113. The Woman in the Garden
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It’s a gritty case this week full of gangs, gardens and guns galore. Not without its cringe moments, at the core of this week’s episode is a still-relevant exploration of the tough choices immigrant families are forced to make. After checking in with each other about the L.A. wildfires, Emily and Carla dig in on this horticultural episode, unearthing plenty of cold goss (bad wigs, vegan pupusas), and Emily learns just how young Carla was when she began her professional acting career. Grab your trowel, everyone, and let’s get in the weeds on Bones!
RIP to Jeannot Szwarc. We’ll miss you!
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Carla Gallo, Emily Deschanel
Carla Gallo 00:01
Emily, you know when you discover a new binge worthy show, or maybe you’re just re watching one of your favorite shows of all time, leg bones, and you have to share this with your friends so they can experience just how awesome it is. That is kind of what it’s like when you discover that mint mobile offers premium wireless for $15 a month when you purchase a three month plan. It’s such an awesome deal. We can’t keep it to ourselves, Emily.
Emily Deschanel 00:29
Exactly, it’s an incredible deal. When I think about how big wireless bills have gotten, $15 a month sounds pretty great like you could have gotten a whole year of mint mobile for what some people are paying each month. Some of our producers here use mint mobile, and they love it.
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Emily Deschanel 01:10
Awesome. To get this new customer offer and your new three month premium wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month, go to mintmobile.com/boneheads. That’s mintmobile.com/bonehead. Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month at mintmobile.com/boneheads.
Carla Gallo 01:28
$45 upfront payment required equivalent to $15 a month, new customers on first three month plan only. Speed slower above 40 gigabytes on unlimited plan. Additional taxes fees and restrictions apply. See mint mobile for details.
Emily Deschanel 01:44
Hi, I’m Emily Deschanel.
Carla Gallo 03:01
And I’m Carla Gallo.
Emily Deschanel 03:02
And what is this?
Carla Gallo 03:03
Emily Deschanel 03:09
Hey, hello.
Carla Gallo 03:11
How are you? It’s been a week.
Emily Deschanel 03:15
I’ve been better. Do you remember when we were together the last time and there was warning of wins?
Carla Gallo 03:24
Yes, I do.
Emily Deschanel 03:27
Kids school said we might close or something for the wins. And you’re like “For the wins?”. I was hoping wins comes fires,and that’s what happened. The winds make it so much worse and that’s exactly the nightmare that we just went through, and I think we’re heartbroken. I mean, our whole city and everyone who has been affected, everyone who’s losttheir homes. It’s a nightmare.
Carla Gallo 04:05
Yeah, it is.
Emily Deschanel 04:08
It’s just horrible. I’ve lost family home and that has been very sad. Everyone will be okay, but I’m still wrapping my mind around it. All the different realizations of what the reality is and it’s kind of crazy, surreal and hard to fathom andunderstand. Also, understand the ramifications of it like what it means for everybody. Rebuilding if they can, if they can rebuild. You know, whole towns were wiped out. The town I grew up in is gone.
Carla Gallo 04:50
And even people whose houses remain, they’re finding out now that it’s not safe to go back.
Emily Deschanel 04:57
Carla Gallo 04:57
Potentially I’ve heard like “A year”.
Emily Deschanel 05:01
Three to six months, I heard.
Carla Gallo 05:02
Emily Deschanel 05:03
At least a few people who are right there and other people who are involved with Bones. You see the best and the worstof humanity.
Carla Gallo 05:13
Emily Deschanel 05:13
You see people trying to take advantage. People starting fires, people looting, and people taking advantage of fraudingpeople, defrauding people. Then you also see the best of humanity, people coming out and helping in every way, it’s pretty.
Carla Gallo 05:27
That’s been pretty remarkable. I don’t think I’ve ever seen, certainly not in this city. I guess we haven’t had this level of devastation in the time I’ve lived out here. You grew up out here, but it’s unbelievable. The support and how much everybody is helping and wants to help, donating, volunteering, and taking families in, it’s pretty remarkable.
Emily Deschanel 05:54
There’s almost too much help. I know that they don’t want more donations in a lot of places. […] I was also volunteering this past weekend and people will donate used underwear. Like, what are people thinking? Nobody wants your used underwear.
Carla Gallo 06:13
I don’t know if it was a meme thing and then someone posted, what do you call it? Like SNM, no joke.
Emily Deschanel 06:26
Like, BDSM or whatever?
Carla Gallo 06:28
And someone had donated it.
Emily Deschanel 06:30
Emily Deschanel 06:31
Well, we found like T-shirts. This is a donate at a school and there were completely inappropriate T-shirts that were donated. You know, that’s not what people want, inappropriate sayings on t-shirt […].
Carla Gallo 06:31
Carla Gallo 06:46
They could just clear their closets. […] I do think that the intention, well intentioned. Even the one who donated the gear and the sayings on the t-shirts.
Emily Deschanel 06:59
That doesn’t mean people, I bet. All the people have been displaced. There are people who are into BDSM and they might need new stuff.
Carla Gallo 07:00
Emily Deschanel 07:00
Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know what’s call it.
Carla Gallo 07:04
I just want to call it gear. You’re right, I’m not thinking of them and that’s really small minded.
Emily Deschanel 07:18
It is very small minded. On bones note, it’s gonna make me cry. But, I was with family member, I am crying.
Carla Gallo 07:31
No, Emily.
Emily Deschanel 07:33
I was with a family member who lost their home, went to the mall to get some clothes. I was on the escalator and this woman turned around, she was a big Bones fan. She’d lost her home too. I think everyone went to like, “I need underwear. I need clothes”. People just ran out with just the clothes on their back. Anyway, I met because of Bones. I met another woman who had lost her home. I did not lose my home, to be clear. I have my house is standing, But anyway, she was very fragile and tearing up, saying that she just lost her home. But, she’s a big bone fan and bones brought her comfort. Anyway, I just thought that was interesting and it was interesting that we met other people lost their homes at the mall too, trying to get a few things. I don’t mean to get emotional.
Carla Gallo 08:37
No, but heartbreaking.
Emily Deschanel 08:45
I mean, I don’t even know if that’s worth talking about, but anyway.
Carla Gallo 08:47
[…] I think that’s a part of that community thing.
Emily Deschanel 08:51
Yes, it’s like a club you don’t want to be able to be a part of. But, it’s also nice to have other people.
Carla Gallo 08:59
Yeah, I’m sure it’s solace for her too. I mean, I know that it’s your family member but I’m sure her seeing you there, is like everybody is going through, it is the point.
Emily Deschanel 09:14
So many people are going through this and it’s heartbreaking. We got other bad news yesterday, which was that one ofour beloved directors, Jeannot Szwarc was such a character but he passed away. He was the most amazing, he’s such acharacter. Has so many amazing things that he would say, his phrases were hilarious and so much so that Kent Genzlinger, who was one of our AD’s and then became our UPM (unit production manager) and assistant director is AD, if people don’t know that.
Carla Gallo 09:52
Fabulous person, Ken.
Emily Deschanel 09:54
Yes, I was texting with Ken yesterday about it too, because the minute I heard about Janelle, wrote to him. So, Kent andSusan, our sound woman, had t-shirts made.
Carla Gallo 10:09
It’s incredible.
Emily Deschanel 10:10
Of all his sayings on the back, it said Bones on the front. It said, “How are we?” Because he always, “How are we?”. Then he’d say, “Hey guys” and he’d always say, “Emily, you’re killing me” and he say “Tamawa” for Tamara Taylor. I rememberone time he told me I was walking too fast in a scene, I walked in and he’s like, “You have to go slower”. So, I did the next take very slow, I walked slowly. And he’s like, “Emily, you’re kidding me. You walked so slow”. You told me to walk slow and he’s like, “I never said I wasn’t full of contradictions”. One of my favorite lines that he would say. I mean, there were so many lines that little sayings he would have. One of them was, “I am just a puppy seat on the kaiser roll of Bones.
Carla Gallo 11:15
Emily Deschanel 11:17
How tiny he was and what a small place.
Carla Gallo 11:21
Yes, puzzle bones. […] Hysterical and inaccurate because he was there a lot, not a puppy kaiser role. We’ll talk more about Janelle.
Emily Deschanel 11:35
We’ll talk about him when his direction comes up. But, another lost opportunity to not be able to talk to him now. We’velost so many people.
Carla Gallo 11:45
Yeah, for sure. He was very loved.
Emily Deschanel 11:48
Very loved.
Carla Gallo 11:49
We’ll post some pictures on the Instagram.
Emily Deschanel 11:53
We miss you, Janelle. Rest in peace.
Carla Gallo 11:57
Rest in peace.
Emily Deschanel 12:00
Well, we could talk about Janelle forever, but we have an episode, a specific episode of Bones to talk about today and maybe we should jump into that.
Carla Gallo 12:09
Let’s do it. Let’s take our minds off all this and jump on in.
Emily Deschanel 12:13
We have an exciting episode today. We are just going to be talking about an episode, there’s no guests or guests. No singular or plural guest, it’s just us. And it’s an interesting episode to look back on.
Carla Gallo 12:30
There’s only a lot of theme and it’s chock full of stuff.
Emily Deschanel 12:32
We’re talking about season one, episode 13 of bones, to be clear, not some other show. It’s called The Woman in the Garden. It was written by Laura Wallner and directed by Sanford Bookstaver, A.K.A Sandy Bookstaver, it originally airedon February 15, 2006. A little like post Valentine’s gift for people, the day after Valentine’s. Sandy Booksdaver, who directed this episode, directed several episodes of Bones and his wife was on the show later on as well.
Carla Gallo 13:10
Emily Deschanel 13:10
Carla Gallo 13:11
She’s an actress?
Emily Deschanel 13:12
That’s an actress. She played kind of a possible love interest to Booth.
Carla Gallo 13:17
Emily Deschanel 13:17
I will re-record it i I’m saying this wrong but her name was Rena Sofer, I believe Rena. She’s an established actor […].She’s lovely to work with.
Carla Gallo 13:32
So, in this episode, Booth and Brennan are called in when a routine traffic stop in a Salvadoran neighborhood reveals that a gang member has a dug up corpse in his trunk. The suspect ends up getting away after a drive by shooting.
Emily Deschanel 13:46
I was pretty intens. Booth, Brennan, and the Jeffersonian team follow clues leading them to the garden where the female victim was buried and another empty grave. Further clues link the bodies to Senator Alan Gorman and they find the second body later determined to be the first woman’s father on the senator’s property.
Carla Gallo 14:07
It turns out that much of his staff is from El Salvador, and the team navigates the world of Salvadoran gangs and the tough choices that immigrants have to make to survive.
Emily Deschanel 14:16
There’s a lot going on in this episode, so we just dive in.
Carla Gallo 14:19
Absolutely. Let the dissection begin. Well, right off the top, […] I don’t want to get heavy right away, but I just think ther is clearly.
Emily Deschanel 14:34
This stuff in this episode.
Carla Gallo 14:35
Yeah. I just think the undocumented immigrant experience. Booth and Brennan arriving, gangs, them arriving at the scene. There’s a lot of, I would also say there’s a lot of cringe moments here where you guys arrived and even Brennan. This was a semi cringe, but she’s like, “They’ve recreated their country here”.
Emily Deschanel 14:59
Like culture. She’s coming from an anthropological perspective.
Carla Gallo 15:03
Emily Deschanel 15:03
But, there’s several cringe things. I think Brennan, Hodgins, Booth, these people feels very othering.
Carla Gallo 15:11
I agree, that’s a good way to put it.
Emily Deschanel 15:13
Yeah, I think it’s a term.
Carla Gallo 15:17
Okay. Well, Booth says a lot of them are undocumented which felt like a very uncomfortable stereotype.
Emily Deschanel 15:25
I didn’t know that.
Carla Gallo 15:27
It’s uncomfortable stereotype.
Emily Deschanel 15:28
Also, because he clearly has opinions about people being undocumented states and that’s interesting throughout the episode between Booth and Brennan, they’re kind of opposing perspectives on people coming to the United States illegally, looking for a better life. Specifically in this episode, people coming from El Salvador, where there’s just some horrible stuff happening in that country. But in this case, Brennan is very empathetic.
Carla Gallo 16:01
Which is interesting […]. Because for him, it’s very factual, legally.
Emily Deschanel 16:08
Carla Gallo 16:09
And you know, we’ll talk about this later when Booth is trying to intimidate the suspect’s wife and threatening to have her deported, and you plead with him. I think it was really interesting, because it’s so much heart. Brennan has so much empathy, so much heart and ends up pleading with him not to do that. He is just like, “This is black and white”, but he’s also in the government. So, I could also see how it has to be maybe for him, he can’t live for this family, I don’t see it […].
Emily Deschanel 16:10
This is where Booth is seeing things in black and white.
Carla Gallo 16:46
Emily Deschanel 16:47
And Brennan is seeing the nuance where a lot of times Brennan has seen things in black and white and Booth is seeingnuance. So, it’s an interesting thing. I think, especially because Brennan has been to El Salvador and seen what has happened there, I think she has a lot of compassion because of that. So, it’s probably part of what’s speaking to her in those moments. I mean, I think it’s an interesting episode too, there’s cringe things but it’s also a subject matter that’s certainly discussed nowadays as well. I know it’s like current, it’s 20 years ago.
Carla Gallo 17:20
I know. Now, it’s really a hot, debated topic currently, but obviously back then. I know it’s one of those things where I thought it was kind of an interesting one to sort of analyze, because I think I wanted to have judgment. Then the other part was like, “You know what? This is worth discussing and debating”.
Emily Deschanel 17:38
So, we’re dealing with some big themes like immigration, gangs, and looking for asylum, etc. as well. You have a senatoras well, so you’re dealing kind of politics in D.C. There’s also the smaller pieces of the interpersonal relationships with Booth and Brennan. Brennan is reading a book you hear at the beginning of this episode about how to get along with your co workers better, which I think is really interesting. I kind of speaks to Brennan’s neurodivergence, I think. Probablybeing on the spectrum or close to it, as we’ve discussed with Hart Hanson. Something that’s never really spoken in the show itself, but it’s something we talked about behind the scenes. She’s trying, she’s seeing that might not be a strength of hers, and she’s reading about it.
Carla Gallo 18:34
Reading about it?
Emily Deschanel 18:35
Researching, she’s an academic. She’s gonna research, how do you get along with your co workers? And one thing she learns is “Sarcasm is not helpful, never”. Another big thing is Hodgins comes into the field on this episode, which is interesting and unusual.
Carla Gallo 18:52
I know, I liked that. I love you guys in the car, but I loved having Hodgins energy which is always a little like TJ himself,he’s like a little imp.
Emily Deschanel 19:04
He stirs it up, stirs things up. Hodgins stirs things up differently than TJ does, a little bit. But, it’s fun. It’s a fun little element to throw in. I got to speak Spanish in this episode. I don’t speak Spanish, which I should have learned. I live in Los Angeles, where there’s a lot of Spanish speaking people, but I learned French in school because I have French relatives and everything.
Carla Gallo 19:29
That’s generational thing, by the way because I also took French almost my whole elementary school. Now, my kids school […].
Emily Deschanel 19:38
It’s also composed too, but I did get to speak. You know, I learned words like, I think it’s “disintera” or something like that.
Carla Gallo 19:49
What does that mean?
Emily Deschanel 19:50
[…] I have no idea how my Spanish was because I don’t speak it. I think I understood what I was saying at the time. There was this lovely woman who taught me Spanish. Specifically, they were really great, because they found someone who was Salvadoran to teach me Spanish. Her family ran a Salvadoran restaurant, she made me pupusas. They’re delicious, Vegan Pupusas. She went out and made me special Vegan pupusas. They were delicious and made me love pupusas. I don’t know if she was there the whole but she was probably there the episode before. She probably came in for a day the episode before to help, and then probably she recorded it, would have had to learn languages. They’ll have someone come in and they’ll record it, I think she was there some scenes that I spoke spent. I mean, I remember her fondly. I don’t remember name.
Carla Gallo 20:49
They’re giving you a good amount of lead time to learn.
Emily Deschanel 20:53
Not a few days, because episodes come up next to each other. But, she was lovely and her family had a Salvadoran restaurant and the pupusas were delicious, but she made them special for me. But, I have no idea. Listeners who speak Spanish, I would love your feedback. You are not going to hurt my feelings if you tell me that it made no sense how I was speaking Spanish.
To get some honest review for that.
Emily Deschanel 21:19
I am happy to hear an honest review, so please reach out. Yeah, I never got to speak French on the show, which was disappointing. But, I’m not ruined by any means and I’ve lost a ton of it.
Carla Gallo 21:33
That’s ironic because so many of the Kathy Reichs books.
Emily Deschanel 21:36
I know she’s speaking French because she’s in Montreal.
Carla Gallo 21:40
Yeah. So that is interesting that there was no.
Emily Deschanel 21:42
Wait. In the pilot, because they say the nearest forensic anthropologist is in Montreal. I might say, probably people say.
Carla Gallo 21:50
Oh, okay.
Emily Deschanel 21:50
Do you speak French?
Carla Gallo 21:51
Great. You worked a little bit of it in there. I think, I do want to talk more about this Hodgins ride along because there’s a lot good stuff in there. He has discovered that on the suspect’s boot, that there are some like flora and fauna.
Emily Deschanel 22:09
Because we have laroca that is not something that is planted at a cemetery. This person might have been buried in a garden.
Emily Deschanel 22:17
So, we go to the community garden and we find Laura, and there’s two graves, not just the one that the person who we already know about was buried in and has been removed, but another grave. So here’s my first bone to pick up this episode. How did no one in the community garden realize they were two graves?
Carla Gallo 22:17
Carla Gallo 22:37
Maybe it’s not a well used community garden.
Emily Deschanel 22:41
I mean, there’s plants there. People are tending to the plants and they were buried for over six months.
Carla Gallo 22:50
Maybe he just did a great, like Berry job.
Emily Deschanel 22:53
Well, we saw it. Didn’t look back.
Carla Gallo 22:55
No, they were already gone at that point.
Emily Deschanel 22:58
You’re right, good point. Maybe he put on some ground cover.
Carla Gallo 23:05
He refers to himself as a gardener at the end.
Emily Deschanel 23:07
Oh, yeah. Jose says he’s a gardener.
Carla Gallo 23:09
So, that’s the suspect. Yes, Jose.
Emily Deschanel 23:11
I think we should point out that at the beginning, we meet this guy, Jose. We don’t know his name yet, but he gets awaywith the the shooting that happens. By the way, side note. Could you tell by watching it when there was a stunt double for me? That was very obvious.
Carla Gallo 23:30
Sorry, I did but it’s because the wig.
Emily Deschanel 23:34
It was the terrible wig. That’s a bone to pick. It’s really obvious to me but I don’t know if it’s obvious to you.
Carla Gallo 23:46
[…] There’s a shot where you are. So, this is when the drive by shooting happens. […] No, I see your face but already something was weird to me about your hair. Then once you go down, it’s fully awake and I could see that. You know, when there’s this great shot of you, you’re coming right at the camera.
Carla Gallo 24:05
And it’s like you’re in a funny face. It’s coming right at the camera and I really clocked that. But then I thought your hair looked weird even there. So I was like, “I don’t know if they did something where they superimposed your face on top of somebody or something”.
Emily Deschanel 24:05
Emily Deschanel 24:23
No, I don’t think they have that.
Carla Gallo 24:24
I know, I don’t think so.
Emily Deschanel 24:26
No, that was me running the camera for sure and I remember doing that, there’s a matdown there.
Carla Gallo 24:31
Emily Deschanel 24:33
But, I guess they wanted someone to fall on the actual, like ass fall. […] I didn’t do that, but it was very clearly not me. Tome, it was very clear to Carla. I don’t know if it’s clear to all the listeners, but you can let us know. But that was something, I’m doing stunts. You could have just asked me to do that stunt, although I have learned my lesson because II did a movie called Boogeyman back in the day. They had a stunt double for me and I just had to fall down on carpet. Iwas like, “it’s fine”. Well, it didn’t consider the fact that a big guy might be 200 pound guy is running towards me and tackling me onto the carpet. So, they never offered me any padding. I got a huge wealth […].
Carla Gallo 25:20
Of course, you did.
Emily Deschanel 25:23
I did like 13 takes of it, I remember and this huge wealth. So, I did learn my lesson that stunts, all aren’t always as simple as they seem, so don’t just volunteer to do them all the time like I did in my youth. But anyway, they had someone else doing that but it was pretty obvious. Also the guy, the Jose character who’s the suspect, he gets away when he climbs over the fence. I don’t think that was him, because the guy was covering his face.
Carla Gallo 25:57
I didn’t notice.
Emily Deschanel 25:57
That’s what you look for people covering their faces.
Carla Gallo 26:00
It’s true.
Emily Deschanel 26:02
The wigs away cover a face or a towel for people you know watching movies and TV.
Carla Gallo 26:07
Yes. Time for some ads. We’ll be right back.
Carla Gallo 26:27
Okay. So, Emily yesterday, I realized that when I go to pick up my kids, I usually don’t get out of the car.
Emily Deschanel 26:34
Yeah, me either.
Carla Gallo 26:35
But, Margo was crying so I was like, “Oh, no, wanna get on Steve’s”. I realized as the teacher walked up to me, I was in head to toe cashmere because I was wearing the quince cashmere sweatpants and the quince Mongolian cashmere sweater. It’s okay that I was wearing all cashmere. But I realized, as I got out of the car, like “Oh, I’m now a mom who picks up her kids in full head to toe cashmere in luxury”. That’s who I am, Emily. It’s who I am.
Emily Deschanel 27:02
What I love about Quince is that you’re not spending a fortune to get that kind of fancy, lux pickup outfit.
Carla Gallo 27:09
It’s true. The Mongolian cashmere sweaters only it starts at $50 and then if you really want to step it up the luxe factor, you can check out their Italian leather handbags, the washable silk skirts, the European linen sheet set.
Emily Deschanel 27:20
Whatever you’re looking for, all quince items are priced 50 to 80% less than similar brands. Quince only works with factories that use safe, ethical and responsible manufacturing practices.
Carla Gallo 27:30
I’ve been scrolling through their selection of wool coats, which are kind of perfect for the chilly winter L.A weather. They’re a perfect blend of stylish, sophisticated and practical. So ,I may have to go for it.
Emily Deschanel 27:41
Treat yourself this winter without the luxury price tag, go to quince.com/boneheads for 365 day returns plus free shipping on your order. That’s (q, u, i, n, c, e.com/boneheads), to get free shipping and 365 day returns. Quince.com/boneheads. Okay Carla, let’s talk about New Year’s resolutions. How long did you stick with yours last year?
Carla Gallo 28:06
Okay. Well, so be honest.
Emily Deschanel 28:08
Be honest.
Carla Gallo 28:09
As per usual, my New Year’s resolution is to stop eating out and wasting money. Then by January 2nd, Mark was like, “Do you want to go out to lunch?” And I was like, “Yes”. So, there we go.
Emily Deschanel 28:21
You’re very strong willed, very will. Well, what if your New Year’s resolution was automatic? For example, using Acorns. Today’s episode is sponsored by acorns. Acorns makes it easier to start automatically saving and investing, so your money has a chance to grow for you, your kids and your retirement.
Carla Gallo 28:40
You don’t need to be an expert. Acorns will recommend a diversified portfolio that fits you and your money goals. You don’t need to be rich. Acorns lets you invest with the spare money you’ve got right now. You can start with $5 or even just your spare change.
Emily Deschanel 28:54
It’s super easy to sign up. How many resolutions can you do in five minutes? Not many. 2025 can be the year for you to get your financial wellness on track. Acorns is the hard part so you can give your money a chance to grow. For me, taking my investment seriously was a huge step and it’s cool there’s something like acorns helping make it easy for people.
Carla Gallo 29:14
Head to acorns.com/boneheads or download the acorns app to start saving and investing for your future today. Paid non client endorsement compensation provides incentive to positively promote acorns, tier one compensation provided.Investing involves risk. Acorns advisors, LLC and SEC registered investment advisor. View important disclosures at acorns.com/boneheads.
Carla Gallo 29:47
So, we get to the senator.
Emily Deschanel 29:48
Right, we go to the Senator’s house. Brennan and Hodgins were really excited to go.
Carla Gallo 29:52
And they both want guns. No, we get to we meet Senator […] and we played by Michael Cavanaugh.
Emily Deschanel 30:00
I definitely seen in lots of things. That guy’s been, I just looked it up. He has 100 credits in movies alone, I believe if I’m not mistaken. But, he has at least 100 questions period, which is crazy […].
Carla Gallo 30:19
My Carla’s query is where was that stunning house? The senators house?
Emily Deschanel 30:24
Pasadena, I’m pretty positive.
Carla Gallo 30:26
It was so beautiful. It’s funny you said Pasadena, because there was a moment where I was like, “It looks like this school called Westridge in Pasadena”. I was like, Is that shot at Westridge? Was like, “No, it’s a private property”.
Emily Deschanel 30:41
The house, I thought it was a private property. If my memory serves, you kind of pull up to it in an area you never see. It’s very kind of unassuming in a way. It’s like a cul-de-sac, if I’m correct when you kind of pull up and you’re like, “Oh, what is this?” Then there’s this huge land von and ground.
Carla Gallo 31:07
[…] It’s so stunning. Okay, let’s get back to the senators house because we learn that the senator helps.
Emily Deschanel 31:19
The Senator has connections to South America.
Carla Gallo 31:22
Emily Deschanel 31:22
Carla Gallo 31:23
El Salvador specifically.
Emily Deschanel 31:24
In El Salvador specifically, we learn.
Carla Gallo 31:27
On their property, it turns out that he employs a lot of Salvadorian immigrants to help them get citizenship. That’s whenwe also meet Hector, the house manager and we meet their son, Logan.
Emily Deschanel 31:40
Carla Gallo 31:40
I assumed again, not red herring but kind of. I was like, “This guy is so blonde and […] manicured, blue eyed whatever. I was like, “He’s the murderer”. I was sure with it because he just kind of stuck out like a sore thumb, golden child. I was like, “Well, he’s the murderer, obviously” […].
Emily Deschanel 32:05
Well, they probably want you to think that. When I say ‘they’ I mean ‘us making the show’.
Carla Gallo 32:10
Yeah, red herring.
Emily Deschanel 32:12
We learn who the the suspect is.
Carla Gallo 32:16
His name is Jose Vargas.
Emily Deschanel 32:17
Jose Vargas and I think it’s Logan. Hector is very cautious about saying anything.
Carla Gallo 32:24
This is where my von depict happened.
Emily Deschanel 32:26
Oh, okay.
Carla Gallo 32:27
So, you’re like “Oh wait, hold on. You’re by the stream, the pond”. And you’re like, “Wait, there’s a second buddy”. Okay,let’s go back to Jose being a gardener. He did not bury what we find out to be as his father very well because you literally brushed a little bit of dirt away and there was a skull.
Emily Deschanel 32:47
How did no one notice that? I believed that no one would notice that on those grounds more than I believe that no one read the garden, a small community garden.
Carla Gallo 32:54
It was just not well buried.
Emily Deschanel 32:55
This was my bone to pick with myself.
Carla Gallo 32:57
Emily Deschanel 32:58
How do I know the word for trowel so easily? It’s not even like I’m searching for the word.
Carla Gallo 33:06
What’s the word?
Emily Deschanel 33:07
I don’t remember, Carla. I’m just looking at the subtitle so I don’t know which word is that but it’s like, there’s no pause inme, thinking the word trowel. How do you know the word trowel?
Carla Gallo 33:21
It’s brilliant.
Emily Deschanel 33:23
Yes, I have to remember. Brennan is much smarter than I am and she’s so fluent in every language.
Carla Gallo 33:34
Exactly. Okay, so we find this second body and we take back to the lab, and we find out that it’s an older male.
Emily Deschanel 33:43
Carla Gallo 33:44
There’s another important thing that happens which is Angela finishes the sketch of the pregnant woman, which was very nice. Another nice Angela moment where she’s like, “I made her hopeful. She’s in a new country and she’s pregnant”, which I don’t know if you talked about the first.
Emily Deschanel 33:59
Yeah, we did talk about she’s pregnant.
Carla Gallo 34:02
Yeah. Then that ends up taking us to the heart of the show if you will […].
Emily Deschanel 34:16
We’ve workshopping some names and segments for the show.
Emily Deschanel 34:20
The heart of the show.
Carla Gallo 34:20
Oh, did you notice I worked today?
Carla Gallo 34:25
The stomach?
Emily Deschanel 34:26
Carla Gallo 34:26
The intestines.
Emily Deschanel 34:27
No, this is all soft tissue.
Carla Gallo 34:29
Emily Deschanel 34:29
It’s hard with bones just like the rib cage.
Carla Gallo 34:31
Okay guys, you’re with us on this journey as we figure this out. Now, Booth and Brennan arrive at Jose’s home, his apartment and you guys are looking for his wife and see a bottle that’s still warm. You know, I guess from your experience that you’re like, “They’re still here. They’re prepared for this”. This scene to me is really important becauseonce you find his wife and child behind the false wall, Booth comes in pretty hard at his wife threatening deportation, she’s illegal but the US will keep the son, the baby. But, it’s a horrible and scary threat to this poor woman and you Brennan is pleading with him, like “Don’t do this. Don’t make me translate it”.
Emily Deschanel 35:24
Yeah. An interesting scene, they have two different perspectives and Brennan is the one having a lot of compassion forJose’s wife and he kind of ends with that. We assume that she doesn’t have to and we come back later in another scenein Booth’s office where they kind of repair.
Carla Gallo 35:43
She asks if he’s mad at her.
Emily Deschanel 35:46
Carla Gallo 35:46
The other thing we haven’t really talked about is Jose, the actor who plays Jose.
Emily Deschanel 35:51
But, I think his name is Jose.
Carla Gallo 35:55
Yeah, Jose Pablo Cantillo. I just thought he was so good. He did such a good job because he was very stoic, but then also very emotional […].
Very tough and emotional.
Carla Gallo 36:11
Emily Deschanel 36:12
The guy who plays the one gang member that Booth mention in the beginning with all the tasks, he was intense.
Carla Gallo 36:18
He was really good.
Emily Deschanel 36:19
He wouldn’t talk to you.
Carla Gallo 36:21
Emily Deschanel 36:23
He’s in character and was fairly intimidating.
Carla Gallo 36:26
Emily Deschanel 36:26
Yeah. That’s what people call that.
Emily Deschanel 36:30
He kind of laughs at him.
Carla Gallo 36:30
But I have to say that scene between him and Booth, I thought about it because I’m like, “Booth is intimidating” Then being with a famous actor, David Bourne, this is intimidating. I was watching that guy because in the scene, he’s like “I’mnot scared of you. Like, does it work?”
Carla Gallo 36:35
Yeah. And I was like, “I believe him.” I did think that “This actor is not ruffled so whatever method he was using, it worked. He did a really good job.
Emily Deschanel 37:04
So we have Jose, who’s the suspect at the beginning, who drove the car, who has the tattoo of a gang on his neck. We bring in the one guy who’s the head of one gang and it turned out that it was actually the gang that the suspect belongs to who did the drive by shooting to let him get away.
Carla Gallo 37:27
Which by the way is what I assumed was happening.
Emily Deschanel 37:28
I was like, too. But, I was in it.
Carla Gallo 37:33
I assumed it, too. When that was the discovery, I was like “Yeah, they were shooting more at you guys and they were at Jose”.
Emily Deschanel 37:42
Yeah and he immediately got out of his tank or not out of it but, he got out and get behind his back, and got them in front of him.
Carla Gallo 37:53
The other gang member, Cortez, who comes in after Jose is beaten up and thrown out of a car. And it’s like, “This is for Seely Booth”.
Emily Deschanel 38:01
Because he’s the gang leader of the gang that Jose joined.
Carla Gallo 38:09
Mara Muerte, he’s the head of the DC chap.
Emily Deschanel 38:12
Right. He’s the DC champion.
Carla Gallo 38:14
Cocky and I do not appreciate the way that he is talking to you.
Emily Deschanel 38:18
I did not appreciate that either. I also thought that in that situation, Booth should have said something. He’s in the FBI,Booth is there, he could stand up for Brennan. I think they wanted to have me stand up for myself, which I appreciate. But I also think it’s important for other people to stand up for the other person that’s being.
Carla Gallo 38:38
But let’s be fair, he ends up at the end putting a gun in his mouth and on his head to protect you from that specific.
Emily Deschanel 38:44
Yeah, we can talk about that. I know, but I mean, in the moment he doesn’t.
Carla Gallo 38:48
True, they’re setting up your assault at him at the elevator, which I also really enjoyed.
Emily Deschanel 38:55
It was very satisfying. That actor, I spent more time talking to him than any other other guest stars on the show. He has really Rivera. Emilio Rivera, he was just lovely and he’s been in a lot of things too. I think he was in Sons of Anarchy.
Carla Gallo 39:17
Well, in the notes, it says, […]. Guess what hot goss for you.
Emily Deschanel 39:24
Oh, Mayans.
Carla Gallo 39:26
Guess what?
Emily Deschanel 39:26
Carla Gallo 39:27
I was Mayans.
Emily Deschanel 39:29
I remember you do Mayans, but did you work with him?
Carla Gallo 39:33
I don’t know.
Emily Deschanel 39:34
Okay, you guys share a credit.
Carla Gallo 39:37
I did three episodes.
Emily Deschanel 39:38
Right, I remember when you did that.
Carla Gallo 39:40
I was ATF, Agent Melissa Lydecker. I thought that was one of the craziest casting, we were talking about casting and that is really, I was like “Why are you casting me as ATF agent?” […].
Emily Deschanel 39:46
We don’t think we’re right for sign up. That’s the thing when I will get auditions, meetings, or whatever. I’m like, “I wouldn’t hire me to play a fighter pilot”. And then you’re like, “What? Why am I getting a call back to play a fighter pilot?” Then don’t limit yourself. You don’t know.
Carla Gallo 40:11
I do. I took so many pictures of myself, I’m gonna show it to you. I was gonna say, the reason I got it, I think is because one of the creators, Elgin James, he was a fan of, I think of spanking the monkey, I’m pretty sure.
Emily Deschanel 40:23
Which I’ve never seen.
Carla Gallo 40:32
You’ll lose your mind because I look 12 years old.
Emily Deschanel 40:36
Sure you do.
Carla Gallo 40:36
I’m 17 or just turned 18.
Emily Deschanel 40:39
Wait, you had a job when you were 17, 18? Before going to college?
Carla Gallo 40:45
I was like discovered in my high school.
Emily Deschanel 40:49
Don’t even know you.
Carla Gallo 40:50
You don’t know that?
Emily Deschanel 40:51
Carla Gallo 40:52
Emily, I feel like you don’t even know me.
Emily Deschanel 40:53
I don’t know you.
Carla Gallo 40:56
Yeah, I went to LaGuardia music […].
Emily Deschanel 40:59
Yes, I know that.
Carla Gallo 41:00
Same school and I was just in the lobby going to see one of the senior performances because I was a senior. A casting director came up to me and was like, “Would you audition for this movie? Which at the time was called Swelter, and it was directed by David O. Russell. I was like, “I knew of it because my classmates had gone in because she had contacted my teacher, who had not sent me my acting teacher.
Emily Deschanel 41:21
Isn’t that interesting?
Carla Gallo 41:22
It sure is. So, I end up going in probably five times over the span. I graduate high school during that time, I went to prom, I remember going in. Then in the limo, on the way to prom, Jeremy Davies was in these Suzu commercials, I think.He was like cool guy and I was like, “That’s the guy that audition with”, then I ended up getting the role. But circling back, Elgin was like, “He’s really a film buff”. And I was like, “That’s why I’m here”. I mean, I am just crediting myself that maybe I also did a good audition.
Emily Deschanel 42:04
I want to talk about the heart to heart scene with Angela and Brennan, where Brennan talks about going to El Salvador,after she beats up the Cortez character.
Carla Gallo 42:19
Emily Deschanel 42:23
Angela worried for Brennan because it was a really dumb move. We don’t beat up a gang.
Carla Gallo 42:28
The same thing I was, like, “That ended awfully well for her”.
Emily Deschanel 42:31
Yeah, in that moment, doesn’t end well. I mean, it ends fine. But, Angela’s concern then Brennan tells her story of being in El Salvador and being put in prison for a period of time.
Carla Gallo 42:46
You did a great job, though.
Emily Deschanel 42:47
Oh, thanks.
Carla Gallo 42:48
You think the welling of the eyes. I don’t know how you’re doing it, you’re talking about stuff that I get like, I kind of haveto. It has to be kind of relatable or I have to figure out a way for it to be relatable, for it to cause emotion for me. Like, well, “I know she’s never had a bag thrown over her head and threatened that she was gonna die”.
Emily Deschanel 43:06
Carla, you don’t know me.
Carla Gallo 43:07
You don’t know.
Emily Deschanel 43:08
You didn’t know me […]. You don’t know about my prison period. Okay.
Carla Gallo 43:12
Okay, I’m fine.
Emily Deschanel 43:13
I do a deep ball of prison experience.
Carla Gallo 43:16
I didn’t know that.
Emily Deschanel 43:20
But, Hodgins comes in and says “This is another favorite line nomination”.
Carla Gallo 43:25
Oh, yeah.
Emily Deschanel 43:26
Am I interrupting a female moment?
Carla Gallo 43:31
Don’t go anywhere. There’s more Boneheads after this quick break.
Carla Gallo 45:08
I have a lot of good.
Emily Deschanel 45:11
I had some Bones already to pick.
Carla Gallo 45:13
Okay, so my Bone to pick is when you’re in Logan, the son Logan’s room. We already know that he was involved Jose’s sister, Maria. So you’re in the room and you’re like, “How long have you had this bed?” And he’s like, “I don’t know, since I’m 15”. Then you’re like, “What is it made of?”.
Emily Deschanel 45:32
And he happens to know the name.
Carla Gallo 45:34
He knows the name by the way.
Carla Gallo 45:35
Which I was like, “Why would you know the name of the one that your bed is made of that you got when you’re 15?
Emily Deschanel 45:35
Emily Deschanel 45:43
Anyway, Hector tells us that Logan was involved with her, and we go to his room, that scene you’re talking about. Then Brennan also just decides to climb on that bed.
Emily Deschanel 45:54
That room is not the room that I would expect that guy to have, I’m just saying that. But, I just decided to climb onto that bed and I think it’s kind of funny, with my shoes on.
Carla Gallo 46:05
I know.
Carla Gallo 46:06
I know.
Emily Deschanel 46:07
Really just down that there and I’m looking at the wood, and it happens to be the kind of wood that we find. We found in the victim wounds. So, we’re moving towards the end of the episode. I feel but of the episode.
Carla Gallo 46:22
I’m just kidding.
Emily Deschanel 46:24
The heels.
Carla Gallo 46:25
The lower extremities.
Emily Deschanel 46:26
The met at tarsals.
Carla Gallo 46:28
Oh, is that down? I don’t know anything.
Emily Deschanel 46:30
Yeah, metatarsals are part of the foot bone.
Carla Gallo 46:34
Yeah, […] heading into the bowels? I’m just kidding.
Emily Deschanel 46:42
Okay. It’s amazing work.
Carla Gallo 46:45
Amazing work. Who the suspects are that could have killed Maria? How much force is used? The height that the man, we know it’s a man, a full grown man. He would have to be seven foot eight to have like […].
Emily Deschanel 47:03
You mean non human? No, let’s think of other alternative ideas.
Carla Gallo 47:07
So, you realize that someone has pulled her off the ladder, which sends you right back over to the senators.
Emily Deschanel 47:14
To that same bedroom.
Carla Gallo 47:17
Was that all shot? At the house? No, probably not.
Emily Deschanel 47:20
I think it was.
Carla Gallo 47:21
Emily Deschanel 47:22
I think it was shot at the house, but I don’t remember that as well. What’s so funny to me is there’s like a whole ruse thatBrennan does that just out of character […]. Yeah. So, Brennan claims that she’s claimed in Kinesiology, […] how they pull her. If they pull her off the ladder or start to, she’ll know who if they are the person killed from their movement, kinesiology. I know, I kind of no sense. I mean, it doesn’t make sense to me.
Carla Gallo 47:56
Guess what though? It worked.
Emily Deschanel 47:57
The rules work because texture, the house manager did not agree to pull down. The senator was happy to and it all comes out.
Carla Gallo 48:08
Which is another possible favorite line which is like, “I can’t believe that worked”.
Emily Deschanel 48:12
Carla Gallo 48:12
Then Booth says, psychology bones, it’s a very powerful force.
Emily Deschanel 48:21
It is powerful. Anyways, it was a little out of character and different. It was also not clear from watching it less than multiple times, but I believe that that was all a ruse to get somebody to refuse to pull Brennan down then we knew thatthat was a killer and then he confesses. So basically, he’s not really a killer, but he is responsible for her death because he pulls her, he didn’t mean to hurt her. She hurt her head. She was still alive. She was fine. He gave her $500 thought she was gonna go to the hospital.
Carla Gallo 48:53
Well, which brings up another theme thing, by the way because she didn’t go to the hospital. Booth, I think is the one that points out that she was afraid, she would lose her job and get deported because she also by the way, only has the papers to work there because her brother got fake papers by joining Mara Morte, that’s why he joined.
Emily Deschanel 49:15
So, he wasn’t someone who wanted to be in a gang. He joined the gang to help his family was his dad’s dying wish for him to take care of his sister and he had a baby on the way. His dad died and he had to bury him in, they couldn’t announce his death because […]. So, when his sister died, he just did the same thing for her and so there’s no proper burial.
Carla Gallo 49:46
But, there’s all this theme stuff there too, I think in that scene because Hector, not only do we know, you know she’s injured and she doesn’t get treatment because she’s fearful of deportation. But Hector, the center’s wife’s like, “Why don’t you just tell me?” And then he says, “You don’t want to know about any of this. I know my job. I know what you want”.
Emily Deschanel 50:06
Carla Gallo 50:07
And I thought that was like a class, the divide right there like, “I take care of this stuff, you don’t have to know and you don’t want to know about it”.
Emily Deschanel 50:17
Carla Gallo 50:17
And the hardship that they’ve all gone through because they’re so fearful of what will happen to them. So, I thought that team was pretty powerful, as well. But, now that we’re in the lower intestine, we should wrap this thing up.
Carla Gallo 50:35
We can talk about that.
Emily Deschanel 50:35
Well, we got the funeral at the end.
Emily Deschanel 50:39
I’m almost positive, was filmed at the Cheviot Hills Golf Course.
Carla Gallo 50:44
Oh, okay […].
Emily Deschanel 50:47
First of all, everyone leaves the funeral and the caskets are still above ground.
Carla Gallo 50:53
Emily Deschanel 50:53
Usually people, especially a burial on a grave, they would bury the casket and then leave.
Carla Gallo 51:02
But, there’s no other gravestones. There’s Justin […]. It’s a very exclusive.
Emily Deschanel 51:09
It was a very convenient location because it’s a right across the street from the fox lot FYI. If you’re visiting Los Angeles, or you live here, there’s a golf course and a park. There’s a public golf course and a private golf course right across the street, two different ones (this was the public one), just kind of funny. I also thought it was interesting, a white savior kindof thing with Brennan for the funeral. It’s a lovely gesture, but I just don’t know how much we’re setting up characters to be. Like, “look at how great they” “they did this for these for quote, unquote, these people”.
Carla Gallo 51:45
Emily Deschanel 51:46
You know different characters refer to other characters in the show, in that episode. Then, there’s been a hit.
Carla Gallo 52:01
Mara Morte has put a hit on Brennan […].
Emily Deschanel 52:05
Booth is not at the funeral and he’s doing something else.
Carla Gallo 52:07
But I’d like to do our love meter or Booth and Brennan love meter analysis here because I just so obviously […].
Emily Deschanel 52:20
New segments.
Carla Gallo 52:20
Love meter.
Emily Deschanel 52:21
Love meter, BNB.
Carla Gallo 52:24
First of all, yes that was another funny line, they put a hit out on your lady scientist.
Emily Deschanel 52:29
Yes […].
Carla Gallo 52:31
But, when he has the gun on Cortez, he says, “If anything happens to her, I will kill you”. And I was like, “Whoa, he is protecting his woman”. Then when he shows up at the funeral, and you’re miffed after because he’s kind of missed it, you’re like, “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you have something more important to do?” And he’s like, “At the time, I thought so”. You’re kind of annoyed but there’s this great tight shot on you and he’s smiling. And I was like, “The love is real”.
Emily Deschanel 52:59
Yeah. I just have issues with all that, I just find it. First of all, if Brennan’s life is in danger, why are you there or sending protective detail to protect her? You got a gang. He went out on Brennan and she’s at a funeral in a public place. He went rogue and he decided to just go after the gang leader. Who knows what other people he sent out to kill her? First of all.
Carla Gallo 53:20
I agree with that.
Emily Deschanel 53:20
So, practically is not really helping Brenna. In that moment, at least it might help Brennan in the long run. I don’t know. It just felt like male savior to me where he’s like, doing and it was so violent. I was like, “Whoa, so intense” […].
Carla Gallo 53:39
Two things that is purposed of it is how much he cares for you. Then he’s gonna go straight to like, “I am gonna go, I will personally tell this guy you better stop because I’ll kill you if anything happens to her”. I mean, that is such a line […].
Emily Deschanel 54:00
Very macho male, kind of being like, he shows his affection.
Carla Gallo 54:06
Absolutely. But, that last scene where you’re like, “You know what? You have somewhere ready to be better to be or somewhere more important you. He just like, “Again […].
Emily Deschanel 54:17
I thought at the time. Is that what he says? Something like that?
Emily Deschanel 54:20
Little do you know I was actually protecting you?
Carla Gallo 54:20
Yes. He’s like, “I thought […]. It was a cute little smile that Booth had on his face because […].
Carla Gallo 54:32
Yeah, little lady.
Emily Deschanel 54:36
I mean, Brennan doesn’t need so much. I mean, if someone put a hit out on it, everyone needs as much protection as possible.
Emily Deschanel 54:44
Okay, Emily, I have a listener question for you, all yours.
Emily Deschanel 54:48
Okay, excited.
Carla Gallo 54:51
It is from Stephanie Jones. She says, Would you share things about the script that made you excited or that you dreaded? For example, you guys eat a lot on the show. Did you read another eating scene and go, “Oh, another food scene? Or dancing? Or yay, Brennan is drunk and I can’t wait to play this”.
Emily Deschanel 55:14
I love this question. There are lots of times where I got excited about what Brennan was gonna do in a future episode. One thing comes to mind is when we got to do the wait lists, we got to go in like the vomit comet or whatever you call it where astronauts prepare to be in microgravity or whatever, that was so fun. I remember thinking at the time, I was like, “This is a job, incredible?”. And I’m not an actor, I want to do this as my job. It was like, acrobatics.
Carla Gallo 55:46
That’s so cool.
Emily Deschanel 55:47
It was so fun. I mean, it would be even more fun if we were actually in microgravity or something, but we got to just be on these harnesses and move around, like you just kind of moving around. I got to also repel from a thing. It was done indoors, that’s fun to me. I love adventurous stuff and sometimes I’m excited about it, then the reality of it isn’t as fun. I love an eating scene, so it was rare for me to be like, “Oh, not not an eating scene”, but the aftermath.
I just wanted to add to. There’s a lot of actors if you watch, they don’t take big bite.
Emily Deschanel 56:22
[…] I will actually eat.
Carla Gallo 56:23
Me too.
Emily Deschanel 56:24
I will notice when actors don’t take bite.
Emily Deschanel 56:26
Unless it’s a scene where it doesn’t, it’s fine for me not to eat. You know, you’re just “I want it to be that I’m really eating”.But one time, they had the characters eat donuts. At the time, you couldn’t really get vegan donuts anywhere in LosAngeles and they had vegan donuts flown in from, I think it was Voodoo Doughnut, that’s from Seattle or Portland or wherever. I think it was one of those. They had vegan donuts and I was so excited to eat vegan donuts and I ate in the scene, and you have to eat for every shot. Every shot, every angle, every take, every time I got sick to my stomach afterwards. It was too many, don’t you wouldn’t think. I mean, who would think there’s too many donuts would make your stomach hurt? I mean, who would think that? I don’t know.
Carla Gallo 56:26
Me too.
Carla Gallo 57:21
Best thing is too many donuts.
Emily Deschanel 57:24
They’re so excited because I hadn’t had donuts in years so that was really exciting. I always liked an eating scene. I was like the diner scenes. David would always order fries in the table, for himself or for the table and it became a thing that Iwould grab certainly his fries and they had these crinkle cut fries. I tried to order something healthy, but then there’d always be fries on the table so I’d always inevitably eating, be eating some fries. It’ll just be fun but if you eat too much, if it’s established as part of the scene, you have to do it over and over again, you learn that lesson.
Carla Gallo 57:59
Emily Deschanel 58:01
So, hopefully that answers your question, Stephanie Jones.
Carla Gallo 58:07
Keep the questions coming.
Emily Deschanel 58:07
Keep the questions coming and and tune in next Wednesday for our next episode.
Carla Gallo 58:12
Yeah, thanks for listening.
Emily Deschanel 58:14
Thank you.
There’s more Boneheads with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content, like excerpts from interviews, extra fan questions and more behind the scenes convos. Subscribe now on Apple podcasts. Boneheads is a production of Lemonada Media and us. It’s produced by Kegan Zema, Claire Jones and Alex McOwen. Our engineers are Brian Castillo and Noah Smith. Our senior vice president of weekly content is Steve Nelson. Our executive producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs, Jessica Cordova Kramer and us; Emily Deschanel and Carla Gallo. Music by Doug Paisley. Special thanks to Allison Bresnick. To stay up to date with us and submit your listener questions, follow us on Instagram @Boneheadspod and @LemonadaMedia on all social channels. Follow Boneheads wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership. Thanks so much for listening.