Lemonada Media

July 9, 2020

Mouthpeace Greatest Hits, Season 1

In the season finale, Michael and Pele look back at some of their favorite moments from 25 episodes, and give thanks to each one of their guests. They reminisce about their conversations with Chef Edouardo Jordan speaking about being a top chef and a Black man in the white-dominated restaurant industry, and former Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke telling America to “Wake the F*ck Up”. They look back on how inspired they were by their deep dive with Olympian and activist Dr. John Carlos about his experience protesting at the 1968 Olympics, and what it meant to them to record in person with their good friends Pro-Bowler Cliff Avril and his wife Tia Avril on lack of representation and advocacy for women in sports. And of course, a look back at Season 1 of Mouthpeace wouldn’t be complete without highlighting one of their many conversations about … sex. This is the best (and probably only) post-game analysis you’ll hear for a while!

July 2, 2020

Reimagining Our Family and Ourselves

It’s been over 3 months since the pandemic started to deeply impact the United States. How has life changed for Michael, Pele and their three kids? In pretty much every way imaginable. Michael and Pele reflect on their “new normal” including school, their relationship, and family time. Through the conversation, they conclude that this is a time for radically reimagining everything about life. But, don’t forget to still have sex!

June 25, 2020

Redesign Every Damn Thing, with Frances Merrill

Would you believe that Michael is an avid reader of Architectural Digest? Believe it. Today he and Pele speak with Frances Merrill, a revolutionary interior designer. They discuss Michael’s favorite textiles, how people now are spending their money with social activism in mind, and how Frances is talking to her kids about being a part of redesigning the world right now.

June 18, 2020

Juneteenth: Too Little, Too Late?

Michael and Pele examine the NFL’s recent move to make Juneteenth a company holiday. Is it an honorable move? Is it too little, too late? They also talk to Frankie Shaw, actor, director, writer and creator of SMILF on Showtime, about anti-racism work and an episode of SMILF that holds special meaning for Pele.

June 11, 2020

Are You Authentic?

Michael and Pele explore the idea of authenticity from a variety of angles: in how we live our lives, do our work, pursue our passions, and make art. They talk about all the influences pulling us away from authenticity in today’s culture, and the impact, in particular, on music and art. Michael divulges his passion for Bollywood films and Pele gives some solid Pro Tip advice on staying present and freeing your mind.

June 4, 2020

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds

Michael and Pele share their solidarity with George Floyd and others around the world protesting police violence. This special episode is 8 minutes and 46 seconds long: the exact amount of time that George Floyd was pinned to the ground by Minneapolis police on May 25, 2020.

June 4, 2020

Polynesian Culture, with Pauline Fonua

On this week’s episode, Michael and Pele go deep on Pele’s Polynesian culture. Because, obviously, “Polynesian Women are Dope.” They speak with Pauline Fonua, founder of The Vision Board, an organization “Speaking Pacific Existence Out Loud in T-Shirt Form.” They discuss the distinctions between Polynesian and Pasifika culture more broadly, as well as touching on food, tattoos and the importance of carrying on the language of your culture from generation to generation. Michael makes sure we do not forget about Chick-fil-A’s Polynesian sauce.

May 28, 2020

Love After Lockdown

Michael and Pele have been taking this time in isolation for some meaningful heart-to-hearts. Today they discuss the collective trauma of going through a global pandemic, and how we can each come out of this with more love for ourselves, for our families, and for each other. Mostly suitable for work, but it gets deep.

May 21, 2020

Having the Sex Talk with Your Kids

With everyone at home and around family all day long, chances are high that some awkward conversations may come up. Michael and Pele talk with Cam Poter and KarenLee Poter, hosts of the Sex Talk With My Mom podcast, about having open communication with your kids and family members and tackling those difficult conversations head-on. Listen in for Michael’s elaborate plan for Pele that he’s putting in his will.

May 14, 2020

Be Yourself. Change The World. With Laila Ali

Laila Ali is a four-time undefeated boxing world champion and the daughter of Muhammad Ali. Laila is also a fitness & wellness advocate, and a loving, dedicated parent. She joins Michael and Pele for a conversation on what it was like growing up with Muhammad Ali as her father, staying true to yourself no matter what room you walk into, and how she tries to pass down important lessons about nutrition and faith to her children. Plus, how do Michael, Pele and Laila all draw boundaries between “parent time” and “partner time”?