Holiday Kick-Off 2024: John Derian x Target Mania
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IT. IS. TIME! The Aunties are officially kicking off the holidays with some blood-pumping shopping stories. First, the Target x John Derian fall drop (or drips) has caused complete mayhem in the Aunty Groupchats. It’s “Twelve Days of Christmas” but with asparagus candles, mushroom pillows and cabbage stoneware. Plus, SuChin is dreaming of her perfect SheShed. Find out how she’s making her LeMax Christmas Village the centerpiece of her castle.
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Ku’s first John Derian x Target purchase was the Barn Owl pillow
But the Beaded Mushroom Pillow in Blue kicked off the mayhem
Then came the 13″ Feathers Stoneware Round Serving Platter, the Cabbage Stoneware Serving Bowl Purple, and the 5pc Mushroom Decorative Figures
But wait, there’s more! Ku is setting up for Thanksgiving with the 3pc Stoneware Salad Flatware Serving Set and the Stoneware Cabbage Butter Dish Pink
Who doesn’t love quality stoneware? The Stoneware Gravy Boat Green and Artichoke Three Section Stoneware Serving Bowl Green are gorgeous
You can’t pass up the 4pk Green Asparagus Candles
Don’t forget the cozy Birds and Acorns Quilt
Meyer Christmas Shop on Etsy is making miracles happen with the Christmas Village Display Platform
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Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack 00:14
Carters, it is the top of November. Ho ho ho. It’s your festive, auntie Kulap Vilaysack.
SuChin Pak 00:24
Now it is time. Now the time is oh, wait, I’m your other auntie. SuChin Pak, I was gonna put on my festive necklace.
Kulap Vilaysack 00:34
Oh, a little tinsel around your neck, if I may.
SuChin Pak 00:38
Yeah, a little you know, a little bauble, because it is officially holiday season has begun. Now begun now, yeah, now, we can talk about holidays.
Kulap Vilaysack 00:52
Yeah, now we can talk about it. Of course, we’ll get into the meat of this episode. The season for me, has begun, you know, in October, but I get your point in the Add to Cart verse. Here we are, episode one of the holiday, right?
SuChin Pak 01:08
But also, just like, what you mean, general, like normal, you know, calendar year post Jesus Christo is when now is holiday season started.
Kulap Vilaysack 01:22
Okay, look, sure, I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but yeah, okay, I’ll yeah. I just want to move on.
SuChin Pak 01:28
Yeah, listen. I just want to tell you that as of now today that the things are being brought out, my Christmas Village is being warmed up, you know, I’m gonna start plugging that in. It’s gonna be gyrating and jiggling from here through February. And I’m, I’m excited, you know.
Kulap Vilaysack 01:50
All right, let’s go feet first down the water slide. That is the holidays. Like a a zombie snowman, we rise from the snow to be revived just in time to hear that ring ting tingling of the sleigh bells. This is our annual holiday launch episode.
SuChin Pak 02:12
Wow, who’d have thought that they would still want this from us?
Kulap Vilaysack 02:17
We aren’t asking people so Su, I don’t know, like just to sit, to go to the side here we are. We aren’t polling, we aren’t, we aren’t inquiring.
SuChin Pak 02:28
That’s right, there’s no stories quiz. That’s what it’s called these days, you know?
Kulap Vilaysack 02:33
Yeah, what do we have planned for the season? Sue, can we billboard a little bit?
SuChin Pak 02:38
God, we have so much. We got tree time coming up at some point. We got round table of folks. We got Santa Paul Scheer. I mean, he’s on the docket.
Kulap Vilaysack 02:51
Familiar jolly faces. But also we’re bringing, we’re bringing some new guests to.
SuChin Pak 02:55
Bring some new guests. We’ll be on this podcast talking about their sometimes controversial, holiday moods, if you will, moods.
Kulap Vilaysack 03:06
SuChin Pak 03:06
But this is our year. This is you know, just a peek behind the meat curtain.
Kulap Vilaysack 03:13
Oh, so don’t call it that.
SuChin Pak 03:20
Kulap Vilaysack 03:22
I and by the way, we’re not cutting that, but go ahead say what you’re going to say now.
SuChin Pak 03:27
I don’t think that’s the word I was looking for.
Kulap Vilaysack 03:30
So you didn’t mean to say a peek behind our vaginas. Is that what that is? Well, look when I think meat curtains, that’s what I think now it’s well established that I am seasonally unwell, but that has nothing to do with seasons so.
SuChin Pak 03:47
I would like when I was, like, peeking behind the curtain, like, in my mind, I don’t know why I was like in the like, where the sausage is made. And so then I went to, like, a butcher, you see where my brain is going. And then I was like, oh, there’s just like, hanging meat and the meat curtain, you know, like, do you see why that made sense. But as it came out, some little part in my in the innards of my brain, was like, No, that means something else. What a gift, though. What a gift. A peek behind the sausage factory.
Kulap Vilaysack 04:22
Okay those are dicks, but go ahead.
SuChin Pak 04:31
When on Add to Cart, we sit down with our number two pencils and we sketch out our year, and we say, what is it you all know, and if you’re new to this game, I’m gonna set the table straight holiday season, Nov one through the end of the year, is our Olympics on Add to Cart, okay, if you tune in from now to the end of the year and never tune back. Okay, in again, after that, you still will get the essence, the juice of who we are, because we pour it’s a concentrated version of us here. This is what we like to call a concentrated version of our neurotic tendencies to fill all our holes with shopping. Would that be fair to say.
Kulap Vilaysack 05:23
That’s so fair. So we’re we’re gonna get down and dirty like Suchin has been on this mic of all things, holiday shopping, party planning, gift giving, and of course, starting this Friday, you’ll be getting a little extra ATC present in your feeds, extra. So it’s on Fridays. That’s what I’m saying right now.
SuChin Pak 05:45
He’s like, you will?
Kulap Vilaysack 05:48
You are on the same emails, at the same meetings.
SuChin Pak 05:54
Let’s put that design.
Kulap Vilaysack 05:56
SuChin Pak 06:00
I was like, what extra? What are they getting?
Kulap Vilaysack 06:04
We mainly SuChin Pak are the gift that keeps on giving. Okay? Tiffany, our producer, yeah, Young. She’s young, but we are aging her at such a rabid pace, she just let us know that she’s sweating Parmesan cheese. That’s right.
SuChin Pak 06:22
Yeah, she started as a nice, soft Gouda, and when we’re done with her, it’s just gonna be an aged Regia, no, that’s right.
Kulap Vilaysack 06:31
No more lactose.
SuChin Pak 06:33
Kulap Vilaysack 06:34
Let’s grab some, some candy canes that could handle our weight and zip line into our carts.
SuChin Pak 06:40
Okay, let’s do it. Well, it’s what’s interesting. I peeked into your cart because your cart is my cart is your cart is my cart, of course. And then this is a very interesting cart that you’ve brought to the holiday table just right out the gate.
Kulap Vilaysack 06:57
You talked about setting a table. This is, in many ways, table scaping, right? It’s get, it’s, I’m we’re sharing with you the tone, the pace that we’re bringing into this holiday season. And I’m calling this cart John Darian for target, aka Auntie Su and Ku’s share testeria.
SuChin Pak 07:20
But you better start with the, the origin story of this car correctly, of course, and it can be, I’m gonna just say it a little incriminating for our Ku.
Kulap Vilaysack 07:31
That’s fine. That’s fine to hear the heat. I’m fine, I’m here to share. I’m here to be open.
SuChin Pak 07:38
So what happened? Tell our listeners what happened on this fine day in October.
Kulap Vilaysack 07:46
So it started on Sunday, October 13, and I have returned from Minnesota, and I’m out and about with my daughter. We’re going to a pumpkin patch. I get a text from suchin Bach. It’s a link to target. There’s a beaded mushroom pillow. It’s blue, it’s gorge. It’s John Darian. Oh yeah, talk about it.
SuChin Pak 08:10
Let’s go. You know, we’re, we’re really gonna tell the origin story. Now, I am a John Darian fan. Have been for decades, you know. And if you don’t know John Darian, just stroll the internets. There’s just so much John Darian out there. You may be a John Darian head from his magnified paper weights of nature landscapes. You know he’s, I would say, like a Jonathan Adler, but more New Hampshire main fall, Jonathan Adler, whereas John, that is very cheeky, and John, John Darian has a sense of humor, but they have different material that they’re building their clay, you know, models from and so I somehow read somewhere down, you know, probably in the strategist that John Darian will officially go live on October 13 with a target collab, and I put that in my calendar.
Kulap Vilaysack 09:11
So then let’s back this up, because this isn’t his first collab. Did you know that? No idea. No. So he had a Halloween and a Thanksgiving drop last year.
SuChin Pak 09:23
Oh, and did you buy?
Kulap Vilaysack 09:26
I didn’t buy anything last year, I have known about John Darian, but I didn’t lock into it until Lauren Lapkus, that’s right, who is big. John Darien head, she went to the store in New York when she was on the first time she spoke about John Darian. So where I start is actually September 25 Okay, and September 25 Lauren Lapkus slides into my DMs, and she says, this is when there’s a Halloween drop. You need to get on this thing so fast. I recommend the pillows. Don’t worry about the melamine. Mean. And I was like, oh, okay, all right, Lauren, so I’m on I’m on it. And I decided to get my first John Darien purchase, which is a barn owl novelty Plush Pillow.
SuChin Pak 10:13
Oh, I didn’t know this backstory.
Kulap Vilaysack 10:15
I was not aware of the John Darien target collab for Thanksgiving, until SuChin Pak texted me on Sunday, October 13, and she’s like I was adding to cart furiously, and I thought of my pod wife.
SuChin Pak 10:33
Yeah, and I said, of course, of course, there’s only one person in my life that I really feel like will appreciate what’s happening right now. And so I texted you picture of a beautiful blue beaded mushroom pillow that I thought, hey, maybe cute for Emmy’s room. She replies to a John Darien pillow suggestion. And by the way, now I’m knowing it’s not even your first John Darian pillow suggestion, nor is it your first John Darian pillow purchase. And you say quote, Na, n, a, H, I’m good, yeah, I did, and I I stepped back a little bit. I did. I faltered. I said oh, maybe you know, sometimes you think you know someone.
Kulap Vilaysack 11:27
SuChin Pak 11:29
Sometimes you think the intimacy is real.
Kulap Vilaysack 11:33
But here’s the thing where I got thrown is, you said, for Emmy. So when I’m in the mode, then I’m thinking, Emmy, I’m going, I’m scanning, where am I going to put it in Emmy’s room, and I’m going to put on the floor. She’s going to pick at it. I go, no, and so I’m going to throw it back in your face.
SuChin Pak 11:51
Go ahead.
Kulap Vilaysack 11:53
Because you didn’t say for me.
SuChin Pak 11:55
I mean, I wouldn’t. I just was like, I’m not sure. Like, this is I’m not knowing exactly the decor, you know, your office is very matte black, you know. And I was like, this is like a pop of color. I’m trying to, I’m trying to walk through your house. And the only room I haven’t really seen with my known eyes is Emmy’s room. So I was like, I’m not sure where the color this is. These were just, I was just floating ideas, Ku. That was just a suggestion. You’re not the right one, but, I got a knot I’m good.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:29
Nah, I’m good. And I felt I looked at it, I thought about it, and I go for Emmy, no, we don’t need it. We don’t need it for Emmy.
SuChin Pak 12:36
Kulap Vilaysack 12:36
And I moved on, and I moved on.
SuChin Pak 12:38
It’s right.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:39
But then I was at a I was at a pumpkin patch with Emmy and Eagle Rock, of all places. Eagle Rock and then high traffic while I was in Eagle Rock at the pumpkin patch, it was in the parking lot where there was a target. So I was like, let’s go into the this target, and we’re just, we’re just hitting the racks. There was no real destination. We were in the Halloween section, and then I was kind of like just making small talk with another mom, and what does she have underneath her arm, but the very pillow that Suchin brought up, and I looked at that pillow and then smoothed my head to an end cap that featured all of John Darian stuff, and I held the pillow. I held the pillow in my hands, and I said, not for Emmy, no. For mommy,.
SuChin Pak 13:36
And I immediately texted you. You did immediately, and when you got that text, I felt like the widow, okay? I felt like the widow who everyone said, your husband is dead at sea, the pirates came, the ship was bashed upon the stones you shan’t Wait. You shan’t wait for him any longer. You must go on with your life. And I the widow, the loving widow, crocheting within her rocking chair, says, No, my heart will tell me when mine Troon is dead and my true, my true, my true, is alive. I felt, I still felt you in my heart. So when I got that text showing many, many John Darian products, I felt like my shipwrecked husband had returned.
Kulap Vilaysack 14:45
Well, let’s take it back here, because at that time, I had only purchased the pillow. It only purchased.
SuChin Pak 16:02
It was enough for me, just even that. But it just got better. It’s like she returned. My husband returned after years away, and during that time that he was doing ab crunches and getting his face lasered and like, just getting ripped, ripped and ready for carnal sex. That’s what it felt like as the texts were coming in with more and more stuff.
SuChin Pak 16:42
Get out your gravy bowls, by the way, John Darian makes them.
Kulap Vilaysack 18:27
Damn, you are so horny this season. Whoa, this is the juiciest she’s been all year. And that’s what we promise you folks, that this is actually the billboard. Get
Kulap Vilaysack 25:46
Su, I’m texting you, like, I’m getting this pillow for me. And then I text you first that I immediately text Lauren Lapkus, the same, that’s right, I’m like, and then you connect us on a thread. I say, SuChin’s got me buying this pillow. And we begin to really focus up on the.
SuChin Pak 26:04
The tableware, basically, yeah. Now these bitches are awake.
Kulap Vilaysack 26:08
Yeah, so when I was at the Eagle Rock target, it was picked over. Now I find myself looking at a pie carrier that holds two pies. Yeah, and Lorna and I are deciding, like, joking about, like, Oh God, I’m considering it. And Lauren’s like, I don’t even eat pie. And it’s like, I’m gonna change my whole like, outlook on life, because it’s so cute, right? That’s where we’re at. And I’ve seen some pieces, but it was pretty picked over, of course, at this time, Lauren just, she’s getting me going about the table where she’s like, this is really good. He’s really stepped it up. It’s not even melamine. There wasn’t, like, this much stoneware before. And she’s like, look at these prices. Look at this butter dish. And I’m like, I saw it, but I didn’t get it. She’s like, It’s only 10 bucks. That price is too good. So now I’m like, starting to lose my mind. Like, starting to lose my mind. Then I bring you two together on a text that’s right, so that we can talk about it.
SuChin Pak 27:03
Yeah. And then the Christmas star is fully assembled, and now it’s on top of the tree. That’s three of us are now connected.
Kulap Vilaysack 27:13
And now I am living in the Target app.
SuChin Pak 27:17
Again let’s just real. This is like circle back.
Kulap Vilaysack 27:21
At this point, I have two pillows. I have two pillows Now, Su on this day, what do you have?
SuChin Pak 27:30
So on my end, I don’t even have a target in Santa Barbara, I gotta go to Goleta. And the Goleta target is, it might as well not be a target. I don’t know what it is. It’s like a city target, yeah. So a lot of the gendarion products, most of them can’t, aren’t going to be shipped, because this is target fucking with us. What they want is you to go to the store, okay, and buy all the other stuff. But they’re luring you in with the John Darian so you got to go in. So I start to look to see what’s on the app, what’s in this store, and there’s very little, but I, at this point, have purchased for pickup the brown beaded mushroom pillow, the acorn pillow and a beaded pear pillow. Okay, then I wanted that blue beaded mushroom pillow I sent you, but there wasn’t one in my location. So then I had to text my friend in West Hollywood, and I had to beg him, Hey, would you mind stopping by a target if I bought something and you went to go pick it up for me? And he did not enjoy that, but he also, and he sent me a picture of his face picking it up, and the face is like, really, really. There was some strain. There was some strain to the relationship. And it hurt to ask him, because a mature woman does not like to ask for help. There was just no way. And if I only get three cards in life, you know, say there’s a death, say I’m, you know, stranded, and then the third one is a John Darian blue beaded pillow at your target that need to pick up. I had to put that card down. That’s right, I put that card down.
Kulap Vilaysack 29:15
You weren’t. So your point is that you’re not doing it frivolously.
SuChin Pak 29:19
No, I’m, yeah, I’m ordering, I’m ordering, and so that’s where I’m at when we’re texting, is I’ve got multiple carts in different locations with different people picking up things for me.
Kulap Vilaysack 29:29
So then I, in turn, that same evening, do a pickup order for my local Target, and I just I have all these items. I have so many items. Sujan, I have so many items, and honestly, I should have prepped this better so things don’t break if I’m being.
SuChin Pak 29:49
Okay, be careful, it is a giant velvet, gorgeous mushroom pillow with beads on it, which I have yet to touch so I can only. COVID. I haven’t been to LA to pick it up yet. Oh my gosh, yeah, okay, so I can’t wait to pick it up. Careful, she’s clicking and clacking over there with.
Kulap Vilaysack 30:09
Their shant break. If they break too, I will lose it, because these items are not available, and I’m already like, looking at, like, what’s being sold in the resale market, guys? No, not for this podcast. Will any of this break? Part of the reason why I said, Nah, we’re good, it’s like, I don’t want to over buy. I don’t want to over buy. I want to be very mindful. I want to be very demure. I want to be very cutesy about purchasing things. And I, of course, I don’t need anything. So then I just get in my head that, like, oh, well, maybe I can justify this will be, like, Thanksgiving tablescaping, and then that I kind of get in this like, kind of thought process. So I go, Okay, I’m gonna get the stoneware, round serving platter. Lauren kind of talked me into this cabbage stoneware serving bowl in purple because I was like, on the fence. A lot of things at this time are not available, are sold already.
SuChin Pak 31:15
How could you be on the fence about that cabbage purple bowl. I mean, Lord, thank God, Lauren came in there to just slap you in the face.
Kulap Vilaysack 31:26
Because like, the pillows were just sort of the, like, toe in, oh yeah. Really, Lauren, really.
SuChin Pak 31:32
Just the lubricant. Then you go down there with that stone.
Kulap Vilaysack 31:36
I’m shoving all of the stoneware inside of me, and it’s lauren to blame, to be honest, it really, actually is Lauren to blame. So then I get this five piece mushroom decorative figures, because, again, I’m talking about table scaping. That’s my thought process. But when I pick it up, when I look at the serving platter.
SuChin Pak 31:56
When I look the bowl, especially, oh, gorgeous, hefty,I mean, target is losing money on this John Darien collab. That’s how substantial this line is. They’re losing money.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:10
Yeah, it’s so gorgeous, a tickle in my pleasure center, in your […] I must have more. I must have more. More. You need more.
SuChin Pak 32:30
Not thoughtful, not demure.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:32
Not cutesy.
SuChin Pak 32:34
Not cutesy. It was an adrenaline hit ogre. So then I get online, and I’m like, what it else is available. What else?
Kulap Vilaysack 32:43
I get this three piece flatware, serving set SuChin. I get this spoon that has a mushroom handle. Three piece […] I get a flat this four that has a leek handle. And I get this, like pie, this pie spatula that has a squash handle.
SuChin Pak 33:05
Are you done? Then you have to be done. You have to be done after that. That’s so much you remember thoughtful, demure, like, what are you holding?
Kulap Vilaysack 33:15
I’m holding the very butter dish that I said no to in store. My God, this is a butter dish. I have one butter dish. My first thought process was, you don’t need another. Why do you put this other.
SuChin Pak 33:27
Pink cabbage butter dish to go with your purple cabbage platter?
Kulap Vilaysack 33:35
It’s $10 SuChin, Target knows what they’re doing, Su they know what they’re doing, yeah. And it wasn’t a drop, was it Su, it was drips.
SuChin Pak 33:45
Because you had to keep refreshing. They kept adding new things. New things are happening. And then, and then the group chat would light up and be like, guys, this just came up.
Kulap Vilaysack 33:57
There’s a four pack of unscented asparagus, and that’s [..] what you said them already.
SuChin Pak 34:06
And I’m not even allowed to use candles in my house. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
Kulap Vilaysack 34:10
They’re in the she shed. SuChin talked about it before, I got the gravy bowl. I got this green gravy bowl.
SuChin Pak 34:22
Cabbage gravy bowl, you had to have been done. We’re done now.
Kulap Vilaysack 34:27
And this is just to understand now we’re talking about, this is day two. Just the shared hysteria.
SuChin Pak 34:35
I tapped out a day two. You day two, I did I said, you did. I said my work here is done. I’ve worked two ladies up into a froth, and now I must journey on to the next town and share the good news.
Kulap Vilaysack 34:50
Yeah, because you’re not very you’re not really interested in this, like in the the stoneware, you were just interested in the pillows.
SuChin Pak 34:57
And I have so much. Like, party wear that I love and I collect and from a ceramicist. But I, yes, I just have too much. So I can’t do I don’t have people over.
Kulap Vilaysack 35:10
You were mainly you were in it for the pillows. And how many pillows, three?
SuChin Pak 35:14
Yeah, three pillows, three pillows. And I feel like that’s enough.
Kulap Vilaysack 35:18
And you have the candles.
SuChin Pak 35:19
And I have the candles were just damn cute. They’re little candles in the shape of asparagus spears, if you’re listening and this that doesn’t curl your toes, get the fuck out.
Kulap Vilaysack 35:33
They’re like fat asparagus fears, too. I know Sister, you’re not gonna get arguments from me. Okay, my final item, 15. No. October 15, because it’s the drips thing. It wasn’t available online. It wasn’t more when you were like.
SuChin Pak 35:48
I have enough. I I’m thoughtful and mindful and visit. Do you remember that ?
Kulap Vilaysack 35:52
That was for the pillow, that is before the Melo, okay? That was okay during the pillow, okay?
SuChin Pak 36:01
I thought that was after just the cabbage purple serving bowl. I thought then at that point you were like, Okay, I got a little stoneware, I got a little pillow.
Kulap Vilaysack 36:11
No, that’s when it ignited. So you’re not listening to me. And this is very hurtful, as my dearest friend in shopping and in life, the fact that you’re not listening to me is like disturbing. I’m listening. I’m listening disturbing. I was trying to be mindful when I said no to the pillow. Once the pillow happened and once the cabbage, you said, not, I’m good bowl now I’m good. But once the cabbage bowl came into my life, all bets were off. All bets were off. And I got this artichoke three section stoneware serving Bowling Green.
SuChin Pak 36:44
What? I didn’t even see that on the app. So this is a three section stoneware that is shaped in like artichokes that you can put, I don’t know, dips, nuts, candies.
Kulap Vilaysack 36:58
Chocolates, yes, this is, this is upsetting that you say you didn’t see it on the app, because I of course, sent it to you and Lauren in the text to me, you don’t.
SuChin Pak 37:09
You know what, again, I tapped out at day two. You guys were loony for the stoneware that I just like, couldn’t, didn’t excite me.
Kulap Vilaysack 37:17
I understand. I get that.
SuChin Pak 37:19
Yeah, I had to move on to my next thing, which I’m sure I’ll I’ll tell you about I have so many things I have to get to. You know, it’s the holidays.
Kulap Vilaysack 37:27
It would be all fine and dandy. It was just the three of us. But on the 15th, as I’m buying this bowl, we had recorded and we pulled our young maid and Tiffany into our insanity. She was like, wait, I want to know target. What? And then she she sees that there’s a mushroom lamp. I didn’t mean, honestly, I didn’t even know there was a mushroom lamp.
SuChin Pak 37:48
I know. And I went back to look, because I thought we could surprise her. No mushroom
Kulap Vilaysack 37:52
No. So then she goes to her closest target, that stock was cleared. But then she got the quilt. I don’t know if you saw the quilt. It’s a good salt. And I’m, actually, I’m a little upset. I’m a little upset that I didn’t get the quilt. I’m gonna be honest. And you know what? I’m shocked you showed restraint, the woodland aspect. And then I think that’s what I realized. I’m like, You need to let loose. Why are you like, strapping your boobs down? Okay? Like, figuratively, because you guys know I don’t like, that’s not who you are.
SuChin Pak 38:21
You love playing.
Kulap Vilaysack 38:22
Why are you cosplaying as somebody who you aren’t when you love anything that’s sort of woodland like, forest like and.
SuChin Pak 38:32
This was the original theme of the Christmas tree and Thanksgiving coming. And Tiff just popped into the chat right now. She’s no longer producing at this point. She’s now just one of us. She just set up stepping under the quilt as we speak.
Kulap Vilaysack 38:48
She didn’t go to just one target that day. She hit up a second target in Edina. Now, for those of you who are not from the Twin Cities area in Minnesota, Edina is a rather affluent suburb. She thought of that as a strategy, but when she got there, it was absolutely bare.
SuChin Pak 39:05
Of course. Oh my god, it’s Lux. Ladies. Love John Darian, that’s, that’s, that’s the strategy.
Kulap Vilaysack 39:12
That’s his new tiff crowd.
SuChin Pak 39:15
That’s a subscription crowd, you know? And that that is where you really should have seen you made a mistake there. Yeah, that mistake. But that’s okay. That’s That’s okay because you got the quilt and you’re sitting, cozy underneath it.
Kulap Vilaysack 39:20
Look, we’re gonna wrap this up this week. This, I know is this. Does anyone care about this? I just.
SuChin Pak 43:11
No. I love also that we’re like, oh, this is gonna be our holiday launch. And it’s really just a mad text, right about John Darien collab that target.
Kulap Vilaysack 43:22
So on the 16th of October, and this is where we’re gonna we are wrapping this up. I promise, Lauren texts that the same round serving platter that I got she ordered online. When it arrived, it was cracked.
SuChin Pak 43:36
Oh, I saw that text. I didn’t know how to help. I didn’t know how to help.
Kulap Vilaysack 43:40
Yeah, it was hard, but I I jumped back on the app. Of course she did. And I bought one from my local Target. I picked it up, and I didn’t tell her until I got it to make sure there were no cracks, of course, before I dropped that on the text and said, Hey, I got you. I got you. And that’s true friendship.
SuChin Pak 44:00
And then he’s smiling, hey, smiling.
Kulap Vilaysack 44:07
It’s your friend. His gritted teeth, picking up that pillow in West Hollywood. It’s me picking up a feathered platter for Lauren after hers was broken. That’s friendship. That’s what the holidays are about.
SuChin Pak 44:26
You was amazing. Shout out to Adam seller. I mean, you didn’t want to do it. That’s how you know the friend runs deep. That’s right. It’s when you don’t want to do it and you do it anyway. You know what? That’s called Love, service. Oh, okay, same thing, yeah, in my book, and that’s for my therapist to figure out. That’s what they’re.
Kulap Vilaysack 44:52
Look we share that, because it was all jokes aside, the feeling that I got you. It was thrilling to do this with Su and Lauren, to have this sort of shared experience.
SuChin Pak 45:07
Just squatting down on our naked haunches around a cave fire, poking at it with our stick. Look at more embers. It’s still hot.
Kulap Vilaysack 45:19
And it broke a seal. It broke a seal for me in that Yeah, and that was the start of the holiday season of getting in sort of a buying mindset again, yes. Now I’m gonna throw some other dates out, you know, and I’m gonna breeze by some things, okay, because I want to get into what you’re up to. Okay, all right. So, you know. Again, just, just to slightly review. It began 1013 when you texted me, that’s right, and ended 1016 when I got the replacement platter for Lauren. Also on 1016 I had another vertigo episode. Anyways, 1018.
SuChin Pak 45:54
What would the holidays be without a trip to the emergency room from one Kuku Vilaysack.
Kulap Vilaysack 46:01
Our collective goal, this year, is that I don’t end up in the ER.
SuChin Pak 46:08
But you could have an IV at your home. We can’t make promises, we can’t keep Right, right, but we, but there shall be some sort of medical professional at your home that that’s still up for possibilities, as needed, as needed, okay, as needed. Okay, fair enough. I like that.
Kulap Vilaysack 46:29
So on the 18th, I went to Marshall’s. My first holiday Hall was on the 18th of October, and I shared it with immediately, with our listeners at add add to cart pod, I did a first sort of like story of that, and then the following day, the 19th, I went to a different Marshall’s home goods. So I’m just saying that that how slippery, how slippery the slide is, how juicy, how much gravy is in our John Darien gravy boat. I hope, I hope this isn’t, you know, a rushing rapids into the hospital. There’s not much I can do other than to try to breathe at this point in time. But I am in constant motion. I’m in constant motion at this time because November 6, Christmas lights go up. Already scheduled. There’s some November 6 through eighth. Phase one of Christmas goes up, which is that’s when we get everything out of storage. That’s when we put stuff up. There’s some things that are held to be respectful to Thanksgiving. And so there’s there. I have about three phases that happen, right?
SuChin Pak 47:42
Of course, you have to respect Thanksgiving, of course, right?
Kulap Vilaysack 47:45
Okay, you know. And so we’ll talk about Thanksgiving. Don’t you worry. Later in the month, we’ll talk about it so that that’s Sue, that’s where I’m at at this launch. How about you? How about you? Past John Darian.
SuChin Pak 47:58
Really the theme of this year for me, as far as the holidays go, is my she shed is going up. Some of you may be hearing it now in the background as they are nailing up my walls. It’s moving fast. It’s not going to be up by Christmas, but the she shed is going up. And so this holiday is going to be an interesting one, because everything, it’s all molding into one thing, you know, like anything I’m buying for the holidays, things I’m asking people for, you know, that’s on my gift list is gonna be for this she shed and so what I’m looking for now, where my attention moved from John Darien stoneware, I said, you guys, you guys are in good hands. I like what’s happening here. Go on. I moved into what will happen next year in this she shed for my Christmas Village. Whoa. And how am I going to set up my Christmas Village next year so that it is front and center and gets the shine that she deserves, because right now it’s next to one of our deep freezers in a back corner.
Kulap Vilaysack 49:06
Yeah, and I believe there’s a printer nearby.
SuChin Pak 49:08
And next to a printer on the floor in a room that’s always TBD, you know, the doors one day will go up, but for now, TBD, maybe the printer will go on a table, but for now, TBD. And so I started to envision, like, what is this? Do I have someone make it for me? And then I found someone on Etsy who is doing God’s work. I’m gonna shout out Meyer Christmas shop from Gilbert, Arizona.
Kulap Vilaysack 49:39
Just the name, I’m excited.
SuChin Pak 49:42
Exactly, and this person is customizing display tables for Christmas villages, and specifically for limax Christmas villages, of which.
Kulap Vilaysack 49:58
Folks, if you’re just joining. Us that is SuChin’s brand.
SuChin Pak 50:02
Yes, that just is my brand. At Christmas villages, your brand is your brand. They’re all wonderful. I just, for some reason, landed on the max and so I’m just gonna describe to you some descriptive words, two levels, hand carved stairs, snow edges and cobblestone pathways, set of two platforms to make a nice and flexible village. Setup real rocks included as accent to the platform. And so this is where I’m at right now. What I’m at is, do I purchase it for this year? Wait for next year. But the this is the Etsy hole that I’m down because my Christmas Village is too big for the fold out table that it has been thrown on all this time, and it needs a proper display. Yes, you know, with diamonds with great respect and responsibility. So that’s kind of one of my ADD to carts that I just needed to share for all of you Christmas Village heads, that there are people out there, if you didn’t know, because I didn’t know that understand our work, that understand our passion.
Kulap Vilaysack 51:22
And that’s what the holidays are about.
SuChin Pak 51:24
So that’s really where I’m focusing and where I’m launching off my holiday buying spree. I’m glad that you brought John Darian on as your cart, because I shared in that cart. You share, I share, we share, and my my man has come home. He’s alive. He’s hotter than he’s ever been really.
Kulap Vilaysack 51:49
Yeah, I didn’t think about it that way for you. You were worried that we had we had grown apart. You had worried that I had changed, or if we evolved, we had evolved away from one another, and at this point, wow. Now that I think about it, I get why you were so shocked, because the cornerstone of our relationship is this podcast, and that text put you on shaky ground.
SuChin Pak 52:16
Yeah, I didn’t say that. The cornerstone of our relationship has become the shopping and the podcast is just a byproduct of it. And I do have to say I I did start a side text with my friend Annie, and I said, I sent this mushroom pillow. Now, if you remember, if you go back to my trip to Japan, where Annie brought from Japan a mushroom shape tool, stool, yeah, and put that in her suitcase. So, you know, this is a mushroom fam, so I knew she would understand. I said, Hey, you know, I sent this. And she said, Let me screenshot it. Not I’m good. And I said, I I just, I don’t know how to feel. And this is before I got, got the pics, and there was, I needed to be held, you know, I needed to be held by someone who understood that betrayal comes in many forms. Yeah, and it can come in the form of mushroom pillow. And then you come back, you come back, and it’s The Sweetest return. It was complete for me.
Kulap Vilaysack 53:20
I have gotten the feedback that I’m a little Curt via text. I’m an elder millennial, as I was born in 1980 but I that I’ve I text like M, Gen X, and I’ve been accused of that.
SuChin Pak 53:35
Never experienced it
Kulap Vilaysack 53:36
Until the Nah, I’m good. I said, Wow, yeah. And then I also recently, which was two days ago, so we haven’t even talked about this, is that I have a new personality, which is a person who plays mahjong. I was also very, I think, curtain, not aware of it during play. I’ve gotten feedback on that as well.
SuChin Pak 54:03
And I think it’s your competitive person text.
Kulap Vilaysack 54:07
I think, yeah, and that’s what I’m circling around here. It’s not just text. It’s as a personality thing that I was, I’m really, I basically, I’m hearing what everyone is saying.
SuChin Pak 54:18
I see, well, you know what? Take that as feedback, and that’s another thing we’ll be talking about this holiday season. We do it every year. We do what we keep and what we’re tossing, you know? And you get that from us at the end of the year, after we’ve really taken an audit, you know, an audit of our.
Kulap Vilaysack 54:38
That’s true. That’s something we look forward to.
SuChin Pak 54:40
That’s right, our group texts will it’s all there, and we’ll share that.
Kulap Vilaysack 54:44
We’ll share that, but until that. Yes, happy holidays. Happy beginning of the season. Make sure you follow us at @addtocartpod. Well, we have visual pictures.
SuChin Pak 54:58
Yes, we’ll see all the pictures. Maybe. Even some some screenshots of group text.
Kulap Vilaysack 55:02
I’m just saying, maybe, probably.
SuChin Pak 55:04
Ho ho ho.
There’s more Add To Cart with Lemonada Premium subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content, like where we tell you about the last item we bought or returned, and why subscribe now in Apple podcasts. Add To Cart is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producers are Kegan Zema and Tiffany Bouy. Brian Castillo is our engineer. Theme music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer, and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Follow Add to Cart wherever you get your podcasts or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.