Throwback Episode: Pedicure, Swifties, HIV
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This episode originally aired on November 30, 2023.
In this throwback episode, Sarah and Rory get a pedicure. Plus, Sarah gives advice to a woman living with her gross mother, offers support to someone who recently found out they have a “house in Vermont,” and shares her take on Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.
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Javier, Lazar, Drew, JR, Sarah Silverman, Tony Whitaker, Simon
Sarah Silverman 00:15
Hi everybody, it’s your old pal Sarah and I’m laughing because Rory and I, he really wanted to get a pedicure. Because he had this like, like ingrown toenail kind of thing that needed to be like professionally filed away. And so I went with him and I got a manicure, which I mean, this woman took so much cuticle off of these hands, like a pound of cuticles, she was disgusted. But I convinced him to get a color on his toes, which was really fun, and he said he would get it if I get a color in my hands, which I never do I feel weird. But I got black, and I said, I can’t wait for these to like grow out and start chipping, which is exactly where they’re at right now. Which, in my mind is like fucking just cool. It’s cool looking. But I realized the other day that what I think is cool. Is like this is these my fingernails right now is the equivalent of guys my age who have a pierced ear. I’m that guy, with my like, 90s grunge, golfy kind of fingernails, but I like it. And there you go. This is my middle aged man’s pierced ear. Let’s go to some voicemails.
Hey, Sarah, how you doing? I’m glad that you’re back. Um, I wanted to ask you your thoughts on Taylor Swift. Now, I am a huge Swifty, I love her music. Don’t really care about a personal life. But I love her music. Don’t expect everyone else to but I wanted to ask you what you thought about what she did for her eras tour movie. It was so during the strike. And she went straight to the movie theaters. She hired her own team, and you know, skip the studios, which I thought was just brilliant. She kind of beat them at their own game. I think she’s such a badass for that. And yeah, I just wanted to hear your thoughts and what you thought about that. I know that you were really active during the strike. And I was rooting for you guys. But yeah, I would just wanted to know what your thoughts were on that. Do you agree? Disagree? And you know, if you are yourself a Swifty.
Sarah Silverman 02:58
I am a Swifty I fucking love her. I think she’s a genius, singer songwriter, totally genius. And I’m embarrassed to say that it took the brilliant Father John Misty, singing blank space as Lou Reed, which you can only find on YouTube. For me to realize what a brilliant songwriter she is. But yeah, I’m a big, big, big fat fan. And I can’t wait to see the era’s tour. I didn’t go see her because I don’t like big scary crowds. Not one bit, and I probably won’t see it in movie theaters either. But once it’s on streaming, or I can get it on iTunes or whatever. I’m gonna watch the fuck out of it. All right, what else?
JR 03:52
Sarah, my name is JR from Texas. My question is, how does living your life like an open book affect your private life?
Sarah Silverman 04:05
Okay, I can answer that question. I think being a comedian and being very open and using my own experience as the material that I talk about and the perspective I come from people think they know me, you know, and in a lot of ways they do and that’s usually lovely. Like people when they see me they’ll go Sarah, like, like they know me from camp or something that’s very familiar and I like that, almost always I like it. Of course there’s always going to be times where I’m not in the mood to be comedian Sarah, you know, like good stuff was going on with me and my life just like you, you know, or anyone else. But it’s I think I prefer to like, like the kind of famous person that you don’t you just talk about, like, oh my god, this call came in and you know, and then it but you’re afraid to go up to her or whatever. And that’s probably a healthy fear not because of Nicole Kidman personally and I’m sure she’s lovely but you know, a lot of people don’t like to be bothered. And it’s not a you know, I can say, like, I use, I usually don’t mind it at all, especially if you’re cool about it, you know, like, hey, love your work, or, you know, that’s great. Keep walking in, it’s a nice experience, or sometimes I’ll talk your ear off and like, the person who came over is like, oh, I have to go. But um, I will say like, there have been a couple of times, I’ve been sobbing alone at an airport. Because you know, when you’re a comic, you live at airports, and you’re only so chances are there gonna be a couple times that whatever’s happening in your life is bad. So there are a couple times I’ve been sobbing by myself at airports, just trying to like be invisible as much as possible with like a single soaking wet tissue trying to like, absorb my tears and my snot, and people have come up and asked for pictures. And that is one of the most lonely feelings in the world. Like, not like, hey, are you okay? Just, hey, could I have a picture? Like, I am? I do? Am I a fucking monkey at a zoo? Like, Jesus Christ, I have a little humanity like, everything you do doesn’t have to be in service to your fucking Facebook page. You know, but boy, it’s really great when people are just cool, they pass by you, they go, hey, I love your work. And that feels nice. And it’s not, I think when people don’t want you to come up to them. It isn’t because they’re snobby cons. It’s because it’s really embarrassing, that they’re, they’re actually, a lot of these people are not, unlike me, are not outgoing people, person people, you know, they’re, they’re shy. And it’s incredibly embarrassing. And when I’m in my feelings like that, it’s it is it’s just embarrassing, like, you know, but for the most part, I’m fine with it. I Tig Notaro has a great story, she’s set it in her standby think about being at an airport. And she was on one of those moving walkways, and and then another guy was in the moving walkway coming towards her. And as they pass he just went, hey, I’m a fan, she was like thanks and just kept going. And then she turned back and he didn’t even turn back or anything never even turned around just like said he was a fan and went about his life and she was like that guy’s the coolest guy in the world. Alright, so I hope that answers your question, and thanks for calling in.
Lazar 07:59
Hi Sara, it’s your best friend Lazar out in Pittsburghish. I just had a an emotional morning. In regards to the fact that I don’t feel like anywhere. I feel like my home is spread out and whenever I was younger, it was in one place it was concise it made sense home felt like it was my grandma’s house and it was my mom’s house those were home. But more so grandma’s house I guess. But as you get older your people spread out and you spread out and then home it feels a little bit here it feels a little bit there and it’s it became very overwhelming and I kind of started to like feel very ungrounded and I kind of wrote through it and as I was writing this poem and kind of journaling about this I came around this to land on nowhere it feels like home everywhere it feels like home. And whenever I think of it in terms like that, it makes it sound very peaceful. And it reminded me a lot of whenever you talked about your panicky moment about nothing matters, nothing matters and just wanted to say same and I love you have a great day.
Sarah Silverman 09:22
Oh I love that. I love that and I know what you mean you know like my childhood home that was home to me for 18 years or you know is is gone, someone else strangers live there. I like that you equated it to nothing matters and then coming out of it by ah nothing matters is like like nowhere is home everywhere is home wherever I am is home. And you know Rory said something, I think it’s a quote from someone I don’t know, no but um, because he’s been feeling that a lot. You know, now we live in a home together and it’s really nice like we’re making a home but for a bunch of years, the most recent years, he’s been moving, moving, moving, moving, and just felt kind of rudderless in that way, like, in terms of what is home and he realized he’s just gonna sprout where he’s planted. And I love that, I love that saying, and I love thinking of it that way. You know, it’s like your iPhone, being able to have its own Wi Fi. Just sprout where you’re planted your home, the people you’re closest to our home. And I think that’s really beautiful. Thanks for calling in. What else?
Javier 10:51
Sarah Silverman, this is Javier from LA. I was waiting for the right time to call you. In your to your new podcast. I was waiting for like the right moment to be inspired. And I was finally inspired. You have to take Metamucil at night, it’s changed my life. I’m an extremely constipated person. And I don’t smoke I do not smoke, I choose the healthy route. So you take two heaping teaspoons at night. You mix it with water, you drink it, it tastes delicious. I do the orange flavor, sugar free, tastes delicious. And I’m telling you, my doctor told me to do this, and he has changed my life. Every morning I have my coffee and I poop and it’s great. So that’s my suggestion to you. And then I wanted to really quickly ask you when you say goodbye to your dad at the end of your episode. That’s a weird segue, I know. But when you say goodbye to your dad, I always get sad when you say that and I wonder if it’s hard for you to say that, like if it’s hard, is it hard for you to see the end of the podcast coming? Because you know, you’re gonna have to say goodbye to your dad, wherever he is. I always wondered that. But it is beautiful because it makes me at least it makes me and I’m sure everybody else. Think of your dad. Just curious.
Sarah Silverman 12:16
Oh, well, it doesn’t make me sad because I think I would feel it if I didn’t say it anymore if I stopped saying it. I like just still saying it even though he’s not. He has no earthly presence anymore. So and yeah, I’ve been having the metal. I’ve been eating the chocolate Metamucil crackers, suggested by Howard Stern. And they’re so good I they usually the flavors like apple cinnamon or something and that’s pretty good but the chocolate is by far the best and I’ve only found it online. So I like ordered by like three boxes at a time. My coffee and cigarettes scenario in the morning is, is has become less based on necessity and more based on ritual. I know it’s not good for me, but it’s just one.
Hi, Sarah, I love your podcast. I love your positive outlook on things, and I was really hoping that you could help me with this one. So I’m a 41 year old woman I’m currently living with my mom, we have previously had a really difficult relationship from childhood, and my you know, youth and I am been working so much to heal those things and to you know, not be as triggered by her. So we’re in a much better place now. So I had to live with her for a short while while things are sorting itself out. And it is a lot of difficulties with it as it can be when you’re an adult living with your parents. But thing is just part time this really old sweet lady, you know that I want to take care of her like, you know, she’s almost 80 and she’s like, you know, making hot chocolates and knitting and you know, sweet old lady, but she’s also quite disgusting. Like she farts all the time, she blows her nose all the time, she coughs like right in her hand or right out in the room while she’s cooking. I often hear that she doesn’t wash her hands after she’s gone to the toilet and is doing my head and so I need to keep things tidy and clear, to feel sane and she obviously doesn’t help how can we coexist without killing each other or I don’t want to be a bit shorts for home. Thank you.
Sarah Silverman 14:43
That’s so hard. But you know what it made me think of this. I always was struck by this moment in the movie Say Anything which is really a perfect movie and in it, I think Lloyd Doubler the main character is talking to Ione Skye’s character. And he says she’s volunteering at an old age home her dad runs. And he’s like, grossed out by the old people, and she, she really likes, sticks up for them and just says, you know, they’re not gross, they’re there, their mouths don’t work like they used to their bodies don’t work, like they used to, like have compassions this shitty version of how I remember that scene from so long ago, but it was so beautiful and, and it’s very easy to go like, you know, fuck you, like, just be compassionate with your mom, but I totally relate. It’s so gross, like, and I don’t know what to tell you in terms of that just kind of the cleanliness stuff other than this is a finite situation. And yes, you are in her home. And you know, it, would it be a gesture of love and also secretly helping yourself to say, Mom, let me wash you know, take a warm, soapy washcloth and, and wash her hands for her and, and take care of her in little ways like that. I don’t know if she’d allow you to but you know, the farting like I get it. But that’s just she can’t help it. You know, I don’t think she’s like lifting one leg and lighting a match. She’s just like, which would be also might be maybe awesome. But one thing that helps when I would get like, just fucking go crazy from my mom or stuff, pretend she’s not related to you. And I know that sounds funny. But ego makes it really hard because you see her foibles as reflecting on you as you being connected to it. And that’s our ego that gets driven crazy by that stuff. But if you see her as her own person, it’s sometimes oddly easier to accept her kind of warts and all, but mostly just know this is not forever. And you know, at the very least probably get a fire under you to get out of there. Um, but um, I was just saying how in therapy, I’m learning how unconsciousness is reactionary. And I really need to learn this like I because I can be very like, oh, you know, with sound sensitivity and stuff that I have. Be very reactionary, and I know like with moms and stuff, it’s just like I said that, you know, you find yourself talking like a person that you don’t recognize. Just try that exercise of, of just seeing her as someone else’s mother or seeing her as a person very separate from yourself. It’s for some reason in the ego, the reason is ego. It’s easier to have empathy or to accept people, warts and all, when they aren’t directly a part of who you are in your mind. That’s ego, anyway good luck I know it’s It’s fucking hard dude, like good luck. And what else?
Simon 18:16
Hi Sarah, it’s your English best friend, Simon, you’re back. We love that you’re back. Thank you so much to you and Lemonada for bringing you back. We’ve missed you so much. Quick question, and it’s for it is a couple’s thing my wife and I we have found that one of the things that keeps our marriage going is having little things in common that we found that we have in common that are might be stupid to other people, but we absolutely love so we both love bears, for example. So any videos or pictures, photos on the internet of bears, brown bears, black bears, red pandas, whatever it is. We absolutely lose our shit over and we just have this joy that we both share and I’m just wondering if your movie or if you any of the previous partners. What’s the silliest cutest thing that you share in common? Thank you very much. Great to hear your voice again.
Sarah Silverman 19:18
So uh, yeah, a lot of things like well, just a kin to your bear thing like any dog video any like, you know, unlikely animal friendship video, but also like the other night. We both were up in the middle of the night, and we’re touching feet., and I our toenails are so long and we were just both like this is disgusting, and we got up in the middle of the night and like, clipped her toenails. Collectively, can two people be collectively? I don’t know. Um, we both like to leave the kitchen spotless at night. And luckily we both are clean, like clean people I mean, does he leave his socks just strewn on the floor? Yes, he does, but that’s okay. But in terms of like food, kitchen stuff, and I love like when we have people over or whatever. My favorite part of it is when everyone leaves and we clean up we have we are such a good cleanup team. And I love it, I love washing dishes, I love wiping down the counters. He likes using the vacuum sealer, you know, like we got our jobs. We talk we do our whole like, you know, after people leave post mortem while we’re cleaning our will listen to music or, you know, and it’s really my joy. And it’s funny I have got five nieces and nephews, all from one sister, one sister is all the kids. The rest of us don’t have kids, and I’m close with all of them. But one Adar, Rory and I really bond with over, like needing things to be clean. And he sent it’s almost like porn, like Adar sent us a picture because he had taken off all the keys off of his laptop so that he could clean each individual one and the entire laptop and we were like, yes. Completely bond over it, but yeah, those are those little things are the stuff I agree. Thanks for calling Simon. What else?
Tony Whitaker 21:44
Hey, Sarah. I love you, you’re so great I am like a New England Jew like you. So I’m good, and with advice in general I had a baby on my own when I was in my very late 30s and single mom by choice, very happy, great career, etc. So but but I do you need advice on? Yes. I am a local Brooklyn mom and I see Amy Schumer every day. And I feel like your friends. I want to be her friend so bad. I feel like she really needs me. She’s in that like bougie Brooklyn private school scene. And those moms must just be the worst. Like I just picked her Amy Schumer just dying in these conversations about like readathons and the Gifted and Talented program and I just feel like she needs me. How should I approach her without being like a fan girl, I’m really not a fan girl. I I have friends who are famous, I dated a very famous actor. It’s not that she’s famous. I just feel like we are destined to be homies. I want to save her, and every time I see her, I just don’t want to bug her because I get it, we’re, we’re working women. Time is like precious and I don’t want to annoy her. But I feel like.
Sarah Silverman 23:08
I feel like you spoke longer than one minute and 30 seconds, I guess. Um, I really don’t know what to tell you but um, you know, next time you see or maybe just say like, hi, I feel like you’re an extra in my life. Like I see you everywhere we must live near each other. I’m whatever your name is, I don’t think you said it, there you go. You know, like you would say to any person that you keep bumping into that you don’t know. And then just take it from there. You can’t control you can’t make her be friends with you. But maybe you’ll be friends, maybe you’ve got a kid the same age I don’t know how old your kid is. Whatever, and then just let nature decide if you are meant to be friends or not. I’m sure you have plenty of friends. Maybe you have mutual friends. Um, but there you go. I think that’s the best advice I can give, just be cool you know? Don’t there’s, there’s nothing scarier like people come up to me and I love it like, I mean, I’m happy to talk to people or whatever, when they’re calm and cool. It’s the when they get the crazy look. And they start like judging themselves in front of you like, oh I’m so stupid. You know, just like, just be a cool confident human being that is, you know, just another person. Like she is in the same area and, you know, I talk to strangers all the time and drives sometimes drives me crazy. But I’m like my dad in that way. Alright, what else? Good luck.
Drew 24:52
Hey, Sarah I’m a 40 year old biracial gay guy in Texas and I recently found out I have health in Vermont, which means I’m HIV positive now, and I’m really trying to deal with it. I felt like I’m the person who helps everybody out, and has really shaken me. I haven’t told my family directly. I’ve told my pseudo daughter. And I have really good support network here. I just went through some trauma, or I don’t know what to call it but like I found out my insurance wasn’t actually covering it, and the meds can be really expensive, like, really expensive. And, you know, I hear your podcasts, and I always think there’s just so much trauma dumping, and that’s really what I want to do but I want to say that there’s this clinic called Caiden clinic in Austin, and I am so thankful for them. And you and and, yeah, I just, I’m scared.
Sarah Silverman 26:16
I’m so glad you called in. Of course, HIV is, is slang for HIV is called House in Vermont, which is a beautiful way to have a little humor about something real serious. Sweetheart, my sweetheart I’m so sorry and but okay, this is the new normal. This is what is, so let’s start from there. The great news is that HIV is absolutely not a death sentence anymore at all, it is treatable, and people live with it, and have long happy lives. So thank God, thank God I don’t believe in for that and, and lots of scientists, including Dr. Fauci, you know, and I just read that there are currently as many people who are living and thriving with HIV, as have died from HIV before there was treatment, which is like 40 million people. 40 million people died. And currently 40 million people are living in thriving and having treatment with HIV. And I know, a couple of HIV positive people, um, one that’s had it for almost their whole lives now since since she was 18. So not great news that you have HIV, that you’re HIV positive, rather, but great news that you can live a long, happy, full life with it. You just have to deal with it, I’m I’m a little I made me a little nervous when you said your insurances lapsed, I’m assuming that the clinic you gave a shout out for is helping you with that. You should never have to go without the meds that you need. And if that’s the case, call back in. Okay, and I’m glad that you have a community that you have friends that you have people around you. You’ve been someone who’s been there for a lot of people and I’m sure the people who love you are very happy to be there for you. And I’m right here. So good luck and call back if you if there’s a problem with getting the meds that you need. And I bet we’ll figure something out.
Hello Sarah, I’m a big fan of your previous work on the Sarah Silverman show on Comedy Central. I grew up watching it when I was you know, a little girl. And my favorite album of yours was the one that had like porn song. And you know, all those ones, so I’m thinking maybe on your podcast, you could like unleashed some new like music or something like that. And also talk about like, you know, used to do a lot of like blue comedy stuff, so maybe that maybe, I don’t know I don’t really or also here’s here’s one that would be really interesting gossip about the tea of your days on like SNL and that kind of stuff and like, you know, learn all about the juicy details. You know, spill the tea that we didn’t hear about. All right, that’s just my suggestion. Thank you.
Sarah Silverman 29:49
I feel through my career. I have spilled all the tea. I’m gonna spill on SNL, but it was I believe in excellent experience for me, I learned a whole lot, I learned a lot about the human dynamic. And I also learned that grownups because I was like a kid in my mind, surrounded by grownups, and I couldn’t believe this is how grownups behaved. But that’s all we are, grownups, we’re just kids plus time, and we either figured shit out along the way, or didn’t or are funny because of XY and Z and we never figured out as adults, XY and Z, you know, it’s like, being funny is is always a survival skill of childhood. You know, I had a party and Rory, his brother, Jay came, and he’s like, in finance. And he was like, I’ve just never been to a party where people are doing bits, you know, like, and I’m where I’m so one jaded too lucky, just that that’s always been my experience, you know, to be surrounded by comedians, and we go deep and talk about real things. But mostly, especially at a party, we’re just doing bits on bits on bits, and it’s, it’s pretty joyful. Um, I’m not gonna like unleash music, because nobody wants to hear a comedian earnestly sing. I mean, just really, truly. I mean, I am now at this point, I do appreciate like Eddie Murphy’s party all the time, because it’s excellent. But um, I love writing songs and singing songs but it’s, you know, there’s a time and a place for it. And it’s probably really mostly just for myself, unless it’s a comedy song. And in most of my specials, I have a song that’s a song that’s funny. The album you’re talking about is the album of Jesus’s magic, which is, go ahead and listen to it. There’s lots of real edgy funny stuff there. It is absolutely problematic in places and that’s what makes it art. It’s a very different listening to it today than it was in 2005, you know, 18 years ago. So, you know, hey, that’s what art is. I think I answered all your questions. What else?
Hi, Sarah, I’m just getting into watching The League on Disney plus, and I just saw the episode you were in. And you are hilarious. It was the funniest episode I’ve seen to date. And I just want to know what was your experience like working on that show? You look like you’re having a lot of fun and you were hilarious. I love you, love your show.
Sarah Silverman 32:41
It was a blast. Yeah, I don’t I don’t know, I think I played Paul Shears characters, sister. And then Jeff Goldblum played maybe someone else’s I think Nick Crawls’ father? And at the end we hook up and I remember a dinner scene it was pure joy. I don’t know, it was it was all fantastic people fantastic cast fantastic writer director I think was Jeff Schaffer pure fun it felt like real family felt like that the cast is we’re you know I mean it’s a lot of them are friends I, they’re friends of mine. And you know a lot of times it’s it’s that stuff is not as fun as people who are don’t understand how it works think because it’s a lot of like sitting around and waiting but they were like a real well oiled machine and also sitting around was fun because I was with them. And I found it over the years I have found a way to like really enjoy shooting stuff and and using the downtime to get stuff done or just meet new people or you know start some new inside jokes with the crew and you know I don’t know if life has become so much happier since figuring out a couple key things you know like nothing fucking matters and just like go with it you know it’s not my wasn’t my show and there’s such joy in that like just doing it how they want it and not you know I don’t know I you know there I see people get lose their shit on sets and I probably have like during the Sarah Silverman program I, there were moments that I was absolutely not my best self like I keep remembering a couple of times really yelling at like a PA one was, don’t wake me up if you don’t have to like call me I’m never late call me when you need me on set because I was like literally napping with every like, bit of time I had, but also come on be nice, they’re a kid or want to be you know, they’re doing the best they can, they’re told come get me. All the little things you learn that make you happier, make you nicer. And there’s just never a reason to that nothing in show business is that important period. You know, I worked with Sarah Polly on a movie, and that was the first time I really worked with an autour. You know, she wrote it, and she directed it, where I realized you can know exactly what you want, and how you want it done, and be lovely. You can be a brilliant director, and never lose your shit and be absolutely lovely. And I’ve worked with a lot of really lovely directors since as well. But she was one of them. All right, what else?
Tony Whitaker 34:52
Hi, Sarah, how you doing? My name is Tony Whitaker. I’m sorry to hear about your father’s passing. And I just listened to you on The Talk easy podcast, and even I got emotional towards the end there. But anyway, your father and I exchanged a few emails over the years. I thought I’d share one with you anyway. I told him my way, I’m Irish and I told my wife who’s Jewish and he says, and I told him I had adopted kids. And he said with those genes you had to adopt lucky you lucky wife lucky kids. Keep getting it piece Donald. On top of this email, he also gave me restaurant recommendations in Boca as well as New Hampshire and I took them up on both and wrote him notes afterwards thanking him for his recommendations and just a joyous fun exchange back and forth over the last few years here and there. Just won’t leave you this message. Take it easy. Thanks. Bye.
Sarah Silverman 36:53
Oh, I love it, I love it. Oh, I’ve heard from a lot of people, strangers that have had interactions with my dad and I just it that’s just just nourishes me fortifies me. You know Jeff Ross, who is my close friend and became very good friends with my dad through poker and and just anytime Jeff played Florida, he would have dinner with them, and he told me recently he was over. And he said something that my dad said to him that he always thinks of which is he was dating this woman, and you know my dad always asked him out is love life was and he said he was dating this woman and he and my dad said something like loving someone is wonderful. But being loved by them is delicious. And I just thought that was so sweet and very my dad. So thanks for calling in what else?
Drew 37:57
Hi, Sarah, my name is Drew and I want to know how you would rank the three pleasures of life. Music, food and sex. Okay, thanks, love you bye.
Sarah Silverman 38:13
You know, I no answer I could come up with will be as good as the answer that Steven Tyler of Aerosmith gave in Rolling Stone, I’ll never forget this it was from so long ago and he said something like I live by the three M’s, music mayhem and pussy. I’ll leave you with that. Dad, we’re winding down. This is the part of the podcast when I say send me your questions go to speak pipe.com/theSarahSilverman podcast that speakpipe.com/theSarahsilverman podcasts, and subscribe rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts, please. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with the Lemonada premium baby subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content, like extra questions about a woman’s right to choose or something’s really stupid or silly or shit that we’re just talking about in the studio that we think oh, this would be a nice little peek into how the sausage is made. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. You can’t miss it. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast. We are a production of Lemonada media, Catherine Barnes and Chrissy Pease produce our show our mixes by James Sperber additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson Stephanie whittles wax and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at Sarah Kate Silverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership