Lemonada Media

October 6, 2021

5. Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma with Billie Lourd

Billie Lourd has been grieving the loss of her mother, Carrie Fisher, and grandmother, Debbie Reynolds, since 2016. She shares what it was like growing up in the public eye in a family dealing with addiction and mental illness. This week’s practice is about all the things you inherit from your family (good and bad) and the patterns you want to break.

September 29, 2021

4. Giving Yourself Permission to Feel with Marc Brackett

Marc Brackett isn’t the first person to feel like an emotional wreck after a disagreement with their partner, family, or friends – and neither are you. Emotional intelligence starts with becoming aware of your own feelings then understanding your reactions to them. This episode’s practice is about self-compassion and how to go easy on yourself when you’re feeling big feelings.

September 22, 2021

3. How Do I Live Presently and Die Gracefully? with Alua Arthur

Alua Arthur is a death doula, but her work has taught her how to live. She talks about walking away from unfulfilling work, pursuing joy and how to have hope when you’re facing the end of life. This week’s practice is about asking yourself: What must I do to be at peace with myself so that I may live presently and die gracefully?

September 15, 2021

2. How Do I Find Love (Again)? with Ricki Lake

Ricki Lake opens up about shaving her head, losing a beloved husband to suicide, meeting the new love of her life and learning to love herself in her 50s. This episode’s weekly practice is all about love, from romance to friendship. How can you open the door to deeper connection in your own life?

September 15, 2021

1. How to Survive One of the Hardest Years of Your Life with Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl Strayed gets real about being a broke bestselling author, comparing herself to other moms, practicing self-compassion – and then struggling all over again when the pandemic threw her off her game. Claire offers a weekly practice for how to have more authentic interactions with the people in your life.

September 1, 2021

Introducing New Day

Description A new podcast with a simple goal - helping you get through the day and look forward to tomorrow. From Lemonada Media. Premieres September 15.