Lemonada Media

Chop Suey, Chappell Roan, Phlegm

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Sarah wonders why she can’t swallow her cough phlegm. Plus, she helps a woman coparent with a narcissist, picks a food she’d wipe her butt with, and commiserates alongside Chappell Roan.

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Sender 4, Christina, Bradford, Rachel, Amy, Sender 7, Sender 3, Sarah Silverman, Jess, Doug

Sarah Silverman  00:14

Hi everybody. It’s your old pal, Sarah. I have had this cough and it’s it’s finally it bruised my ribs because it was this dry, choking cough. And now I just have this occasional very, very productive cough, which is just so attractive, but you know, when you have a productive cough, see if I can get going, there’s a little bit there. But you know, and you cough and like, all this phlegm goes in your mouth, and people go spit it out, you got to spit it out. And I get it like you want to get it out. But here is my disgusting question for you. I know you’re supposed to spit it out, but if you do swallow it accidentally, or because, like, you’re in public or something, doesn’t it just it’s not like it goes back into your lungs, it goes into your you poop it out. So why do you need to spit it out? I mean, I do, and it feels like the right thing, but it isn’t going back when you swallow something. It doesn’t go in your lungs, it goes into your stomach and then it turns into duty, anyone?


Amy  01:24

But isn’t it mostly like bad back, like viral, infected, green stuff.


Sarah Silverman  01:34

Right? But like, then your body will find no nutrients in it and turn it into poop.


Amy  01:40

Maybe it’s just gross.


Sarah Silverman  01:42

It is gross. It’s very gross. It reminds me of a joke that I don’t even I’m loathe to tell because it always makes me gag. And I think of Annie Siegel, my old assistant, who’s my current just friend, who, if you’re listening to this, you should turn this off if I tell this joke, because it would definitely make her vomit. But sometimes I think of this joke when I’m brushing my teeth, and it makes me gag. It’s just, it’s something like the old west, and a guy goes into a bar and he says, I want a beer, but I don’t have any money. And the guy goes, well, then I’m not gonna give you a beer. And he goes, but I really want a beer. And he goes, All right, listen, if you take a sip of this spittoon, I’ll give you a free beer. And the guy goes, okay, I’m gagging already. And so he starts drinking from this spittoon. And the bartender is like, so grossed out. And he’s like, okay. But the guy keeps drinking until it’s like, all gone. And then he goes, I told you you could stop. And then the guy goes, yeah, but it was all in peace. Oh no, is that the joke? Is that even Amy’s vomiting? I honestly, I don’t like telling that joke, but I felt like I needed to purge it. Let’s take some calls.


Jess  03:13

Hi, Sarah. My name is Jess and I desperately need your advice. I have an extremely manipulative gaslighting narcissist ex husband that I share two kids with, and I at a complete loss on what to do. I’ve talked with my lawyer, I’ve talked to my therapist, I’ve even talked with Liz Lenz about it, and no one has an answer. Just today, I was accused of having borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder, which is hilarious, because I work for a mental illness Health Organization. He hides behind his mommy, and I think that I should buy him a Ouija board so that my mom can communicate with him, because that seems only there. What should I do? He is impossible to communicate with and to parent with, and the gaslighting has gotten out of control, help me.


Sarah Silverman  04:21

God, that’s awful. My stomach is like in knots just hearing that. It’s so frustrating. Um, I think number one is reminding yourself that you can only control yourself. You can ask if he’d be willing to see maybe a couple’s therapist. I know you’re not a couple anymore, but you do have to figure out how to get along, even if just in the most hands off way, because you you’ve got kids together. Here, you know you may owe it to your children to figure out how to get along, at least until the youngest is 18, and by then, hopefully you two will be like old army buddies by then, because time can really be a blessing in that way, even the ugliest divorces my parents as an example, boy, ugly, awful divorce. And by the time I was 18, I’m the youngest they were. They were old pals. So don’t get hung up on what he may be telling the kids. I know it’s hard. Don’t get hung up on that. I promise it will not serve you. Just focus on never saying a single bad word about him to your kids. You can only control your side of the street, and I promise you. I mean, I can’t promise you, but I really, truly believe, from my own experience as a kid whose father told me terrible things about my mother, that they will grow up and see the truth just by virtue of what kind of parent talks shit about the other parent to their kids. I know it’s common, but it is also, hands down, so shitty, and we all know that now, right? We know that that’s shitty, but it still happens. And so you can take that stress off your table, just It’s none of your business what he’s saying to your kids. It sucks, but don’t get in your head about it. You can’t control it. And listen, I know that I talk about my dad all the time, and my dad became my best friend as an adult, but I was very clear about how shitty he was during their divorce, and we’ve even talked about it and he, he’s clear about it too. He eventually realized, when he grew and and became a different person, you know, he, he could look back and go, that was no bueno. He does not need to have power over you when he says shitty things, try to see it for what it likely is, which is weakness, if fighting him brings you to his level, and then you just feel crazy. So you know, maybe go with that improvisation rule yes and you know, just yes and him agree with him. Wow, that’s such a good point. No, thank you for pointing that out. That’s actually a really good point. I mean, you have to be very solid. You have to be in a really solid place to be able to do this and not deliver it with anger or sarcasm. Anyway, this is a shitty, sucky, fucked up situation that you can’t just walk away from, because you have kids, you work in mental health. How do you handle people like him, you know, see if you can kind of be objective to you know, but all of this to say, good luck. I know I can’t imagine how hard it is. Keep your friends close to you. Keep your support system. You can talk shit about him to your good friends. Do not do that around their kids. They pick up on everything you know that what he’s doing is not your business. You know, listen, I was with a man years ago who had kids, and the ex wife hated me. And I remember taking the daughter to breakfast once when she was little, and she goes, my mom says that her and her friends all laugh at you. And I was just like, oh, that makes sense, because I’m a comedian. I hope so. You know, it just fucking deflect it. It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t need more adults, you know, acting like children, the kid you know, good luck. Call back, let me know if it, uh, if it gets better at all. What else?


Rachel  09:14

Hi, Sarah. This is Rachel, um, unrelated to my question, but I just have to tell you, I’m a huge fan, and I loved the bed wetter. It made me cry. I was like weeping in the theater because I was a bed wetter until I was like 13, and I felt very seen. So thank you for that. But my question is actually about chapel Roan. So first of all, are you a chapel Rowan fan? I’m a massive fan, and like every other queer person on the planet, I’ve loved her since her recent album, The Rise and Fall of Midwest Princess, came out, but I feel like more recently, she has blown up overnight. She blew up really quickly. The Straits got a hold of her. Now she’s massive, and everyone loves her. And I’m curious if you know about the sort of conversation that she started online, kind of the drama. Up that she has started. She posted on Tiktok about housing. She blew up. Her fans have gone a little nuts and are like following her around and screaming at her from car windows and like and even just people asking for photos and kind of demanding her time and energy and feeling very entitled to it when she says no. So as a fellow famous person, I’m really curious to hear your perspective on this, if you’ve experienced crazy fans, and just how you think about celebrity worship culture in general. Yeah, that’s my question. Love the pad. Thank you so much for it.


Sarah Silverman  10:37

Listen, I do understand that it’s kind of part of the deal. But it says a lot about the person who is approaching like because they’re the people that just want that picture for their things, so that they their value goes up in their mind, or whatever, and it’s just so it’s like, this weird, greedy kind of, it makes you feel like a thing, you know, like a, I don’t know, like a monkey in a zoo, which I also don’t like, you know, like, I don’t even like that for monkeys, you know. But I love when people go, like, yeah, I love what you do. Or, hey, can I have a picture, or whatever. It’s like, Yeah, sure. It’s no big deal. I love talking to people. I’m interested in people. But then there’s the people that approach that are like, they’re scary, you know, and I know they’re just like, shy, or they go, you know, a lot of times people go like, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I but can we take a picture, I’m sorry, or they make you sign a ton of things. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s like, it feels almost violating, because they’re like, apologizing while they’re doing it. You know, like, if they if you’re sorry, or you feel like this is creepy or weird, don’t do it you know, just if you’re gonna go up to someone, just say, like, hey, I’m a fan. I’d love a picture. You know, just be cool. I know it’s, listen, I was not famous before, you know, and I remember seeing this actress was in New Hampshire, and she was at a restaurant, and she was, she played the mom on the original one day at a time, and I asked her for an autograph, and she gave it to me. You know, not a big deal, but it’s, there’s a creep, creepiness factor that please be aware of. You know, that’s just, it is frightening. You know, if you’re just by yourself, I’m not someone who’s, like, surrounded by a team much, you know, like I’m by myself a lot, but I do think, like your question about celebrity worship and stuff, I do think it’s a mistake, you know. I think it’s a really big mistake to make anyone a deity, you know, you you like their art. That’s wonderful. But what happens is, if you make them a god, they’re gonna do or say something that will disappoint you or that you don’t agree with or you don’t like, and it will make you feel betrayed, because you’ve been worshiping at the altar of this person that’s not healthy. Don’t do that if you like their stuff, that’s great, but you become the construction worker who’s like, can I walk with you? Oh, I can’t fucking bitch, you know, like that, that very hot and very cold thing. You know, celebrities are these chaperone or these people are. They’re human beings whose art you like, and that’s great. It’s wonderful. But you don’t have to pin all your needs and hopes and dreams and heart and self onto them. They’re just they’re whoever they are. You know, you like the stuff they make. It’s best. If that is enough.


Sender 3  14:10

So I’ll make this quick. Been married 14 years, recently separated since last September. I’m at my wit’s end. I don’t know what to do. I feel like you’re the perfect person that can answer my question. I’ve been on dating apps. Everyone at my synagogue is old, way older than me, so no options there. At my job, no options there either. Like, where do I go? What do I do? Is it coffee shops? Is it bookstores? Is it the beach? Like, where do I go? Sarah, please help me.


Sarah Silverman  14:42

I love that you go to synagogue. If everyone’s older than you, then like, they’re all yentas. Just be like, Hey, I’m single. Now, if you have, you know, a daughter that I think he’s straight, was he saying he’s right? You know, they’ll all be like, Oh my God, my Sharon. Uh, but it besides that, uh, where do you love to go? Go to the the places that make you happy. Because if you meet someone there, you already have, like, a shared place that you love. But also apps, baby, I know very happily married couples who met on Bumble and okay Cupid and even, what’s the one with the first one with swiping Tinder? I know a married couple who met on Tinder, hinge and Bumble seem like very strong ones, from what I’m hearing from the hearsay these days. But also I, you know, I don’t know. I fell in love playing Call of Duty. So, I mean, we had met before through comedy, but I fell in love with him whilst killing Nazis together. What about some kind of volunteering? You know? Then you know that she’s like a mensch a soup kitchen, you know, working for a campaign that you for someone that you believe in anything where you’ve got common something, you know, common heart, common social values, common shit like that. And if you don’t meet someone doing that, you will have still done something very good for other people and for your heart. Oh, bar trivia, I bet that’s a really good idea. You’ll meet people. You’ll meet their friends. You could meet someone or meet someone who knows the perfect someone. But I get it. It’s hard, after a long relationship, it’s hard to know who you are. Like who am I without this person? What? How do I? Who am I? What do I do? What’s my nest? Test the waters if you don’t have to rush in, you know, work on your relationship with yourself in the meantime, and your relationship with your friends. I am terrible at nurturing my friendships. I’m terrible, especially when I’m in a relationship, and that shit is important. It’s so important to nurture your friendships. I’m not good at it. I because when I am busy and I’m in a relationship, then the little time I have, I I want to be alone, but, um, but it is really important to do that, yeah, put the word out there with with quality friends that you adore, who might know someone. I mean, listen, you are at a huge advantage as a single straight man. Because, God, I have a list. I have a singles list on my phone, and it is just so lopsided with so many more women, amazing women. So congrats on that, and good luck. What else?


Sender 4  17:54

Hey, Sarah, long time fan, I just wanted to let you know, like when I was a kid, I watched SNL a lot, and I remember lunch Ladyland, and my eyes were literally glued to you as Chop Suey and you looked freaking miserable.


Sarah Silverman  18:12

I did?


Sender 4  18:13

I gotta know, were you miserable? It was fantastic. It made it. Made it for me. Anyway. Thanks. Love you, bye.


Sarah Silverman  18:22

Did I look miserable? I don’t know. I vaguely remember it being very uncomfortable, but I only had it on for a short time, and I was really happy to just be a part of it. I was thrilled to be in any sketches, and it ended up being kind of so classic, that one oh Adam songs, but yeah, I was just happy to be in it. I mean, the most uncomfortable ever was December of 1993 just to give you an idea of how good I look, and Charlton Heston, who was already a very old actor, but I can’t remember why he was the host, but he was the host. And so they did a Planet of the Apes thing. So I was put into one of the original Planet of the Apes costumes with all the prosthetics on my face. And they just wanted that on me at noon for a show that starts at 1130 because I was going to be one of the as I many times, was would ask a question, a fake question, of the host. You know, they sometimes plant people in the audience ask a question. I was one of them, and I was in full Planet of the Apes prosthetics. I had a face glued on my face. And why did that suck? Besides it just not being comfortable. I was so sick. I had a cold and my nose was just running, but I had a face glued on. To my face, so I couldn’t wipe my nose at all, and it was awful. I remember I had a winter coat that I bought at, like a used clothing store, and it had like a fake fur collar, and it was cold, and I was in the writer’s room, and I just fell asleep on the couch, because it was the only way I could deal with being so sick and having a face glued to my face for the next 12 hours, and someone took a picture of it, and I do have it, I’ll post it, or whatever. But yeah, it was, that was very uncomfortable, but worth it for the story. All right, Chop Suey, what else?


Bradford  20:41

Hi, Sarah, Love you. Love your show. Bradford here. Okay, so the question is, I was on a bus trip in Europe, going from one country to another, and for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to eat a bunch of hash that I cooked into chocolate. I definitely got super baked, super high. But then my stomach started gurgling, and it was not a good scene. So I went to the bathroom. Bus had a bathroom thank goodness, just, you know, did what I had to do, like that hash definitely let some some demons loose. But then I looked and realized that this bus did not have any toilet paper at all. It was just completely empty. I guess, you know, maybe it was understood you weren’t supposed to use this thing or you bring your own. But long story short, I needed to figure out what to do. So I looked in my backpack that I had with me, and all I could find was a giant bag of croissants, a giant bag of mini croissants. And you know what? It was kind of a great experience. I highly recommend if you have to use something that’s not toilet paper to wipe your ass, croissants could be, you know, you could do worse than croissants. Love you. Let me know what food you would like to use if you had to use a food to wipe your butt.


Sarah Silverman  22:01

I mean, if you have nothing but croissants, yeah, that’s a good that’s, I mean, as you were talking, I was like, Wonder Bread. Wonder Bread, for some reason, just like, white bread, just soft on your tucus, absorbent. For some reason, that’s what came into my head. A croissant seems like that’s like the difference between, like, a shitty, like airport toilet paper that breaks up into a million pieces in your asshole, and, like, you know, like a Charmin extra strong, I feel like the croissant would be like the airport, bus terminal toilet paper that, because it’s so flaky, it must have broken up into lots of little pieces. I’m really thinking about it. Let’s see food aside, I guess I would say a sock or your own underwear would probably be also a smart move. I you know, my dad had a story I’ll never forget. He went to Israel to visit his grandkids and his daughter, and they went to the beach at night and had like, a bonfire, and he said, all of a sudden it hit him, he he was gonna have explosive diarrhea. There was nothing he could do. So he, like, just ran to a different part of the beach, and it was pitch black, and you couldn’t see anything. And he just, like, diarrhea, it in the sand and wiped with sand, and then just tried to, like, bury it. And then he came back to where everybody else was, and they were like, Okay, let’s drive back. And then, like, friends of Susie’s, my sister was like, Oh, Mr. Silverman, ride with us. He was like, uh, okay. And he was positive that he was, like, covered in shit and smelled like shit because he just used sand to wipe and he was so self conscious, he like, rolled down the window, and he was just thinking, like, oh my god, I bet I smell like shit. And then he said he finally got back to Susie’s, and he went to the bathroom, and he he said his asshole was immaculate, and he thinks that it was like, or, you know, like a burning bush, kind of biblical, magical thing that happened in Israel. These are the ways my father wants to be remembered.


Christina  24:25

Hi, Sarah, it’s your friend Christina in LA I going through something that I’m not sure how to navigate right now, my boyfriend of two years, who I just adore and love, and really thought that we were going to go to forever, told me a week ago that he has a lot of healing to do and a lot of finding himself to do. He wants to learn how to be whole with himself and love himself, and he believes he needs to do it alone and not in a relationship. And his language is all about us getting back together in the future after he’s done this, and I just I love him so much, and I want to support him in his healing, but I’m so heartbroken that he feels like he can’t do it with me, and I’ve tried to convince him of ways we could cater to his healing, and he just believes this is the thing. And also, I don’t know how to have hope for us in the future, but also be more realistic. I’d love to know your thoughts. Thank you.


Sarah Silverman  25:56

Christina. I know this is so hard, but you have to take him at his word. You can’t try to change his mind. Take him at his word that he has shit to do on his own, whatever he told you that just just you have to accept that you can’t second guess what it means, or what it really means, or whatever. Just know that he wants to be alone right now, and also don’t wait for him. If you guys are meant to be down the road and you you’re both single and that happens, that’s wonderful, and you’ve both grown in ways where you’re still compatible, awesome, but yeah, I would strongly suggest that you do not sit around waiting for him, and I know that it hurts and it feels Like rejection, and I know you probably cannot even relate to what I’m about to say to you, but you do not want to be with a person who needs or wants to be alone right now. Just respect it and yourself and try to move on, even if Moving on is being sad in a ball, crying for a while, you know? And the truth is that this is an opportunity find out who you are without him. What do you like? What’s fun for you? What does life look like when entirely designed by you and again? Maybe someday you’ll get together and it’ll be great. Maybe you won’t. Do not wait. Have adventures, meet new people, make out with someone. Everything he says he’s looking to do sounds pretty damn good. So don’t waste this time where you are your own woman. Find out who you are, even if this was not your idea, and it wasn’t, it’s an opportunity, and it’s okay if you’re sad or you’re unhappy or you feel rejected or you feel broken up with or the all those things are fine. They’re feelings. That’s all we’re made up of. But you’re gonna move past it, and it might be fantastic. Say yes to stuff, make unforgettable memories with friends. You can do this. I know you can do this. And just know that no one, Nobody escapes, going through heartbreak that makes you, like all of us, that makes you not unique, take comfort in that welcome to the club, move through it and then move past it, and good luck. And call back in six months and tell me where you’re at. Okay, promise. All right, what else?


Sender 7  29:28

Hi, Sarah. I’m calling because I wanted to ask for your opinion on something that I’ve been struggling to figure out and can’t and I believe that you are possibly the only person in the world with the right knowledge and right perspective to be able to see this issue the way I’m seeing it, and also be able to articulate it the way I have not been able to. So here is my question, what is it about? Dan Harmon. Uh, that makes him feel so goyish to me, the answer is not that he is, in fact, a goy because we, I mean, plenty of people are, but something about him, specifically, he does so many things that seem like they should feel Jewy, complaining, introspection. But somehow it was listening to some little podcasts of his, and somehow I’m just hearing goy. And I can’t make the pieces add up that way. I can’t figure out what the difference is between the Jew version of that in the Dan Harmon version of that. I really feel like if anybody on the planet is an expert on the specific convergence of knowledge that would be required in order to answer this question, it’s you. So I thought I would see if you had any thoughts. Stan Harmon, Gentile, yes. Gentile, seeming, yes. Why? How that’s all bye.


Sarah Silverman  31:03

Very interesting and unexpected question. I don’t know how to answer this, but I will first say that this is not the greatest time for the Jews, and I don’t know that people are starting to not appreciate being called goy goyisha by Jews. The more society at large seems to be collectively finished with Jews in general, the more they are finding less charm in their Jewish friends calling them goy. But boy, if I had to answer this question, I actually think Dan wouldn’t mind, but I’m not sure. I mean one, sorry, I would say booze. But also, just from the experience I’ve had with him, and just from caring for him and kind of starting out together at a certain in a certain way, I think that the people who really should have given him unconditional love were withholding. And that’s a recipe for great artists and a it’s gonna come off a little of the goisha Probably, but God damn, if you don’t get you just don’t get more brilliant than Dan Harmon, truly a beautiful writer. And boy, I hope he’s had, I think he’s, I would have to ask him. I think he’s the happiest he’s been. I think he’s with an amazing partner, and I’m rooting for him. And God, life is just fucking hard for people. I’ve worked with him since the Sarah Silverman program on a web series he did where I played Betsy Ross and the show, what fucking what was it called? It’s just like everything he does. It’s totally brilliant and so fucking funny.


Amy  33:03

I think that it was great minds on the History Channel?


Sarah Silverman  33:06

Yes, great minds and it was on the History Channel. I watched them on the, on the on YouTube. But great minds, every episode is so fucking good. The one that sticks out to I mean, I was Betsy Ross, and one that was a good one, but the one that really stuck out to me was the one Jack Black plays Mozart. Oh my god, so fucking it’s just a brilliant idea, you know. And it was on the History Channel, like he just, it’s such a good show. It was, it’s such a good show. I loved, I loved that. I don’t think he does it anymore. He’s probably pretty busy. And to be honest, I would work with him anytime, but I did fire him from this air Silverman program, but he wrote like the best episodes. But I think he would agree life was just too short to have your own show and star in it and not be the only one that is bat shit crazy. I think that’s what he said that I said. I was like, there’s only room for one bat shit crazy person, and it has to be me. But I think he’s found success since.


Amy  34:19

Sarah, why did you fire him?


Sarah Silverman  34:20

Oh, because he made every fucking day miserable for me, and was like walking on eggshells on your own television show. Just seemed like a crazy thing to do.


Amy  34:32

That sounds fair.


Sarah Silverman  34:35

But I think he’s probably grown a lot. I know I have, and I working with him that time on great minds was a blast, and I would love to work with him again. I just think he’s brilliant, but yeah, like, it was contentious, and I I did do the right thing. That’s how miserable was working with him. Because, believe me, I love. His brain was amazing. But I think he’s, I think people enjoy working with him now, and I know that when I worked with him last it was great. He’s character, he’s he’s, there’s nobody like him, all right. What else?


Doug  35:17

Hi, Sarah. I’m Doug from Western New York. I was watching night three of the Democratic National Convention, and Keenan Thompson came out and did a six minute politically themed routine on Project 2025 it was really pretty good, but as I watched it, the thought came to me that six minutes of Sarah Silverman would have been perfect. It’s not because I’m a star struck groupie. I just can’t think of anyone better able to be funny, politically engaged, and who more greatly embodies the liberal spirit that is fueling the current Kamala Harris frenzy. So I have a question, might you play any public role in supporting Kamala Harris in this election, like maybe putting an event together with friends in the entertainment industry, maybe an abbreviated version of something like Band Aid, or a star studded event like we are the world.


Sarah Silverman  36:14

Those aren’t political events.


Doug  36:16

I know there isn’t a lot of time left, but I know you could make a significant impact. On night two of the convention, Michelle Obama proclaimed that we all need to quote, do something. End quote, I really hope you do my something. Was calling you.


Sarah Silverman  36:41

Thank you. I appreciate that, Doug, and you’re not the first person who’s been asking me about this, and I feel like a real dud this year. I do want to do something I’ve been unavailable for, like everything they’ve asked me to do so far and in past years, of course, I’ve done a lot of things and made videos, and I think there’s a few things at work that are making me unavailable and a little reluctant. I want to do whatever I can to help Kamala win, needless to say, or maybe I did need to say that, but one, I’m on tour, so it’s just very hard to do anything else other than pack, unpack, fly, drive, pack, do a show. Pack, drive, unpack. But the other thing is, I haven’t thought of a fresh angle. I don’t know that I have anything new to add, other than God. I hope everybody really votes and votes for for Kamala and and the lagging, nagging thing that I’m saying in my own ear is people really don’t give a fuck what celebrities think. And I don’t know that that moves the needle as much as when I see anything online that I feel like does to illuminate it and post it, or, you know, repost it, if I had some fresh angle, if I felt like I had something that could move the needle more than other people are already doing, I would, but I just I don’t have that little skeleton key that sometimes I feel like I have, and I can’t wait to get out there and tell people X, Y and Z. So anything I can do to help behind the scenes, if I think of something that is not just more of the same that’s out there, that’s already something I can repost of somebody else’s, I would do it. I do want to help in any way I can. But that’s kind of the quandary I’m at in this moment. It’s a different moment than it was four years ago, eight years ago and 12 years ago. So that’s what I’m thinking. I am always kind of thinking of trying to think of something, but the point of it must be helping Kamala win. Yeah, that’s my answer, and I’m sticking to it. But every time someone says, like, well, what are you gonna do? I’m like, I gee, what am I gonna do? I don’t I wanna, I do wanna help but all the pieces are different right now, so I’m trying to understand it and figure out the best way to contribute, dad, wherever you are. Oh, I miss you so much. This is the part of the podcast when I say, send me your questions. Go to speakpipe.com/the, Sarah.Podcast that speakpipe.com/theSarah Silvermanodcast, and subscribe, rate and review wherever you are listening to this podcast, because that helps us when you do that and there’s more of the Sarah Silverman podcast with lemonade, premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like, what about a mysterious neighbor? Ooh, what’s that? Subscribe now in Apple podcasts.


CREDITS  40:27

Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast, we are a production of Lemonada media. Kathryn Barnes and Isabella Kulkarni produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber. The show is recorded at the Invisible Studios in West Hollywood. Charles Carroll is our recording engineer. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds. You can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.


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