Lemonada Media

Throwback Episode: Kid Sister, SSRi’s TV Theme Song

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This episode originally aired on January 4, 2024.

In this throwback episode, Sarah accidentally buys the same glasses as Rory after making fun of them for years. Plus, she shares her experience with antidepressants, hears from a man who says her humor helped save his life and sings her favorite TV theme songs.

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Sarah Silverman  00:15

Hey y’all, it’s your best friend Sarah and I, boy, I do so many unconscious things in life. We, I guess, I suppose we all do. But it’s so funny because for three years, I have been making fun of Rory and his glasses, he has these like, kind of 70s frames. And they’re, you know, they’re like transition. So they get dark in the sun, but they kind of have that half darkness half the time if you’re out in the sun a little in and out, whatever. And I always would tease them that he looks like, especially when it’s just a little bit dark. He looks like a cocaine dealer. And I’m an asshole but anyway, I bought new glasses frames, and didn’t think anything of it and decided to get transitions in them. So maybe I don’t have to always switch to my prescription sunglasses when I’m driving. And got them love them and they are the exact frames that Rory has. And it wasn’t until he said, you fucking kid sistered me and I was like, what are you talking about? We have the same for I don’t know, if they’re the same designer, obviously, mine are probably a little smaller. But now we are constantly picking up each other’s glasses and when you put on someone else’s prescriptions, it’s so crazy. It feels insane. It’s like when you think you’re drinking like coffee and it’s Coke or something you know fucks with your brain. But um, I fully kid sistered him and I didn’t even realize it until I got them back and was wearing them I’m a huge asshole anyway, let’s take some some voicemails.


Automated  02:08

You left me a message, now I’m playing it for the world.


Voicemail 1  02:21

Hi, Sarah, I want to ask you something that I’ve been interested in asking you for a while, which is to talk about your experience on antidepressants, or I guess the decision to remain on antidepressants kind of indefinitely, as I think is your experience. I struggle with oftentimes debilitating depression and anxiety and I have for most of my life, and I’ve been often on SSRIs antidepressants for most of my adult life. And the goal for me is always to get off of them. Because I don’t know I have this like, internalized stigma around using something that feels like a band aid solution. But despite doing all of the work surrounding my mental health issues, like therapy, and you know, self excavation, and you know, self love work and inner child work, and you know, being well supported and well surrounded, I still, occasionally you can’t get out of the bottoms of the ship bucket on my own. And so I’m considering going back on my meds and you don’t seem to have that stigma about taking something that helps you. And much like yourself, I have a nice life. And it’s not really an external thing. I mean, aside from the general dumpster fire of our world, so I just I wondered if you could say a word or two about your decision to take antidepressants, and stay on them.


Sarah Silverman  03:49

Absolutely, I hear what you’re saying I agree. I think with you didn’t say this outright. But like yes, I do think that meds in general, are prescribed willy nilly, and as band aids and stuff, but if you need them. I’ve been on Zoloft since 1994. I’m very lucky that it’s worked well for me that I didn’t. But it’s I do understand that it’s important to if you need meds to really try and see you know, try it for at least a month because getting into your system everything. See if it’s for you, maybe you need something else. It’s you know, you’ve got to take the time to really find the right fit and hopefully a psychiatrist. A good psychiatrist can help you get there as soon as possible, like get help get the right medication for what you need chemically. But there’s for a lot of people a lot of trial and error. I was very lucky that Zoloft was just the ticket. My auntie Martha suggested it I went to a psychiatrist at and they agreed I at the time I was put on Klonopin to just block panic attacks I was at saronite live when it I my second bout of real depression hit and I was having debilitating panic attacks, which just the word panic attack has just become used to describe any moment of anxiety. But it’s like a very real thing where you feel like you need to be in the hospital right now. You need things to be taken out of your hands immediately. Anyway, I was getting off of that, which is not something you can take regularly Klonopin, and is addictive, and blah, blah, blah. But it’s great to have on you like, in terms of panic attacks, I’m changing the subject a little bit, and then I’ll go back. For me, Klonopin saved my life, because it all it’s does all its job is is to block panic attacks. Now you could fall in love with it, how it gets you to sleep, and gets you a great night’s sleep, but you can’t because it’s addictive. So I started taking Zoloft this in 1994 and for me, it was just the ticket. And I, you know, what you need to do is see like a psychiatrist about twice a year to check in talk therapy, cognitive therapy, to me is the first thing you do, you know, before you go on drugs or anything, because if you can work this out, by changing your perspective, change your in your ways of seeing, you know, understanding the trauma of your past, you know, etcetera. If you still need something, which is absolutely sounds like you do, take it, you know, I remember I was doing great on Zoloft. And I was all always only just took 50 milligrams a day half of a pill. And I was doing so well and thriving. And I said to my psychiatrists, when I met with him, I feel like I should start getting off of this. And I had no side effects knows none of the sexual side effects anything and he said, why? And I said, because I’m doing great. And he said, that’s like, that’s like, if you had diabetes, and you said this insulin is working, I should get off of it. And he made me understand that when I am on a medicine that works for me, in this case, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, the flow of serotonin in my brain breaks off. And this all it does is fortify that bridge, why would you stop. And so please, let me release, you have that stigma. If this were any other medicine for any other ailment, you would take it forever, and not feel bad about it or odd about it or that your must be crazy or that you’re, you know, medicating something, you know, that you shouldn’t be medicating you sound you sound like the perfect candidate, you’re you do all the work, you do cognitive therapy, you’re looking inward, you need the medicine that that helps you be successful in all of this. And there should be absolutely no shame about it period. And once I got into the world of menopause, I ended up having to double it, I went to 100 milligrams a day, and I take 100 milligrams a day now. And it, it was just what I needed. All I feel is that I’m able to fully be myself without this debilitating fear of the smallest, everyday things, you know, like I would go into I, as a matter of fact, I still spiral into depression sometimes. And that’s okay. You can tell the difference between what is absolutely beyond my control and what is living a human beings life. And for me, I’m so grateful for this medicine and I am someone who had an experience as a child, where I was completely wrongly medicated and and for some reason I didn’t turn into someone who is just completely against all drugs, but as a 13 year old child, I was given Xanax. I’ve told this story, I’m sure and this is a little bit what the musical the bed wetter is about because it’s about the year I’m 10 and it’s an amalgamation of a few things that happened around that time. I was put on Xanax. It must have been a new thing back then this was like 1984 and that, doctor that put me on that, um, ended up killing himself. And then I was sent to this like registered nurse in Boston, and she kept upping it, upping it upping it. And this doesn’t even sound true and it was I was taking 16 Xanax a day at 13 four Xanax four times a day by a doctor, and my parents didn’t know to question it, because they believe doctors, you know, totally implicitly and I just, I was lucky to live through it that I went to another psychiatrist, a Mexican doctor in New Hampshire, which was even more rare than a Jew. And he got me off of it very slowly, and very carefully, one half of a pill. Less than a week for months and months and months and months, until I took my last one. I think my sophomore year of high school, and I was free again, I was like, better and the whole thing was over, but until I was 22, and then it happened again. And this is when I got on the right meds and the right way and, you know, with therapy and all that shit, that that leads me to today. But yeah, yes, I think it’s, it’s prescribed willy nilly to anyone, including growing forming brands. And yes, sometimes people, even young people, and certainly adults need it, and you need it every day. And you might need it forever. And that’s fine. You can do that. You do a lot of things everyday forever. You know, you brush your teeth, you know, take your multivitamin that literally just comes out in your shit, and does nothing. You people do all sorts of things every day, but for some reason they judge this and I don’t think you should. I think you’re doing great. And you should should stay on it if it’s working for you. All right, that was a lot of words sorry, what else?


Brian  12:20

Hi, Sarah this is Brian from San Francisco. I’m 35 years old. I’ve been a drinker and a cigarette smoker since I was a teenager in my 20s that had no effect on my physical appearance. But now that I’m in my mid 30s, it’s definitely taking its toll especially on my face and on my skin. And for the last few years, I’ve been really self conscious about it. But recently, I’ve taken it upon myself to just apply a thin layer of Aquaphor on my face before I go to bed, throw a towel down so I don’t grease up my linens. And a week in and my skin just looks amazing. I look five years younger and I just a happier person because of it. So my question for you is what kind of simple, almost effortless behaviors have you learned that have changed your life in a big way? I’d love to know. Thank you and I’d love your show bye.


Sarah Silverman  13:22

Well I mean just connecting with you. Yeah, like I have dry skin as well. So it’s like all schmear on Egyptian magic, which is just like an olive oil based oil or just any serum any whatever is the latest or whatever I comes in a gift bag or whatever Amy’s V tells me to get a get like that what’s it called? Augustinus Bader, did I say it right?


Speaker 1  13:51

Yeah, Augustinus Bader.


Sarah Silverman  13:52

Yeah so now I’m on that I love the rich cream. I throw in some oil it I like this RMS oil. I don’t know why it’s not about face cream necessarily. But I agree that like I loves putting on creams. I love my night routine. I love making it laughs It’s like my joy of the night taking off the day. And just like self care, it feels good. I use several creams, but I’m also just effortless behaviors that changed your life in a big way. You know, I’m working on starting from this is what is, you know, like, some things in my life happened last week that were frustrating. And I was like, I wish that I wish this didn’t happen, this happened or this didn’t happen or why did you know having a regret or having a why didn’t this go down this way? And I can only allow myself so much time on that because there’s absolutely nothing to do about it. Like you can’t there’s not a time machine at this juncture. So starting from like, this is what is, Now what? Has been a practice for me takes lots of practice, but I find myself practicing it. And it really helps and just in terms of my mentality, my outlook and my just not hanging on, trying not to hang on to frustrating stuff and scope out wider scope out wider until it’s like, you know, back to hey, guess what? Nothing matters. It can get you into depression what a boy it’s always what gets me out of it. Who cares? Nothing matters go have fun. Go on stage go do you know all the things that sometimes I get to in my head about you know, I’m good at this on this podcast because I suffer from all these things. I’m in process, I fuck up lots. So that’s been helpful, this is what is or when fucking I remember all my groceries. And you know, the other examples are the symbolic versions of this but I had two big things of bags of groceries, and I went to unlock my door, and one of the bags, just everything fell through and smashed on the ground. And it was one of those moments where I went, I could be bummed or I could laugh and look at the sky and say thank you for everything, just as it is. I mean, you my shrink told me. And then that makes me laugh. And either way, the future was going to be picking it all up and cleaning it up and moving on with life. So you could either do that angry and frustrated or you could do that laughing at how life has another plan. And the cool thing about it was I forgot I had a ring camera on and I I remembered and I looked back and I was able to see. You know, as an actor, it was really cool to be able to see this real moment happen. Because when you’re aware of cameras, even if you’re incredibly talented actor, it changes you. It’s that’s the Heisenberg Principle. You know, like, any observer, even a silent observer changes what they’re observing just by existing, but completely forgetting that there’s a ring camera at my front door. You know, when I’m myself walking into it. It was interesting to watch me in real life not knowing anyone can laze around, you know, it was a very organic thing. And it was fun to watch me go, oh, and then and then remember, and then say thank you for everything just as it is, and then laugh, you know, because it’s just whatever I’m, well, this, this spaghetti sauce will be picked up. I can do that, it’s, you know, not a big deal. So, yeah, I was kind of cool.


automated  18:21

Here’s some ads. And we’re back.


India  18:26

Hi, Sarah my name is India I’m 22 and I just wanted to ask you, like, so long story. But like, I, for the last 10 years of my life, I’ve had a stepmom who I adore and got like, incredibly close to, and she just became like, it just felt like we were just so connected and I would tell her about everything in my life. She was the first person I wanted to introduce to my girlfriend when I met her. She’s just very special to me and she suddenly she had sort of an a mental health spiral and sort of suddenly divorced my dad out of just out of nowhere. Like they had just gone on a date. It was like crazy. And she didn’t speak to me after that. And it’s been a year about and she would she would talk to me about things like we were incredibly close. And, and yet she hasn’t talked to me since then. Yeah, it’s just, she felt like a parent to me and it’s hard to be rejected by a parent, you know. So I guess I just wanted to know what you would do to kind of get over that pain it’s very painful still to me. Yeah, thank you love you so much. You’re so awesome bye.


Sarah Silverman  19:47

No, India, I’m so sorry I mean, you must feel real, deep abandonment, not just as a young woman as a 22 year old, but as a 12 year old, inside there, who has this relationship with a woman who left, just left and that’s a lot. You know, and you’re still young and listen, there’s you don’t know what happened and so it’s hard to process and it’s impossible to make sense of. And I’m sure you, at least intellectually understand that this has nothing to do with you. I don’t even know if it has to do with your father, it could be something really entirely about her. And whatever she’s doing right now is some kind of survival. I think, whether literal or just in, in her mind. I hope that she gets well. And I think that if she does, you might hear from her. But I think you should proceed as if you won’t. I, my instinct is to reach out and see what happened. But I’m guessing you did that and she didn’t respond. You just have to, you know, if you can get to a place where you can appreciate the gifts she gave you, in the 10 years, you had a relationship, the love the care that you got from her, and that you probably exchanged with her over those 10 years. If you can let those things be positive, and still be able to let go of her and understand that something happened that has nothing to do with you. And I’d love for you to be able to get to a place to truly be okay. And feel sorry for her and hope that she wherever she is she’s getting help. But that’s hard because she did something to you. She took something from you, she took herself from you. And there’s a lot of lot of stuff that that must bring up. And some of its true and some of it is is what we take from abandonment that is not true, which is that you did anything wrong, or that she left because of you and I know you’re a young woman now and you might understand that intellectually, but I wonder if you’ve talked to your dad about it, what he knows about it what he is he is flummoxed as you or do you have a relationship with him are you know I have so many questions but um God, good luck and you’re you’re not alone and I’m I’m that’s just got to be so hard. And I’m so sorry. Good luck, India. All right, what else?


Speaker 4  23:26

Hi, Sarah been a big fan for years and years. I feel like it’s important to tell people when they do a good job, and I have a story for you. Back in 2008, I was in a bad place. I was very, very depressed and one night, I was having a very hard time. And I was drinking and we’re not getting overly descriptive. I wasn’t gonna make it through the night. And it just happened that there was a television show on and the premise of the episode was a pretty Jewish girl drinks too much cough syrup, hallucinates. And it made me fall in spite of everything that was going on and as bad as I was feeling. I had a good legitimate belly laugh. And it got me through the night. And I just think it’s important that you know that with all the charity work and all the good that you do, sometimes what you do is very personal. And you saved my life, and I love you, thank you.


Sarah Silverman  24:36

Thank you that’s, I mean, thank you. I mean, I think that’s so lovely. And I’m sorry that you’re going through such a difficult time and I’m so happy that happened. And you belly laughed and you remembered that belly laughs are worth it. Thanks for calling in and I think that episode was called officer J was our the first episode we played. And then we the pilot we made was like episode six or something I think that first season anyway. Well, that’s something else and thanks for callin’ and letting me know, that makes me feel real good and boy, you know, I could get all the, you know, political and do all these things but but at the end of the day, what I can offer is comedy and and that’s what I should be doing you know, it’s just like when all this shit first happened and I just couldn’t even imagine doing stand up and Chelsea Handler was like, come open for me at the Pantages, like fucking get out of your own head and do what you’re supposed to do entertain people. That’s what we can do, and that was so helpful to me and yeah, she’s smart. Anyway, thanks what else?



Hi, Sarah welcome back, thanks for being on picket lines. Wanted to ask a question about television. I was talking to a younger co worker and ask them what the best TV theme song was. Their response was scrubs, which is a nice TV theme song. But myself I had to be either Taxi or Bernie Miller. TV shows that I’m sure you remember. So my question is, what is your favorite TV theme song? Thank you.


Sarah Silverman  26:45

I mean, you got a Taxi, Barney Miller those just those the music just the just music no words like those are just fucking so good Hill Street Blues, those are classics. And it’s funny because you said welcome back and the first thing I thought of was welcome back you dreams are your ticket out which every time I’m hosting something and I have to say welcome back. I always say, welcome back! Your dreams are your ticket out. And no one likes it, no one wants me to do it. But I can’t help it and I won’t stop, can’t stop won’t stop. Oh, and we were just singing Charles in Charge, which I like to say well, because one of our our engineer Charles and then I was thinking Charles. And then I, of course was like V is going to join along and she did. It’s a new bully and the neighbor lives downstairs and understood. He’s just there just to take good care of me. Like he’s one of the […]


Sarah Silverman  27:26

One of the great theme songs of a Fair to middling television show, but the theme song is phenomenal.



So I two things one is Amy’s V talking I grew up with an eight track that my mom had in her car have Mike Post songs and the whole tape. Because it was like a, you know, an eight track that went into a car. Like in a tape deck, which is I mean just aged me.


Sarah Silverman  28:28

I don’t even remember eight tried. Yeah, and I’m older than you.



Well, my mother’s not gonna say what kind of car it was had one. But you know what? Theme song is so great. And no one even ever saw the show because it was only on for like one year but the Greatest American Hero.


Sarah Silverman  28:46

What’s happened to me he I can’t believe in myself. Suddenly I’m up on top of the world, queued up some money […]


Sarah Silverman  29:03

Believe it or not just went full key change. I’m with you walk in or knew I never thought I could feel so free. [ …]



Then on that same tape was like white shadow, which was like that basketball.


Sarah Silverman  29:31

Oh yeah, Ken Howard just passed away star of white chatter.



It really makes me think that they just don’t make a theme songs like they used to.


Sarah Silverman  29:41

Well, but I will say there are phenomenal theme songs slash credit you know, roll whatever it’s called, like, beginnings of shirt theme songs. I guess it’s called there are great ones. They don’t all have music, but it’s like visually and every Amiens like I’m watching a show called Unforgotten. They have an incredible theme song, but also just like what’s it called?





Sarah Silverman  30:12

Oh my God fucking succession obviously. But no, I’m set severance.



I can’t remember the theme song for that.


Sarah Silverman  30:21

Severance is that what it’s called? That we’re all waiting for season?



The apple? Yeah Ben Stiller’s […]


Sarah Silverman  30:28

That’s I mean, a lot of it’s just music just but again, music, just music without the words is always so good. Oh, Jerrod Carmichael and I first became friends, because we would sing with full harmony. What could we do? What will we do baby without us seeing the woman song and he’d sing the man side and then meet her?


automated  30:54

Here’s some ads. And we’re back.


Sarah  30:58

Hey, Sarah, it’s Sarah, I love you. I have a question that involves a little story. I invited a gentleman to a film festival as my plus one I got into a film festival. The first one of something like this and as a creative person. In LA, I’m sure you can relate to you have to celebrate your wins when they happen. And so I had a plus one and you know this, I lost my keys at the Hollywood Bowl. And this lovely gentleman next to me, who happened to be in from San Francisco, for one day, decided to help me out. And so long story short, he came to the film festival, we hung out all weekend, we did hook up. And then I find out that he is in a relationship but it’s complicated and he didn’t feel the need to tell me that until he was already here. I guess I’m just curious, your thoughts on what that may mean? How you would take it how you would respond. I’m also currently I did reach out to him writing like a little bit of a you know, hi, you know, I had a lot of fun this weekend. And I’m now processing what you told me. I didn’t want it to overshadow my event yada, yada. And while I wait on his response, I was like, I need to, I need to call Sarah. So from one server to another what? What are your thoughts on this? What would you do? Would you would you just leave it alone? What would you tell yourself?


Sarah Silverman  32:32

Well, I do call bullshit on but it’s complicated. And even if it is complicated, that is something to tell you before he comes. And or you come you know, like fucking a it’s, you know, there is another person involved in this. And it was a lie of omission that he didn’t tell you before you slept with him. It sounds like you are interested because you are even entertaining what does this mean? It’s complicated it seems like he didn’t go on to explain because you didn’t tell me what the it’s complicated meant. I had a similar situation. I was single, I started talking to this guy online and I was on tour and we were talking like every night and he lived in Portland and I had a show coming up in Portland and he was going to come to it and then we’re going to maybe hang out he was going to get like a hotel room. And I had never done anything like this but I thought he was really smart and interesting. And weeks before I got to Portland, we were talking and I don’t know what in my gut came up, but it always trust it and I said are you married? And I mean, that would be crazy, right? He was he was fucking married. And he goes, yeah, but we have a totally open relationship. And I said, does she know that? And he said, yes. I told her that’s how I want to do it. And she wants to be in this relationship. So she acquiesced and I said not good enough. That sounds horrible for her, they have kids together and for me, that was just it. You know, it’s fine if you are married and have an open relationship and bubble but it’s still something you should tell somebody. And I go, that might be okay for you to be honest, it doesn’t sound extremely okay for her and it’s sure as fuck is not okay with me bye. You know, I mean, it was a real waste of time for me. If he didn’t, he didn’t tell me because he thought it would turn me off and it did, and what he did was prolong me thinking this could be something. But yeah, I don’t. I’ve been I’ve done that I’ve done that, like, well, yeah, but this, you know, he wasn’t relationship, but like, sometimes you meet the person you’re supposed to be with, and they’re in a relationship and you’re supposed to be together forever. And, you know, that may be true for some people, but what you forget is oftentimes, that’s a pattern, you know. And when he, that person goes off, and finds a new person they’re supposed to be with for the rest of their lives, and they happen to be in a relationship. And you’re on the other side of it. You better fucking learn a lesson on I have, I just don’t want to be a part of any of that shit ever again. I’m too old, I’m too smart and my time is precious. But chances are, if a guy is like, oh, I’m with someone, but it’s complicated, but I like you. You’re gonna be the one he’s with next. It might be 10 years from now, it might be three years from now. It might be a week, but I don’t know, I find it fishy, very fishy. I also find that those are the most jealous people. Because to me jealousy, you know, like, jealousy and relationship is like they can imagine cheating, because they’ve done it before. And it’s like a palpable thing. So they they don’t trust you.  I trust my partner because I can’t imagine even being open or being a sexual person around anyone else. But the person I’m with I like totally have garters on when I’m with someone. But I think cheaters people who are afraid that their partner will cheat are afraid because they cheat. They know what how easy it is for them. I don’t know. All right, what else?


Speaker 6  37:43

Hey, Sarah, I just heard your message from the guy who was five days clean. And I’m 80 days clean from crystal meth. And it’s a fucking journey but I hope I will be able to include my email and contact information so you can give it to that guy if he needs it. Because he is 150% not alone. And thanks for your empathy towards him. It’s really nice to hear that when it happens. Okay. Thanks, man bye.


Sarah Silverman  38:22

Oh my God. That’s so sweet and can we get his information to that original caller?


Catherine  38:29

Yeah, this is Catherine, your producer. We I sent him the email address of the first caller. In case that first caller wanted to reach out.


Sarah Silverman  38:37

You did send it to him already?


Catherine  38:39

Yeah, I didn’t hear back from him but hopefully he’s well, and actually this caller is one of a dozen people who called in and express their love for the person who was five days sober from Crystal Meth that you you responded to a few weeks ago, here’s one more.


Ryan  38:56

Hi, Sarah my name is Ryan, I’m from Boston I’m a huge fan. I just got back from New York City and I saw a bunch of shows. I was hoping to see bed wetter. I can’t wait until it’s on Broadway. I’m hoping that’s coming up soon. But I’m calling in response to a caller that I just heard on your podcast who has five days clean from crystal meth and sounded and even said that he was hopeless. I just celebrated 16 months clean from crystal meth. And I want that color to know that there is hope. I never knew that there was a way to recover from that drug from this drug. I want him to be able to borrow my hope. I was hopeless for so long. I felt like him I felt like I had nobody. Everything was no for so long jobs where no people said no. Everything came up no for so long. My life is excellent now. I just got back from New York City where I saw six shows in three days because I’m a Broadway fan. I’m a huge fanatic. And I was able to stay clean through that. I have a job in recovery now. I’m back talking to my family, I have a full life, I want him to borrow some of my hope. It is possible, I remember what it was like five days clean. Your advice to go to meetings was wonderful advice. Hope he takes it.


Sarah Silverman  40:24

That is fucking amazing. Ah, 16 months. That’s so sweet to him to borrow his hope. It’s so gorgeous.


Catherine  40:36

And here are a few more that we heard from.


Speaker 7  40:39

Thank you so much for the love and support that you showed for that caller who said that he was five days sober.


Speaker 8  40:47

The guy who was five days clean off meth, I would just like to send a shout out to him and that is doing a good job even if he relapsed, he could still turn it around.


Speaker 9  41:00

I want to send a message to the man who called last week and said that he felt like an adult orphan. I just want to offer a perpetual bear hug to him whenever he needs it. He can just something that whenever he feels alone.


Speaker 13  41:14

As a former meth user myself for a few years, I know what that road is like, and that struggle.


Speaker 10  41:20

The advice you gave him was just so perfect and spot on to find that and a community nearest to him or through zoom. There are many people that I love they’re involved in that as a community, and there’s so much hurt that goes into that addiction. And there is so much love in those groups.


Toad  41:42

My father had gone through 30 years of Narcotics Anonymous and he was he was clean for 30 years and it was a sponsor to others and encourage others to get clean and help save other people’s lives. So I just want to be the person to tell you now that he’s gone that you can do this, you will do this. You know Narcotics Anonymous works. The rooms work.


Speaker 12  42:02

You are not alone. I am sending you my love you are surrounded by love.


Speaker 13  42:07

Along with your other callers he now has three people in his corner.


Toad  42:10

We all love you and we care about you. And we really want you to do the best that you can, so good luck.


Sarah Silverman  42:17

What a community, what a community we’ve created. God I hope you he listened to that. But that was beautiful. Just beautiful. All right, dad. We are winding down. Wherever you are. This is the part of the podcast when I say send me your questions go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilverman podcast, thats speakpipe.com/theSarahSilverman podcast right now. I’m hoping you will call in with holiday questions for me. Is seeing your family filling you with anxiety and stress? Are you dreading the holidays? Because you’ve lost a loved one recently like me? Do you have a killer recipe you want to share with me? Do you have great tricks on how to avoid a holiday traffic? Let me know what’s on your mind and I will answer them in the episode that comes out on Thanksgiving Day. Subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. There’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like extra questions asked by you and answered by yours truly. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast we are a production of Lemonada Media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show our mixes by James Barber, additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson. Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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