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We Need to Talk About Kanye

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Kim Kardashian. Pete Davidson. Billie Eilish. Kid Cudi. Machine Gun Kelly. Michael Che?!? The list of people Kanye West needs to apologize to is growing by the day. This week, Kiki, Hoja, and Mohanad sort out what exactly is going on with Kanye. Is it a mental breakdown? Publicity for his new album? Or somewhere in between? They break down his erratic Instagram posts, his relationship with his family, and his recent statement on accountability. Plus, Hoja asks for an apology from her sewing machine, Mohanad says sorry to his twin siblings, and Kiki takes a trip to Chick-fil-A on this week’s Sorry Not Sorry.

Please note, I’m Sorry contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.

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Hoja Lopez, Mohanad Elshieky, Kiki Monique

Kiki Monique  00:08

I’m Kiki Monique. And this is I’M SORRY, a podcast about apologies. And this week, I only spent an hour on TikTok. Can we get those numbers up that by next week?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Oh, wow. Okay, that is amazing. And this is Mohanad Elshieky and this week, the weather has been disgusting, and I hate it. But what’s even more disgusting is that we have still have not got a confirmation that Queen Elizabeth is alive. So until we get that I’m gonna do this bit every week.

Hoja Lopez 

Okay, and then I’m Hoja Lopez. And this week, I spent $0, not $1. This is on purpose. I didn’t buy anything. It was a test to see if I could do it. And I did it. I didn’t spend one single dollar all week long.

Kiki Monique 


Hoja Lopez 

It was painful, but I made it through. I don’t feel any better of a person for it. But, you know, we’ll see.

Kiki Monique

So, okay, I feel like we have to talk about Kanye. But I want to prep for me, I want to preface this conversation. Because, you know, whenever I talk about like any celebrities online, there’s a lot of feedback of like, you know, people think I’m taking sides from one side or the other. I want to preface this with one. I know celebrities don’t give a fuck about me. So like, the picking sides is not really a thing. Like I always am just like, okay, there’s this person. And this is what’s happening. And there’s this person, the only I will say the only two like celebrities where you might get some bias from me are Bridget Everett, and Michael Che and only because I’ve gotten to meet them in person. I really like them. And so I will always stick out for them because in a way I feel like I know them. But other than that, everyone else just kind of gets the fair treatment. I also want to preface this with most people who are famous. I think the reason they’re famous is because they tend towards either narcissistic or sociopathic tendencies. And so I just want to like baseline say that, like, in general, I think famous people are starting from a different mental arena.

Hoja Lopez  02:32

It’s kind of like having a podcast, it feels very similar. Like if you have a podcast, you also are slightly narcissists. Just putting it out there, you know.

Kiki Monique 

But yeah, I mean, Kanye really has in the last week taken over at least my personal Instagram feed. And I mean, by taking over I mean, I’m posting about them regularly, like multiple times a day. And all of these posts are really around Kim and Kim Kardashian, his relationship with Pete Davidson. Now I think subliminal, not subliminally, I think really what’s happening is he has an album coming out, he has started to coming out. And anytime he has an album coming out, he tends to generate a lot of publicity, right? Any way he can. I think this case is a little bit different, though, because I genuinely do think he’s having these feelings. It’s also contributing to him getting a lot of publicity ahead of the album. I mean, I don’t know if you agree or disagree with that.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Oh, 100%. I mean, yeah, like, I definitely like you know, you want your kids to be with you and all of that. But this man knew exactly what he was getting into when he married Kim Kardashian. You know, like, it’s not, this is not just a woman that he married. It’s the Kardashians, they were like, we’re very well known. He knew exactly what he was signing up to. So now to just like go insane and just like being like, why are my kids on TikTok? Why are they doing this? What did you think was gonna happen? Like, this family whole thing is being online and just like being perceived by people and just putting themselves out there. So you can really there’s nothing that you can like say about that. And I mean, like it’s not like you too have not used your own wife and your kids for like publicity before like put their pictures out there like so. I don’t know. I just feel like it’s too much and I agree with you. This is mostly like it feels like just a publicity for the album and does he also have a docu series coming out on Netflix?

Kiki Monique  04:36

He does, actually screened it this week. And I think LA it’s a new yeah, documentary, I think on Netflix about him. So yeah, he definitely has a lot of projects coming up and then he still has his Sunday service. I have not been to one I’m obviously very curious about it. I feel like one day, I’m gonna have to dip my toe in that pond. But yeah, I mean, and obviously he just you know, and then he has the collab I think with an obviously has the Gap collab but then I think he did was it a Balenciaga or one of the designers the Yeezy Balenciaga collab something like that. So he has like a ton of projects coming up. But he doesn’t you know, before it’s like we never really see him posting online except around these projects. And I think for you know, I was talking to my friend the other day about this because, again, he has consumed our lives. And the interesting thing is that people want to lean into this Kanye is crazy. Kanye is insane. Kanye needs to get on his meds. And, of course, that’s like the easiest thing to default to. Because when someone’s raged, basically rage texting you in a public forum, and they have now 12 and a half million followers, he started at 10 and a half million when this whole thing started, because I keep track of those things. So he’s already increased 2 million followers. But when someone’s raged texting to 12 million people, of course, it’s easy to just be like, you’re crazy. You’re off your meds.

Kiki Monique  06:02

And I was talking to my friend about it, though. And, you know, why is it that with Kanye, if he is kind of going into these, we’ll say see impulse control where he does have like impulse control where he has something and he says it, that sort of like a mental state seems like much worse than any mental state that maybe Kim Kardashian has ever been in, you know, like, think about, like you just said, the Kardashians have been on TV our entire life. And I don’t think that lets quote unquote, normal people would ever do that, you know, like, what kind of person has to be in a mental state to say, like, I want every moment of my life filmed, but we don’t see that as crazy. They’ve normalized it so much. That now anything that Kanye does kind of against that, it seems like he’s crazy. I don’t know.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, I guess considering even that there’s been like physical altercations between them on TV, like the sisters. And that’s crazy drama constantly on television. But I think there’s an understanding that if you’re on television, that there’s some kind of scripted produced parts of it. And then some parts of it that are, you know, genuine and real, I guess. And I guess the thing that I think about Kanye with the online stuff is, I wonder if, you know, he’s just comfortable and okay with people knowing what the problems are, he doesn’t give a fuck, he doesn’t care if people know that there’s issues in between them. And Kim does care. And that be the crux of the issue is that maybe we in his place would all care that these things don’t get out. But I just don’t think Kanye cares if people know.

Mohanad Elshieky 

I mean, they know already like that he’s, you know, going through with any he has, like, dealing like with mental issues and all of that. But I think sometimes like what he’s doing, like, you know, we all think that you should like normalize, you know, having mental health problems, and like not stigmatizing and all of that. And you know, that is valid. But I think Kanye now took that, and just like, took it to a whole another level, instead of like seeking help and trying to deal with that. He’s like, No, having mental health issues is normal. And I am just gonna go and just act on them as much as I want. And if you try to call me out on anything I do, now, you’re shaming me for my mental health issues, and it’s just like, no, that’s not what’s happening here. Because like, again, if this was just him and Kim going at each other, I get it. But this man is going after everyone.

Kiki Monique  08:42

And I think that’s like the impulse control, like, you know, what he has talked about, you know, being admitted in different, you know, things in his past, you know, to hospitals and stuff like that, but it definitely seems like he thinks of something. And he immediately says it, now that could be part of why he’s also a really good artist, right? And maybe if he takes medications, maybe it would dole that, maybe he has taken medications, who knows, and maybe he doesn’t want to do that side of what contributes to his art. But unfortunately, when it spills into the personal, like, we just see it as like, this is not a normal behavior. You shouldn’t react this way on a dime. But I also I think, combined with that, though, because the Kardashians we say they’re basically the media, right? They control the media, Chris, you know, can kind of have her relationships with publications and get her you know, daughter’s in front of them as she needs to. And because of that, Kanye, I think it’s interesting. He is really locked in. He’s saying he’s working with Black media; we see him like we saw him do an interview with Hollywood Unlocked, which is, you know, Black media company, and I think he is, in a way trying to use that to his advantage because he doesn’t want things to be said about him that aren’t true that he can’t control because like this was like a really interesting thing.

Kiki Monique  10:07

So like one of the rage posts that he had put up was about how he was posting screenshots between him and I think he said, I think it was Travis Scott, who gave him or no, no, no, it was like this, a woman’s husband, Tracy’s husband had given him Kim’s phone number, because he said, Kim changed her phone number. Thank you for giving me her phone number. And everyone was just like, this is wild, wild wild. Now in between all of this, Kim had a Vogue feature that came out, you know all about her being in her 40s and coming into her own and kind of like starting this new thing. And I found this really, this one section really interesting because she talked about in this article, how they went to Bahamas, and she gets to Bahamas, and she said, you know, and then we’re like, we haven’t been on vacation in a long time. And then everyone threw their phones in the ocean. And I was like, what am I allowed to do that? Now, some publications took it and ran them like Kim threw her phone in the ocean, she did not, if you kept reading the article, it said in lieu of throwing her phone in the ocean, Kim changed her number to alleviate the guilt she feels for not responding quickly to everyone. So like she changed her number. Now this aligns with what Kanye was saying that Kim changed her number. So in this article, it’s been posed. It’s like, Kim is so busy she needed to free herself from her phone that she’s attached to, like, look at this woman coming into her own. But it’s also like, you have a baby, you have four kids with this man, you can’t just be changing your phone number, if you don’t have it. So did that happen? We don’t know. But he’s definitely saying he got to get his phone number. So it’s interesting how you know the narratives field differently, depending on who’s telling it.

Hoja Lopez  

And it’s not necessarily that she changed it to exclude him, but that she didn’t, you know, email him like, hey, Kanye, I’m changing my phone. This is or a Facebook post where you like, if you’re interested, this is my phone number, text me. She didn’t do that.

Mohanad Elshieky  12:13

Yeah, I mean, this man clearly loves his kids. So like, you know, not giving him access to the kids is, you know, obviously unfair, and should not be the case. But I also like, I just have the thing. And this is like not to get into conspiracy theories. But I just sometimes, like watch this whole thing happen between Kanye and Kim and all of these posts and the rage and all of that. And like a small part of me, I’m just like, is this all scripted? Are we all just like watching a show that has like a narrative that has been already on like putting on paper, and we’re just like indulging in it as well as it goes, because this is what we are expected to do. Because I just like literally just feel like everything that they do. Like the Kardashians, and like, everyone around them just feels like it is just all you know, for media like nothing feels real.

Kiki Monique 

Yeah. Did you see that new Aziz Ansari stand up on Netflix? Okay. Remember the section where he talks about, you know, it’s like, like, there’d be some serious issues, and everyone’s just kind of like, and then it’s like, wait, someone got, you know, in a fight with somebody at a bar. What, and then this happen, and then what happened, and then we’re gonna keep following this person. And like, you know, figure out every little detail that doesn’t affect us in any way, shape, or form. And it was a whole routine. And it was just funny, because we were like, when I saw that routine, it was like, in the midst of this Kanye. And yeah, it is like that, like it is. They know they can drive headlines by doing this. So even though it is real, it is scripted, in a way because it’s kind of like what do I want to wake up and be known for today?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Exactly. Yeah. And I think you know, I mean, I think the issue is, well, from what I see is like, I mean, I read the comments sometimes just to see like what people are saying and some people I’m just like, why are you just so involved in this? Like taking sides and just like writing this like whole threads and like going on and I’m just like, bro Kanye doesn’t even know that you exist. Chill. Who cares? You know, like I read the comments. I’m like, did you just write an essay in a comment right now?

Hoja Lopez  14:24

Like spent 45 minutes of like your real lifetime? Yeah, down your opinions on these two people’s lives who don’t affect you in any way.

Mohanad Elshieky 

I’m honestly just watching him like this is just fun for me like Kanye posting memes and stuff like that and just going after, like Pete Davidson and whatnot. But at the end of the day, I have my life to live. You know, my bank account is not going up or down because of that.

Hoja Lopez 

Would you have ever thought that Pete Davidson in a situation like this would look so normal and so like I would have never thought he would have been the one and honestly the thing about SNL that I think is so funny right now is like they do all these sketches and all these things on like the big headlines, but it’s a Pete Davidson that is in the headlines. So what are they going to do, do sketches about people who are already on their own show. Oh, Pete Davidson. Kim Kardashian’s boyfriend. I mean, the hostility coming from Kanye I don’t, like it’s scary kind of like you’re getting in the middle of this crazy media shitstorm, I can’t even imagine the pressure and the stress.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Oh, yeah. So what do you think is gonna happen? Like, do you really think Pete is really gonna stick around and be the father of your kids? Do you know Pete Davidson?

Kiki Monique 

This point maybe because like, you know, how when people just get closer together when there’s like so much, you know, hate around them. It just like drives them close together. I mean, I think this relationships gonna last like at least six months longer than maybe it was originally intended. Just by the nature of all of this.

Hoja Lopez  16:02

Yeah, it’s like spite love. It’s love out of spite. What an engine. What a fire furnace and one soul to keep one going. I do think you know, the piece where Kanye really kind of continues to put out the whole thing about, like having faith that they’re going to get back together. And meanwhile, if I’m Julia Fox, I’m like bitch what about me? I’m your muse? Like, what is going on? I just don’t understand. And that’s kind of what leads me to believe that maybe that relationship is just a bunch of BS, because it’s like, if I had a boyfriend, and he was trying to get back together with his wife that he’s not divorced from, I would be like, Okay, well, we can’t hang out anymore. Well,

Kiki Monique 

that was the most embarrassing part of it, too, is that, you know, Julia Foxx just did this interview, where she talked all about the relationship. And literally, in the interview, she’s like, you know, yes, he calls me his girlfriend, and I call him his boyfriend. Within minutes, story was up on the post, of how Kanye doesn’t have a relationship. He doesn’t have a girlfriend. And since then, you know, and then I think shortly after that, she then deleted all the pictures together. But then she claimed it was just to clean up her feed. But then after the Superbowl, she was coming back, I guess she was in LA. And then she was coming through the airport. And another, you know, publication, you know, saw her crying supposedly, and it was totally over. But she is again, sort of like, you know, saying like, you know, I don’t cry, I didn’t cried since 1997. And so she’s still like, I don’t know if she’s still hanging on to like, maybe there’s something there because she is getting a lot of clout from their attention together. And maybe their contract hasn’t been up yet. But yeah, I would just be kind of personally embarrassed.

Hoja Lopez 

And this is to say, like, I haven’t done this yet. But if I’m really thinking of every single person he’s called out by name, like just plucked them out of their lives. I mean, it’s like Kid Cudi. It’s Billy, it’s Pete Davidson, it’s MGK.. It’s like, it definitely is, to me that screams like, you’re not just angry at one person, you’re just going to be angry at the world, or you’re going to be upset at everybody who isn’t necessarily like, I guess, quote, like on your team, or whatever. And if that is the case, like you will very quickly find yourself alone and isolated in a situation where you’re only around people who are with you because you employ them, or because you give them money.

Mohanad Elshieky  19:08

And that’s the thing that he keeps saying is just like me versus the world. And I’m just like, that’s not no, that is not healthy thing to say. And again, I’ve said that multiple times before, I just truly cannot believe what rich people choose to do with their time. Like those millionaires and billionaires just going up like give me $1 million. And you will not catch me having an opinion ever again. It’s very simple. I’ll just be busy in a hot tub somewhere.

Kiki Monique 

I mean, it seems like okay, the people he’s like, you know, tagging and calling out in these posts. I mean, there’s still strategy behind that, you know, the Billy Eilish thing felt very on par with him when he like did the Taylor Swift storming the stage. And really, you know, Billy has 100 million followers. And so kind of tussling with her, just, you know, increases engagement. Great. So that sort of makes sense in a way even though demanding topologies never make sense. And, you know, don’t ever do that.

Hoja Lopez  20:13

But unless it’s this frickin podcast. Then demand away.

Kiki Monique

And then with, you know, MGK you know, obviously, you know, he’s friends with Pete So like, that’s just like, piling on. The chasing was funny because he actually was like, seemed like he was cool like, dude, I like you. I don’t want you to have to be friends with that dude. So just come to this side. And, you know, it was the Kid Cudi one that was obviously the most the one that actually I felt there was pain there. He was, you know, look, we all feel that way. If I don’t like somebody and you’re my friend, you don’t like them either. We just don’t, you know, post about it publicly, you know, we just text you.

Mohanad Elshieky 

But also the Billy Eilish thing is very dumb. Because are we not? If so, now, anyone that says that we should make sure that fans are okay, or against Travis Scott. What does supporting Travis Scott means? Letting fans die, is that what we’re saying? I’m just so confused.

Kiki Monique 

You know, I think a lot of this has to do with Kanye, feels that I think Black men right now are like getting an unfair shake. That’s like what I’m reading into is like, he’s getting an unfair shake. The media is, you know, trying to twist the narrative to make him look crazy posting only ugly photos about him with the Travis Scott situation. They’re trying to make it seem like he killed people, you know, and like, and look, there is validity in what he is saying. However, it’s hard coming from someone like Kanye, because he only seems to lean into that, when it benefits him. Like I don’t necessarily see him doing this outside of times where it’s not benefiting him.

Hoja Lopez  22:02

Yeah, and that’s a really hard thing to like, call out or to even talk about. Because if you do decide to coop, something like that, that is so painful and hardcore. I mean, there’s only a certain group of people who really can call out Kanye in so many ways, you know, and for me, as a person on the exterior of all of it, I just find that the way that they’re doing it just feels unhealthy. Yeah. And it doesn’t feel like they’re actually like taking care of the possibility that their kids are going to see this in the future. And that’s the thing about Kanye just feels like he’s not in it to make sure that his family gets back together. He’s in it, because his ego won’t allow him to do it any other way. That’s kind of what it feels like to me anyways.

Kiki Monique 

And I just wonder I mean, ultimately, I mean, this all started because he was you know, upset about North being on TikTok. We saw this, he went live this weekend during Sunday service, and he had all his kids there. And it was super cute. He was following them around. They were dancing around and the singers were there and it was actually a super cute live, but it’s just kind of like well, which is it? Like is it that you’re except that they’re up online, is it upset that you feel like they’re online unsupervised? Or is it just because you can’t control, you know, them when determining when they’re online? Like which is it you know?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Exactly, exactly. Yeah, it doesn’t. It doesn’t make any sense. Like, literally pick one. You can use them and just be like, no, it’s okay when I do it. I don’t know. I’m just like, I’m just like her dad is Kanye and her mom is Kim Kardashian. Do you think TikTok is given her publicity?

Kiki Monique 

She’s verified like at like, I don’t even know how old.

Hoja Lopez

There’s something I think really, like, would we consider them to be kind of like, our royal family in some ways, because I mean, it is something that comes up in like my circles when I talk about Kim and Kanye, that they’re sort of like, they’re this sort of just iconic pairing. And then there, you know, their parents are famous and Kim’s Kardashians children are famous. And when they have children, will they continue to be famous? And we’ll just have this sort of, like, Royal group of people that are famous by like, lineage, you know, and I choose to maybe try not to pay too much attention because I feel like that’s part of the frenzy and the problem. It’s so in my face, it’s everywhere.

Mohanad Elshieky  24:40

Yeah. I mean, as I said, I watch it as like for entertainment, honestly, like I try not to get too involved because like it’s not benefiting me in any way. I’m just like, I have my own career to focus on. I have my own shit to do. I just can’t believe that like these fucking grown men just arguing in his comments about, like, you know, why he […] do and talking about his wife and all that. And it’s like, I don’t know, go take care of your kids or find a job or something. Unless you’re like involved in it for like the entertainment purpose. Other than that, you know, God help you.

Hoja Lopez 

Yeah, yeah. And then it also is like, it feels like they’re all connected to each other, like all the baby stuff that’s coming to all of the baby stuff that’s coming out. And then that’s still related to Kanye. And then Pete Davidson with the Megan Fox kind of connection. Like, it just seems like the news are just drenched in these like, 15 people for the past two years, you know?

Kiki Monique 

Yeah. And I think right now, I will say that I do believe that the Kardashians, of course, they’re gonna be on, you know, at face value look like they’re unbothered. Like, this is like, you know, we don’t care about what’s happening. But I do think that inside that this is really, really getting under their skin. Because, A, clearly Kanye has no problem releasing the receipts, right? Which I don’t think Kardashians necessarily like receipts. And B, because he’s also dominating the headlines. And that’s really their role. I mean, look, Kylie just had a baby. And normally, I feel like that would be the like, there would be seven headlines I would have seen by now, if that was the only Kardashian story, that and like Pete, right, yeah. But Kanye is winning that war, too. And so I think in a way, that’s also really getting under their skin, which is interesting. And I think that’s why it makes it so interesting to watch. You know, I think some people feel sad about it, because they see a man that they believe is going through a manic episode, you know, but he made a really interesting comment in one of his, you know, posts recently where he was like, why is it that, you know, all these blogs and accounts, they can post 20-50 times a day about me, but if I am personally posting 20 times, like, I’m the crazy one, which is like an interesting thing, now, mind you, like we’re not posting about, you know, our baby mama drama. We’re talking about other things and you know/

Mohanad Elshieky 

Yeah, I think all I will say about this is that, you know, post as much as you want Kanye like live your life. Just hire someone who can like make you better memes.

Kiki Monique 

It’s the content and the quality. It’s not the quantity.

Mohanad Elshieky

Exactly. Like you could do way better. Like, what is this? Like, it feels like you did this unlike I don’t know, like Word or something. Like the paint or windows like what’s happening? I feel like you can do a high-quality meme honestly. Like it’s just like, has like even the pictures is he’s using like, why is this so low like resolution? What’s happening here?

Kiki Monique  28:04

Yeah, like, I know, you have to do his iPhone, like, what’s happening? It’s kind of like we’ll see the interesting part about some of his reposts though is he is seeing the comments section like he is responding to just regular people. And which is pretty funny, in my opinion.

Hoja Lopez 

That is really freakin funny. It’s like, the basically the most famous man on the planet right now has time to just peruse real person comments and just hang out.

Mohanad Elshieky 

And just dunk on kids.

Kiki Monique 

It’s sort of like in response to your original comment, Mohanad, about like, why are people writing these essays in the comments, for exactly this reason, you know, like this, again, this parasocial word that keeps coming up, you know, when they do get a response or a like, they feel like they’ve developed a relationship and they are invested in his well-being and hope for his children and all of these things. So like a lot of these people, think they legitimately do have a relationship with Kanye.

Hoja Lopez 

Kanye is their Bridget Everett and Michael Che. Like, this is my boy, this is my man. I will follow him to the end of time. I feel that way about Kelly Clarkson. So I get it. You know? That’s my girl will like wherever she goes, I will follow and if she needs somebody to have her back, I will be there for her. Does she know who I am? No. But it’s okay.

Mohanad Elshieky 

She will. She will. Eventually she will. Kelly, if you’re listening, we would love to have you on the podcast and I know that you’re listening.

Hoja Lopez 

She loves it.

Kiki Monique 

I know we at least have another week of this because the album doesn’t come out for a week.

Hoja Lopez

Let’s just prepare and have a listening party.

Kiki Monique 

Yeah, we just have to expect every morning to get some screamed at by Kanye through his IG posts.

Hoja Lopez  30:04

I mean, more effective than any marketing campaign he’ll ever do on purpose, you know?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Oh, absolutely, absolutely.

Kiki Monique 

So, I mean, in typical Kanye fashion, you know, we recorded this episode, just like a couple of days ago. And like, I feel like so much has changed since then. So it’s kind of important. We do like updates, because, you know, everything changes at a dime, you know, since we last recorded he, Julia Fox and him did actually break up, I don’t think that’s a surprise to anyone. And then he continued his sort of like manic posting, and then all of a sudden, we get this one image of him standing that looked like on a cloud, or like, in a stage in cloud. And in this post, he basically starts with, you know, I’ve learned that posting in all caps it, you know, comes across as me, as I’m yelling, you know, and he goes on to say that, you know, those posts about Kim may have come across as harassing. And that, you know, he wants to be a better listener, in order to be a better leader was sort of the gist. And so, you know, you get the sense like, either somebody has commandeered his phone. Or he’s actually like, realizing that sending people after to beat up Pete Davidson may not be the best. It feels like it could have been a custody battle, right?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Oh, some would say it’s even a crime to tell people to hit someone else. The post looks like it was, it looks like it was approved by him. So someone wrote it, and then they were like, Kanye, we’re gonna post it. And he was like, fine, post it. It wasn’t even like within like a very Kanye voice.

Kiki Monique  32:17

But then immediately after, we get two more posts, which were quickly deleted, so I don’t even know if a lot of people saw them. But it was like a post that it was a screenshot of he said his cousin who worked at Adidas had sent him where he was, like, you know, you and Kim will be back together. So it’s already like, oh, and then the next post was like, it looked like a stock image of a sign on the side of the road that said something about, you know, men who have to like, fight for their children, but like, you know, women should be asking why do the men have to fight or something along those lines, again, applying that he’s not seen as children, but we just saw you Superbowl Sunday, again, kids, with your kids all day long at Sunday service. So, you know, I get he’s pulling tugging at the heartstrings. Because we do just want him to be able to be a father but like, you’re not. That’s not the impression we’re getting that you’re not being allowed. Because if one thing we know about the Kardashians, there you come from a good co-parenting situation, like every single person in that family from Chris on down to Kylie has had to deal with like a co-parenting situation.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Yeah. And also, the other thing is, I feel like it should be mentioned, because I’ve been like reading the comments under his new posts. And it just so funny to me that the people who are not upset at him at even at the beginning, and now forgave him are just like, you guys. Were just cheering him up when he was posting these. And now you’re like, no, it’s okay, Kanye, we get it. I’m just like, stop agreeing with everything he says. And I also think something else that has to do with it. And I think we touched on a bit is just, you know, I just feel like they’re romanticizing of mental illness and connecting that to being a creative genius, is something that needs to be addressed. Because we, you know, we’re like, yeah, but if he wasn’t in this, you know, if he wasn’t acting up and all of that, we will start getting good albums, and I’m like, I’m pretty sure if he is more in a more stable condition Even the music will be better. You don’t have to be you know; you don’t have to have a mental illness to be creative. I mean, it can fuel it for sure. But you know, talent is talent.

Kiki Monique  34:36

I have to admit that there was, I was realizing that like I come I think a lot of women come from this like place of like romanticizing toxicity because if it’s a really you know, someone you’re into when they start while I guess love bombing or just like you know, acting like they want you so bad. You start thinking like this is so sweet. But when you really step back, you’re like no, if anybody else was doing this, we would have you arrested and we’d have a restraining order. And there’s not enough people because it’s Kanye telling him that because they want to just be on his good side. I mean, even some of the blogs, who he’s now getting in bed with are willing to sort of post the positive sides of all of this. And it’s like, ah, and like, it was funny that you brought up like, you know, the tweet, you know, this looks like an approved message that he had posted, because, you know, he has a new documentary coming out on Netflix, it’s called […] is like, spelled. And in the very beginning of it, he’s holding his phone. He’s in the Dominican Republic, and he’s like, he goes, should I send this tweet? And I don’t even know if anyone answers, and then he just hits send. And I’m like, I think that’s the only sort of barrier is like, he just says it out loud, doesn’t really care if anyone responds, and does it anyway. In this new documentary, they just came out in an article that there’s gonna be multiple episodes. And in the third episode, apparently, he really talks about his mental health struggles, he talks about his bipolar disorder, he talks about how he, you know, still have suicidal urges and that sort of thing. And so, I would say, I was surprised to read that because I’ll say, apparently, he sort of did come out in 2016, and admit he had bipolar, but I didn’t really remember that. And I don’t think a lot of people remember that. And so I think maybe seeing this documentary come out may remind people of this.

Mohanad Elshieky  36:30

Yeah, I mean, hopefully, and I mean, I really hope he gets help and like gets the deal with his like, mental health issues, because this is not. I mean, this is not good for him. It’s not good for Kim. That’s not good for anyone really.

Kiki Monique 

No and yeah, and any there’s any, like, impressionable guys or anyone people out there who think that what he’s doing is like what people want in relationships? No, like, I’m gonna let everyone know no, we do not. Nobody wants any of that. And like, I think everyone just wants Kanye to win, like it’s not Kanye against the world. We really do Want Kanye to win. Because I mean, look, we do like the music. And the thing is, you know, Kanye has always been Kanye. You know, I think back to Kanye, when he saw that […] of Michael Myers. And so yeah, George Bush does not care about Black people. You know, like, this isn’t new Kanye. It’s just coming across in a different way. So yeah, I think everyone just wants him to win.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Yeah, Kanye, you’re more than welcome to come on this podcast and apologize. Okay, and now it is time for my favorite segment. Sorry, not sorry, where we either apologize to someone, or demand an apology, which is my favorite thing to do. We’re gonna start with Hoja, what’s happening this week?

Hoja Lopez  38:01

I’d like to demand an apology from Brother sewing machines, specifically, my JX2517. For anybody that doesn’t know that is a beginner level sewing machine. And I would like an apology from that company in particular, because in spite of making it probably the most simple sewing machine available to people right now, your girl still can’t operate it. So you need to what if you have a sewing machine for somebody who’s 13 years old, I need you to make a sewing machine for somebody even more simple than that. Because you know how sometimes, like certain mechanical things just like don’t fit in our brains if you’re not necessarily inclined in that way. Or like, somebody may be extremely good at math, but then also can’t have a conversation with another human being. Like, there is something inside of me that is just not made to deal with mechanical issues. I don’t understand how pieces fit into each other you guys. And this machine is truly testing me this week. I just want to make pants. You know?

Kiki Monique 

I mean, are you trying to learn on your own through YouTube?

Hoja Lopez 

Are you taking a class? I’m just trying to learn by myself basically, and YouTube videos, because YouTube is basically university. At least that’s what it is for us people who don’t have bachelor’s degrees. And so it’s YouTube has all of the information that I need, I just need it from YouTube into my brain. So you know, that’s I just would like an apology from pretty much brother specifically. And they need just need to think about me when they’re making their sewing machines next time.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Yeah, I feel like they should pay you money. And also send your pants whatever size you want.

Hoja Lopez 

Thank you. I feel extremely validated. Are you a therapist licensed?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Of course, you know, you don’t need to go to therapy. You can just come to me pay me $50 and literally just affirm anything that you would say, as long as it’s not illegal, maybe even if it is, but we’ll see. For an extra fee, you can even confess crimes. Kiki, what’s happening with you this week?

Kiki Monique  40:14

This one, I’m gonna admit I’m a little bit ashamed of but you know what, I’m going to apologize for it. And I might be apologizing for it in the future because I don’t know if I can always control it. But I want to apologize, I think to the LGBTQIA+ community, because I ordered Chick-fil-A twice this week. And, you know, okay, look, I understand. And I had a, I even had a good friend who taught me how to make a Chick-fil-A sandwich, like from scratch, like, went through the whole thing fed me and everything. But you know, I’m not, I don’t cook. And so and I just, I have a craving for those nuggets every once in a while. And I you know; I don’t know what to do about it. I mean, yeah, it’s hard to boycott everything that’s evil, when there’s so many evil things.

Hoja Lopez 

I’m glad I’m here. And that I am here to either accept or deny your apology on behalf of the rest of everybody in my crew. I just want to say the apology accepted on behalf of all of us. And I also want to let you know that I have been known to once every couple of years as a gay person frequent a Chick-fil-A.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Well, a guy like me, I never eat at Chick fil A. And I think that makes me perfect that even better than you. Yeah, I am a true ally. Has nothing to do with the fact that Uber Eats does not deliver in my area. It’s a choice I made. Even if there was one nearby, I would still no go.

Hoja Lopez  42:05

Just to clarify in terms of good person to worse person Mahana does on top. I’m at the middle. And then you Kiki, right below that.

Mohanad Elshieky 

No, I don’t think so. I think Kiki is in the middle. Kiki was trying to apologize. And you were like your crimes are forgiven.

Hoja Lopez 

Who’s gonna forgive me for my crimes?

Mohanad Elshieky 

I mean, I don’t know honestly, I don’t know. We’ll have to see, yeah. If you’re listening and you want to forgive Hoja for her crimes, please let us know.

Kiki Monique 

And I mostly decided to tell you both because you know, we can see each other on the screen. And yeah, it was this morning was the second time and I had an iced coffee to come up and then be like, is it a Chick fil A cup? So I just I felt like I needed to admit it off the bat.

Hoja Lopez 

So only came out clean because out of fear of being called out basically. Are the rankings changing? Rankings continually shifting here.

Mohanad Elshieky 

You guys are both at number two now. And you’re like, […] I mean, it is what it is. I mean, hey, I make mistakes sometimes.

Hoja Lopez 

There’s just nobody there to ever witness them.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Exactly. Yeah. Well, for me personally. So it’s my siblings birthday this week. And I say siblings because they’re twins. So they’re the youngest. And I have been reminded by of something I have done to them years ago, a lie that I’ve told because I’m the oldest brother. I have four siblings. These are the youngest. And the age gap between us is 11 years old. So you know, big but not huge. And I remember like years and years ago, I told my siblings that I was their father. They were too young to understand how age works. So to them that was biologically possible. So I convinced them that I was their father. And that we at the time, we were living with the grandparents. So they’re my parents, but their grandparents. And then they really believe and then I made the lies by saying, why do you think I am the one who drives you to school every day? Because I did. I was the one who drove them to school in the morning because and then literally they’re just like, really believe that and then after that my dad started driving them to school every day. So he would convince him that he was actually their father. And I was lying. So I’ll say it was worth cuz I don’t want to continue to drive them. I was so over it.

Kiki Monique 

I mean, when you told them did they, like immediately go running to your parents and then like what your parents then had to like, convince them like, no, we are the parents or did they believe it for a while before they questioned it?

Mohanad Elshieky 

Well, I told them that if you go and asked my parents, they will tell you that this is a lie, because they want to protect you.

Hoja Lopez 

Wow, you built a scheme inside of the scheme.

Mohanad Elshieky 

I said, they’re gonna sound very convincing. So I mean, hey, it got my dad to finally wake up and just drive them to school.

Hoja Lopez 

I love the psychological games you play.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Yeah. I mean, here’s the thing. Like, it’s not my job. I didn’t have those kids. You know, like, I literally remember saying, I don’t want more siblings.

Hoja Lopez  46:00

So you actually warned them that you wouldn’t be amenable to them. If they arrived.

Mohanad Elshieky 

My mom was pregnant. I was so furious that I’m gonna have another one. And then here’s the thing. My mom did not even tell me she was having twins until like, literally, I went to the hospital. And there were like two kids laying there. And I was like, what is this second one?

Hoja Lopez 

How many siblings do you have total?

Mohanad Elshieky 

I have four. So at the time, I had two and I was like, I am done. I don’t want more than two. I was happy being an only child. This is ruining my life right now. And then they went on had other two. And it was just too much.

Hoja Lopez 

So that is four too many at that point.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. I was like, I didn’t even consent to being born. So I mean, apologies, I guess. I mean, they’re 20 years old now. So they’re hopefully over it.

Hoja Lopez 

Oh, yeah. everything that’s wrong with them is their fault now.

Mohanad Elshieky 

Exactly. Everything. Yeah. And if they were traumatized by that, hey, it could have been worse.

Hoja Lopez  47:03

Yeah, it only goes downhill from there.

Mohanad Elshieky

It could have been the oldest sibling with four people younger than you. I guess that’s my half apology.


I’M SORRY is a Lemonada Media Original. The show is produced by Alex McOwen, supervising producer is Kryssy Pease. Our executive producers are Stephanie Wittels Wachs and Jessica Cordova Kramer. Our mix is by Kat Yore and theme music was composed by Xander Singh. If you like this show, please rate and review. And please don’t cancel us. You can find out more about our show at @LemonadaMedia on all social platforms, or follow us on Instagram at @imsorry_podcast. We’ll be back next week and until then be nice, play fair and always say I’m sorry. Thanks for listening!

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