrase they’ve been saying about the case where it’s like, not every man, but any man. And I don’t know, what do you think I mean? Does it make you lose your faith in men, or is it just a lack of education on consent? Is it both would love to get words, thanks.


Sarah Silverman  31:08

It is power. Yeah, the whole case is disgusting. And I’m pretty positive this is not the first time this has happened. And I say that because, one, I’m sure it’s happened. And two, I there was a old law and order about this, so that’s ripped from the headlines, so I know it has happened before. No, this is a yes. This is one thing of many things in the recent past that have made me really struggle with a genuine bigotry straight men, and of course, hashtag, not all men, but boy, that is dark. And just like any horrible thing, when there is a group of people doing it, they they think it’s okay. There’s, you know, they’re convinced it’s okay, and it’s a, this is a power thing, and we’re seeing a weakening, straight, white male sect, for lack of a better word, struggling to survive and going, I mean, we can see it in this administration all over the place. And then project 2025, struggling to assert the power they once had and continue to have in some ways. Now more than ever. A lot of theories are saying this is a last gasp, and I hope that’s true, but it’s becoming hard, and especially when I encounter men that seem so utterly untouched by what’s going on in this country, because it’s not coming directly to their front door that I find disgusting. We need a men’s movement first of all, to fight the toxic patriarchy that we’ve all been raised in, and we need allies that are straight white men, along with everyone else that are willing to fight for their fellow humans, that are that care. You know, I remember Bernie saying, I care about your grandchildren as if they were my grandchildren. That’s what we do as humans, and I need to see that more, but I hear you. And yeah, that Gisele pelico case is She’s so brave. She should be on a fucking coin what she’s doing and that she’s doing it out loud and not anonymously. Is fucking brave, braver than people could ever know. What is the is there a verdict on this? Are these men going to fucking prison for life?


Isabella  34:38

Her ex husband, Dominique Pelico was sentenced to 20 years for drugging her inviting dozens of men to rape her in her home in the south of France.


Sarah Silverman  34:50

It isn’t enough. He should never be free again because she isn’t Jesus. Christ.


Isabella  35:01

Some of the sentences were three years.


Sarah Silverman  35:04

Huh, three years for rape. Wow, that’s something. Now, would it be worse or better here? I don’t know. I mean, we have a rapist who’s the president. We have a rapist who’s, I don’t know what he is now, Gates?


Isabella  35:25

Former congressman.


Sarah Silverman  35:27

We have two sex traffickers that just got pardoned by our president. Yeah, this is not a time for women as we as I speak, in the month of March, which is supposedly, what is it, Women’s History Month? Does that still exist anymore? I don’t know. You know people, if people may go like, oh, you’re overreacting. No, they’re overturned. Roe V Wade, the state to state laws are making it illegal, and some are making it punishable by death to get an abortion. You can rape a woman in France get three years. They’re talking about household votes, which would mean the man of the house gets the vote. They are also pushing for, um, you know, all the voting stuff is basically makes it so straight white men only can vote. I mean, I I’m overreacting, right? Okay, well, um, they’re pushing that you have to have your birth certificate and your name must match the name on your birth certificate. Well, who does that discount all trans people, all married women who took their husband’s name? That’s 70 million women in this country. So, oh, I’m overreacting, am I? Because it’s happening, I want to be funny. All right? Uh, what else?


Wes  37:02

Hey, Sarah, this is Wes. I’m a big fan of yours. Long time listener as well. I’ve loved you, actually, since I was 16. You’ve been my favorite comedian since I was 16. It’s wild to say, because I’m 36 now, right? I think that makes me a lifelong fan, if I’m to be honest. But anyways, I’m seeing you next week for the first time in my life. I just want you to know that I’m staying around in the United States just to see you for real. I’m an attorney. My wife’s an attorney, and we both know that I should leave as as a trans man and and I want other people to know that it’s okay to leave if they have the means to leave, if they’re in part of any of the vulnerable groups that Trump is is eyeing down, or Trump’s regime is eyeing down. Anyways, so I’m leaving, and I don’t have a lot of money, just enough to go, so I’m taking two suitcases. If you could take suit, two suitcases worth of your life. I know you said before, we just have things, but now you have two suitcases. What would you take?


Sarah Silverman  38:17

Um, first of all, I just want to say, I’m sorry, I understand. I hate to say this, but I think that’s probably smart. I, like a lot of people I know, have been kind of wondering where we can go, because this has happened before, and the people who saw the writing on the wall left, and the people that didn’t mostly perished. But who knows, I remain hopeful but cautious. And boy, you are. You are as a trans man being targeted like I’ve not really seen in in my lifetime, as brazen as completely out in the open. I made the mistake of watching at least the first half or more of his address to Congress, and seeing them all stand and clap and laugh at you know him announcing two genders. I mean, how weak. What a weak, lame. I mean, it like very blatantly scapegoating the trans community in in such a I mean, it’s so obvious, and boy at work. It was right there in Project 2025, as if Republicans give two fucks about women’s sports, women’s health, women’s safety, literally, three things they could not give a fuck about. Yeah, yeah, save us from from trans people, yeah. Anyway, the question you’re you have a fun question. I’m sorry, I’m responding to the weight of your call, which just makes me want to punch haha. If I had two suitcases, I had to think about this a little bit, not like this, but a little bit when I was on the road and the fires were happening in LA and our area, got a warning for potential evacuation, and Rory was home and said I got to pack up the car. What do we take? And, boy, we were hard pressed to really think about, you know, I was with Amy at the time, and she said, your mom’s overalls. And I was like, ah, I mean, when it comes down to it, do I really need that? But that was a very loving and thoughtful these are the things you can’t replace, you know, so maybe that. But I said, ah, maybe some shoes and some sweats, and I guess if we have any money in the house and our passports and the dogs and the the dogs food, you know, like, when it came down to it, it was not a lot.


Isabella  41:49

But you So, you mean, this is, like the go bag. This isn’t the suitcase. This isn’t a suitcase you’re taking on a plane. This is like a go bag.


Sarah Silverman  41:56

Yeah, you’re right. The question was, what would I put in my two suitcases? If I was leaving America, I’d pack my toiletries and my clothes. I was in fire mode. You’re right. I’m used to packing two suitcases. That’s what I have on the road, and I would just pack up that stuff, any pictures that I don’t have digitally. My mp3 player, just kidding, my mom’s overalls. I took a t shirt of my dad’s and probably my best ass jeans, meaning my genes, that my ass looks best in um, yeah, I don’t know. Are you guys doing this thing that everyone’s saying? Get a copy of your your birth certificate. Have it in color. Have it in black and white. Send one to a friend. Have one on you, your social security card, your are you doing all this?


Isabella  43:07

Is that a rhetorical question?


Sarah Silverman  43:08

No, I’m asking you, yeah.


Isabella  43:11

I want to just point out to Wes who asked this question that Sarah is not a person who who prioritizes things. So asking her this question and and getting an answer that anyone would be satisfied with is hilarious, because what I say, well, because at the end of the day, well, I have things. I mean, I you and I were going through this simultaneously, and I had a very specific checklist that you know that I knew exactly where it was and where when it was and where it was in the safe and you know this and that. And I feel like you were, you’re the kind of person which is the beauty of you that be like, I don’t need anything. Just grab the dogs me and Rory and get a plane ticket like you don’t. Your sentimentality does not reside in your things, no. So that was actually probably why I the one thing I know in my head that is like something from your past that you cherish and you wear all the time as your mom’s overalls.


Sarah Silverman  44:15

Oh, and I have a little step stool when I was little that I would stand on to brush my teeth that my mom painted. You know, I have that in my living room.


Isabella  44:24

I’m just saying so I’m giving context to why. Like, your instinct is like, I don’t know, bowls sweats, because your practical brain doesn’t even go to like, oh, my God, I’m gonna lose my diamond ring because she doesn’t have a diamond ring to lose. Yeah, there’s no jewelry. There’s no […]


Sarah Silverman  44:44

Hoops from Claire’s.


Isabella  44:47

I will say, Not to belabor this point, but I do think that it’s a little bit of an inconceivable thing to think about what you might want or need or miss, until you get there and miss it or want it or need it. Like, maybe that’s why the overalls hold value to you, because there’s like, you’ve already been on the other side of that whereas, like, when you’re packing and thinking about, like, what might I need, it’s like, it does feel I relate to that struggle.


Sarah Silverman  45:13

My glasses, my ear glasses, my phone chargers, floss.


Isabella  45:21

But these are all things you could get at CVS.


Sarah Silverman  45:24

Not my ear glasses?


Isabella  45:27



Sarah Silverman  45:28

Yeah, right.


Isabella  45:29



Sarah Silverman  45:30

But you know just you never know when you need floss.  All right next.


Speaker 1  45:43

Hi, Sarah. I’m calling from Vietnam, but I’m Irish. I have two things that I’d like to talk about. One, I’ve been listening to your podcast from the very beginning, and I have not heard the name Billy Connolly mentioned once about your intro. I fully believe that that is Billy Connolly saying, hey you fuckers at the very start, I would recognize his voice anywhere. Please let me know that is true. And then secondly, I just heard your podcast about the lovely man who was calling in about his wife going through menopause. And I’m wondering, are you on HRT, or do you believe in HRT, I am on it, and I really can see the benefits. It’s changed everything for me, and I know that in the long run, it’s going to be, it’s going to be super beneficial, you know, due to the fact that it’s, it really helps with heart disease and osteoporosis and stuff like that that will happen when we go through menopause. So just wondering what your thoughts on it were. I love the show. I listen all the time. Thank you so much. And I love that people can call in and that you can give them advice, because it’s always good.


Sarah Silverman  46:54

I am, I just texted Ben Folds to ask him if that’s Billy Connolly at the at the beginning of the theme song. So maybe we’ll find out by the time I finish answering this question, I am on HRT.  I think I they didn’t. I don’t know, my gynecologist didn’t call it hormone replacement therapy, but I, and it’s localized, I don’t take a pill or anything. I am I, I shove this pill. Actually, I do take a pill, but it’s up my vagina, and he I shoot it three times a week, up my vagina, and there’s a little button that shoots it up, that Rory insists on pressing and it’s called vagifem, which is awesome to have to ask for in a big line at CBS. I think it’s called, what’s it called Astra, the technical word is estradiol. Estradiol […] ?


Isabella  48:04

I think the technical word is TM, mother fucking i.


Sarah Silverman  48:09

Oh, nice one. Not no, because if it’s mentionable, it’s manageable. And a lot of women are going through this.


Isabella  48:15

It’s a stradial, which is basically estrogen.


Sarah Silverman  48:17

Stradial, so it’s estrogen, thank you. Yeah, so it’s estrogen. It’s a pill, but I put it up my vagina. Nope, yeah, vagina. I do put up my vagina. That is the technical word, and and then on alternate days, I put up a waxy suppository that is just pure, like it’s just vitamin E and hyaluronic acid, and it it makes your vagina very juicy and excellent. It helps with collagen production. And so it’s really been great for me. And I think that’s HRT, or does that have to be have an oral component? Anyone, anyone […] There you go. Yes, I’m on HRT, and I love it. I just wasn’t sure it was called that. I have friends that are taking testosterone and swear by it, and said it’s made their lives like but they were like, it’s great. It’s great. It’s amazing. It’s no good, no kind of but not really. But, yeah, I’m curious about that too. I remember Jimmy Kimmel saying that he liked that I had hairy arms because it means that I had more testosterone, and that means I like sex. I don’t know if that’s true, but I took it, oh, he wrote back. He said, Haha, it was some public domain shit I grabbed. Sure, sounds like him. So there you go. There’s a kind of an answer, and dad, wherever. You are in time and space, the time space continuum. We are winding down. This is the part of the podcast when I am going to say, send me your questions or comments or thoughts or opinions. Go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast that’s easy to remember, speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast. And also subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts that helps us stay on the air, and if you haven’t yet, now is an excellent time to subscribe to Lemonada Premium. You will get bonus content like one about a time that I met Barbara Tresant, and another about empathizing with your bosses at work actually, just hit the subscribe button on Apple podcasts, or for all other podcast apps, head to lemonadapremium.com. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast, we are a production of Lemonada media.  Kathryn Barnes and Isabella Kulkarni produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber.  The show is recorded at the Invisible Studios in West Hollywood. Charles Carroll is our recording engineer.  Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer.  Our theme was composed by Ben Folds. You can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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