Lemonada Media

Throwback Episode: Prolapsed iPhone, Ashes, Noodles

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This episode originally aired on November 16, 2023.

In this throwback episode, Sarah wonders if there’s been a rise in prolapsed anuses since people started using their smartphones on the toilet. Plus, she shares a voicemail from her father, weighs in on a college relationship, and learns about a woman who likes to eat cigarette ashes.

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Teen mom, David, Voicemail 1, Meg, Wendy, Jared, Speaker 6, Sarah Silverman, Catherine, Torch

Sarah Silverman  00:15

Hey y’all, it’s your best friend Sarah, and last night, I got in bed and I said to Rory, I wonder if there is an exponentially higher number of prolapsed anus is reported since the invention of the smartphone, only because I know only from myself that I will even just pee and I’m sitting on the toilet and I get caught up in like, you know, going through emails and checking stuff off my list on my iPhone and then getting sucked into like dog videos, and before I know it, I’ve been sitting for 20 minutes, and then I looked it up and I can’t really get a number, maybe I’m not, sometimes you really have to think of the exact right search words. Like first I was like, how many prolapsed anus is since the invention of the smartphone that yielded pretty much nothing. Then I said a number of prolapsed anus is since 2007. Then I said a substantial rise in prolapsed anus is actually I don’t think I searched that last one. Wait, let’s let’s look real quick. Rectal prolapse symptoms, nope. How do they fix a prolapse and rectal prolapse expanded version evaluation diagnostic No, no nothing. There has to be a study of this. It’s one of my biggest fears, but I know the solution is don’t take your phone in the bathroom. But you know. Let’s face it that is simply too much to ask. I mean, listen, I use that water in my fancy Japanese toilet all the way until it stops. In any mean? Like it goes. Look, I’m done. You should be done by now. What are you doing? Exactly? I go what don’t make me self conscious. I needed a it just feels nice, and I like to be immaculate, you know, up to three to seven inches deep. I also I wish I could if there’s like a comment section for like Toto Toilets. I really think and I think I’ve said this before that when you flush something in it should say yum. Like a robot’s voice. I mean, it should at least be an option. All right, let’s take some calls. […]


Teen mom  03:03

Hey, Sarah, this is a teen mom that called a while back. I wanted to call you and express my gratitude to you for your advice. I don’t even know how to explain to you how helpful you have been to me and my healing journey. Thank you so much. You hold a very special place in my heart. I did also want to let you know that this healing journey has really taught me about myself. And I now realize that I really love to sing. And I’m really good. So I thought to myself that I would like to make this a career. But I am going to be 39 soon and I can’t help to wonder if it’s maybe too late. I don’t know. I would love to hear your thoughts on that. Lastly, I did want to talk about the woman that called in to pull up her pubes in the shower. I was shocked when I have voicemail. And the reason why is because I also pull up my pubes in the shower. I lather up down there and then I do this scratchy scrub type things with my fingers. And I just kind of hold my bush in between and then I just pull not hard, lightly but sometimes they come out sometimes they don’t. But yeah, I wanted you to know that. There’s at least two people that have thought of you now while they pull out their views in the shower. I love you.


Sarah Silverman  04:25

This is so much to react to I don’t know what to start with. Let’s just go backwards. So I actually love that you pull out your pubes in the shower because now the woman that called in is not alone. And this must be a thing. I mean, listen, I do the same thing. I I wash, ice rush my pubes and I really like lather him up and like scrubbing there with my nails. I feel like it kind of cleans under your neck. That’s disgusting. I only gonna stop myself there but it’s not like my nails are immaculate anyway. But you know, they mean it’s like it’s good. It’s good for everything. But I’ve never like pulled out cubes or had cubes loose. I’ve never had loose cubes, but I also have straight pubes. So and we all have our things. I’m so happy that my advice made you happy, and that you’ve put into use and that you have shed any shame about your beautiful life. And I’m excited about your singing. And the great news is you can sing just like a writer writes a singer sings a comic is funny, and whether that becomes how you pay the bills is not necessarily relevant. You know, get up on stage, sing wherever you can. And it will become how you make money or it won’t. But the important thing is that you do it, and then it makes you happy. Period. I’d love to hear you sing. And you know, I believe one of my favorite singers, songwriters Mary Gauthier and her last name, if you look it up looks like gothy or G a u t h i e r, and it’s pronounced go che because it’s probably like Cajun or something. She I believe she was a cook for four years. She was a drug addict. I think she did heroin. I’m really paraphrasing this. So like really Google her and look her up. She’s a brilliant singer songwriter, and I love her so much. I think she did not write her first song until she was 39 I believe. And she is brilliant, unbelievable songwriter. So check her out and, and be inspired by her and let other people then become inspired by you. All right, what else? Good luck. I want to hear you sing.


Meg  07:05

Hey, Sarah. It’s your friend, Meg, from Ontario, Canada. I just wanted to check in with you to see how you’re doing after your parents death. I also lost my father last month. And all probably within the same week as your father but I just wanted to see how you’re doing because I know this will come if it does after Father’s Day and I just keep getting like ads and shit. About like, do this for your father on Father’s Day. And I just want to punch the screen. Yeah, so we’re just want to know how you’re doing. And just check. I’m still really sorry. Good. Break.


Sarah Silverman  08:00

Oh, baby. I’m so sorry. It’s so fresh. I new levels of grief and missing him all the time in new ways. Of course all the firsts like you said Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, first Thanksgiving without them. All that stuff. And we’re a big Thanksgiving family. I’m just I’m so sorry. It’s just sucks. And you know, I’ve got the blown up picture of them, my dad and my stepmom. I’m from my dad’s funeral. And it’s it you know, that you have at a funeral, you’d have a big picture and it’s just sitting under the TV in the living room and it’s just cardboard but my and my embroidery keeps asking, you know, what, what do you want to do with this? And we can hang it up? Or you know, and I’m just like, I don’t know, I? I can’t make a decision yet. Just can we just leave it there? So it’s just leaning against the wall on the floor, under our TV in the living room, and I like it there. And I get to not make a decision about where it goes or if we throw it away or we hang it up. Because I don’t want to and I don’t have to. Um, but yeah, it’s a I’ve said this before but so much immediately after their death was logistics and kind of continues to be that we’re really only getting a chance to really grieve now. And it’s interesting how you find meaning and in stuff and it makes you think of Oh, this must be what religionist for, like, to cope, to feel like you understand like, oh, that’s them or this, or they, they are around us or they’re with you are there. And I do believe that, you know, one thing that I’m really grateful for and I should get digitized is I listened to voicemails from them. I was just, you know, I don’t know what I saved. Thank God, a lot of voicemails, um, and it makes me happy to listen and to hear their voices. Let’s see if I can find one. Oh, they’re way down here now.


Voicemail 1  10:40

We haven’t talked in a while, wondering what’s going on. Last night, we took Jeff Ross out for dinner and he was brilliant. Yes. It’s just brilliant. Yeah.


Voicemail 1  10:56

Laid back they took from poker, but he didn’t seem to want to do that. So how is your show going? Everybody behaving?


Voicemail 1  11:15

To your well, anything interesting new.


Sarah Silverman  11:20

They’re waiting for answers. That’s the best part.


Voicemail 1  11:26

Yeah, tomorrow night. Okay. Bye.


Sarah Silverman  11:37

I like that I hear their conversation because they don’t hang up right away. Now you can call mark. You know, that’s just a run of the mill voicemail from them and I fucking cherish it. Oh, it just it makes me laugh and makes me happy all their little details the way they ask a question and then wait for me to respond as if they’re not leaving a voicemail. All these things I just, you know, a cherish it and it puts a smile on my face. I think early on, it would have made me too sad. But I really love it. I’m so grateful to have these voicemail messages, you know. And I wish I had them from my mom. Uh huh. I don’t think I have any from my mom, I have one of video she like, texted me saying that she found my hat. I had visited her and lost my a hat that I wore all the time. And I watched that, you know, just to, to, I don’t want to forget the sound of their voice. I don’t want to forget the everyday stuff, you know, I want to be able to kind of have it in me somewhere. But, you know, this is just what is now. And it’s you can really make yourself sad thinking I’m never going to see my dad again. It’s just too big a thought to think of, but you also don’t have to think about it. It’s that because it’s part of what is. It’s the circumstance that is now part of your life so try to remember him with joy and, and take on the parts of him that you love to that you’ve seen yourself or may want to embody in yourself. And that’s how he lives on. And this is life, death is part of the deal. And we all none of us like it, but it is maybe there, maybe there’s something great waiting for us who knows. Or just nothingness and we won’t be sad or anything. But anyway, I’m glad you called in, and I’m so sorry you’re going through it. I get it. Boy oh boy. And sending you love. […]



Hey, Sarah, I’m calling from Toronto, Ontario. So excited. You’re back. I’m just calling in response to you asking if Canada is the utopia that you all think, from the caller who moved to Canada. I think it’s certainly a step up in terms of you know, safety, gun control. I’ve never heard of a school shooting. I’m a teacher, so I do feel safe. But, you know, we have a Conservative government in Ontario who’s slowly but surely killing our education, publicly funded education system and our health care. And then, you know, there’s people protesting trans rights in schools and taking their kids out of the public schools and moving to Catholic school and private schools. There’s people with Canada flags on their cars and fuck Trudeau signs and the Canada flag. I mean, I’ve always hated flags anyway. It’s weird, but the Canada flag just makes me shudder now just seeing them on on cars just I associated with the convoy. I’m sure you heard in Ottawa,  just all these insane antivax whack jobs. So, yeah, it’s good, but we have our issues. So grass isn’t always greener.


Sarah Silverman  15:30

Yeah, oh, thank you, thanks for the Intel. But I will say remember many years ago, when I was a young comedian, I performed in Toronto. And I, this hasn’t happened in probably five or six years, actually. But I used to have a fainting problem. Just because I have real low blood pressure, which is great for everything else. Except sometimes you faint. And you need to carry like salt on you. And like you can. I used to carry like salt capsules, but anyway, I fainted in the street. I was with some other comics. They said let’s call an ambulance, and I said, no, I can’t afford an ambulance. I know that I’m fine. Please just put me in a cab. And they were like, No, you can afford an ambulance. It’s free. I was like, what? But so many times living in New York, I would pass out someplace and they would call an ambulance. And I would have to ride in an ambulance to a hospital for the doctor to say eat more salt. And then I’d get you know, a $500 bill and it would be devastating. So But anyway, that’s how I think of Canada and we do put we make it very grass is always greener, but I’m sure you’ve got your shite to remember that guy Rob Ford. He was seemed like a real American type of element in Canada. But that’s interesting what you say about the Canadian flag because of course with American flags, there’s kind of that too. And I feel like some people on the left have been trying to like take back the night with it like I like like, yeah, American flag. But yeah, the flags tend to represent a nationalism and of course, that’s scary for certainly Jews in general, but I digress. What else?


Wendy  17:35

Hi, Sarah, this is your best friend Wendy from Savannah.


Sarah Silverman  17:38



Wendy  17:38

I was calling because my husband has a new co worker. And the other day he noticed. He walks around with those ashtrays, you know that you would put in your car that fits in a cup holder, and he would ash in it. And they’re all smokers up there at work. And finally he asked somebody, why does that guy carry around the ashtray? And they told them it’s because he brings the ashes home to his fiancee at the end of the day because she loves to eat them. And he thought they were all fucking with him. So he just went and asked the new co worker up front. Hey, why do you ask them that ashtray? And sure enough, he says, my fiance loves eating ashes when I get home in the evening and I give her my ashes. So today on my husband’s lunch break, he offered him the ashes that are in our blunt ashtray at the house. And he’s so stoked to give that to his fiancee. Have you ever heard of anyone with a cork like that? I don’t want to downer because each have their own but this was definitely our first case of hearing about this. Thank you. Oh, and we love you. And you’re pretty awesome. And I’m so sorry about your parents.


Sarah Silverman  18:54

Thank you. I I am I’m speechless. I with I think no judgment at all. I am speechless. I’m trying to imagine the flavor the taste. I I don’t she clearly doesn’t smoke because she would have her own ashes to eat. This is a woman who doesn’t smoke, but eats ashes. It’s very interesting. There must be a thing. Hold on a second. I mean, I’m sorry, but I’m googling this and what would those words be the Google search words. People who eat ashes. Meet the woman addicted to eating her husband’s ashes. Those are cremated. I was gonna make a joke. Like I hope that he doesn’t work at a crematorium.


Catherine  19:55

Sarah, this is your producer Catherine I just Googled people who eat sick rashes and it says pica is a compulsive eating disorder in which people eat non food items. Dirt clay and flaking paint are the most common. Less common include glue, hair, cigarette ashes and feces.


Sarah Silverman  20:15

I just my mouth can’t open wider. My jaws on the floor.


Catherine  20:25

It also says the disorders more common in children ages one to six, which kind of makes sense because they probably don’t know what they’re eating.


Sarah Silverman  20:33

Well, yeah, I mean, like, I think my sister when she was little, like, shit in the bathtub, and then like, took the shit and like, smeared it all over her all in her hair. Because it’s like this buoyant stuff that came out of you. And I don’t know, I mean, I don’t know why I’m explaining why she did it she was probably like, maybe two or less. I don’t know. But I just remember my mom had a really good I remember her talking through her system of how she cleaned it because it was so hard to like clean out and like reread some anyway, all this to say that sounds bananas. Now that’s judgment talking. But what leads to that? It’s so interesting. There’s a you can almost not think of a thing that doesn’t exist in people or apps. Yeah, wow. Ha, gee, gosh. I do remember I think I ate like dried glue as a kid maybe or like paste. That’s because I have a very extremely plain palette. Like if if I would eat just flour and water if left to my own devices. So hey, we’ve all got our things. Um, wow, that’s uh let’s move on. I guess I don’t have much more to say other than Wow.


Jared  22:09

Hi, Sarah Silverman. This is Jared just sitting down for dinner. Got some KFC. Anyway, started this episode of marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and I’m like, huh, I wonder what Sarah Silverman’s take on this show is, do you love it? It’s about a comedian she’s Jewish. I’m sure maybe I’m you know linking you guys together a little quick but.


Sarah Silverman  22:39

it’s more of a like a Joan Rivers story right?


Jared  22:41

Just wanted to know your thoughts. She’s doing a bit right now the very beginning of season three episode four maybe you want to take a look. She’s saying like Jews just love giving their opinions asking people about their food and then saying what they should have ordered. Complaining about everything but just kind of the small stuff. So just want to know your take on that and then just in general, kind of what you think of the show. Thanks, Sarah.


Sarah Silverman  23:12

Um, I’m so sorry. I watched like the first episode and I liked it. I just it’s really not my thing. I people love it. Oh my god. My parents loved it. People love it. The I know the actors on it are brilliant. She’s brilliant. I know she’s not Jewish, but she’s brilliant. Same with them, Tony Shalhoub but he’s semitic, so I this is the Italians or Semites whatever is all the same to me. But it Tony Shalhoub was brilliant, Marin Hinkle, who used to play my mother, even though we’re the same age but in flashbacks on the Sarah Silverman program. She’s brilliant, I’m really not familiar with the show. I know I’ve mentioned it in saying a global thing that I noticed where I said, you know, in this time where representation is so front and center, it is bizarre to me that Jewish actors never played Jewish characters, like especially the women. Like literally never. But individually all these actors that have played Jewish women are brilliant. Totally brilliant. And I you know it I wrote something on my phone that I might as well pull out now. Because this is going to come up again, because I am in maestro, which is a very good movie. And I play Shirley Bernstein. And I did a nine page monologue I had to do to audition for it and I got the part and I’m gonna take the part of the Jewish character as a Jewish woman. I see that as a win. There was a little hubbub a while ago because Bradley Cooper and in light of everything this is my new feeling. And this is what I just wrote it in my notes. And this is this is a good answer for how I feel about Mrs Maisel as well and everything. Are you kidding me? Due to fairly recent events, I have made a 180 and could not give a single fuck. Like, who cares at this point? I’m so thrilled that non Jews want to play Jewish roles, want to tell Jewish stories at all? I take it all back. Thanks, you know, life is like art. It changes as the world changes, and it’s fucking changed. So that’s my, that’s my take. But yeah, so I’m Rachel Brosnahan, I am I couldn’t think of her name. She’s She’s a brilliant actor, you know, this is not she has done nothing wrong, and by the way, she my friend, Andy Kaufman, who is directing the bed wetter musical, also directed the Broadway show the sign in Sidney Bernstein’s window, which is by Lorraine Hansberry, the playwright who wrote Raisin in the Sun is a lesser known work she wrote about Jewish people this black playwright in the 50s I think, anyway, brilliant, my brilliant friend Andy Kaufman directed in I think it’s, it’s, it’s still on Broadway, anyway, Oscar Isaac is in it, too, and what was the question? Sorry, I’m rambling. Alright. Thank you so much. This podcast should be called but I digress. […]


Torch  26:42

Hey Sarah, it’s Torch from British Columbia. I have an amend to make to you. This is going to be a bit of a weird story. But I went to see you in Vancouver this year, and you were great. And I was more in love with you than ever. And, but it was a bad night because I drank too much and I was sexually assaulted that night by my date. And I was in a really fucked up place for a while. I actually called you and left a message here. And I’m really sorry for leaving that kind of heavy shit on you, that was crazy. But I was feeling pretty crazy. Anyways, that was my rock bottom. Sarah. Three months later, I went to my first AAA meeting. And today, I’m 140 days sober. So you’re indirectly responsible for this. And I also want to thank you for telling that man who called in your show today who was on day five of sobriety for meth. Thank you for telling him about anybody, your she gave you some great advice. I don’t have family either, really. But I do now. And you won’t be sorry. I’m wishing you nothing but the best. You’re in my prayers, love. And so glad to have you back. Sarah, I really fucking missed you.


Sarah Silverman  28:09

I missed you too and wow. You know, I never. I don’t think I answered. I don’t think we ever I don’t think I heard her message. Your initial message. I’m so curious what it was. But I’m really happy to hear from you today a 140 days sober girl. I’m so proud of you. It’s that’s that’s like, every day is a major accomplishment when you’re sober and and I’m so proud of you. That’s awesome. And thank you for calling in and let me know and letting me know I’m sorry about what happened on your rock bottom day. And I’m so happy to hear that you’re like really taking care of yourself. Thank you, thank you for calling in. I love hearing that. And thank you for calling in to tell our friend, our recently sober friend to cheer him on and let him know he’s not alone. Even if he’s alone, you know? Awesome. Thank you so much. What else?


Speaker 6  29:16

Firstly, I love you. You’re one of my best friends. Truly this podcast has meant so much to me over these past couple years and I just am very grateful for you and my life. So I was dating this guy, last semester at college and then we broke up at the beginning of the summer. Now we’re back for school. I am 22 years old. I’m a queer woman, we live in Florida, so that in itself is kind of difficult right now for obvious reasons. I also feel like I’m pretty mature for my age. I fought cancer a couple years back and you know I feel like that really gave me a new perspective on life. But anyway, I was doing this guy, and he’s a few years younger than me, he was 19 at the time, he’s now 20. And he’s a sis white heterosexual guy. I was really attracted to him, he has a really good heart. Super cute. Super funny, nice, talented, we’re in music, are both opera singer. So anyway, now that I’m back, and I’ve kind of gained this, like feminist perspective over the summer, some of the stuff he does just oh, I’m running out of time, it annoys me. And I don’t know how to reconcile that with also still kind of being attracted to him help.


Sarah Silverman  30:44

Um, you don’t have to definitively know if you’re attracted to him not attracted to me, he might do things that annoy you that I don’t think anyone will never annoy you. I have a couple of people in my life that just can’t annoy me, nothing they do will ever bother me. But anyway, let’s see, he did not have the same summer experience as you. That’s not his fault. And maybe you’ve grown out of him. And that’s not your fault. Um, maybe he could be opened up, maybe he’ll be interested in in hearing about your summary and what you learned. If he’s curious about your revelations, share them with him, you know, but you can’t expect him to change or that you should change him. He’s also growing, having experiences like you, you can only hope that he will be open and take in the world around him and in a new and interesting ways the way you are. But you can’t mold him into like the guy you want to date. You just hope that as he grows and changes in these vital next years that they align with you or that you’re still attracted to them or maybe you won’t be attracted to them or maybe you’ll love them as a friend or maybe you’ll come together 20 years from now and read it you know, I mean, it’s just life. You can’t predict it. You can try, but you can’t. It’s the feels like you can it always does. But if you really sit and think have I predicted anything that’s happened in my life. The answer will be no. So just be on the edge of your seat. And you know, Beth Stelling, just in terms of your you’re saying he’s this straight white sis. All these things are not things he brought on himself. But certainly I was raised in a world where toxic masculinity was a part of we were all a part of emboldening it in some ways. Beth Stelling gave me this fascinating book. And I kind of devoured it last week, like just sat in a chair and found myself reading like more than half of it in one sitting. And in devoured it in a way where I was like, underlining it and circling it and writing in the margins, which I love doing. And it’s by Bell Hooks, and it’s called The Will To Change colon Men Masculinity And Love. And I don’t know if it’s for women to read or for men to read, I think it’s for both or and all, or no genders, whatever. Um, but it is really interesting. And it’s it is, it doesn’t feel biased. It’s very scientific. It’s a lot of just data about how we raise boys as a society. And then like, blame them for the men, they become very straightforward and where would you you would maybe think it would give women validation? And it does. I’m not saying it doesn’t it does. But I found I felt a lot of compassion, actually, for boys and men. I mean, look at what we do as as as we were just talking about this. Before we started recording about and I’ve said this before, my friend Heidi has a son, Leon and it drives her fucking crazy that they go to shop for clothes and it’s separated into boys and girls like and it’s in no one it’s divided by color colors. rainbows and pinks and reds are for girls is you know what happens from that? Boys grow, you know, and Leon doesn’t take this on, he’s not raised that way, he loves rainbows, he loves unicorns he loves and they just shop in whatever section and it doesn’t he doesn’t have a hang up about it because he was raised to have a hang up about it. Because it’s fucking absurd that we’re putting gender to colors. Like, what? What is the sunset gay now? And it’s such a great, totally innocuous, but really not example of the stuff that men have been. That’s been pounded into boys. And those boys become men. And those men are afraid of colors. Pretty wild stuff. I don’t remember the question. But I’m going to assume I answered it. What else?


David  36:07

So David here, I haven’t been this nervous since the candle lighting ceremony at my Bar Mitzvah. I’ve been following you through social media and I can get a sense as to how distraught you are, like so many others in the face of this turmoil that’s unraveling in the Middle East and heartbroken as a result of so many heartless human decisions. I also know that in many times of despair, and within life’s infinite struggles, many of us hold on to a seed of joy that’s planted in our hearts. And it’s this seed that you avoided with your courage. And I hope that you will continue to face adversity and evil in this world with your good natured humor. So in this life, where humanity seems to be shredded and torn, I need to ask you one important question. And that is at the dinner table. When we’re eating, surrounded by family and friends. How do you feel about that individual who slurps their noodles?


Sarah Silverman  37:15

I love this call and I love you and you did great. Well, I’ll be honest, I tried to not be judgmental, but it does make me make assumptions about them. In general, their lack of self awareness, their lack of awareness of the people around them. I if that were the case, and there was not enough ambient sound to drown it out. Need to just take myself out of the situation. I would just like to have to just excuse myself and go to the bathroom and stay there until the soup is done. I mean, I can’t even watch it on movies, oh boy, we went to the movies. Yesterday, we saw a brilliant movie. Written and directed by cord Jefferson, who I happen to know through Rory but was a fan of before I met Rory because he wrote that episode of The watchmen. It is so beyond brilliant one of the just one of the greatest episodes of television I’ve ever seen. Anyway, he wrote and directed this movie called American Fiction, and it stars Jeffrey Wright and Tracee Ellis Ross is in it and it’s so it is so funny, and so smart and so poignant without it being homework, just a really great satire of a movie. And anyway, the woman next to me, and why this is served. I don’t even know why popcorns a thing. I get popcorn when I go to the movies completely out of preserving my own self because if I hear people eating it, I need to be eating it myself or it will make me crazy. The woman next to me was eating nachos. Why is that a thing at movies? I don’t know. But I will say I was very nervous when I saw her in the corner of my eye pulling out nachos, but she ate them very quietly. Anyway, I eat in movies when people are eating I can’t handle it. I am a fan of Brad Pitt. I think he’s an amazing actor. There is at least one scene usually multiple scenes in any movie Brad Pitt is in where he is mowing food. He’s one of those eating actors, you know, like, hey, I shouldn’t be eating here because that’s like real life. You’re right, I get it, Brad. I cannot watch it. I need my ears have to be plugged, my eyes have to be closed. I cannot experience it. The person next to me has to tap me when it’s over. And just let me know if any information that’s important to the movie was said. I just can’t, I’m literally not there for it. All right, great question. Beautifully asked. Dad we are winding down this is the part of the podcast when I say send me your questions go to speak pipe.com/theSarahSilvermanPodcast. Subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like extra questions asked by you and answered by yours truly. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast we are a production of Lemonada Media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show our mixes by James Barber, additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson. Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman Podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership

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