Neurodivergent Love | Michael Theo
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You may know Michael Theo as the breakout star of the reality show ‘Love on the Spectrum Australia,’ where he and other young people with autism navigated the dating scene. He didn’t come away with a girlfriend, but he captured the hearts of countless people, including Ricki herself. Michael and Ricki chat about dating advice, how Michael continues to advocate for the neurodivergent community worldwide, and his new buzzy comedy series, ‘Austin.’
Show notes:
Check out the trailer for ‘Austin’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3WNJKKGzwc
Learn about the new dating app, Wable: https://www.hellowable.com/
Learn about Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia): https://www.aspect.org.au/
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Michael Theo, Ricki Lake
Ricki Lake 00:02
This is The High Life with me, Ricki Lake, where we find out how my guests crack the code to living a full and vibrant life so you can too. Okay, in my later years, a huge source of my happiness has come from finding my person, Ross, my guy. I love spending time with him, and it took me, I’m not gonna lie, a long time to find him, but it was well worth it. Well, my guest today is also taking the long road to love, which I absolutely admire. I first got to know Michael Theo, along with the rest of the world from the Netflix show, basically the best show maybe I’ve ever seen, called Love on the Spectrum Australia, where I saw him navigate the dating scene with so much authenticity and personality. Now, he may not have come away with a girlfriend, but he did capture my heart and the heart of countless people. Most recently, he became the lead actor on the hit Australian ABC show Austin, which follows the life of a neurodivergent man in his 20s, connecting with his biological father. I knew I had to have Michael on my show to talk about the highs and lows of searching for true love while navigating the spotlight. He is also my actual friend, and I just love talking to the guy. He has got that it factor. Welcome, Michael.
Michael Theo 01:14
Hi, Ricki, how you doing?
Ricki Lake 01:16
I’m good. How are you?
Michael Theo 01:18
I’m doing, all right thanks.
Ricki Lake 01:20
So let’s start with for those of our listeners who aren’t familiar with love on the spectrum and they don’t know who you are, can you introduce yourself?
Michael Theo 01:28
Yes, of course. I’m Michael Theo. I was the breakout star of love on the Spectrum Australia, and now I’m the lead actor playing the total character in Austin. It’s a new Australian comedy series, which goes for eight episodes.
Ricki Lake 01:43
Now, I always start asking my guests this question, where are you getting your highs from right now? Like, what is bringing you joy these days? It could be anything.
Michael Theo 01:53
Well, I would say that what’s been bringing me joy these days is all the feedback from Austin the show itself, and then also working at aspect and being the ambassador for Weibull. Weibull is a new dating app for people on the spectrum, well, for newer, diverse people. I meant it’s also like a Facebook for them as well. At the moment, it’s focusing on Australia and New Zealand, but in the near future, they’ll be launching it in the US in the UK. I believe aspect stands for autism spectrum. Australia. They’re a provider for for support services for people on the spectrum. I’ve mostly done blogs for their website, blogs on my experiences with dating on the spectrum, school, friendships, my own journey in life and how all this Mr. A plus stuff happened?
Ricki Lake 02:50
Yeah, Lee, how did you become Mr. A plus? That’s your podcast name. That’s your name on Instagram. How did that happen?
Michael Theo 02:56
I’ll explain. During the first season of love on the spectrum. I started saying that an A plus partner looks like me, and then my mother started calling me Mr. A plus, and it’s stuck ever since.
Ricki Lake 03:09
Yeah, I mean, I think we all were so inspired by you in particular, really, yeah. I mean, absolutely. I mean, there’s something about you. And I know you, you’ve heard this before, but you have what’s called the it factor. Did you always want to be an actor?
Michael Theo 03:23
Oh yes, definitely. I always wanted to be an actor since I was a little kid. The things about acting that made me love the craft itself is performing different characters and making people laugh. That’s what I would say, got me bitten by the acting bug.
Ricki Lake 03:40
At what age were you diagnosed with being on the spectrum and having autism?
Michael Theo 03:45
I was diagnosed with it around five or seven years old. According to my mother. What I was actually diagnosed with is Asperger’s. Actually have high functioning Asperger’s. It’s a molar branch of autism, but it’s it’s still autism, I would say, I know it’s not used anymore, but that doesn’t change the diagnosis. I never really knew that I was on the spectrum until my mother told me when I was 13 years old, because when I was a kid, I probably wouldn’t have understood what she was talking about.
Ricki Lake 04:17
And so is it mostly social? Like, would you say it’s like you have a harder time understanding people or being understood yourself.
Michael Theo 04:24
Well with socializing, I did find that really difficult when I was a lot younger, but I find it a lot easier now. But what I definitely find harder is maintaining friendships, because I’m the one that that puts in most of the effort.
Ricki Lake 04:41
Can you explain? What do you mean exactly when you say you put in more of the work with your friendships.
Michael Theo 04:46
Several my friends have full time jobs, and some of them have kids already.
Ricki Lake 04:53
Yeah, that can affect a friendship, right?
Michael Theo 04:56
Exactly, because when people become parents, they stop making time. For their friends altogether, but I honestly can’t see what’s so special about having kids, to be honest.
Ricki Lake 05:06
So you’re not interested in having children.
Michael Theo 05:08
Honestly, no but if I ended up marrying a woman that really wanted kids that badly, I would give in, but on one condition that we draw the line at two, because, after all, kids are expensive, and you need money to keep a woman these days.
Ricki Lake 05:25
Yes, you do. Okay. So when love on the spectrum came out, what was that like for you? Did you start getting recognized?
Michael Theo 05:32
I started getting recognized by people in the public in Australia, very slowly, I started to count how many times I did, but then it ended up becoming so many to the point where I eventually lost count, and then at some point in 2020 love on the spectrum went on gogglebox, and that’s how the US discovered me. It launched on Netflix, and then the US really fell in love with me and the show.
Ricki Lake 06:02
Guilty, I fell in love with you. Michael, okay, so now tell me how you went from love on the spectrum to becoming the star of Austin. Can you tell everyone what the premise of Austin is?
Michael Theo 06:15
Sure, of course, not a problem. Austin is, is a very funny, wholesome television show that everyone can enjoy. The premise is Julian Hartswood is a children’s book author who gets canceled on social media after retweeting a white supremacist and on his book tour in Australia, Austin turns up out of the blue and introduces himself as his biological son, because Julian had a fling with his mother like 28 to 30 years ago, and Julian then comes to believe that having a new, diverse son might help him get his career back on track. It’s just, overall, a very wholesome show that’s about a father and son connecting with each other in one of the most unorthodox ways.
Ricki Lake 07:00
It’s really, it’s so well done. And you were involved from the very beginning. They created this really with you in mind. Yeah. How did that come about?
Michael Theo 07:09
I’ll explain. The director Darren Ashton saw me on love on the spectrum, when he was staying with his friend Ben Miller in the Cotswolds in England. It late 2019 I think he showed Ben me on love on the spectrum, and said to him, do you think this guy could act? I think we could really make a show where he turns up at your doorstep and introduces himself as your son. Because Ben and Darren, have you looking at doing a show together for quite a while, and then in January 2020 Darren came to to my place, the place I still live with. My parents, at least, um, he came here and offered me the role of Austin.
Ricki Lake 07:52
And what was that like for you? Did you even expect like? Did you even know who he was or what he done before?
Michael Theo 07:57
I did not. I knew nothing in the past couple of years, the writers and Darren talked, spoke with me on Zoom, got to know me more, and Darren also talked with my family, especially my mother, and drew inspiration from her for the role of Austin’s mother played by Gia.
Ricki Lake 08:19
Which is where I come in, because Gia is an old friend of mine. I’ve known her for 20 years. And in fact, when she was auditioning, she was doing her screen test, she let me know, and I’m like, I know Michael. I know Michael. I mean, I think she did a wonderful job playing your mother.
Michael Theo 08:33
Ricki Lake 08:34
What was your relationship like in working together as actors?
Michael Theo 08:39
We absolutely loved it. I consider Gia like a second mother.
Ricki Lake 08:43
Yeah, Gia loved working with you and and she was kind enough to come over because we can’t, we couldn’t even get a link. It’s not even available anywhere near the United States yet. It will be soon, but I got to watch all eight episodes, and then we called you and surprised you, and we have a plan to get together once you’re coming here to to promote your show. When you come here, what are we doing?
Michael Theo 09:06
I would visit you your husband, and also GIA and also Rosie O’Donnell, and then take you up on your offer that manicure.
Ricki Lake 09:16
Yeah, if I promised you a mani pedi, yeah.
Michael Theo 09:21
I’ve never really saw myself getting a manicure, because I don’t think men ever get manicures.
Ricki Lake 09:26
They do, you don’t need to put polish on. They’ll just do like a buff and shine. I know you’re making a face. We don’t have to do that. I was just throwing it out there. We can just go have dinner with Rosie if you want. But I’m happy to do it. I think it would just be fun to spend time, and I’d love to show you where I live and for you to see this part of the world, because, I mean, it’s really exciting to think about the future of when Austin hits the United States. I know everywhere it’s been shown, it’s been it’s a huge hit. Had you acted on screen in a television show in this way before, or was this your first big job?
Michael Theo 09:59
This. Is my first acting role.
Ricki Lake 10:01
First acting role. You knew you wanted to be an actor from a little boy, and yet this was your first one. So did you know you could do it from the start?
Michael Theo 10:08
Yes, I always believed I could do it.
Ricki Lake 10:10
And how did you learn those lines? Because I have to say, I’ve been an actor for a long time. That was always a really hard part for me was remembering all the dialog and shooting it out of order. Was that an issue for you?
Michael Theo 10:21
Doing out of order is not an issue for me, I would just take each day as it comes and focus on the day at hand. Just focus on the scenes that you’re doing on the day that you’re shooting, and then worry about the following day scenes tomorrow.
Ricki Lake 10:36
And would it ever get frustrating for you.
Michael Theo 10:39
At times it did. If I was in a room that’s that has a lot of stuff going on, like people around, and then all the noise is happening at once, it would, it would eventually get to me. I would just need a safe, a sensory space where I’m in a room where there’s no noise, and if I’m given like, 1520 minutes, that’s there would be enough time for me to get back into the zone.
Ricki Lake 11:04
Yeah, they would give you that space and time if you needed it.
Michael Theo 11:07
Yeah, exactly. Just the green room would be enough. I don’t want or or need or expect special treatment on set. I don’t want that. I’d rather be treated the same as everybody else, because I’m honestly not that different. It’s just a part of who I am.
Ricki Lake 11:24
And what would you do specifically to calm down? Was Gia helpful to you?
Michael Theo 11:29
Oh, yes, definitely. She was always very helpful. Just by her being there was was enough to help me feel more settled.
Ricki Lake 11:38
Yes, she told me, when she was at my house, we were watching Austin, she would say that sometimes when things would get overwhelming, she would have you do it for some of your favorite actors, right? Yeah, like Phil Hartman. Phil Hartman, and yes.
Michael Theo 11:51
God rest his soul.
Ricki Lake 11:52
God rest his soul. And Tom Hanks, who are some of the other actors that you admire?
Michael Theo 11:59
Andre Brero. God rest his soul too. And then there’s Mark Evan Jackson, who’s one of my heroes. And yet no one in Australia knows who he is.
Ricki Lake 12:07
Yeah, I don’t know who he is. I’m sorry say his name again.
Michael Theo 12:11
Mark Evan Jackson.
Ricki Lake 12:12
And he’s alive?
Michael Theo 12:14
Course he’s alive.
Ricki Lake 12:15
And was acting difficult for you in any way?
Michael Theo 12:18
Definitely not. I actually love it. Everything about it, the chance to make people laugh, working with such amazing people that I’ve admired for years, since I was a kid, and being something that I’ve always dreamt of being.
Ricki Lake 12:32
Michael, did you know you were always funny?
Michael Theo 12:35
No, I don’t even try to be funny.
Ricki Lake 12:38
I think that’s why it works so well. You have these one liners, and I know a lot of the script you would ad lib right? And they would use what you would say.
Michael Theo 12:46
Yeah, yes, I definitely ad libbed some some dialog to what I would say.
Ricki Lake 12:51
That’s amazing. Is it different than you thought it would be? Now that kind of people know your name, you’re recognized, people tell you how great you are. Do you get nervous sometimes? Do you get uncomfortable when people know who you are?
Michael Theo 13:03
Nope, I never get nervous. Why should I be ?
Ricki Lake 13:06
That’s a really that’s a really good attitude. I know I sometimes get shy. I mean, I wouldn’t call myself an introvert, but there’s definitely times when I feel like I don’t want to be getting attention on me and I want some privacy. Do you sometimes get that way?
Michael Theo 13:22
No, not really. It’s because when I’m out in public, and people come up to me tell me how much they love my work, and sometimes they would request a selfie or something, but I always allow it because it was a smile on their face and it makes their day. The very least I can do is just give them a moment of my time.
Ricki Lake 13:42
I agree that is so wonderful, and you’re really a role model for so many neurodivergent people. Now, do you feel that pressure of being speaking for so many?
Michael Theo 13:52
At times, I do, but also it takes more than one person to change the world for the better. And the other thing is, I want to do more for the new, diverse community, but sometimes I feel like that maybe I’m not doing enough.
Ricki Lake 14:07
Why do you think you’re not doing enough?
Michael Theo 14:10
I’m not doing tons of acting projects at the moment. And also, because I’m not always busy.
Ricki Lake 14:17
I see so you wish you were doing more with your time to help your community.
Michael Theo 14:21
Yeah, exactly. Because, while the world has become more accepting of new, diverse people, well, socially and publicly, but in terms of dating and employment, it still needs some work done.
Ricki Lake 14:37
I agree. Yeah, I hear you. I mean, I think with the show, with love on the spectrum, I think it really kind of taught all of us how universal looking for love is. So now you’re 35 years since love on the spectrum came out, you’re still looking for love. What are you doing to find that special lady?
Michael Theo 14:56
Well, love is something that you can’t just make happen. It’s something that takes time. It grows organically on its own. But I will say this, I’ve had a few dates with someone, but I’m not going to reveal too much information about it, because I’m keeping that private at the moment.
Ricki Lake 15:13
I think that’s a really good idea, but so far so good.
Michael Theo 15:16
Yep, so far so good. Touch wood.
Ricki Lake 15:20
You’re such a role model in being so authentic and never giving up on love no matter what. Thank you. How do you find that motivation? What keeps you going? For those of us out there, I have so many friends that are single, looking for love, and they get really frustrated. How do you keep the motivation going?
Michael Theo 15:35
Well, I just keep it going because I have a very determined, ambitious nature, and because I decided a long time ago that I was just done taking no for an answer when it comes to my goals, because I was taking no for an answer from a lot of people. So I decided, if no one’s going to take no for an answer from me, why should I do that for others? So I decided, screw them. I’m just going to keep pushing on and achieve my goals no matter what it takes.
Ricki Lake 16:03
And look at what you’re doing. I mean, it’s it’s amazing. You’re such a testament to like, believing in yourself, putting yourself out there, and don’t let anybody say no, yeah, let’s take a break, and then we’ll return with more questions for Michael.
Ricki Lake 16:26
When you’re on a date, what traits or skills do you look for?
Michael Theo 16:32
Well, I don’t really remember what I was looking for five years ago, but there are seven boxes that she needs to tick.
Ricki Lake 16:40
Okay, seven?
Michael Theo 16:41
Yeah, someone who has a loving heart, comes from a from a nice family, would be able to handle being in a committed relationship with an actor has a source of employment that she’s happy in and pays her well, someone who can self function without my help for everything, someone who’s healthy, physically and mentally. The last one is not exactly a must have, but it’s a preference, um, someone who’s sharp and confident.
Ricki Lake 17:13
I love all of those boxes, and I love that you know what you want. I think that’s also very important in finding a partner. I know, for me, you know, I was dating someone that wasn’t. It’s like, do you know that that phrase putting a square peg in a round hole, it never quite fits. That’s what I was in before I met Ross. And I think I had a moment of real clarity of when, you know, someone said, What are you looking for? And I said, I want this, this and this. It was very specific. And he came into my life at the right time. I think it’s keeping your heart open, knowing what you want and and being true to yourself. Would you agree?
Michael Theo 17:52
Yes, that is definitely true, because since my early teenage years, I’ve always known what I what I want, and and the kind of women that don’t know what they want in life, I find that both frustrating and unattractive.
Ricki Lake 18:07
I get it, okay, I want to ask you about dating tips. What would you give someone who’s dating for the first time or who’s re entering the dating scene? Do you have any advice?
Michael Theo 18:18
Sure, I have some advice. The best advice I can offer them is just be yourself at the end of the day, just enjoy that person’s company, and don’t go in there with high expectations, because if you do, you could be setting yourself up for disappointment. That’s something I’ve learned in dating myself. Just go into the date. Have fun, enjoy yourself, enjoy your dates company, and be yourself. Above all else, don’t try to be something you’re not, because if you do, you can’t keep up that charade forever.
Ricki Lake 18:53
That is great advice. I think everyone will appreciate hearing that. So going on a date, you said you’re newly dating, and we’re not going to talk about who, because it’s too soon and it’s private, right? Yeah, what? What is a perfect date? In your opinion?
Michael Theo 19:08
I don’t really have an idea of what the perfect first date would be, but I will say this an idea of a of a perfect date would be something like a hot and cold seafood platter for two, sharing a glass of apple cider, sharing a waltz under the moonlight, then vigorous lovemaking for two hours, and we’re both asleep by 10:30.
Ricki Lake 19:32
Oh my gosh. Okay, clearly, you did have an idea of what a perfect date is for you, wow.
Michael Theo 19:38
But that’s not but that wouldn’t count as a first date, though, because the first few days are supposed to be about getting to know the person and making sure you’re feeling comfortable around them.
Ricki Lake 19:48
And that you’re compatible, right? Compatibility is really that you have the same interests, right? So we know that you love acting. What are some of your other interests these days?
Michael Theo 19:59
The passions, apart from acting, are railways, animals, nature, pop culture, film and television.
Ricki Lake 20:08
What shows do you like in the US?
Michael Theo 20:11
There’s quite a few of them. There’s a few old ones, like Gilligan’s Island. I dream of Genie Macau’s navy. News, radio, the office parks and recreation, New Girl Brooklyn nine nine Superstore, the good place. Modern Family.
Ricki Lake 20:29
Wow, are you? Are those all from the top of your head? Are you looking at them?
Michael Theo 20:33
I was just looking at them in my DVD library.
Ricki Lake 20:35
Okay, yeah. Modern Family is great.
Michael Theo 20:37
Yes, I know. In fact, some other actors I really admire are Nick Offerman Orby Plaza. I mostly love deadpan comedians.
Ricki Lake 20:48
You do, yeah? I love like the office where they break the fourth wall. Do you know what that is when they talk straight to camera? Yeah, you didn’t break the fourth wall with Austin at all. Right? Was that hard for you? Because I know when I first got my first acting role when I was 818, I did a movie called hairspray, and I wasn’t used to having cameras and lights and people and crew. Was it weird for you in the beginning?
Michael Theo 21:10
Well, maybe slightly in the beginning, it was a little bit hard not to break the fourth wall, but I was also instructed not to do so. I basically just just follow any direction I’m given.
Ricki Lake 21:23
And did you work directly with an acting coach or just the director?
Michael Theo 21:27
I did work with an with an acting coach for two days prior to starting filming. But then I was also toured on set by Ben and Sally. Ben bellam and Sally Phillips.
Ricki Lake 21:39
The oh, the actors. They’re wonderful. They were so great. So they helped you with your acting.
Michael Theo 21:43
Yep, definitely, I learned so much from them, to the point where I can’t even remember what I learned.
Ricki Lake 21:49
Really, it just became so natural for you.
Michael Theo 21:52
Yes, definitely, the more seasons I do of Boston, it will also help people move on from seeing me as just Michael from love on the spectrum. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very proud to have been part of love on the spectrum, but for me, that chapter has come to a close, and now Austin is the new chapter, because life is not a race. In my eyes. To me, life is like a book.
Ricki Lake 22:21
Ah, I love that. It’s their chapters, right? Chapters in our lives. And I certainly, I can absolutely relate to that. I feel I when I look at my life, the different chapters that I’ve had are so there that it is like a book, and it’s like, it’s been the best book. I’m super happy with all of my chapters, and I’m, I’m so excited for you that you’re in this new phase. So do you get sick of talking about love on the spectrum?
Michael Theo 22:43
Nope, I’m never sick of talking about it, because people still love the show, and I’m actually grateful that that people haven’t forgotten about me.
Ricki Lake 22:52
No, and we could never forget about you. You are such, I mean, I You are the standout for me of that series, and there’s just something about you. You’re sort of the guy that we all root for and relate to, and we want to see do well. And I would say that about myself too. Like, I think with my start from hairspray, I was the chubby girl that kind of wins over and gets the guy and wins the dance contest. So people would root for me. It’s the same kind of thing, I think.
Michael Theo 23:20
But there are also some things about hairspray that I did not stand for at all, like, what? Like, Penny’s parents.
Ricki Lake 23:29
I know the parents, the mean, racist, mean parents, right? Yeah, I can’t stand that. I yeah, I know, but they get it in the end, right? It’s a it’s a happy ending.
Michael Theo 23:41
Yeah, they deserved it. Because if you ask me, racism should be considered illegal, that’s something I cannot understand. What have they got against people of color? They’re still human beings. Why would they be why would they be treated any differently?
Ricki Lake 23:57
Yes, Michael, very well. Said, I have so many more questions. Let’s take a quick break.
Ricki Lake 24:14
Let me ask you, when you’re stressed or lonely or overwhelmed, I would imagine that happens occasionally. What do you do to bring yourself back to a place of joy?
Michael Theo 24:23
Well, the things that would bring me back to a place of joy would be like acting out characters or listening to music or watching television, or even going out in nature and taking walks in nature, and then there’s also meditation. And when you’re in nature, you could, you could also ask the universe for answers.
Ricki Lake 24:46
Hmm, is that what you do? Do you meditate in nature?
Michael Theo 24:49
I don’t always do it, but I probably should do should do more of it.
Ricki Lake 24:54
I think I need to do more of it too. As far as characters that you like to play, what are some of the characters you. I practice playing.
Michael Theo 25:01
I practice playing a variety of different characters, just whatever I feel like doing. There’s Tai Lang from Kung Fu Panda. Well, all of the Kung Fu Panda villains, because villainous characters I find a lot of fun doing.
Ricki Lake 25:15
I’ve heard of Kung Fu Panda. I don’t know what they sound like.
Michael Theo 25:18
Oh, for God’s sake. Well, Tai Lung was the villain of the first film.
Ricki Lake 25:24
Michael Theo 25:24
He was a muscular Snow Leopard.
Ricki Lake 25:25
And what did he sound like?
Michael Theo 25:25
This is what he sounds like. UK made a mistake choosing you as the Dragon Warrior. I just didn’t realize how big a mistake it was until now. That voice was done by in McShane.
Ricki Lake 25:43
Okay, give me one that I would know. Is there another character you play that’s not kung fu?
Michael Theo 25:48
Yeah, sure. Have you ever heard of Hanna Barbera?
Ricki Lake 25:52
Of course.
Michael Theo 25:53
Finally, my top favorite character to impersonate is snaggle puss.
Ricki Lake 25:58
I love snaggle puss. I can’t really remember what he sounds like, but I remember the character. Go ahead.
Michael Theo 26:04
Heavens to Murgatroyd. His shooting is improved. Immensatively, he’s in the next room. Wonderful, wonderful. I’ll just snag him with his tea strainer.
Ricki Lake 26:16
I do remember that that was well done. I know kind of Barbara. Those are classics. That’s when from I was a kid. Yeah, how did you discover you’re too young to know? Hanna Babera.
Michael Theo 26:25
That’s because I’ve been researching about this stuff for years. Oh, there’s also another character that can impersonate very easily.
Ricki Lake 26:31
Oh, please.
Michael Theo 26:32
Remember chief Wiggin from The Simpsons?
Ricki Lake 26:35
Yes, I do.
Michael Theo 26:36
I you know how I love to roll. But you see my wife order a new dust raffle for now, for our bedroom, and she had it shipped to the station. If I’m not here to sign for it, they’ll take it back to the package place, and that is a whole nightmare. Hey, according to the charter as Chief Constable, I’m supposed to get a pig every month and two come relaxers are virtue true.
Ricki Lake 26:57
Are you still interested in animation?
Michael Theo 27:00
Of course I am.
Ricki Lake 27:01
As far as being a voice. Do you think you’ll ever be able to play a voice on one of these things?
Michael Theo 27:06
I hope so, because that’s been one of my lifelong ambitions. One thing I would love to do in voice acting is based the character’s voice of Phil harpen as a tribute to him.
Ricki Lake 27:16
Ah, now from News Radio. Is that how you know him?
Michael Theo 27:20
Not just from news radio, but from The Simpsons. I was quite a fan of it when I was in my early teenage years. His two main characters, Lionel Hux and Troy McClure, are some of my favorites.
Ricki Lake 27:30
Wow. You want to do one? Do one of his?
Michael Theo 27:32
Yeah, of course, Mr. Simpson, I was just going through your garbage, and I couldn’t help overhearing that you need a babysitter. Of course, being a highly skilled attorney, my fee is $175 an hour.
Ricki Lake 27:46
Well done.
Michael Theo 27:47
I can’t sound exactly like him, but it’s close enough.
Ricki Lake 27:51
He had that very deep voice. Do you watch him from SNL when he was on SNL?
Michael Theo 27:55
I actually do happen to have a DVD of compilation clips of him.
Ricki Lake 28:00
Yeah it’s, it’s such a tragedy that he’s, he’s no longer with us.
Michael Theo 28:05
Yes, I know I’m actually looking at writing a children’s book. And when I do, I like to name my the main character, which would be an autistic boy. I would like to name him Philip Hartman, in Phil’s honor.
Ricki Lake 28:20
Oh, that is lovely. That is great. Have you started writing it or you just have the idea?
Michael Theo 28:26
Not yet. My agent and I are currently working on it.
Ricki Lake 28:30
Oh, I think that’s that would be wonderful. I look forward to that. Now, you said you’re interested in pop culture. What this? What are some of the pop culture trends that you follow?
Michael Theo 28:40
Well, I don’t follow what’s popular or what’s the latest. I just follow whatever grabs my attention, whether it’s Hannah Barbera or Spongebob or Thomas the Tank Engine or things by by Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks, illumination, Admon.
Ricki Lake 28:59
Did you see inside out too?
Michael Theo 29:01
Yes, I did just yesterday.
Ricki Lake 29:03
What do you think?
Michael Theo 29:04
It was a very wonderful, beautifully done film. In fact, towards the end, I cried a bit. You did, especially when Riley had was having that anxiety attack.
Ricki Lake 29:16
You could relate, right? We all can relate, that’s why I think these, these movies, are so powerful, because we all can see ourselves in them, right?
Michael Theo 29:23
Yep, and that emotion anxiety, one thing was certain, she needed to chill the hell out, just remove yourself from the situation that’s causing the anxiety and just find a quiet space and make some time for yourself. And if you need to be left alone, let people know and explain why you need to be left alone, they’ll get it. And if they fail to to understand why they should just grow up and accept it. Because we all need to remove ourselves from a situation that’s causing anxiety. Because anxiety. Causes stress and that causes health problems.
Ricki Lake 30:04
Absolutely yes, and we all deal with emotional anxiety. Every one of us can relate to it, no matter who we are, what our circumstances.
Michael Theo 30:11
There are so many things that can help with relieving anxiety. There’s books, meditation, doing some kind of exercise, perhaps television or a material object that provides you with comfort, like a soft toy perhaps.
Ricki Lake 30:28
Do you still have that pickle on your bed?
Michael Theo 30:30
Actually? No, I actually donated that to a friend some time ago.
Ricki Lake 30:34
If you donated it, so you’re not getting it back. I love that thing.
Michael Theo 30:38
It’s because I got out of Rick and Morty three years ago, instead, I got new plushes on my bed.
Ricki Lake 30:45
Let’s see, what do you have back there? I see two chickens.
Michael Theo 30:48
Yeah, right, yep. Two chickens.
Ricki Lake 30:50
What are they from?
Michael Theo 30:51
From Chicken Run, Dawn of the nugget, and then that green one at the end, yes, that is the peas in the pod from Toy Story.
Ricki Lake 30:59
Oh, okay. I happen to love toy, Toy Story one?
Michael Theo 31:03
All of them.
Ricki Lake 31:04
All of them, okay.
Michael Theo 31:05
I love all four films. It’s one of my favorite film franchises, and also, because I resonate with a lot, because toys bring me joy, despite my age. And I actually will admit this, I used to, I was once a fan of Lotso that pink bear from Toy Story three, but no longer what happened ducky and Bunny came along. Ducky and Bunny were two new characters in Toy Story four. They’re plush toys from a carnival. Ducky is a yellow duck, and Bunny is a blue and green rabbit.
Ricki Lake 31:43
And so you like them more than the pink plushie?
Michael Theo 31:46
Better yes, it’s because Lotso is a very evil, heartless character who’s incapable of redemption, while ducky and Bunny are just two funny, zany characters played brilliantly by Kee and Peele. They’re legends, those two.
Ricki Lake 32:03
I love those two. Yeah, they’re awesome.
Michael Theo 32:05
In fact, I would love to work with both of them.
Ricki Lake 32:08
Me too.
Michael Theo 32:09
It would be a double honor to be directed by Jordan Peele and work with Keegan Michael Key, he has a lot of energy for his age.
Ricki Lake 32:17
He sure does. What are you most excited by in this next chapter?
Michael Theo 32:24
I think what I’m most looking forward to is another season of Austin and any other acting projects that come my way, which I’m very hopeful for, because I would like to do some acting work in the US as well.
Ricki Lake 32:37
I look forward to that I would be a dream to do a project with you.
Michael Theo 32:41
Yes, it would.
Ricki Lake 32:42
I don’t act very much anymore, but I would love to just do a scene with you. It would be so fun.
Michael Theo 32:46
Yeah, it would. But the question is, how would I be able to even get myself noticed in the US?
Ricki Lake 32:52
Well, just wait for Austin to hit. I think you’ll I think people know who you are. They already do has your life surpassed what you’d ever imagined it to be.
Michael Theo 33:02
I would say that my life has definitely improved since, since love on the spectrum and then Austin. I don’t really know what to expect when something new comes. I just go along with the punches. Because I’ve also learned in the past that it’s best not to plan too much when you’re entering something new, just go along with it.
Ricki Lake 33:23
Absolutely, keep your heart open, right?
Michael Theo 33:26
Ricki Lake 33:26
Don’t be nervous. Feel Be true to yourself. Have confidence and put yourself out there, and good things will come.
Michael Theo 33:33
Oh yeah, of course.
Ricki Lake 33:34
Well, Michael, it’s been such a pleasure having you. It is so nice to see you, and I’m just so happy for your success. I cannot wait for Austin to be available for the world here in the US, the audience is going to eat it up. You’re so talented, you’re such a good actor, and you’re a star. So thank you for your time today. It’s such a pleasure.
Michael Theo 33:54
My pleasure. Thanks for having me on.
Ricki Lake 33:56
I feel like the world is your oyster, Michael, it is you’re a star. I mean, you just are.
Michael Theo 34:02
Thanks, Ricki, thank you.
Ricki Lake 34:08
I just adore Michael. He’s one of those people that everyone roots for and everyone loves. It has been amazing for me to watch him become a star. And this role that Michael plays Austin, he really has the weight of this show on his shoulders, and boy, does he deliver. I can’t wait for everyone in the US to be able to watch this show. You can watch Michael Theo on love on the Spectrum Australia on Netflix, and his new show, Austin is out in Australia and will be here soon. Thank you so much for listening. There is much more of the High Life with Lemonada Premium, subscribers get exclusive access to bonus content like rapid fire questions with actor and close friend Rachel Harris. Subscribe now in Apple podcasts. The High Life is a production of Lemonada Media. Isabella Kulkarni and Kathryn Barnes, produced our show. Our mixes by James Sparber. Executive Producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Additional Lemonada support from Rachel Neel and Steve Nelson. You can find me @Rickilake on Instagram. Follow The High Life with Ricki Lake, wherever you get your podcasts, or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership.