Threesome, Night Bra, Laura
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Sarah hates men’s cologne and wants you to STOP. IT. Plus, she offers advice on setting ground rules for a threesome, reacts to a child who’s obsessed with her hooky-ass song, “Night Bra,” and recounts a special moment on stage with her sister, Laura.
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Sarah Silverman, Danielle, Speaker 4, CJ, Betty, John, Franco, Tinen, Speaker 7
Sarah Silverman 00:15
Hey everyone, it’s your old pal Sarah. I’m so happy to be talking to you. I you know, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this on the show, but I feel very passionate about it and I’m gonna bring it up. Cologne. Stop it. Stop it. No one wants to smell that. I would so much rather smell your Bo then fucking drift car up my brain. This is absolutely fucking disgusting. Just be clean. And you know what? Also just be dirty. I think that’s so hot. I love I like Rory pre shower. I love it. I can’t get enough of it. I love that smell of his musty worked hard all day armpits like that may be just me. It possibly is. But I men with strong perfume. It ruins my day. First of all, I’m just clearly allergic to it or something I get into an Uber. That’s why I never do like fancy Ubers because they smell like perfume. I’d rather just get in your your your your Prius and just smell a human body. That is I and maybe I’m the only one but I couldn’t possibly be the only one. I don’t know any women. No women I know. Enjoy a strong cologne. It’s fucking disgusting. Stop it. If you were anything, have it be something woodsy something cedar ish. And I am telling you, you put a fucking.on your pinky, spread it into two pinkies and then just touch once. It should be like the whisper of an odor. It should be like the the promise of an aroma. Like you almost smell it. That’s as much as it should be. Period. Okay, let’s take some voicemails. You left me a message.
Betty 02:42
Hi, Sarah, this is Betty calling from Denver, Colorado. I love your show. I love your perspective on everything. I’m calling because my dad is getting up there. He’s 80 years old, and he’s not sick. That I know of. Now he’s stubborn and secretive. And if he was, I don’t know if he would tell us right away or whatever. He is in good health. He exercises every day and, you know, does his own thing. But he’s a stubborn old man. And in a lot of ways reminds me of your father. Sounds like him. And again, I’m sorry for your loss. I really admired how you shared everything about the process of losing your father. And I always loved hearing the stories about him. He seemed like a great man. But I’m I’m sick with worry about when will I get the call? When will I find out that my dad’s declining, or worse, when will I just get that call that he’s gone. And I know it’s just a matter of time. I don’t know how to cope with that. I don’t know how to prepare myself for that. And lastly, this part grosses me out the most is that he has been collecting pills and wants to end his life on his own terms. Depending on how sick he gets, he doesn’t want to be stuck in a hospital. So that scares me too. And he will share no details about that. What advice do you have for me, Sarah?
Sarah Silverman 04:12
You know, he will share no details about it, but somehow you know about it. Which means he told somebody and maybe once want some of that worry and concern. Um, but I get it and by the way, I get it. Well, I get what he’s doing. A you got to make a deal with him, that you you can respect that. But he has to let you know and you have to be given the time to say goodbye. Because then you don’t have to be worried that he’s doing it without you knowing. And a lot of time could pass him on how things could change in that time. So I think that’s the first deal you have to make with him. And you have to make them understand and that without that deal, your life is spent. Worried about him. And that’s not fair. And he can’t possibly want that. You know, that’s the thing about these parents that do this shit, is they do it as if they’re being like martyrs or as if they don’t want to trouble you, when it causes so much more trouble in your heart. Because now you’re terrified they’re going to do something without you knowing. So make that deal with him. A lot of this is I don’t know what the proximity you have to him. I don’t know if he lives close. It sounds like you live far. Because you want to just boy, I’m so grateful for the quality time I had with my dad. I’m just so grateful. And Janice, my stepmom I mean, and, and it made losing them a lot easier. It’s still hard, but easier. Um, so if you’re not nearby if you can’t visit if you can’t be there a lot if he can’t be there a lot, FaceTime, it’s it. You know, we have a family zoom every Sunday. I can’t imagine life without it. I don’t always make it sometimes I’m sleeping because it’s 9am My time 7pm Israel time, noon, East Coast time, you know, so, on the west coast, it sucks. For me, I’m a comic, I don’t want to get up at nine. But somehow my body wakes me up and I always get up for it. But that shit is we’re so lucky. We have the technology to zoom with our family to FaceTime with their family. I mean, it’s it’s to me it’s it was a game changer and and continues to be where I have family so far away. And I feel close because it’s different when you see them. And you can just kind of hang out and be doing your own thing with that there. And it’s not like you’re on the phone with dedicated time where you have to catch up and everything has to happen. You can just like, I have my family’s new on my laptop, I bring it to the kitchen. I’m making coffee, I’m on mute while the blenders on then I turn it on to add something I get to catch up with my nieces, my nephews, all that stuff. That shits important and it’s a great, it’s just great. And you know what? I have to imagine he’s gonna love it. I you know, to be able to see you and his siblings and he kids. It really gives all of us life. You know, the Silverman family, we’re up each other’s asses so hard. I mean, we’ve got like Silverman, United WhatsApp, sisters, WhatsApp, you know, then all the sisters minus one and all the various versions. But um, this is my advice. And I hope you take it and I hope it helps. Good luck.
CJ 07:49
Hey, Sarah, this is CJ from New York City. And kind of question about is actually a really good question for probably you and Rory, like, how easy is it for you to watch TV and movies? Basically, I know that you have probably friends, people in the industry that you’ve worked with 1000 times and you love and support them. And you always want to watch the stuff that they do consume whatever they do. But I’m sure there’s also people out there that you’ve worked with before, or you’ve heard stories of before that the general public like us don’t know about, like, how easy is it for you to watch their movies and their TV shows or comedy specials, and turn off the party brand that’s like cut, they’re such a dick.
Sarah Silverman 08:36
I’m great at separating that becaus TV is my hobby. Like I love watching TV. If I have free time, I’m so excited to watch TV. And I watch. Listen. I don’t like their politics for the most part. And you know, but I will watch anything. Jon Voight I’ll watch anything James Woods, and they’re fucking such exciting actors to watch. Even though I’m not done with their politics, it’s just, you know, we know everything about everyone now, and it’s a you know, it’s like you can’t enjoy anything, but I find a way because I just I am very good at getting lost in stories. And you know, and I know people who are actors or directors and they, they can’t watch TV and movies anymore, because they just they know that there’s a camera and there’s lights and there’s this and it’s like to dissected it’s like, they they know too much. I know all that stuff, too. I mean, I’m in TV shows and movies of dives. But I still get totally lost in the story. I’m lucky like that. But there are so many actors that are fucking Looney Tunes, but they’re brilliant vessels for art. And I don’t know you there’s a line eventually you You know where you can’t enjoy it you know? Sure for all air all people it’s it’s tough. I mean I think you can I can enjoy an artist that I suspect is an asshole. You’re not marrying them you’re taking in art, usually made by the work of like 200 people, so, I don’t know. There’s no way you’d like all of them personally. We’re just like we’re at this place in history where we’re where we’re made to feel like we have to love every part of someone to watch them on a TV show or a movie. I don’t know. That sounds like a really tall order. I mean, obviously, I’m not talking about like rapists or something or people who hurt other people. I mean, at the same time, I have to admit Crimes and Misdemeanors is like in my top five I don’t know what to tell you. But that’s the thing about art it’s it’s not it’s yours. It’s not theirs anymore. Once it’s out it’s not the artists it’s yours to infer and take in I think I mean, but then you might not want people to get your money who is you know, I don’t I don’t know it’s it’s a quandary. It’s a quandary. But what Crimes and Misdemeanors I fuck, I just I love what that movie means to me. And it’s mine to take in and understand and interpret. I don’t know. Maybe I just talked myself into it into a little I’m not I’m not sure I can untie, but I feel terribly that I love for instance, Rosemary’s Baby, I loved the Cosby Show, you know, I was just looking at clips of the Cosby Show for something else. You know, I mean, Lisa bone a, I’ve never seen someone act like that. I’ve never seen a performer be that real on a sitcom. But all that work is just kind of, it’s ruined now because it stars a serial rapist, but it’s, uh, you know, it’s like Michael Jackson’s music. It’s very, it’s hard to you know, I love movies produced by Miramax, which is Harvey Weinstein, it’s all Everything’s ruined. Everything is ruined. I don’t know how to handle it. You know, all these things that before we knew about the monsters that made them? It was good. Does the art stand alone? I don’t know. I suppose Yes. In some ways, yes. But in that we take it in and then it becomes ours. But also know because that’s what art is. And and that’s what art is. You know, it’s like the same piece of art changes, as the world changes as your life changes. That’s why you can look at the same piece of art every day. And it’s different. That’s the whole thing about art. So yeah, like Cosby show when I was 10 is different than Cosby show when I was 20 is different than Cosby Show now, for certainly. All very interesting. No black and white answer. There you go. What else?
Speaker 4 13:14
Hi, Sarah. So the other day in the lunchroom, my coworkers and I were doing a would you rather scenario? And one of the scenarios I came up with was Would you rather be 10 years younger, or a million dollars richer? Personally, there are days I would choose the million dollars. But more often than not, I would choose the 10 years younger, even though I don’t feel like I have that many regrets. So I was wondering which you would choose how you would choose? Alright, have a good day. Take care.
Sarah Silverman 13:55
I don’t know I would say 10 years younger, but only if I still have all my experiences and my life just how it’s happened and everything the same. I just happened to be 42 instead of 52. I don’t know that seems like there would be some butterfly effect that would not be good. So I’m I’m scared to do either. But, but this isn’t real. So maybe I guess 10 years younger. But if there were any caveats to that, like any difference, or I wouldn’t have had certain experiences good or bad or whatever I would I just go million dollars because that always can help. Good question. Here’s some heads. And we’re back.
Danielle 14:46
Hi, Sarah. My name is Danielle. I’m calling because I need your advice on my current relationship. I’ve been dating a guy for about four months now. And we get along great we have so much fun together, he’s super funny and loving. But recently, we’ve been having disagreements when it comes to like politics and the world around us and how we view things. Which is really throwing me. But I want to make it work, despite these differing views. So I would love to know how we could do it, you’re a pro at cutting through the tension, you know, between differing views, I’m more I lean to the left more democratic just like you, he’s more conservative and traditional. So I’m just not sure how to navigate this. I’d love to know, your advice, anything that can help me stay together and make this work with him. Because deep down I we really do want to be together. So thank you so much, sir. Love you.
Sarah Silverman 16:04
Oh, well, this can be tricky, but it is, it can be done. Um, you don’t have to agree with everything with your partner, you don’t have to agree on everything at all. I know that sounds boring. But politics are tricky, you’re gonna have to, you’re gonna have to agree on how to communicate about this kind of stuff. Right? Okay. Like, I don’t know, the extent to which you differ politically. And this is something where, like, you know, with all challenges and all differences in a relationship, you have to always make sure that the juice is worth the squeeze. You know, if if, you know, sometimes with guys, they can be a little condescending about your beliefs and what they believe is what is true. And so you have to make sure there’s respect. If you can both Listen, you’re able to hear each other out. And again, like, you know, respect each other’s opinions, well differing, great. But that has to be a constant, or something that you remind each other of maybe you make it a policy not to talk about politics at all. I know it’s you know, that may be impossible in this world I don’t know. You know, with someone that you share a bed with to just not bring up major things that affect your lives and in the way you take in information. You know, it’s hard to do that with someone that with whom you share a bed and exchange fluids and stuff with but if you find yourself making yourself small or agreeing with him just to just for the take the path of least resistance. It’s a problem that’s gonna eat at your insides and that is not a healthy way to exist. It’s just physically unhealthy. If he truly changes your mind about something, or vice versa, great, but you don’t do it to make the fight go away or something that’s that’s a losing battle. That’s that’s not that happens to women a lot. Or bottoms a lot. 100 Okay. It could be the other way around. And you don’t you could say is like, you know, every time you do like, you make a gesture of being more open minded. It makes my pussy wet. All right, good luck.
John 18:48
Hi, sir. It’s John from Washington State. I used to think I was a huge fan of yours, but I just found out you had a podcast all these years, so I guess a little bit of a poser. Just wondering what books are you reading? Thanks.
Sarah Silverman 19:02
Oh, what books am I reading? I’m not as good a reader as people think I am. But I am reading a book right now. That Chelsea Handler gave me which she’s the one who you want to ask what she’s reading because she is the fastest most comprehensive book reader I’ve ever met in my life. She must read like three books a week. But she gave me this book called many lives many masters have you ever heard of that? Um it’s pretty interesting. It’s it’s written by this like this psychiatrist who is a real like by the book, psychiatrists dude. And then he did like, therapy hypnosis on one of his patients and she became another person from another time like a past life. And everything he believed in didn’t believe just like exploded and it’s, it’s super interesting. You should follow Chelsea for book recommendations she she gives them on her Instagram a lot and she she just reads like no one I’ve ever met she pounds books. She pounds them I’m more of like a articles and long reads and think pieces and dog videos. I’m a very slow but very thorough reader I will say, but very slow labored, but thorough reader and it’s hard on my eyeballs. What’s that kind of have you? Do you guys know what I’m talking about? There’s it’s kind of type face where they like bold, the first few letters of words in some specific way. Like I saw that once and all of a sudden, I could read fast. It’s kind of like our brains, you know how you we could you can just see like part of a circle and your your brain will see the whole circle. And it just gets you to read faster. And I definitely have that kind of brain that it was really helpful for me, but I don’t know where to find it. Bionic reading bionic reading. I’ve got to look into that, because that really helps me bionic reading. Bye bionic reading. Yes. That’s what I need to get. I need to figure out how to do that. I don’t know if it’s like a switch you put on you know something you click on and you can it’s there if you have to. I don’t know. Anyway, bionic reading? That’s not an answer to your question. But it’s the answer to my question. No, what else?
Tinen 21:33
Hey, what’s up, Sarah. It’s me, Tinen, and from Wilmington, Delaware. Yes, the same Wilmington, Delaware that most people didn’t think really exists until a certain person was legitimately elected. Anyway, I’m just wondering, Sara, what’s your advice for a person like me who is fairly new in the entertainment business and is hoping to get even further in their career? You’ve been in the business a long time and you’re wanting to grow? Yes. So I know. You have a lot of great wisdom to the part. Anyway, I’m a huge fan. And the Sarah Silverman program was one of my favorite shows. So thanks, Sarah, peace and blessings.
Sarah Silverman 22:12
Well, you’ve already done the first step. I mean, if you want to be an entertainment, you’ve got to move to Wilmington, Delaware. That’s where it’s all happening. I don’t know a kid. All I know is there is no one way to do it. I you know, I don’t know what you do. But whatever it is, be obsessed with it. I mean, I don’t know is that healthy advice? I don’t know. But if it’s a craft of some kind, you got to get your 10,000 hours in you know, practice, work on it perform. If you’re a performer, wherever you can, whenever you can write if you write, I don’t know what you do. But good luck. What else?
Franco 22:55
Hi, Sarah. My name is Franco. I’m eight years old. And when I was about three or four years old, my mom was scrolling through Instagram. And she found a video of you singing a song it was like a midnight bra the night bra. And I sing it and so when I was three or four years old, I was I still sing it today. Whenever my mom says I need to put on my bra. So remember not brow. I just thought that was funny. And also my mom also has misophonia because she gets mad at my dad every time he slurps watermelon at the dinner. These grown 43 year old man just looks watermelon.
Sarah Silverman 23:51
I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you. First of all, so I remember doing that and it was maybe four years ago which is crazy that that’s half of your life. But it was the it was 2020 because I was in the air b&b I was staying in during the pandemic I had gotten to New York for a job that the world shut down and I stayed because there were not plans to go on and I started wearing a night bra and I still do I have a great one god I’ve got to get find out what the brand is or whatever it has no wires it has no anything it just kind of holds my anyway this you don’t need to hear this but anyway that’s so funny. I remember making that I was just kind of lonely in my Airbnb room trying this night bra. And I guess they put it to a tune but boy you just what a treat to know about it has touched the hearts and minds of Todd blurs. And now, big kids. Um, what can I say I improvise hooky as songs. It’s my thing. I’m so glad you called in. And keep me abreast boom, okay. And you know you’re you’re my I get your mom getting mad at your dad with the noise mouth noises but it’s not his fault. She has a condition. But he, it would be nice if he could understand and just remember because I know it’s awful. You know, all I can do is just take myself out of the situation. But if you’re at the dinner table, it’s hard. So thanks for calling in PAL. Here’s some heads. And we’re back.
Speaker 7 25:44
Hello. Wonderful Sarah Silverman. Love you, love your podcast. Interesting one for you today a topic I don’t know if I’ve heard you discuss on your podcast before. Recently, my partner and I took a little trip to Melbourne where from Sydney, Mel and we decided to go to a couple of strip clubs, something we’d been talking about for a while. And we paid for some private dances. And all of these ladies are just so stunning, like, oh my god, we paid for the ones where you get to kind of like touch a little bit as well. And it was just so hot. And we both really enjoyed it. There’s total trust between us. And yeah, it was quite the topic of a threesome has now been raised mainly by him. And, you know, we’re discussing ground rules and whether or not we want to do it and what would be okay, and the one thing I am struggling with is whether or not we would let him because it would be a threesome with another girl, let him penetrate her. Or if it’s just for us to have fun with her and I had a pleasure him, he would, you know, make us both calm, probably like, you know, he loves going down on me a lot. So I’d be okay with him doing it to her. But for some reason, I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that I don’t know if I’m okay with the penetration pot, but he’s saying that it would just be sex. We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Sarah Silverman 27:13
This is very interesting. You know, I’m really glad you’re going over ground rules. I think that’s depth probably the most important aspect of this, because you have to have trust you have to be both be on the same page. You know, it’s a little bit different. This is, you know, I’m not an expert, but I would say it’s a little different than going to a strip club and paying for a stripper to like, you know, whatever. Because it’s that’s a business transaction. You know, there’s there’s the boundary kind of there and with someone that you find on Craigslist for three way or I don’t know why. I’m assuming you’re going on Craigslist, but you know, it’s more of a I guess, listen, maybe for him penetration would just be sex like, but it does not sound like you feel that way. And that if you feel deep connection with him, when you have penetration ie sex, I can see you not enjoying equating connection with them with with him and the other woman you know, so even if he says it’s just sex, if you don’t feel that way, then make that a ground rule no penetration. I mean, once you get to say oh my girlfriend, so uptight she only wants me to eat the stranger’s pussy and let her blow me mean. Give me a break. I think it’s very fair that if you’re not comfortable with him penetrating her, that’s a ground rule. Cut it out. Don’t don’t, you know, don’t do anything you both aren’t totally on board with because if you do, you’re inviting resentment into bed with you, you know. And you don’t want to do that. So make some rules, make sure you’re comfortable with it all. And he has to and have fun. What else?
Speaker 8 29:12
I wanted to get your thoughts on something. When you think about the idea that only a certain percentage of people can really handle the fact that like the universe is so big. It’s so old. We evolved over millions of years, and just the craziness of that reality. And that the most other people just are too freaked out by that too scared of the immensity and maybe to expect otherwise of everybody as a whole is just setting yourself up for disappointment. If that’s the case, do you think one day everybody can kind of understand the wildness of the big truth?
Sarah Silverman 29:57
It’s crazy. I mean, I was thinking about this Is the other day and it is, it’s a lot, it makes your brain fucking explode like your life seems so big and important. And every little thing that matters to you doesn’t matter at all. Like, it’s like, we’re just, we’re nothing, even in the span of our entire lifetimes is the tiniest blip that wouldn’t even register in the, in the scope of time. Even just in in terms of Earth, our planet, you know, I mean, fucking that dinosaurs roamed the earth and ruled the earth and we’re so gigantic for millions of years, right? They ruled the earth. They were on the earth for millions of years. Dinosaurs, they don’t even seem real. We don’t think about them in terms of, and then this is all like when I had my that big rant about our purpose, you know, because it’s like, what was the purpose? What was their purpose? The dinosaurs, they thought their purpose was killing things and eating it or eating stuff, eating and fighting and living and no, their purpose was to go extinct. And we think our purpose is to be a comedian or our purposes to dominate the earth or our purpose is to, you know, whatever it is, no, none of it matters. We’re creating machine jet chat GPT we’re creating robot. And then we’re gonna go extinct, we’re going to get ourselves killed because we’re ruining the planet and the planet is not going to die. We are the planet lives through everything. It will get rid of it sickness us. Just like it always does. And then no one will remember us it will just be machines. Is that true? I don’t know. That’s what I was thinking, you know, everyone has a purpose. Like how squirrels hide their nuts because they think they’re hoarding not so that they can eat nuts. We don’t want your fucking acorns. They can’t even find 80% of the nuts they hide. Why? Because their purpose is planting trees. Every entity on this earth every microcosm, every, every single thing has a purpose serves a purpose greater than themselves. And beyond the scope of self. I mean, I’m not positive about this. I’m shitting it out my asshole, but it seems to track. And as life goes on, it seems more and more my dad would always say, everyone will be forgotten how be forgotten. George Washington will be forgotten. Everyone will be who’s ever lived on the planet of all time will be not even a memory will not have existed no memory. I don’t know why he found it comforting. But I kind of get it. You know, it’s like, we’re here. We’re queer. Get used to it. No, we’re here on this earth. And then we’re gone. So you better have one number one agenda in this lifetime, your joy. And what you’ll find is you might go well, that’s a very selfish way to live. No, it’s not because your joy will be more than just like eating candy or something. Your joy is long term joy, your joy is bringing happiness to others caring for the ones you love. Your joy is is way more varied than you would imagine. But as long as you are responsible for it, you will have the capacity for a pretty wonderful life. Did I answer that? Yeah. the immensity of the universe. I mean, I was just thinking about this the other day, like it’s just we know there’s the earth we know that there’s our moon, we know there’s our solar system. We know there’s our galaxy, then we know there’s millions of other galaxies beyond and then the universe goes forever. How can that be possible? Well, how can it be impossible then what’s beyond the universe? It’s just too much for our little brains. And so we have things like religion and, and science that that puts it in something more understandable for us more bite size, stories, lore. That’s how we survive. Believing that what we think is important in life means something and then we die and then it’s the same as before we were born or maybe not maybe our energy is has a consciousness that’s What I that’s what I really want to learn about, like, what’s the difference between our soul or our energy and our consciousness? Because I have comfort that energy cannot be destroyed or created or destroyed. Right. But so we must still be out there in some way. But is there a consciousness? I don’t know. And what is the difference? And where does consciousness go? When we’re unplugged? I don’t know. All right, what else? What do we got?
Speaker 10 35:34
Hello, Sarah Silverman. My name is […]. I was just scrolling through Twitter. And I saw well, it was just pretty random. I was in a Twitter thread in the last week or sister on Laura, I think. Yeah. So I clicked on a profile, and I saw a pinned tweet is, is a video of you and passing in a country song. And I just wondered what the story behind that is. I mean, I know she explains it, but it’s just interesting.
Sarah Silverman 36:08
Yeah, her explanations hilarious. You know, I’m, I write songs or I’ll write funny songs. But really, Laura is an awesome songwriter. And I always love her songs that if you remember back at the Sarah Silverman program, she wrote a song. I don’t know what we titled it, but we basically called it whatever happened to the white dog poo from the 70s. And I remember she’s saying it to me, we went, we were walking my dog. And she’s saying it to me. And I was like, oh my god, it’s so funny and so beautiful. So we we sang it in episode, I think called duty of the Sarah Silverman program, but I love her songs. I love when she writes in one time she just wrote, she’ll just wake up in the morning and write a song and then for a while, she would sing it to me and send it in a text and it was like my joy, my daily joy. And she wrote a country song. We both love country, good country, of which there is and she wrote a country song and it was beautiful. That’s what she does. It’s beautiful and hilarious. And we like to harmonize so she she wrote this country song as you say it and then we got asked to sing it on a live from here, which is it kind of took over Prairie Home Companion. But I love listening to it because it’s all my favorite kind of music. It’s it’s Chris Fili from Nickel Creek. And like sarin Sean Watkins from the Watkins family, our and just like, just the greatest singer songwriters like that kind of that’s my zoom that I love that kind of folk rock country Americana vibe. But they have comics on some times. And so they they I went on and Laura and I sang her song. And it was awesome. It was so fun. And you just go in you have just a very short time to rehearse. And they’ve got to just the greatest band and they learned it and it was like, so cool. And we come out and I it was funny. So check it out. If you Google like live from here. Sarah Silverman, Laura Silverman. You’ll find it and it was great. And the song is so good. And God. Yeah, that was that was a blast. Oh, and the song was called a dislocated heart. Check it out. Dad, we are winding down. This is the part of the podcast when I say send me your questions go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilverman podcast, thats speakpipe.com/theSarahSilverman podcast right now. I’m hoping you will call in with holiday questions for me. Is seeing your family filling you with anxiety and stress? Are you dreading the holidays? Because you’ve lost a loved one recently like me? Do you have a killer recipe you want to share with me? Do you have great tricks on how to avoid a holiday traffic? Let me know what’s on your mind and I will answer them in the episode that comes out on Thanksgiving Day. Subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. There’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like extra questions asked by you and answered by yours truly. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast we are a production of Lemonada Media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show our mixes by James Barber, additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson. Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.