Skincare Pilgrimages (with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider)
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It’s a blessed day when an episode makes it out of the groupchat. Besties of the pod Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider of Bitch Sesh join the Aunties to catch up. First, SuChin regales them with tales of laser treatments in South Korea, which means they’ll be adding to cart some plane tickets soon. Then, Danielle shares an inspiring book and Casey is swayed by a 24-year-old beauty influencer. We’re all about the yin and yang here.
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Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
To see all products mentioned in this episode, head to @addtocartpod on Instagram. To purchase any of the products, see below.
Shoutout to Casey’s derm, Dr. Jennifer Segal of Metropolitan Dermatology Institute
The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See is a beautiful story about female divers in Korea
The Last of the Sea Women documentary dives into this as well
The Alastin Skincare’s TransFORM Body Treatment with TriHex Technology is high value for high price point
You can’t go wrong with the trusty Avené Cicalfate+ Restorative Protective Cream
The Westman Atelier Vital Skincare Complexion Drops are the perfect no-makeup makeup base
Jones Road is always a winner
Add to Queue: Outer Banks
Casey was influenced by Olivia Chatfield to get the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Contour Wand
The Mid-Day Squares are a real treat
Protect your skin from “car sun” with these window shades
Love Casey and Danielle? Join Garbage World!
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Danielle Schneider, Kulap Vilaysack, Casey, SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack 00:10
Ah, welcome back to Add To Cart. I’m your auntie, Kuklap Vilaysack.
SuChin Pak 00:14
Buckle in, bitches, I’m your other auntie, SuChin Pak, so excited for today.
Kulap Vilaysack 00:21
Oh man, our guest today. What can be said that has not been said before? Say it again.
SuChin Pak 00:26
Say it 10 times, yeah.
Kulap Vilaysack 00:27
I mean, this collective foursome has been long in the making. Honestly, can’t believe it took us so long to gather together. I mean, we’ve had variations, individual, I mean, separately, but now in the Zoom Room, it feels complete, like this is our version of The Avengers.
SuChin Pak 00:45
You know, as you’re saying it, I cannot even believe that this hasn’t happened. We meet in the astral plane every morning and throughout the day. So this feels almost redundant to say hello again. It feels rude. It’s like I’m not discounting what we did this morning psychically by bringing them on. Now, you know it feels repetitive.
Kulap Vilaysack 01:07
Yes, well, our guests today are multi faceted Queens diamonds, but as a duo, you know them from their podcast, Bitch Sash and the Garbage Sash enterprise universe, which is garbage world, please add to cart. Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider.
Casey 01:28
Danielle Schneider 01:30
Wow, that was an intro.
Kulap Vilaysack 01:31
Yeah, you got to do it. It’s only right.
SuChin Pak 01:34
Yeah, it’s for the humans.
Kulap Vilaysack 01:36
Casey, I got to bring you into the fold a little bit, because I said this to Danielle such and Pak just went to South Korea, he did.
Casey 01:45
take everything out of my cart, then literally empty it and take those products out, drag them out and throw them in the.
Kulap Vilaysack 01:52
This is what such and Pak is saying after the cheapest, high techiest lasers pointed at her for like, case, the price will blow your mind.
Casey 02:05
Can I hear a price point?
Kulap Vilaysack 02:07
Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead. Su 220.
Danielle Schneider 02:10
US dollars for everything, or one?
Kulap Vilaysack 02:12
Everything, five laser treatments total.
SuChin Pak 02:16
Casey is blinking in Morse code right now.
Casey 02:19
Yeah, my eyes, I would like to unmask what I recently spent on lasers in America, okay, specifically Texas, which I don’t know if your listeners know, I fly to Texas once a year for a pilgrimage to a dermatologist. And you know what? In the words of June Diane Raphael, I never said I was relatable. Now I I’m gonna throw a price tag out there for the sake of the listeners, because, if anything, I want people to now go and do this. Okay? This is just to deter we should all be heading to how angry I am feeling right now. I believe the price and we got lasered all day and all night, basically like it was, we clocked in and clocked out, okay?
SuChin Pak 03:00
And we’re talking just face or body?
Casey 03:03
I did somebody I did like a full body peel, where two men were lathering me up with lactic acid on my ass, and it was flaking off, but, but the lasers, I gotta say, so were just face and,
SuChin Pak 03:15
Okay, sure, of course.
Casey 03:16
Now I also got a vaginal tightening. You know, there was other services, but what a wand a woman basically took, like a toothbrush, and tiny, circular, little movements did the vaginal walls for 45 minutes while I was on laughing gas.
Danielle Schneider 03:35
Now, can I ask you where the wand is going? Is she going into the lips, or she going into, like the actual spending.
Casey 03:40
Like 14 minutes on four quadrants, then she goes in, and when she went in, it’s just her fingers.
SuChin Pak 03:52
This is why this treatment is only in Texas.
Casey 03:56
Now, certainly want to say, though, is the price tag, okay, and this is doesn’t include the Southwest flight, but we did do southwest. Now I it’s such a terrible experience, but full total, I want to say I was at 13k and that’s me being real. I want to be real here, guys, I’m sorry.
Danielle Schneider 04:15
No, I thank you.
SuChin Pak 04:17
Okay, so now this is my question, because, by the way, a full day, yeah, that’s also bargain basement compared to what the prices are in LA.
Casey 04:29
And that is why I flew to Houston partially.
SuChin Pak 04:31
So that makes it okay. So my question is, is you’ve done this before? What I’m curious about, because I’ve never done this, is I talked to a friend of mine who does this regularly in LA because I said 90 for the stubborn ones, maybe full erasure spots. I asked her. I said, Well, what, after you do your treatment, what are we talking she’s like, tops 40%.
Danielle Schneider 04:57
SuChin Pak 04:57
Yeah so I would say 40% I would say four. So there’s also that factor right?
Casey 05:03
Now are you just getting rid of brown spots? For me, I ask, Are we targeting fine lines? Are we doing any filler? Because I of course, threw some stuff in my face, not just laser, but are you doing like Fraxel, soft wave? Are we? Are we talking matter? We talking like a limelight? Let’s get the brown spots off from the sun.
SuChin Pak 05:18
I wish that I could give you all those names, and I don’t even need them. I’m already going, and I know, but I need it. I’m trying to, I’ve been since I’ve been back trying to craft this email in Korea to ask her, like, okay, hey, if I wanted to keep this up, what are the equivalent things I should be asking for in an American Durham’s office. So that is TBD, because you go to these places and they’re just, they’re Korean, they’re like, What do you want? You want all this off, right? It’s dirty, right? You want it clean? I mean, these are the terms that we’re using here.
Danielle Schneider 05:52
Plain talk, straight up. When I tell you, I was just for one treatment, okay, I just got what is known as a Clear and Brilliant last Monday. It’s my second in a series of three, and it does a lot, but it takes, I mean, that itself took, like, an hour with numbing cream, and I’m seeing 40% at best.
SuChin Pak 06:11
I didn’t include the numbing cream. The numbing cream is 40 minutes, then the treatment is about 20 minutes.
Casey 06:17
So wait. I’m sorry she did your body too.
SuChin Pak 06:19
She can. I didn’t have any, but my friend has all these, like, little cherry, like, angino, is that? What they’re called? Like, they’re like, little so it come with a she’s just standing there, and she’s like, what else do you want? And you’re like, Oh, can you is this? Can you get this area here? She’s just that, and there’s many lasers, and she’ll go through your face, like, she’ll she’s like, You got this thing near your eye. Do you want me to get rid of that? Yes, okay, this thing on your forehead. What I’m saying is, all I did was texture and brown spots and pore size to me now.
Casey 06:54
Pore size, your skin looks porcelain right now, like it looks so good.
Danielle Schneider 07:00
We need to book this now.
Casey 07:03
And do they clean up the vagina like I had?
SuChin Pak 07:06
I have a feeling in Korea that would have you escorted out. But okay, that’s just my.
Danielle Schneider 07:12
My very American, yeah.
Casey 07:14
I’ll continue to take that business to Houston.
SuChin Pak 07:18
Keep that business in Houston. Keep it pretty much nips up. Nips up where the experts are. Like, I don’t even think that that would be where their expertise is in Korea, you know, so nips up.
Kulap Vilaysack 07:31
We can talk about a trip next year to South Korea.
Danielle Schneider 07:35
We literally are just going further and further away for our treatments.
Casey 07:39
Like, but think about it, you get the experience of going to South Korea. So that’s, like, priceless, right?
Danielle Schneider 07:45
To I just want to go to South Korea.
SuChin Pak 07:47
Yeah I mean, we’ll be scurrying in subway malls, because after this, you just don’t want to be in the sun. And that’s totally fine. I mean, Korea is built on subway malls, so it’ll be the you’ll have the full, authentic experience, is what I’m saying. You know what I mean?
Danielle Schneider 08:03
I just go from the clinic to the Korean barbecue. Yeah, clinic, Korean barbecue. Like, that’s, that’s where we’ll find ourselves.
Kulap Vilaysack 08:18
Well, let’s, let’s stay on the subject of South Korea and get into Danielle’s card a little bit. Okay. She is reading a book called The Island of sea women, a novel by Lisa C.
Danielle Schneider 08:30
I discovered this book I’m always looking for like an epic tale, a little historical fiction, if you will. And you know, when I ask in my groups, we have our discord in garbage world, and then I’m also on a good reads list. No big name dropping.
Kulap Vilaysack 08:46
She’s a reader.
SuChin Pak 08:47
Those lenses are prescription.
Danielle Schneider 08:50
Exactly, these aren’t for show bitches. It was because I read so goddamn much. So anyway, this book has blown me away. I’m almost done. I have like 30 more pages. It is a beautiful it is set in Korea, and it is about these, this collective of women in the 1920s and 30s. And then it goes from there, who basically are these collective of women that are these, almost like fishermen, but with their bodies, they go down really deep. Yes, they’re divers, sure, with no divers, and they and they go all the way down in the coldest of water. And scientists like study them, it’s like this incredible they can hold their breath for all this time, and it’s this really dangerous work, and the men sit at home and take care of the children. It’s this opposite world, but it’s true. It’s based in truth, and it is a beautiful story of friendship. And I don’t know, I always feel like reading teaches empathy. You know what I mean? Like a whole world, a whole culture, a whole society of you know people that you didn’t know before, and now you’re in love with them, and it makes you think of all the other people in this world that you don’t know and don’t know anything about. Out in a whole other culture, and this is also during the war. It’s right before the Korean War. So there was obviously a lot of brutality and prejudice and stuff going on for Japanese with Koreans, Americans, with Koreans. And it is makes me hate everybody and also love everybody. And just it’s an incredible story of strength and friendship and women. I think it’s taught me there’s so much war going on in this world right now, and it relates, on some level to what’s going on in this world. To me, I just feel such love and empathy for people, and I don’t want any harm to come to anyone. And I don’t know, I think it’s a beautiful story.
SuChin Pak 10:37
I totally agree with you, especially when you’re talking about a topic like this, these deep sea divers.
Kulap Vilaysack 10:44
So how do you pronounce it?
SuChin Pak 10:48
Yeah, and, you know, they’ve been doing this for generations. It’s just how they make their living. It’s on a little island called Jeju, which is like the Hawaii of Korea. And they’ve been doing it for, you know, generations. And the whole thing is dying, obviously, because of modernization. And so there’s a whole movement of like, trying to, like, preserve and keep this culture that you know is so deeply rooted in all of the things that you’re talking about.
Kulap Vilaysack 11:15
Yeah, there’s actually a recent documentary that’s on Apple TV, which is the last of the sea women right now, most of the women are in their 60s, 70s. So just to reiterate what suchin is saying of them being sort of a dying breed.
SuChin Pak 11:30
Daniel, thank you for bringing the other side of Korean culture to this podcast.
Casey 11:37
Quite a monolog. I’m like I was talking about a Korean old Farah treatment.
Danielle Schneider 11:45
I happen to be reading in, almost done with it, and I’m I’m just, it’s not even trying, believe me, I’ll get it.
SuChin Pak 11:51
I want my face. I know I’m genuinely like, let’s thank you, Danny, for reminding us.
Danielle Schneider 12:00
Well, I’d like to go to this island too on our Korean trip. If I would do.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:04
That, maybe a dream for me to go to Jeju Island.
Casey 12:06
It would feel a balance, more of a.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:11
Let’s be willing to just swing back and forth, okay? And, yeah, I got other things, you know, like Casey. Let’s get into the transform body treatment with something called tri hex technology.
Casey 12:24
This is the highest price point thing I’ve brought to add to cart, other than my Balsam Hill tree, you know, a few years, okay, but that was something you could use for years to come. This is more of a lotion that goes into your skin and you repurchase, okay, but it’s called the last and it’s so funny that you’re talking about all this suchin to start because I got it from my Houston dermatologist, who I love so much, Dr Jenny Siegel of Metropolitan dermatological Institute. She’s the best ever, and she gives us this product to put on after your skin has been what can only be described as burned. And so it’s on one level, wound care on the other level, I myself am getting older, and I have noticed, I don’t know if anybody else has, you guys are in such good shape, but like, crepey skin, I don’t know if that crazy, those words.
SuChin Pak 13:09
We have here, the neck, crepe.
Casey 13:12
Oh, it’s been proven with that. Try technology, whatever that was, too. And, you know, I don’t know what it is, but there’s some of that tech. And it is, I don’t know if it’s masking it or curing it.
SuChin Pak 13:24
Try hex technology. Technology.
Casey 13:27
Try hex, and it’s called elastin. And they have incredible products. Now, the other thing I’m just going to quickly say is what I like about the dermatologist in Houston is she wants you to use more of the like drugstore products for your every day. And that’s controversial, but my skin is looking great with a vein. Is that what it’s called a V, and it’s sold in drugstores primarily like it’s, I think it’s a French brand, but she I use this thing called sickle fate, which the French use as diaper cream for their babies. Oh, oh, but I slather my face with it, and boy, is it the most moisturizing, incredible. You got to really work to get it in there, because it’s thicker, you know, thick?
Danielle Schneider 14:09
Yeah, it will turn your skin like a pasty white, like a butt cream does to a child’s ass. That’s right, you know.
Casey 14:15
You know what it is, $28 and it is unbelievable when all these awards. So I just wanted to throw.
SuChin Pak 14:20
That out there as well. I love that sickle fate. Whatever that line is, I think they have other products in that line that I’ve tried. But, you know, you realize, like, I don’t want to say that the what is that line, the Augustine Bader, Augustus Bade, I’m sure, wonderful.
Danielle Schneider 14:37
I spent money on that brand, and I saw enough, not because this.
SuChin Pak 14:41
Because this line and this barrier cream, is there’s no better? Yeah, I can’t, I can’t imagine how it can be that much better to justify that price difference.
Casey 14:53
100% yeah.
Kulap Vilaysack 14:55
Let’s talk about Westman Atelier, vital skincare complexion drop.
Casey 15:00
Oops, okay. This is just sad that all Danielle and I submitted was skincare. And I’m so happy, Danielle, don’t forget, nobody sat here I submitted that book too. I said, Danielle, bring that book.
SuChin Pak 15:15
I see no tears. We are on the right place.
Danielle Schneider 15:19
No, these are what’s important to me. These are my daily nutrients. Okay? These this new drops. Okay, was it was introduced to me at a new a little shop that does like sort of organic skin care that in Larchmont village called Credo beauty. I don’t know if you guys have been to credo.
Casey 15:37
Natural worries me go on.
Danielle Schneider 15:39
And there’s also one in Silver Lake by the Claire b Oh, but so it’s right in your hoods, guys. And wait, that’s where.
Kulap Vilaysack 15:49
I get my bikini waxes. That’s Stark wax.
Danielle Schneider 15:52
Say, yeah, it’s near Stark. It’s near Stark. I’m going to start later today. Gotta get these brows done. But this is like, I don’t like to wear, you know, like base, or whatever, you know what I mean, Foundation. We used to call it base, back in the day.
Casey 16:07
Rouge and base.
Danielle Schneider 16:10
But now this is, like, it’s almost a primer, but they have your color of skin, and when I tell you, I wear it now I don’t even need that. Like, your skin still shows through, but it’s causing like a layer, like a glimmery layer that softens my pores, softens everything, so it’s still you and you don’t feel like because I don’t like, like heavy makeup, I feel like I’m wearing a mask all day. But this doesn’t feel like that. It’s like a blurring of, like a layer, a blurring effect. This brand is made for also women of a certain age, you know, who need a blurring. And it’s expensive, but you guys, it is the future. It is incredible.
SuChin Pak 16:50
It’s $68 okay, breaking the three digits.
Danielle Schneider 16:56
It’s not breaking the bank. It’s a small thing, though. You’re gonna have to go back to the well pretty soon.
Casey 17:01
It says on here, it’s the strength of a serum, the beauty of a Skin Tint.
Danielle Schneider 17:05
Guys, this is changing my world.
SuChin Pak 17:08
God bless. I’ll try it may I just offer to that, like women of a certain age, it is true after a while, you know, you get used to putting your makeup on and using certain products your whole life, like, since you started wearing makeup, 20 starts, and it works fine and great, and you’re gorgeous right at some point. And it is, for me, it was like a handbrake, you know what I mean, at a full like, 90 miles down, and someone just pulled it. Everything I was using just was like, wow, that is not working for I feel like I’m just getting into the RE reckoning of like my face is different, my skin is different. And one of the things I’m realizing is is that like less is where you have to wrap your head around because in your 20s and 30s, you’re like, wing eyeliner, you know this, and bronzer and tote full on dry and that, for some reason like it, you can get away with it. I think now I’m like, I can’t even put black eyeliner on, and I’m I was gonna get that tattooed.
Casey 18:15
Why? Because it just looks too harsh, or what?
SuChin Pak 18:18
It’s harsh, it almost even closes my eyes.
Danielle Schneider 18:22
Yeah, it makes my eyes get really closed. And so like when I smiled, which before it was the opposite.
Casey 18:29
Yeah, lit effect of.
SuChin Pak 18:32
Yeah, it is the harshness. But what does the harshness do? It like, it makes everything drag down.
Danielle Schneider 18:37
Su I’ve graduated to a brown and to hazing it hazed, like, kind of, like, not even a straight line, you kind of, like, blend it. And that is in the last six months.
SuChin Pak 18:47
Whenever I saw Bobby Brown commercial, and they were just blending in, and I was like, Oh, those old people have no you know what I mean, like, that’s never going to be me. And here I am.
Casey 18:57
I like, Bobby Brown’s new line Jones, road, Jones, road, sorry, because.
SuChin Pak 19:01
We are old ass women.
Danielle Schneider 19:04
We are going down that road. We’re just using fingers. We’re not a Bobby with a hard eye. We’re a Jones.
Kulap Vilaysack 19:10
We’re a Jones Road, no Su, I’m really happy to hear this. Does this mean, with this reckoning, you will start to dump your MTV makeup that you’ve been hoarding I’m sitting on for decades.
SuChin Pak 19:24
You know what the thing is? Is I’m not dumping it because I think there’s something wrong with it. I’m dumping it because it’s a new era and I don’t need it. Do you understand the difference? Do you understand the difference? Yeah, to go into there’s a lot of blue deep eyeshadow situations happening. There’s a lot of that. There’s a lot of heavy violet pigment, and it’s just my face can’t carry it anymore. She’s a delicate sea diver.
Danielle Schneider 19:57
Thank you, Su. I am on this. I have had. Same reckoning this year. It’s been an incredible journey. I saw a picture of me with black eyeliner where I was brought to your knees. Who is that old Trollope?
SuChin Pak 20:11
So we’ve got face, we’ve got Rouge and trollop. I’m just keeping a mental really age. Think that there’s anyone listening?
Casey 20:23
No, I don’t think there.
Danielle Schneider 20:24
Is my father. My father.
SuChin Pak 20:27
He’s not tuning in. That’s the thing.
Danielle Schneider 20:29
He can’t find no podcast app. Can’t find it. Podcast app. But when I record it on a tape recorder for him, and he puts it in his Hill, love it. Tape player.
Casey 20:47
I went the other way, switching. So my makeup has always been super like sheer nothing, because I don’t know how to do it. So I’m just like whatever little bit I can do to try to pull something together. But I have, like, terrible rosacea, so as much as I wanted to, I have to cover I didn’t know that much like Kim Kardashian psoriasis, I’ve kept it under a Bucha as a secret private.
Kulap Vilaysack 21:08
But I’ve literally been in cars where you’re putting on a full face of makeup.
SuChin Pak 21:12
I’ve woken up next to you.
Casey 21:15
I mean, what does that change? The fact that I have a rosy face. I mean, you’re saying I thought it.
SuChin Pak 21:20
Was a healthy flush.
Danielle Schneider 21:21
Well, I’m saying I didn’t notice any, like, big rosacea.
Casey 21:25
Oh yeah. I’ll take a photos for you guys.
Danielle Schneider 21:28
I have seen Kim Kardashians, though eczema. I haven’t seen gauntlet.
Casey 21:32
Throne, but I went the other way on Friday night, my niece, who is 14, slept over. Now we are watching. Suddenly, I am a 14 year old girl. I’ve got candy bags in the bed. I’m watching Outer Banks, a show that is.
Casey 21:44
It just, it is.
Kulap Vilaysack 21:48
Last weekend, I was with Kai, who’s 14. He loves that show.
Casey 21:52
What am I looking at? But I was also right there with it.
Kulap Vilaysack 21:57
I’m like, they’re treasure hunters.
Casey 21:58
Like, yes It knows no genre. Okay, let me just say that the goodies. What is this? So the next thing I know, I say to her, I don’t know how to do my makeup. And she’s like, well, you just need to just finally do it. I’m pulling out to look at that. She’s like, you need to just do it. Go on Tiktok, put your goddamn phone up against the mirror and do it with someone. And she introduces me to a young upstart named Olivia Chatfield.
Danielle Schneider 22:22
Casey 22:25
I love her. Now, at first glance, you’re like, Oh, I’m a bit different than Olivia Chatfield in what way, but I want to celebrate those differences with Olivia. Okay, I really do, because she’s as cute as could be. She’s gorgeous. She’s not gonna shy away from also admitting mental health struggles, but she’s gonna show you what’s in her bag many times. And she’s definitely gonna show you what a night out in Miami is, but she’s also gonna really take you through her makeup, be it a day look or a night look. And the next thing I know, Emma and I marched ourselves to Sephora, and boy, did I let Olivia Chatfield influence me. So some of these things are the opposite than what suchin And Danielle are saying. So maybe for your listeners of all ages.
SuChin Pak 23:04
Oh, you’re gonna speak to the Olivia demo. You’re the youth vote. I love how Casey has positioned herself right there as.
Kulap Vilaysack 23:11
aA youth ambassador. Yeah, I don’t know if these things will work. We have another correspondent, if you will, Deanna Chang our device detective. Now, Deanna will only follow influencers who are 60 plus, and you’re the other director. Libby is 20?
Casey 23:27
Your producer?
SuChin Pak 23:31
Casey 23:31
Why am I 20? Olivia finds making sushi easy. Okay, that’s just kind of where Olivia is now.
Kulap Vilaysack 23:41
Casey 23:43
She’s not gonna just buy a bag to buy it. Guys, okay, okay. And she’s, you know, she’s got a new Pomeranian. Things are going well.
Danielle Schneider 23:53
You have yet to tell me anything about her makeup. I know she has a dog. I know she makes sushi. What is her makeup?
Casey 23:57
Her makeup is great. She like trouble. Try on like, six glosses, and have like, 16 million people checking in to see how they hit the light. You know, she’s just, she will teach you some things. The main thing she’s teaching, which such, and I’m curious, do you think I should just not even try this? Okay? Is, you know, I’ll do bronzer. I feel like bronzer. We, we all know that, right? But this is, like, you know, like the Kardashian style, like contour drops that I’m throwing on and then trying to blend in. And I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m, do you think that’s I should just not even try it at 44.
SuChin Pak 24:27
I mean, the answer is, you have to try it. You have to try everything at 44 because that’s what I’m saying, is, is that all that stuff that we were conditioned to think that was working for us in the 20s and 30s, like that has to be re examined. And that can only be re examined with just buying more stuff.
Casey 24:45
Okay, well, you know what’s interesting is these young gals now are doing so many steps of skincare, so many mixings of fragrances, so much things with makeup, it’s almost like sometimes, and I don’t want to ever comment on a woman’s looks, and so I’m not going to sometimes, I think, yeah. Cows these days are making themselves look older.
SuChin Pak 25:02
That’s right. I mean, duh, yeah.
Casey 25:04
So maybe we should be taking their wisdom, huh? And they are wiser than Well, 24 if they’re making themselves look 35 and I’m 44.
Danielle Schneider 25:18
Okay, and we all is what you’re saying.
SuChin Pak 25:21
We all, okay, got it now when you explain the math, we’re back on being back on the Ditto sheet. Thank you. We’re smelling the ink.
Casey 25:30
I am coming off on this podcast, like, ages monstrous. Okay, so I apologize to everyone.
Danielle Schneider 25:39
It’s because I brought on this book I really like. We were all Daniel, it’s because I brought this book, we were on the same page, and I took it somewhere else.
Kulap Vilaysack 25:47
I’m sorry. Look, we need, we need the dark, we need the light. We need the deep.
Danielle Schneider 25:54
We need the that’s right.
SuChin Pak 25:57
That’s right.
Kulap Vilaysack 25:57
Daniel, let’s talk about these midday squares, this peanut butter midday squares. Now, Casey
Danielle Schneider 26:04
actually introduced me to these. She spoke about them on our podcast, and then they sent us them. And they’re a smaller company like you, and they’re expensive as food for a bar, but when I tell you, it is the best protein bar, and I’ve had one every day since the days Casey mentioned. What do you mean by that? It is delicious, it is filling. It is I’ve never had something this delicious that is also this filling. That is like a protein bar.
Casey 26:33
It’s so great, and it’s not so sugary. Where you’re like, I’m having Snickers, yeah, you know, it’s not that. And I want to just shut out the peanut butter. They taste like a Reese’s cup, but you have to keep them in the fridge. I just want to say that. And then the cookie dough is heaven.
SuChin Pak 26:47
Oh my god.
Danielle Schneider 26:47
I like the peanut butter crunch one the blue packaging. It’s my favorite. But I also like the cookie dough and I also like the peanut butter. They’re all delicious. I literally have one in my purse every day. It’s the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning.
Casey 26:58
It’s like, more than hold you over. But it’s not a meal that makes sense, and you don’t feel like a sugar crash. You just feel great.
Danielle Schneider 27:04
It’s my every day between breakfast and lunch, you’re in your car.
Casey 27:08
I’m so hungry I don’t have an option.
Danielle Schneider 27:10
Here it is so good. Like, my target doesn’t always have them, so I’m always like, looking. I’ve gone to crazy targets to find them like I I get them now, just delivered straight from midday squares, because […].
SuChin Pak 27:22
Yeah because the alternative is, and I am, like, a, like, a car raccoon, right? Like, it’s for some reason, as soon I’m about 15 minutes into, like, running errands in my car, and I starving, and so I have to bring out my package of whatever I’ve put together, and I just can’t get down with the meat stick. And I know that that is that marketing there is pushed really hard, because I, you know, sometimes I just, I’m like, should I just have meat sticks in here? Because I’m so hungry, and now I’m just eating junk.
Casey 27:54
And women of a certain age also need protein, and I hate to see, yeah, and six grams.
SuChin Pak 27:58
And it’s small, because sometimes I look at an energy bar, I’m like, I that’ll take me three sittings to get through.
Danielle Schneider 28:05
No and what is great about it is, like, when you’re start, you know how? Like when you’re serving your car and you’re like, oh, I have to go to target, so I’m just gonna pick up chips or something. Like, this is just in my purse. Again, you have to refrigerate them over, like, they have to be in the refrigerator, and then you take them out for the day. You know what I mean? Like you can have it out for the day, but you can’t just keep it in your car for three days like that? No, but that makes me feel it’s fresher in a way, like it’s got to be.
SuChin Pak 28:25
Like they’re using real ingredients, right? These are all conjectures that we could look into and verify.
Danielle Schneider 28:31
But why I won’t know. Don’t need. Why do I need to rain on my parade.
Casey 28:39
They’re $2.79.
Danielle Schneider 28:41
Each, right? Danielle, yeah, which is a little pricey for, like, next to, like, a kind bar.
Casey 28:47
I kind of don’t think so, as much when, if you’re gonna get, I guess the college is a kind bar. I think they’re like, 165.
SuChin Pak 28:53
But these are filling. These are vegan certified, dairy free, soy free, kosher certified. So that’s why you’re paying.
Danielle Schneider 29:04
And I would just get through a kind bar, like, you know, how? Like, you’re like, I just need nutrients right now, so I’m gonna get through this and eat it, and I’ll have the nutrients. No, I’m enjoying this.
Casey 29:12
Yes, that’s gonna say it’s also a dopamine hit, you know, like, when you’re running errands, you’re just like, I’m Oh, but you’re like, Oh, a little treat, is what you say.
Danielle Schneider 29:20
Oh, this is my treat. This is a treat.
Kulap Vilaysack 29:23
Wow, okay, we’re gonna end with one more. I’m gonna assume Olivia wreck Casey, which is the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood contour wand.
Casey 29:33
Now that is the wand that I have not tried unfortunately.
SuChin Pak 29:37
How long did your niece stay with you?
Casey 29:38
Just she stayed with me all day, but she did show me how she uses it, and it just looks so great. So we were looking at people on Tiktok using it. It just looked so wonderful. So I was just trying to bring something from the youth I 100% amusing.
Kulap Vilaysack 29:53
From many Instagram ads this like set of Contour Sticks. So I’m I’m one. 100% like the nude sticks. God, I can’t pull it right now. Yeah, oh, I think there’s like, og or something like that. Okay, much like Danielle like to do less on my face, but I’ll make sure to do that. And it’s a set of a contour stick, a highlighter and sort of a blush stick, and I’ll use those three.
Casey 30:15
Does it teach you where to put it on and how to use it? Or did you have to, like, look that up?
Kulap Vilaysack 30:19
Well, looked it up on their site or on their Instagram, or various influencers using it.
Danielle Schneider 30:24
Now, that’s it doing this thing.
Kulap Vilaysack 30:26
That’s what I do. We go higher.
Danielle Schneider 30:29
Now, yeah, go higher.
SuChin Pak 30:31
This is a Charlotte Tilburg contour one. These are the things I like about it. I like that you could just slip this in your purse. You don’t need a brush. You’re not going to use your fingers, and it almost looks like almost a lip gloss is kind of the packaging of it. So you just.dot.my second point to this is that, because, contrary to my Korean Derm, who asked me while I was on the table, do you know what sunscreen is? And we’re going to put that aside, I use so much mineral sunscreen, and it doesn’t matter, you know, you can blend it, there’s always gonna be a little bit of a cast. And frankly, you want it, because then you’re like, Well, I know that this is actually doing its thing. So having a little bit of color back in in a simple way, is something I haven’t been able to figure out yet.
Casey 31:24
I was just gonna say, I know we’re wrapping up one more quick thing that is more meaningful, perhaps from but also relates to sunscreen. And my Houston dermatologist, which is, you know, I’ve had some skin cancer, kind of like approaching things like that, and I’m obsessed with sunscreen too. And we know, we live in Southern California, it’s so hot. And he said, you know, some people get their windows tinted, you know, for the sun. But he said, there’s like 3m has now making new windshields you can put on your car that blocks so much more rays. That is especially if you’re, you know, prone to, if you have skin cancer in your family or something, that you can take your car. And I don’t know the price, but I was not I thought it would be like so much more. And I know this is vague information, but I’m gonna get that done to my car.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:07
Casey, SuChin, I think, has something to say, because she just purchased a similar product.
SuChin Pak 32:11
That I didn’t think about getting my car tinted. But I lease a car. I don’t know if that’s allowed, but I have now post laser bought a little screen that like goes down for my side window, on driver’s side, it’s, yeah, on the driver’s side, and it’s suction cups, and it’s, they say it’s UV protection. So I’m just gonna go ahead and pull that shade down.
Casey 32:37
I wear a sunscreen shawl too, from Kula that I drape, and sometimes gloves that go up because, you know, your left arm gets so sun damaged from driving.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:47
Okay, I love this Casey. I didn’t realize you were a full on Asian woman.
Casey 32:51
I’ll throw on a fingerless glove, not afraid. I have so admired the culture when I see driving a woman carrying some type of umbrella, parasol. I feel like, I am you. I love you I just.
Danielle Schneider 33:08
There is a woman in my neighborhood who wears, she walks every day. I see her every morning walking, huge hat, gloves, totally like face under cool kids, not a piece of skin showing and I honor her today.
Kulap Vilaysack 33:25
Respect the commitment.
Danielle Schneider 33:28
I don’t know what she looks like, but I know I love her. I know that I want to be her amazing.
Kulap Vilaysack 33:35
Wow, what a reveal.
SuChin Pak 33:38
predictable journey.
Danielle Schneider 33:40
Oh, don’t forget about this guy.
Kulap Vilaysack 33:43
Don’t forget about Daniel.
Casey 33:45
Yes, and that’s the most important thing today.
Danielle Schneider 33:48
That don’t forget. So we’re gonna keep that in.
SuChin Pak 33:51
We’re not cutting that out. Okay, got it?
Kulap Vilaysack 33:57
That’s all for today’s episode.
Casey 34:00
I’m sorry. My shows over after this episode. I really am.
Danielle Schneider 34:05
Got you cancel.
Kulap Vilaysack 34:07
You can buy Casey on Insta @Caseyrosewilson and Danielle @DanielleCarolineSchneider, anything to let the people know you, I know you’ve got live shows in New York coming up.
Danielle Schneider 34:18
We’re doing our live Halloween show october 26 New York City town hall. There’s, we do, like, kind of an annual costume contest where everyone does sort of Bravo cosplay. There are, you don’t have to, but it’s just a really fun show. And we have that coming up, and we’re really excited.
Casey 34:33
Yeah, and our podcast is called Bitch Sesh, and you can find it at Garbage World, Casey and Danielle’s garbage.
Kulap Vilaysack 34:39
Brilliant gems you both are. Thank you so much for coming on.
Casey 34:43
Thank you for such an education. So much out of this, for real.
Danielle Schneider 34:47
I’m going to get off this and we are booking our flights to Korea like, let’s really I am not kidding.
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