Hell Is Fake, Amy’s Hot, Citizens United
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It’s Halloween, baby, and Sarah loves when her neighbors go all out on decorations! Plus, she gets a call from a broadway star, ruins hell for children, and hears from her old friend, Toad.
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Toad, Ryan, Sarah Silverman, Jess, Sender 7, Effie, Melissa, Nick, Amy
Sarah Silverman 00:00
Hey everybody, it’s your old pal, Sarah Silverman, and let me tell you, the Halloween decorations are up. It’s starting to feel like fall. I’m loving even in LA It’s getting chilly. It’s getting that LA chill, and I like it. I like sweater weather. I like turtleneck weather. I like layering. But I love the decorations for Halloween and for Christmas in my neighborhood, because they do it like they really do it. And I just love it. It feels like, like team spirit, like neighborhood spirit, and Halloween is like amazing in my neighborhood, because so many people in my neighborhood are, like, one of my neighbors, a prop master. There’s a bunch of, like, production designers, so they go all out, and it’s so cool. Like, I remember one Halloween these neighbors, dogs were going crazy, like, when we walk the dogs past them, because they had a cow that they made, like, I don’t know it’s, it’s made out of like paper mache or something, and then it’s probably motion triggered. But like, you walk by and this, this like alien spaceship that is, like hovering over it, and it, it lights up. And then it’s, it, like lifts up the cow with lights. But it’s, you know, they do it, they work in production, you know, so they figure it out, but it’s so cool, fun stuff. All right, let’s take some calls.
Toad 02:03
Hey, Sarah’s your friend,Tode, I just listened to the podcast, and I heard a caller that came in and said, Sarah, you’re my best friend, but I know not your best friend. And I think that was really cool, because there’s so many people who end the conversation they go your bestie, such and such. And I’m always like, you’re not really Sarah’s best friend. But then also in conversation, I’ll go, oh well, my friend Sarah says this, if it’s a relevant topic, a Sarah ism that fits the conversation. So I think it’s pretty cool that you have all these people who you are friends with that you may have never met before or just met once in passing or something. So I think that’s really cool. I also wanted to hop on the Amy is hot trend, yeah, Amy is hot. And more people should talk about it. And last, I just want to say, I know you were talking about, like, you know, your facial features are changing and stuff. And I’m almost 40, and sometimes I, you know, I’ll get down on myself. And I’m like, Oh, I’m a fat piece of crap or whatever, even though I’m not. But, you know, it’s easy to get down on yourself. And what helps is I look in the mirror and I talk about the positives that I see. No, still got a head full of hair, jet black hair, you know. So I have all my teeth, um, you know, I am relatively good health. And what really helps is if I go on Facebook and look at some people that I went to high school and I’m like, All right, well, I’m not that bad, you know. Just it just helps to put things in perspective. I love you sir.
Sarah Silverman 03:33
Toad, I love you too. Toad, I love you, and you are my friend. And, yeah, that was funny when the caller said, You’re my best friend. I know I might not be your best friend, and it’s funny because I’ve been more liberal with saying best friend, but I, you know, like I’ve got my best friend Carrie, my best friend Heidi, my best friend tal John. And I know that’s three best friends, but I’m okay with saying it just like I I say I love you a lot more liberally than I did, because people die, especially comics. Whenever a comic ODS or kills themselves, we remember to tell each other that we love each other, and I’m just kind of staying in that space. But with Heidi, I always say to people. Well, she’s my best friend, but I don’t think I’m her best friend, but that’s okay. I’m a very close friend of hers, and I’ll take it, but I’m gonna do that toad. I’m gonna look in the mirror and say all the things I like, because there’s lots of things I like. I love my smile. I like my teeth. I take really good care of them. I like my eyebrows, and I’m strong and my body works, and I’m too relatively healthy, and I’m so grateful for that. Bye, Toad, see you in Philly. Is he coming to Philly?
Amy 04:52
I think either Philly or DC can’t wait. And thank you for the compliment.
Sarah Silverman 04:57
Oh my god, I love it. Amy is hot. It. She really needs to hear it, but she could hear it 10 times a day, and until she believes it. You know, what is it? I don’t know. Would you buy an Amy’s hot Sarah Silverman podcast t shirt? I would, I’d wear that everywhere. All right. What else?
Melissa 05:19
Hi, Sarah. It’s your best friend, Melissa from Philly. I use they, them pronouns, and I appreciate your response to the listener who was worried about messing up pronouns, because I have that same attitude that your non binary friends have, that your effort is what matters most, and we definitely see that now your effort to use the right pronouns will get even easier if you also examine your understanding of gender and try to see us for who we are, rather than just worry about how to simply be polite, right? And another important thing to consider is when you do apologize for messing up someone’s pronouns. Try your best to make it very brief and move on from it. Yes, when you make a big deal out of saying sorry and it’s really hard for me, then you’re just making that person feel uncomfortable and burdensome, right? It’s the burden should be there. Yeah, helpful feedback for you and your listeners. I love your podcast and your comedy, and I love all of your listeners too. It’s a great community. Thank you.
Sarah Silverman 06:32
Thank you for that. Yeah. I mean, the proof is, and someone had pointed this out online, that you know, if someone loses their wallet, it’s very easy to say they them, because, oh, this is someone’s wallet. They’ll want this wallet. They’re gonna need this well, we should find out who it is and get it to them. You know, it’s like we mindlessly can say they them, but to see them as them makes sense. It still might take a beat, because I know your name is Melissa, and I hear your voice. It ingrained signals in my brain that I have to unlearn. And I’ve unlearned plenty of stuff before, and I know I can do it, and I don’t feel burdened by it, but you’re right, like, going, because there have been times, and I think this is what, really, probably what you’re reacting to, where I I say the wrong thing, and then, you know, and then I go, Oh, god, oh god, I’m sorry. I Okay, you know. And it’s like, now I’m making a scene on their behalf. That’s so shitty, you know. So I, you know, I was with, not to name drop. I was with Robbie Hoffman yesterday, and they are so like, Oh, don’t even, I don’t even care. Call me. She her, I don’t give a fall care. They dump my disease. Like, gig. It’s just like, there isn’t anything better. So I just like, that’s what I but I said, No, it don’t diminish that. This is your how you want to be regarded. That’s how who you are. You are not binary, and that is to be respected. So it’s like there’s some now I’m yelling at them. I almost did it again, but there is some balance, where you want to be easy about it, but, you know, I’m like, No, you’re right in doing this. I know you don’t care. You don’t want to be a don’t let me be a bother. You know, she’s so but it, it’s important. Is it the most important? No, but it’s a fucking important, and I want to master it, and I know I will, and I always use Galifianakis as an example. But, I mean, when he was first around, Reverend was like, Hey, kid, you got to change your name. Nobody’s going to be able to say Zach Galifianakis. Now you can say it. Anyone can say it, you know, just becomes a part of our world, and we’re always, you know, whenever there’s a new word or a new thing, people make fun of it, and people roll their eyes, and people don’t want to adjust. And you can do that all you want. It’s gonna be second nature whether you try or don’t try, so you might as well try and not be a dick. All right. What else?
Effie 09:21
Hi, Sarah. This is Effie. I’m calling because I just listened to your recent episode where you talked about our town, and I am in the cast of the Broadway revival of our town, and I’ve been thinking about you during rehearsals. So I was very moved and got excited when I when I heard you start talking about how you’ve been thinking about our town and and how much you love it. And I just, I have, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. I, first of all, I love and admire you as an artist. And it is a piece that is about paying attention. And you’re not only from New Hampshire, you’re an artist and you are. Very good at paying attention, I think. And and also, you know what it’s like to lose someone in a very big way. And Thornton Wilder lost his dad right before he started writing our town. And I think that’s very much in the DNA of of the play. And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. And sending you love bye.
Sarah Silverman 10:22
Effie, first of all, I’ve never met someone named Effie. I only know Effie from Dream Girls, and that’s so exciting. Oh, my God, you’re in the Broadway revival.
Amy 10:33
We know somebody in the Broadway revival that very show with Effie.
Sarah Silverman 10:37
Amy 10:37
Heather Ayers.
Sarah Silverman 10:39
Oh, my God, really?
Amy 10:40
Sarah Silverman 10:41
Say hi to Heather Ayers, our very good friend who’s married to our other very good friend, Joe. How cool is that she’s amazing. That’s so exciting. I saw it at the barrow street a few years ago, I guess longer than that, because it was before the pandemic, and that was amazing. And what you said about it being about noticing, of course, that’s what it’s about. But I never really thought of it that way. But yeah, like when she says, Does anyone, anyone on Earth, ever really, really see how amazing it is. I’m paraphrasing us, and the guy the Oh yeah, I read about this, Jim Parsons, is the stage director. I think stage director says, Not really, no, you know some, maybe the poets, you know. But isn’t that true? You know, we just don’t see what’s right in front of us, any of us so often. You know one thing about my mom, she was astounded by the beauty around her. Girls, Oh, girls, you know, you’d think she was saying some emergency. What? What? Look at the sky. Oh, girls, look at the sky. Look at the moon. It’s just a sliver. It looks like a little fingernail clipping. You know, she would just get so moved and blown away by it. Oh God, mom. But of course, now I see and I think of her. That’s a good thing.
Ryan 12:20
Hi, Sarah, it’s your old pal, Ryan from Colorado. First time caller, long time fan, I guess my question has to do with self worth. I’m a 35 year old gay man, and I came from a really small town, so that dented a lot of my confidence as a gay man. And then when I went into the dating world, I kind of always struggled with my weight, and I have a, you know, I don’t know if you can tell, but I kind of have a high voice, and I guess for a lot of gay men, that’s a turn off. And so I’ve just had issues a lot with getting dates. And my I’ll always like talk to my therapist, and I’ll say to my friends, is it me? And I’ll always get back, no, you have a great personality. You just got to find the right person. But I literally had to delete some of my dating profiles because I was tired of guys messaging me telling me that I was ugly, you know. So now I only do the apps where you have to match with him and it. I guess all that has just led to a lot of self worth issues. And so my question is, how do you pull self worth for yourself when it’s kind of been beaten out of you? And I, you know, I have a chosen family, and they’re very supportive, and that’s all very great, but I find myself like not wanting to put myself out there anymore because of this. And so I guess, how do I build myself back up and when I put myself back out there, how do I not let them get to me until I find that right one? Thanks so much. love you.
Sarah Silverman 13:53
You know, first of all, you have a gorgeous voice. Anyone who thinks otherwise can take it up with me. It’s it’s gonna all have to come from within you confidence. This is something that you must work on. You know? It’s, it’s exactly what Ru Paul says at the end of every drag race. If you don’t, if you can’t love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else? Well, it’s also really about being loved. You’re not gonna feel it or see it. If you don’t feel it or see it, you have to love yourself. You sound like a fantastic person. You have a chosen family, so you there are people that you know that love you, that choose to love and adore you. You have to do that for yourself. You have to love yourself. You have to accept yourself if you weren’t you. Know, if you could step outside of yourself and see yourself, you would be kinder to yourself. Maybe that’s an exercise to do. There’s probably something smarter to do. I’m pulling this out of my ass, but, you know, sometimes I’m totally lost and I don’t know what to do, and I go, Well, what would I say? If? If, if someone called in with my problem into my podcast, what would I tell them? And there’s something about making it objective, like taking yourself out of something where you can see a little clearer, you know, like, for instance, I give good advice, but I you know, it doesn’t mean I’m not a mess in my life. This is a very common thing. The cobbler son has no shoes. Figure out how to love and accept yourself entirely. You certainly probably do that with your friends and the people that you love. You deserve the same. It’s, it’s really all about, and this is going to be woo, woo granola stuff. But it really is true, we have this inner child inside of us. We all have the little hurt versions of ourselves inside. That’s what gets triggered. That’s like, if it’s hysterical, it’s historical, you know, like, gee, maybe I’m reacting to something that feels similar to this feeling from my childhood. And it isn’t that I’m, you know, losing my shit because you ate one of my flaming, Hot Cheetos. You know, it’s they say, if it’s hysterical, it’s historical. Figure out those historical triggers and accept that little kid that is you for everything he is. Love him to pieces. And when you get good at that, you’re going to find love. You’re not ready yet. You don’t you don’t have your back enough. And it’s not about being conceited or being a dick or being, you know, full of yourself when you are okay with yourself and you accept yourself exactly as you are. And if, if you don’t, you know, if there are things you want to change about your be the person you dream of being be the parent you should have had for yourself, and once you’ve really mastered that, you’re not going to believe how much space you have for others. And that’s attractive, boy. Can’t you relate that confidence is so attractive and you can’t fake it. It has to be real. And what it comes from is realizing none of us are perfect. We’re all gorgeously flawed. And instead of falling to pieces because you fucked up, or you’re flawed, or this or that, accept yourself the way you accept any asshole on the street. It’s so hard for us with ourselves, but get good at it. Get great at it. You’re not going to believe how much space you have for others and how all these things you seek are just going to happen. I feel like I’m selling miracle water right now, but I there’s a reason that these things will happen for you. You’ll be in a place where you’re ready for it. So good luck, and let me know how it goes. All right. What else?
Jess 18:39
Hey, Sarah, it’s your best friend, Jess from Pennsylvania. I’m so excited to say that I’ll be going to your show in Philly next month. Really excited about it, especially because it’s the first time I’ve ever bought myself a front row seat to anything ever like I don’t fly business or anything like that. I am rarely a splurging person, and I splurged because I just have never gotten to see you live before, and I’m really excited about it. And secondly, I just wanted to call in and say my absolute I love everything you do, but my favorite thing you’ve ever done has to be the bit you did about you yelling out to a Catholic to kids outside of Catholic school, that hell is not real. It made me laugh so hard. And as someone who a little over 20 years, 20 years ago, was a missionary and now is no longer now a godless person, I just I love and connect with and identify with your desire to reduce suffering and reduce harm and spread joy wherever you can. And so how I that inspired me, anyway, to create a meme account on Instagram a little while back called Hell is fake news, and your clip of that is of that bit is on there, as well as lots of other. Funny bits, just to help people realize the actual good news that hell isn’t real. Thanks so much for everything you do.
Sarah Silverman 20:08
Well, I’m glad I had a positive influence on you, and thank you. And that sounds really interesting. And you know, if you’re a God person listening, and I was thinking about this because I did an ad for the Freedom From Religion organization, which I really like. I used to see ads for it, and Ron Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s son would do ads for it, and I always really liked him, and really liked how he talked about it, and but I just want to clarify that if you are a religious person, freedom from religion or me trying to tell promise kids, there isn’t hell. Have religion if it feeds you, if it gives you strength, if it may, if it is a positive impact on your life, great, but when it hurts others. I have a problem with it when I see children terrified of hell. And, you know, again, my friend in this joke, but it was a true story where I go, there’s no hell, you know, and I’m telling these kids leaving Catholic school, and they’re like, Huh? My friend was like, you can’t tell other people’s kids, there’s no hell. And that’s probably true. And you know, the joke is, oh, did I ruin hell for them? But I just going through childhood is already so terrifying that for adults to add, the fear of burning for eternity is just so horrible to me. And I know it’s not my religion and I should stay out of it, but I just think it’s horrible thing to do. It’s like Santa Claus is like soft core hell in that way, because you’re saying, you’re telling the kids a lie to manipulate their behavior through fear, which is what hell is too. But they go, he’s watching. He’s watching and seeing if you’re now, some of it might be positive in that maybe you’re better behaved. Like, if I make decisions thinking like, would I be proud of myself if my therapist saw me, saw this decision? Or someone might say, Jesus, or someone might say, you know, I had a boyfriend, and we got in a big fight over email. Did I ever tell the story? I was sending our back and forths to my sisters, and I, when sending the last batch of our back and forths to my sisters, I included him by accident. And oh, my God, I had a heart attack, and then he wrote some, you know, nasty something, but you know what I said? I said, always talk to me, assuming my sisters can hear. That’s how I want you to talk to me. I want you to take a beat and think, would I want her sisters to know I said that to her, I think that’s an absolutely fine guideline. So in some ways, I get it, but I believe that the fear of hell is not what makes someone a good person or a bad person. I’ve seen horrible people do horrible things who believe in hell, and I’ve seen beautiful people live their lives beautifully, who do not believe in hell. So, you know, I don’t know, I don’t know that that’s a good guideline. I think your soul and kindness and care and stuff, it is best taught not through lies to scare people. This is my opinion. So what I do say when I talk about the Freedom From Religion Foundation or that hell isn’t real, I’m not trying to be anti your religion or be disrespectful, but when it affects people’s lives, it bothers me, especially children. But I love that you started that. And thank you. Jess from Pennsylvania, maybe, and I will see you in the front row in Philly. And I’m so happy when when people who care about seeing a show buy front row tickets because, of course, traditionally, rich people buy front row tickets. And rich people don’t live by a clock. They don’t care if they end up going, Oh, I don’t feel like going. Let’s not go. I’m too cozy, or they are late because they don’t want to see the opening act. Fuck you if you are not in that front row seat. By the time I get on stage, I pull people from the back row to sit there. And when you come, you can sit somewhere else, and you can. Can’t rave that you spent money on this ticket, but there’s a time that the show starts and you get fucking show up for it. I sound like my mother. Oh, my God.
Sender 7 25:17
Hey, Sarah, first, I just want to thank you for making me and so many other people laugh so much over the years as a long time centrist, independent and nonpartisan activist, it has warmed my heart to hear your comments in the past supporting reforming how we hold our elections, competition for the duopoly, etc, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can bring more attention and funding to the non partisan election innovation efforts around the country. Thanks.
Sarah Silverman 25:44
I don’t have all the answers. I don’t have maybe even any answers. But until money is out of politics, I don’t know how to fight this. And there won’t be money out of politics until Citizens United is overturned. Citizens United alone, in my opinion, is this root cause of every thing wrong in this country, our dwindling grip on democracy. All of this is due to Citizens United. What is Citizens United? Citizens United sounds wonderful because Republicans are so good at naming things they are Citizens United. Oh, how wonderful. That sounds like something I would want to join. No Citizens United means that giant conglomerates and big corporations are people and they can influence elections with dollars. It means that somebody like Jeff Bezos can inform policy or Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, can create policy. I mean, I’ve said this before, like, for instance, Facebook has a lot of regulations in countries like Germany because they had a dictator that spread misinformation, and almost all the Jews in the world were killed. So they don’t fuck around with misinformation. Everything has to be fact checked. Everything has to be true in Germany. So to have Facebook in Germany costs a lot more money for Mark Zuckerberg in America, especially in 2016 when Trump was elected, he went to Trump, hey, you’re a great guy. All the stuff Trump likes, and he made it so well. It was an obvious quid pro quo. Trump put zero regulations on Facebook and in exchange. I don’t know if it’s a direct in exchange, but it certainly sounds like tit for tat. Paid political ads had no fact checking zero. I mean, besides the fact there’s very little fact checking, you can spread horrible misinformation, old conspiracy theories that Elon Musk certainly loves. I mean, x is a cesspool now it’s you don’t know what’s real, and in some ways, maybe that’s good, because I don’t fuck with that shit anymore. Sometimes I’ll post stuff about shows or whatever, but it’s you don’t know what’s up, what’s down. You don’t know who’s real, who’s fake. I made a fake Elon Musk that was taken down real fast. But these people have egos. You know, the richest people in the world are affecting our government because of Citizens United, they’re able to massively affect policies. Who votes for what, who doesn’t vote for what they own politicians and why are these people rich, billionaires, trillionaires? First of all, no one needs to be a billionaire. There’s no amount they can’t spend their money in their lifetimes, their children’s lifetimes, the lifetimes after that. But with this power, they can influence our government because of how our government is set up, and many other governments obviously are not good and can be bought. But Citizens United made it so that our government is for sale. Yeah and as you know from every text you get from every single politician, left or right, democrat or republican and what you’re saying the caller is that, why are there only two parties that in itself is crazy. If you look at any other country, it’s one or the other. Sure, there are independent people that run, but they never win. It doesn’t work. There’s reasons why these parties have so much power and they’re raising money. I mean, I have a friend that I met doing the Hulu show who’s a Republican, and he he ran on a socially progressive but Republican, which can’t really exist anymore. But he pulled out. He stopped because he said he was so disgusted by how the people around him, all they care about, all the GOP cares about, and this is also the same as the Democratic Party. They’re both the same. In this regard, is raising money. All they do is raise money. They have to, because whoever has the most money has the most power. And it shouldn’t be that way in politics. That should be protected. There’s absolutely another way, but everyone has to be on board. And we live in a country and a world, but really, this country is where money is respected above anything else. I always think of how Rory said, you know, the Forbes list of the richest people doesn’t couple it with how ethical they are, you can’t be ethical and that rich, they’re not paying the same taxes that a server at a restaurant is paying. If they did, no one, besides the billionaire class, would have to pay taxes. It’s like recycling. I recycle. Rory recycles. We just do it by habit. We can’t not do it. We just do it. We rinse out. You know, we do everything. But the truth is, it means nothing. It does nothing for our planet. Why? Because the top 100 countries cause 70% of the world’s pollution. We can’t fight it by separating our plastics. We do anyway, because it feels better, but it’s all bullshit, and we’re we’re gonna die terrible, horrible deaths in fires and storms that every scientist has said was coming, and now it’s here, and it’s just going to get worse and worse and worse. But it’s the billionaire class and now the trillionaire class, of which, after a billion dollars, all of your money should go to caring for this world period. I’m not saying it, because I’m not there and I don’t get it. There is no world where I be make a billion dollars and want to keep a billion dollars. It’s not a million dollars. It’s not even close the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars. And somebody explained it once it’s it’s beyond your comprehension, it’s like nobody needs that money, but they want to be the most famous. They want to be the richest man on earth. And I say man because it tends to be men. They want to be the richest man on earth because that fills a hole in their hearts that was never filled so many of these people that are rich and their whole lives is money, . Are filling an unfillable hole that talk therapy would probably be able to change, and maybe medication we are suffering the choices made by men from daddy issues, and that’s who’s controlling our world and our country. So when you go, what could we do to make elections more fair? I mean, if we could overturn Citizens United, that’s the source of so much evil. There you go. I don’t think I answered your question at all, but I kind of did all right. What else?
Nick 34:32
Hey, Sarah, my name is Nick, and I have a pretty interesting topic that I think a lot of people could relate to at least some degree. So it’s just a little quick backstory. My wife and I had a miscarriage back in 2020 and then we tried again. Had a baby girl in 2021, we legitimately believed that she could see her I a heavenly sister. We really do believe that she can there’s been times where she’ll peek around the corner, she’ll wave, she’ll laugh. Thing is, she has a developmental delay, so she can’t really articulate exactly what she’s seeing. But you just you feel like someone is legitimately there. There was one time where I had a snow globe out and it just started randomly playing music. And I said, Zoe, the one we miscarried. I said, Zoe, is that you? And it lit up like the Fourth of July. I just some things you just can’t explain. And that was one of those things. So I’d like to hear your thoughts.
Sarah Silverman 35:42
Wow maybe, you know, I mean, look, science tells us that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. So mate, she’s out there in some other form. I, you know, maybe no harm in believing it but also I, I would suggest don’t dump that on her, because I don’t know if that’s healthy for her to feel like a replacement child when there’s a death and and of a child and the next child can grow up, kind of feeling, even through osmosis, maybe kind of under that category, you know that they were made to replace someone who’s lost and The person who’s lost. You attach all this magic to so if it feeds you, if it makes your heart full to believe this and to see it, you know. And maybe it’s true, and maybe it’s not great, but let’s see, she’s probably three now, so I don’t know if you want to, like, raise her with this notion. You can ask her questions like, Are you What do you see over there? You know, but I don’t know that you should put your own definitions. That might be your own survival skill in this, you know, so much of religion, or anything that just you know, is finding meaning. You know, it’s like my sister Susan says that she loves about being a rabbi is she loves attaching meaning to everyday things, and she loves the ritual of it, and she she loves seeing meaning and and the just everyday things that we don’t usually look at or ponder. And that’s beautiful, but I would just be a little bit wary or a little bit mindful in what you’re putting on, on her, your living child, maybe, but it’s really cool and interesting and magicky, dad, wherever you are in space and time, I feel you. This is the part of the show where I say, send me your questions. Go to speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast. That’s speakpipe.com/theSarahSilvermanpodcast. It’s a mouthful, but it’s pretty easy to remember. Speakpipe.com/ this show, The Sarah Silverman Podcast. I believe in you, you can do it also subscribe, rate and review. Wherever you listen to podcasts, everybody says it. You don’t even hear it anymore. It’s just part of the end of a podcast. But it really helps us.
And there’s more of The Sarah Silverman Podcast with Lemonada Premium. Subscribers get exclusive access to bonus questions like, when about existentialism? Whoa, we’re getting deep baby. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Thank you for listening to the Sarah Silverman podcast, we are a production of Lemonada media. Kathryn Barnes and Isabella Kulkarni produce our show. Our mix is by James Sparber. The show is recorded at the Invisible Studios in West Hollywood. Charles Carroll is our recording engineer. Additional Lemonada support from Steve Nelson, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our theme was composed by Ben Folds. You can find me at @SarahKateSilverman on Instagram. Follow the Sarah Silverman podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.