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Kulap and Casey’s Deranged Christmas Shopping Trip (with Sophie Santos)

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It’s October and, as the common phrase goes, October Scary brings Christmas Merry…at least for Kulap and guest host (actress, writer, podcaster) Casey Rose Wilson. The two share their weekend experience going to not one, but two Christmas stores. Plus, a gift in itself, comedian and writer Sophie Santos joins to talk about her biggest Game Changer.

Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

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Casey Rose Wilson, Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Sophie Santos

Kulap Vilaysack  00:10

Hello everyone, welcome to ADD TO CART. A show about the things we buy and buy into and what they say about who we are. I am Kulap Vilaysack.

Casey Rose Wilson 

And I am not SuChin. I am Casey Rhodes Wilson I’m an actress writer author podcaster. People magazine’s Most Beautiful 40-year-old, disputed, and guest host while our sweet SuChin is off eating baguettes and macaroons and […]

Kulap Vilaysack 

Who’s disputing it?

Casey Rose Wilson 

Some I feel their judgment through the internet but People Magazine is not disputing it and they named me that.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s right. And Add to Carter’s this show may sound a little different with Casey because unlike SuChin, and much like […] Casey is an abundance queen. So there shouldn’t be an ounce of balance or bargain between us we tend to fill up our carts.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Yes this is not an odd couple. This is just a match made in abundance heaven and yeah unfortunately as one June Diane Raphael says Kulap and I will quote it here, as an apology to your beautiful listeners I never said I was relatable, so when Kulap first email me about guest hosting, it did almost get lost in the mix kind of have many other emails from you. Forwarding Summer Sale notifications from Balsam Hill, Solving Gingerbread Houses, Dolly Parton advent calendars and it honestly almost got lost mainly underneath the chain where we send the number of days of Christmas to each other back and forth.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah, yeah, but you know, Balsam Hill the purveyor of fine artificial Christmas trees, they posted on it they said 100 days until Christmas.

Casey Rose Wilson 

It was so upsetting to receive that email I’ll never forget where I was. I was like fuck, it scared me straight I’ll tell you that much, Kulap.

Kulap Vilaysack  02:07

So, it only makes sense that you and I went Christmas decor shopping on October 1st.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Too late I’ll tell you that much.

Kulap Vilaysack

So Casey, let’s get into our Add To Carts, let’s talk about this you know I posted some video of us participating and what we needed to do to make us feel good and you know I got some feedback. I got some feedback, former guest, People Magazines, Casey your familiar with People Magazine. Jason Sheeler he said that I’m a season pusher and Casey I am not. I am not a season pusher I am me loving Christmas has nothing to do with anybody else except you.

Casey Rose Wilson 

This episode should come with a trigger warning because, it should Kulap, because whoever they’re saying throw Christmas tomorrow we’re not saying tomorrow it’s Christmas .

Kulap Vilaysack 

Of course, we’re not we bought these items that we’re going to share with you and put them up immediately, we’re not going to.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Shall we share that decided upon day with which they will go up and that is on three.

Kulap Vilaysack 

November 1st.

Casey Rose Wilson 

It doesn’t mean we don’t embrace the holidays to come such as my 41st or Thanksgiving for instance.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Let’s get into a new to us store traditions in Canoga Park. now Casey How did you hear about this shop?

Casey Rose Wilson 

Kulap, I googled it, so you and I had had we have done which we’ll discuss more later but all day […] has been our kind of stomping grounds and they both have very different styles and dare I say traditions it’s just that, it’s a gorgeous Christmas door right when you walk in there’s I mean only about 1000 Christmas trees each one with its own theme. Be it under the sea. Be it the states, sports, be it old timey Santa, be it Easter ornaments?

Kulap Vilaysack  04:12

Also just want to throw in a side note they were only playing George Michael. I love George Michael. I found myself singing and humming along as I was looking for ornaments.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Why you’re like perusing Christmas villages […] I love a little Christmas music, sure.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I mean and Casey we did some damage.

Casey Rose Wilson 

We did. We decided early on a way to buy more was to assign them to ornaments as friends now how many of those will land in friends mailboxes and laps remains to be seen? I was like my fifth-grade teacher. I think she told me once she liked […]

Kulap Vilaysack 

I got one that’s a bowl of ramen. And I’m like, that’s so cute. someone’s getting this bowl of ramen. someone’s getting the sushi roll, and there was two types of sushi rolls you could get, $9.99

Casey Rose Wilson

Do you think SuChin would have gotten those?

Kulap Vilaysack 

I think she would have.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Would she have walked away though with 45 ornaments, Ku?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Something that she would really give me crap for and I think you might too I just was picking different types of things I got like a karaoke machine one that’s so cute and I looked at prices Casey I swear to you I looked at prices but then when you’re grabbing I’m just assuming they’re the same price.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Again I don’t want everyone to think who are just spending money willy nilly although we are. But I really want to emphasize this is where there’s no greater place I would personally like to invest and spend my money because I do think of it as an investment in terms of adding to cart which is like these are ornaments you know my children will break every year, these are ornament that when my tree dies in the hot sun will clink off the tree and break but I do picture you know our families opening them year and year after year I’m picturing passing them down to my son’s, you know?

Kulap Vilaysack  06:11

Well, that’s I didn’t realize it at the time but this our ornament which I’m going to share with you right now is going to be an heirloom This is now an heirloom I for preparation of Add To Cart I was like oh let me just look up some links so that I can share it with the people, it is a matte green ornament with the deer and tree.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Kulap, this was, now look, I also got one of these different little different, and I will be honest with you Kulap, I did not know this one cost this much, this is wild, now it is from Germany, $33.99, we should be dragged out and shot, Kulap, but this one is gorgeous. It looks like a little a window into a wonderland. This is the kind of ornament you do drugs and then just sit with and be with.  What did you get? Tell me the things that you got at this place. Okay go with me here so this wasn’t an ornament this was a piece of decor that you know I don’t know where it’s going to go but it’s a little wooden very small. I would say like God two feet by two feet old go with me here again almost old-fashioned diorama of a TV from like the 60s but inside it is a Christmas scene almost like a doll house.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s right. Yep, it was a diorama as well but more involved.

Casey Rose Wilson 

When you try to think of it it’s like well so what is it, it’s a TV like are people living in the TV or it’s almost like you’re you’ve happened upon a family that happens to live in a TV but it’s very comforting. Some of these things were Christmas they provide a feeling this isn’t a can’t put a price on a feeling in a time machine and transporting us to simpler times and some more complicated times in my family fortune. I’m trying to both make memories and erase memories, now, Kulap, can I ask you a question? So, all this lead up here we started October 1st, till we’ve got all this lead up you know today I screamed at my husband because he pulled the car in our driveway and I had put some of my treasures from our trip on the ground, in the garage and I thought if he runs over all these ornaments, which I have a lot of nerve to put on my ground it will be so fitting to do this podcast with them all, and that’s what we get Kulap, it is what we got, but my question is this, the lead up, you’re such a thoughtful person with presence you know I love to do a sing along like it’s not just money that you and I like we like the sing along we like the gathering we like the dressing up we like the communal aspect, the spirit, on Christmas Day Kulap, is that your favorite part of Christmas, Christmas morning or is it the feeling in the air leading up?

Kulap Vilaysack  09:16

Oh, Casey, yeah, please. You know, call us on our voicemail like that is such a great question. I’m womaning in the mirror right now and she doesn’t know, she doesn’t know. And everybody knows from last year how much like Christmas is my favorite holiday and why I needed to you know, have people put lights up in my house at November 15th. Is really just to fill, I was so sad fill a void is so sad that I wouldn’t be able to see my family and even now like I’m in the midst of family stuff, Mom is having health problems. My poor sister who moved my mom in is getting the brunt of it. And while everything is going well and is not so dysfunctional, I mean it’s dysfunctional, but it’s not like screaming like old school, my family dysfunction. I still have like, PTSD for like, a week. And it didn’t snap until you and I went shopping. I was so lifted and I feel so much better now because of it. So it’s you know, I don’t know to say like, I can’t tell you, because it’s just one of my favorite times of the year it has always been. Casey, can you tell the people about your tree situation?

Casey Rose Wilson  10:53

So I have been a diehard completely I’m from the East Coast outside DC Virginia. It’s not even a thought in your little pretty little head that you would get a fake tree. It’s blasphemous, Kulap. That’s for like people that their grandparents hate them like, so when I moved to LA, you know, I always get a very large 9-to-10-foot tree that I put in front of a picture window as where they belong. Last year pandemic, it was dead and I do mean dead as a doorknob by December 18th.

Kulap Vilaysack 

The year before I had convinced Casey to get an artificial tree for a secondary tree for her like dead. I used to get real trees as well and then my mother-in-law gave me a nine-foot tree, that was great and then she was like but Kulap, know about Balsam Hill. That’s like the gold standard of artificial trees.

Casey Rose Wilson 

She’s the one that brought us Balsam Hill.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Linda Aukerman. So then I got when I got the new house. I got a brand new seven and a half tree. That’s my like, hero tree.

Casey Rose Wilson  12:03

You’re […] your hero tree nuts, well, that’s their tree. This is what Kulap and I are going to share with you. This is the game changer, many trees.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Many trees, and particularly the bedroom tree. Bedroom trees.

Casey Rose Wilson 

To anyone listening to this, this is entitled little hoes. I thank you, and I know a lot of you out there are with us. You just might not even know this is where you’re at. But you want a bedroom tree for your eyes to glimpse upon when you wake up. And particularly when you go to bed. You know, your ass is in there scrolling. You’re watching your many shows, you’re eating your little snacks in bed. Isn’t that where we really are most of the time? So, February of last year, maybe March? I took my fingers a tap into Balsam Hill. And I decided to buy a hero tree myself. That could you know that could deliver on every front. So I had that. But then I thought but gosh, I can’t do away with the tradition of going to get a Christmas tree for my kids. I can’t we do that every year. That is something that needs to happen. So I thought okay, great. We will shop for a very sensible tree that will be in the family room. There’s a door right behind it. Needles don’t need to go everywhere. Great. That tree will then move up to my bedroom. That’s what we thought. That’s what we thought, until these thoughts went to all the comb and I saw something so tacky. So horrible. So horrific. I knew I needed it. To hear from people about this too, but I found a frosted tree. You heard me a fake ass snow covered tree.

Kulap Vilaysack 

What are you saying? So it’s interesting because you’re like, I don’t want to fake tree. It’s repeat old people who have given up and what I’m hearing is like you want realism. And now you’re like, I want something with fake ass.

Casey Rose Wilson  14:10

So disturbing. I know it’s ugly. Like, you know there’s some things and even some people you’re like, I hate them so much. I think I like them.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I don’t know if we’d let the folks know that your hero tree that goes in the picture window. The fresh tree that you’re gonna go with your kids. That’s gonna go family room. Then the tree that was there that is going into your son’s room. And then the snow flocked in your bedroom. Your husband cannot wait.

Casey Rose Wilson  14:54

Kulap, when I tell you I haven’t told him this when I tell you these cheats will go up one by one while he’s working at night. I’m not going to hit him with it all at one at all. But here’s the problem Kulap, and I don’t think kids need I’m not that parent that’s like my boys need equal stuff and equal treatment all the time because it’s like life is hard life isn’t fair unless you are me and you get all the tools you want, but I do have two kids, Kulap.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Right, so you have to get another tree?

Casey Rose Wilson 

No, I cannot bear to get on the tree but one of them is going to get more of like a collection of old timey Santa’s I mean maybe something like that maybe the odd TV family diorama dollhouse could go in his room. I mean his a second child he’s used to literally not having one thing the other day he asked me how come he’s never had one playdate? I was like I have to go to Alta.

Kulap Vilaysack  16:07

Let’s get into some removed from carts, it’s so rare when you and I say no to each other. on record, you said no to me about getting a Gucci denim bucket hat, I am not mad at you about it, you are right. Can you describe this decor item that you were considering?

Casey Rose Wilson 

Okay, what I’m also in the market for out in front of my home is there’s kind of a vertical windows that go there’s two sets of frame my front door. I would like to have some things some type of decoration that maybe you get and you put it up every year that your kids say of course that’s our Hallmark that’s our signature at our house you know I don’t know is it to humungous nutcrackers, what is it was my thought you know, and then I saw him, again it’s sort of hard to describe this but picture yet again but a very thin one on a wood backing almost like this is think statue size lifestyle and there’s a very thin or thinner Santa’s kind of with his arms wrapped around the tree or kind of carrying the tree and then he’s got his sack of course. And then up the tree though there’s really fun ornaments that are also kind of toys so it’s like well is he giving that to the children is that an ornament on the tree? And I thought it was so cute and fun and wink and but also sophisticated and cool honestly. For so long you we were just weren’t understanding each other because you were like, sorry, what? And I was like there and you’re like but no, but where is the one you want to get? And I’m like right there, him, I’m pointing at him and you said oh my god, I’m so sorry. You wanted to get that?

Kulap Vilaysack 

It just, it didn’t make sense to me Casey. I think we can all agree that thin Santa I don’t want to offend Santa. I don’t want to Quito Santa. I don’t want to wirey Santa. I want a jolly plump Santa.

Casey Rose Wilson  18:09

He’s also carrying if this sweetens the pot an old timey clock with him and the clock strikes 1:30am, so it’s like Santa’s, this is the big show you know we’re seeing him at his best. So, again, this thing is how tall Do you think who have 10 feet? Easy?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Easy, so he it’s 1:30 in the morning Santa is hiding behind a tree.

Casey Rose Wilson 

He wouldn’t be seen, what about the children, he slips away their parted, it is a little disturbing.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And Casey your plan was to get two of him, is that not?

Casey Rose Wilson 

I’m not done with this item.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I know you’re not I would like you to remove from cart it’s a request.

Casey Rose Wilson 

You know this item I’m trying to zero right in on the price. It did feel like a lot. $9.99 and I don’t mean $9. So listeners, I have not completely lost my mind. That’s too much to spend on that Santa. Let’s do it just been on him. I’m open to all ideas. And I would love ideas for like a large-scale outdoor thing that it’s like every year we drag this one out from the garage, you know?

Kulap Vilaysack 

I want to remove from cart you mentioned that like yeah, we’ve all these holidays, leading up to Christmas and we don’t want to leave them behind. And one of them you mentioned your birthday is in October. That’s right. And you have made it clear to me, sadly that I am not allowed to plan any sort of celebration for your 41st year.

Casey Rose Wilson 

That’s right.

Kulap Vilaysack 

And you seem pretty firm. I’ve tried to come at you several different types of angles I get firm knows I get to simply ignoring of tax moving on to other subjects.

Casey Rose Wilson  20:08

Kulap, there’s a woman on The Real Housewives you know I have a podcast about the real housewives pitch sesh there’s this woman famously if anyone knows Ramona Singer, she’s loves her birthday so much she plans a party for 50 women every year. Her birthday is her Christmas. And there’s something sad to me about that course I like my birthday. Of course, I like to be celebrated. But I also don’t like putting people out year after year. It just feels a lot to me. Also, and I don’t know how this will land, but I am an actress, there’s celebrations that come with that that are not warranted, you know? And I think that you all through me such a beautiful 40th, it just feels wrong to say like, Here I am again, guys like 41st. At a certain point past like the age of birthdays every year as a kid, I think you’ve got to be respectful of everyone’s time and energies and monies, and space out the parties and even the dinners.

Kulap Vilaysack 

You’re attacking dinners now?

Casey Rose Wilson 

I just can’t bear the thought of everyone getting a Texas like wet night for Casey’s birthday. And everyone’s like, really, I’m still paying off our trip to Ohio last year for her party,

Kulap Vilaysack 

I have to honor your feelings and what you’re saying, but I disagree strongly of the idea that you have or would ever be putting any of your friends out or off to celebrate you. It’s like I’ve said this before we have to celebrate our W’s and this W is we lived another year.

Casey Rose Wilson 

I know, ant that ain’t nothing and I get that but I mean to say my cup was so build you all got me a gorgeous purse, you choreographed and learned the exact dance to walk I was given showered with speeches in love and I just don’t need any more. I’d like that to just reign supreme. And my gift in return is like you have a couple years off. And thank you. It’s another part of my saying thank you for that.

Kulap Vilaysack  22:03

Right. But you know, I respectfully I’ve already purchased a present for you it has already arrived.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Okay, well, I hope it’s not the other ornament…

Kulap Vilaysack 

With all of these gifts in mind and the spirit of the holiday season, we wanted to end the last part of the show with an amazing guest who has a little gift of her own. You’ll hear SuChin on the segment, but don’t worry, we didn’t pull her from her fun and […]. We recorded this a while back so Su could still focus on all damn baguettes. Our guest today is a New York based comedian, writer and host of the lesbian agenda, a critically acclaimed satirical comedy show featuring up and coming LGBTQ plus standups and performers. She’s also alongside Pete Davidson and Kiki Palmer and the new audible fiction podcast HIT JOB. She has written for shows on Bravo, on MTV, has appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Come on, please welcome to the show, Sophie Santos!

Sophie Santos 

Here we go. I feel like I mean, I feel like I’m about to just do a set. Can you like I want to wake up to that every morning? Wow, I haven’t got some of those credits in a minute. So, thank you.

SuChin Pak 

Record that. Put it on an answering machine. You should be always check with me, Kulap, you know that that’s why she does.

Sophie Santos 

Hi. Thank you so much for the intro. That was awesome. It’s so nice to meet both of you. I’m so excited to do this today, to be with you today.

Kulap Vilaysack  24:07

As are we. Sophie, so right off the bat. You’ve got a book coming out. And that’s super exciting. Wait, it just came out. It is with us. And it is called The One You Want to Marry (and Other Identities I’ve Had). Can you tell us a little bit about it?

Sophie Santos 

Yes, I can. So basically it’s a coming-of-age story. It definitely deals with me coming out and coming into my sexuality, but it really focuses on me going through these really intense and Stark phases. The book is in three separate parts. And the beginning you know, I’m this this rambunctious tomboy, I play tackle football. I’m like the only girl in the league.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Oh my god I love that stuff.

Sophie Santos 

Not on the bench and was fully alignment so we can discuss that later.

Kulap Vilaysack 

You’re my type of person, I just want you to know that.

Sophie Santos 

Thank you so much. It’s great to be seen.

SuChin Pak 

I only understood about 10% of that, but it was really, really awesome. I feel it Is it a woven bench? Is it a Moroccan bench I order from NC that will never get here, what kind of a bench?

Sophie Santos

Very metal and very cold when you sit on it, got it, got it. Got it, but I wouldn’t know because I wasn’t on it. And then the next phase, when I go through puberty, I become a pageant Queen, and I go to the University of Alabama, and was a sorority girl at the University of Alabama. And fully immersing myself in this culture and embracing it and truly taking on that identity. And then, of course, because we all know that if I’m a New York comedian, I’m a lesbian it probably didn’t work out. I had a mental breakdown and I had to go to like to an outpatient facility and was like in therapy for eight hours a day.

SuChin Pak  26:20

How old were you when that happened?

Sophie Santos 


SuChin Pak 

This is all happening in a very, very short time frame. But like that’s incredible. Okay, so 20 years old, you’re at facility.

Sophie Santos 

I’m at a facility I’m going to therapy eight hours a day realizing that I have anxiety that I have always had anxiety. I also have OCD, which I didn’t get diagnosed for then everything came to a head because when I was at Alabama I hate to make this like such I know you wanted the short spiel. Okay, cool. When I was at Alabama, all of the sororities like the culture is like you go to school, and all of these girls are brilliant, they’re so smart. Especially the sorority that I was in we were like best top grades on campus for 20 years. But all these girls all these young women, were really just trying to get married that was like the culture of like being married by the time you were 22 because that’s just what you did. And also you got to get this cute little candlelight ceremony which is basically like a seance we all sit around and we all hold candles while the girl talks about her proposal and so these are things that you like..

SuChin Pak 

Wait, what year is this?

Sophie Santos 

I became, I was a freshman 2009 yeah and that’s like what I’m immediately thrust into I mean it was like the first week like we were at school I was a freshman and everyone all the returning sorority members were you know back and there was already a candlelight someone had already gotten engaged and God forbid a junior got engaged before senior the bloodbath so it was just ours. But because I’m so competitive. Because I’m playing football and because I’m so type A like that never went away. I’m like, I gotta find a husband. And I’m gonna find this husband I’m gonna get him.

SuChin Pak  28:21

I’m gonna be the youngest

Sophie Santos 

I’ll be the youngest person to get a candlelight, we’re gonna do the damn thing and I was like in it to win and I was like operation Sophie gets her Mrs. degree stat which is the Mrs. degree. So I’m like going on a terror like sleeping with so many men. So many men. Oh man, I count them in the book I think like 26 or 27 which I think probably more.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I heard that number, and first it was shock and then I’m like I am impressed.

Sophie Santos 

Thank you. Like as a lesbian now. When I was at Alabama I was also, I had this one night where I was like really wanted to become friends with a stripper

Kulap Vilaysack 

Been there.

Sophie Santos 

And I was on a formal with a fraternity formal with my boyfriend who actually is gay now, too. Like how do we get along so well. This is so weird. But I don’t like having sex with you. But I love spending time with you. And when we were in New Orleans, for the for the fraternity formal, we went to a strip club and we sat at a table and the stripper you know, made eye contact with me and motorboat at me. And I felt things that I’d never felt in my life before. And I went to the bathroom afterwards, and she was in the bathroom. And I’m just kind of like, propped up you know, washing my hands longer than they need, watching as long as you want. But like this point, I’m just kind of like trying to figure out the motions and I again, no, I have no idea that I’m gay. But I was just like, so. Hey, that was fun. That was a good time. What’s your name? And she was like, oh, Hi, sweetie. Bambi, like, oh, Bambi? Well, I’d love to hang out again. If you want to. You want to hang out. And she gave me her number. And then that night, I snuck out of the hotel room. And I was texting her and she wasn’t responding. So of course, I the next, the natural thing to do is to go and stop them. And I go and I go back to the strip club. alone. As a 19-year-old. How to fake? Doesn’t matter now. You know?

Kulap Vilaysack 

You know, she’s probably busy working. She trying to concentrate on her craft.

Sophie Santos 

Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m so happy that you’re supporting me. Where were you when this happened? And so I get to the strip club and I’m kind of just like sitting there and I’m being weird because I’m by myself and I’m like looking around and the bouncer comes up to me and he’s just like hey you good and I was like, Yeah, no, I’m just waiting for Bambi and he was like she doesn’t get on till like three and it’s like one o’clock in the morning so I wait I wait till she comes on. And she does come on but she doesn’t come on at my table my see her like motorboating another girl and I’m like that was our thing that was our friendship thing. So I then I see her bathroom, I go to the bathroom I run to the bathroom and I wash my hands again and I talked to her again.

Sophie Santos  32:13

And she’s just like really tired but she’s like hi oh thanks for, thanks for coming and I was like yeah yeah no problem yeah I mean about that hang I’d love to hang out and she’s goes like you want to room and I said sure. Yeah, I’m gonna get a room, yeah, if that’s what you want, I’m gonna get a room, oh and she goes we’ll just go talk to the bouncer he’ll give you the menu so I go and I get the menu and it’s like $500 for like 15 minutes and I did not have I think I had $100 to my name but if I had had that $500 Yeah, I would have spent every last cent and I probably would have realized I was gay sooner but I couldn’t think I couldn’t get the room so I leave and I’m really sad and so then I start blowing up her phone which is the normal and mature thing to do and just being like well I’m so sorry I can’t like afford it but I think you’re really cool and I would just love to like hang out you know and if you know maybe outside of the club and maybe we just like hang out like you know when you’re off yeah whatever. And after like 15 texts she finally gets back to me like at seven o’clock in the morning after her shift it was just like yeah like so what you’re asking of me is not fair. And I was like wow.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Respect Bambi, sure for Barbara I’m assuming, wow.

Sophie Santos 

Sure for Barbara I’ve never thought about that. But yeah probably short for Barbara so that was something that I did and I think that was number three, we’re getting back to the conversation love it and then I was like, oh yeah, we need to, we need to assess what’s going on and then the third part is me actually realizing I’m a lesbian and also a well versed in New York comedian and a lesbian more importantly in New York Community so that’s the book that’s my quick take on the book that’s my 15th.

Kulap Vilaysack  34:19

I loved every second I gotta tell you, it was a ride I love that add to cart your book.  You’ve also brought to us a game changer now this is something you know when we say Game Changer and add to cart. this is something that like you know, you can like some things you know, like, ah, yeah, like this the you know, I like that pillow. It’s fine. But when it’s a game changer, it’s like, it’s like this is the pillow. Right? So what is your pillow? I don’t know where I was going with that. That’s where I landed. Apologies to everyone.

Sophie Santos 

Peloton. But, it’s not the peloton bike, it’s the peloton hit cardio classes.

SuChin Pak 

Okay let’s hear, yeah you need to start I mean not at the beginning I know peloton is a bicycle class.

Sophie Santos 

Do we want to go back to the commercial that everyone, do we want to go back?

SuChin Pak 

I know that it’s a stationary bike, right?

Sophie Santos 

It started as a stationary bike right and then you’re basically doing cycling classes except that you got to do it from home and then they started branching out and they started doing more classes where it strength classes and cardio and meditation and they just started hiring instructors that are that have the same sort of peloton philosophy which is that anyone can work out and it can be fun and it can almost be like you know going to church or cult however you like to.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Whatever you like to name it. So then they have the equipment but then they have it’s a full app where you can just take online classes like you do on YouTube.

SuChin Pak  36:10

Okay got it.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Yeah so you could be a peloton member and not own a bike not own any of the equipment and still be able to use you know all of the different classes.

Sophie Santos 

100% yeah cuz I need to be clear because whenever I say like oh I do peloton now I have to always preface and say no, I love that you think that I can afford a peloton bike. I cannot but I don’t need it because I have I have my man rad Lopez who is my instructor who I will go to the depths of the earth for and who listens to my brain? I’ve always struggled with working out I would do YouTube videos but I never could really just like stick with it. And so I saw just like a friend recommended peloton I tried out the bike because I was at a place like where they had the bike and I was like so in love with the bike and like the music and the inspiration and like I’d be like dripping sweat it’d be 45 minutes we’re over and I hadn’t I was like where did the time go? You know? And then when I didn’t have access to the bike anymore I didn’t want to stop so I started taking the hit cardio classes and I now have been working out every day I think I’ve maybe taken off one or two days, for like two months.

Kulap Vilaysack 

That’s awesome.

Sophie Santos 

I believe everything that rad is saying every time it’s so crazy because the reason why I think it’s like such a cool thing is at first I was like alright alright guys I’m not this is too heavy for me like stop saying that today’s the moment […] that like you know we all struggle and you know break through it stop, stop with the inspirational conversations you know while I’m working out and then like as I started to like do it more and more and more I was like oh no, no, this is real. This is real like even if only for 30 minutes I’m just present right now.

Kulap Vilaysack  38:00

You’re taking this time for you, Sophie. You show up however you are but you also you leave it behind because this time is for you.

Sophie Santos 

While Drake well best I’ve ever had yeah and so and so I’m sitting here and I’m like well I’m doing these classes and I’m like pumping iron and I’m like Best Day Ever had this I ever had and I’m like and Brad’s like all about like you know feeling like he was just like you know mean mug like be you know be you know come on let’s get in there and so I’m like walking around the house and I’m like mean mugging and I’m just like you know having this like swagger in my in my in my step and I’m just like yeah, I’m gonna like yeah, I’m gonna like fuck up the world today. This is me. This is me. This is who I am now. But the crazy part is whenever I am struggling and I’m like holding a plank and I can’t seem to I want to I want to stop holding the plank and I want to drop to my knees and Brad will somehow he knows no, and he’ll say I know that you want to stop. I know that you want to stop. But if it was easy, we would all be at the top of the mountain. If it was easy, we would all be kings but it’s the people that showed up like you that are the people that are actually going to make the change five seconds left you know and so and then I’m like crying and I’m and once again you know.

Kulap Vilaysack 

I relate so much my hair is wet because I’ve taken a peloton class, I have a bike.

Sophie Santos 


Kulap Vilaysack 

Thank you.

Sophie Santos

I hope to be there one day I’m going to put in the universe I will have a bike one day you.

Kulap Vilaysack  40:02

You will and I know that I know that. Thank you. Maybe peloton is listening. Why don’t we give Sophie a bike?

Sophie Santos 

Yeah, I’ll give you my book. That’s a $20.95. And then you can give me a bike in exchange.

Kulap Vilaysack 

What an exchange that would be. I know what you’re saying about rad. I feel that way about Mr. Cody Rigsby who is.. I watch the opening of season 30 of Dancing with the Stars hosted by Tyra Banks to see Mr. Cody Rigsby do his damn thing. Oh, he did a he did a tango. Oh, he did a tango. And he did a he did a great job. Suni Lee Olympic medalist also did her damn thing. And for the first time ever, I voted for both of them via text.

SuChin Pak 

I got on the train.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Sophie, where do we find you on the internet?

Sophie Santos 

You can find me at on Instagram. That’s kind of like my main thing at @sophieesantos. Um, and really, that’s where you can find like all the stuff about the information for my book. I also have been releasing so for my comedy I do comedic music. And I have been dropping some tracks on Spotify. So if you want to check those out, I’m actually dropping a song pretty soon called Born Again Lesbian, which is in the style of Sam Smith’s pray about how I found out that through and it’s my salvation that I found. I’m a lesbian and I have a real real rapper who does a verse on it who’s like an actual rapper, comedian. And yes, yeah, and it’s incredible. And I am so excited that […] decided to do this.

Kulap Vilaysack  42:12

Is that coming out pretty soon.

Sophie Santos 

Hell yeah.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Thank you so much, Sophie!

Sophie Santos 

Okay, thank you so nice to meet both of you.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Ready to pay? I think we just saved I think we just saved this is my first episode as an add to cart. guest host How did it feel? It felt great. I’m a little worried. You know how I came off I hope I didn’t alienate anyone begging people literally begging them to get for trees or spend money. Truly this is about Christmas spirit in whatever way shape or form all I ask is that you do more. Whatever it is, you know?

Kulap Vilaysack 

Guys, this is just what we added to cart. But if this is important to you times a tickin, it’s only going by.

Casey Rose Wilson 

That’s right, even in the time it’s taking you to listen to this, you have fallen so far behind. feel that pressure you know we’re always about like, how do we manage stress like yeah, this is stress you should feel and take very seriously.

Kulap Vilaysack  

You know what Jason Sheeler you’re right. I’m a seasoned pusher. Find everything you need for Christmas on @AddToCartPod.

Casey Rose Wilson 

And I’ll say to you Jason, while you may disagree with us, several celebs came out in our on our side Kulap’s such as one Retta from Parks and Rec. Who said she was quote jealous and she feels this very deeply on these issues. Thank you, Retta.

Kulap Vilaysack 

Call the show at 833-453-6662 and tell Su and Ku your favorite holiday decoration no matter the holiday and we’ll be back next week.

Casey Rose Wilson 

Thank you.


ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our editor is Ivan Kuraev. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.

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