Crypt Keeper vs Young Maiden
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Auntie Ku is out on mom duties, which means resident “young maiden” aka producer Tiffany is keeping her seat warm for her. It’s an intergenerational conversation between auntie and niece, as Su dives into teeth and lightbulb talk. Meanwhile, Tiffany is stepping into a new era of technology with a hair curler that curls your hair for you. Whether you lean more crypt or maiden, there’s a little something for everyone.
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Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.
Get into your circadian rhythm with this blue light-blocking lightbulb
The Slate Electric Flosser will leave your teeth cleaner than ever
The TYMO CURLGO automatically curls your hair for you
Maybelline Superstay Matte Ink in Exhilarator is the perfect red lip
Quince’s Oversized Cable Cardigan in Heather Brown is the cardigan for fall
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Tiffany, SuChin Pak
SuChin Pak 00:10
Guys, welcome to a very special edition of Add To Cart. I’m grinning from ear to ear. I’m your auntie, SuChin we were going to record like we always do on Tuesdays, auntie Ku and I, and then guess what? Life happens. Baby Emmy has a stomach bug, and Ku was like, I can’t record today. And I was ready to go. I got out of my crypt, I got my serums on, I put on my 80s, thrifted shirt in a terry stripe, and I said, you know what? Here’s a crazy, kooky idea. Why don’t I record with Tiff, Tiffany, our producer, and that’s what we’re doing today. We’re gonna do we’re gonna shoot from the hip. It’s a special Add to Cart edition, Tiffany, welcome to the show. As if you haven’t been here all along.
Tiffany 01:06
Hi, Su, we are gonna shoot very irresponsibly from the hip.
SuChin Pak 01:12
She got her mic together. I mean, you are Podcast Producer extraordinaire. I knew you would rise to the challenge.
Tiffany 01:19
Thank you.
SuChin Pak 01:20
And we’re gonna get into our carts now, to be fair, I’ve got a cart sort of ready. And Tiff, she didn’t have time to prepare a cart, so I’m gonna ask her, and she’s gonna have some interesting answers. I already know that.
Tiffany 01:34
Yeah, you said you were prepared, and what I heard in that was, I’m not going to let that preparation go to waste. So, Tiffany, it’s time for you to clock in.
SuChin Pak 01:43
Basically, it’s like you think it’s easy to get this corpse up and ready, and then you want me to what you want me to just go about my day. No, my adrenals are already pumping. I’m not wasting any of this juice. Let’s just do it. Let’s record and add to cart. My cart is all over the place. I’ve just been having like a, like a, these are some fun things. And sometimes we we talk about teeth on this show. Sometimes we talk about pee pads, Tiff these are all things that you have to look forward to before we even get that’s a good place to start. Tiff. You being so young, hold on a second. I’m gonna actually read for you verbatim. Okay, what Ku said on our group chat, and we said, what about this idea? She said, Crypt Keeper versus young maiden could be title of that. That’s from Ku she said, I like it so, young maiden, I just am curious. Every week you sit there and you listen to our teeth falling out our pelvic floors not responding the way that they used to children throwing up. And just be brutally honest, what are some thoughts? What are some thoughts as a young maiden sitting in this auntie soup, this hot auntie a soup every week.
Tiffany 03:07
I honestly am in preparation mode like this is helpful for me and my anxiety, because two months ago, I got a little too high and I woke up at 12 in the morning, and I suddenly decided to be worried about my fiber intake. So I spent a really long time googling how to adjust my fiber intake and what I need to eat in order to do that, because people were saying this will have lifetime repercussions if you do not have enough fiber intake. And I decided that was the moment that I ascended, spiritually, age wise, into a different realm and a different anxiety.
SuChin Pak 03:49
Fiber yeah, it’s the people don’t talk enough about the fiber phase of life.
Tiffany 03:55
Did you have one too?
SuChin Pak 03:57
Well, we all get there, honey. I do feel like sitting in these old lady conversations, though does seem to maybe seed a few things earlier than your peers.
Tiffany 04:12
But that’s just preparedness. Like, why would I be out here without this information? I’m not a fool. My mom raised me to be concerned at all times, and you’re just giving me more things like to be part of that arsenal. So I think it’s a gift.
SuChin Pak 04:29
This is a you’re welcome question mark, you know, like, I don’t know. You know, we won’t know. We won’t know until you’re holding my shriveled hand at the end of my years. If you say that was really helpful or that was really not helpful, we won’t know. So we proceed with open arms, legs, akimbo. I’m really glad you’re in your fiber era. You’d needn’t Google. All you had to do was text me because I’ve been in my fiber era for a long time. Just a hot tip, if you haven’t already googled and it came up, you know, start with the fiber with your meal. You know, people, people don’t realize that that the order in which you eat your fiber affects the way that that fiber works in your body. So start with the fiber, is what I’ll leave you with. Okay, this, that sexy hot tip here, that nugget of information, that just is just dripping with sexiness.
Tiffany 05:32
Moving from fiber.
SuChin Pak 05:34
Onto your circadian rhythm, another topic that we love to talk about on Add to Carter, at least I do we talk about circadian rhythm. Basically, it’s the way that your body sets itself to your hormones and the day to set you up for proper energy sleep and all of that, right? And so we talked about I stare in the sun for 10 minutes in the morning. That sets a circadian rhythm. And then we talked about at night time, right? Like, how do we then continue to set our circadian rhythm when most of us are in LED fluorescent lights and looking at our phones or watching television, that all that blue light. It’s terrible for your sleep.
Tiffany 06:22
Googling fiber.
SuChin Pak 06:24
Enter in this new Add to Cart, game changer, Tiff, why don’t you tell people what I’m holding up here.
Tiffany 06:32
It is a box containing a light bulb called Block, blue light, bio light, full spectrum, dawn to dusk light, day mode, night mode, no flicker, Low EMF.
SuChin Pak 06:43
Well, I’m very impressed that you could read that without glasses. Guys, she just read the entire box. If that isn’t getting your nuggets in a bunch, you’re on the wrong pod. What from dawn to dusk? No flicker, low EMF. Now, Mike would love it if we could eat by candlelight, and we could exist by candlelight. When the sun goes down, we all walk around with candles. Very cottage core, yes, very cottage core. I that it’s it’s a big point of contention in our lives, because I like to actually see what I’m cutting on the cutting board, like it’s actual physical danger, yeah, that I need to be able to see. And when I have that little light like, I start to get a little agitated. And this has become such an issue that we talked about it in our couples therapy session, and my therapist was like, well, SuChin, that makes a lot of sense from your background, like light is very much related to trauma response. So that was really interesting, because I was like, when she starts turning down the lights and turning them off, I get really claustrophobic. I get agitated. I feel I need to turn all the lights on. I need to see every corner. Anyway, so we have tried everything from girl, I’ve walked around with red sunglasses to, you know, the red light bulbs, yes, to, you know, all of it. I’ve tried everything. He has bought every single gadget. I’ve been the guinea pig for all of it, you know, because he’s like, Well, around, really, around three o’clock, you should be, you know, your computer, you should be blocking the blue light from there. So he had me wear these glasses. I hated it. So he came home with this block, blue light, bio light. And I have to say, of all the things that we’ve tried, this is a winner. Okay, what people don’t realize with a lot of this LED lights, because we have incandescent light bulbs, because of this, is is that you’re sitting in flicker like, whether you know it or not, and that is really.
Tiffany 09:00
Don’t know it with your side. Okay, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Is this a new fear?
SuChin Pak 09:06
Yes, yeah. So we’ve got fiber now we’re gonna move into the light bulb phase.
Tiffany 09:11
SuChin Pak 09:13
Today’s just gonna be a master course, Tiffany, even if you only take in 1% and I actually recommend you only take in 1% because your youth is important, that’s more important than your circa dose makes the poison Exactly. Is that because led the the way that LED is it actually has a very like, slight, persistent flicker most LED lights, which you can imagine it’s like it, you know, you know how a fluorescent light could flicker in big ways, but an LED light, it’s that, but in like, minuscule amounts. And so that can really affect your energy levels, usually Canadian rhythm, blah. So this has no flicker, and it has three modes, so you click once, and it’s regular light bulb. You cook a second time, and it’s kind of like an amber light bulb, like, just sort of like a really beautiful mood, kind of like a, what do you call those? You know, like a, those.
Tiffany 10:11
Like the those lamps people buy when they’re depressed in the winter. No?
SuChin Pak 10:19
This is totally different. Okay, okay, those are lamps like, when you actually live in a in a climate where you don’t get sun, and so you need to have that, no, this is more like, you know, like Edison bulb. That, so that’s the kind of mood that the second brewery, yes, kind of very gorgeous. Everybody, all the young kids, they love that setting. So you’re gonna be, yeah, they flock to it like moths, yes, literally. And so you’re gonna love that setting. And then it goes to a third one. And this is all like, throughout the day, you click it, and the third click is really, like, almost like a, like an orangey amber light. There’s no blue in it at all. And that’s when you’re gonna that’s when you’re getting ready for bed, that’s, that’s when you’re really powering down. And so this light bulb works with the natural rhythm of your body, and it’s a game changer. It’s an Add to Cart. I mean, if these people had budgets, maybe we could get free light bulbs for everyone on Add to Cart but until then, I’m buying that with my hard earned cash.
Tiffany 11:25
So does this mean you need to remove every light bulb in your house and put this one in?
SuChin Pak 11:31
Tiffany 11:32
Okay. Do you do that?
SuChin Pak 11:34
Oh, I mean, of course.
Tiffany 11:38
Are you unscrewing every light bulb?
SuChin Pak 11:41
No, this is the light bulb. This is what you replace.
Tiffany 11:45
Yeah, but you’re unscrewing all the light bulbs in your house, and then you’re putting.
SuChin Pak 11:48
Yeah, how many light bulbs do you have in your house?
Tiffany 11:52
I don’t there’s one in each room, yeah? And you have a big house, I assume you have lamps.
SuChin Pak 12:00
Yeah, and they all have this bulb.
Tiffany 12:02
Yeah, that sounds very tedious.
SuChin Pak 12:05
Tiffany 12:06
I don’t know.
SuChin Pak 12:07
I mean, that’s very interesting. I love your perspective, because that’s just par for the course. That’s tedious. Wait till you get to my dental routine, as you know. But no, yeah. Like, we all are all our bulbs, but like, we’re, I’m used to that. I’m used to him coming home and being like, new bulbs, you know. But like, because light is such a big part of his health journey that, like, we’ve had to adjust to that. I mean, Tiff To be honest, when you said that, I’d say 50% of our light is battery powered. I mean, our light situation, it’s It’s madness, no. But anyway, is this fast? But listen, if you just did this in in your bedroom, and I’m just trying to think of the rooms that you’re in the most at night.
Tiffany 13:02
This that my office doesn’t have. Okay, I’m glad to bring the renter’s perspective to this podcast, which is my office is technically a storage pantry, so there’s no light in here. It’s all lamps. I can’t work in here past six in the winter.
SuChin Pak 13:19
Wait, why? Because there’s no outlets?
Tiffany 13:22
There’s not enough light. Like, it’s like I have my lamp and I have an extra lamp, but there’s like, it’s not enough, like, I’ve been cutting add to cart in the dark, like a small medieval peasant, someday I shall make enough wages to buy a real candle.
SuChin Pak 13:41
I mean, I’m sorry for that. I did not know that. If that was happening.
Tiffany 13:48
Young and scrappy, you know, you do what you got to do to move up in this industry. Someday, sushin Park will hold her hand down from the heavens and say, come child, have a goddamn light bulb.
SuChin Pak 14:00
Get a light bulb, you’re right. And so, all right, so let’s say you don’t need one there. Okay, sweetie, you just need one young maiden in your bedroom.
Tiffany 14:11
Thank you.
SuChin Pak 14:12
Okay, so you have a lamp in there, and I you know, if you want to read in there, or whatever it is, braid your hair at night so that it’s a wavy and soft in the morning. Do it in the ambient light, the dusk light from the bio light, beautiful.
Tiffany 14:31
Put it in the cart.
SuChin Pak 14:41
Wait, do you have something in your cart?
Tiffany 14:43
I sure do. The Timo, curl, go, full transparency was a Tiktok shop purchase, which means that I am no better than every single person who has bought something from an infomercial. I fully own up to this three. Reason that I bought this is because it is a cordless, automatic hair curler, which means all you do is you put a strand of hair into the hair curler and it curls it for you.
SuChin Pak 15:13
Wow, yeah, it’s hard to describe, but like, you put your hair in this curler and the barrel, and the barrel turns itself like you don’t do anything. Wait, please, tell me this is working.
Tiffany 15:27
So the first one I got stopped working. My hair was too complex. My long, straight Asian hair was too complicated, and it stopped working. So I emailed them, I sent pictures. I was like, this stopped working. You give me a refund now, and they sent me a new one, and that one I’ve had for, like, a few months, and it works, and it’s great. And the reason I got it is because I cannot curl my hair without burning myself. I have never been able to curl my hair without burning myself, but I just can’t. And this does it for me. And I love living in the century. Now, will it someday stop working? Because it’s kind of trash, probably. But for now, I’m gonna enjoy not having to curl my own hair.
SuChin Pak 16:11
Yeah, and you don’t, you can do it in the dark, because you don’t need to plug it in exactly.
Tiffany 16:15
With my no light bulbs in my house.
SuChin Pak 16:17
No light bulbs in the dark. Editing our show, you can be curling your hair. This is 99 9960 minute max battery time. I’m looking for a solution like this, where for people who are hair challenged and cannot style their own hair, this could be easy. Now it it’s not giving me full Dyson wrap vibes, but it is giving me partial Dyson wrap vibes, which the Dyson I look at people using that, and I’m like, I’m already lost, like I don’t even understand what’s happening, so it’s not complicated. Like you’re telling me, like a person who doesn’t know how to really use a curling iron can use this. That’s the most important thing.
Tiffany 17:02
It’s Tiffany proof. I did spend my high school trying to figure out how to curl my hair, and I didn’t learn anything. So it’s stupid proof. But yeah, I just, I can’t be bothered. If you make me watch five tutorials to figure out how to use your $200 product, I’m not going to do it.
SuChin Pak 17:20
Oh, yeah, do you wish it was 200 I mean, I think that those Dyson things are, lot more expensive. Oh, okay. This is a, oh yeah. This is a good add to cart for now. And I love that there was some customer service, because that’s not always the case with the Tik Tok buys.
Tiffany 17:38
I’m not afraid to do a credit card chargeback. I’m not afraid of this.
SuChin Pak 17:42
Wait, what is that?
Tiffany 17:42
That’s my right as an American, it’s like, wait, I’ve done it a lot where, like, if customer service isn’t responding to you, you go to your credit card company, you go, Hey, I never got this. Do a chargeback. And they will. I always buy things through PayPal, because PayPal often sides with the customer. If you have issues, they’ll just give you your money back, they will really, the bank will, like, put it on hold for a few weeks while they investigate. Most of the time, the bank has side with me. PayPal has sided with me most times also.
SuChin Pak 18:10
Wow, that’s a hot tip. And like, three months later, like, is there a time limit? Like, have you tested this theory? A month, a month, money will be back a month no, meaning that, like, if you have a product for like, three months and then it breaks.
Tiffany 18:25
I don’t know if I’ve waited that long, because when I get my packages, I open and test them immediately. It’s not for, like, caution, it’s because I that’s, like, the best part of my day.
SuChin Pak 18:36
Yeah, hey, we all know that I sit in a CVS parking lot with all the products, yeah, face, yeah, like that. What is the point in waiting? No, I hate that. All right, so my next add to cart is going to be about teeth like you, not on Tiktok, but on reels. I had been really, really pushed this product. It’s called the slate electric flosser, okay, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a sonic electric flosser. So just like you know your electric toothbrushes, it is for flossing. And I saw these videos, and I mean, ooh, toe curling, I sent it out to our wonderful sales team, Cece, and I said, can you get us this thing to try? And it came, every once in a while that works. And so it came. I wasn’t able to try it the last time we recorded. I have now been living the slate life. This is a game changer, and I’ll tell you, it’s a game changer for a very specific type of person. It’s a game changer for anyone, for the person that hates to floss their teeth, that’s me, okay, and isn’t doing it. It’s a game changer for someone who loves to floss their teeth, me and never. Feels like it’s enough me and is flossing my teeth all day long. Me, okay, so, so both of those people will benefit. Now, this is a powerful device. This is a device not for the faint hearted. This is not Tiff if you just want to be in and out. This is a device where you are serious about your teeth and your oral health advanced, and your teeth are have fallen out because you haven’t been serious about your oral health, and now you have seen the light, and it’s game time, because, you know, for it to really properly work, you got to spend time on each, you know, tooth. I’m going around just tonguing the back of my teeth all day long. You know, I mean, like, you know, when you get your teeth cleaned and you just can’t stop rubbing your tongue on the back, you’re like, Wow, it’s so it’s so grippy, it’s so, it’s it’s like, smooth, but then it’s also like, the edges are really defined, do you know what I mean?
Tiffany 21:05
Yeah, your mouth has been yassified. Does that make sense?
SuChin Pak 21:12
Tiffany 21:16
I don’t know how to explain.
SuChin Pak 21:17
Are we allowed to say that? Is that a bad word?
Tiffany 21:20
No, okay, it’s like, um, it’s been like, yeah, your mouth is slay. Your mouth hasn’t been improved. And like, Gore. It’s gorgeous.
SuChin Pak 21:34
It’s yassified?
Tiffany 21:36
Yeah, will you start saying yasified on the podcast for me?
SuChin Pak 21:40
Absolutely not, but it’s been yossified, yeah, whatever. Yes, it that is young maiden. I tell you, it’s been so it’s beyond yossification. It’s so yossified that like I have been, I am now preoccupied with feeling on my teeth, where I’ll catch myself, like reading emails, and I’m like, what am I doing? I’m like, oh, I’m rubbing on my teeth, like it feels so clean, and so is my dental routine. Is it taking up a chunk of my nighttime routine? Yes, am I willing to give up some of my skin care routine to make room for this electric flosser? That’s the true test.
Tiffany 22:30
SuChin Pak 22:31
And the answer is yes.
Tiffany 22:32
Oh, my God.
SuChin Pak 22:34
So that is how much of like to me. I’m like, Oh, this is like, this is game changer.
Tiffany 22:40
That’s big, well, it’s okay to have hobbies. It’s great to have hobbies. I’m glad your hobby is beneficial. I have not been to the dentist in two years because I am afraid. But will you break down how this works for me? So the slate rechargeable electric flosser, yeah, looks like an electric toothbrush in the body, and it seems to function in the same way that, like a disposable razor does, where you just swap out the heads, but like, where does the electric is it like, just, like vibrating the string, oh, really fast.
SuChin Pak 23:09
Okay, yes, it vibrates the string really fast. And so you kind of, like massaging each side of your tooth, you know, like most people just kind of floss and like, they’re in and out. This is like, you really are spending some time. So I can’t imagine it is not so much better than just manually flossing, because we don’t, I don’t think any of us like floss, like, properly, you know, like flossing properly, you’re like, dude, that’s just takes. You got to really go back and forth. You got to get into it like but this does it all for you, and you feel it. I mean, not to, not to bore all the the young heads that are watching this. But like, gum health is health.
Tiffany 23:53
SuChin Pak 23:55
We all know this. It’s coming for you.
Tiffany 23:57
Well, I’m there. I’ve been told that I could lose my teeth because my gum disease is.
SuChin Pak 24:03
Yes, the gum and the only real way to like consistently keep your gums healthy is by flossing properly.
Tiffany 24:13
Why would you tell me these things? The important question is, does it make your gums bleed?
SuChin Pak 24:19
Well, your gums bleed because.
Tiffany 24:23
I don’t actually. Okay, sorry, continue. I’ll take it.
SuChin Pak 24:29
Are you ready? Yeah so, again, you only need to take 1% and choose that 1% throughout this whole episode like this may not be your 1% okay, the reason why your gums are bleeding when you floss is because they’re not healthy. You have to go through a period. I went through probably at least a year, if not more of bleeding gums, flossing.
Tiffany 24:54
Oh, my God.
SuChin Pak 24:55
Then you will get to the other side. And. There’s nothing you could do to my gums to make them bleed at this point.
Tiffany 25:03
SuChin Pak 25:03
Like, it just doesn’t ever, ever happen. And this is coming from I was same spot, never went to the dentist, did not grow up with dental insurance, not until well into my 30s, did I see a dentist record and didn’t floss because it hurt, and then my gums would be swollen and I was bleeding. And I was like, well, this isn’t good for it. And my dentist was like, No, that is exactly what you need to do. You have to keep at it, and that’s how you know that your gums are not healthy, is if you’re flossing and they’re bleeding.
Tiffany 25:40
Okay, but have dentists considered that it hurts like, like, I’m sorry this is triggering, but every time I floss, I spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. Every single it looks like I killed an animal over my sink afterwards.
SuChin Pak 25:57
It’s because you need to floss more. Now I would not recommend going straight into this for you.
Tiffany 26:04
Okay, it’s advanced. It’s masterclass.
SuChin Pak 26:07
It is masterclass. And it’s, it’s masterclass because it’s so enjoyable to floss with this thing. Like I, for me, advanced flosser, I’m like, spending a lot of time now that you’re still in that first phase where it’s so tender, you’re not gonna want it like, that’s not gonna be motivating to you. You’re gonna use one to be like, no way. That was way too painful and way too intense. But once you get the fiber on lock and you’ve got that dialed in, yeah, next phase is floss phase, okay, and and all I miss. You just have to floss, and you gotta get through that, but you have to consistently do it, and it will stop bleeding and it will stop hurting, it will start feeling really, really good.
Tiffany 26:56
Okay, I’ll do a month, and then I will text you how I feel, okay I’ll probably.
SuChin Pak 27:02
Consistently, do a month consistently, and tell me how you feel. I bet you, in a month, you’re gonna be like, Oh, I understand where this is going. And it’s gonna be really satisfying that you can just floss like a, you know, 50 year old woman and not bleed. I mean, imagine the brag, okay, like that you can drop on your young ones and just being like guys. I just want to let you know last night I flossed no blood. Mic drop.
Tiffany 27:35
You have 401 K matching. I have bloodless God.
SuChin Pak 27:39
A lot of young people can say that.
SuChin Pak 27:50
Right, you have another Add to Cart?
Tiffany 27:52
I do, I added to cart the Maybelline super state, matte ink and exhilarator.
SuChin Pak 27:58
Is that what you’re wearing?
Tiffany 28:00
That is what I’m wearing. Su, I have to be honest with you, because we’re being really honest today, and you’ve learned so much about me, and whether or not you want to continue employing me is up to you after this, which is I own 50, 40, 40, to 50 lip products. Are many of them the same shade, yes, because I’ve been on a quest for the past three years for the perfect red, because most reds look really weird on my skin tone, something that I learned is that I am not a yellow undertone, because that is what racism taught me. I’m actually an olive neutral, and it’s just hard to get the right red. That doesn’t make you.
SuChin Pak 28:41
Well, how did you find out your undertone? I don’t understand. Where are people going for undertone help?
Tiffany 28:46
Well, I just realized that I wasn’t like a light or a like warm or whatever, or a cool. I look really good in green, and I’m also really gray in the winter. I live in Minnesota, so once it’s winter, I’m just gray, that’s my.
SuChin Pak 29:03
You’re just a Mediterranean baby.
Tiffany 29:05
Yeah. I so, you know, forged my own path as an olive, and that, like, went on subreddits and stuff like that. I was way too obsessed about this. But red, like the perfect red, is really hard for me to find because I’m an olive undertone, but this is perfect. It’s not too blue, it’s not too warm, it’s a very like, brighter red without being overpowering or over saturated. And something I learned is just wearing a red lip, and like not a lot of other makeup, makes your skin look really clear, so life.
SuChin Pak 29:40
I mean, you okay? I don’t know if we’re gonna throw up some photos or videos, but your red lip is gorgeous. Thank you. Okay, so the product is the Maybelline, super Stay Matte, ink, liquid lipstick, long lasting. Is it long lasting?
Tiffany 29:55
SuChin Pak 29:55
Is it comfortable to wear?
Tiffany 29:57
SuChin Pak 29:58
Wow, now because like when i. I think of long lasting, I think of, like, I don’t like how they usually feel on the lips, like you just, they’re usually, like, tacky. Or sometimes what will happen is, is, like, the the inside of the lip will go and then you just got this, like, outside stain, like a psycho, this is, this is pretty consistent.
Tiffany 30:20
I would say. So I tend to have three drinks on my desk. At any time I’ve had three drinks and these. This is fine. It’s like, slightly tacky when I press my lips together. It’s like a Maybelline drugstore lip product. So that’s kind of what it is. But like, I hate when the fear of, like, getting lipstick in my teeth, and I don’t have to worry about that with this. So some pros and cons, mostly pros, very long lasting.
SuChin Pak 30:44
Okay, all right. All right. I love it, okay, I have just, I have a remove from cart. And this is a big one, and this is one again, young maiden, you aren’t going to have to think about maybe for a while, okay, um, you’re going to maybe in your life at some point, whether you have children or your friends or whatever, have children. Children are sick all the time, and so you spend so much of your time trying to dodge this bullet for yourself and for your family. And then on top of it, if you have an immunocompromised person, living at home, writing fart books, that person can’t get sick. I’m the type of person I’m if I invite your family over and my kid isn’t feeling well, you’re gonna get that text like, hey, heads up. She’s got the sniffles. These are the symptoms. Totally fine if we cancel, I’m just giving you the choice like good transparency. Transparency. Most people will not give you that text. Most people will let you come over with your children and their kid is coughing and hacking, either in the same room or in the room next door, and a baffles my mind. This has been since the day one of having children. I had no idea that one would do that.
Tiffany 32:14
That’s a crime. Actually, I think that violates some Geneva Conventions.
SuChin Pak 32:19
Thank you. I’m so glad that you think that, because I was like, well, maybe it’s because, like, we live in a super conscious but it was even before, yeah, when you know what I mean, like, before, Mike hadn’t, you know we had any inkling of that. So it’s not even a mic thing. It’s like, No, I don’t want to deal with now, my kids getting sick, and I don’t want to get sick. I don’t know what it is, but it is very common. It’s not like this one person. I just there’s such a blind rage that goes through my head, yeah, and and it’s usually with someone that I really adore, which is why I made these plans. But I’m thinking in my head like, What in the world are you thinking allowing all of us to commingle? So I want to remove from cart. If you have a sick kid, you got to cancel the plans, or at least give the other person the option, because I’ve done that, and someone’s like, oh no, yeah. I’m like, who cares? You know what I mean, like, we’re coming over, and I’m like, great, wonderful, come over. That’s your choice. But I really want to remove from cart, like people, not letting everyone aware that there’s someone not feeling well in the house, giving me the option to bow out. That’s like, a really big pet peeve of mine.
Tiffany 33:40
So when you if you go to a friend’s house and you see their child coughing up everything, ever will you turn around and go home?
SuChin Pak 33:50
No, I’m not Jedi like.
Tiffany 33:52
Really? Okay.
SuChin Pak 33:54
No, could never.
Tiffany 33:56
Because it’s rude, because you feel like it’d.
SuChin Pak 33:57
So rude, what ends up happening is like, I will pull my children aside and traumatize them and be like, don’t go near that child.
Tiffany 34:10
Yeah, are you even enjoying yourself?
SuChin Pak 34:12
No, but you know what? I wasn’t planning on enjoying myself anyway. You know there’s like, children involved. You’re sort of like, we’re not sure what we’re doing here. We’re just not the objective. Yeah, we’re just moving the hands of time until more has moved and a day has passed. So I’m okay with that, yeah, and so that’s kind of now I’m wondering, as I’m saying that, if I would be annoyed if I showed up San’s kids and my friend was sick and they didn’t tell me. I don’t know what thoughts on that.
Tiffany 34:43
I would be well, I guess, as a mom, your main priority is your concern for your children, but my main priority is always myself. I could offend myself too, yeah, but I’ve had that happen. My friends wouldn’t tell me that they had covid until like later and I’m like, what the hell? What did? What? I’m gonna fight you now that now we have to fight to the death that it’s so rude.
SuChin Pak 35:09
It so weird.
Tiffany 35:11
I would, I would be like, bye, I’m leaving. You’re disgusting.
SuChin Pak 35:15
I don’t think it’s like out of like, anything conscious. It’s more like, yeah, everyone gets sick. It’s okay. I’m not that sick. Blah, but I have a lot of friends that way, and I just have to be the weird person in the mask with the drops, blah. And I’m like, I don’t understand this other universe you’re living in where just getting sick is no no big deal.
Tiffany 35:40
Can I, share my hot take with you? Su is that not enough people have anxiety like, I know, with the like, decreased stigma around mental health, people talk more openly about depression and anxiety, but like, you should be more anxious. You should have more neuroses that cause you to be cautious. Not enough. People are like cautious in the neurotic way. That’s how you keep yourself safe and protect your lineage. You’re just afraid all the time.
SuChin Pak 36:11
Listen, the young maiden said it. We have gone too far off on the mental well being. We need to take it back and add a bit more anxiety. We removed too much that that happens when you try to, you overcorrect before you can find that that perfect middle. And I think you’re right. I think we need to bring some anxiety back. I think we’re too we’re too mentally healthy.
Tiffany 36:35
Too loosey goosey.
SuChin Pak 36:36
Too loosey goosey. Okay, we need to come, bring just, just a little bit of that anxiety back so that we all can function in a world where there’s a healthy amount of anxiety and border sick ass, sick ass kids are not up for public consumption. Okay, I love it. Okay, you have a final because I actually, I know we’re on the long side I want to see what this thing that you added to cart, because, you know, I love quince, and I just, I have a quince order coming, and I’m so excited. So what is this quince thing that you ordered?
Tiffany 37:13
I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this, considering Quince is a sponsor. I bought this cardigan. I love quince, but I bought this cardigan second hand on Poshmark, because I am cheap, but it is beautiful, and you can definitely buy it full price if you would like. And can’t find your color, it’s the 100% organic cotton oversized cable cardigan in Heather Brown. I’ve been looking for the perfect oversized cable knit cardigan, and this is it, like, it’s not too frumpy, it’s not too long. I sorry. I actually think I got it in small so it wasn’t, like, too long and stretched out. My favorite part about it is, like, the emphasis on the, like, chunky cable knit pattern. You will be the baddest fall girl on the block with this. Like, it’s just, it’s perfect. It’s perfect.
SuChin Pak 38:02
It’s, if you want it brand new, it’s 69.90, I just want to see, you know what I love also about this is that it buttons up kind of high for a cardigan. Sometimes you get a really low button on a cardigan, and then it’s just, you know, a floppine. What is the point? But this is great. Thick cable knit, perfect fall color. I love it. I love that you brought this. Because I just we’re all quince fans. I know that they’re they sometimes sponsor this show, but that doesn’t even matter. We just love shopping on shopping on that site all the time, okay, I love it, guys, we did it. I’m so glad that I did not waste my adrenal juices. I’m so glad that I got you on the mic. I learned some stuff. I learned the yassification. Wait, yossified.
Tiffany 38:52
Both is great. I like, I like the conjunction you did. Um, thanks for having me Su. I hope you continue to employ me after this.
SuChin Pak 39:01
Well, not only if I could give you a promotion and a pay raise so you could get a an outlet in that room that you edit our show on, I really I’m excited about your fiber journey, and I’m very excited to see what the floss journey brings for you. That is all for today’s episode. If you want more crypt and young maiden content, you can find us on Instagram @AddtoCartpod. Don’t worry, Ku will be back soon, and we will talk to you then bye.
There’s more Add to cart with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content, like where we tell you about the last item we bought or returned, and why subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Add To Cart is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producers are Kegan Zema and Tiffany Bouy. Brian Castillo is our engineer. Theme music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers or Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer, and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Follow Add to Cart wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.