Lemonada Media

Tweedy, Masturbation, Cassettes

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Sarah got some home cassettes digitized and they’re hilarious. Plus, she helps a woman through a year-and-a-half-long dry spell, interprets Wilco song lyrics, and commiserates with a comic who loves talking about sex on stage but hates the way some men treat her afterwards.

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Speaker 6, Old Recording, Devin, Amy, Dana, Autumn, Speaker 8, Sarah Silverman, Cassie, Catherine, Andrea, CJ, Kate

Sarah Silverman  00:14

Hello, everybody, it’s your old pal, Sarah Silverman. And boy, you know what I did? This is something you’re going to do as you get older. You know, as you move from place to place with certain boxes, you actually never open they just stay shut. I’ve had a bunch of DVDs, CDs, and cassette tapes. Didn’t know what was on them. And got them digitalized. digitized. That’s what I did,  I got them digitized. And I’ve just been listening and through it all, and it is. It’s hilarious. I guess I’ll just play stuff every now and then because there’s so much I’ve got like all my dad’s insane radio ads. I found this I’ll play a little clip of this is a tape of me when I was little, I don’t know 12 or something. I’m visiting my oldest sister Susie at BU, and here it is.


Old Recording  01:25

It’s great, it’s fabulous, and […] service of man’s greatest hits record album featuring feeling groovy […] do the groove. And and we also have so many nights, so many nights. I said, and we also have many more we’re gonna have a medley of some songs in it. I wonder why. I wonder birthday to you, tomorrow, tomorrow, anything for you, dear anything. And if you buy this album with a little with. All right, take two, this is the new blooper show a show within a show within a show within a show, there’s the blooper bloopers, bloopers, bloopers back to the record commercial. And if you buy this record within a limited period of time, you’ll get their supplement special hit album […] Sweet Jesus […] Love you. Thank you. We’ll be right back.


Sarah Silverman  02:50

We’ll be right back to the commercial. I know I’m not the first person in the world who got a cassette tape player and recorded my own radio show when I was a kid but I’m one of many. And there is a little slice of it. But isn’t that funny? I was just singing that one day at a time Sweet Jesus. I think I’m like two different episodes even and because it was it was a commercial for some Christian album that was on all the time on local TV in New Hampshire. And, boy, the stuff you that you take in when you’re 12 just stays.


Amy  03:32

I’m I was really impressed with how you switched songs like your interpretation of what a radio ad is, like. This juxtaposition of songs which I’m sure it was like that in the 80s.


Sarah Silverman  03:48

By the way, Amy is on Zoom today. She sounds a little different. I yeah so I think I was like ripping off from the Zeitgeist and from pop culture and comedy and whatever, you know.


Amy  03:59

You went into each song in perfect tune.


Sarah Silverman  04:02

Well, I have perfect pitch.


Amy  04:04

And it was like, I know you do. But it was so perfect and later on, I don’t know if you’re gonna how much more you’re gonna play a bit you sing a full song and I was incredibly impressed.


Sarah Silverman  04:17

Thank you, I’m not gonna play that. Even though I am absolutely at an age where I can hear all of this audio of me when I’m like 12 or whatever and I love it, like I should, you know, I love that, that, you know, I hear this little girl. And I’m not embarrassed or disgusted because it’s me. I can hear it and go, oh, she’s adorable. And that’s a good place to get to you know, I think.


Amy  04:49

The thing I gleaned from listening to this was just how interested and into it. Your sister your older sister in college was.


Sarah Silverman  04:58

Yeah, both. Yeah, I mean and I mean Jodean was my age cuz she’s my stepsister we’re three months apart but Susie and Laura always I mean, making them laugh was like my, the whole reason for my existence in my view, you know? And when when that got less amusing I think maybe Laura got less amused by it over the years, but she’s like my number one fan now. She watches everything she’s so sweet. And Susie too I’m lucky I’ve got big sisters and you know you’re no matter how old you get your your big sisters are still your big sisters, bhat is nice but oh, I love the visit. You know, when I was little visiting Suzy at college and hanging out with all her friends and just being you know, the absolute center of attention, you know, that it’s funny and now there’s I’ll try to find other clips to play or whatever if it’s not too insanely indulgent, and I sing a lot, you know, like, all of the girls that age they all sing tomorrow, they all sing maybe you know. I don’t want to brag but I also did play Annie in Concord New Hampshire community theater when I was 12 that very so as probably why those songs are in my head but there is also the video of that which is so great because you know all cast is New Hampshire. So it’s like, Daddy Warbucks is like […] I want. I want you to be my daughter. Ah, all right. Let’s take some some calls.


CJ  06:50

Hi Sarah, this CJ from Massachusetts originally from Hampton, New Hampshire. I love you. You’re amazing, huge fan. And I know you’ve struggled with understanding your intro song before I think you have. And every time I hear it, I hear a very concise story. And I’m gonna try to do this without audio AIDS. But hey, I want and then this guy stops you. Hey, and you’re like, whoa, and he’s like, hey, yeah, fuck ya. And he gets to say the word he wouldn’t let you say Baca. And then everyone else chimes in is like, hey, to him. That’s not cool, why did you step on her? To see fuck, when you went ahead and said it like, it’s just like this representation of, Oh, my God, everything wrong in the world. And it’s just perfect. And I it’s the way I hear it every time, and I’m just curious, is that the way you guys planned it or it’s just a fun thing, and I’m just reading too far into it. That’s why I want to enjoy it, that’s fine. Again, love you take care, bye.


Sarah Silverman  08:00

That is not how I think any of us have thought of it, or I don’t know that I have thought of it. You know, I never really thought about it. I love your interpretation of it. And your interpretation is right. Because that’s what art is, it’s yours to interpret. But I love your interpretation of it. And I you know, we should get Ben Folds to call in and, and because he just I took advantage of my friendship with Ben Folds. And he gave me a free theme song that he just made. And, you know, whatever it was, I was gonna use it for my theme song and I fucking love it. And I love that I don’t understand it, or I haven’t, you know, and I love that you have like you’ve broken it down and I completely track what you’re saying. Like, I love that I love the story that you hear in that, you know that I just opened for Jeff Tweedy on Friday at it at Largo and he’s the coolest guy and he’s the frontman of Wilco if you don’t recognize his name, and when I went on stage, I remembered a story. And I told it, and now I’ll tell you it, which was years ago, when I was at the Sarah Silverman program, I got asked to make one of those celebrity iTunes playlists and you write like your 10 favorite songs are and like a sentence of why you love it. And one of the songs was Jesus etc. And the reason why I said I loved it was because I said I loved that he called Jesus honey. And then Harris Widows who is writing out the show side and he goes Sarah you, he’s not calling Jesus honey. He’s the Lyric is the it goes Jesus don’t cry. You can rely on me honey. He’s saying like to his girlfriend Jesus don’t cry, you can rely on me, babe or you know, like, whatever. But that’s what is so great about art, because that’s how I heard it. And that’s what it meant, and I loved it. And I love it anyway. But the craziest thing about Jesus, etc. And now I’m really I don’t even remember what the question is anymore. I do love that song. And I was thinking about that whole album, but that song Jesus, etc. If you listen to it, it absolutely sounds like a song about 911. Like, look at the lyrics and it came out before 911. So what I told Jeff Tweedy is I accused him of orchestrating 911. All right, what else?


Andrea  10:46

Hi, Sara, this is Andrea from Texas. I just started your latest podcast, you’re telling the story about the Chinese farmer. And I really needed to hear that right now. Because my mom just had brain surgery, she got to a certain point in her brain. And we thought everything was going fine. The surgery went great. And then overnight, her heart rate dropped dramatically. And she’s on a ventilator right now. And I’m trying to hold on to some kind of hope that if she does come out of this, maybe it’ll, I don’t know, maybe something positive can come out of it. I just, I don’t know how to feel. But for some reason I can’t even put into words that story really made me feel better. So thank you so much. I love you.


Sarah Silverman  11:35

I’m so glad my common law brother in law J showed us should worry and I that Chinese farmer thing. And just to refresh for the audience. It’s basically like, it’s just a way of thinking so the Chinese farmer, his horse runs away and his neighbors say, Oh, that’s so terrible. You lost your horse, and he said, maybe. And then the horse comes back and brings three wild horses with them. And the neighbors say, oh, amazing. You got your horse back and three more horses. And he said it maybe and then his son gets trampled by one of the horses and breaks his leg. And the neighbors say, Oh, God, that’s terrible. The horse broke your son’s leg. And he said maybe. And then the draft people to go to war and they don’t draft his son because he has a broken leg and they say, Oh, he didn’t get drafted. Because of his broken leg isn’t that great? And he says maybe. And it’s, it’s a practice of not assigning good or bad to anything, because the consequences of each thing are unknown. They could be good or bad, and on and on and on. So any bad thing quote unquote, could reveal itself to be something that was a blessing and vice versa and to, to just, if we cannot call things bad or good. And just see them as what is. It’s a big leg up in the world of just getting through life in a in a good way. Good. I’m shooting us in a way in a way that is not good nor bad. I don’t know, listen, it’s been helping me. But also I’m driving Rory crazy because he’ll say something not in any way analogous to this. Like, you know, lemons have gone up to 80 cents of a lemon. And then I say maybe, and he goes, that’s not what that is. I go maybe and he goes you’re driving me fucking crazy. And when I say maybe in my knowing way, it makes him insane because it’s stupid. Because I’m stupid. I mean that with a stupid with two O’s.


Kate  13:58

Hi, Sarah, Kate from Milwaukee calling and I’m hoping you can help me move past a traumatic event. About two years ago, I was out for a dog walk with my sister. And my two doors down neighbor’s dog broke out of its home came flying across the yard across the street and just latched on to one of my dogs and started trying to kill it. I had been trying to kick the dog to get it off, at which point I fell lost control the dogs and my dogs tried to run into my yard the dog pursued them into my yard and continued to attack. The neighbor came over at one point and just stood there and watched never tried to help or control his dog. When the dog exhausted itself, trying to kill my dog. I was able to get my dog away. And at which point that dog turned and bit my sister’s leg. Leave permanent damage two years later. Obviously the police were involved. It was horrific. My dog was near death 1000s of vet dollars 1000s and 1000s for my sister. What I’m struggling with is the neighbor has never once apologized. He never checked in to see if my dog was okay to see if my sister was okay. Obviously never offered any financial assistance. I see him every day because he lives by me. I’m angry every day. I can’t move past it.


Sarah Silverman  15:36

Oh, there we go. Holy fucking shit. I am so sorry. And honestly, I am totally stunned that your neighbor did not pay for all the medical bills from injuries caused by his dog. How does that even happen? How are the police involved in it in it? The owner is not on him to pay for the damages dog did physical damage. I mean, it’s bizarre. I mean, in terms of him over the past two years never apologizing, my only guess is that he’s afraid that if he apologizes it’s an admission of guilt and he may be made to pace of retroactively or something which is sad and fucked up. And also, and maybe that’s true, because I you know, he’s 100% should have paid for, or his insurance should have paid or I mean, listen, he should have insisted, I don’t know what you know, his finances are I have no idea. But but listen, if you have a dog, you have to be able to be responsible for the dog. Wow, I cannot relate to that. Like we have one of our dogs, Sibi is a bigger dog and she loves people. But she’s she gets into total distress around dogs. She doesn’t know she needs to like meet a dog for like 20 minutes, and then she’s fine forever. But new dogs she’s like, goes crazy. So we don’t take her off the leash. And we don’t take her to like dog parks because even though if she gets to know a dog, she’s fine. We’re not going to experiment on that with other people’s dogs. It’s not okay to do you know, unless a friend is like, let me bring my dog over, we’ll spend time you know, whatever. But, you know, it’s just it’s our responsibility to make sure she is on a leash if she’s around other dogs. You know, I don’t know how to help you move past it. Because I’m so mad too. But you know, there’s always the classics. One, your anger is only eating away at yourself. It is not healthy. And thank God your dog survived. And that’s a blessing and your sister’s okay, though she has a scar. Those are good things. But the rage you feel when you see him isn’t hurting him, which wouldn’t necessarily be a good thing either. But it’s it is eating away at you. I know that physical feeling. And it’s really not healthy. So we’ve got to figure something out. Number two, maybe this helps. Your neighbor is doing all he can with the limited tools he has clearly been given. Period. You know, I mean, he handled it wrong. He just completely did the wrong thing and didn’t step up and do the right thing. And he lives with that every day. Not that he’s living with it, maybe he’s not doesn’t feel bad about it all. I’m saying he’s lit he lives with a limited set of life tools. Clearly, this is a fact, right? So maybe that will help you not feel that, that oh, feeling when you see him because it’s sad. And I think that’s about all you can do. Once you want to move. You are healthy. Your dog is healthy. You’re you’re warm and dry. And I like and we’re at a place in the country. Now we’re at night. I’m just like, oh, I’m so grateful to be just warm and dry and safe. All right, what else?


Devin  19:42

Hi, Sarah, this is Devin. I’m a paramedic and firefighter here in Florida. I was listening to your episode today where you’re talking about passing out and one of your callers was advising you to bear down something that we call a vagal maneuver. It causes your heart rate to drop and it causes your blood pressure to drop as well. Your caller probably has a condition that causes her heart rate to go up. And her doctor was advising her to do these vagal maneuvers to bring her heart rate down. Sounds like from what you have going on, if you do the same thing you will pass out for sure. So be careful whose advice you’re you’re taking on this stuff. Vagal maneuvers are done specifically to break rapid heart rates, and they result in a lowered blood pressure for the patient. So just letting you know to be careful, thanks, bye.


Sarah Silverman  20:33

Okay, now I’m confused because, well, she was saying, bearing down like you’re taking a shit, which I don’t do that as much as I like engage my core very aggressively, and it’s really worked. But it’s I mentioned it to my doctor and he said that pushes a gust of blood to your brain and that’s why it works. You’re saying the opposite. And you are a paramedic and a firefighter. So I don’t, but you’re it’s in Florida. So you know, I don’t know, I’m just kidding, I’m kidding, Devin. I’m kidding. But yeah, that’s a conflict of information with my doctor as well, so I don’t know. I’ve got to, I guess you know, what you really have to do is ask the internet. Okay, what else? Just kidding.


Cassie  21:22

Hi, Sarah, this is Cassie. I’m in Michigan. I have a 20 year old daughter. She’s wanting to move to Florida. She’s wanting to move. She’s moving to Florida. She doesn’t have any money, she’s never car, she doesn’t have a driver’s license. Um, she dropped school. No degree, it’s okay. I don’t have a degree. And we never trade, I’m a tradesman. I’m a hairstylist, so I get it. But I wanted to do well, I wanted to be okay. I’m really nervous. Or she’s not blooming here. So maybe she’ll bloom there. But I don’t know what kind of advice to give her. That’s like productive and constructive, but also supportive. And loving, what can you say? Love you. Bye.


Sarah Silverman  22:25

You just say good luck. I don’t know if she’s asking you for advice, maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. You know, you did your job. You raised her and now she’s gonna hopefully take all that she has learned and use it to build a life for herself. In Florida. It’s like adding in bed two sentences in Florida. Look, I can’t imagine how scary this must be for you. But she knows that you are here for her, right? And hopefully she will blossom. And what can you tell her, rell her you love her and you’re proud of her for taking a big leap in creating a life for herself. You know, encourage her to make a plan. Even if she ends up changing the plan. It’s, that’s her job now to take care of your baby, aka herself. So I guess just ask her to take great care. And tell her you love her and you’re rooting for her. Unfortunately, she’s 20 and she’s going to be supporting herself and you can’t control her. You know, that’s the leaving the nest part, right? And from what I’ve seen of this moment of parenthood, I believe this is when a mother has to just hope for the very best and also start drinking white wine on the regular.


Speaker 6  24:03

Hey, Sarah. I’m a longtime listener first time caller. So I am in a bit of a dry spell. It has been what like year and a half year and a half since I’ve had sex. So I’ve got like a full on bush happening right now and. I just found I plugged it, right. A four and a half inch long pube um, yeah, I don’t know. I just thought that was like really interesting. And, yeah, I just thought that I’d share it with you. Um, yeah, and as far as questions go, any tips for getting out of long dry spell? Alright, bye.


Sarah Silverman  25:00

Ah, well, you know, you could maybe have some safe sex safe as in, you know, condom or whatever. But also as in like not a total stranger but maybe like with a single friend and have ground rules and just have it be the friends with benefits thing or that can get complicated but maybe you’re up for it maybe there’s that perfect person I like in between boyfriends for a while when I was young, I had like this one guy that I could always call for sex and he was my he was friends. We were friends, you know? Like, that’s always great. If you can find that perfect thing. We’re not one you know, we’re you both kind of are coming at it from the same place and it’s not like someone’s going to get hurt or something. I don’t know, it’s very hard to keep keep that from happening. But sometimes there’s that perfect person, that booty call person. I mean, you know, that’s sometimes that’s why people call their ex, I always say, before you drunkenly call your ex, masturbate first, and then see if you still want to call your your ex. Because you won’t, and then you’ll be so happy you didn’t. And you’ll just, you know, eat a bunch of food and fall asleep. So yeah, masturbation is your friend, especially when you find yourself in a position where you’re going to call someone that you know is not necessarily really good for you. There you go, that’s my best top shelf advice. You know, before you know it, you’ll be in another relationship and you will long for these days where you are the master of your domain. The master masturbator Yeah, the master baiter of your domain, master of your domain that’s from Seinfeld, where they didn’t masturbate. And then she Elaine loses because she she masturbates thinking of JFK Jr.


Catherine  27:14

Actually, Julia Louis Dreyfus just talked about that on Wiser Than Me.


Sarah Silverman  27:18

Oh my gosh.


Catherine  27:18

Talked about how like that episode was one of the first times a woman was talking about masturbating the same way a man would.


Sarah Silverman  27:24

Sure is that was massively groundbreaking. That’s right, she is my sister. She has a sister podcast is that would that be good, she is a Lemonada podcast Wiser Than Me, and boy, it’s so good. All right, what else?


Dana  27:43

Hi, Sara, it’s your best friend Dana. I’m a comic in LA and I’ve loved you forever. One of my favorite things about you is your relationship with Tig. I remember in her show, seeing you in her hospital room, trying to cheer her up by reading fart jokes off of your phone. It was so sweet and cute, and made me love you even more. So I wanted to ask you, you had talked about how people come up to you sometimes and say like gross or crass things, because you talked about that kind of stuff in your comedy. But how it makes you feel uncomfortable, because it’s not the time and it’s inappropriate. And for me, that’s when I talk about sex on stage. I’m 43. And in the past, I felt like, you know, my power has been taken away by men. And now I feel super confident talking about sex on stage. It actually it does feel really empowering for me. But I’ve noticed that fellow male comedians have then felt like that gives them permission to be overtly sexual with me, which makes me super uncomfortable. One guy actually cornered me alone in a room and it was kind of a dangerous situation made me really scared. And then I thought, am I making myself a target? But then that made me angry because I was like, I can fucking talk about this stuff that it doesn’t excuse bad manners on the part of men, you know? So I don’t know what is your take on that, thanks.


Sarah Silverman  29:13

I love that cornering you is bad manners. It’s like really bad manners. Yeah, I totally know what you’re talking about. And it’s it’s really gross. It was if you can believe it or not way more prevalent 20 years ago, 10 years ago, but it’s it’s a constant in the comedy scene. Absolutely like, you know, whatever you talk about on stage does not permit anyone to corner you or touch you or be a total fucking bummer like that, like good comics know that. Even bad comics usually know that. But, you know, it’s interesting because men really have never had to see the world through a wall. woman’s lens in order to survive, but of course, women have all needed to see the world through a man’s lens in order to survive. And so we know everything there is to know about the experience of being a man pretty much, but men absolutely have never needed to know the experience of women in order to get by safely. You know, at Whitney Cummings, and I don’t even remember the joke part of it, she but she’s, you know, she’s so prolific. And she, I saw her once talk about this, and it really struck me, because it’s true. And I never thought about it, which is, you know, our guy, comedian, friends. It never occurs to them, that it’s dangerous for us women comics, every single night when we are walking back to our car. You know, that’s not something they need to know, in order to survive, you know? And of course, there are some that aren’t know us and say, you know, Hey, you want me to walk you to your car? And you know, and that’s lovely. I mean, there’s a place where we would smoke pot behind the improv that we called rape alley, because like a woman was raped there. That means there wasn’t another time but yeah, yeah, you wanna smoke? Yeah, I’ll meet you and right belly. It’s like, it was like saying wife beater without any consciousness of like, what that is, you know, but you know, I listen, it’s hard to talk to people that do that kind of stuff, cornering you and being weird, but you know, if you can explain to them to him or whoever it is the honest truth that he should not assume that you are open for flirting or touching or any of that stuff just because you talk about sex on stage. And you should absolutely, write a bit about it. Because then you don’t have to tell anybody, those same guys who are watching your set will get it and make it great. And think outside of the box and let it go to any absurd place, but do a bit about it, somehow. All right, what else?


Speaker 8  32:16

Hey, Sarah, I love your podcast, I was actually just listening to the episode where the guest talked about passive suicidal ideation or call which reminded me to go take my Lexapro. And I just wanted to call in to say, first of all, I love your advice with every single episode, you’re so wise. And I just think that you’re such a gift to this world. I want to also say that your advice to go get getting involved with a group is perhaps difficult for folks that are going through what your caller was going through. I’ve been through something like that. I’m still going through something like that. I’ve been in therapy and medicated. And getting involved with a group to talk about feelings is still overwhelming, even though I’ve gone through all this therapy so I just hope that maybe you and your team can find some alternate solutions. And I give all my love to your caller. And your wonderful, love you.


Sarah Silverman  33:44

Thanks, yeah, I mean, excellent point. And, of course, with all of this stuff, it’s much easier to give advice than to take advice, even your own advice. That’s for that damn sure, but um, I don’t know, I felt a tinge that I said, God damn. Oh, God, this, but I’ve had a tinge of guilt. Maybe it bothers people. I don’t need to say it, I guess, damn. But you know, I will say one of my friends who is in AAA is my friend who has suicidal ideation and is a total introvert. And she has really been committed and enjoying her AAA meetings that are on Zoom. They’re all she goes on Zoom. And she goes to them all over the world. Like there’s one in Ireland. I mean, Zoom has been amazing in this way. So I’m not saying you’re wrong. You’re totally right. But I think with Zoom, especially in this feeling that you’re coming kind of your home, you’re in your safe space. You don’t have to show your face if you don’t want to, you know that there’s there’s kind of a better option than there used to be for whom it’s, you know, hard to get a little get up and go in that way or be social in that way. But thank you for calling in. And what else?


Autumn  35:24

Hi, Sarah. It’s your best friend Autumn. And I just got done listening to your latest episode where you talked about your active dream life, which I so relate to. And you had mentioned your New York City dreams for the second time [..] I have just gotten goosebumps all over my body when you describe it, because I have the exact same experience. And it’s just so uncanny to hear you speak about it. I lived in New York in my 20s, and then I moved home for about 15 years back to Texas. And the whole time I had weekly dreams about New York, that it wasn’t the real New York it was my New York in my mind. It was always the same. But it was just different, like you said, completely different happened so often than they were nostalgic, and they were melancholy and it was just almost this yearning. Because I missed it so much. So yeah, I moved back to New York in July. And wouldn’t you know it the dreams have stopped. Now that I’m here anyway, I think that’s me just trying to tell you, you should move back to New York. Just a thought. Okay, Sarah, I love you so much. Keep doing what you’re doing. Bye, bye.


Sarah Silverman  36:46

Yeah, New York City is like my heart and soul even though, you know, I grew up everyone was like, are you from New York? Like, what’s New York? I’m from here. It’s a small town in New Hampshire but then I moved to New York when I was 18. And I was like, Oh my God, I am from New York. And yeah, I don’t have a place there insanely. But I go there for big chunks of time. And I’ll just like get an Airbnb or rent from someone or sublet from someone or I don’t know why. I mean, the last time I had a place there, it was a five floor walk up. But um, yeah, it’s so odd. It’s just I get this recurring dream and maybe different things are happening within the dream. But I’m in New York, and the map is completely different from the real New York. But it’s always that same map in my dream it looks that’s the my dream New York. It’s so weird. And it’s not like my dream New York like my fantasy New York, New York is that I love New York just as it is. Anyway, good story. Dad. Oh, I miss you. Oh, God. There’s just aching for both of you recently. But anyway, we are winding down.



And this is the part of the show, when I say send me your questions, go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast that speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast, and subscribe, rate and review wherever you listen to podcasts. And there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like one from a mom who’s not sure whether or not to let her kids play with toy guns. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast. We are a production of Lemonada media, Kathryn Barnes and Kryssy Pease produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds and you can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.

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