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Reality TV Star Turned Vagina Mogul with Lo Bosworth

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There’s a time and place to talk about your vagina. Said no one ever! So say goodbye to those secret google searches, discrete packages, and feelings of embarrassment because Lo Bosworth is here to confidently help us find solutions for our vaginal, gut, and hormonal mishaps. Her brand Love Wellness stemmed from years of struggling with health issues after starring on one of MTVs most popular reality shows. With a little bit of Laguna Beach money and a whole lot of authenticity, Lo set out to revolutionize the femcare space. She shares the challenges she faced bootstrapping her business, how she turned her biggest weakness into a multi-million dollar machine, and why we’re headed toward a gummy reckoning.

This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures, an early-stage global investment firm backing mission-driven entrepreneurs and industry influencers working toward a fair financial system for all. Learn more at flourishventures.com.

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You can find Lo Bosworth on Instagram @lobosworth and check out her brand Love Wellness @lovewellness.

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Lo Bosworth, X Mayo

X Mayo  00:05

Welcome back to The Dough, a recap podcast featuring my favorite reality TV girls. No, okay. It’s a podcast where we put our vaginal health first, porque no los dogs, okay, let me take you back to the year 2004 wow. Z my Toyota Cressida, just, you know, bumping, ushers, confessions. There were mini skirts everywhere. Facebook just launched. I had a little small mini camera with pictures that have since been deleted. You all are welcome. Laguna Beach has premiered, and you’re witnessing fashion diva low Bosworth and her besties living it up in Orange County. Okay, here’s the TLDR. Low first blessed our screens a decade ago when she was on a very popular reality TV show that followed a group of teens from Laguna Beach High School, and you listen, you youngins would never know we were obsessed. Okay, to my Gen Z girlies and my zillennials, right? And little cuss you might be familiar with this iconic spin off the heels, okay, I got three words for you. Lo, Lauren, Whitney, this is the trio that got me through my teens and my club days, yes, I mean, they walked so PPG could run. You feel me nowadays, low is recognized as a vagina mogul. After the hills, she developed mental health issues like anxiety and depression, and it took quite a while to figure out she had a vitamin deficiency. You need your vitamin D people, and so that led her down a whole new path. In 2016 Lo created love wellness, a multi million dollar company that makes products and supplements that focus on gut, vaginal and Hormonal Health. They pride themselves on their clean ingredients and brand transparency, plus everything they offer is 29 bucks or less, we stand and if you’re looking for those gummy vitamins, you want a wrong place child, you better go to Flintstones, down bed rock, and in bed rock, you’re not getting it over here at Love and wellness, okay, no, I’m serious. Y’all know I had to wean myself off the sauce. Put that melatonin gummy. Durham, okay, we will let her explain more about that later. Lo is a big believer that women deserve better in this category, and that’s exactly what she’s giving us, authenticity then and authenticity now. Period. Lo, welcome to The Dough. Yes, okay, first of all, low do you have to understand? So I am from LA, born and raised, so you listen to me. I am the biggest fan. When I tell you, our group chats were ablaze. We were watching the heels. We were like, Lauren Conrad Lowe and Whitney all had all the answers. We were like, Absolutely, these were the baddest bitches of the season. Why aren’t people talking about this enough you had the most style, because I think people can put on clothes, but we loved your style. We loved how, oh my god, you were just the best to us. You were, like, one of our faves. So I was so excited to interview today.


Lo Bosworth  04:55

Thank you. That is so nice. It’s so funny. I was, um uh, at an Ad Week event a few weeks ago, and they, like, held up me with old outfits, and they were just the worst outfits ever. So that is a very nice compliment.


X Mayo  05:10

Back in the day, like we didn’t know we were just trying, and it was just kind of like, like you were the one out there, I guess taking the risk. And for us, that’s what style is, right? Like you were out there, like it was just like, okay, so low is always like, so cute. He had your iconic red lip. And I think there’s just an energy about a person that makes them be like, Oh, she’s a star. So I just had to give you your flowers. And I’m gonna get into all of my fandom questions later, right? Because I love the hills. But before we get in into that, we’re gonna start off with the intro question. So you know. So my podcast is called The dDough, and we like to start it off with asking guests where their money went this week. So what did you buy this week? Lo, that was out of the ordinary.


Lo Bosworth  05:53

Okay, so this week, I went shopping for some fall and winter updates. I don’t actually shop that much, but all of my dough went to clothing this week. I’m very high, low. I love a Zara $15 t shirt, and then I love a Manolo Blahnik.


X Mayo  06:15

Absolutely, well, high, low, yes, I will. I will wear a Walmart Jean and give me an airmes boot, absolutely.


Lo Bosworth  06:24

Yeah, so many of my workout clothes are from Target and Walmart, and then I have very fancy jackets, so I did a lot of just wardrobe update shopping this week. So that’s where my dough went.


X Mayo  06:37

Okay, and we love that, because it is getting chilly here in LA and I know people don’t like to believe that it gets cold here, but it really, really does, and we get that breeze. So I’m happy that you’re being prepared, yeah.


Lo Bosworth  06:47

Well, I actually live in New York.


X Mayo  06:49

Oh my god. Okay, so I did eight years in New York. I did eight years in New York, so you’re about to get into the real deal holy, oh.


Lo Bosworth  06:56

Yeah, yes. I did some real Fall, Winter shopping.


X Mayo  06:59

Oh yes like, when I, when I moved to New York, Lo I was like, oh, this is what earmuffs are for. This is why you wear scarves. And in LA is just for the vibe, you know? Like, it’s just for the vibe.


Lo Bosworth  07:12

Yeah, yes. So I’m a big Dodgers fan, okay, major baseball fan. My family, we go psycho for the Dodgers. And so I was at a Mets Dodgers game at city life or at where the Mets play, and I was wearing these little mittens that I had purchased as Paul with my part of my fall dough spend. And there are mittens back. Am I about to make mittens cool? I think you did. I don’t see anyone wearing mittens? But I am.


X Mayo  07:43

I’m with it, yes. So I wanted to ask you a question, because you are a FEM care superstar, so I bet you get stuck in the, you know, in the middle of a lot of like, TMI moments, you know, I feel like.


Lo Bosworth  07:53

Strangers stopped me on the street and asked me about vaginal health.


X Mayo  07:57

Yes, I was gonna ask, Do they come up? But like, hey, Lo, I’m having this little itch. I think I got a little yeast, you know, I got a little. They do? Oh, my.


Lo Bosworth  08:06

Either stop me on the street and ask me for advice and ask me what product within the level wellness offering they should buy, or they say, Oh, I use this product, and I love it so much. But it’s interesting, I rarely get stopped anymore with Hills fandom stuff. Now it’s shifted to love wellness, which actually makes me feel so happy inside. Yes, I think, as someone who is on reality TV, really young, and who has really tried to pivot and play in a different lane, being able to change that narrative and so many years later, finally, I people are seeing me for what I actually am and for what I really do. I think has really been a very nice feeling. As silly as that sounds.


X Mayo  08:52

It’s not silly at all, being able to pivot and being out of the public eye and being in public health, you know, it’s not an easy thing to do, and also a lot of us who continue to follow you on this journey for the things that you’re doing. Some of us did find you initially with the hills, but we just fell in love with you so much that we continue to support you, which I think is a testament to your character and who you are as a person. So that’s a compliment as well, that like, we’re all we’ve all grown up, right? Like we’re all the same age, so we, like, all grown up with you. So yeah? Girl, now in our 30s, I’m like, yeah. Girl, okay, we’re thinking about having kids. We’re all thinking about vaginal health. We got to get biopsy. Is something pre cancer. It’s like, all we’re that’s where we’re at, you know, like, and I feel like, as you get older, low, and when you’re in your 60s, it’s like, okay, now low is sharing, selling Shower chairs. So now we’re on Shower chairs, like wherever you wherever you are, if you have a loyal following, we will be there as well.


Lo Bosworth  09:48

Well, I think it’s about authentic, authenticity, right? And I have always been willing to tell my story and what I’m really going through I don’t really have. A fear filter when it comes to that, probably because I was on TV, so it like broke me of that early, right? I don’t really have a problem talking about my body, my health issues, what I’m dealing with, and I think that’s why I was able to start love wellness, because it was my authentic story, even though it was a hard one to tell because it was, you know, me talking about, not only vaginal health and, like, you know, yeast infections, which is embarrassing, but about my depression and my anxiety and, you know, neurological things I was going through and so just, it’s so funny, I am actually at a place now where I need hearing aids. I have a hearing issue called Auto sclerosis, where it’s like, I’m getting a lot of hearing loss in my ears, and it’s genetic. It’s the tight it’s like the bones in your inner ear, basically like start to fuse together, which disrupts the ability to hear, because you need those bones to wiggle to create sound, basically. And I posted a video.


X Mayo  11:00

So your bones ain’t twerking. Your bones need to be not twerking.


Lo Bosworth  11:04

They need to be twerking. And I posted a video, yeah, I posted a video on Tiktok the other night on a business trip, and I was like, Hey, guys, I really need help. I need hearing aids. Does anyone know what kind of hearing aid I should get? Because I keep going on these hearing aid websites, and they’re so bad. The user experience on the on the hearing aid websites is so bad. Someone was like, You should start making hearing aids. I’d buy your hearing aids.


X Mayo  11:31

But it’s authentic, right? That if you see, oh, you see a need, and you’re like, we have to fill it. And I know you publicly said that your company, love wellness was born out of a trauma response, the trauma of basically being on reality TV. And I just want to just you took lemons and made lemonade. So shout outs to you. So I just wanted to know, how did Laguna Beach motivate you to create a line of products for vaginal, gut and hormone health?


Lo Bosworth  11:55

I think for me, I was in such a challenged mental and physical state after I was on reality TV, and I was being gaslit by so many doctors into just thinking that this is just stress. You just need to exercise more. I mean, every woman has gone to the doctor and been gaslit a number of times. And so the reality is that I’m a problem solver. Above all else, you got a problem, I will solve your problem. I will literally dig down so deep to find you know the origin of your issue, and to solve it for you and so, and that’s just who I am naturally, which I guess makes me an entrepreneur at heart. And because nobody could really help me, I started to try to solve my problems on my own, which led me to better, more informed doctors that were taking a more holistic approach to health and wellness, versus looking at it through just the lens of their practice only right? This was in like 2015 when, you know maybe gut health wasn’t being connected to neurological health, right? And maybe your psychiatrist wouldn’t recommend that you take a probiotic, but now they probably will recommend things take a probiotic. Yeah, right. So in the early days, I had to overcome a lot of just issues within the medical community, kind of not believing me, not believing my need states, misunderstanding how things like a probiotic could help with overall health, and so I really just took it upon myself with a fantastic Medical Advisory Board at the time to start my business, really to solve my own problems. And I think that’s how a lot of businesses, great businesses, get started, right? You solve your own problem. And I have always been really committed to love wellness, doing better for women, but continuing to evolve our own practices, whether it’s okay, we found out that this ingredient, we don’t actually like what it does, so we’re going to remove it from our products. Okay, we’re going to do clinical testing when nobody else is going to do clinical testing on our products. So we have always held ourselves to a really high standard, which I think is very unique in the industry, and is certainly something that I’m really proud of at this point in time. But, yeah, I started it just out of personal needs state. I was really unwell.


X Mayo  14:26

Yeah, no, I have been there before. I think because I am a plus size black woman, I think going into I’ve gone to multiple OBGYN until I found the most amazing one that I have now. And I was just like, I’m cramping. I’m having this, like, my cycle feels like it’s abnormal. They’re like, you’re just big. And I’m just like, okay, well, my cousin is 120 pounds, five feet, like, like, so thin, and she’s having the same issues. So what about that? It’s like, you know, you know, just trying to just, like, get a quick fix to it, rather than doing the nine. Necessary work, which why I’m so happy that we have people like you to intercede and who have ethics and a moral compass to make sure that the products that you’re selling are like, top notch and safe for us. And I love what you said about being hyper vigilant about solutions, because I think that’s what makes you a great entrepreneur. But what advice do you have for people who have the entrepreneurial itch, right? But they aren’t. They aren’t sure exactly what they want to pursue.


Lo Bosworth  15:26

I think you have to really think what you’re deeply passionate about, right? Like, what do you geek out on? Is it music? Is it science? Is it gardening? Is it clothes? Is it painting? What is the thing that is your favorite hobby, the thing that you have loved since you were a little kid. And that is probably an area that you should think about getting into from an entrepreneurship perspective, because you do want to enjoy your work. And if you are an entrepreneur, you’re in it for the long run, or you’re probably in it for the long run. I’m going on year nine of this business, which means that I really have to love the subject matter, right? You can’t get bored by what you’re doing if you’re an entrepreneur. So I would say focus on like your favorite hobby, and then things that you wish that you could change about the things that you love are areas of opportunity, and even if the space that you want to get into is really crowded, like you have to understand, how is the thing that you want to make differentiated from these other types of products, right? And then there’s your opportunity.


X Mayo  18:08

Last year, your company generated 50 million in sales. Clap it up. It’s excuse me, she about her money. Okay, and it’s now you mentioned that it was at Target. It’s at Ulta, it’s at Walmart. So I just want to tell you, congratulations. That is no easy thing. You stay in business and you’re flourishing post pants. Condemn, right? Like, no small thing. So was there a moment when your morals were tested because you really are about, you know, being ethical? Was there ever a moment you were like, Okay, I have to stand on business and I have to stand on morals?


Lo Bosworth  20:13

Yeah, I think what’s really interesting is that we’ve learned more about women’s health and the vaginal microbiome since I’ve started the business, and a good example of this is that we have our pH balanced cleanser, and it has no fragrance in it and a bunch of other ingredients that, like we would never include, but the very first version of that formula had vanilla fragrance in it, because I didn’t understand at the time that fragrance can be a microbiome disruptor. It can cause yeast infections, it can do all this stuff. I didn’t know that when I first started the company, and I had to learn that over time. And so I think when your moral compass gets tested is, should I take this ingredient out so that I’m making a better product that I believe is healthier for my consumer, even though people already kind of like like this product. So I think that’s a good example of kind of when your moral compass is tested right like, Am I really committed to doing right by the consumer if I find something out about one of the products that we make, and then I shift course. And my answer has always been Yes. If I find something out, I shift course. Another example of that is we are an anti gummy vitamin brand. We don’t make gummy vitamins. We don’t believe in the format. And we made one gummy vitamin one time we made a sleep gummy and then I started talking to our CO manufacturers about it more and understanding more about gummies, understanding that the average gummy can have seven grams of sugar in it, understanding that gummies degrade on shelf much more quickly than capsules, which means that the amount of ingredient on the label that’s on that label probably isn’t in that gummy that you’re actually taking by the time you’re taking because of how quickly it degrades. Also the fact that gummy vitamins, like only maybe this much of it is actual, what I would say, active ingredients, and maybe 90% of it is like the candy material that actually makes it a gummy.


X Mayo  22:24

So, okay, you just, you just ruined vitamin gummies for everybody.


Lo Bosworth  22:29

I’m purposefully trying to ruin gummy vitamins for everybody because they’re BS.


X Mayo  22:36

Yeah, no, I’m so happy that you said that to demystify that whole idea that, like us popping these gummies, and I, I felt like this. I used to take gummies for, like, sleep, but then I would get nightmares and dream of, you know, Santa Claus coming to kill me. So I was like, Okay, we got to stop that, so I.


Lo Bosworth  22:56

You’re melatonin gummy, and it had way more melatonin than was listed on the label because contract manufacturers put in more ingredients so that the by the time you hit take it, it maybe is at the level listed on the label.


X Mayo  23:10

Wow, okay, and see, that’s how I knew. But I was doing drugs, basically, because I would take a melatonin and then I would, like, chase it with a little NyQuil, because I said, I gotta, I really gotta knock out, because the melatonin would give me nightmares, but then the night coil will combat the nightmare, but then the night wheel will make me wake up drowsy, and then the melatonin would cut it. Yeah, I was doing drugs a little, but I’ve been clean now. I’ve been clean for three years. I’m off the melatonin. I’m off it, so, okay, so thank you so much for educating us on that, and now everybody knows don’t do gummies shop. Love wellness, period. I want to go back to your reality TV days. It wasn’t the Yeah, just a little bit, right, because I, I’m truly a fan. It wasn’t the most positive, right experience for you.


Lo Bosworth  23:59

I think it was tough because it was just so new.


X Mayo  24:03

Yeah, y’all would have first for sure.


Lo Bosworth  24:06

Yeah, we were the first. We didn’t have anything to compare it to, right? If Bravo had already been big, I don’t think I would have done Laguna or the hills, because I’m not that kind of person.


X Mayo  24:18

No, and we saw that. We saw that on the show, we literally were like, low like, she’s so has such good sense, she’s so sensible. She’s like, I don’t think that was really nice. I don’t think that I would have said that. So I definitely got that. But did you? Were you able to make any good money on the show?


Lo Bosworth  24:39

I did make some money when I was doing the hills. Okay, in fact, the last money that I had in my savings account is what I used to start love wellness. I had like $75,000 left in my savings, and I invested that into my business to start my business period. So yeah, you know, we were making decent money on the hills. And then I think during that time, social media started to get bigger, and the idea of influencing started to kind of become a thing. So I made, you know, some money here and there, working with brands and partnership to talk about their products and things like that. But I haven’t made so much money from reality TV. I certainly think there are people that have made a lot of money from reality TV and subsequent deals, products, whatever, but it’s because they’re the star of that show. They’re the anchor. But, yeah, personal cost can be pretty high, right? I’m much more comfortable living. What do you would say is a normal life, having a regular job, going to work every day. I’m just more comfortable over here, yeah.


X Mayo  25:57

Over here. Talk to me about your yeast. Okay, yeah.


Lo Bosworth  26:01

Let’s get into it.


X Mayo  26:02

Yeah, so did you personally, because you said you made some money on Laguna, and, you know, you started making, I would say it sounds like, like real money, you know, on the heels, did you ever, like, personally negotiate for higher pay? Was it just offered or.


Lo Bosworth  26:18

Yeah, by the time we were on the hills, we had agents doing the negotiating for us, and so that’s when we were starting to get better deals, because there were people who were much more familiar with the landscape advocating for us. On Laguna, we had nobody, and I think we each made like, $1,500 the first season. I’m not kidding.


X Mayo  26:37

But wait, Lo, pause.


Lo Bosworth  26:38

The whole season.


X Mayo  26:40

Lo, you mean for the whole all the episodes?


Lo Bosworth  26:46

Yeah, season one of Laguna Beach, I think we each made $1,500 maybe it was 3000 but it was okay.


X Mayo  26:57

For the whole, but still 3000 absolutely not that. That’s shouldn’t even be the day rate for how much we were watching, that it was bad.


Lo Bosworth  27:05

Okay, bad and we don’t get residuals.


X Mayo  27:08

Oh, the blood. Oh, my God, wait. Okay, so Lo here’s the thing, even 1500 to 3k when you’re in high school is still like, what? A whole lot of control. Okay, how did you spend your first paycheck? Like, did you get a Juicy Couture sidekick? Did you would I did your parents save it? What did you do?


Lo Bosworth  27:29

No, I bought a very gaudy David Yurman ring.


X Mayo  27:34

I know that’s right. Do you still have her? Do you still have it?


Lo Bosworth  27:39

I don’t know.


X Mayo  27:40

I love that. It was very gaudy. I love Gotti. It was like a.


Lo Bosworth  27:48

Big David hurman Citrine ring. And I was 18, I was like, yes, I am rich. I was not rich.


X Mayo  29:20

So what was your relationship with money like at that time? Like? What did you like growing up in Laguna Beach? What were you taught about money?


Lo Bosworth  29:28

So you know, for me, my parents grew up very middle class in America. My mom was an immigrant to this country, and my father was raised by his grandmother. They grew up in like Pasadena, Glendale area of Southern California. They both went to Cal Poly Pomona, and their second date, they went to a beach in Laguna Beach, and they snuck onto that beach, and they decided we want live here one day.


X Mayo  30:02

And that’s where you get it from. Look at you. That’s where you get it from, that will, that determination, that resilience, wow, yeah.


Lo Bosworth  30:09

So they worked really, really hard. My dad’s first job was selling suits at Sears. I think my mom was a teacher, and they just continued to work until eventually, you know, they moved into adulthood and they could afford a very small house in Laguna Beach. But we were not a family that wanted for a lot, but we were not a family that was taking international vacations. Our vacations were, get in the car. We’re going to the National Park and we’re camping, right? And that was what, you know, vacation was for us, I think actually, it’s a interesting way to find out about some how somebody grew up. If you ask them, like, what kind of vacations did you take? If any, you know, yeah. And for us, we would get in the car and we would go for a little drive, and we’d go camping an hour away.


X Mayo  31:04

Yeah, Mama probably packed a snack. She said, don’t ask me for nothing. Y’all got snacks back there. So you eat that you got your Capri Sun, strawberry kiwi. That’s what you wanted. Okay, now you eat that you got some bread back there. I made you a couple little dishes that Hush your mouth. Enjoy the ride.


Lo Bosworth  31:19

Yeah,  if we ever stayed at, like a Marriott or, you know, something like that, it was like, you’re not allowed to eat anything. You know, from the mini service bar.


X Mayo  31:33

Mama said, don’t even, don’t even use a towel when you get out the shower. Let the air dry. You just sit down. Don’t touch nothing.


Lo Bosworth  31:40

Yeah, and I realized, like, my experience is already, like, so much more privileged than so many people. So I speak about it as if, like, oh, we couldn’t have anything for the mini bar, which is, like, a ridiculous thing, but.


X Mayo  31:50

No, but that, but that is your truth, yeah.


Lo Bosworth  31:52

It’s just how we grew up so, you know, being on TV and owning my own business has certainly allowed me, at this point, financially, to see the world a little bit more, to indulge here and there, to from time to time when I don’t feel guilty eat the M M’s off the mini bar. But the reality is, it’s like I kind of have this deep fear of, like, scarcity, right? Like a scarcity mindset. And I want to live this like, you know, luxury life. But also, my God, what if I spent that money and then I had none? And, you know, so I think that’s like an inner conflict that I deal with a lot, you know what I mean?


X Mayo  32:38

And so when you started getting paid, like, I would say, like real money, like real bread on the heels. How did you manage that influx of cash? Like, did you have an accountant? Was it just you? Are you good at, like, managing it?


Lo Bosworth  32:51

I was very young at the time. I was in my late teens, early 20s, yeah, and I, I just made that money last as long as humanly possible. So were you wise for a year? Yes, I chose the things that I wanted to spend on, and I chose the things that I wanted to save on. So for me, I’ve never been somebody that spends a lot of money, like, on clothing, right? I know at the top of the episode, I said, like, oh, like, I might buy something that’s really expensive, but generally, I’m shopping at Target and at Zara, right? I’m not doing a lot of, like, high end shopping. However, something I care about is, like, having a nice apartment, so I will spend more on rent and less on clothing, right? You sort of, like, make those decisions about where you want to put your money for the things that make you feel really good, right? Like, if you love having that Starbucks every morning and that makes you feel happy, great. That’s like, one of your luxury purchases that you should invest in, because you’re investing in yourself, you spend less money on the things that you don’t care about as much. And I think that’s how it kind of how it’s been able to shake out for me. You know what I mean? You choose things that you really care about for you spend your money.


X Mayo  34:15

Yeah, I keep my overhead low. I love my apartment, as you can see, and I spend money on getting things painted and walls and coloring. Yeah, I love color. I love, like, looking around and seeing the fruit of my labor within my home. But some people, it’s their car that’s not the thing for me. You know, I feel like sometimes people, like, blow money and they have, like, their luxury so I’m curious to know, like, when that money was coming in on the hills, did you see any cast members, like, just ball out was like was Jason out here just buying Benzes, Range Rovers? What was Justin Bobby doing? Because, let me tell you something. If I ever see him in the street, I feel like Charlotte on Sex in the City. I got my monolog ready. You do it. Oh, absolutely. For what he did to andrena, just by, oh my god, if I ever see him like, How dare you. You did not deserve her. How dare you treat someone and lie through your teeth and you got the nerve out here to look like white Jesus and a nothing about you godly. How dare you cut that hair and cut the shit okay and get off that motorcycle. And you need to get to walk on your two feet, 10 toes, because how dare you treat Andrea the way that you did? That’s what I would say.


Lo Bosworth  35:27

So good. I think of these things in the shower after the fact all the time, just like every person does, and you clearly have been workshopping that for a while. That was brilliant.


X Mayo  35:40

Lo, I loved y’all. I loved y’all so much. And then I will okay, so this is my last question. It’s really a statement, but Lawrence should have went to Paris right, Lo. My conspiracy theory is that Deborah Wears Prada. They saw that and they said, that’s the plot line. That’s one of the plot line. That’s my that’s my conspiracy theory. That’s like my little fun conspiracy theory, when, when Whitney looked at her, Whitney was like, bitch. What do you mean? You’re not when Whitney.


Lo Bosworth  36:08

[…] go? Yes, when he went. I didn’t watch very many of the episodes because I was too afraid to watch the episode. So I actually know what happened with all the storylines I got. Totally honest with you, yeah.


X Mayo  36:19

No, Whitney came back honey, skin glowing. Honey, she had her, uh, her bun in there, and she had her a beautiful lipstick, honey. She had her Jeffrey Campbell heels on a world experience, absolutely. And Lauren was sitting there with Jason. He just sitting there, scruff, my girl. We were like, Lauren, girl, stand up. Stand up. We were fighting for her. And then, honey, I don’t even want to get into Heidi. God bless Lo, don’t say nothing. You just sit there, because I know you probably gonna have to see her. Maybe do a Secret Santa some. But I just wanna let you know, Heidi girl, you need to be on somebody’s couch talking and stop injecting your lips. Okay, let’s move on. So we’re gonna have our outro question, low about we like to end with that. But Lo, is laughing, honey, and that’s fair saying […] No Lo is saying nothing. And y’all don’t come for low. Come for me, please. But what I wanted to say, okay, so.


X Mayo  37:15

Yeah, okay, Lo that was so good. That was so PC. I love vote for a Lo, for President. But we’re gonna end on a high note about love and wellness, because I want to know if you have any tips for women on how to manage their health on a budget. Because, you know, we’re, we are balls deep in a recession. Low. So I’m very grateful that your products are very affordable. You said they’re 29.99 I’m so grateful for that.


Lo Bosworth  37:15

What I will say is, it seems like everyone is doing great, and I’m very happy for everybody.


Lo Bosworth  37:41

And under that’s our most expensive product.


X Mayo  37:45

Yes, okay, I love that.


Lo Bosworth  37:47

4.99 to 29.99 I would say, a great multivitamin. Look for clinical proof at the formula level, any messaging that says clinically studied ingredient, unless it really has like the amount that’s efficacious is just marketing. So look for clinically proven formulas. And I think our daily love multivitamin is a great place to start.


X Mayo  38:14

No, absolutely. I can’t wait to try all of them, because I think soon as you get just the multivitamin at minimum. And I think a good pH balance, washable, uh, like, wash, like, how you guys have, is great because, yeah […]


Lo Bosworth  38:32

Free of fragrance free of a scent free of essential oil.


X Mayo  38:36

That, yeah, I think, yeah. I think that’s so important that you did that because vaginas are so powerful. Like, Lo, somebody could walk by me with a paper plate and it fuck up my PH balance. Like, it’s literally a myriad of things as to, like, how you could, you know, your pH balance just could be off. And I think I’m so happy that you’re talking about it, because it, like, makes it like, so icky. And it’s like, Girl vaginas, listen, let’s stop calling it a flower. Listen, it is the giver of life. It is a great thing. It is a powerful organ that we have. And it’s just like there’s things that could fuck it up so low. Came with some solutions, and we’re gonna buy them, and that’s what we need to use. And I’m so happy that you’re so freely to talk about it, because I think women are suffering in silence. Yeah, and not just women, people with vaginas, because we’re inclusive here on The Dough, so all types of people. I think your products could be used for anyone who has a vulva, who has uterus, like go use it. But what if you somebody like you? You know you and I are both hyper vigilant about solutions, right? Lo, but what if there is somebody that feels like their doctor is not listening to them? Do you have any advice for people that are kind of going on the same, going through the same things that you went through early on in your health journey?


Lo Bosworth  39:51

Yeah, let’s think about just vaginal health, sort of like, as a sort of like area of opportunity for somebody. Like that. There’s a company called Evie that I love. They do actual microbiome testing of the vaginal microbiome. They’re one of the first companies to do microbiome testing. So they’ll send you a home kit. You can do a swab, and it actually will break down, like everything in your vaginal microbiome, like from a bacteria standpoint, like this percentage of this, this percentage of this, and they can actually make recommendations about the types of products that you could be using to support the vaginal microbiome. So that’s a really cool brand, and I think understanding that better is important, because the vagina is an immunity organ, and very few people know that or talk about that, but when you thought about it, the vagina is an immunity organ, right? Your pH balance, your vaginal microbiome, is protecting you from the overgrowth of bad bacteria, yeast, pathogens, STDs, right? When you get pregnant, you want that uterine lining to be healthy, like there is a lot of things that the vagina does that are not talked about very often, but it is an incredibly brilliant organ, the vagina. Sorry to keep going on, but the vagina no tell the difference. The vagina can tell the difference between self and not self, but it could also tell the difference between sperm and, like, chlamydia. So that’s what I mean. So the vagina is smart enough to know, oh, this is sperm, and I should, like, let this live, versus chlamydia, where it will go into immunity mode and start to try to attack it with, like, you know, white blood cells and stuff.


X Mayo  41:41

And this is why they keep trying to take our rights away Lo, because it’s too good, our brains are too smart. Our organs are too smart. My organ can tell. Can tell the difference what between right and wrong. Absolutely.


Lo Bosworth  41:56

I love […] vagina knows all.


X Mayo  42:00

And that’s where we’re gonna end it all, ladies and gentlemen, your vagina knows all, Lo please tell everyone where we can follow you on socials.


Lo Bosworth  42:07

Sure, @lowellness, @lobosworth on all social media platforms.


X Mayo  42:13

Yes, and buy your love wellness products. Support Lo, she has stuff as low as 4.99, and as high it’s 29.99 we love a baddie on a budget. We love somebody that is sitting here trying to support all people and her products are for everybody. So I want everyone to go out there and purchase and do something good for yourself and your health. Lo, this was truly the best fucking time like I the little 19 year old in me is beaming and having the best time. And I just knew you were, you were everything that I thought you were gonna be. And then some you are so smart, gorgeous, witty and hyper vision about solutions we have to stand we have is very kind.


Lo Bosworth  42:55

Thank you so much.


X Mayo  42:56

Thank you so much. Lo, have a good rest of your day.


Lo Bosworth  42:59

Thank you guys.


X Mayo  43:00



X Mayo  43:02

Lo, is the real deal. I am so glad that she got healthy and figured out her true passion in life, entrepreneurship. And listen, you hurt her if you’re trying to work for yourself to find something you’re passionate about. Chad, I don’t care if you want to deliver pizzas underwater. Listen, do it okay, but you better learn how to swim because, honey, the underwater current. Jesus, it doesn’t matter what it is, if there’s a will, you will find a way. Oh, and before I go, my producers have just informed me that I said Audrey’s name wrong. I’m so sorry, Audrina. We love you, and if I ever see your ex, Justin Bobby in the streets, I’m gonna hop on that motorcycle, tell him to pull over, because safety first, and I’m gonna have a word with him. Okay, now go watch the rewinds of the heels for old times sake. I love you, bye.


X Mayo  43:51

The Dough is a Lemonada original. I’m your host X Mayo. This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures. This series is presented by the Margaret Casey Foundation. Our producers are Tiffany Bui, and Dani Matias. Kristen Lepore is our senior producer. Mix and Sound Design by Bobby Woody. Original Music by Pat Mesiti Miller. Jackie Danziger is our Vice President of narrative content. Executive Producers include me X Mayo, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Help others find our show by leaving us a rating and writing a review. You can follow me on IG  @80dollarsandasuitcase and Lemonada @lemonadamedia across all social platforms, follow The Dough wherever you get your podcast or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership, thanks so much for listening. See you next week, bye.


CREDITS  44:59

The Dough is a Lemonada original. I’m your host X Mayo. This series was created in partnership with Flourish Ventures. This series is presented by the Margaret Casey Foundation. Our producers are Tiffany Bui, and Dani Matias. Kristen Lepore is our senior producer. Mix and Sound Design by Bobby Woody. Original Music by Pat Mesiti Miller. Jackie Danziger is our Vice President of narrative content. Executive Producers include me X Mayo, Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Help others find our show by leaving us a rating and writing a review. You can follow me on IG  @80dollarsandasuitcase and Lemonada @lemonadamedia across all social platforms, follow The Dough wherever you get your podcast or listen ad free on Amazon music with your Prime membership, thanks so much for listening. See you next week, bye.

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