Dissecting Jack Hodgins (with T.J. Thyne)
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The jury’s out on whether or not he’s king of the lab, but there’s no doubt about it – T.J. Thyne is the king of our hearts. Emily and Carla sit down (or should we say, snuggle up) with T.J. Thyne, their friend and Bones co-star who played the secretly rich bug and slime expert slash conspiracy theorist, Jack Hodgins, on all 12 seasons of the show. T.J. talks about how he got cast on Bones, his favorite memories from set, and his on-screen chemistry with Michaela Conlin (Angela Montenegro). Plus, T.J. tells the story of how he and Emily got in trouble while shooting the pilot episode of Bones.
Follow Boneheads on Instagram @boneheadspod. Keep up with T.J. Thyne on Instagram @tjthynegram.
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Emily Deschanel, TJ Thyne, Carla Gallo
Emily Deschanel 00:00
Carla Gallo 00:00
Emily Deschanel 00:01
How’s it going?
Carla Gallo 00:03
I think I’m tired. Yeah , I had to get a matcha lot, Matcha Latte and iced […]
Emily Deschanel 00:22
I’m Emily Deschanel.
Carla Gallo 00:24
And I’m Carla Gallo.
Emily Deschanel 00:25
And this is Boneheads.
Carla Gallo 00:30
I needed extra caffeine.
Emily Deschanel 00:32
I need it. I didn’t get it, but I didn’t I don’t have caffeine all the time, but I would like it.
Carla Gallo 00:39
Why are you like it?
Emily Deschanel 00:41
I went to a bar mitzvah on Saturday night.
Carla Gallo 00:44
Oh! Me too.
Emily Deschanel 00:45
It was lots of fun.
Carla Gallo 00:47
Emily Deschanel 00:48
Stayed out late. Didn’t know, you know how, how late we’d end up staying but there was a special musical guest.
Carla Gallo 00:56
I mean, I, part of me is like being in LA you’re like, it was either Beyonce or it was like someone.
Emily Deschanel 01:02
Was it that crazy?
Carla Gallo 01:03
Somebody’s son giving, like, a saxophone concert, like it was.
Emily Deschanel 01:07
Something in between, okay. We knew there’d be a musical guest.
Carla Gallo 01:12
Emily Deschanel 01:13
Bu t, we didn’t know who. Well, I found out, like an hour before with.
Carla Gallo 01:16
You did?
Emily Deschanel 01:16
my friend, who I saw, who’s there? And you know who.
Carla Gallo 01:20
I was just gonna say, was there, like, an excitement of, like, guess who? Like, yeah.
Emily Deschanel 01:23
Yeah, there was, and even before my friend just blurted it out to me, some other people knew. Like, I guess by the time we got to the party, people kind of like.
Carla Gallo 01:32
There was a buzz.
Emily Deschanel 01:33
Rumor, the rumor was that the cat was out of the bag. I mean, I’m and so, but then and someone said, oh, well, you know who’s playing. I was like, I was like, I don’t want to know. Oh, I want to be surprised. We I did know that the older brother had Nelly play at his bar mitzvah party.
Carla Gallo 01:50
Stop it.
Emily Deschanel 01:51
Carla Gallo 01:52
They’re so they’re immune, they’re in the music industry.
Emily Deschanel 01:54
They’re not as far as I know. No, they’re not. And I don’t my friend’s texting with a friend whose son was there as well, but she’s like, So are they the family that I assume the family’s friends with Mr. Ryder or […]
Carla Gallo 02:10
Flo Rida? I was like, Ryder. But you know what’s so funny is that I know the name. I don’t actually know, like a song, like I could.
Emily Deschanel 02:18
You do know the song? I do. You certainly know one song for 100 but I knew one song for 100% was his one.
Carla Gallo 02:26
What is? What is it?
Emily Deschanel 02:28
You know, low.
Carla Gallo 02:30
Oh! Wow.
Emily Deschanel 02:32
It was […]
Carla Gallo 02:33
I mean, that’s a big deal.
Emily Deschanel 02:34
It was a big deal.
Carla Gallo 02:34
That’s a guess.
Emily Deschanel 02:35
That was a guess again. And he was great. He was great with the kids. Here he is, like, but all the kids, like, knew all the lyrics
Emily Deschanel 02:43
I mean from some like, 20 years ago, you […]
Carla Gallo 02:45
Carla Gallo 02:46
Know, like, I’m like, I know the name,
Emily Deschanel 02:47
I know.
Carla Gallo 02:48
But, I That’s how to name you. But the kids […]
Emily Deschanel 02:49
Knew the lyric. Like, I’d be like, apple bottom jeans.
Carla Gallo 02:52
With that?
Emily Deschanel 02:53
Yes, I was singing song.
Carla Gallo 02:55
Just talking about apple bottom jeans the other day.
Emily Deschanel 02:57
My question, what are apple bottom jeans?
Carla Gallo 03:00
Well, this isn’t a big, big, round booty, like an apple bottom.
Emily Deschanel 03:04
Assuming that.
Carla Gallo 03:04
Apple bottom jeans
Emily Deschanel 03:06
But these are just jeans that enhance the booty. I are we just talking about the booty itself? There’s an apple bottom and the jeans are.
Carla Gallo 03:16
Yeah, I think so it’s like, it’s celebratory of that kind of rear. I don’t have that together. I don’t have an apple.
Emily Deschanel 03:22
Well, do you I think everyone should get it because, like.
Carla Gallo 03:24
I have a deflated balloon bottom.
Emily Deschanel 03:26
I don’t, I have a booty, but that’s because I have everything. I have that extra. I got ample I’ve got curves. I’m a curvy lady.
Carla Gallo 03:33
Emily Deschanel 03:34
So, I have a booty.
Carla Gallo 03:35
Emily Deschanel 03:36
But I, I feel like it could always be, like, lifted and enhanced. You know what I mean? Like, I don’t know if there are jeans that. I don’t know if that’s what Mr. Ryder is.
Carla Gallo 03:47
No, Mr. Ryder, I know it’s like, you should talk to Mr. Ryder about it. No, I think there definitely are. I mean, everyone’s into these, like, the high, the rib cage, or the high, I find it creates a lovely rear end silhouette, even then it comes in, right? Yeah, widens down at the bottom. And then also, apparently, pocket placement, very important.
Emily Deschanel 04:08
Pocket placement is key for how the booty looks in jeans. I know I have seen that with my own eyes.
Carla Gallo 04:14
I have to say this is not where I thought this conversation was going. I’m like, I talk about
Emily Deschanel 04:20
What this episode is we have, this is we are we talk about other things, but this is the most exciting thing that we have, a special guest.
Carla Gallo 04:28
Why are we talking about Flor Rida? when we can talk about our first guest, a great love.
Emily Deschanel 04:35
Not Mr. Ryder, but Mr. Thyne, Mr. T. J. Thyne, who played Jack Hodgins on every episode of “The Bones” show. I have a bio, but I’m not gonna read it, and you’ll find out why when you listen to the episode, but you have a good friend, special person, talented actor.
Carla Gallo 04:58
Like a joy, like I just. A ray of sunshine in the world. Like, which I’m sure anyone who’s following him, like on Instagram, or any of those, like, he is just, he’s connecting.
Emily Deschanel 05:09
And this is where I miss out, where he don’t.
Carla Gallo 05:11
Oh, you are making he’s just so like, he it’s so thoroughly TJ, because he’ll be like, Hi everyone. And then he, like, says something, then he laughs, like. I find it very joyful, because it’s like, who he is.
Emily Deschanel 05:23
Carla Gallo 05:24
And that’s how this interview. It’s like, a lot of fun. And like, laughing just right off the top.
Emily Deschanel 05:31
Carla Gallo 05:32
And this is a really great taste of TJ.
Emily Deschanel 05:38
And without further ado, we’ll get right into it. Here’s TJ Thyme guys.
TJ Thyne 05:46
All right, this is cute. How fun. All right well, thank you so much […]
Carla Gallo 05:48
That was great. […]
Emily Deschanel 05:54
We’re just beginning.
Emily Deschanel 05:54
We haven’t even really started yet. You should be recurring guests.
Carla Gallo 05:54
TJ Thyne 05:55
Emily Deschanel 05:57
Well, can I just say that you arrived,
TJ Thyne 06:02
TJ Thyne 06:02
Emily Deschanel 06:02
And we were chatting.
Emily Deschanel 06:03
For a bit, because we haven’t seen each other in a long time. Very chatting. And then I went to the bathroom real quick. Wasn’t a long bathroom, just to be clear. And I came back and you and Carlo cuddled up sleeping and pretending to nap on the couch.
TJ Thyne 06:19
We were embraced in a deep embrace under two very fuzzy, cozy blankets, very cozy.
Emily Deschanel 06:27
It felt real.
TJ Thyne 06:28
Normal. […]
Emily Deschanel 06:28
When I say this. I love it being established a Carlos, a big Napper. But I was jealous of the nap.
Carla Gallo 06:38
Nap on a hard body. You know what I say? […] It was not a hard body. I did feel it like as I was complimenting your physique, I touched it for too long.
TJ Thyne 06:49
No, that’s not true. As soon as you left the room, I was like, Carla, we should get under the blankets together. You’re like, okay.
Carla Gallo 06:56
Of course!
TJ Thyne 06:58
Thank God.
Emily Deschanel 06:58
No convincing. […]
Carla Gallo 07:02
Listen, we’re under selling the opportunity to get physically close to teaching.
Emily Deschanel 07:10
Okay, this is a story that I wanted to bring up.
TJ Thyne 07:13
Oh, no.
Emily Deschanel 07:14
Do you remember an episode where Daisy Wick is giving birth? Carla went to put her arm around you, in the scene.
TJ Thyne 07:21
Oh, okay, I don’t remember this. Okay, oh no.
Emily Deschanel 07:25
She accidentally groped you.
TJ Thyne 07:26
Oh, you did? […]
Emily Deschanel 07:28
Put her hand on your butt, and you’re, like, roll higher than I thought. So we had to look on Carlos face, and just like, it was amazing, because she just put her arm around, thinking she’s putting her arm around and like, accidentally groped you.
Carla Gallo 07:41
It’s a high butt.
Emily Deschanel 07:42
But, it was not higher than I thought.
Carla Gallo 07:44
And so I think I either left it there during the take, or I slowly moved it. I don’t know. I think I left it there because I didn’t want that we were rolling, so I couldn’t.
Emily Deschanel 07:54
No, I remember you going as I remember it, but memory feels from this. But I remember you going like this.
TJ Thyne 07:54
I didn’t remember that.
Carla Gallo 08:01
Oh! really?
Emily Deschanel 08:01
Like a look on your face. And then you, like, moved your hand.
TJ Thyne 08:04
God, Carla, you’re always remembering we, we did a photo. I like, curled into her arm
Carla Gallo 08:10
You are sitting behind me.
TJ Thyne 08:11
Okay. And then we put a blanket or something.
Carla Gallo 08:15
Probably my favorite photo from the whole. We took a photo.
Emily Deschanel 08:19
Carla Gallo 08:20
We put it on, was it on Instagram? No.
TJ Thyne 08:23
Was it on Instagram? […]
Carla Gallo 08:25
But, probably was Instagram. So, he essentially, like I was, I think that I’m pregnant or I’m just postpartum, but I have a belly. No, I must be postpartum, I guess. And so we put a blanket, fake belly.
Emily Deschanel 08:37
Remember, you had given birth, but then they had you still. And I did the same thing where I gave birth after I’d given birth, then, like I pretend gave birth.
Carla Gallo 08:45
But no, we he stood behind me, but he put his head in the crook of my arm, and then we draped, or we wrapped. I was holding a blanket. And then here’s Henry, and it looks like he’s the baby. It’s the best.
TJ Thyne 08:56
We Instagram? through. […] not 1700 years ago. I don’t know where it is. I don’t think I have it.
Carla Gallo 09:04
I have it somewhere.
Emily Deschanel 09:05
What was I doing while you guys were taking all these photos?
TJ Thyne 09:07
Working like a professional actor?
Carla Gallo 09:09
Learning your line.
Emily Deschanel 09:10
Learning my line.
Carla Gallo 09:10
TJ Thyne 09:10
Yeah, we were just goofy.
Emily Deschanel 09:11
She never learns his lines. He just posts him on everything.
Carla Gallo 09:15
That is something. No, I don’t want to talk about that.
Emily Deschanel 09:19
They gave you the worst, the most dialog.
TJ Thyne 09:22
No, but that did start happening.
Emily Deschanel 09:23
You did start tape them up.
TJ Thyne 09:25
Well, Michaela, we had a game.
TJ Thyne 09:29
that she would come in and try and find where they know for.
Carla Gallo 09:29
We have to explain.
Carla Gallo 09:33
Everybody what, what it really was. So we would get the sides, this is towards the edges […]
TJ Thyne 09:41
Oh, really?
Carla Gallo 09:41
I mean, practically the whole time I would walk over to a computer screen that the camera can’t see, and TJ’s lines would be taped to it, or you’d open a folder and TJ’s lines are taped to it.
TJ Thyne 09:53
No, who was it? Oh, my God, it was me, Michaela and i think it was John. Me, Michaela and John, no, you’re gonna. There was ones.
Emily Deschanel 10:01
John Francis Dailey.
TJ Thyne 10:02
I think there was once where I forget where I was, but the camera was above me, and it was John me and Michaela in a scene, and I was pointing at something, and I had the lines like on my finger pointing. I didn’t really do it […].
Carla Gallo 10:25
Well, sure. I really should say that was not.
TJ Thyne 10:28
You have to ask them. I’ll have to call them.
Emily Deschanel 10:30
I’ve never seen anything like it.
TJ Thyne 10:31
I used to walk into the scene. I mean, she would walk in and be like, All right, where is it? And she’d go on like a like, kind of, where’s Waldo, of where my lines were. And then she would find them all the time.
Carla Gallo 10:41
In fairness. you had some of the most insane lines or decay […].
TJ Thyne 10:46
What is that?
Carla Gallo 10:47
Exactly? And so I don’t blame you at all, but it was.
Emily Deschanel 10:49
What is that?
TJ Thyne 10:50
It’s a fungus.
Carla Gallo 10:51
But you were able to remember. You were able to really the I tried that, and I think you even were like, Carla, let me help you out. Tape them to my forehead or whatever. And the thing I couldn’t do was I couldn’t go in and out of the lines I could remember […].
TJ Thyne 11:05
Because you’re a professional anchor.
Emily Deschanel 11:07
No, that takes more skill to do what you’re doing. I can’t do it either like, well, when we were in the car scenes, there’d be like, a good amount of Booth and Brennan in the car scenes in any given episode, because they’re also, like, so fast to shoot. You got stuff done, and they were really economical.
TJ Thyne 11:25
You guys would haul through that.
Emily Deschanel 11:27
But David will tape up his sides, and I would all tape up my sides, meaning, oh.
TJ Thyne 11:31
There it is.
Emily Deschanel 11:32
Oh! there it is. Oh my gosh.
Carla Gallo 11:37
Why don’t I send it to you?
TJ Thyne 11:42
Oh, yeah, that’s so funny.
Carla Gallo 11:44
That is the best picture we have to put that. I will put it up on the […]
TJ Thyne 11:48
All the time, anytime like we weren’t working. This is what you and I were doing. Yeah, we would hear that you guys were doing a car scene. We’d be like, oh my God, we got to get dressed. They’re going to be done soon.
Emily Deschanel 11:55
Oh yeah, because it would take, like, a hot minute for us to do them. But David will tape his line, you know, the side the pages, his lines highlighted in the car. And I would do that too. First of all, I at a certain point I couldn’t read them.
TJ Thyne 12:10
Emily Deschanel 12:11
Honest. But sometimes they’d be helpful, but a lot of times it was just like, it would be distracting, like, where is it? And it’d be worse to try and look for the line than to just figure out how to memorize it. But also they weren’t hard lines, scenes that they were never that hard.
TJ Thyne 12:26
I could never do. I would never be able to do it if it was a relationship moment, it’s just talking about each other. It was always when it was just the thick Latin, yeah, it was just like, This is what I found. And so like, going through that stuff inevitably, like, he had a folder, Hodgins had a folder, or was on the computer. So to me, I would just post them there. But where Michaela and I, Michaela left, is that there were times when I needed to move around. I’d be in the lab, and I’m moving around the lab talking about this, like, really, like thick Latin, so that’s where I’d be posting it, kind of all these places. And like, the sped upper nethall and Tetris nordeci, it’s like, I’d have pieces of that just in different places, because I was like, I can’t remember. There’s no way I can remember this. We had so many words, and it was like, we just shot till last night. So I would do that, but I couldn’t do, I don’t think I could do a real scene, like a relationship scene, where you’re like, looking at lines and trying to come back into it.
Emily Deschanel 13:18
TJ Thyne 13:18
That’d be, this was only but it.
Emily Deschanel 13:20
Takes a lot of skill to be able to like, read it and then be able to present it, yeah, to know what you’re talking like, that takes.
TJ Thyne 13:29
Generally can I do for you when we read something and see? No,I can put this on my resume.
Emily Deschanel 13:37
Go get chat GPT to write something. Can you do your own intro, you know, can you do your own intro? Just kidding, I know I’m gonna read your intro.
TJ Thyne 13:44
Wait, do I really have an intro?
Emily Deschanel 13:46
You’ll have an intro.
TJ Thyne 13:47
Oh, my God.
Carla Gallo 13:47
Wait, you’re reading it.
Emily Deschanel 13:48
Oh, I’m not gonna know. I’m just gonna have written. You’re not gonna read your own intro.
TJ Thyne 13:52
Are you gonna read? Am I gonna hear my intro? I want to hear it.
Emily Deschanel 13:54
You only read it now?
TJ Thyne 13:55
Yeah, I want to hear it.
Emily Deschanel 13:57
I mean, it could be changed, because we’re not recording it yet, but I this is what I have so far.
TJ Thyne 14:02
Oh, my God.
Emily Deschanel 14:05
Now I want it to be like, really good.
Carla Gallo 14:07
I know. […]
TJ Thyne 14:09
I’m so excited. It’s gonna be the best thing ever. I’m gonna be wait. Let’s get ready.
Emily Deschanel 14:13
Okay, after graduating from USC, prestigious theater program.
TJ Thyne 14:17
Is it prestigious?
Emily Deschanel 14:18
Oh, I decided it was
TJ Thyne 14:19
Oh okay.
Emily Deschanel 14:20
I think it is.
TJ Thyne 14:20
Yeah, sure.
Emily Deschanel 14:21
No, I think it is.
TJ Thyne 14:21
No, it is.
Emily Deschanel 14:22
He went on to act in numerous TV shows, movies from episodes of Angel Nip Tulk and 24.
TJ Thyne 14:27
I was an angel with David Bowie.
Emily Deschanel 14:28
And I have a question about that.
TJ Thyne 14:29
Emily Deschanel 14:30
To movies like Erin Brockovich and How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
TJ Thyne 14:33
True. Stu Lou Who.
Emily Deschanel 14:34
We were lucky. Stu Lou Who, I can’t even see it.
TJ Thyne 14:38
Cindy Lou Who’s older brother.
Emily Deschanel 14:39
We were lucky enough to nab him to play Jack Hodgins of Bones from world season, the secretly rich bug inside expert and conspiracy theorist with an anger management problem.
TJ Thyne 14:51
Yes, true.
Emily Deschanel 14:53
That makes him sound bad, but he’s not bad. Hodgins, not you.
TJ Thyne 14:56
He did have an anger management issue.
Emily Deschanel 14:57
I know, but it sounds that when I wrote that down, I was like a bug. Assignment expert with the conspiracy theorist and an anger, not the best combo.
TJ Thyne 15:06
I think I always thought of him as a mad scientist.
Emily Deschanel 15:08
Yeah, we love Hodgins. Since bones TJ has been seen on American Crime Story, Grey’s Anatomy, the rookie, and most recently in the limited series they offer about the making of The Godfather, playing the cinematographer, Gordon Willis.
TJ Thyne 15:21
A very short resume.
Emily Deschanel 15:22
In real life. We’re not reading your whole resume.
TJ Thyne 15:26
There’s anything else.
Emily Deschanel 15:27
We are over the moon to have our old friend. TJ, here with us today to reminisce and have fun.
TJ Thyne 15:32
Oh! thanks.
Carla Gallo 15:32
Ladies and gentlemen. T.J. Thyne.
Carla Gallo 15:40
We’ll be right back with more From TJ Thyne right after this. Oh, guess who’s the first person I met on day one showing up to work, to bones, TJ Thyne.
TJ Thyne 16:10
Well, […] first.
Carla Gallo 16:11
I think it must have been what you say? you were my first I walked onto set, and I think it had been, it was probably a Monday, because I just remember, I guess we I hadn’t met you before coming on to the stage, and I maybe was standing there, and you walk in, and I think you hugged every single person, like of the 300 person crew, like you were like, Hi, how was your weekend? Hi, hey. And I was like, what? And I remember the mayor, I kind of bright, and I was like, Is this for real? Like, you know what you mean, because it wasn’t just like everyone. It was a good weekend. Like you, like, I swear, individually, hugged every single person. And then I, very soon after, came to realize that is exactly who you are. Like, very warm, very touchy.
Emily Deschanel 17:00
A hugger, for sure.
Carla Gallo 17:02
A hugger.
TJ Thyne 17:03
There’s this thing that we do where we have to get very vulnerable in front of all these people. And when you’re new to a show guest stars, or just like, you know, you just haven’t done it a lot, or you’ve got a tough scene coming up, there’s something about like, Oh, we’re in this together. So I don’t know there was something for me always, of like, we’re all starting on the same page, you know, I think there was something about that, like making sure that our guests truly felt like guests, and that we took care of them. And I think that was you’re doing with everyone.
Emily Deschanel 17:31
Everyone, not just guests, yeah you’re making everyone feel but I love that, because I do think that was a turn for me first season, I would get really nervous or not. I was not. I didn’t get enough sleep, and I’d be trying to remember lines.
TJ Thyne 17:35
You had a lot going on.
Emily Deschanel 17:49
Standing there trying to remember a line and not having sleep and trying to and then I remembered, like, I had a friend who was a crew member tell me at some point how annoyed crews get when actors can’t remember lines. And so then I started, like, judging it. So that made it even worse. And so I looked around, and I was like, Oh, they are mad at me. And at a certain point I realized, like, no, everyone’s like, here we get to know the crew more.
TJ Thyne 18:15
Emily Deschanel 18:15
And then you’re right, you know, like, okay, they’re not out against you. They’re like, maybe they could get annoyed, but like, ultimately, we’re all in this together, and we’re all on the same team, but some but it always feels worse when you do have to be vulnerable or do anything honestly, if you don’t feel like you’re, you know, comfortable in a situation or feel safe in every definition of the word.
TJ Thyne 18:41
I also think that there’s something about that element of when you when it’s our routine as actors, and we are there all the time, and we do know everyone on the crew and stuff. And so it does feel like our home. And when you are the guest and you come in, the last thing you want to do is, like, mess up a take, and then all of a sudden, every you know what I mean, like you feel like, I don’t want to mess up their thing. And so there’s this extra pressure, I feel like, on the guest. So I wanted to always make sure at least our guests felt like.
Carla Gallo 19:04
But, I you did it even if there wasn’t a guest.
Emily Deschanel 19:07
Carla wasn’t, you were always hugging everybody.
Carla Gallo 19:09
TJ Thyne 19:09
I didn’t know she was gonna stay.
Emily Deschanel 19:11
You didn’t.
TJ Thyne 19:12
I thought you’re just gonna have it for once.
Emily Deschanel 19:15
I realized, and then you committed. I got to speak to you because […]
Carla Gallo 19:15
Carla Gallo 19:21
I got to speak to because I was, I was a guest star that day because I was only supposed to do one episode. So I came in. And we’ve talked about this too, that she also was very welcoming and very you know, I never felt me, yeah, because I was.
TJ Thyne 19:37
You are very welcome.
Emily Deschanel 19:38
I, we not as welcoming as you.
Carla Gallo 19:40
Not as welcoming to him.
Emily Deschanel 19:41
You to every single person on that set from every background person you were, like, Carla mentioned this group, but it’s like every person doing background you and know them and and hear what they were doing like it was, it was really important and special.
TJ Thyne 19:57
They were part of our family. We had great like, we had really great people.
Emily Deschanel 19:59
Stand in, and we really did become a family, I mean, and.
TJ Thyne 20:05
We had fun. We did have a good time.
Carla Gallo 20:06
We had a great time that’s why we wanna do the show like this podcast is because we had a great time.
Emily Deschanel 20:12
Yes, there were lots of things that were hard about it. There are different times that were harder than others, but I look back with such affection for the time, for the show, for the experience, and the people we were doing it, with that like, it’s worth looking back. And then, you know, I hear from people who it meant so much for them to watch the show. Like, got through really hard times, people who wanted to go into forensic sciences, because the show, people who got through their studying, like they’re getting a degree, and they binge watch Bones while they’re studying. So it’s our way of giving back to the fans, too, and just a way to, like, kind of look back and see, like what Bones was to people, to television, to culture, to all of it. But wait, I want to go back, rewind.
TJ Thyne 20:59
I gotta go. I can’t believe you have this photo.
Emily Deschanel 21:05
You gave this to me. Framed of the picture of us on the steps. It’s so reversing the pilot.
TJ Thyne 21:10
This is the pilot.
Emily Deschanel 21:12
What do you remember T.J of giving a notebook? Oh, yeah. […]
TJ Thyne 21:21
Missing notes.
Carla Gallo 21:21
Michaela always had one too. I used to make fun of her because it was always color coding.
Carla Gallo 21:23
She has that tabs that were color coded for different scenes […].
TJ Thyne 21:23
Yes, she was amazing.
Emily Deschanel 21:24
But she also her schedule. She’d have, like a hand drawn calendar.
TJ Thyne 21:35
Michaela, has she been in here?
Emily Deschanel 21:36
No, not yet. We have to figure out her schedule.
TJ Thyne 21:40
She’s the best.
Emily Deschanel 21:42
Can’t wait to have her. Wait, But T.J., what do you remember of being a tag?
TJ Thyne 21:46
I didn’t remmeber anything.
Carla Gallo 21:47
Do you remember any?
Emily Deschanel 21:48
Do you remember auditioning or, like, getting the script or anything, of of how you like, heard of this show?
TJ Thyne 21:55
I was dating? Carla’s friend.
Emily Deschanel 22:00
Very good friend, yeah.
TJ Thyne 22:01
Who is probably one of the most magical people on the planet, Vicki Davis.
Emily Deschanel 22:06
Carla Gallo 22:07
Yeah, I didn’t know her at that time. I met her later, just to clarify.
TJ Thyne 22:11
Carla Gallo 22:11
Yeah. I didn’t know her when you guys were no together. I didn’t.
TJ Thyne 22:15
She’s incredible. She’s like, real deal, good people.
Carla Gallo 22:20
I mean I only met her.
TJ Thyne 22:24
Yeah, because it was early on, she’s just this amazing human being. And her best friend was Jenna and Bette who had married this director named Greg Anus. And I would go with her to dinners and things and get to meet Greg, and I always felt like he was so busy. And I always felt like I’m the actor boyfriend. I don’t want this director guy to think I’m trying to get a job. And so it was always really awkward. And I was like, I don’t want to, I don’t know what to talk to him, I just feel so uncomfortable, like he thinks I’m always trying to talk to him about what he’s doing. And so it was always kind of like this slight, awkward thing with me and Vicky, where I would have to go and be like, I just feel bad. I don’t want to be that guy. And then I walked into an audition one day, and Greg was in the room, and I always felt like he was like, Oh God, and I felt that way, like, oh God, like, I don’t want him to, you know? So I auditioned, and I laughed, and he was so sweet. And he called and said, Hey, you did a great job. Like you did such a good job. I mean, I actually showed some friends of mine your tape to say, hey, this was like simple, and he just came in. There’s just a few lines.
Emily Deschanel 23:35
This is for Bones or something else?
TJ Thyne 23:36
Something else.
Emily Deschanel 23:37
Oh, okay.
Carla Gallo 23:37
But isn’t it? I just to stop you. Isn’t that always what we think. We always think like someone thinks the worst of us or something. We’re like, oh, he thinks I want a job from him. And how do we
TJ Thyne 23:47
Yeah, I just felt so bad. He’s such a good guy. For him, it was just a normal night. But I was just like, Oh God, this guy’s gonna think, you know, but it’s true in this industry, you just always think. Does everyone think that you’re just trying to get a job type thing? So I laughed. He called, he was very sweet, and he said, I’m gonna, you’re gonna get the role, but I just booked a national commercial of some kind. And so I said, Oh, I thank you so much. I can’t do it like I can’t take the part, but I really thank you. So then he called me in for something else that he was doing, and I went in and auditioned, and I got the role, and then I couldn’t do it, I booked something else. So I said.
Emily Deschanel 24:22
The tables turned here. He wants to hire you but you are not available.
TJ Thyne 24:23
So then he was being so cool, and so then he hired me. And then I was so excited we were finally gonna get to work for each other. I think it was CSI something New York, or something like that. And finally I was gonna get to work with Greg. Because honestly, I truly thought the world of him, and I was excited that I was finally gonna get it like as a human being, I liked him so much. And so I was like, Oh, we’re gonna get to work together. And then I showed up on set that day, and he had been taken off. He was still the director, but he had to go shoot a final episode of lost or something in Hawaii. And so they, they needed him. And so his like, yeah, they stepped in for that day, just that day, because it was just a guest star. So, we still didn’t get to work together. And then, when I was talking to him, he was talking about this show that he was gonna be doing for Fox, and you hadn’t been cast yet, and Michaela had been cast.
Emily Deschanel 25:13
You probably would be like, I’m not.
TJ Thyne 25:15
Yeah, 100% yeah. But they were looking for you. They were looking for you. They considered they were trying to figure out who they were gonna go with David. There was a couple people from 24 they considered like the show was hot at the time, and they were.
Emily Deschanel 25:29
They, let me look them up.
TJ Thyne 25:30
I know that there was an actor named that played the part of Tony Almeida, and they were considering him.
Emily Deschanel 25:30
For my part?
TJ Thyne 25:36
For Brandan roll, no for booth, but they wanted you. And I remember very vividly Greg sang. I remember there’s a very specific actor that we need that’s going to play this role. She’s got to be strong, she’s got to be confident, she’s got to be able to be funny, at the same time as coming across as very serious, and we’re having difficulty finding her, and we’re looking and we haven’t been able to find her. And I was like “Ah, so injury” and this is just in like, passing while we’re like, seeing each other socially at events and things like that. And then I saw him again, and he said that they had cast you, and he’s like, “Oh no, we found everyone”. We’re so excited. And then I remember him saying, there’s a role you should read just to see if you have any interest in. And I remember getting it and reading the script. And they had described Hodgins as like he looked like a bug. It was a guy that like he, I always wore shorts. He was wearing shorts and flip flops, always, and looked like a bug. I think that was the original described. Have to go back and look. And I remember reading it and thinking like, wow, this is this is fun. I just don’t want to play him that way, like he was so into science, and he was so into what he did. And I thought, “okay, that’s cool” but, like, it’s the social element, and it was the scenes that I was reading about. Like, you know, did you really call me lusty? Like, you really think I’m lusty and something, right? And I thought, I think that he’s more interested in that than he is about the science. It’s like, I think this guy can rattle off the science. Was like, yeah, I get past the science. Tell me about this book you wrote, and being more interested in the person. Am I lusty? So, I remember reading and thinking, well, I’m not gonna play him that way, but I’ll go in and play. And so I went in and met Hart, and then I just hit it off with Hart. And then I got to meet Barry, and then I went to and I remember thinking at the time it was pilot season. I was auditioning for the office. I tested for the office, and for there was one other show for rains.
Emily Deschanel 27:30
Oh, got it.
TJ Thyne 27:31
So the office. And there was something else, another comedy that I was up for that. And I remember thinking about Bones. Well, this is a win win, because if you get it, it’s a show. But if I don’t get it, who wants to say all that, right? Like, it’s kind of, you know, I don’t get it, I don’t have to do the other thing. So, anyway, when it came in and I had the opportunity, I was gonna get to work with Greg, it genuinely, like, I really thought the world of him. And I was like, this is great. So, our first time working together was Bones.
Emily Deschanel 27:58
Oh, wow. So you do remember? You’re like, I don’t remember anything. You remembered a lot.
TJ Thyne 28:04
Emily Deschanel 28:04
And that’s so crazy. He’s like, you weren’t meant to work with each other until Bones.
TJ Thyne 28:09
Yeah, I think so. I know.
Emily Deschanel 28:10
Well, yeah, because if he had, he never would have hired you for Bones.
TJ Thyne 28:12
That’s true.
Carla Gallo 28:13
Cause if you don’t have that experience in Nightmare’s, you’re hugging me non-stop. And he’s up, I can’t write.
TJ Thyne 28:20
Write his lines everywhere.
Carla Gallo 28:21
Yeah, he writes small.
TJ Thyne 28:21
He’s talking to all the actresses. That come in.
Carla Gallo 28:24
Yeah, exactly, yeah. […]
TJ Thyne 28:29
It’s a valid point.
Carla Gallo 28:29
Thank God, you didn’t.
Emily Deschanel 28:33
More with T.J. Thyne after this quick break.
TJ Thyne 28:53
You and I.
Emily Deschanel 28:55
Yes sir.
TJ Thyne 28:56
Got in trouble, doing the pilot.
Emily Deschanel 29:00
What did we do? Wait, what?
TJ Thyne 29:01
You and I got in trouble.
Emily Deschanel 29:04
How do we get in trouble?
TJ Thyne 29:05
We were doing this scene that it changed, I think, from the pilot to where it ended up being. But it was limbo. It where all the bones.
Emily Deschanel 29:14
Okay, yeah.
TJ Thyne 29:16
By the way, I have not seen the pilot in so long, so I’m not even sure that the scene made it in, okay. So maybe you’ll remember there’s this scene where you and I are, like, talking, we’re doing something, I think, over the bones, but we’re in that scene. We’re in that location.
Emily Deschanel 29:30
When you say, Limbo, do you you don’t up in the up?
TJ Thyne 29:33
Emily Deschanel 29:34
The bone room. Okay, that’s so funny, because at first I thought the bone room, because I think that’s what we used to call it.
TJ Thyne 29:38
We used to call it limbo, because it’s where the bodies were. They weren’t between heaven or and they weren’t in earth, because they were kind of found limbo, because they hadn’t been discovered yet from the team. We hadn’t figured out who they were, what they were also so they were in limbo. So we used to call it limbo. Anyway, we were there, and we were doing this take where they were using this camera on a crane, and it was swooping down. Like, catching you and I, and we kept doing it over and over again, and they had it, we thought, and you and I were like, Let’s like, when they settle on us, they settled on us, and they would just hang for like, three seconds or something like that and we knew that they would every time. But, we did it say we did it 14 times. They would cut after three seconds. So you and I knew they were gonna cut. And so anyway, the sweeping camera movement comes down past all the bones, and we’re talking at the time, and it lands on us. And we had our documents in our hands, the characters documents in the hands, and as soon as it landed you and I counted in our heads to three, and then we both started just lowering out of the frame. And we thought we were being funny, and it was the take they needed. They couldn’t get the shot right, and they finally got it right.
Emily Deschanel 30:49
Now, I know if they keep going again, talking to you, yeah, it’s like, there’s a technical thing, they’re possibly kind of.
TJ Thyne 30:56
Oh, they were so upset with us.
Emily Deschanel 30:57
We didn’t know.
TJ Thyne 30:57
We didn’t know. We thought, we did this 14 times. They probably have it.
Emily Deschanel 31:01
They have it. They’re just getting extras.
TJ Thyne 31:02
Yeah, and they always cut at three seconds, so they’re gonna cut and then they were so mad at us. I do like we finally got it.
Carla Gallo 31:09
If you were ever gonna get in trouble on that set, it was with you. I’ve never been yelled at more by an AG to be quiet than when you’re there until the […]
Emily Deschanel 31:22
Tomorrow, the laughin, the giggles on a Friday evening […]
Carla Gallo 31:29
Every day, no […]
Emily Deschanel 31:31
But I’m just saying, when we would get tired.
TJ Thyne 31:34
The hardest thing in the world is when you’re laughing, you have the giggles, and then you’re looking around and no one is amused. Like it makes it so much worse, because everyone be staring at you.
Carla Gallo 31:42
But it is the easiest thing to make you not have giggles.
TJ Thyne 31:44
No, not for me. And tomorrow […] like, oh my god, we have to get this right stuff. Oh my god.
Emily Deschanel 31:54
It’s harder for me not to.
TJ Thyne 31:55
It’s that thing of like telling you, like, don’t laugh, don’t laugh, whatever you do, don’t laugh. And then I’d look it, and Tamara would be, like, trying not to laugh, and I’d lose it, and then she’d lose, oh, my God.
Carla Gallo 32:05
I think it took all of our blooper reels each like, at the rap party, they would show a blooper, and it would just be, you guys laugh.
TJ Thyne 32:11
Yeah, it was because that show, and I give credit to Hart also. I mean, even with what we were saying in the beginning, of my feeling like, oh, this is a win, win if you get it, great. And if not, you know who wants to say all this. What I loved about Bones, the script itself, was that Hart wrote it. In a way, Hart himself wasn’t like he was a fan of the characters the world happened to be forensics. But like, it was about these lives that he had written. It was about Brandon, it was about Booth, it was about Daisy, it was about Hodgins and, you know, Angela. That’s what Hart Hanson was writing. And it just happened to take place. It could have been Friday Night Lights taking place with football, but it we it was just this dark, twisted world we lived in with dead bodies and bones and things like that. But like, the reality was, it was like the people on the inside, and so for us, sometimes it was just heavy, heavy, heavy verbiage, when, in fact, it’s like a dear friend that you’re just hanging out with all night, and, yeah, you just go so many hours and you just be laughing hysterically. So that part of it, that we kept it very human, that we found love in each other as a cast, I think that that’s why the show, I think I did so well, was that it was, that it was, I think, if we had gone in and just been like, serious all the time, it would have gotten very boring, very quick.
Emily Deschanel 33:25
Yeah, well, everyone, it’s all about character and relationships, right? It has to be like and we were lucky that we had a showrunner and creator who recognized that and wrote that too. But we had to be about that.
Carla Gallo 33:40
And it was well cast in terms of, like, good humans. I mean, you know, because there you guys all got a lot, you know, you loved each other and cared about each other. And that doesn’t always that chemistry isn’t always there in casting. Yeah, you know, that’s kind of, they do these chemistry reads or, you know, or the test together, and then, like, great looks, great, they have chemistry. And I, just as I’m watching the first season. I’m like, it’s kind of remarkable how quickly, I mean, and I noticed, especially in the pilot, how quickly you all have chemistry. And that’s really lucky.
TJ Thyne 34:10
Yeah, the casting was that there was one character that there was this, do you remember the woman? Oh my gosh, she was awful. I gotta think of her name.
Emily Deschanel 34:18
Carla Gallo?
TJ Thyne 34:18
Yes, oh my god.
Carla Gallo 34:19
Yes, I’m right.
TJ Thyne 34:21
That woman, no, I gotta tell you how […] Carla.
Carla Gallo 34:30
I wanted to ask if you have a favorite episode.
TJ Thyne 34:32
I loved any episode where I got to kiss Michaela. It was like, oh my god, this is amazing. I get to go in and have this incredible experience with a dear friend. And also it’s a kind of like, you know.
Emily Deschanel 34:44
Well, it was such a great couple as a great relationship, those two together. And you can even see it from like, early on. Fans love those characters together.
TJ Thyne 34:57
So we talked, she and I had talked because. It was so clear that the show was Booth and Brandon and early on, I remember she and I had a conversation. I don’t know how deep we’re going into this podcast, if I should be sharing things like this.
Emily Deschanel 35:08
TJ Thyne 35:10
We’re like, we gotta. We can’t just sustain this where we’re just like, you’re her best friend and I’m just this guy. If we’re gonna have longevity on the show. We’ve gotta have a relationship. So we started to flirt with each other as characters early on, before it was written in.
Emily Deschanel 35:31
See it. You can see it happening, but you can see it.
Carla Gallo 35:33
It’s true.
Emily Deschanel 35:35
But it was smart as an actor to do that, you have to know how you feel about every person, other person, right.
TJ Thyne 35:35
That was part of.
TJ Thyne 35:43
Yeah. That’s my memory.
Carla Gallo 35:46
I mean, I’m impressed. I mean, it really worked.
Emily Deschanel 35:48
You could flirt on your end and see if she responds, I suppose. But it’s good to have a conversation.
TJ Thyne 35:56
No, I just remember thinking strategic. It was just like, you just again, if the show is gonna what you need that, because when you guys break up, or if you guys aren’t together, you need that other couple to kind of have, like, we can cut to that. So we were like, well, we got to keep this thing kind of moving.
Emily Deschanel 36:11
You guys were the second couple. There’s other couple, you know what? I mean, there’s Booth and Brandon, Angela, Hodgins.
TJ Thyne 36:18
She dated so many.
Emily Deschanel 36:19
Carla Gallo 36:20
Yeah. There’s which I felt the same way that you felt, and I talked about this before, but like, I loved kissing John. I loved it. I was like, that’s a good day’s work when you like […] flirt with them and it was so fun.
TJ Thyne 36:35
I know.
Emily Deschanel 36:36
I have a friend who’s an actor. Well, he’s not, she’s not really acting anymore. She’s like, I don’t want to go and get some random person like. I’m like, I don’t mind. I don’t either, I don’t mind that. I’m not like, seeking it out, but I don’t, it depends on the person.
Carla Gallo 36:51
Yes […] Because I’ve also had the experience. Where I’m like, not even somebody dislike, but where I’m just like, don’t. I’m just, there’s no connection with you, and then I don’t get anything from the interaction, because there’s no chemistry. There’s no nothing to play off of I don’t need it.
TJ Thyne 37:09
People don’t understand when you’re an actor. They don’t get it that there’s an entire crew watching what’s going on. Like, you’re not alone. You’re not having these intimate also […]
Emily Deschanel 37:16
People you’ve known for. And you’re like, David, okay, keep a straight face. Like, this is just so weird. What you and David, kiss because you’re like, I’ve been more. He’s my co star. It’s like, my brother. And so, it’s just so weird. It makes me giggle, because you’re like, this is weird. You know, to kiss this person, but it’s always so much better when you know, get along with the person. You have good chemistry.
TJ Thyne 37:44
Well, and I also thought, I mean, again, in that situation on bones, it was like, it also meant that our characters were at a place, because the stories were so, intertwined in.
Emily Deschanel 37:53
Right, it’s like, a happy place.
TJ Thyne 37:55
Yeah, we got to a happy place again, whatever was going on. It’s like Hodgins and Angela finally got back to a place where this is, this is happy and good. So I always really liked those scenes and those episodes. And I really did I liked buried car. That was fun one, that was a good one. You mentioned that, I liked that. Was it called no, aliens in space.
Emily Deschanel 38:11
Aliens in a spaceship.
TJ Thyne 38:12
Emily Deschanel 38:13
We can call it buried car.
TJ Thyne 38:14
I always think of it as buried car.
Carla Gallo 38:15
You should comeback to that round.
Emily Deschanel 38:17
I know.
Carla Gallo 38:17
I just said that.
TJ Thyne 38:19
What are you? What are you doing next? […]
Carla Gallo 38:21
Wait a second, […]. Is this boneheads with T.J. Thyne and Emily guys? I’m really happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me for these first […] it’s been really fun being the host.
TJ Thyne 38:42
Are you not just guesting today? You actually have her come back all the time. What are you thinking?
Emily Deschanel 38:47
Not anymore, Jessica, you’re […]
TJ Thyne 38:51
Carla, I love you so much. I was happier doing this.
Emily Deschanel 38:52
We recognize a good thing when we see it.
TJ Thyne 38:54
This is so cool. No, give me a moment. You can cut this out. I don’t have any memories, you can cut this out.
Emily Deschanel 38:59
You want to ask a question?
TJ Thyne 39:00
No, I just want to say it’s so cool you’re doing this. And you mentioned the fans of bones earlier, and the reality of the situation is that they are the reason why we did the show. I know a lot of people say that they do, but it’s like most of the time we’re trying to work because we love telling stories as actors. We want to kind of like make people happy, but when you have a group of people that stick with you as long as our fans of this show did, and again, beyond it. I mean, how many times people still come up to you and are like, oh my God, that show. And so.
Emily Deschanel 39:31
And re watching it?
TJ Thyne 39:32
Re watching?
Emily Deschanel 39:32
TJ Thyne 39:33
And there’s something about that that I genuinely feel, and this goes from heart all the way down to, you know, anyone that was like our background actors that showed up all the time. It’s like we wanted to tell this story for everyone that was watching. We wanted to do that, and the fact that you two are coming together to do this, and allowing this to extend into yet another kind of chapter for those that watched is so kind. It’s very nice, and I’m excited to listen to all of them, not this one. One, but I’ll listen to all the others. But, no, it’s really cool. I genuinely think that that’s really good you can take that out, but it’s great that you’re doing this. I think anyone that was a fan of bones is going to genuinely be so thrilled that you are doing this.
Emily Deschanel 40:11
We might want to keep it in, we’re keeping it in. We don’t know, we appreciate that.
TJ Thyne 40:15
Yeah, it’s very true.
Emily Deschanel 40:16
No, I think hopefully people will enjoy it. I mean, who knows, one person will listen and the other one will listen.
Carla Gallo 40:21
I mean, it goes both ways. I mean, obviously for you guys, it was such a big part of your life, your lives, but it was a huge part of my I feel like I grew up. It was this span of time that was, early 30s to, I guess, like nearly 40. And it was like that was where everything in my life happened. Like, you know what? I mean, I felt like before that, in the 20s, I thought I was sort of figuring out, but I wasn’t. It was actually right around that time that I was like, I mean, the thing that Michaela and I talk about the most is that when every time I came back, I would be like, I’d be grilled about who I was dating.
TJ Thyne 40:38
I remember it so well.
Carla Gallo 40:49
You and I.
TJ Thyne 40:56
Where are you? Who is it?
Carla Gallo 40:57
Yeah. Who is it? […] now? Are you with fireman, still? Still the older guy? It was an and I loved and then same for you, like you and I would just be checking in with each other and also with Michaela and like, where are you at? We had impressions of the people we were dating. We had, she still has an impression of this, someone I was dating who broke up with me. It’s a very short term thing, but then started dating somebody else. And I think Michaela had seen a picture or a video, and she has this impression of her wearing a microphone. So we have a shorthand where she can just do this move, or she has one that is kind of a scene of a guy she was dating […], shorthand where we would do. Well, what about this? Or there was guy who wore these shoes. Like, I don’t know, period of time.
TJ Thyne 41:44
I remember you guys doing that on stage. I remember that physical movement that you’re doing. I didn’t know why, but I remember you cracking up.
Carla Gallo 41:51
Oh yeah.
Carla Gallo 41:53
Yeah. […]
TJ Thyne 41:53
Wanting to make her laugh.
Emily Deschanel 41:56
I know what that is to that period of time.
Carla Gallo 41:59
I just like, you know, and then I end up getting. I’m in a relationship, I get married, I have kids, like, and that’s going around and like, I don’t know. So it’s cool to on this end, to be reliving and going through all that stuff and creatively. It’s nice to and how about just sitting here with you? Like, I don’t know why someone that I am so crazy about and we live in the same city. Why am I not seeing you all the time?
TJ Thyne 42:23
I don’t like you.
Carla Gallo 42:23
I want to stand with that. There was a there was some reverb, and I didn’t hear what you say.
TJ Thyne 42:29
No, I really like you. Is it weird for you to reminisce like this?
Emily Deschanel 42:36
Its weird, it’s nice, though. It’s nice to look back on episodes and kind of have such a distance on it before if ever I’d watched an episode, I’d be so like […].
TJ Thyne 42:46
Right watching yourself.
Emily Deschanel 42:48
Hated it, but it’s nice to see what the show is slash was in the world to me, like and it’s nice to go back and remember times and things we did and behind the scenes stuff. And the same thing that you were saying, Carla, like I was 28 when I started it, I finished at 40, and like I was 20 and single, and I finished it at 40, married, with two kids. So much happened in those years, and I had a good experience for the most part. Almost the whole time was, obviously there’s hard times, but it was like a well oiled machine at a certain point and well run. Do you feel that way when you look back? What do you feel like it is and represents to you and your life?
TJ Thyne 43:31
I never look back.
Emily Deschanel 43:33
Oh! Well now you’re looking back better look back now.
TJ Thyne 43:37
Wait, I have to say. I will answer. I hope that the fans understand that you are the reason the show went as long as it went, because there were so many moments in real life that you could have been like, peace out, I’m married now. Peace out, I’m having a kid. Peace out, I’m having my second. I actually remember being in my parents kitchen and finding out, I think you were pregnant. It might have been the first time you’re pregnant. And I remember thinking, Oh my God, this woman. And I remember going crazy. And then I remember going, oh my god, I’m out of a job. I remember thinking like, oh, there’s no way she’s not gonna, how can she do this? And you did it not once, but twice, and you consistently. I think maybe I’m wrong, but my impression is that you did that for us. You did that for the crew. You could have walked away so many times, and you did it for the fans and for everyone, because now is that for everybody.
Emily Deschanel 44:31
No, I mean, I thought that we’d lose our whole crew when we came back, but I was under contract when I was pregnant for the first time, at least, but I guess I could have said I’m not coming back.
TJ Thyne 44:43
Yeah, we all were always like, what’s Emily gonna do?
Emily Deschanel 44:46
I didn’t realize how much power I had honestly.
TJ Thyne 44:48
You did.
Emily Deschanel 44:49
I guess I could have not, renew, set. I could have stepped away at certain points for sure. And when you don’t have a contract, you absolutely can step away. But I weighed it all. I was weighing my own life, and whether I felt I could do it too, I wouldn’t do it just for everybody else, because I have to put my family first obviously.
TJ Thyne 45:07
Emily Deschanel 45:08
I mean, maybe I should have, maybe my kids would love me more.
Carla Gallo 45:16
No, I think, I think it’s good to work. I like working too, like not all the time, and I’ve taken time off with my kids and stuff, but I think it’s good to have a mom that works too. But, I did consider the crew for sure, and the other actors with everything too, and and fans as well.
TJ Thyne 45:32
What is it like for both of you? You’re both strong, powerful women that are also in this industry, and you’re moms and so that balance between when taking a job and when not taking a job. I mean, our industry is when we’re taking a job could be what you have it’s like now you’re doing almost 18 hours by the time you wake up, go there, shoot, come home. So what is that like? How do you weigh that?
Emily Deschanel 45:56
The time it changes so much after having kids. Before I had kids, I don’t want to hear what you have. Yeah, I feel like I have a lot. You just say, answer this. But before I kids would be like […] Yes, I’m going to New Zealand, months, yes. And I love that adventure of it, but I have to, you have to weigh your job so much more with the kids. Like, what does that mean for the kids? I’m not going to go away, my kids are in school. I’m not going to go away for a long period of time. The jobs that exist, that are right, are limited, is what I’ll say.
Carla Gallo 46:28
I will take any job anytime, anywhere. I am just always feel desperate. I feel I remember vividly times, kids or no kids being similar well, I can’t. You know, I remember there was a, I had done a pilot. I mean, technically, was probably pilot presentation, CW, we were like, oh, it’s obviously gonna get picked up. And they’re like, well, it was gonna shoot maybe Atlanta. And then they’re like, No, you know what? It’s actually gonna move to Baton Rouge. And I was like, I’m not ready to really, this was, pre kids and the whole thing. And I was like, I don’t know, I just don’t think I’m ready. And this thing’s obviously gonna be on for 10 years. But I was like, I was on it. So I was like, I’ll go wherever it goes. But I remember feeling really, of course, it didn’t get picked up. So I’ve lived through so many experiences of that, of like me being like, oh my god, Bulgaria, right? I don’t know, and now I’m like, yeah, sure, Bulgaria, absolutely. Like, I am just like A they almost never happen B, I want to work and I don’t a lot of the time,
TJ Thyne 47:39
Which is crazy, by the way.
Carla Gallo 47:40
Thank you.
TJ Thyne 47:40
It is actually very crazy.
Carla Gallo 47:42
Well, same to you, because I know you feel the same way, like, there’s the frustration of like.
TJ Thyne 47:45
I didn’t have since Bones.
Carla Gallo 47:46
That is not true.
TJ Thyne 47:47
I keep going to the fox a lot every morning. I don’t understand why no one’s going. I thought, I know I haven’t I don’t work […]
Carla Gallo 47:55
Watching, but I know […]
Emily Deschanel 47:56
But in television, I saw you like, always, like, I could say the same thing, but I know I’ve done jobs since phones, but sometimes, but also, when you don’t do something for a period of time, you’re like, can I even do it? God! Do they want it? What is working? I mean, it doesn’t take long before that. It feels like that. I think it doesn’t take that long […] I don’t think I’ll ever work again, right?
Emily Deschanel 47:56
Do you feel like that? How do you feel? Where are you?
TJ Thyne 48:23
I’m right there. I think I have to look at different professions. That makes me so sad, because we’re such storytellers. We all want to tell stories all the time.
Carla Gallo 48:33
Listen, we are all in that play. I can’t tell you how many friends I have who are like, “ah, do I go back to school for nutrition”, right? Whatever, we’re all trying to figure out what the thing to go back to school for, or whatever profession, but the truth we have all is, we will all survive.
TJ Thyne 48:51
We’ll all always act.
Carla Gallo 48:52
We will because we can’t. Not, I think, I mean, I very much believe that about you. Yeah […]
Emily Deschanel 49:00
Of things going on. You’ve always had, I always had I always […] Had a lot of difference. It’s always your thing.
TJ Thyne 49:04
It was always the most important thing. And it still is. It was always just, you know, and you’ll appreciate this. You’ll both appreciate this. It was this thing of. Look, if I’m gonna do a job, let me take that money and figure out where to put it so I can multiply that money so I can keep being an actor. That’s it, any job I ever did, any business I ever created seven at one point, and it was all just because I just want to keep acting, and I just want to be able to have some type of passive income coming in so that I can do this, and also it’s just about this.
Emily Deschanel 49:36
Unless it is like the bones of the world, most acting jobs don’t last forever, and so we’re kind of for hire people who get a job and then that ends, and then you wait for the next job or whatever, and that can be hard, so you want to have other ways of getting money that’s like smart.
TJ Thyne 49:55
Yeah. Just be so lovely to just be able to act all the time. I think that’s the thing.
Carla Gallo 50:00
You get bored of it.
TJ Thyne 50:01
Do you tell me? […]
Emily Deschanel 50:06
TJ Thyne 50:08
I just mean in a place now.
Emily Deschanel 50:09
Acting, yeah. I want to have some variety. Well, depends on the thing.
TJ Thyne 50:13
Oh, you mean, like a show, staying one character?
Emily Deschanel 50:16
TJ Thyne 50:16
Oh, I see.
Emily Deschanel 50:17
We did that. I know you guys […]. I mean, I loved it, but there’s times you get bored of it. You have to make it interesting and fresh. There’s nice. I think it’d be nice to have a certain amount of acting, but playing different characters and then doing other things too.
TJ Thyne 50:36
I think, we were in a generation with bones, where television was still a thing that you tried to get 22 episodes a year, and that’s what. And while we were all on TV together, it changed, industry as a whole, and entertainment and streaming, it morphed while we were on that old way of doing it. And so the romantic notion today’s day and age, I think for all actors, especially, I would think moms, it’s like, I just want an 8 to 10 episode show where you can go in and do it and then break away and go do something else.
Emily Deschanel 51:07
And it’s ensemble. You’re not if you just come […].
Carla Gallo 51:13
I have that.
TJ Thyne 51:14
What are you doing now?
Carla Gallo 51:14
TJ Thyne 51:16
Emily Deschanel 51:16
Really funny. I haven’t watch it.
TJ Thyne 51:19
I thought it was a movie, and just my world’s been very, I thought it was a film. Was like, oh, I’m gonna watch that with my dad. And then I just found out that it’s a show, I didn’t know you were on it.
Carla Gallo 51:26
You don’t know I’m on it? […] Okay now you’re not gonna watch it. Just only watch episode three, because that’s the one I’m not in. So you can just watch episode three. No, it was literally the dream. It was a job that you would ask for, which is it shot in LA, 10 episodes. But I also love working. I really do, and I’ve also never been in the position you guys have been in. I’ve never worked that many, you know, episodes, that many hours, consistently over a span of years. And so I have, PTSD of always trying to keep my head above water. So I do kind of feel like I can’t end this 10 episodes, isn’t enough. And, I need more, I need the next job, I need the a bummer, because I think, like you said, if you could just have the passive income to not have that fearful and some of a lot of that, obviously, is the income and the money, and then some of it is just the thing that I have wanted to do my entire life, and I don’t want it to be taken away from me. So there’s that, like, I just never feel like it’s enough. I always want more. I always need more.
TJ Thyne 52:29
That’s good, though, because you’re good at it. So you should keep wanting more and needing more, because I don’t think you’re ever gonna have a moment Carla, where for you, It’s like, done.
Carla Gallo 52:38
Done. I don’t think I could. I can’t really fathom that. I’ve threatened it, I’ve been like, I don’t think I can do this.
TJ Thyne 52:43
Emily Deschanel 52:43
But, we don’t have to decide it’s done. It’s like, there can be less work at times, as we get older too, that’s reality. Unfortunately, but it can be like we have other things, and then we act when we act.
Emily Deschanel 52:44
Going back to bones.
TJ Thyne 52:55
All right.
Emily Deschanel 52:55
Did I ask you?
TJ Thyne 52:57
All right, we have microphones. Oh, you asked about favorites, favorite memories.
TJ Thyne 53:03
Behind the scenes. Oh!
Emily Deschanel 53:03
Behind the scenes.
Emily Deschanel 53:05
Getting in trouble.
TJ Thyne 53:06
Yes, laughing. There was lots, so much laughing. Tamara just kills me. I just, I just adore that human being with everything I am. I remember. We talked about it earlier, about relationships of that, but like David, when he came in to be the priest.
Emily Deschanel 53:21
Oh, my husband.
TJ Thyne 53:24
The episode, we were doing what we do, we were just talking right up to action. And he said, as the priest, he was just like, guys, could you please focus? This is really important for me, okay? I haven’t worked, and this is the most important job. Yeah, I need this job. It was really funny.
Carla Gallo 53:41
He’s on the show.
Emily Deschanel 53:41
Yeah, he married on bones.
Carla Gallo 53:45
He married. […]
TJ Thyne 53:47
He was marrying them […].
Emily Deschanel 53:50
He on, it’s all Sunny in Philadelphia. He plays a defrocked priest. And so I thought, my heart thought it was funny that he was a play a priest again. We’re supposed to marry Booth and Brandon. Brandon keeps saying, well, we’ve had sex before. Like, in front, it was important to Booth. They get married in a Catholic Church and he played the priest. But then the church burns down.
Carla Gallo 54:15
Oh, okay,
TJ Thyne 54:17
We like to burn things down on bed.
Carla Gallo 54:18
TJ Thyne 54:19
I remember in your outfit at the wedding?
Carla Gallo 54:21
You remember my outfit?
TJ Thyne 54:22
Yeah, I remember being at the wedding just now, it just hit us with the wedding,
Carla Gallo 54:26
The hero and I wedding, that insane, victorian […]
Emily Deschanel 54:30
I didn’t remember you had a victorian […] Little reenactment or something.
Carla Gallo 54:38
I don’t know.
TJ Thyne 54:41
Literally, as you talked wedding, I just […]
Carla Gallo 54:43
TJ Thyne 54:44
I remember being […] Rose Garden down there.
Carla Gallo 54:47
That was a fun that was really fun. All of us there together, because, we weren’t always necessarily like all this winters.
Carla Gallo 54:48
I know that was always rare to have everyone together.
TJ Thyne 54:58
The squinterns were. I mean, seriously, that clearly, it made the show better, absolutely and that whole thing of like having you guys come in, it was just the best. You guys were all. Every single solitary one of you was so fun. Like, everyone was so fun. I mean, it didn’t matter who.
Emily Deschanel 55:18
I just had a memory, though.
Carla Gallo 55:20
Okay, but quick.
Emily Deschanel 55:22
I just had a memory of going to spin class and T.J. spin class.
TJ Thyne 55:27
That’s right.
Emily Deschanel 55:27
Remember that?
TJ Thyne 55:28
Carla Gallo 55:28
It might have happened more than once.
TJ Thyne 55:30
We went in Silver Lake.
Emily Deschanel 55:31
Yes, right? […] yoga and spinning.
TJ Thyne 55:36
It doesn’t exist anymore.
Emily Deschanel 55:37
I know.
TJ Thyne 55:38
But that place does and it’s a cool little spin place. Now it’s hype, hype spin.
Emily Deschanel 55:42
It’s four kids. I could drive wherever and go to whatever […]
TJ Thyne 55:45
We also went to lunch. I always forget the name of this place up in the Canyon.
Emily Deschanel 55:51
Oh my gosh. Remember that?
TJ Thyne 55:53
We’re talking about your relationships.
Emily Deschanel 55:55
Oh! yeah, I totally remember that we went to […]
TJ Thyne 56:00
So nice. Yeah, I remember that.
Emily Deschanel 56:02
It’s so pretty there.
Carla Gallo 56:03
Great memories guys, so glad you brought up these spinning class and the lunch you ate, the listeners are just, you know, oh my god, please have fun together […]. On that note, maybe we wrap it up […]. No, I would like to say this has been incredible to talk to you like it’s, I don’t know. When we do get together, we’re not like, let’s just reminisce our time together.
Emily Deschanel 56:37
Deep and talk.
TJ Thyne 56:38
I don’t get to come and do this with you guys each week, and I haven’t yet had the chance to hear the podcast, but I will say this, it is very perfect that what happened today happened the way that it did, because this is exactly what would happen on bones. Yes, there was a mission to do. The mission was podcast, we just hung out. And that was the same with us. It was always, you have to shoot the show guys, like we have to also show wasn’t just hanging out. This just felt very much like exactly what we all did.
Carla Gallo 57:09
We didn’t do what we were supposed to do. I’m just kidding […]
Emily Deschanel 57:15
Yeah, we’ll have to see how much we need to cut out to make all of energy, all of it, that’s gonna have to come back.
TJ Thyne 57:22
I genuinely love you both so much. You have no idea.
Emily Deschanel 57:24
We love you
TJ Thyne 57:25
I love you. Genuine thing. I think the world of you, I’m so happy you’re doing this. I think any and every fan of the show Bones is gonna be stoked about this, and I know being one myself, that I’ll totally be tuning in and listening to you both.
Emily Deschanel 57:38
Well, we love you. T.J. and we so appreciate you coming over.
Carla Gallo 57:43
I forgot how much I loved you. How about that?
Emily Deschanel 57:44
I know!
Carla Gallo 57:46
I know love you, but seeing you, it’s like I missed you.
Emily Deschanel 57:51
Immediately cuddle on the couch.
Carla Gallo 57:53
Yeah, right back at it.
TJ Thyne 57:55
I love you both so much. This is really fun.
Emily Deschanel 58:05
That was great.
Carla Gallo 58:06
I love him so much.
Emily Deschanel 58:07
I know he’s the best.
Carla Gallo 58:09
Just makes me happy, just hearing his voice.
Emily Deschanel 58:12
We had the best time.
Carla Gallo 58:13
I know, we have to have him back.
Carla Gallo 58:14
Well, I think we…
Emily Deschanel 58:14
We do have to have him back. I think we’ll have to find the right episode, or just bring him back as a guest. Fun to talk about.
Emily Deschanel 58:16
Did it again.
Carla Gallo 58:23
We did it once.
Emily Deschanel 58:24
We’re not a one hit.
Carla Gallo 58:26
Two times, two hit wonder. Hit wonder two times.
Emily Deschanel 58:30
We did it.
Carla Gallo 58:31
Emily Deschanel 58:31
Carla Gallo 58:32
Hey, thanks, you too.
Emily Deschanel 58:32
Yeah, thanks. And to you listener for listening.
Carla Gallo 58:35
Congrats for staying with us.
Emily Deschanel 58:38
See it for number three.
Boneheads is a production of Lemonada Media and us. Our producer is Alex McOwen. Our engineers are Brian Castillo and Noah Smith. Our senior vice president of weekly content is Steve Nelson. Our executive producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs, Jessica Cordova Kramer and us, Emily Deschanel and Carla Gallo. Music by Doug Paisley. Special thanks to Allison Bresnick to stay up to date with us and submit your listener questions. Follow us on Instagram @Boneheadspod and @LemonadaMedia on all social channels. Follow Boneheads wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership. Thanks so much for listening.