What to Keep, What to Leave: 2021
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Before they fully jump into the new year, Ku and Su are taking one more episode to reflect on 2021 and decide what they want to bring forward and what they want to leave behind.
Please note, Add To Cart contains mature themes and may not be appropriate for all listeners.
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Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak
SuChin Pak 00:10
All right kittens. Welcome. Happy new year, it is officially 2022. I mean, I hope everybody had an amazing holiday season. You know, we all made it. That’s a big thing, right? This is ADD TO CART. It’s a show about the things we buy we buy into and what it says about who we are. I’m SuChin Pak.
Kulap Vilaysack
And I’m Kulap 2022 Vilaysack. Who is she? I don’t know. This week, SuChin and I are doing something we did last year, we are talking about the things we want to keep from 2021. And also the things we want to leave behind from 2021. And also our wish list for the upcoming year.
SuChin Pak
As usual, I may have misunderstood the assignment. But you know what? We’re going to get into it. We’ll figure it out. So let’s get started. And actually, I’m not going to start, I want you to start, and then I’ll do mine.
Kulap Vilaysack
Well, you know what, let’s I think what we should do, let’s do it in sections, right? We’ll take turns doing to keep, then we’ll move on with what to leave, and then we’ll talk about our wish list. So fun and easy. We shall see though, right? You make a plan, you say something’s easy, and then you try. Give it a go.
SuChin Pak
That’s right.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s get into what I think I should keep from 2021 into 2022. So, you know, for me Su these last 20 to 24 months, what is time, it’s all smashing together this time of the pandemic, it is kind of hard for me to piece it out. I think there’s a demarcation for me of pre vaccine and post vaccine. But regardless, I think what I want to retain is there are deeper bonds that were forged, because you really had to be in some ways selective with whom you could see, right? That sort of behavior kind of coordinated to who I spoke to on the phone as well who I texted as well; it was less people. And I want to keep that going. It’s quality over quantity. You know, I am a person of the people I am well loved, as everyone here can attest to. But there’s only so much.
SuChin Pak 02:42
Cherished, I would say cherished.
Kulap Vilaysack
It really and I think as I get older, Su, you get to a point where you know, you really want to make sure we use the imagery of like watering plants and often on the show. But it’s like there are precious force that needs to be tended to, small potted plants that need to be spritzed. And it’s good to not forget about them.
SuChin Pak
So like are these people you’ve known for many years and you’ve taken for granted. And I know it could apply to a lot of things. But specifically when you’re thinking about this, was there a particular person or group of people?
Kulap Vilaysack
Are you angling for you?
SuChin Pak
That’s plenty of water for me. I see. We see each other more and we sit down. I don’t know a deeper relationship I have at the moment. Please, God, don’t tell me there’s somebody else that you’re jogging on a weekly basis for two hours pouring your heart out?
Kulap Vilaysack
Yeah, no, I don’t think it’s not necessarily new. Well, you know, I mean, you and I are fairly new. Like we’ve known each other for years, but this sort of deep dive..
SuChin Pak 04:01
I get watered every week. I’m plenty. I am plenty. I am. I am a seaweed in a very well-tended garden of love. But no, I just was wondering if there was yeah, a particular person or?
Kulap Vilaysack
No, I mean, it’s specifically it’s really just like doubling down on the relationships that mean the most, there wasn’t a lot of new people I met during this time. I had nice general meetings with people but you can only get so far on a zoom call. I think it’s relationships that probably Yeah, for the most part existed prior to this time. But it’s like, you know, the time I’ve spent with my husband and Jason Mantzoukas and that is a weekly relationship where we’re touching down, you know, two to three hours a week, texting throughout the week. So I think this time, for me was about like prioritizing and focusing on the things that and the relationships that matter. And I think going forward, even though the world hopefully will be opening up more, it’s really it’s about, it’s about maintaining that. I like that.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. I mean, I asked because, and this is just my perception, you know, I know you have just a wonderful tight knit group of friends that you’ve had for many years. And it feels like, you really do prioritize them, you’re so good about that. And you’re so good about checking in. And, and so it’s just deepening of that, there wasn’t a feeling of like, you know, I kind of, you know, felt like, I didn’t give that enough of my attention this past year.
Kulap Vilaysack
It’s more that I just had so many more much more people. Like, sometimes relationships fall away. It’s too hard. It’s too hard to, you know?
SuChin Pak
I call it a pruning the vine. I do a lot of pruning, just it’s not keeping the main vine healthy. And it’s just sucking energy from the main vine. I mean, that’s a constant battle. This sort of, you know, what is who are the people in your life? And are you intentional? I think it’s a constant presence on our list. Because it’s an ever-evolving list. And it’s an ever evolving, you know, desire, you know what I mean? It depends on, on where you are in your life. But, I mean, I totally get it. And it’s a nice time, you know, this beginning of the year to be like, okay, I got 12 months, it’s not a lot.
Kulap Vilaysack 06:39
This hair keeps getting grayer.
SuChin Pak
Yeah, you know, I was thinking about it, because my first initial reaction to your add to cart is, Ooh, boy, that’s the opposite direction. I’m going right. It’s always like, how do I get less people in my life? You know, how do I go farther and, but I just spent some time with a friend of mine who I have known for decades in New York, and you can’t, you don’t even cross-country friendships even though you keep text, you know, alive, it’s really hard to keep that face to face. And we just spent some time together this weekend. And I was like, I think this is a new phase of our friendship, one that we didn’t even have in our 20s, because even that it was like dinners and out and friends and, you know, Sunday brunches. And this is like, one on one time, I was thinking in my mind, I’m like, I don’t think in the 20 plus years that I’ve known or that I’ve ever done that. And I had an amazing time. And I was like this. This is a new friendship kind of thing that’s evolving that I love and I love this woman. And so anyway, so I thinking now about what you’re saying. I’m like, oh, yeah, I totally get it.
Kulap Vilaysack 08:01
Okay, so tell me what you’re keeping in your cart for 2022.
SuChin Pak
Well, this is a new thing I’m adding to cart and I’ve been talking about this for the past two months about how I haven’t been sleeping by the way got a great night of sleep last night. My first in weeks.
Kulap Vilaysack
German sleeping pills, again?
SuChin Pak
Kulap Vilaysack
Wow. Is it from Transylvanian sleeping pills?
SuChin Pak
Yes, no it’s from Romanian sleeping drops, totally different than French sleeping capsules and German sleeping pills. I am now moving on to Romanian drops.
Kulap Vilaysack
Yes, moving to the Eastern Bloc.
SuChin Pak
Different application, I slept last night I feel pretty awesome. But one of the reasons I hadn’t been sleeping and I was joking about it, but there’s a giant kernel of truth in it. I have been going crazy shopping online and shopping by the way not buying just very big difference. Buying not even that much. But online shopping.
Kulap Vilaysack
SuChin Pak
Adding to cart, never processing order. And so many open carts. I mean open carts from the most random obscure to Walmart to you know, overseas. I decided one day that I was like you know I need to be more pulled together. I am never going to be the person to get manicures, but I’m going to do a deep dive on press on nails.
Kulap Vilaysack
I got it. I bought some.
SuChin Pak 10:01
I’m not going to be putting on press on nail.
Kulap Vilaysack
That said, shout out to our listener from England who sent us press on nails excited to put them on this week.
SuChin Pak
Yes. By the way, shout out to her husband was recently unemployed and during the pandemic, and she started to do this to earn a little income and they’re gorgeous. The nail shop is called Fairy Tale Nails. We’ll put that in our Instagram. Very beautiful by the way, shout out to Haley the maker. Thank you, Haley for our nails. It was weird that you read my mind. That was really weird that time. Because I thought I had ordered them. I was like, Oh, look at that. I ordered another. Wow, these are hand painted. I was like, wait a minute, I didn’t order these. So I thought I was gonna be this person and I went down. But that’s like, I would say a week and a half on and off of just like, oh, what? So there’s this LA nails. They do press on nails. Ooh, that’s interesting. And just learning about press on nails, the glues, what are the ins and outs? I’m not going to do them. So there is now a vacuum of time. That is in this pod. So that’s what I mean by shopping online. And I’ve been doing this for months, in sort of under the guise of, oh, it’s holiday shopping under the guise of, I have a podcast called ADD TO CART. I have to be shopping all the time. Like it’s my job. I’m working.
Kulap Vilaysack
I wanted you to know that you were fooling nobody with the first time the two things that you mentioned. Because you have explicitly said that this shopping was for yourself. Since before cyber week and before Black Friday, you have explicitly said that. Number two, you came up with this idea for the podcast. All true things.
SuChin Pak
So I am going into January. I’ve never done this. And I’m going to go for a no by January.
Kulap Vilaysack 12:06
Some people have a sober January. And in no way this is SuChin’s sober January. I mean, I love this. I love this for the show. I love we will be checking in on you. Every week, I will promise you I’ll be sharing texts, when she starts getting a little jittery.
SuChin Pak
And when I mean by no buy, I mean no shopping. I don’t spend money. I don’t buy these things. Yeah, it’s all the time that I’m like, oh, what about a cute? You know, I’ve been the latest thing I’ve been doing is trying to find the cutest, rechargeable portable lamp tabletop lamp. I just had this idea. And I saw one and now I’m like, how many lumens? What’s the thing? What’s it made out of? How do you charge it? You know, like everything sends me down this rabbit hole and I’m like, What am I doing with my day? Like, am I spending six hours researching portable lamps? That’s what I want to be doing with my time. My German pill time?
Kulap Vilaysack
You’re on borrowed German pill time.
SuChin Pak
That’s right. This is how I want to spend this.
Kulap Vilaysack
This is exciting. I support you in this. And I want this to work out for you. I think it’s because you have kind of a set pattern of behavior. What are the strategies that you, I hope you don’t intend to pursue this cold turkey?
SuChin Pak
Oh, freezing cold turkey.
Kulap Vilaysack
Do you have strategies when the mind wanders and wants to search? How are we going to you know, make this happen?
SuChin Pak
I have not thought that far in advance. This is a hatchet plan that I put together. Well, I know this, I know this. My inbox is filled with places, shop online shopping places that I have signed up for newsletters, I will not be opening those emails, just those are going straight to trash.
Kulap Vilaysack 14:11
I like that. That’s great.
SuChin Pak
That’s the only thing I’ve come up with. Because that’s kind of where it starts for me.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let me give you a number two. Number two, I’m willing. When that urge happens, you may text me. You can text me and Claire. And in lieu of going on the internet and Googling and shopping, perusing right? Because you’re gonna walk around your Santa Barbara. You’re gonna see another Turkish towel. You’re gonna wonder hey, where else in that region makes great towels. Oh, I wonder. Oh, what’s that another coffee place? I don’t even drink coffee. Well, let me check them out. Instead of being on your phone. You text me and Claire.
SuChin Pak
I’m going to text you just a shopping cart emoji. Not a conversation. It’s just a oh, hey, I just needed to do something with my phone other than get on all the apps in which I start to peruse. Now I thought of something as I was saying this, and this is going to be really hard for me. Yeah. But because I have a check in here every week. And I’m afraid of you, I will do this. A lot of it happens. Right before I go to sleep, I bring my phone into my bed. And I peruse that’s like my time, my wind down time. And so I’m not gonna bring my phone into my bedroom.
Kulap Vilaysack
Huge, huge. We’ve got three solid strategies for how to be successful. And also I am noticing just like, you know, clear clues what SuChin wrote herself was no shop week, to month. But to be clear, we were saying the entire month of January.
SuChin Pak 16:07
I said, I know I can commit to a week. But I was like this. This morning, I woke up and I said, No, no, Su, you can do better. You’re going to do a month. Okay. Go into a month of no shop. You’re right. Oh my god, I’m so glad you saw this on our Google Doc. I didn’t start off with a week you guys. I did.
Kulap Vilaysack
Let’s try for a month and going day by day.
SuChin Pak
Hour by hour really.
Kulap Vilaysack
Okay, so what I want to keep doing is traveling back home to Minnesota to visit my sister Anita, my nephew Kai and my brother-in-law, Paul. I did that a few times more than a few times, I think, this year post vaccine. Granted, it was in times of crisis, I’d love the world to open up another way of going home. But the time when the crisis is taken care of, and the time, the quality time that I spend with my family. It’s just so nice. It’s so nice. I just go back for them. My brother in law’s Traeger. Smoker, he makes amazing food. My sister’s a great cook. My nephew is, you know, the apple of my eye. So just to have that quality family time. And I think when my nephew visited me, I think it was July and he made the comment of like you never come see me. We always come to you. I heard what he said. I got it. And I have understood that they need me to be around. So I’ll be coming back to Minnesota more, more often, I think.
SuChin Pak
Yeah. I mean, you don’t need a crisis, right? To go see you family and spend time and maybe spending time with them in the interim, the crises, maybe are fewer and farther in between because you’re tending the garden.
Kulap Vilaysack 18:15
From your mouth to reality.
SuChin Pak
Family is, it’s this time that we spent with our family. We love them. We hate them. But they’re the only ones we’ve got. Right? And especially with kids and then our parents. Those are different ends of the spectrum. But those ends of the spectrum really need our time.
Kulap Vilaysack
I don’t want to jump ahead to my removed from carts. But let’s get into your something that you want to keep. You say where is my focus?
SuChin Pak
A friend of mine had recommended this podcast and it’s the Life Coach School podcast. I’ve only listened to this one episode. So I’m just going to recommend this what episode, which is episode number 398 called feeling good practice. But the whole podcast was about feeling good is a practice. It’s not something you wake up to. It’s not something that happens because you do something. It’s a practice. It’s an intentional practice to feel good. And the big thing that I wanted I took away from her is where is your most of your focus when you think about things? It’s usually in the past. Right? And even when it’s in the present, it’s dealing with something a problem, you know, it isn’t necessarily a feeling good practice. And so one of the things that she had recommended was for as much time as you spend thinking about the past and worrying about the present. Is there some time in your day that you can intentionally think about a future where you have the thing that you want? And again, I’ve heard this concept before. There’s lots of people that speak about this, but she kind of put it in a way. Or perhaps I was thinking about this, as I was thinking about all this time I’ve been spending, trying to figure out, you know, how to buy things, that I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about something in the future that I would love to see happen for this year. And what that would feel like that thing about all day long, we’re always problem solving. But how much of our day do you actually sit down? Just stare out of a window, and think about what it would feel like to have the thing that you really want? I don’t spend any time doing that. I know that that that that feels very weird. It just kind of opened something up for me, because I’m always stuck either in the grind of every day, or I’m thinking about things in the past that don’t feel really great. But I don’t think I ever just sit in my car, stare out the window, and think about what it would be like and feel like to have the thing that I really want in my life that’s not there yet. And, you know, and it’s not like, it could be anything. It could be whatever it is.
SuChin Pak
Well, one could think about it is that you thinking that way is like you’re writing the code to a program that could start running. Once you get it up and running, right, like you’re opening, you’re inviting it in, right. And now that you like, as you are saying, essentially, is this time the sober January? Well, I think, you know, we got an hour that we could carve out every day for this, we do, we really do. And I know you meditate, and I know you but like, maybe this is part of what we do before we go to bed, maybe that’s part of the wind down. We’re swapping, you know, one behavior for another one that maybe could continue on past January.
SuChin Pak
I can’t tell the future. But we can think about it.
Kulap Vilaysack 22:12
Let’s move on to the things we want to leave behind. We don’t want to bring these things with us into 2022, we say be gone, get out. I will start with the drama with my mama. Boy, my sister, Anita, during the pandemic, moved my mom in with her and was great. I’m so happy that she did. I’m so grateful that she did that. Because we, we were able to kind of notice things weren’t quite right with my mom. And we’re able to kind of just have her go to a battery of doctors and specialists just kind of help her. And the short of it is we were afraid of perhaps that she had some sort of like cognitive issue. But I’ve been present in most of these appointments. And I’m happy to say that that’s not the case. I think it’s just really a personality issue.
SuChin Pak
Really hoping for some sort of a medical treatment plan. Some pills, some drips. Some drops.
Kulap Vilaysack
Best part. The best part of one of the neurology appointments was when the neurologist was like, hey, well, what do you think about like, you know, going to a therapist, because sometimes when you’re dealing with possible issues, if you’re carrying things in your head might help. I mean, what are your thoughts? She went. No. Which of course she was always gonna say no, it’s not for her to do. She’s not an introspective person. But it was made me laugh so hard. Like not even not even in the carts and that’s fine. I get that I get that. But the result really is that my mom is she’s difficult woman, horrible roommate. And so my sister has asked her to move out. And so I and my other sister Well, we all have to help her find a new apartment in Minnesota. SuChin, there are many obstacles I will face poor credit, limited budget. Perhaps gambling has returned hard to say.
SuChin Pak 24:44
Kulap Vilaysack
When Anita and my mom arrived recently, it was very test between them. Very tense. Very tense. So I hope that the universe willing, we find an apartment for my mom and in a situation that she can keep up.
SuChin Pak
But when you say no mama drama, listen, we all know we can’t change other people. There’s no power in that. Your mom is going to do the thing that she’s going to do. So what does no mama drama then mean for you? Because you can’t change her behavior.
Kulap Vilaysack
Oh, the drama is me having to do this. And it’s been a long time to where I’ve had to participate in this way. I don’t want to do it. But I have to have no choice. I’m the oldest
SuChin Pak
Cuz I that’s what I thought it was. I thought there was drama between you two. And then you’re like, Listen, I want to go with because, yeah, you have been talking about you’ve let things go. You’ve been very surfacey. Let’s not go too deep. We’ll keep it real polite. And yeah.
Kulap Vilaysack
Just boldly. It’s like she can’t live here. I’m inviting a child here is not an option. Yeah, it’s not a good idea. She can’t drive around LA. All of her medical stuffs in Minnesota. Yeah, she my one point I was like, Oh, does she need assisted living? She does not. She just makes choices. She’s just messy, and depressed and doesn’t want to deal with it. So what am I gonna do? But my problem is always going to be if gambling is part of it, too. How much I can help. Right. And that’s drama for me.
SuChin Pak 26:34
Yeah. And it’s so easy to say, well, it’s your mom’s stuff, because we’re all connected. The choices she makes. And the choices we all make affect our families. You know, we’re not pods, individual pods that have no right.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, my mom had has messed up things so thoroughly with my sister, that I had to talk my sister down from putting everything in my mom’s car and leaving it in a park. Like, she’s not allowed in my mom’s house like that. I’m thinking of slightly softening what the situation is like, when I go back with my mom, we’ll be staying in an Airbnb. She’s not allowed, like it is that bad. And it’s all my own fault. There’s not even like, oh, did you know it’s all my mom’s fault. And so I’d like to get that done with.
SuChin Pak
And just get on with.
Kulap Vilaysack
Keep on trucking on the other parts of my life that needs to be handled, you know? That’s right. Let’s talk about your parents.
SuChin Pak
Simultaneously, Kulap and I both put something with our parents on our to leave behind again. We don’t see each other’s lists. I am leaving behind you’re leaving behind drama. I’m also leaving behind drama. I called it I will not krage with my parents.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s Korean rage.
SuChin Pak 28:00
Korean rage. The Rage triggered by the most insignificant comments. Like, Oh, you guys, you know, I thought it’d be nice. I ordered in and out, you know, instead of having to cook oh, how much was it? Well, it’s not a lot. Why are you asked but they don’t even. But so like from that, that sends me into a rage. So everything is triggering with my parents. And now that they live here four minutes away, I have to figure out a way to deal with my parents that isn’t in the rage category. And, you know, similar to you, I’ve been trying to help them find a place to live. We found a place, I’m renovating. And so people friends have been asking a house renovation. I’m like, no, no, this is not a renovation. This is a self-help master course that I have enrolled into. This isn’t about the light fixture. Okay? Because every day, I have to deal with the details of this house and manage my parents. And I have to ask myself not what is the light fixture that they want in this room? It is how do I want to be in this conversation? What version of myself is going to show up here so I’ve been calling it myself hell project is not a renovation, has nothing to do with the house. The house, I can do the whole house on Home Depot in two weeks.
Kulap Vilaysack
I relate so hard to this, like, for all of my growth. It’s like yeah, you theoretically have all this growth. But when you’re in the midst of it, I’m speaking about myself. Now this is the true test. Right. How you react how I want to just share a little bit. My mom was like, Anita is really mad at me. I go oh, yeah, really? Why? Well, I’m you know, I’m not gonna pay her rent. She tells My sister December 2nd, why? Oh, well, because she owes me money. Now the backstory on that is that in 2017, my sister had to take some time off or work for family reasons. My parents imploded her family. And so my mom like lent her 1000 bucks, right? And then she was like, so she owes me so I was not gonna pay rent for two months. It’s like, when she said she, I just like, I started laughing because I was like, this is my mom’s weird like math, when she’s like, keeps her records and stuff, which also kind of slightly frightens me, because like, when she talks like this, this is usually because of a gambling thing. When my mom would text, you know, like, hey, I need money. No. Okay. Well, at your wedding, I gave you $2,000. Like this is my mom, right? But in the moment when she was telling me this, as I’m packing her, I just kind of laughed. I was like, Mom, come on. That’s crazy. Like, you know, we’re family, what are we doing here? Like, I just, I had to laugh it off. Because it’s like, I’m not buying whatever this is, I think this is, I’m going to help you move. We’re gonna figure it out when we go. Like, that’s what we’re gonna do.
SuChin Pak
Take it if it’s useful to you, because I think, you know, it’s not about finding your mom a new situation to live in. Right? You’re not apartment hunting, because the thing also that was enraging me was like, oh, my God, I’m doing so much like, I do everything for my parents, like, here I go doing this thing. And they’re always asking, and it’s so draining and blah, blah. And I was like, no, no, no. Like, what am I getting out of this? Like, that’s the only sustainable way that we can move in life. It’s not selfish. It’s the only sustainable way is what am I getting out of this? And so what I’m getting out of this renovation, is this practice of like, who do I want to be in this moment? And then that, and I carry that and that practice carries out to every relationship in my life, like I benefit from this renovation.
Kulap Vilaysack 32:08
I mean, that’s a great way of putting it, in my case, I shall be it is about apartment hunting.
SuChin Pak
And you want it done as soon as possible, fantastic. Okay, go to your I don’t, I didn’t have a wish list, go to your wish list.
Kulap Vilaysack
I just feel like keep hitting my head in terms of work of like trying to sell a project, you know, developing it. And for whatever reason, it’s just not getting sold. Right. And it’s been a couple years of this, maybe more, and it’s just like, so frustrating. It is. So I just hope that this year I get it together, I sell something because it would just do a lot for you know, my self-esteem and just kind of get my career on Track. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And a lot of it is I get so distracted at home, there’s always like you were talking about before, there’s always something to do, right? There’s always something that I’m prioritizing a lot of my work, when I’m trying to develop shows, it’s on me, it’s on spec until and even if I get a studio to get on board, it’s still on spec. At my level, they’re not paying for me I haven’t been paid to develop, like ever. So like, even if I signed something, it’s on the basis of its selling, right? So it’s just really been years of really not, you know, contributing to my household. We’re doing very little, you know, and it’s just I feel like bajillion dollar properties is just like so far behind me. I wish that there was something to kind of reach for, and I want to be on set. I really miss working with people. I miss writers rooms; I miss being in production. So I just please, please, please, that’s what I want.
SuChin Pak 34:05
That’s a big one.
Kulap Vilaysack
That’s a big one. That’s just my yearning, my yearning hope, you know. I don’t know. I’m somebody who’s so like, pleasure driven. I’ve just been, you know, it’s like, this is the stuff with my mom like this is going if I don’t this is where it gets really tricky for me is that it’s going to be really hard for me to balance this. It’s going to be very, very hard for me. And I know that. Pray for me, everyone.
SuChin Pak
And you also have done so much work in that, you know what I mean? And finding yourself through that and on the other side of that, so I would imagine that it’s also really anxiety inducing to put yourself in the middle of something that, you know, hasn’t served you in the past, and you’ve been able to avoid, avoid is one way but also protect and keep yourself, you know, alive and well and healthy. I mean that’s not a luxury. Yeah, you know that’s not an add on, you know you don’t get you don’t get to feel guilty about that, you know?
Kulap Vilaysack
it is so weird because I go I look at my bullet journal and I do get stuff done. But there is something because I’m relating to what you’re saying, when you’re talking about like shopping and trust that a lot of time does happen for me and shopping again, I am co-hosts of this podcast. It’s not like I’m not counterpoint. I think everyone understands that. It’s point to point and honestly, if there was a counterpoint is that you shop and don’t buy and I buy. But like when you were talking about like, yeah, where does the time go? And there’s a time sometimes where I’m like, I can’t in the morning? I can’t. It’s so hard for me to focus in the morning. You know, okay, well, yeah, like it’s primetime. And like new there’s, as a writer, I have all these. So much of my time is avoiding writing. And then it’s then it’s like, oh, it’s 430 it’s dark out. Oh, I got to clock out. Like there’s just all these things that is like, what? What? What are you doing? What are you doing? And December as you know, that’s why I’m like micro dosing Christmas guys. It’s like I need it. I need it. I will send you a photo of the oversized ornaments that I put in the front yard is a new display. You know, I was like where do I put my inflatable Hula Santa? Okay, this place no, over there. No, you know what over there. Okay, let’s try it. Oh, it’s gonna rain. Like, we can talk about all the craziness. Like my how it manifests my way. But I’m just like, What are you doing? When it’s all said and done? What did you do this year?
SuChin Pak
So, this is what we’re going into the new year with. Trepidation, lots of doubt. But with a hope that maybe this year we get some stuff done. That’d be nice.
Kulap Vilaysack
Su, for real, though. At least every week, I show up with you on this mic and something gets done. You and I just speak into the mic. We don’t actually edit it if we edit it. That’s why we thank Lemonada for their support. And Claire, our producer, Ivan our editor. But because of all of our collective work, we do, like thank God I have an outlet and an output. That’s weekly. Who knows?
SuChin Pak 38:21
We’re hanging on by a heavy load. There’s a heavy load on this tiny ledge. Listen, I think if you’re listening to this podcast you know exactly where we are. Familiar taste. These spices are not a shock to your system.
Kulap Vilaysack
No, this is a real tomyam it’s spicy. It’s sour. Certain ferment. Fermentation that is familiar
SuChin Pak
And you can’t get enough.
Kulap Vilaysack
I know we serve it all the time. But I don’t know.
SuChin Pak
True, true. True. It’s only one thing on this menu. A spicy fermented soup that you may or may not like. But we only got that one thing. And that’s it. That’s our show.
Kulap Vilaysack
You tell us what you want to keep really behind from 2021. What do you envision for your 2022. Give me I need more hope. So leave us a voicemail at 833-453-6662.
SuChin Pak
ADD TO CART is a production of Lemonada Media. Our producer is Claire Jones and our mix is by Ivan Kuraev and Veronica Rodriguez. The music is by Wasahhbii and produced by La Made It and Oh So Familiar with additional music by APM music. Executive producers are Kulap Vilaysack, SuChin Pak, Jessica Cordova Kramer and Stephanie Wittels Wachs. Be sure to check out all the items we mentioned today on our Instagram at @AddToCartPod. Also, please take a moment to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcast.