Lemonada Media

14. Holding on to Youth for Dear Life

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Actress, singer, and almost scientist Majandra Delfino joins Kulap and SuChin to share everything she’s added to cart to keep her hair thicc, her skin plump, and her general facade looking extremely well rested. Ku and Su of course share their favorite youthful hacks, like wearing t-shirts for girls.

Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

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Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Majandra Delfino

SuChin Pak  00:10

Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of ADD TO CART—I’m SuChin.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And I’m Kulap.

SuChin Pak

And this week we’re so excited to have guests and close friend Majandra Delfino, and she wants to come to us with the topic of holding on to dear sweet youth for life, which I thought was so hilarious.

Kulap Vilaysack

I mean, it made me laugh when he told me like, that’s perfection.

SuChin Pak 

You know, we thought it’d be a fun theme to explore.

Kulap Vilaysack 


SuChin Pak 

First, before we get into all that, how are you doing?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah, let’s do a quick little mental check in with Kuku and Susu. I’m doing better.

SuChin Pak 

A lot of people expressed concern.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Concern and love..

Kulap Vilaysack 

And love.

Kulap Vilaysack

So much love, and I think some people are going through similar things. And I think maybe more than some are going through similar pandemic blues. A lot of us are struggling at different times. I think I said to one of our listeners in the comments that everybody know, is suffering in waves. I’m doing much better. We’re doing another round of IVF. So having estrogen patches on my belly doesn’t help the situation. It sort of heightens it more. Yeah, a little exacerbated. So I’m just trying to be good to myself and just take it easy. And I watched a few things that kind of like broke me out of my funk and one of those things I wanted to recommend to everybody, which is the movie Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar.

SuChin Pak 

They did such a good job.

Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s so funny. It gave me such a lift. There’s so many laughs It’s just silly and fun. It’s you know, character based, written by and starring Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, as lifelong friends Barb and Star, and they embark on an adventure of a lifetime when they decide to leave their small midwestern town for the first time ever. And everybody is so funny in it, they’re brilliant. It’s just a feel good campy arch grand old time, I highly, highly recommend it. Thanks, everybody, for reaching out and DMing us and just sending really sweet messages, I really appreciate it.

SuChin Pak  02:28

None of it goes unread. And we share it and we screenshotted and texted to each other. And you know, all of it is just so so so deeply received. So thank you guys.

Kulap Vilaysack

SuChin, what have you added?

SuChin Pak 

Okay, so I really does. I had a little bit of trouble this week, figuring out what I wanted to add and holding on for to dear youth for life, I thought was so funny. And then we had a conversation of I was like, well, I don’t know, I mean, I get it to a certain degree. But I also just like, hated my 20s and 30s. When I think back to it, you know, about how much insecurity there was and stress and pressure, you know, that I don’t feel now in my mid-40s. I mean, it’s different. And it was just all this pressure. And for years and years and decades, I struggled with this notion of productivity. I was the person that lists and checkmarks and bla bla bla, and if I don’t check it off, then I’ve been a bad girl, and I’ve done a bad thing.

SuChin Pak 

And I’m not doing enough, always never doing enough add more things to your list. And over the years, I think that I’ve just very mindlessly, you know, thought that productivity means that I have just to be running around filling the time, filling time. If I’m done with my work, then I could squeeze in a little, you know, dusting off the shelves. And if that’s all done, then maybe I can learn how to bake bread. And do you know what I mean? And then..

Kulap Vilaysack 

I do know what you mean, yes.

SuChin Pak  04:01

Yeah. And you know, when you’re of that age, speaking of youth, like that’s encouraged. That’s what you’re supposed to be doing. That’s what you see, you know, like, go go go.

Kulap Vilaysack 

They call it Hustle Culture.

SuChin Pak 

Such a Hustle Culture. And I spent my 20s and 30s in New York, which is like the center of hustle culture, like everyone is launching a sneaker line and opening up a you know, a cool bodega that’s not a bodega, but it also in the back is a ping pong tournament machine. In my 40s, I really kind of started to develop some tools for me that worked. And so I wanted to share some of them with you.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Ooh, thank you.

SuChin Pak 

I also want to acknowledge that like, last week you shared and we all agreed of just those moments we’ve had lately where we stare out the window. Because I think that that isn’t unproductive. Do you know like for me; I realized my obsession with productivity was directly related. To my not feeling worthy. So because I myself just sitting here, staring off into space is not enough. Let me show you that I belong here that I can take up space that I can be your girlfriend, that I can be your host that I can be your friend, you know what I mean? Let me prove to you. So anyway, so for years, you have the to do list and that to do lists, never. You never check off everything on that, too. I’m just not one of those people. And at the end of the day, you’re like, well, what did I do?

SuChin Pak

So I started to do concurrently “a things I did” list. So at the end of the day, when I would make up like figure out, okay, here’s what I did, and I need to do these things tomorrow. I sat down and I started to just list from the morning, I got up till that moment, all the things I did, and I included things like I made lunch for myself, I made lunch for my kids, I took a shower, I had to research, the four different backpacks, you know, for that hiking trip that we’re taking all those things that we do to make our life run for ourselves and for our families. None of that is ever acknowledged.

SuChin Pak  06:13

I realized I was only looking at the things on the list, right? And realizing where did my day go? And when I started to do that, it gave me such a sense of relief, to see that, man, I am doing so much all the time. So that was tip number one. And then the next thing I started to do was really look at like this list. Like why can’t I ever get through this list? Like it’s actually made so that I don’t ever get through it? Because this feeling of unworthiness, in some ways, fuels me, you know, and has fueled me for decades,

Kulap Vilaysack

Right, very insightful.

SuChin Pak 

And I was like, no, I don’t want to be fueled by feeling like I’m not good enough. So then I have to do things like, that’s why I’m tired all the time. And so one of the things I started to do was do a list every night of like, okay, here are the things I need to do tomorrow and be realistic about it. Like, knowing that I’ve got two meetings in the morning. So really, okay, I’ve got three hours to squeeze in anything that I need to do, you want to go to the bank, you got to fit into that three, you got to make it work, you know that it takes 20 minutes to get there. And then dah, dah, dah, dah, all of those things.

Kulap Vilaysack 

So being realistic about your capacity and your time.

SuChin Pak 

That’s right. And really acknowledging that, like, what this version of yourself that you are never going to obtain is just this fantasy, based on feelings of x. Mine is on unworthiness. And so that also started to really change the conversation in my head, about why I was doing these lists, why I was being compelled to do it. And the cycle of shame and guilt. And all of that was starting to loosen up a bit. So I just was thinking about that it was something that had stuck in my mind from the last time we sat down. And this feeling of like, why don’t so many of us ever feel productive?

Kulap Vilaysack  08:28

Yeah, like I am somebody who likes to plan who makes lists. And by doing that I can relax. So I think I’ve mentioned it to you guys before I am like a duck on water, right? So up top very chill very serene, below the water. The legs are going […] exhausting. It’s very exhausting. Yeah, I do a version I have daily list. And I do a version of bullet journaling, which maybe people are familiar with. And that is a mixture of putting what you’ve done and then things that you don’t do, they migrate there are symbols that migrate to like the next day.

Kulap Vilaysack

So I like that, that works for me. And then I also got a Casey for Christmas got me this Quarterly Goal Planner by Poketo. Made in Korea. This is really great too. And this has things broken down. I mean, guys, there’s so many there’s the Passion Planner, there’s like so many times but this I really like because it’s all about like goal setting quarterly and breaking it down weekly. And then every week you kind of talk about what your biggest accomplishments were of the week your biggest challenges, what have you learned or what would you change next week.

Kulap Vilaysack 

So I like it. I would recommend this as an add to cart. And what I’m hearing too from you and what I’m relating to is like it’s so much about it is like quality of life. And the quote that I like to think about a lot when I need to shift my behavior is a quote that is often attributed to Albert Einstein, which is the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. And I use that for so many things. Because of my sometimes-compulsive behavior. Like, why did you, why are you surprised that it didn’t work out again? Like, you know, you know, you already tried this. So you got mix it up, mix it up, Ku.

SuChin Pak  10:37

I love it. I mean, all of these things, I think, and then and listen, and then we give also give ourselves and everyone listening permission to stare at a window, you know, and be okay with that. That’s hard one.

Kulap Vilaysack

And in our mental check in, I didn’t say that, like, it definitely got worse before it got better. Where I was crying uncontrollably in the shower. And then Scott called a nurse to see if we could take the patches off of my belly. And she was like, you can but that means that this IVF cycle will be done. And, you know, trust me that all my clients or all my patients have been calling me about this. And this happens. And she said to Scott, well, I mean, you know, when a woman is on her mensys.

SuChin Pak 

She didn’t use that word mensys.

Kulap Vilaysack 

She did. He just like he just looked at me and like silently laughed. I’m like, what’s, what did she say? What’s going on?

SuChin Pak 

He’s like, I can’t say it. Because I’m gonna get an arrow through my head shot from […] go on Kulap.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah, but I can’t rush that and I want to rush going through these like motions. I want to rush I want to skip to healed. I’ve always wanted to jump to healed. And that’s just like, these are, these are all processes. And all of it every step unfortunately, is important.

SuChin Pak  12:07

I haven’t had a good shower cry in so many years.

Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s been a while I was surprised, like, oh, can’t stop. Well, luckily, I would be here for a while because I’m working on my scalp.

SuChin Pak 

Okay, we’re taking a break, and we’ll be back.

SuChin Pak 

Alright, we are back.

Kulap Vilaysack 

If I can make the smooth transition into my Add To Cart. When I think about you, of course I’m thinking about my face. It’s the one thing that I feel like Mama’s doing good. Like she’s useful in her face. Like, not her hair is gray. You know, you know that I’ve let my gray’s out you know that so really, it’s so below the hairline to chin and ear. Like that’s looking great. And ADD TO CART recently and I love and it is my first goop beauty like facial purchase, which is the GOOPGENES All-in-One Nourishing Face Cream.

Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s for your neck. It’s for your [..] your face. It ain’t cheap, guys. I don’t know if we need to just like we need to do supercut of things that when I go it ain’t cheap. It is $95 for 50 milliliters 1.7 fluid ounces. But it’s like you’re gonna have this for a beat. And I’ve had this for a couple months here and it’s not even a fourth down.

SuChin Pak 

Because it’s so thick and full of ceramides and squalene.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s right, seven highly active botanicals including Schisandra fruit and lip a butter and caviar lime like I’ve seen caviar lime and a lot of cosmetics. That seems like a hot product a hot ingredient. But it’s been great. I really like it. You know SuChin Pak has made me realize I want to mix up my routines. And so this has been a new edition and I highly recommend it. Now, one more thing.

Kulap Vilaysack  14:22

I can’t wait.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That I’m doing are you familiar with Asian American Girl club?

SuChin Pak


Kulap Vilaysack 

They’re fantastic. And but their target market you know, will look girls in the title. Like, yeah, it’s Yeah, it’s in the title. So I’m 40 and I’m no longer a girl. Definitely fully, you know, landed Nadia Comăneci style as a woman. Okay, so I’m stuck that landing so I’m wearing a tie dye t shirt and you know that also, pretty useful. It’s a pastel tie dye t-shirt. It’s embroidered it says, “I’m from here”

SuChin Pak

Oh, that’s great. They always do such good merch.

Kulap Vilaysack 

How cute is this? Yeah, how cute is this?

SuChin Pak 

“I’m from here” obviously is a reference to the many times when we introduce ourselves to anyone, and they say where are you from?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Where are you from?

SuChin Pak

They should have one that says, My name means nothing. What’s your name mean? What does that mean?

Kulap Vilaysack

You know, when I’m in a good mood, I’m going to tell you everything. I’m going to tell you exactly where Lau says I’m going to do a geographic sort of lesson like oh, well, you know, Laos is landlocked. Vietnam is to the east, Thailand to the west. Or SuChin asked me where I’m from, and I’m a little saltier. Oh, it’s so nice to meet you. So where are you from?

Kulap Vilaysack 


SuChin Pak 

Dead eyes like nobody’s home.

Kulap Vilaysack 

But I’m making full eye contact.

SuChin Pak 

Yes, full eye contact, aggressive eye contact, but they’re dead. And then the follow up question, like you said, is no, but where are you? You know, where are you really from?

Kulap Vilaysack  16:08

Like, where’s your family from?

SuChin Pak 

Where’s your family from?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah, I’m from here, bitch. And I’m wearing this T-shirt for girls. I want to give a shout out to Ally Maki and Amanda Tran of Asian American Girl club. And they’re an apparel company set to redefine what it means to be a modern Asian American woman. Whether it be through flooding her timeline with powerful images of rad women creating content from interviews, to skincare to straight up real talk or designing goodies with these specifically in mind. They’re dedicated to the normalization of the next generation of AAPI gals and boss babes.

SuChin Pak 

I love that “I’m from here.”

Kulap Vilaysack 

I love that. So again, clearly, we’re talking about the other side of millennials, Gen Z. And you know what, but Auntie can also flex as well. Auntie can could put up this soft, supple tie dye tee.

SuChin Pak 

Auntie can do that, and let me tell you Auntie feels that T like a woman.

Kulap Vilaysack

That’s right with a rosier..

SuChin Pak 

Like a woman.

Kulap Vilaysack 

With her Clydesdales.

SuChin Pak 

Love it, adding that to cart.

SuChin Pak 

Okay, so, guys, I am so excited to introduce everyone to our friend. She used to be my neighbor but we’ll get into that in a moment. Actress singer Majandra Delfino, she rose to fame as Maria DeLuca on the cult hit Roswell. She then went on to start and films oh, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it—TRAFFIC. TV shows like THE OFFICE playing Dwight sister. After years of seeing her favorite shows get canceled. She created what we like to call a spiritual successor to her sci fi roots with a huge mega crowdfunding. Meta dramedy, she wrote called B +T with a partner and costar an ex-boyfriend in real life Brendan Fehr. All the way from Venezuela via Hollywood. And now a cabin in the woods by the beach. Majandra Delfino. Welcome, Yay.

Majandra Delfino  18:24

Love that. What an intro.

SuChin Pak 

Welcome and wait. Majandra you and Kulap know each other. You guys met. Where did, Kulap tell us where you guys met?

Majandra Delfino 

Set the scene for us.

Majandra Delfino 

That were like been incredible. It’s basically like, you know, working through issues and dark times. And of course, everybody wanted to talk about Trump. And she was like, no, no, no. Too heavy.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Absolutely. You know what everybody does, right? You go to your friend’s house, in this case, Mary Elizabeth Ellis days house with a bunch of your girl pals and girlfriends. And you have a circle where a White Lady shaman, sorry. And you have guided meditations and you and you meet people. It’s what we call a classic Hollywood mixer. It’s a meet cute. It really is. And I feel like this happened, like right after Trump was elected in 2016. And so we, I think all wanted to talk about that. And I was like, no, no, no, let’s not talk about that.

SuChin Pak 

I’m not getting paid enough for that lady.

Majandra Delfino 

She also was like; I don’t know what to say. No one saw it coming.

SuChin Pak

I’m just a surprise. I’m just a shaman. I’m not a mind reader.

Majandra Delfino 

Yeah. And I just remember also this one girl who probably like 45 minutes later they were talking about manifestation as you do. And she was talking about how good she is at manifesting. And then she was like, but I just can’t believe that I didn’t manifest Hillary winning. And then the shaman was like, oh God, like so and then it got brought back. Oh, yeah. To be clear, we kept bringing it out. No one could let it go.

Kulap Vilaysack  20:21

Could not. Would not.

Majandra Delfino 

Yeah, and definitely should not.

SuChin Pak 

That’s what was there. You know what I mean? That’s what was there. Yeah. Majandra, you and I, we were neighbors.

Majandra Delfino 

Oh, boy. Yeah.

SuChin Pak 

Our children went to the same schools. We’ve bonded over lots of things. Let’s see, cheese, plates more specifically, also, should we or should we not put tracking devices on our children.

Majandra Delfino 

Big time.

SuChin Pak 

Anyway, you and I have always been, you know, communicating through social media and texting. And I said, you know, we said, okay, you have to come on. Now, what is the category that you want to talk about? And without hesitation, it was like bing. Your category was?

Majandra Delfino 

Hanging on to youth for dear life.

SuChin Pak 

And I said, yes. So let’s get into it. Can you tell us about some of the things you’re going to talk about this category.

Majandra Delfino 

I had so much to say, you guys that Claire had to boop, boop, like just bring it down a little bit. I was like, I have 15 things I want to share just clearly going through a crisis. So okay, I’ve narrowed it down first of all. My biggest thing, besides just the obvious about aging, is how just unintelligent I’m becoming. Like, what’s happening to my brain.

SuChin Pak 

We’ve talked about this neurotropic.

Majandra Delfino 

I have been on a quest for the neurotropics and nootropic you have, and of course, as a lady, you know, you go to a doctor, and you’re like, I want that pill that the limitless pill the yes. You know, you can’t get anything. When you’re a woman, my husband goes in, he’s tried all kinds of stuff, you know.

Kulap Vilaysack  22:09

I just want to double check with you guys. The limitless pill is not Molly.

Majandra Delfino

No, but for a while, I thought it was, Kulap. […]

SuChin Pak 

We’re not discouraging from that.

Majandra Delfino 

You have to call it MDMA. And then it’s okay. No, but we’re supposed to always be renewing and creating healthy new cells, right? And that’s what happens, or what doesn’t happen to the old face. When it starts to suffer, that also affects you know, the cells in here and all that. So I’ve always been obsessed with that aspect of like, okay, let’s get down to the actual, like, foundation of the problem. And have found this. I mean, I guess it’s a vitamin. Also, guys, not a doctor. None of us are, no one here. But it’s called Spermidine.

Kulap Vilaysack 


Majandra Delfino

That’s the problem. And also, I feel like it taps into did you guys ever have those boyfriends that would try to convince you that like, the sperm is like, it’s healthy for you. It’s like good for you.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yep. Yep, I have. I do. I do.

SuChin Pak  

What is it?

Majandra Delfino 

Okay, so I wrote this down, because this is what I do. I don’t know if you guys do this. I get all my information. I read stuff. I’m like, ooh, yes, no, I decide and then I buy the thing. And then I completely forget what you know how to explain the science. But this helps you create and renew cells in a healthy and more productive and bountiful way.

SuChin Pak 

Wait, okay, so do you take this once a day? And then what do you feel like?

Majandra Delfino 

Oh, you don’t feel any? You don’t feel anything right away. But I’ll tell you this. Go ahead. I always try this stuff, by the way, guys. And then I’m like, whatever. I didn’t like it. But this is the only one where I’m like, Oh, I have just felt like my words are closer. You know, when you try to think of a word and that thing is just so goddamn far away.

Kulap Vilaysack  24:20

Yes, I do.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, yeah.

Majandra Delfino 

I just feel a little bit like a like, I’m more in control of thought process things like going into another room and actually remembering why I went in there to get what I was getting. You know what I mean?

Kulap Vilaysack 

I do.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, gosh, yes. I mean, I’ve gotten I mean Majandra I know that this this obsession of yours with this is so real, because we’ve talked for years and years and years. And I can’t believe you found a product. So you’re saying over time you have felt like this is really, no side effects?

Majandra Delfino 

So no side effects at all because I can’t deal guys like I can’t do anything fun or productive. Everything I get sick. I don’t feel I get a headache like everything. I’m the most sensitive person.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh, so you’re a great sample. You’re a great. Okay.

Majandra Delfino 

Yeah, I guess but I actually think I’m a terrible one because the barometer is so sensitive that you know, for some people it could slide but like..

SuChin Pak 

I’m adding to cart right now.

Majandra Delfino 

I’m telling you give it a chance. It’s basically building things on the molecular level, which is the key. It’s like the foundation of where all this stuff starts to just crumble and crumbling it has. And that’s what’s such a bummer to me mostly about aging is the mental stuff. You know? Just slowly, because just start becoming a dummy.

SuChin Pak 

It’s like both of fear because I do feel it. And I was obsessed about it for a while. And then I’ve come to the other side. Where I’m like, it’s not so bad to overthink every little decision in your life. It’s actually okay to forget pretty much most of your life and just eat your ice cream cone.

Kulap Vilaysack  26:22

That’s what being wise is, it’s like, you know, you just take more time because it’s like, well, what am I talking about?

SuChin Pak 

Yeah, you do less things, you have less opinions. You know, all of that. And so some of it has been really an ego, let me not get into all the spiritualness  but like, it has genuinely been like, you know what, I have to let go, this feeling that I have to know everything, that I have to be on at all times. And know, you know, and be productive and..

Majandra Delfino 

But that’s the thing I was never any of those things, you know, so it’s just like, just being able to hold a conversation and not be like uhm.. uhm.. That aspect. I can’t handle it.

SuChin Pak 

Totally. Oh my God, we love this. In some ways, now that I look at the word Spermadine, I’m actually comforted that they didn’t go.. […]

Majandra Delfino 

Yeah, like they don’t have enough ingredients for this to go mainstream. So they’re like, let’s make it unappealing.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah. Like you’re dining on sperm. No, let’s mix it up a little bit.

SuChin Pak 

Yeah, it’s Spermadine. By the way, and maybe it is a good, maybe it’s a genius Google search that they’ve somehow hacked into. They’re like, listen, you know what we’re get searched a lot on Google rise right to the top there in your search function.

Majandra Delfino 

It’s full algorithm but they didn’t..

SuChin Pak 

I couldn’t think of the word algorithm. So it took me two sentences to get that, anyway.

Majandra Delfino  28:06

This guy.

SuChin Pak 

And that’s where we break. We’ll be back.

Majandra Delfino 

So my next The other thing is, I want you to really just hang on to the panties. Claire, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Claire is not wearing  panties.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yep. But SuChin and I have a lot of material that we can grab.

SuChin Pak 

You want me to hold the bottom half near my knees or the top half under my boobs? Which one? Both!

Majandra Delfino 

I love it. So far, I’m kicking it off with two supplements, but this is the thing. Here’s the other problem. I don’t know if you guys have ever done a wormhole or gone down a wormhole on Christie Brinkley. It just she’s looks so good, okay?

Kulap Vilaysack 

She does. She does.

Majandra Delfino 

But it’s like..

Kulap Vilaysack 


Majandra Delfino 

Yeah, it’s just like, stop.

Kulap Vilaysack 

She looks good in an unplastic way.

Majandra Delfino 

Yes. Where she’s just like, Hi. You know, every day is just, you know.

Kulap Vilaysack 

She’s got a youthful energy.

Majandra Delfino 

Yeah. And I never I’m gonna have that, there’s no pill. Yeah. One of the things though I did realize about this broad that she admits is that she clips on a ton of hair.

Kulap Vilaysack 

What? Oh, okay. Okay. And you know what? A lot of people do that. And many women don’t realize.

Majandra Delfino

Like we need to understand that people are putting tons of hair clip.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah, their tap, tap tapping. We don’t get to see it. But like that’s not, that’s not their full main. So we shouldn’t feel bad,

Majandra Delfino 

So we shouldn’t feel bad. Exactly. So I’m not gonna clip hair on you know what I mean? I can’t put that kind of effort into stuff.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah, well, cuz it’s not just clipping, you’re gonna have to at some point your gonna have to wash it, you’re gonna have to comb it.

SuChin Pak  30:03

The maintenance.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s a hard enough with my own.

Majandra Delfino 


Kulap Vilaysack 

It’s too much.

Majandra Delfino 

Exactly. I’ve been down the road of like the bieten the hair gummies there’s even this thing called Viviscal. You know, all this stuff. And I don’t understand how I found out about this. But some hippie just like, offered this information up, that she had this insane long hair to hear. I mean, I can’t even show all the way. And she said she could never get her hair past this length.

SuChin Pak 

So you’re pointing to your shoulder, and then she had it down.

Majandra Delfino 

And she had it down. Thank you so much, SuChin, this is not a visual medium.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And this is an old reference, but it sounds to me like a Crystal Gayle type.

SuChin Pak 

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Length, fullness.

SuChin Pak 

Yes, mounted on a bare back on a thoroughbred.

Majandra Delfino

Yes, and that thoroughbred has long hair, you know, so everyone has this beautiful long hair. And she was like, I had super thin. You know, I couldn’t get past shoulder length. And it was already thin and always breakage, blah, blah, blah. And she’s like, until I started taking Nettle Leaf.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Nettle leaf.

Majandra Delfino

Which is an herb. Okay, listen, tell me a supplement. I’ll get it. I’ll try it. You know what I mean? Like, obviously. So here’s what was really interesting. My hair got like, so, guys, this is gonna be a tricky one to explain. Because I feel like you’re gonna have to get like, sort of like a penis reference in this. I don’t know how.

Kulap Vilaysack 

If that’s what’s needed, please.

Majandra Delfino

My hair used to be in diameter. Like, if you if you squeezed the ponytail of it. Okay, I didn’t know how we were doing this now. I understand. Okay, sure. Nothing more girth here. You know? So the girth of my ponytail was like, I don’t know. Like an inch and a half.

Kulap Vilaysack  32:10

A Hebrew national hot dog. Is that a fair? Maybe more or less?

Majandra Delfino 

Perfect. Exactly. Now, it’s like a very expensive kielbasa, like, thick. Just three inch thick.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Wow, we’re we are neat. nearing coke can.

Majandra Delfino 

I feel like give me a year, Kulap, and I am Guinness. This is what tipped me to the point of like, I can go and put this out there into the world. And God bless. I don’t know how this is gonna go over but my husband, you know, he’s getting up there. And he started to feel like he was seeing some thinning in the old pair, which is oh, you know.

SuChin Pak 

For a man. Yeah, that’s punching right in a soft spot.

Majandra Delfino 

Yeah. So he was fully down to the point of like, I will do not Rogaine. What did they do now Propecia, he’s like, I will do the Propecia, it’d be the things you hear about are crazy. Speaking of like, penis, there’s some penis stuff that happens..

Kulap Vilaysack 

To the actual penis?

Majandra Delfino

I mean, you guys, I don’t know if just it’s too far, to what comes out of the penis.

SuChin Pak 

What does or doesn’t come out or does come out?

Majandra Delfino 

Such a perfect like you had an instinct SuChin, it’s that, like less stuff comes out I was like, what a wonderful thing. You know?

SuChin Pak 

We’ve dated that guy.

Majandra Delfino  34:00

Yeah. Like, I’m already dating Spermadine. (laughs)

SuChin Pak

Yeah, but that’s that must be disturbing for a gentleman.

Majandra Delfino  34:15

Because it’s just like that. And then just, you know, like, yeah, the spiral. Yeah. Right. So I didn’t like that for him. I didn’t like that for anyone. But he was ready. You know, I think guys just have to get to a point and you know, he’s in the visual medium shamaning, you know, on the site. But I was like, try this Nettle Leaf. Just try it. Change the game. Never looking back.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I mean, this is for all of our listeners.

SuChin Pak 

We I mean, this is we need stock. Wait, hold on. We gotta […] We got to put codes on this […] this shit is flying off the shelves.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Please, one more thing.

SuChin Pak 

Yeah, please. One more. I know.

Majandra Delfino

I feel like this is gonna be a real letdown because it’s very controversial. It’s a controversial product for sure. And I just want you to bear with me. I think that we just have to get to a point where we have to sort of like knock ourselves out. You know it’s In this day and age..

SuChin Pak 

Who’s got time to fall asleep? Yes. Majandra.

Majandra Delfino 

This is controversial. Okay. For because here’s the thing, guys, I’m just gonna come out with it. It is a Kardashian product.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Well, SuChin, are you okay? SuChin? SuChin, come back. Come back, SuChin.

SuChin Pak 

Look, it’s a vital protein. The Collagen. And this one has melatonin, okay? So you’re getting your collagen. You’re getting melatonin. It’s the only one that only time vital proteins has. I don’t know why they were like, yes. When it came to Kourtney Kardashian, otherwise they don’t care. But then you got to put this as like a two folder. Have you, SuChin ever tried this melatonin?

SuChin Pak  36:13

What’s that? No, what is it’s a drop. I do the sublingual.

Majandra Delfino

This is sublingual. And it’s premier research labs. And I’m telling you guys, you put a full drop. I don’t even do a full dropper. It’s like this thing..

Kulap Vilaysack 

You’re knocked out.

SuChin Pak 

Because you might not get up.

SuChin Pak 

And your face is gonna be so full. Just a corpse in your bed, sleeping the days away. So you do both?

Majandra Delfino 

You’re a person who you know likes to just play it safe. I would just do this and then you’re getting your collagen, which we all know helps, you know, helps with staying youthful and supple. But if you’re like me, and you literally want like a punch in the face to pass out, double up, double up, baby.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Put it in the smoothie, put it into that your night smoothie.

Majandra Delfino 

Put it in your night smoothie, or just put it right under your tongue. Because I feel like that’s the thing that people don’t realize half, 90% of these people that just are so sharp or look so great. Or you know can still run bubble but like they rest man. That’s it. It’s such a bummer. I hate it. I wish that I didn’t have to sleep. I wish I could do three hours.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And then, I’m sorry. So how does the Kardashians come to play their spokesperson?

Majandra Delfino 

It’s not only the Kardashians, Kulap. It’s poosh.

Kulap Vilaysack 

What is a poosh?

Majandra Delfino 

So that’s I’m still trying to figure it out. That is Kourtney Kardashians I think sort of answer to goop. She has this weekly newsletter.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh, oh.

SuChin Pak 

It sounds like air that comes out of your vegene. It’s like a woosh.

Majandra Delfino  38:02

Dainty queef.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Majandra, thank you so much.

Majandra Delfino 

Thank you guys. This is so exciting to be on. I can’t I do not miss an episode.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh, thank you.

Majandra Delfino 

The minute it lands. I’m like leave me alone.

SuChin Pak 

Tell everyone where everyone can find you. We’re gonna have all of the links on @Add ToCartPod as well. But tell everyone where they can find you. So they can get all the good stuff.

Majandra Delfino 

Basically I just say at Instagram. @majandrama. That’s it.

SuChin Pak 

And it’s so fun. It’s such a deep dive into your life as well, which is both hilarious and also Architectural Digest. You know what I mean? Like Where do you get that?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh, wow.

Majandra Delfino 

I thought you’re gonna say both hilarious and sad.

SuChin Pak 

No, no, none of this is sad. But you’re so well rested and plump. Majandra, we love you. We hope that you’ll come on regularly a Dr. Delfino.

Majandra Delfino 

Oh my gosh, please thank you.

SuChin Pak 

And drop that knowledge.

Majandra Delfino 

Anytime you guys need me. I’m here. doing the research. Putting the hard work in.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Alright, everyone, that is it for this episode of Add To Cart. You may thank us later for the years we’ve just added on to all of your lives.

SuChin Pak

Oh my goodness, that whole hair conversation. I’m still reeling. We want to hear all of your thoughts, your recommendations, all of it. We love it. Our Instagram is at @AddTo CartPod. You can send us a message there or you can call us now at 388-4536-662 and leave a message so exciting. You know I love answering machine message.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I mean, which I’m wondering Claire, our producer. Do you know if anyone has left us any messages? Are we do we have any? Nobody? Okay, all right, I get it. I get it. So guys come on like, we may play you on the show. Isn’t that a fun idea? I want to hear your voices. Do it call us. Wait, Claire seriously, no one’s done it? She doesn’t looking. Just checking. Just checking. Alright, so nobody’s done it.

SuChin Pak  40:26

No one’s done it. We’re just sitting here by a landline. Both Ku and I are just staring at our landline here.

SuChin Pak 

Anyway, it’ll ring, it’ll ring.

Kulap Vilaysack

All right. We appreciate you and we’ll catch you next week friends.

SuChin Pak 



ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate review and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.

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